HAMS HAM 10 * OFF Auditors Wi Pay More To
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r ' ! , ' Average Daily Net Preee Raa THURSDAY, MARCH 29, 19M Tor (lie Weak BMeS . The Weather PAGE ,T^TOTY-FOU» iHanrtl^Btpr lEttrtting IfrraUl Marrh M. ISSe .Fereeaat a( 17. 8. Waetker Beitee aaer. coMer tenlgkt. Law eaer 11,955 fe. Saturday, moatly awiay. Hlgk r M tka AWUt aaar (e.‘ Rwiday entleok, fair, •t OnMlattae Manche$ter-^A City of Village Charm. warmer in affemooB. ‘ A_ VOL. LXXV, NO. 15S (EIGHTEEN PAGES) MANCHESTER, CONN„ FRIDAY. MARCH 30, 1956 (ClaaaUlad Adi-artlahig ae Paga 1C) PRICE FIVE CENTS f ^Barnyard Grails Tess ’ Record And Coyote Howls’ We Are Ready Washington. Marrh 30 <JP»— Those "loud, noisy and ob- Auditors Wi Shows Little Done noxloua” TV and radio com* merdals are still continuing. Rep. Hosmer (R*Callf) com* !/' )to help you with plained today. y In 90-Day Session Hoamer started a Me*man \ - a / . e campaign three week/ ago to bring quiet to the famil.v tele* vision acreen, but m said the Easter Vallies l^aahlngton, March SO UP)—Ooii'Ato axampt natural gaa produrtra Pay More to results have been/so discour* off on a lOHiay EaaterTfrom direct, federal control!, only aging that "perh/ps the cam* holiday today, with littla major to have the maaaura vetoed by psign ought to m abandoned.'* Shop Tonight (Thurs.) Till 8:30 / logialallon to ahow* far t h r a a' Preaidant Biaanhower. monthv^of aeaatona this year and' The Senate ti k the beat part of "Brbadcasters and the Fed / plenty do when it retuma on, another month debating the farm eral Communications Commis April S. ! bill. It passed a measure which a sion apparently believe that it Shop Friday Till 8:30 Plenty Of potentially exploalve Senate^Houiie committee is cur* is only the people who object i election yel ietuei lie ahead, in*' rently rewriting. Thtre have been anyway, And If they do not ' rge Fast Increase eluding fa social security, for* - GOP predictions that it, too, will like lou/ commercials' they |* eign aid, eduaation, highwa.v, houa*' draw a veto, can eayxake," he. reported. Open Daily At 8 A.M. ing and poaslUy civil righti and The Houae had acted last year Hospier made his remarks j At HALE'S Self ServeAild Meat Department tax rejduction Vgialatioh; on both farm and natural gas In a datement put In the Con* . o 5% Contribution The‘recess wlU give Republican legielstion. gres|donal Record. H# called it, members an opMrtunlty to check INarusa Electoral College at home on thelAgenerally pro* Another week of the Senate'a (Conttnoed. oa Page Td'o) / Hal'tford, March 30 </P)—State Auditora contended jt6day W« V « only SKINLESS. ShankUil H«mi for Easter. Why pay for LARGE. LOCAL WESTON'S GEORGE NELLMANN'S llEAL fessed belief that ftreaident Blsen* time was consumed by discussion that stato^employes should be required to pay more inW their At hower'a deciaion toYun again aS' of proposed changes in the- elec retirementXaystem whose cost runs "in excess of 124Jer cent waste And shank whan you can get the finest hams at Pinehurst free from FRESH. GRADE A INN ASSORTED sured the GOP bf Mother four torsi. college system, after which I of the stat^ pay roll." / years in the White Nouse and a the whole' issue was sent back to ! Present Soviet MAYONNAISE chance to recapture Vuutrbl of committee for more study. ‘ j Auditors Raymond I. Longley ajid Raymond S. Thatcher waste . « « EGGS Hale's Meat Department Congress. The House, meanwhile, passed said the present 4-per cent contribution rate should be boosted COOKIES T o r'L l. FIND A VARIETT' OF HAM BRANDS Democrats, contandin^that dia Heads Tied to Doz. AND ct'TS TO s r r r y o f r t a s t e six annual eppropriation bills, one 1 to the maximum 5-per cent rate allowable soon MS per c Salisfaction among farmt^s gives of which has cleared the Senate, mitted by law." \ / / Lb. Pkg. them a good dpportuntty Vor vic and an assortment of miacel* WE ARE FEATURING . tory, were preparing to make the laneous measures, some of which Stalinas Purges They noted that the rate can be changdid after the 1967 Pinehurst Of^Ars most of that issue while q a c k still require Senate action. ^actuarial study of the systm^ home. The official congietaloiidl cal Vienna, March 30 (/Ft—The Uni "If one-liBlf of the future rattra-r . .July 1 Tprget Date endars list only .two "major bills" ted States Information -Agency ment salarlaa are to ba (rom a Selection . ^ SHANKLESS The current recess is the f\rst as having cleared both the Senate' (USIA) is waging e pamphlet and Adlai CbeWed the fuqd .. than the rat/chaiigad and probably will be the last Iwg and thq House ■ this year. One leaflet car. jaign to fi> partial guilt •mplpDea should be stKllciant to holiday for the legislators. mMt would extend existing corporate for the Stalin era purges on the relay the-amount iqcMaary to pay- White for Coloring. of whom are anxious to get homi and excise tax rates and the other Soviet Union's present leaders. By Californ^’s ona-hatf of future ratiraments," READY TO EAT early in the summer for political W'ould exempt farm-use vehicles The agency haa provided the tKe audit report said. campaigning. The target dale for U.S. embasaiea and ipformation of SEALTEST PREMIER rom payment of federal gasoline Warm Ovatio / Auditors Lbnglay and Thatcher, PREMIER HAMS final adjournement still 'is July 1, id oil taxes. Eisenhower signed fices abroad with material for sug '! the lattar Joining for the first Uma HAMS Including Swiff. Armour and Handy Dandy. well over a month ahead of the the corporate and excise tax meas* gested leaflets titled "som* hon i in an eddlt report, axprasaed con- ICE CREAM FRUIT national political conventions. urk last night and is expected to est questions." Ry THE ABSOOIATED PRI oertv -over-var the" powing deficit ra APPLESAUCE Most of the legislating since apwove the farm gasoline bill. He "The collective leadera'.ii’t of Adlai Stevenson, a v i d a ^ I y ^ lad under the retirement aya- from • SPECIAL COCKTAIL thw session started on Jan. 3 has recommended both of them." Stalin is outspoken nowadays in pleased with the reception W met i h SOME WILL WANT taken place in the House. The Other measures sent to Risen* its bitter criticism of Stalin and in Cellfo^la, ^ .v a 1>* **)•*■ Ti» tod ink figure etanda at 13,- - Half Gal. Senate, while in session longer, howenduring the year include the the crime of the Stj m regime.^ Will continue to (grow MORRELL s 2 Jars Lg. Size Can has. spent much of its tiipe on a Upper Colorado River Water Stor* the suggested text begins. Then.it Yaitver in jhat atata a pemocratlc uniea** the legielature bailt it out • limited number of subjects. adds: preeldentlal primary. at a future aeaalon. It spent a month debating a bill (C'oaumied Ml Page Eight) "But where wef* the indignant But Kefauver, wh)le//oncedlng The 1955 legtalatura approfniat- BONELESS voices of Khrushchev, Malenkov he is running behlny'.Ktevenson In ed $1 mllltnm toward that ;)urpo8a SWIFT PREMIUM and Bulganin in thoser three California, says ^ Is gaining but It waa vetoed by Governor decadee-7 Where were tile outraged ground, r ■' - y/. RIbicoff becauie ha said, tha ^dg* cries against' the cbld-hlooded The opposliu/randidatee for top •1 AWWoved by the IsLislttura wga HANDY purges ? Fair-minded > people, have, piac* oij wasemeii Ike’s Aides a right to- icfck ali.-.tk*-.-racort;'’ • ■ tional ticket/beaded ekatwird to-* “ VbiiT Clibice o f Miavora. ..................... day after. >"hlrling aoroaa Call- Under the retiiomeht program, U5AN, NO WASTE, EASY TO SLICE—FIRST PRIZE BRANDI The Soviet purges of the 1020a, atate employee contribute 4 per 1930a and 1940s.4re listed; fori)ia on^eet-tha-voter miaaibna. cent into the fund. FIRST PRIZE OCEAN SPRAY SCO TKIN Of Soviet Colrnmunist party chief "nMi - CTaUfornIa primary will be SUNSW ECT Nikita S> Khrtiahchev, the mea- held Jupe S. The etate does not contribute to OUR POPULAR DUBU^itE BRAND Chiang, Mao Arriving In San PrancliKo last the fund, hut makea up M per cent aage aays:."As First-Secretary of of every retirement check. CRANBERRY the Ukrainian Communist party night/ Stevenson told a riewainan; TABLE "Yea, said, I think 1*11 win in Ctll- It haa long been contended i - by PRUNE JUICE Khrushchev, in his own words, di (iical axparta that the sUU should SAUCE Washington. Marrh 30 i/P) —Idoora but partial manscript was rected!, a purge of the ‘enemiea of fqrbla.” Undersecretary o r State Herbert made available gfteltward. Holliq- Brings Down Hooaa. match atste employe contribution PINEHURST HAMS RBADT-TO-EAT Hoover Jr. and Foreign Aid Chief ter also was present.^ the people' . .. for his efforts aa they are made, Utua butlding NAPKINS Stalin 'swarded Khrushchev the Later, he brought down the up the fund on a stabla baata. 2 Cans John B. Hollister appeared in 'dis Chairman McCIellab (D-Ark) PINEHURST POULTRY Morrell’s leanei^x skinless shanklcss' agreement today over whether Na prder of a Red .Banner of Labor.'; houae at a rally In that cltyia tabor The atata employe • retirement Reg. receased subcommittee hearings ^ Similar charges of complicity, -temple when ha shoved aside '> ■ V ' ready to eat Hanf^, Whole or face half tionalist CThlna trades directly while he and other euncommittec) prepared speech nolea and told system la-considered on' of the PltgB.