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HAMS HAM 10 * OFF Auditors Wi Pay More To r ' ! , ' Average Daily Net Preee Raa THURSDAY, MARCH 29, 19M Tor (lie Weak BMeS . The Weather PAGE ,T^TOTY-FOU» iHanrtl^Btpr lEttrtting IfrraUl Marrh M. ISSe .Fereeaat a( 17. 8. Waetker Beitee aaer. coMer tenlgkt. Law eaer 11,955 fe. Saturday, moatly awiay. Hlgk r M tka AWUt aaar (e.‘ Rwiday entleok, fair, •t OnMlattae Manche$ter-^A City of Village Charm. warmer in affemooB. ‘ A_ VOL. LXXV, NO. 15S (EIGHTEEN PAGES) MANCHESTER, CONN„ FRIDAY. MARCH 30, 1956 (ClaaaUlad Adi-artlahig ae Paga 1C) PRICE FIVE CENTS f ^Barnyard Grails Tess ’ Record And Coyote Howls’ We Are Ready Washington. Marrh 30 <JP»— Those "loud, noisy and ob- Auditors Wi Shows Little Done noxloua” TV and radio com* merdals are still continuing. Rep. Hosmer (R*Callf) com* !/' )to help you with plained today. y In 90-Day Session Hoamer started a Me*man \ - a / . e campaign three week/ ago to bring quiet to the famil.v tele* vision acreen, but m said the Easter Vallies l^aahlngton, March SO UP)—Ooii'Ato axampt natural gaa produrtra Pay More to results have been/so discour* off on a lOHiay EaaterTfrom direct, federal control!, only aging that "perh/ps the cam* holiday today, with littla major to have the maaaura vetoed by psign ought to m abandoned.'* Shop Tonight (Thurs.) Till 8:30 / logialallon to ahow* far t h r a a' Preaidant Biaanhower. monthv^of aeaatona this year and' The Senate ti k the beat part of "Brbadcasters and the Fed­ / plenty do when it retuma on, another month debating the farm eral Communications Commis­ April S. ! bill. It passed a measure which a sion apparently believe that it Shop Friday Till 8:30 Plenty Of potentially exploalve Senate^Houiie committee is cur* is only the people who object i election yel ietuei lie ahead, in*' rently rewriting. Thtre have been anyway, And If they do not ' rge Fast Increase eluding fa social security, for* - GOP predictions that it, too, will like lou/ commercials' they |* eign aid, eduaation, highwa.v, houa*' draw a veto, can eayxake," he. reported. Open Daily At 8 A.M. ing and poaslUy civil righti and The Houae had acted last year Hospier made his remarks j At HALE'S Self ServeAild Meat Department tax rejduction Vgialatioh; on both farm and natural gas In a datement put In the Con* . o 5% Contribution The‘recess wlU give Republican legielstion. gres|donal Record. H# called it, members an opMrtunlty to check INarusa Electoral College at home on thelAgenerally pro* Another week of the Senate'a (Conttnoed. oa Page Td'o) / Hal'tford, March 30 </P)—State Auditora contended jt6day W« V « only SKINLESS. ShankUil H«mi for Easter. Why pay for LARGE. LOCAL WESTON'S GEORGE NELLMANN'S llEAL fessed belief that ftreaident Blsen* time was consumed by discussion that stato^employes should be required to pay more inW their At hower'a deciaion toYun again aS' of proposed changes in the- elec retirementXaystem whose cost runs "in excess of 124Jer cent waste And shank whan you can get the finest hams at Pinehurst free from FRESH. GRADE A INN ASSORTED sured the GOP bf Mother four torsi. college system, after which I of the stat^ pay roll." / years in the White Nouse and a the whole' issue was sent back to ! Present Soviet MAYONNAISE chance to recapture Vuutrbl of committee for more study. ‘ j Auditors Raymond I. Longley ajid Raymond S. Thatcher waste . « « EGGS Hale's Meat Department Congress. The House, meanwhile, passed said the present 4-per cent contribution rate should be boosted COOKIES T o r'L l. FIND A VARIETT' OF HAM BRANDS Democrats, contandin^that dia Heads Tied to Doz. AND ct'TS TO s r r r y o f r t a s t e six annual eppropriation bills, one 1 to the maximum 5-per cent rate allowable soon MS per­ c Salisfaction among farmt^s gives of which has cleared the Senate, mitted by law." \ / / Lb. Pkg. them a good dpportuntty Vor vic­ and an assortment of miacel* WE ARE FEATURING . tory, were preparing to make the laneous measures, some of which Stalinas Purges They noted that the rate can be changdid after the 1967 Pinehurst Of^Ars most of that issue while q a c k still require Senate action. ^actuarial study of the systm^ home. The official congietaloiidl cal­ Vienna, March 30 (/Ft—The Uni­ "If one-liBlf of the future rattra-r . .July 1 Tprget Date endars list only .two "major bills" ted States Information -Agency ment salarlaa are to ba (rom a Selection . ^ SHANKLESS The current recess is the f\rst as having cleared both the Senate' (USIA) is waging e pamphlet and Adlai CbeWed the fuqd .. than the rat/chaiigad and probably will be the last Iwg and thq House ■ this year. One leaflet car. jaign to fi> partial guilt •mplpDea should be stKllciant to holiday for the legislators. mMt would extend existing corporate for the Stalin era purges on the relay the-amount iqcMaary to pay- White for Coloring. of whom are anxious to get homi and excise tax rates and the other Soviet Union's present leaders. By Californ^’s ona-hatf of future ratiraments," READY TO EAT early in the summer for political W'ould exempt farm-use vehicles The agency haa provided the tKe audit report said. campaigning. The target dale for U.S. embasaiea and ipformation of­ SEALTEST PREMIER rom payment of federal gasoline Warm Ovatio / Auditors Lbnglay and Thatcher, PREMIER HAMS final adjournement still 'is July 1, id oil taxes. Eisenhower signed fices abroad with material for sug­ '! the lattar Joining for the first Uma HAMS Including Swiff. Armour and Handy Dandy. well over a month ahead of the the corporate and excise tax meas* gested leaflets titled "som* hon­ i in an eddlt report, axprasaed con- ICE CREAM FRUIT national political conventions. urk last night and is expected to est questions." Ry THE ABSOOIATED PRI oertv -over-var the" powing deficit ra­ APPLESAUCE Most of the legislating since apwove the farm gasoline bill. He "The collective leadera'.ii’t of Adlai Stevenson, a v i d a ^ I y ^ lad under the retirement aya- from • SPECIAL COCKTAIL thw session started on Jan. 3 has recommended both of them." Stalin is outspoken nowadays in pleased with the reception W met i h SOME WILL WANT taken place in the House. The Other measures sent to Risen* its bitter criticism of Stalin and in Cellfo^la, ^ .v a 1>* **)•*■ Ti» tod ink figure etanda at 13,- - Half Gal. Senate, while in session longer, howenduring the year include the the crime of the Stj m regime.^ Will continue to (grow MORRELL s 2 Jars Lg. Size Can has. spent much of its tiipe on a Upper Colorado River Water Stor* the suggested text begins. Then.it Yaitver in jhat atata a pemocratlc uniea** the legielature bailt it out • limited number of subjects. adds: preeldentlal primary. at a future aeaalon. It spent a month debating a bill (C'oaumied Ml Page Eight) "But where wef* the indignant But Kefauver, wh)le//oncedlng The 1955 legtalatura approfniat- BONELESS voices of Khrushchev, Malenkov he is running behlny'.Ktevenson In ed $1 mllltnm toward that ;)urpo8a SWIFT PREMIUM and Bulganin in thoser three California, says ^ Is gaining but It waa vetoed by Governor decadee-7 Where were tile outraged ground, r ■' - y/. RIbicoff becauie ha said, tha ^dg* cries against' the cbld-hlooded The opposliu/randidatee for top •1 AWWoved by the IsLislttura wga HANDY purges ? Fair-minded > people, have, piac* oij wasemeii Ike’s Aides a right to- icfck ali.-.tk*-.-racort;'’ • ■ tional ticket/beaded ekatwird to-* “ VbiiT Clibice o f Miavora. ..................... day after. >"hlrling aoroaa Call- Under the retiiomeht program, U5AN, NO WASTE, EASY TO SLICE—FIRST PRIZE BRANDI The Soviet purges of the 1020a, atate employee contribute 4 per 1930a and 1940s.4re listed; fori)ia on^eet-tha-voter miaaibna. cent into the fund. FIRST PRIZE OCEAN SPRAY SCO TKIN Of Soviet Colrnmunist party chief "nMi - CTaUfornIa primary will be SUNSW ECT Nikita S> Khrtiahchev, the mea- held Jupe S. The etate does not contribute to OUR POPULAR DUBU^itE BRAND Chiang, Mao Arriving In San PrancliKo last the fund, hut makea up M per cent aage aays:."As First-Secretary of of every retirement check. CRANBERRY the Ukrainian Communist party night/ Stevenson told a riewainan; TABLE "Yea, said, I think 1*11 win in Ctll- It haa long been contended i - by PRUNE JUICE Khrushchev, in his own words, di­ (iical axparta that the sUU should SAUCE Washington. Marrh 30 i/P) —Idoora but partial manscript was rected!, a purge of the ‘enemiea of fqrbla.” Undersecretary o r State Herbert made available gfteltward. Holliq- Brings Down Hooaa. match atste employe contribution PINEHURST HAMS RBADT-TO-EAT Hoover Jr. and Foreign Aid Chief ter also was present.^ the people' . .. for his efforts aa they are made, Utua butlding NAPKINS Stalin 'swarded Khrushchev the Later, he brought down the up the fund on a stabla baata. 2 Cans John B. Hollister appeared in 'dis­ Chairman McCIellab (D-Ark) PINEHURST POULTRY Morrell’s leanei^x skinless shanklcss' agreement today over whether Na­ prder of a Red .Banner of Labor.'; houae at a rally In that cltyia tabor The atata employe • retirement Reg. receased subcommittee hearings ^ Similar charges of complicity, -temple when ha shoved aside '> ■ V ' ready to eat Hanf^, Whole or face half tionalist CThlna trades directly while he and other euncommittec) prepared speech nolea and told system la-considered on' of the PltgB.
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