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5-25-1906 Statesboro News

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"1. � I nnl, " ....,. 1.IDI.W•• 1 I. In N.,,,th •••l I *••• The'r and adjolDlDl U I. u... , � 1_M-411 lw Maa.n NEWS. oome STATESBORO hIve communltlee recently ••4 N•••II'h. ' THE the Excel· II.r V...r ••• ,-; . and orga�lzed together 110t -= lior Literary Ic,ciety, It II CASTORII kl'J but EW hunted to age nor lAX, III, VOL. 6. NO N GA" jo'RIDAY, MAY 25, 1906 A YEAR. STATESBORO. I ::'�::!:�:�:;te!fI�:m!��,r::! 81.00���==��======��==�======�====�======�== bidden to and be among ua, Men Killed :como oft' with Two rdware Store. Th. loclety hal Itarted Woods Home PR�IRII FIRST OF ALL (lrolp�ct., and bid� Agai�. I at Smith Meeting, SAfETY Ha very flattering Mr. Wood. and chlldren, School Couveotion til B. JUMPED FROM SUllday Tho Ira, •••••••••••• faIr to couttnued progrcll, those of 'rhuradav out- together With Mrs. H.ld in Stal,ealJoro ., Chipley, Ga., lIIay28,-All ...... named are the offio�n: followillg ders, who were bit by a mansan.'dog June 14, lllOO.' door meetlllg addrelaed Powell vlee­ I pOlitical. is with the best paunt E, W, i Bears the MOVING TRAIN are blok home '" 11'11 broken OUR BANK equipped Prtlid�lIt, lome time alia, Frem All the by Smith lip 11, Opening 101lg, l]�ke . and have I president, H. B, Hardy; �ec'y from Atlanta, where thay tho here by a plltol duel III tbe can in to our Dark PIIIC�I," by cougrega- today screw door, burg1ar proor safe, that money buy, announing ' We take pleasure Mill Talton; chap. Ate nu, STIIMG !lAD AGAINST RAt. oourse of treatm�.,t ill which Joe tl'llal'r, Lucy heeD given a non. edge of the crOWd, officer. Signature . we The PI'nlt.tll'·. III that f''' WII k I IIed we that Mr. Hardy. b the Blteur a bRAov. • H er, ,and and in addition to this precaution carry burglar friends and the public generally Ilin, y 2 . S' Be d'mg, y utoy, � .... are enthulialtlc, tOWII WAI killed aud members I , Accident Which Befell Mr, Mr. WoodI waB in John Irvin, hliliayer, • of city. S g�ltuJe us case ot sucee... which in daylight a first class line of I of and called at tliil block. di.tant a orowd insurance, amply protects il . three . ae- wblch lood ligu Wednelday ev. G . G N M by have just opened Woodrum, at Register, 8 . A am�y R The flnt progsm of 'he IOClety and aak.d 1,1 to expreaa for Who punned him. office, I Dounerayalrl, . heold-ups, These two safeguards, coupled with the Illlcere t IankI to the II that bad wal presented luat Fridayov.DinIC, h'im h"II I ,or for th e NI ht'II It �eported feeling Wednesday, 4 . S "." k g of tbe who on�, eXllted between the two on of our stockholders is abSOIUte �lId c\)um�d of lonlll, r"adiDg, good people county Oomina," by the eongregatlou, had individual liability , pro ��I , mu­ afternoon Mr. I emlll debt-160 I ,'ecitatlOill and lutrumental Wednelday all18telm.d h 6. Addr.11 of Welcome. 10COllnt of . tection to our the de. ,Johu I man the fee of 11''' railed by GIrls. -and when met at tbe depositors. E afler which followed Woodrum, young Of 6. SonK, by a Chorul of they IIC, In ,�, WAR and the WII t old aud Ibout III of boarded a 'he quarrel D The query 11'81 that yean Ige, popular 7. Introduction (If th� Speaker apelkioK today A R bate, lubscr.,ptlon fI Central of at tbls eommrenonere ,2(j(). r.newed. • full of tb()ugbt: Georgia train, paid and Addre.. ISLAND BANK limple ODe, yet county SEA recom- to calm -�i haa a to vilit relativel in Tattnall The mad. Stand' of tbe effort. That WumaD plll�e, Jury 8. "Stand Up, Up, III.pita Resolved, US8 grand thlB. Song, J. F. Prelidellt R, F. DONALDSON, CMbler' ticket for eommieerouere with BRANNEN, and Over Man than oounty, He bought a eudation and the the congrugatlon them, tbey began .bootiDg, Glass Gre..ter Influence for Jesus." by Oils, woa Paints, iuteuded to .aOle. It relult dying Tools, affirmlltiv6 Regi.ter, where he aoted upon the RacelB one hour and a the that H"ltey fell, Farming Money." Tbe Ipeak. Dinner amount Irvin rolD, Moaars. Everett, can. expected that a larger half' Ilmoit iUlt,utiy. Blinds ers were: Ivy For OV8'r change I and '. ole Doors train arrived at raised 0 owe b lever.I men 11' h DIRECTORS: JUlt before the would have been by popu· lIalOe8S S· haIf hcur. f II d y Dekle and H. B. Hardy; II . B 81810n, Crockeryware, Sash, Fred . tbat the oalled out, bllt the fact that the leveral il not known, Me..r•. J, G. Jonea, plaoe flagman lar 10. Special Souga by idenity the negative' rannen J. A. J. A, BranneD ]1'. D. Olli1! 11Ib.cfl�tlon . II J F , B McDougald I" recom"nded that Th• punuera k'pt up a fUIIIIade N, B. Hozel Kegilter the gralld Jury ach00I as f0II'owa: Generally. Rufua Street aud a, S, J. Crouoh D. E, BIrd Builders'Supplies Thirty from all billI made R. L. DurreDce W. B. Martin Y8ar� the and Johu Mr. Woodrum, "ho, the foot The were: Melin. coullty REAn judlel S, F,Olhft' W. J. wal taking hia flret ride �:I����I f:�! b;:k� Everett, W. Willi ace Ind accountl, I,angaton'l R�:i:ter ���II�e���;I�' number of bul. that leemed to loaVl :�:�: New Statelboro a ...... !!!!!! _ reno OD a thought aabl:�t!�."'h:t Rap, perced best :::;w�:;e�:8:e fell, by -=-"''''''!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!'''7!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!-- new and the Powell. The deci.lOn Will tralll, Hope are all belt he could, for the Jllacedo'lia Oak Gruve Bal' Our goods of the be mUlt get off a. little ditl'erence, however, letl, dying Immediately, Under Arrest' a derod in f,n'or uegatlve. Clito fMd.f TIIIttb. Cashier the the who Brooklet Abont lixtv.flve sl.ot ware fired. we will appreciate of tbe He, tberefore, rnlbed to plat. reaaon thlt It was people could buy and After a ,Iorioul meeting St.telboro Pro. Eurek'l 28,-J. B. money CASTORIIw ...,. : off aod fell I[,rawl. the billB Two were llightly I take tbil method of thaakm,l 'Briltol, Va., Ma;v ao· aoy way. lpeotaton flnt aalemblag. of the (arm, jumiled paid Corintb Excellior need something regular •. "liad calbler of the Vir,inia who bead a MacDonell wounded the Itray bullet the for the many kind aotl well, from those might Wa. tak�n ing, bll "rlking agaiu.t by people I visit ciety, an adjournment Payne'l coal and Coke m w'lund "hich Oak Grove Meth tendered UI Iron, Company'i be found befora tbe first rail, and inflicting a He'll Meet EIJterprise and deedl durillg my will till Friday eveniug Says FOR SALE. It Inmln line. Our prices Stil80n Metter, Meth. I bave Dot wordl furuaoe operationl v,a. in our o'ol\lCk. prove fatal. Wife'. liokneBa. at 8 may •• we in June, advocated, and Them All In H I Meth under arrelt witb the that Sunday . prlnclplel "hlch'l "110. Metter BaptiBt State,boro, aIle leveo tbanb to il cbarRed class of goods Dr. Sample WaB telegrapbed for. I bave for bugliel to sxprell my,beartfelt with ,the Retlrtl me much encourapmenti •• Union Dr• 111•• hod Iti ven . Fellowlhip I embezzlement of Inm. of the keeping 11, The Ga 28,-J. C. and harnesl aDd one Iurrey. the ....1-0 were 10 often do. ( WhIle and he ruponded promptly. Valdolta, .. Bethel poople us show the romp"gn. , retire, be.,. May Rufnl and let you Fortunate Miliourian.. to retire trom tbe God'i blell' comp"nY'1 mODey PI'liDg through, around F.fer If RII..II. lo.t. Tobe man WII to of have decided kllldDellea. Mav Come I. not brought , handle. Illred your caule lit prl" injnred takeudvahtago every Harville FrioDdlbip ing l..,Ivoni. Rawlingl bia handl whlob ,,111 wal a at are T_ for bUliooal and will Bell them them all. probdbly "When I drurrilt, Public. •• which' Itood rlrht. State.boro mornUlg 11. livery upon '1'0 tbe olpl fur yea'erday tbe8e to express Doxology. mgl store. now of a opportnnity daYI ,16.000 a of whiob our write. '1'. J. ['wyer, mature deliberation and b1 tbl" Rev. W. D. a Call at Out. B. D. Nesmith. a",rellate part through 110,," Arter legl.latlon con'emplated treatmeot. He bal 1I0t Ipoken 12. Benediction, at great bar�aitl. "three of cu.tom. men the mater'.' in to oonf.lied to lod Oray.vllle, )0[0., my conference with repre6ell1atl\'e cOllsldered '.4 himleif regard pA" and lee aDd Clldwell hal adoption ouce IInce the accident oc. Horton. laod'a Itablel them, RESPECTFULLY, cured of con· I tbe bu� era were permanently rrom varlotll' sectlouR or the,ltate, moral prosperitl or an peop�., whom bn do.. not like. of to parn. the jail, 11:46 a. m., the don't milS thil opportnuity allr&ad Dr. New Disco,. the follow· of the ourred, �nd il completely At o'olock, lumption by King's feel that the publication of And III Ihe pro,re.. call1"l.. AppendiCitis to at a Ueatba lro.. The irregnlaritiel date baq,k and today. fearl are entertained W. L, Carter drove up Icboola will form io pro�e"lon at a buggie bargaiD. are well Itron, .honld to the pnbllc. been more or le.1 Impr..... Gravo buying ery,and 10, bo given they have lyzed. omoiall of tbe 0001" a.1I hi. the or. J. J. Zelterewer. decreal. 10 the lome ratio that the 11.. yean aud tbo One wa. trYIDr to property �utered tht! I expeoted and In lome d... hiB at the fonutain tb. court house aquare in When I rnoe, urlon the public mind, ID regard to recovery. water b.. hone fal.llled New Life Pllllincrea""a. ollim Caldwell hu move to but after usinr VOt�8 at the the candid alld of Dr. Klnr'a paDy and Arizona, that 10 countlnK �hc pri. admitted by all ... Mr.'Woodrum ia &Ion of Wido" im. der i'n thA abovQ lilt, rree bim. He glvell and record. of 'the offioe lUll found It .. and spied from pad. Ihort tllne he I and thor. Rawlinga IOV. you dan,er brlOr New Discover,.. t,he candidate recelvlnr major Ind have been rully About to the call' en i '0 NOTICE, Th.y t�e IIIlry, the,. Millard Woodrum, living de. will maroh releale from conltl. ded tbe roll. to do 10. I regard Dr. wo"ld be R. 'B, R_ called to Carter alld and pamle.. plY unnecealarl vote. In any oo"nty ourblyadopted by J"dKe mediately qUick Ityof Ford. under command of Dr. We bave one bundred buehell out It. Caldwell i. now In at Wilt, New II t.he mOlt of Ih.t nl. lid. five milliS from Rocky grollnda potion and the 1111 !frowlnr J-J1 Kinr'l Dllcovery entitled to the full delegation a. from publlabtd lecture tbe " Iiv.rad a npon "atronll tbelr ia of a famll ... In e"lltane•. John I. of tbo leed for IIle. and .ll'Oralwaya follow Va. He promlDent wonderful Imedlcln. convention. 're thu and \0 ht. Lane, of peal Strenrth county in nominating dr@sles bef people. " .ma.reh,al d�y. law that it Guaranteed W. H. EIIII, of Ealtern aDd a leader cif and Cold cure and 'J'hrolt .the [ ftlsured If arm of tbe , declarin� oue 18 IIlvlted to brIng Warnook &: u.e, by Va., received a J. A. SoD., ' SureltCough If no candidate (:UII give your support, Every .l1lajurlr,y, you lI6c. tbem, III thl. 180tiou, hfaler. Guarranteed by that have a lIlao la •. to lave Drulfrllt. T"I .ooiety and LUDI' thot the .of 1"'11,he be elected you will Bore Nipple lI'a. oot atrong enough, bBlketB Tablea WIll be provided Brooklet, Ga. I e"pected 2'. flOc and ,I. dol�gatH'" W. B. Eilio. DrUrlfl.t. the oonvelitlOn would be of who will 40 .11 Sun. . In the onlot! governor diDner on. All Ibe be eft'octed applYlGg innocent from pUDllhment to .preid c�ullty candidate. atralft of A: cure;may b, people Trial boltle frec. the o.voral can 10 admIDilter tho "d.d omon, that he 8S the are in. Obamberllin's Salve III sonn nor to eobooll iD tbe oounty number of \'otl'tIdl.-I loterelte of aU deatb and in prilon, day at Metter, �==""''''''======:= to the t.hf\ ltate to ..he be.t by men III Entertainmeqt iiiii 1 according nu.. it oft' to ill the con•. commOD to bear yonDg . oblld la done inr. WI"" vitod and join -- c...... : I n tlIe rl I a man unoootrolled b, thievea ODd urged 01 fInIS. d bY .aoI I p mBry. nth. people; the tbe the . lion, _. -... the farm a to be the re�.lve a .oft cloth before allowing give witb a wbo left Tho- recital given by •••••••••••••• the un. with ventlOn tbi. .pec. ' tbil 1 the 1'01.. of ull people combln., or corporatlonl, year City tI". w.y rings, trained nu.... lD rA· claBBel of oblld to nu..e. Kany their delertl. bl. Ipeecb dozen yean ago and expre.aion In the cllnvon· ••Ion o. r_ forgen Tbe superintendenta In eloqnent dozen or half a mUlic Wlluld be represented .,,"yed by portloan ", relultol ial lang. Too'. thla lalve WIth the belt welcome extended Will take Farm/". ...ion IIf unlnnoeneed .. uae be!ore Solicitor Tbom.. to the cotton continue Metter Bchocl, and at the la.t, an,espr prejudice and b1 penon Tbe day to leloot 1011gB and aponle tbat if the Higb lion, bos. !!old by All , are reque.ted Bank of lay 16 cent. thijater would be oh· commercia' an4 Price p"r The e antagonism England' tbe nl tbe FOR SALE of tieI I rallcor or at drumDlen at nex Tbond bt , the Will peop and aDd are ,lao W tbe cODlmand •'be preaeut price Iace t ay II dron tbe j,,1 ltopped prlctioing DOW, to p . .n. •• by heglD With this expect .tlt'n I he will make ao honeat eir.rl.. DruIIKllt J. W. Over.. exerelle WI11 talned. 'believe lohool. OIl Hou. b10k t0 the country 24tb inatant. Tb� alldltioo to black. water bis borle. to have their Tuelday, they WI'11 go lu my that which 11'111 be the trough to requested called Itten· bave tered the race, f.ellng wllatel'�r at 0 government, acres of the most of Svlvaula, and tbe II cordially Imith and repair I to all the three Damed in Covers four "'"t, and to farming. be free publio .hop receIved would be recognized .n to the state and proUt at bim practioe lonlll im. vote I honor Rawllnga began shootiDg that the people a added a flrat ola88 lille of APP01N1'.IIEN'I'8 'ion to tbe faot diffioult matter to lIet invited. convention. 'I'hose .upportlng me tbe a bove program, It ia a where the the people. tlilt and tools, .. aud blm, dealariDg tbe farmiug from me 10' , for-IR IbUliDIl In eo.proved and Prel, the of tbe Itate are pro.peroul tbe Cltiel. Opportn' Ou ni�ht, tbe 26th, hlieved tbe .ame, every .In conolu.lon let Of Elder Lee Baokl. W, C. PARKER, valuable land , foothold in Friday to furnilb the Ian tbe lolicitor at tbe I am prepared have re· fooll.h of wonld meet tbat tbe farmer il few t In the .tat. 1 would the fala. an.I nlnp 10 be contented, aod for ad'llDCemAnt Ire d 0Id PlY,I USb Stoopa Deedl in tbi. county all foul, alter the 2d S.nday nltiel . tb�1r TU8lday . goo farmera all had no would kin". eelved thu. controlling fo.. which have wel,hIi Beard'. bar IDd teltify than a " be d Nel' a maJority. HI)' ,, judlment ..ore Ind.pandent taf ootween. A boy leavlDl "III presente. line and save th�m money. June, Olnton; a and surplus aDd CODqoer," Ihe or I would my insistl and has . of whatever III determining cou!'"; blm. Rlwlings capital be laid, hal heen kno" "ants the4elepteo IAm.e, Creek Thunday, Bethel; Friday, agaiDlt The of the farroen, for a c IerlCI I poal'f tber time nor expeDle Remember, you 000· for the kludo 1 Grass a Pest. boya the farm I?n, have received mlDorlty vole, and I fe.1 Krateful .... and been told on Nut hOOle can tell Baturda, Sunday, tbat Iiel blve remain at lucce... Mle. and ueedl. I yon ,a of J..o.e'a Ohapel; iplDy to a . '" oontent otber positIOn to make it of the delegat,on courtelleBof friends wbOlelo'alt,• • Million in aplred a fractIOn and ' Tu.. of Hundred need 011 farm troltln, , Konday, DeLoach; tblt tbe authorl Editor NO.1: I "" an Irtiole of over One eoil. ?r, f�ct, I",y "hat you your fearl...; hiS hoYI, �od learu to till the Thoy at flnt tbat the telober at expreslitln, ID tlIe conventIon. been full and fr.e and , an4 Alh and lD the thlnkl arm t.b county ha. Wedn••dal, City, Sawyer and bave it f Re4 Bill; are bound to deeper lome time iD townl I here-any t"ecutlve race wltbout a dl1 tbeae ltoriea go ill piper alo .. _ aff t0 the b' A Imall the democratic .. from the I"le" Black your _va 't ru.h'IDg for of the pllY, But co�. 1 tire .. Lower qUI be hal made ohange tell ID eharge tool from the to the Braacb; Thu day, "rote iD DOLLARS 1 their recent aotlon, m but wltb coa' iD bell tbln else. whicb lome ($100,000,000.00) a. to ance ngnin.t any man, Wllkln.oo. anybody partiel ..Ireh of clorioal po8ltionl. behevel be Will not fee will be charlled Cutaway Harrow or mlttee, by B. B. ' admieaion ia better. II. beBt lR the tb. (lruk. the rule •• than ever tbat Dut a ter. eI odoplln, plurahty vlotl-m tronrer to grla. beiDg I at bome b plDg b at should be or elle, If r�glrd Tbey Ire taylUg war'k 10 b ord d oov�r expense.. If any Mower anything rato or '"tood have to �D t. and In to pro for whICh compau I have been lee. 00 need in my countlel, prlnclplel rible pelt. Now, tbe greatelt OOllDty fortnne IS easler, over It will to tbe library. you anything accord' t0 tlIe the of w develop road to left go IVId� th••d Iegatlon Ing be.t Int.r..ts of an poople tbe I andId" the foueveral bnd I"IDe me a tria candl. this grasl yearl monthI be 0 a gaore t deal f glVA receIVed the 'everul llIore than the poll. iVI earth . a few We have gone t votes by an the .tate f"IIy Iu very' will Bave to break It up .' . you money. by.omeofth.candldateo. It is Impollible farmer', who are atay· the and hovo changed oie. outtined Tbe boya bll OpIDIOn. The worry to get up play, date., comple,tely tI,le obaoge. expeule In started OD land. Thele tar wioer C. S. SplveJf. v.rtuolly ehmlnated what, G. A. Nunnall,. wben once on tbe farm are he bal to 80licit your preaenc. "peet, mg and earneltly four.Hfth. of tho bll oodu�e GA. c•• be in Bullocb county tbat ea.y aDnO�anCc81 KElTER, th•• e, may i8 BOIl tban tb08e who al:e bunting of aarnmg auffl. the and tbe dIfficulty F"rlday night voter. of the otat. in �et.r"'I"'ng on accout ot thia . •••••••••••••• � tbrown out · been of '-. co on 1 tOWD.. ""tb"I tt aecure a e,,�rCllel be con. .... ID Ib• '10 to '80 WI' h that The euable b" DoorB 7 of tbe election. Reller Ie Po••lble. metter, )0 oient to open r.lult thi. for the ben�flt . re I write Bank d tb t'" resu I t '0 grin. b' 11 cent to wbiot. be feell both . d I tonI 10 eventId and I ringing aooial pOlltion at 8 , nlghtl to obtain rell.f from ef. . gin It i, don't Iutow wbat · qosslble wbo Ie . 1 reo of thoBe e a In raa Ize r.tlll to cII"di,IIIcy. GA., more ,8toab pOhnnd' tel blm I' .urely my METTER, la money be la entitled Four Oxen for Sale indigestion a"d dy,-peplla by and I cautIOn made. POBtma.ter Robbed. 1Yith�r"lV fr"111 th. fect it blls 00 land, tbe c'ltl·el. All and Ill' spootlully Some cou'ltr tban 1"1 cODtentment the "'e of Kudol .'or Dyspepsia. Y that he left •• or on .• terotRlverton, (l 7 contcst,' unO(i!"III"lor"",o never let it I.arted at G. W 'outo, Two pair good axon, Rtantl. to get farmers wbo bebiod him when he d of the must hopeless Cftl:le8 of long you Bank of of tbe yeung are, do endence lost his tife alld was rob... 26 1 wOllld not bl' tbose wbo safer the England [a .. nearly old. Que pair weighs llut in doing Ii"', farma. to Is years hllve yield"d to It. II enoble. You your Now, than. are becomlug to hi, e�ec'" ing rllpldly . Jetter, nt the all thrIfty I e tlHI farm. of all oomfort according dor,toOlI ns co"'plainlnS' on . other ... will . fPt and the weighl ""t and e"ercl now how it tlIe chronic hundred pair to the YOII don't k Ipread d d If farmen' "For 20 , had "'" the preru�II' digest 11y �pen reference to boy. which lay': year. !'iv. co", ",Itt... It. WHY? ent:. lu his Well brok. rt!oth't! �fer to a YOU ASK ·t1nall�la 10, which led to ."eh a.e. 28 bundred ponnd8. /illoll :l luflut!IIOC, .bulltllllg hnd: 1 Will you place AND tIme. toucbed a liver complaint, ' tlvt! of thnt (!Oml,lIitte� tlludopt cor. uP.t,heh good !\fr. Oventreet upon 0 tieI (I org"n!. I e known' co.ntlOUG tb�y even mv een 10 thI'e t!fllOICIlUy f Igt'stl\'e pr:eaent so.•• of tbat flng. en an d hlive b Og�lDg sccmed wisest-nlHI seur old Enal POlt office, III . vere to thclII 1111.1 meu oa liS 8a ncb re f Jaundice rulee Horses,Beggars Will be classed mtereltl hund d IS tlu!bOllcr wherein the stearn Made . th'at when dootor months. stollinoh Wishes . lubJect cd my three lin cnllll'ul If Miller aDd you . er nails turn yellow; business IUItI preoellellli'" a. tbe Bob plac", commUll 't'I 193 only ,,('rlmps they tbelr respective 18 to is IIIlIdl! that keeps lip your vitality. VOUD m£:Jn. It ra.tifying Electrlo l1itters; which IIn.tJcmoorntiu, in in IS g prescribed Must Bold at once. bllt still it is aee there how it baa apread First-Because its management be I!helll, 01I I dl ta Ride. can g, leu.'ItI I IIIHI' h I{ ages Would the time torty years armers b are have me well for I Svrt'ngt. by tbeyara now th'"t f oys rmred me and kept an Llmt IiIle IIIlly lint by allY thia, 'k' . . ern'd aeeml tbat R B Sb ele,ulinll cat.. M,nkes tht! stomach a Ibort time. It . Bilious· wlmt I'USIOD tb t Sure oure for of till! will of yuu If ·bave of age. th e oooe eleven years." menlls lw 1111 eXJlI'I'i-l'!ioli time wlabinll. you to Ga. III cOII(lltlo" uae of waoting an � And all Metter, SWl·l't-ptll,:' th,� buller t� But what i. tbe W&I brought to tbi8 county and has .. Weakness and III_ graas has it fared with tbe comlll� Neuralgia, I lull'cd. III tile IH'(,6l'l'It aave yotl conservative safe, And how IS much moru real happt ncss, Iotlc Jl�Ollle. work, If Dotbing, . there IInLure dClllulld. of It-- have to yon 8ee .' and Dladdu do thc \\,ol'k yon will witb fencel, aa I don't 10 the CIties? Stolllach, Liver, Kidney stnll(:l', IIcuordillg t,lI till! plll!llldollLl!d, Dotbing, bead above bodge that sought Jobs on the farms than in positlOllS relief frum digestive dis- to keep your boye ness A wonderful '1'onlc. cieutcil gi\'es SUli to on working where deran�elllent8. U (JIUitliclate pO!;!Hbly he by "Ill have keep it ou .. except bedge aud 'l'a.r, IIIlIj' to do work for plac enormous finanCIal and theu aile of to in the cities, cents. Pirating FOley's Honey IIntl ynu ill hape bi8 mooey him; backing. are get storn. 60 order�', pulos capltalmakel exoeptlO�aJ they lIkely Ali W. II. Ellis' Drul]f. less Mmn line-fifth of tile 1)l)IIIIIAr vote, A maD "itb fenceB were let. No.w. B\1009S8. 'the lllHl feel best. Sold b,. water. 0. the thntt th� & originated your bt!st, your ablitty aud that for y ]i'oJey Co., Ohiuago, nud tlmt as is gellurnlly the OIlS!.!, Man, h�s � , IIfth, baven't YOI1 capital? Traveling however are no COllI- a8 a thront aud IV ..:..H �'" IS. Why vast; a lIu.1 'I'Br Illng thnt or the JlOlHllntlOu in the majOrIty chances for accumlllatIDK HOlley rnRy be part Itart gettin� capital? Second-Because the deposits L " STRAYED, 011 nccollnt of the 2'rcnt don't you w t'l I It oetter.- a.. aud lIlost illfluellccd Wby account With nl better 0,f" th'an ley are much 'S remedy. which Is enslly by an petency and make it grow, open . four months !lnd or Foley's HOlley S'art amall e tarma. rl'l about merit Ilopulnrity bas(,r motives nlld most closelv hchl tbeIr h h �"ifom my place, FOR 1.ey vanoah New8, imitutinlls arc offered SAE� do It, FARM. are insured �mes on.� white !\nd'l'llr many indllce",";,t., Don't Wilb-jult Buy A GOOD Bank of Metter against smnll salarlB8 01:le lJJnck nnd spotted together by unworthy atl11 earn _ toliaT' are . lUg ngo, the These worth Ie,. lot 011 North Main .wallow.fork for genul"e. iu (rom tile rllce, r My house Iln� . Further, ret.iring dif60ult to meot all A D,ul Hurn. marked, . Hundred and aDd find it DIale bog; imitation hnve similAr lIumes next to U. 'F. and One Fifty sOliliding would record grllliuful /lCkllowleclg� street, DonAldson, IS insured and in Illy as home ou their puraea there is nothing one 3o.r aud hole split of '1'110 g'euulllcJi'oley's StAtesboro, to one mile loss demands burn III are thelll. one In ellst within your tbe )1'01' a painful Dew IIlciits to t"nt oluss or citlZ\'IIS the Apply Bank acres of land just of Inrge National hold out Witoh Hazel Salvo. informatIon 1\lld '1'111' is In It yollow pnokllJ;'e Millen, Ga. �"The And the future doesu't like neWitt's the other Auy Honey who had their sUJlJlort tu tile F. C. Walh., First States· , 1)lcdgcd limits-of of imitlltlons of De- re. ror Rnd refuse nny substitute of corporate � of If they '!'here Inc a host hiB wherQ�boutB will be gladly Ask It ======�======_ fire. a promlse prosperity. 30 to HAze SA'tvC on the ltisthebeRt for ooughs fllld with and against 0. Witt's 'Vitch Davis. rel.l1l!dy 0•• boro dwelling bave mo.rrttld they nre baving oeived. Wiley Of Statesboro, . m8rke�scethatyougp,tthe'genulne. bv IV. U. JIllhs. 1 colds. Sold , cleared, be IIQCelSllfles, NIB rookle,t G a. 40 acres for th slIn .., D 0, , ,uat reasons. hard struggle � for R F . Ask for DeWitt's. Good, too, McCR.OAN, there are other most 1. E. within next 30 And many Doubtle•• the of And espeolally lombard Iron Works and Supply Co. sold days. ,'-", 0' ·life. burn, outs, brUises, NO·I.'ICE, J BROOKS SIMMONS, thousand '1'he name E. , CUbitr, bal· them have WIshed u. rcoolllllleruilld for piles. CEORCIA $1,500.00 cash, All IIrc """rncil not AUCUSTA, Terms, Us:EXPLAIN!THEM 'ALL-=:: Is on every fOLmHONIYARDfAR persolls h('n'hy Presideat. CALL SEE US, ANDILET on the & 00 .. Ohicllgo, T9 had stayed O. DeWitt ••n....'a LOllrtic This timea they ...... Golda, ..._ to hire or Itllrbor Illy sun, ance to suit purchaser. W. H. Ellis, l�:�r�,?Jlg�I����:'��c����.8c':,rt��Y Directors: il not un· box. Sold by IJUs left! �:if���aaOO�(I��II�� farm. Iudeed, it :?tLintcr, flH 1m is II IlIiuor IIlId C��(:I���'i�l�;���r:l!I:,�:'�I:II�YS�I��I�:!��fI���I:I��,il:!il�ej'I!�,I(:�j�:�����tit����:!��Flfr� WILLIA.II8, is an exceptional bargain. COU8U. lie hus lInrk ���::r W. W. IIle wiLtilOllt hili)", :'t:r�fll�nSlre;e�::='�and Ha�gers, Oaahier. Oilers, etc.; Shalti!!R. 1'lIl1g., • mefli. EVER.Y DAy P. BliGI8TER, SUlKONS 1906. La B. dllrk (lOlllplcxloll, Is wcak eyed, CAST 1'. BROOKS April 20, I.WILL, � BUSBING, IIrn /lbollt 130 POlllIlls;ugc lAB. BRANNEN" '. size, weighs f B, BOOTH, TAn Atlas ..�':ip�c;:!" o�n THL��:����AL uhout. 20 yeill's. J would ""J"II"C(lIUl!u ,V'� Leador T Wheel., GL t to Hartford Statesboro,. AND forlnllLion 08 to hlH whurelllilllltiJ, Mil ;t iu HI.h In,eo,oul Ily • , HONEYandTAR Speolfloatlons e. peo alty - !n1l1f"J.aI( ·Mlnt.r, I IV. '�l. LOcomotive Tender TanlQ � ,I,"BOnv ., Throat .. tho Asthma, I II.,.. rou Buy Colds, Croup, La Grippe, W,.lte Cures Coughs, YELLOW PAC!CAoa Pneumonia anll Consumption Rlaera and Troll,blci. Prevents Dmll�'a EaPl, Mills in Stock. LUllg, tamou. MttIe !IIII. light Saw IOilE ELL,,[S The FOR SALE BY �.lB. Georgia. OLD SHARPE \VII,LlAMS Pure Fille Old Rye "full By the Gallon .8 00 PHIPAIII qUAru $8 60 IliXPI\�S GEO J OOLE�rAN RYE �CREAGE IS INCREASED, CORDIAL !NVITATION &, Company Pure PenusylnnlQ Rye Ricb A Avary OZAR SHOWS HAND GIRLS , a.t of Laot ADDRESSEDTOWORKINO mellow By the Gallon f2 76 A.rt!a Pia ltbd Exceed. TI AVB��o:·�;�IT.LAN, ... Ali..... O. - cAl , EXpnS11 PRIPAIII 36 ::!20 Acroe Off � PoraJth tllll f8 00 by I14rL Pink. qtl I14Iu Borro",. �HOW Russ Autc erat Tosses Statemont It ued Workl"" Olrta ANVIL RYE-Pure, Subltautlal Bomb . A

OLIFFORD RYE 60 IIIPIiKeB PRIIIPAtII By tbe gallon S2 26 , tllll quart. $2 Warebouae Flo. OLD KENTUOKY OORN-Dlr�ot frllID !JoD!led Rofulod to See Committee Appointed ro•• prepald 00 4 tull q a • $3 .0 OXI nn I 011 By tl e gnllnn ,3 to PrOBent Addrua In Answer to OLD POINTER OLUB OORN Throne Speech-Act Consld 60 " fuli qta $2 90 Rloh .lId Mellow By tbe g.llOD ,2 sred an Affront IIXIII188 rnlllPAl1I IIDd Bourbon whliluel We handle .11 the leading brands of Rya oant on purchases In the market and wllleavi YOIl 26 to 60 per your MaIled free upou apphcation Send for pnce hat and oatalogue THB: AL1MAYJDR 4: FLATAU LIQUOR 00 MaooD, G. HAO GIVEN UP AU. HOPE H. A. CHAMPION &. CO., Do.len In CONFINED TO HER SEO Wbol•••I ••nd R.t.U -. WITH OYSPEPSIA, FINE LIQ,UORS ---- "I ..


Prlo.. PerOal Prio•• P.. 0.1 , 00 114 Holland 0)1. UOO Old Peell ...... ll\cl Olu_ '00 xx GI. Phlladolpbl. .00 I Jr. A •• ud l'••ob llrand1 Paul Jonet "00 p�l 100 .00 I fl&Clb aud Uno., .. •.00 Itoot .nd "y. ",_0.-.,..., lAO I \\ hll' "hllllIIIIaIDr"_ 160108"<) ....,. ,.00 norD I ..,. of ...... pccuIJar 00 All kiDde of \I In... II to"'" -. E_II you do

and. Dm...... �.. Prodnce Sollcllea. lIot Iccl ....k,tha 1 hoc.. 6 • of Country 2111 COnll[nBlcDts aa4 of your IJItaD II tbat, .. '\ lua HIUDQUUIIF.JtS H ..UI:. Ou. STO II. coaatu"''' Put aDd BUlldl.. 11\. care for �bom .,_ lA••• yom lakb.11 lIbaIilh Ioto,_ Fa.. OF CU,LROS.


, t to (18 W.., .,..11".... ------. vVE LEAD 11'


where 8." UI before placing yonr In Nawe It rivayou strenrth. wr c to-dnz (0 kIDc!�1 suranoe \., e write all 1'\0 �lA L TO aced it. It rcIlCTea Cu a Oil 7S you molt GA.. FIRlI, IoIGHTNINO Rt NT GOLDEN EAGLE BUGGY COMPANY, 158 180 Edo."••d Avenu, ATLANTA', palo. It regulatesuooatural L "OIDElIT H1>A I TI{ STORM It bas bcco BOND INSUltANOK &: PLAIn A MOTHER MADE HAPPY Imgularltle8. GI AS, child has been able to A mother writes The first food that my was take for some time WIthout vomiting � til" tOIiU\\lJIG compantes ���� L L & G , Phosnix, Queen wOlllCD. Tr1 it. J II tford Manchester" Hal ATTOR�F.Y ��D COU�SEJ OR aU Drugglats and Casualty ( 0 At MI£IIER Fidehty GA IItel S PRICE'S w Undei DR. CI5 PIllladeLpIUIl � I Wile" co all co rts North America WHEAT FLAKE CELERY L�����-"- I B, B. SORRIER, JtOd( Oiled co.ts. sullo. ht.t� or horse I

work. wei 0 wltho It rounds fIOIIb for .n kind, of Wit that he eha ges J, A. BUIIEH • HInDH BOOTS I ex UOD the vtowe of tl e boar- I belng FOOD __ lYeRT'_Ilf I In the renee lng esolutlon &'1'l'ORNIlY8 AT LAW, has so much 1-18 as plump nreeae He eats the food regularly and Improved n of 1 ul that he IS whereas tho g I jury so 1 am delighted agarn GEORGIA SEABOARD as a and getting strong irch term 190G partridge ton co mty ro the M IS the Ideal food for children; prevents so well Dr Price 8 Food that the 41 tn tts I esentn ents reported AI. RAILWAY ill Office over the Post Office LIJq sour stomach and constrpuuon a 01 lcbn \V Hurt count) ph)slcl .rnr. --- •••_ .... I been ._. hoi', '''AI hlrlq nnd DI E 0 Riel 11 boon ha all till in 1I etr treat Most Convenient 10 Eat gulttv of groan neglect Quickest, Nutrilloua-Paialabla-Ea., of DI,••llolI and, ceommen I ment of the co lets nd Route Between M• .ll."•••,.. .11 ....,." SOUTHERN POINTS paclra.. WA.frJ.rt.��u.J Crnm Powc1w u4 famous (ood • Dakin. AND THE � PrIce the e�fJ�I!�� c;l�."tg�:: ��I;:C� WlIRll!!DURIRH[!!ENTAIIHREU08V!lDfUMP North, East, West or South. 10 CENTS A PACKACI At the Spa a.... tbe think Wherever you going Atfat Ie Stranger-I cnn t help S.aboard I, th. f••,••t, Homo Ing I 1 avo seen �o r llictU6 .I mOlt co..fortabl. way wI ere In the ne �fjl npers d'Oubt Hon Mr Glcatn an-Oh no � THROUGH PULLMANS I cen Pllbltshed I 10 do It t It S ottOI not mtstak I FROW Btl III gcr-11 en I was of?-Loo \\ wero you cured NEW YORK TO fLORIDA en nat den 11t lilts \'I.. HICKS' .I Columbia and Savannah CAFE DININO CARS �,��I?!l!E rl HEADACHES NEW SHORT LINE aNakoupCOLDS , nnwRRH INaTO '"0\11\1, lACON AND • SAYANNAH, ATLANTA TdIlI8ullIIk."� e Colla." tlMIll_n., lubearll Tlet., AceDt ... I or.,...... aU ,ou waD& toUo. to You CANNOT C F STEWART CURE

PART OR CAR SEI!\ JOE liE and rEr IIfEIDN" All ANlA AND AI Foley's HOl1ey' r;old· Drevellts ImeumOfllo II \NY VIA OEN rnAI

bctwcUl Is Home lures er of H

$14.00 IN HEAP Only PRE�CHERS FALL Freno Plate Mirror BASEBALLS I'or U II Oak Mautel HAIL BIG AS 20 i ch G .. e no Photograph When '!'U� Hearth a.nd Paoln", Up for Group 2lic for catalogue thow Lined .....lPer W'ronL Send BRANNJCN Oamaos J .A Do Frlghtf",,1 Platform Collapled .S1I100 dullnlli from '10 t 1100 Frozen pellets Town alt.... Statesboro, Gii. NebraBka Jl)esMoln.. lown Friday a In At E. Hunnicutt Co., J 1� han Pro...... les Mpn commissioners to the flve mim ft\ e GA Fot! torty noon ATLANTA lJeLmlls fell at assembly were brqll­ s b g{ neral stones ns large qyteriaD or 11 thro gh by the collapse crnsling e I nI d Injured Neb whleh ha.d been I nlldlJ \ I lows stand stocl( smul;llng temporary louts Jdlllng or gettlng n TI is vas tal I for the purpose Cl cps ereete - and destro)lng Teltt- Ooly ooe w... rninstonn pbolOQTaphs b� n terrific rroup lowe 1 "01.... Injured. .... tph S)steDl8 rloUol) IJhone C!nd tele!;l Vlostratod tho Ihipl)1I11I of a bOLtl. or twu. Ca••"noe.8IIt cle,.lan me, ·to·w.r.1 Ifr Simmons Tllks I"e that it Attention! I' can The I · }'QII r.adil� keepll Of Stnt"'lhor J IIII,il lit... N'�\\,!I "Whall ..,ur WII declared The Statel!lbOl'O wall To I me Cairly. bUly tuk iJlg care of tbe teudnr sur- RI,ortlr Of the the tlIJNIl.\Y,May:T�h,I1A.M, amoug tho ftrst to my People of urde .. , \IIIOORPdRATIID.) I vol- t o.n« 'Fhou VI""8 to the Cvllfed.rdcy. Sl'I!g: Almiyhty Rates "". bott.e of· is called to the IVerS "\\'. seud Plan' County Will'. Like D I untenred fur the wh,)I. Tells Col. Dillingham's Ki"g. Why two hnt,tles of PInt JUI09 Juice 0,' ...... ' .. , Loff'ered fact th a·t the R. Editor .,1<] (lell'l Mg'r. t.houaands of othur uoys, A Such PrH)'.r. J. MII.un, IS Remedies Acquire l.lmmeut of one : UP"11 receipt and the ----- had TI•• Sinuer ----�--.-- Gud IiI'" to my euuutry, if (tu" my or more III proportion. her Popularity dnllar, ..., IIli.1 Snllth, uti Iitat�1S 80 Wlllttd, tM dot'tmrl righr,At)u8 Rapid SOllg-·M Rnterl·ttat the ,Wllt utlloe 'I'b. Plallt Juio� i. a kidney, ill fAMOUS Mu, Dr. Mooney aud Col. lIIalllllU!.Lcr. served RR u $3,000 Moore, 0lU88 causn. 1 private boro us 2nd. hverund btood me.liolus 1 had .tollloch, Booth. the rank. fnl' hful ly nud, Plant .F. A. Dillingham'. ,,,,rl I. used III nIl CII'el of _... :ltJ, ,uon Col, catarrh, b8rmou Rsv. J&at.uru, O. "rid.,.. "1M)' until disnhlcd N GERMAN COACH Bnccalaurf!nte Ly L 0 trust, fttnrleHBly FE mediciue which is Y, the and blad­ Juice, ,tomach tr·;lIole, kidu-y received unon tho Walter a bllllot wound At, Anthon)', such 11 rurore Among dcr liver and Hl'J\I�J.II�N, WIGO. Ul'eotillK complaruts, torpid Souu: l3l.ot lJe "If! Ti. That IIAld of batt le. [was hOllorllu;y which is be­ PubllollUd 'I'ne,dny, 1111<1 F'rldny. by So D�cides the Stutesbnre t)""l'le nnd impovenshed blood, bei)ll( a graud Is now owned by a Coruuany of Citizens of this County, 1-'1JI1I.18I11NO from further service Biod•. "•• th.t.TK8HOIW Nfo:wlt dischargud introduced the local drug­ the Plaut Juice Ilig by Sprong tonic, aud and IS Benedletlon fl)r thl. reasou, . Kept by OOM.',un. i. allow remedy. gist•• pructically Liniment for paral.\'III, 10:80A. K. .. 01 tho STATES por""l KONDAY, service ill Ihe army THE UNITED Col. Dill­ at My It, WIIS introduced by "t,ilf deufunsa, and 0, T. His Stables in Statesuero. joiuta. (Jllinl, McLE!lOREI Saint 1\ Oonfederauoy wu. prompted loy and hns Plano 1'>10; ingham nloont a yenr ngo The olfer to ••"d medicine loy ex­ It I. no or.xl"',,ee to r"". Q Colt wort.h fre", '1160 Oonfederate Veterlns tho of "ntrlor,lsm. SENATE tn�r".tr,,"IoI� Brannen. I" Spirit him" furtun« which esti· than It '" t.r, rUhUJ nlll� worth $125, "nil 118\"t' IHl made pres. Will cOllt.iIlO;' ilideflllitfoly,OO .., '500 provid-«] addre·.-Prof. J. W. servioe no I muv have Stand Estill. �'ur such the hnlf uulliou available FIRST CI,ASS Stalli,,". Our titllilioll I •• I·,;gl.terod Ger­ Literury for to muted uhova For lal� by Sunmons Oo., much or little, demands ONE PRICE H.lldriok•. whether The Senate these mine­ noted t,ha w�)rjtl for thoir good selllu, qnil1t. murk. Although Statesboro, Ga. �.u O,oach Horse., �vel' At the ra'ular ',,"etlng : nod boot all.l'onlltltive StJv Lit, lYI)5 BlII.­ ',Vhereal, J. H. �J.tiIl. b1" .Rt'IJIIllllcnn Reclt-tlon: Little Doy will collect (ulir cirulat- or to dlle inti to tho formulA 1"'II"r .. l·o.oIble. t,h�l!t! before their HI'· Georgia and Alabnllll are Itill ��ibg mllde aud all, io rely ents of jllttgei Editb Turller, go IInle from thom. to thu benoh geuerallv (4) cents Iler I"\SKt!ngl'rS which io u.ed ill preparing to obt.ln r.U.f (rolO polntmt'nt; little ed, and abominations Revelations It i. qos,lble t·nltls at Dollo. Ilear-Ten where the workers of go. w,-re r.orporntioll without tloket.l bOllrdlllG' Son�: (See acoount of espos� that!y •••rvi e in 1.1," ,'It II not 011 allY ohrOlliC IndiM'cHtion and dY!I)t'l1'8Ia by Whereas, H· Seth's Letter. elt.!\'ntloll lu)(lll1 8tatlUlI!J where ther are tlcketll flgelltf •. Some atturuc),s bdort! their girl for me that Lhe use or Kodol For DyspeIJsl.. oauleof tho iu "hich 21:27,) liking people of the iStriott.'st anti whon an opportunity has betm R.cil.atioll: Th. Man­ CuufederaoT . sp.'·lal mo�t Cllses plrtI8&'1I1 R"gg_dy New.: of the 11108" flUSH! or luuA' Rtand store to shnke hopeless al1'orded them to Ilo�et8 be Wl&S wounded, 111111 Edito� CaDle to my "'he mllde by purchase I.riouly com­ It. It cnables tlpe. Ilppuintmcntll I..e, III have ';0 you .. Rubye 1 cOllcur with YOII Yllur yleJdml them ... .., seen them illg illlp.dlnto but who have tn .vl\lI , is kuow" as huve Predident noni�velt !lutl his negll!ctetl Polka­ . bonor..llly ,h.ob"rg.J, my honll, you the fnod you eRt alld exerciles Solo: Little C.rnil'al mentl IU la.t Iss"e I'n to digeat selves of Kuoll froIII Friday'o but its hut It ure 1I .."rly all or this privllegt".:t. I".mbera of thi. do while waiting hore, i� corrective the pred�U8sor to the That's n lIIf1ut'noe, blllldlllg up .. Lllc••. penunally Sill­ strong, atlltioll!l wheru Otis bills pretty 11t-'llUlicilitlons of opportulli to tbe in congress thiS so (Ill! nOfH1ICl'Jlcy Lave regard to tho fact thnt or the orgltns. 'l'he charauter, Bedtime­ aud he il kuown tu limply o"'iug emehmoy dlgust;i\'e hail not been atfurdt'd to Reclt.ation: Dollie.' Camp, . the dllbiel au nuo.en�lti refl�cli tile ty )Jurohace for oua year wher..,ln PreaidBnt upon pending are Juic. which I am oelling sturnaeh IS the boiler will oollect been a "rav. loldier; Divers PIDnt of hilllMClf nnd hi� tickets, the conduotor onl)' Meta for use io the con.truc­ RIGHT, pnces appolntmt"lIt',t Keunedy. Iteel, eto., Ilnd the sick is R}lule that keeps up your vitality, the Ollicen Bllfl sick people As thl' rellcr!ll nrc the tickl't rltt'. 1\Iama'. Waltz-Kathleeu Therefore, Wo, Son Franoisco help. Kodel predes.or.. jlldes Solo: tion of buildiul!s iu beeu h •• I�h nllo) .t,fI'ngtb. dlgoat« . Mcl,aw. rna" or \\'omull who hal fur life tilley shuultl cert.ainl,)' Member. ot I,,,fayetle and Milke. t,he stomaoh appointed McCroan. KIIectQd the recent di.ast,.... I used to Rob Op­ whit you ent. <'.M. by Deceive, tho most frolll tim cnrporntioll tault. but ft. 1M DRlIlI'CrOilliito Ne"lecta Nu. United Conl.d­ benefiled i. grateful the boiler III conditiON to be free Heoltatioll: DOIl't Tell-Sadie Camp, 506, II. can­ swe�t-puts we hear It remarked: oonf.'1 that, lome th iugs the President profelklea to bi! Flo\\' orten do resolv.: in the world do lhe work nuLure dl!lIIalltid of It.­ although erate Veterans, do heroby p.rRon and a fe ... Maude lI[oor�. nnd lome trults and corporKtionil most, "H's only II cold," daYiI ara highly am.neing the reahz. rl'lIef froln di8- fllhtlnar poor. caunot dlgf'!tive , I·hel. mall· press "We who lire well giv�s you on hi, back with lIIartha-Wlllibel Parke-. Tbat we denounce to the ft'derl\l benoh learn that the ,""n is Solo: tender and pathet,ic. and yuu in hape to do orlu.appointments foundu· very has weeks ulld month. of urderF, ,Hits anti This is of such C0ll1111011 hon Pa '0 0I0US cbargel"o without has one He who whut day" 'Jave been lIotoriolls cor}lorntioll pneumoOla. Reo iation: W Be�i'u8 did you ever think He who has a right price, only prise, b�"t, and floel your bl'st. Sold by Bv·the·by, Good your uconrrence that a cold. however slight, thllt we take th i. moans means. healtb, trust It IS only neceslnry ShllVe-Marv Lee Janel, tiollS and to suffenlll! \1',11, Ellis, attorneys. muoh about 01'0 have pay a he has competition. should not be Chamber­ why one has price-If more 01 ex·8elllltur dilrt'garded. - ollr hOlloro'. price, right lIfter "II il worth than auy­ to Cite the appointment Baeket of Roses N. of not defeudlug counter.otd Duet: ooly a for Ihoeo? It Wlsnollsin Rud.ex, IKIII'S Uemcdy any such high proc� and be· QUllrles of Oough 11110 \10. tlllull else in the world, ACllutlltl loom .. Joseph and Willibel Parker. ComJDauder, but integri­ Allotht"r Repuhllcan II Oarolin. of n oold to result III 11IU!U· BranDen loter.8t.s me very much, ao 1111 8enaWr l:Jritc":hanJ of Nort.h tendency t.o these poor eth Ann­ cans. I am able at the nallonol has it,s Recltlltiuu: 'Lihl _ ob, NOTICE of L"Clly.tte 1I1cLIlw, Camp. TURNER-GLISSON. CO. hell' Ilir tip oapltal throu,h of North CnrolinA monin, fwd guilll'd gr£'at 110I'U­ In or hla r.lolutlon of ty doel which relates t.o tho t.rilf and James E. Huytt Mildr.d Wood. .upport wil,b little or uo r,h� illvestigaliloll of lh� gu\'erment t·nle Rod exlen8lvl' sille irs prompt Blitch. mad"" Inaatttrly Resolved Further, That know· sufferero, bope tihe IIUlrRla1ll1 I'ldorn the larity hy C"", �I,,', nth, Senator '1'11110811 DOII't, koow ,hnt to point for Tat-·Dora a&r load of luauo YOIl Price Store. illsalile anJ It one's thisllltl.:tt COIllIIIOIl al1l1lt�lIt. It Vooal dUAt: Tit til" I have about a qlleltion. The One and hOSlliliUl, cures of - - 01 outrages attacko Bro belore lor tillS realon, Gig-Nine .pe••h Qn lb. subJeot iug tbat the8e helng that them, 'Soog: Rig i-Gig a I .. of the advlwce to rt'a" of the orllelth�1f practiued OUrf!S and Is 1,le'l8Ant tn take, aud Ottil Luca!, rallroado In We.t a rge past more. arly 1861, revenue lawl in 1897. coudition of the preaohed deDlllndlDg to do itj lla":1 of Zarabia­ Starch Ilc . present The dl.turbed rllilrolld :!ItolllBch back in shape Reoitation: Celluloid be a beuefit I return the money, Trial boltl. IIf Iltt! right, Muslc-Orch.ltra. 7 pacKages command to WIIS an sermoo at Black Ireo, the l)rud�u hll Virginia, heen ad- .. lotere.tillg allti-,'ASS relieves hides of all kindl had bu.iueu fM eeveral , own work, Kudul palpitatioll McLomore, leatber ye" that loual railrtJI\11 attuaneys P"t.rnaliom-Dell Au­ Orville can Brand Soda Ilc· wouuded at tbe tlrst b.t\le of church last Many ""ople kuolVlng my rlw bill. 'l'heflti Politic,,1 7·pound Uuited Creek Sunday. re IIt·art. l1:ttlilelwe, 'iour stonulCh, mitted free ao water ,Ill the and now, 18 due, business bef, or the Sextette: Lei Sylphea-lIIillel particular:y "gh!. word,il from me 'l'ht! Wlll'1hillgtoll St'llr r�portl, an haY," all), It°gal EIII., Starch Ilc Maua.. .ent 110 then good, purchase rarely It burn. ole, tiold by IV. II, d.nou, 7 al, hOBpital, rRllrondH, unl�ss h.ort Olliff, Blitob, pa0kages lump Statel for twenty-sIx yearl. iu op,o,on, iu a larote d�gree, io invited to atteod and It .lJlarl(le betwe�n l'reiShlellt Roollevelt the court.• (ur t,11t! Turuer, MoDougald, returned to my Everybody who would not other"ile, Pantom i me: Star Spangled Tobacco lb. III home ou furlough, 'l'lw), Rre I)ulitinlll bUIl.i be I Orown's Mule ptlr tariff legislation it which is and Senator Penrose to defeat tim In- II a hlltlW t�It�C". The white.wal'1hinl( or mlly aud Don.ldlou, Searchillg 1.0 thll tariff tax, r."lIy the lit the home of Mr. Da­ were to tell Stubbe di.­ ling would ,up"se you If I and sane" men CoDe, hi. oommand and, honorably tn and to ,�e thKt 1'lfIlr� well ill rUrftllirulllter.ture; but BannRr-Mary and Galatea­ Oalico Ic s..m. �hat nil kinds of hide. were belletlt of the and of 8urKents l:Jellllllylvftlliu give .gent� all ,very Best per yard for the pllokers vid Ne.smith, on the afteruoon of whoo. and UOII­ K. Play: Pygmalioo reoom­ tbe email peroentage to tihc It!gl!illltllr� 8Rne I,raotlce in 'fUEBIJAY, IO:8Q A. and I oharged at R'icb�oud, by aud taxed you corrupt machine there another leue ar� el�t�tI it is Dot a safe and MilO Wood, Muslin and white goods per yd, I free fur leventy years them to mallipulate the iu Juue, ttl the Dell Andereou al!d enab.lel 'he tI�lt Sun.1ay have returned to IIIllr� lIet.rilllcnt.1I1 of hi. money 1 them, of power. 'l'lle IIIlohilie will ne�d.lD�re grt'11 Iud ftrl� pull tiCS. Graduatioll Ex.rci.e•. meDdation r.,imeDtal of th' IlO.:tt--utllCt! madall. Ooats' Thread Ilc for twellty-elght yean, duriug whole hide market, I see the than ftny other Award of Six to the faot th.t tbey have than ten Admillidtratiuu8 to'sllve it peuple'. hlt.erdt 8tlla Booo.-Mi.... spools largeoll.. He theu r.turnQd to four Mr. J. S Burrell'1 !chool, at owiug off their S.xtette: wbiob tariff ·rull from IIlt.relti have 10 .,1I00oh. uuttln, for 'I.H ""riBd recently from the wrath of all outraged people. railroad IUcb aa Rookllellow, *1.50 ."d at paoking uot been benetlted, ]!lot II as GlOr"., McDou­ Shirts. price olvil dutiel In SavllnDah, inlti­ United Pleuant Grove, io gettinR aloog reduces their oppor­ Davil, MoCoy, to eleven per oellt., being control .,f the rlilroad ':IU\tliteM lth 01 Kooke· I.. who for lie acquired oonven.tiou took at of all H h.d all the w •• �eoator La Follette Is rnlng '1.25 Sberman'. .11''' boarding 'fhe plaoe mlechlsf Rud \'uters you Alden aud Blitch, Shirts, price approaoh for the of aud are uicely, Postma.ter Rubbed. tunltyof gald, who are hi. ene­ tuted pllrpose r"iliug State. Le.tber company, of the Standard Oil magnlte, you friend. are, and for lie Simmoue and at tb. time tilt! actions feller, a and hi' I �1.00 ,,'atelt witb Mra, Fo.ter, the mother of etore, 0, W. Postmaster at IIhould for I'aet, Hentage; Shirts. price reveuue. In wb�n tho their Foutl, Riverton, p.rtles ·a better medicine Elo.y: offered two very Important 1807, tightsning grasp ar. tine since the on oould no' buy miel. He oontiuually Crops lookillg tber. were a dosen and representatives and Sboes Mr. Jame. wbo wa. a true fully people la" nearly lo.t hi. lit. and wa. robb.... their lIenators than Ohlmberlaln'e Pre.ent, au OpportuDlty, the Hepburn bill, Best oil 11.11 FOlter, ill' bill was coo· ae­ in­ comiliaints amendments to grain Dingley tar beiol! the whole busin"l by rainl fell. mattt"r, for n will bowel up�u to obtain an interview of all comfort according to hili letter, thlsimportaut Diarrhoea Remedy S�bool voted th.m OODfederate, and Col. Ill.tlII , wllitiug if Oholera And Friend.bip-An­ proml,tll sack lie a of tlfteen per cellt, additional established aud cl:les they Coli c, EBBlY: the Republloan. Salt per .iderAd, duty quirillg which "For20yelral h:s.d ohronlc dicate more tnanlnytiujf can not however, volunteered 'With bi tn, .a),s: tho rn lIt elutnent phy.iclan down. Tbe Democrats, witb other oitizeu., or the or 'J'he nie l\Ioore, on co"hld�. wal' imposed, leaving heretofore I liver wblch led to I"eh ..e­ aro frlenda people for collo will It take iud�peudent pl"ntl. oomplali,t, relll, a better prttparation him, How long . out· be .1OOd on hne of and when Mrs, S. 180 8ullivAn St"Clare Owing to.'the many people prescri Duet: Rbaplodl., bl CO 10 defenle, al Joyce, •• and Hungarian and the Williams & Son, .uch case "tber raw material, goat­ that tbil il an uun.ce.oary vere or Jaundloe that flnr­ oorporatlon both for children and Oooper, an Lenroot, H. R. oay writes: About a Statelboro whe are anx­ even,;n>: Ind diarrhoea, and Bran­ him, W.I evacua"d Con­ mont, N. H., year .id� of this 2-lIliI8e. Hugbe. 01 Wlo­ \he by lee but two .. er nalla turned yellow; When my dootor lIuccels of No. decent Republican. oity akin., eto., froo. I and uujult tax. Congre alight YMrs adult,s. 'fbe unirorm root of the GA. I bought two buttle. 01 Fuley'. lome of the wond­ ..-I-A-Il-e�r-'l�'wen ty PULASKI, he re­ will ago i01l1 to secure Electron whloh IIctatioaOllr- III or to oan for federate military loroe., Oue to Ilf­ to remove It; but congroel l>feBerlbod IIItt.r.; hiS shown it to be perl nen. to learn that tbey hope realOll1 for tariff. II. Ourl'. It oured me or a 8eYere remedy when oon.ln Kidney a mB for brTortlln. never .nll of Womau­ ... ._... ·Snannah b8cauII he remove it wheu the .rfull ramedie., .pecial f1ured me and have kept well all otHers. 't; falls, •• Influeuce from the Ro vel�Spooner­ �• mained in induI­ only people several IS E ay: nu�hln.. IIW ford proteotion to a young 0&8e of Kidney trouble of Jeara' lIr with Wlter Ind Aweetened, lIave • direct lutere.t i.n it eleven ),pars." Sure cure for Bl1Ioul­ twonty 10aro reduoed oOOlbllo" � w.. a cltizell aud unable to who �rder d·epartment w"al organized For more .than l.mll18huuld Maud. Branuen. Aldrloh and tbe oth.r to ralll a ItandlnR. It certainly i •• rrlnd"ooo Min· to tako. Everl try; II, no tbeir lIeSB, Weaknel8 and all Ohnloq St, ,Ie.aant All el)ter, in uocertain way, few to send mediCIne Neuralgl., K..... of 31122 with It. Sold b, Humhle "t Grea' leDder furtber lerVlce in medlolne, and [ heartily recommend a dllYI 11110 J, D. y, oe E..lY: Orll!lIl military . little maDey, Tbe bide tax haa it. I.lvor, Kidney and Illldd.r "a' torl,lIred by Trouble. prote.ts againlt 1 Stll R". .. .. Old North Carolina Corn 3 X.. I 00 OllSlp:1ted, Feeling D.WITT"" COMPANY. ClJICAGO. ILL 1_ tban ...... lIoD. TUESDAYS AND FRIDAYS. 11111(' & e. Old XXX Whiskey .. •• .. u&Ou Old North Carolina Corn X. a 00 ELLIS. 21 4 While he Is e,Tcn efrol t to H. court ot the Untted mnl,lnii. Sold W. .. •• .. •• 2 2& New 4.00 con 1 ho SUIII ome Price. I by 01. Kontuoky England Ilrum • 2 00 to Atler acvontv dn)s of almost Good do New. Publllhing Ce Farmers Got mill Ko The ataulboro B[1\O tho I1H's or his encntu, old W. ar. for .. IU If Old Nelloll 2 60 Jamaica Rum .••••.2.00 to 00 ICUliOICtI n decision H.adquarter. - uatca of cotton were • tlJlIIOIiS 1\ voto or 71 Stnto!.1 Montl'\y ------1"'1\0 hundred htm die uenbaruuon, hy - cr to let ..... hl!i IIW� •• Write tor ==---- White 2 u� 81 . Old... few s tor Pure Rye Croix Rum.. • 2 00 to '.00 cnso of Unltcrl States �enlltor prl hnt sold In Ilf'� notus u cIa) ago tho seuntc lnte urternoon tho Is Ihh tl Jcnnl old to:1 r'lIdny ..,urned Seabrook. •• •• boUI., ••• .. Tbe tcle))holl� lenvea La BEST13ABY MEDIClNS Pur. 014 Rye 2 60 Rook and Ry. 2 X.... a 00 ••ma. Ii:mptJ Il 1 -I cents J hla still 500 WORLO"S JtJsollh H OUl tall of 1{lInRIHl Tho out of Eighth In Rooter. THE passoll the lull"n) rutu rcgulaunu o. To" ... U.u..... , tho retegruuh Gcorolll .... et put Old Baker 3 X 3 00 and X .. .. 10 It hos not) or unsold cotton III thQ DRUGGlsr.:J Pur. Icy. !loclt Ryo. 3 a .111 6lJ bull\ In t nC\I rosto. or Iho 25c:t&.-SOcts.ALL deetston wna Burton. amlin '1 hel e I!t Acccrdtn � tho statuto Itgaillst Ieotlon I nov 01 "III .... •• S &0 Peach •• •• bill, uius pluclug upon .. IIl1tl It farmer-a Old Monopol. .. nnd I.ot •• fro. oaf bustuess, \\ (11 euousce held by tho Honey are a f prioe. IIarp crnnnlzorl mtlttta or (he ljnltnd atntos tho decisIon of tho Unltotl Stutos J'oJlowill, .. •• .. .. , .. 4 UU .. tho bntld!:l Ing for both IAwla CaUforula Port WIIn. 1.00 bOfJlw tho Inw stlongLhonlug room I i» Pte ,'O m tment 6,6 ------rssuo ,10IJal jmll tor OllstOIU tlittlilct ... Pure HoUand OlD 2 X •• a 0,) Best Wine.. 1.00 cOlllml�. CitCllllt co lit lho •• 0. OorD fro.,l.III'co".oo, on School Tax Levy. Blackberry or tho luletstale CClnmOtco ... f l!Jht r"'�1It [II Inl1lll; fll':::hth umonrr tho HlillOP • at O.n.... Oln X 3 GU tOll \V 19 • .. "00" London Is tnldllg 1111 the stull) utt-rck the rullrunda all uro Im1Jorte4 • Best Shorry Wine I.N sloll of 1\1.11:11;01111, b) whIch 8111 Bolla•• GID fro.. 1.11 J ho by ot with ••••••••••. ,1.111 or tlJO unloll In quotn tloOI}S .ftDO,". .. re ovlded B..t Corn'" Brandy •• •• 3 UU SWOet O.ta�bo \VJne .... 1.� InW' tit om bod· I,Clltllllcod 10 blX months' hilI" IRon­ ns this new Is • Uo •• 110 • liould the fnd SPIClIll, Ii 'iienool tnx levy pi WJllle • 1.M) • • • • 1 •• 1'111 to spocl Innk nnt} file Tho • •• • • • • Ru. tr... P,I84 militiamen, MIs- XX )lononr._.... o.lIon'lold tho White Malt •• •• 3 00 Onso • ... & 00 to 17.00 It:J or Iron .. the b\ lile �1c�!lichCLClI ))tlJ lJQssed by Pure Rye Goods.. IIIIClIt of dellll.)cnltic 11IInclllles, mcut III tilt) Jail cOllnt) tho r\C\\ YOlk \\011£1, \\ 0 ro • • • •• • • • •• 1.110 CO I.GO Ultllks ropt,(>r, bleh IG 1\ comprehensh Tar H••I Olob. •• 8r...I... • • state BIl UI(;!I1SUlO duo to 1.I01iit to I") n line u[ $S 500 AcndcNc lost ICc1slut 111 0 renched the In pnsauJ.Je Is in IJlISt} Ic()uhad '.00 01 tllC glo\cs oC 1101 t. gl\ es tho Ilumber or troOIJS �UQ8 AND PACKING FREE. Old Nlok .•••••••••••• .. l)hllosopll(H hOlllnltor tr.m . c \SO of ucLl\IUes lind of Plc!:)i. IIllU o( lhe II,!;ht to 0••• roeda l6.oo..,r cllle caul t Mondny In lho dh tllC ollolbles depl(\ed I.M) hOIlOI of PI en( h slute, showing the Islou<;, Your ordera wUl rocelve n ltenUoa Moll or Ill. , ..••••••••••••• JUII� In tlmo IUl\o Ihe being prompt by Tolephon. Try Ifo. ••4 ... H.nll\\u� unci Bunking t.!cut ROC:DO\ olt 'Wlth bllt 50\ en hold oUt.� ulIllm lito govelllluont Alll1l.... ot .In.. ,1.00 par r.I II'e lJt'olgin. •• '.00 nnd stnrlOIJ3 • • • 1'''1 best 80llcI!l at our bllgU(iCS 1I1.lnll XXXX Ko••n...... rnllkNl ,,1111 tho tux \ otes It In tho houso and bllt 1'110 \\US hy Ju�tloo I.... Cr.11lpnll} 's A l\l Hutchinson, mllltiu ot .1g,lll1st Olliulull Gordon'...... , P.DO per .. 0\ (II one IOUith of the 80urllo.. • •••••••00 Do. CUI. In DUrllJJl a 014 L,ndoD u[ H incock counl� thl ce In Lhe Honato, this ne\\ luw All or thl.) points ,llllile l till) colkt.,;lur tho Unlled Sto.tes nlO It eluded in ... not be COlH:ili nod liS llllrUlinn logt�I'" inlOI4.lst WCIO o\cnulc{) a tot" I ifA�HLEss_-EFFECTIVE the E:OuthCin ijtates, \.hlch has '\ PLEAsiJ(r. & Southwestern R. R. 00 �co..l"'- Millen It lenects lhe ton \\ as oil6cutoll on ,,[N�:LY::A.N, 11IOf.CSBot lIns l1eclphcrcd MIIII t'l-Dollar cotton Factory. tlon Itl lillY sellse pop SOHutor Bill III :9:. 0 • EJR. A OhlclIgo .. I The roste! In owelr:ome.'0"IrM�7Zlfi1jIMTROU8lES-W"';,.rrH&ciI!�"9Ar.Y Quat of 25.0 tlOOPS uoollou 1782 "hlch ohl HlIlIU'SCS Colonel T M S\\ 1ft hus been ol'fer uhll deshc the Chili go or \loIIUn,; nil 11I';:<':IJntloll In tllcntes the decreased Ilel ecntuge ot ATLANTA, GA. 2116 St. Bullan St.. West, us this which In bib 113� the plesldency H. ELLIS. ISlIvplolllentlng, docs, th'4 at tho I evlse 1 stotllte::;, IlOl :\Inl IlIl\e been cd ltlll accepted III tho 11 atlonal guU! dft w. G.orri' T.I.pbon�. tC!!M of Ills Illnilinge r,t'gll t I Japs 110m •• O. MI. No.3. OJ InLel st ILo COIllIllUl co 1I11 sonntol3 ond rUJllCSOlllnthes BOll. r cottOIl TIME TABLE 19i1lul low, Its cf n 0116 million dot.... fnctoll at n 01 01 dltfci ant. stateD there being ., but he "111m t gentlcllllllI, the HCI \ Icea 8... -ria. klllg wllhin l'or "hich !lbnscs lill\O beeHtCI; I ecch compclHmtion fOI 001., to be locnted In Elbert countl In 1\1\11) Ing 111s houbll'� to !llCt;Cnt onl) tweuty-onc COllllJUutC8 I o'olook ,. rD, Tim.. be "oulll hn\ e I,ept !:fteothfl SUliday, August 4:"h, 1001. 8tlndlrd lilt.! tho nllll J cbnta In\\, Ulltlf::1 lelldol�d beColo 111) of tho IjOVOIIl It \ ('I \ SIt::>1 t tlmo I ho moue, Is .111 ul.ltt!ti, \:olk n�luhl. SCI \ Icc mullul in Il\ers Ihe �C\\ trt cntals at -= '\ lllel1 iO nlllll} SU(;ccsflCnl III oeceu mont t10j1nt llJlonts In I1l1l 111l11solf, In sight, and Colenel S\\ SOlltltClIl slates '1 hI:! m(JIt! � of the Iplol tlons lebating Illlvc-estJeclnl� "hloll t 1I", UI nmonl II) W bo once 1.110 nctive scrvlce of the llOW Nonrlil Boo.... ngulnst glJ\ at the D:lUonnl 1011'1'11 .squaD, The decision of t he high school prln wll �e congtcgntcd t.\ a )enls-been \'Ons clll\lgod COIiCCI n 1) "ltllJII lhe p"st ested Ho ijllEclfIcnll) nncl Ilch Park lu , mlHloeuvles III Chlcltamaugll. .. In s on . I����*�"'���"��""�"'�I& lI d this 1l0W law ... u 1(;(1 or pOl House, clllnis to let Ihe bOl go phl)IIl'; . . L. CO,� ...4 DOWD. Up. condllctOu., pluces "It It ncc ptlu:i S50Ql Old Liquor August f tho [edol,11 ,\IIt'lOlltios mCllth ... flam the Rlulto 0\ hIed the 91evlll lhe hnnds ot fOI t1\ e Reliabl� is Ii rnllounl onc III "Treat" for the Banker•• month footbllll A . . . J'. STATIONS. fOi tho legullltioll of all campan) of St ST. I 1-1 IIOnsuror full 110,,01 Glaln nud 50Clllltl05 WEST BROAD gallIo be subjected to 11iOllcr ll(ln Cltull('s Tlcat, 418-420 ('iulil' Candidate Withdraws. DEALERS. that hnt, com tho Nunnaltx 8 hlloos in IntOI slaLe COlUlllOI cc Louis rOi SCI \ Ices I olldol ad I ho\\c\er. \\oulll of Ihe United St.ltes will address tlons Its 1'Ioprlct�, 01 G 0\ Nunnlllly ot Cov;eta, paM· hUlU Ga. h,11:I been complalncd or 11IClutilUrl 111 nil offoil tu PI 0\ ont thl) Unlon Savaunah, l"IOIld.. bunkels al tllah J1nlJ� CCltnlU hnd It not GOOlgitl und Opposlte D.epot, Dot ba\c UCCIl so lor of tho Second Bal}tist Chul cll ot cstalJtI!:Ih IlOW the €I to fix aud un 01 del tho I)OstolHco de oElsl:llon In Atlanta June 11 A I 1,0\\ utlCQ uf by jOint reth e tb4.l IlCtiOIl at tho colleges, Ne" has nUllounced his tills uso of tho beon fOI nan, and TC lSOIUJ.blo lates, and tmont I I ohlbltl�lr; tho 1C'l1l�1 I cech ('d bv PI asident Jo­ � to just 1':l.l ju.,l like ment Cram the I,LCC tor Ornor H03 �,��.��,�,��,��������,�.�tt.����If "C \\ol1ld 1:;'0\ lOll ure, ad :\\ IIlch fII0 Ptottl genernlly decloelng CO"I1OI'mIr of Gvod Liquor" n�" la" lepleJellts 311 Im110rtnnt malls the COlJ.wall} P:El.IOE LIST. sellh r Olmo of the GeOlgl, Bnnltew' Perhnp. Y01l Ille II of -h) his followCls to tluow their In tlIllC VOll \\!lllt nn !nl lIqwJr IInll Poel\. JUoa II'RII:I. teunls shall no longOl phi) H mgecl Older. If nt, n.ny CApel \ once In legislation JU!illcOS Blouel WhllQ thllt Iheh Assoclutlon cont.nlned l\LI 'II cat lie I have send URa tlltll prl•• quoted p.r ,.no.. the side of Dick RUI;!· you o\el onl COlUmelCC nuence on Judgo :ff! to Lool. exceptIOnal Untlel Il, the Intersfllt.e uuiteu In opInion ue tcums, nnd nlso thllt of the IIssocintion s Invito "" wIll be glud supply YOIl, bam dlStiulltJng' " "Hit high s<:hool celltullca stnnds tor t116 .. .ge uIHIBtlellgLh \,lIom he declat es greut h� full 1l0\\01 lo OrowCI •• 1 .. B sell, COIl1111lssioll gl\on II\UIOtl by lu�tlcc x x 0111 shlill not be pelUlIUcll to lion lO oddl cas Its mombol at tho Btock alld J[ ,I eo freslnllclI nd\ oeated � prICes' dlscllmhllltious In to Ry., principles ho GOODS. I egtll�'te Sl ell III Jhe CCI'It g'lllllhld IL me-tion Gt. • CIt In CASE 1 M) X X X au ulIl\msll) teulUs 01 Jntc!l" jolllt mectlng tho state exocuttvl) Pcr G.Il X X Ry. wbllk., • ])In) The action of @» lei r>tnto eOlllll101 ce liS the shlllile Ii lo £elllltol BUllon 'll • lit rer Oase ghe sixty dll\3 100 JUDlper Gin, 40ubl••temp.d contests Such .tellon by the rei to " X X X R,. wbll••' colle�late comlllittee In using ndoIlt $16(\ of Ibo countl), have loug been com a potltlon fOI U 18 Offered G N. I College. \i Good nyc WhIskey I.- \\hlch to rJlej)11l0 I M) BRANDIES an4 WIND. Library eac'l 1 dot III enfolce lcfotl1l at some mensule tho ,ate of 2 MOllntll1ll Corn, [01 "Ithout the Ute Bourbon colleges "III plorating lblllet 2 en IS Old, 00 Turk('� 1l131ulng, nnd jllstl� 'fhe Ilction \\111 halo PI et:ildent p(U l,s of the GOOI gilt Nor X 0 Rye, j heurln!; .00 com In accordance , 000 le9.50111\1>1.1 X X X Br.n4, est nbuses of hlg11 schoo' ('ounty III entioD, oil! :1 00 case, lio )loner to fix a just antI tho calm 0\ 01 nnlll Appl. of the gun IlIdu�trlnl Collego .It �Ul Rye. III ears effect ur t:.lklug mal lind of each F..Iglc 600 X : � I ••n .1. 101 with the t eSJlccth e strength I' I ,IUZ"" III ell'., fis lute-the lulhond 5 Into havlI1S 11})on or COlli t :��!,:;�o� Appl. Brand,. , IIctified MI "nrs 01<1 300 ()ablllo', I tho Uctobel t011ll athlotlcs hus beea by Leo Rye, 4) ledgt) 1110 Is KllIg 800 K.O.bln.. • 00 • 014 .00 cllnc1ldnto In the pllmalY, gl\ell b) 1 In CU\:!!'" 4s beou found unjust aud ,\ to O. Peaob Brand" ,.on X S old 100 J(lllg 1 .. 00, dozen invesllgntlon Thill the seuiltc Itl be compellou \\111 .J W Pllimtir e, .r� • Clinegie thnt 1\0 .;1\c $15000 for Rl • (1) .' 1 It reason - re.lson to belle\ e the clblenl as the chief dozcII In cnse. Is 12 00 UlII ensnnnble the commission hus ense Is indl· Wol"''' Prld. BI•• ..I no Thero Is a 01 NunnallY fI uld a 00 .f \V P tIJIII>r. 1 tnl�o cognlMllce (If tho norr, tOi !]. lIbl uly rOi the college, III Puro N. Onrollua C(lt n, yr:) stated that the 10 ..In. I". 11c\ Ot so ICuto "IU,(huwu.l lie 1200 been decision Justice liar" Old BI.okb.rr, sen so of OUI people" [I:s tho mnln his 200 Vtctllllln.�c.ldozenIIlC1\Se,4s helpless cntel.! bl the \ Ided IS ruised fOI t 2)rsold ,_lin .I� $15000 :: - lule was unfair to the senate the bill sentence could not gfr8:.f:n�o�tuo�,. wine 101 Itlllni nud col­ phllaHtY' adolned J50 As it "nsses Iuu IInlel th It the ,Port us it Is to lln� 'lite IlIdl\ tennnce P,oaluc'tt P 11 1,8 Will IHlng "1)rolcou lendCled in the New he bllilt ole:tl X LIQUOR ".te. and .olloe.te U StlUmor. WIth 8 A. I and dcnhng In coal alld olIH'I1 ,h.m mJ plac., .u;ldns thch co·opl:lration ",... oWlliJlt; Intended lo tni,e fUlthm IB!;II stolls, 11.04 .OID. •• in counl) NOW. J: f.r S...Dn.h and ..DI.o' to , 'h. ollJ ond Uquor plo. eu· f.olll L....IUlanSe Tloup WE OAN DO TRY US oooneato with Uentr.1 ot Goorrl. oaDnot find I' oon llns Ins s the new Associ I Train No•• oducts It hus lines, cx not alleo scnnd public OI)lnloll I he of 111 , J)ut plpc thl·t he docs lis, promotel a Sw.,n.boro and '1ftA':IW::'8 but flom the f.ct .. .nl( ..m ,bat yo. will F' nnJ,J1Il In Heald to attended to Troia 0 ooon....., 8t111more tor ".4107 w••, tro.. I•••bo lIot I lu.r.n"'. m llOfJ�lbly m"Hle orders most and No. anlos !lnd c.lI au' Ihe rood. lOU of condign punish tion Insist IIltlt no right Is beins All curefully. promptly nd Dublin. pless coml slccj)ln.; CQl;\C fiS dcclclod In torcell Its ueClee!; It Centrol ot lor A 4rIon,•• I e�nl d his Unlil) Wbo.. .r. In town .nd rll Icl\. In 1'1 'On J1nll(�1 I,eat "r (,In.. With Georlll, mu•• .U ord.r.. JOu UIl1IIS\\ Gil A3- \Ie can sell to advantage, •• Bt.te.boN ,"Uhin the Ilur.lcw or the b. Oub aooomp.u, "Ittl the IJlcsenl Georgia Hlcdlclll UB OOUNTRY PRODUOE; your .rrl..l ollroln. Irom OolltD lId companie'> S anted fOI n pi...... ment thc ofi'elldct:) conspie 1111011 Ship your Tl,ID No. e ".partl alter .Ie\\ of the sixty dn) G'I You wlll b. wold,m.. La.. f., upon 1001\8 III,e n prunllC'1 or the A.tlnnta, ifmnment In .nd r.... .Iw.y. \. as "ttll tho G.n_1 ... net It has I estOi ed tho Impl he wlll tlr.d 4rop ".J pl.oo soclntlon. "hlch mell;ed "otld like to hllvo ordclB fOI P'OVISIOUS. rRANK n. DURDlilB', )(on., I It Is Intoll ed us "ell liS justicc, \tl:tu�lc nud YOllr eheu.lug uons SC\Ctit) BI mi'l,;Il.!II' a' d two had been slilchon w.I'. Union D.pot. Ama! IOIlD Medical Association pellRltics, \\hlch a. buUdlol, oppo.lto It nllm ( the [:)1I(ln8 I It has pro\ hi s It Is stnted thnt NEVILL �� I out b lW, Bill tut' does not loslgn yOUi ago L� CO., 11 81:1110.tOl of tile and TC\\in3 S,,:nc In Law. �. SAVAIl G1. to tllc nustltlct CIties to some fenllllCS 1,," cd addltlonnl lind bo,ero pen lltles on'lllcnt rlClmtOi B. WEITZ. All. AccolllluS' be! of tlocLOIS object 'at once as u p tl'al thero is J(�ally X Ga. 01 1110 S'ountl. IlSSDclntton nll(1 II C and J6ffel'SOll Sts. Savannah, nnd conslb'lloos wlllcll jntt� Gmmnn eCllsus jllst 11IIullslleu of the national Cor , UIOIl con51gneiB a H}soJutlLn will bo lalest Oongress It, (lHfCl ence botween the WOI tid pu�e ern no leg:ll \' hel c they ,I fOlCC: 01 tnl�o let>fltes flam the lQ11 \UCilllt Berlin thc population at the IOll1ll11� 11l 01 ganlznlfon �jl�������* uucol1 to deelnle hlB In v' and tha GUOI gill Sli Statesboro ell town, associ \ ����� romls rhls IlrQ\ 151011 being aImed nUl Savannah and Railway IUlles hn� may act fOI themsclves The s lito No\\ YOI!, tlcdEiloll Jl pirc, Sll� C:)lllt 1I.)1I01ds the busts such [1S SEPT. 1905. plemQ lIew featUres tlcul:uh :.1t'lhe bleat TIME TABLE IN EFFECT 24TH, WOO tlon \\111 have Illan� VICE CONSUL ASSASSINA·iED. scml dcc HIe (rOl. the c l�e at th':! increnscd in the lhe lu\\ Cr caUl t In Slnndalll 011 It n,H; slvcn the co 11 50 )137178 to JjO,UO�,]S.":; lind emmell of S'Il1ltl.\Jlle \s Music BQUND. 1005 ftOlU MU)OI Statesboro the to COtlllleililiholtd3 BOUND. EAS1l, to The mission power at WEST B P U. Convention, Atlanta, W. H. stuart, Our Represcntatlve 01 n Comrnlfn.lonel s of Lee Georgia connect with No 90 No 88 No.' This is n lIet uut.hUon ot ",'!3S,OU� the 1)15110118. I�' to put In S\\ itches to 6 No 3 No 87 No.91 Jl nil 19 ('1 Batoum, the Victim No EmHln Ille clalmeli to be n ot It h.IH Dally Dati,' se\Cn IInti aile lIlllf l'CI COllnt:, tho 1J11vate tl Delis shlppel S, Amellc,ln 'Ice­ lIttlc lIlOie tllllll t\fcl"th ,tIlum! CUllvent10n .1f '" H Stualt lhe Dally Dally I tho .ICt of the leglsbtnre nl Tho not I!lzcp. Illd clt� and j)lo\ldoli thut the COlllts slhlll nt hla Sun', Sun', Excp Into lH�llI'; OIlC s Union of rSt;��f'-lli�=ds "as shot nud Itllled 8uo'y Excp Excp cout, the a\ClnO'c the !{cl,tist YOtll r; People �;'th;'Lif;pcli;� consul, In 10\\ ('d dlslIollanllos 0'11\ holrt thc commission S Intes on ex Only. Sun'y SUII',' UJ) neal Bntoum SUliliav Sun'y Sun y Only. cent lI11nlllltl� _H this ,,111 IJIJ held \\ Ith the '�o�t counit) plt.ce Only. OIlC bnlf PCI Gt.-orgm House III ------�----'------in Leo county PlitO hearings but no temporal) 0('1' Wanamaker. ') he nssneDlns esc 1I1ed ndullIce tlle 110IHlIutton of John 1'Ight A. M p: lIt ot of ee shall A M. rnte JUI1cti0n or Interlocutor), ueci M. Mr StlU)) twas Il BlllIsh subject, ... IlL A. decnde \. Quid be in Seeks 'l'HE U.NlON OENTRAL LIFE U 35 8:40 8:00 III nnother Immiorants. m 1887 until after fhe no . SIl\annab Ar wnny Cn3p County issuen the year by be J;'lante'i ds)s broke a ., No. 41,651, ['lld one of the Intgest shill T 15 7.15 \\e chflmbel 01 commerce Policy 6� 6:11 \\lIeli commission and after n .• 8'55 ; 1he COldelc to the •• •.• Cq'o'ler round nUD)bcIS 70,000000 I� $901.80. Amount, $20,000. tJc� In BlltOUIll 7 55 8 00 OOMPANY. Premium, Dud exporters 011 foot to bllns .L 1111 go INSURANOE Age,49 this be 8 42 7 n 1:11 alldltion frow hnR plans betol e three judges, ,Dlltchlon •• reflect thnt tlH!rC II; little herulng the le,olutionary trouble of 8 08 ('COI nnd goou DIlling lIumbel of 1101 th gloillS Bo.con Dmenclment • 8 37 7 26 cOllsldclaule loss IIlg the wrs tlmell .F;ldoro • '" ,,45 IwmlgrotIon null n GEM ll!.st fult bls lifo man) 813 flom 0 hOI st:ltes to CriSp ReverSionary house "III 5.86 fnlmel;:; VALLEY that the ••• 8 33 � It Is expected "l'om ho emcn .Olney thcse tlgmes show Year Dlvldeuds AddltlOllS till f:.:ntoncd by IOllgsbO! 1:18 trom emlgr.lt1on, this filII I'h�h !lIm Is to de thl:!se senate amendments 8.27 6'21 cOIlIlL� 14. accopt .)\oTlhoe ••••• .lIId C�lll1cltl tot lands that 18 ,16508 6, 8, 12, hatl offended 8'27 remarknble vit.llIt) nil the nnlmplovctl 1880 $00 Styles "Ithout as they nil tond to 1:15 ,(:'1011 chnqse, the cast ,Hubort • Bntotlm If:. situated upon 8.S4 ruce In CI county, nnd 9020 881 54 c.lme tlOm In the cnn be seeUled Ifill � 1800 �tl engthen tho bill us It [I ':50 growth ot F.lIacl( sea and has 110P' �Stll8on •• be In 19570 const :he 8 4G to cIa this I;ood rarmers \\ III 1891 11240 in Walnut, Mahogany t'IO hOllse 4:20 30000 r.hlotlJ' Tnrl\s all(l .Alcola Labol Illation oC 8 55 ducat! to mOl e to lhe section 1892 132 10 22247 With tho final Jlussago of the bill J Howard • the acccll!· menlnnll .Shenrwood ':IS The Porte, In recognizing COlllltv , AI 9 00 so 242 81 j Is I.lkt gl\lllg ant, eiISI) 1893 14540 b) the sen lte, pence and haplllne� Including ':00 contil meu trhc IDulopean nOIHlI[\tlon 10 Brooldet • the l()Jedh e, a hu number 9 810n ot p�esent cnn be filled up with gc 16525 26440 h 15 buen Iflstored In lh J.t hody 1894 of ahouL 5 000 It Is In tht! Pretorln 8"0 ns Hussmns, is 0\ er Slnol. Again elmo' nnLl 9 2� Egll1t's rights o[ small fallllers 228 80 1l(\2 99 \11 the ractlOnal Cilces dlstllct nn�l :1 1895 Grand at tho Russlm all 8:30 hOUl t os the The of nu 9 38 08 February, 1802, ousen 12 387 06 Ellington blltal ncss (lovelOlod In the heat chl�f lute 189'1 �48 oleum Is the tho shippIng of pet! "Scab" antI deDnte hn\ e been York whcn the Eg) ptlnll Cod Colsh to Yell 263 42 403 03 gollation forgot tralU8 hetween New SUD, 1897 In Oak ndustlv 91, 88 and 110 ore tl rOllgh pA�senger t\\O nOll-ullloll Imemen Eng'lisn claims au For culling I 41880 ten I eculvcll Its 27021.1 h I') conn.ecta Government rcnounced 1898 'j hc stntl) tJepm tmont Statesboro, no!e of CIl.! s No 87 at Cuy. wOII,s \ ,,010 caE:t Sav.annnh nnll IEl R .MIC� er, "ho I'he three nes-nth e otes mCt,," ,ucnled scabs,' 205 57 434 48 tho mlll dCI In a :-3nvnnnah n..t 7 15 a m tor west certaIn to\'OllR it 110d n!teddy 1 S09 confl nmtlou of ler with Seaboard No 71, leafing points fOI the Atllmtn 'I elephona CODIllnny, b\ Sen \tOI FOlaltel lepubllcnn or 312 18 440 58 Ambrrssadol MOlel at at 1 connects Ilt lor SEaboard \llthdrew its from Aknbu Grand sago rlom dlreclton of Montgomory No 011) wIth nnd gUlllson Recol der BI 0) les 11)00 Jacob Doll Ohio and 8011<1tOlll i\folgan and Pet tn ".IS fined $575 by 883 54 682 98 The and 5 connect nt Cuyler wlt.h No 11 011 Hs .... umbsl rhe I 1901 Pete I sburg tor Savnnnah and Nos a fa'or at 'fmkey, the Porte, COUI t er nc no limit .0 l1C ani) of Alabama Ne 72 In In the Atlanta police l\Ic� 671 01 tus, delllocrutlil, tile uttcudlu; 1902 382 41.1 and Manogany from Savannah reconfirmed EJg� pt s rights to that he Cd lied the t" 0 I aq'll! un e It Is ttpt IlOl50ns Golden Oal{ part, IdlO" ledged In N ue 1908 30387 65496 RANDOl,PH ANDERSON. D BACOT. Iho Slual sold thnt the men mll<:t IJC:ll Cl(l h'lttltJ., III OIdCI to J exclusho udmlulsttntion of men' and I ADDRESS BY FAIRBANKS 1<1 6(\1 03 President Superlntondent. clHel I InJl'cnt 1904 405 TO ASSIST THE SOUTH '\118 toul� the plnces of union me" cntltlHl to penlueuln The rutkislJ age'lcssioll "ito their s Union 1905 43442 592 98 "ho "ere sacking to secure IllP. lJalllist ' People from to Methodists In Ccnference :!.t se\enl "eel\.s ugo, Dud E)gjpt a $2'30 Made to reported the chm cheri ror 450 40 606 00 I can sell you piano Com­ were scabs" IS u mo\ cment '�IUI�n I Hl06 In Securing Labor, Immigration tllo "ithdl:IWaJ of tho Ii,;-hts UlrminQharn then requested hnd Ihe eSJlectnlh are fhe I ecol dor that Mc� CI the tr.tlnlng of laIty, if! 'l'otnl additions to sell on mIssion Will Be Organized. sq.ld reversionary date, $7,19879 I don't paper-they 1 hurslia) S Resalo'l sent Il to 'fnbnh, Chtisthlll $10,000. Tbe feutm e of troops nnd guubout men on the streot� In find fOt Juno 4 TBU PAPI. no right to insult � oun.; pe:::llle '1'JIIB meAns thnt Ir the policy should be terml� hours. On Atonday and Tuesday, III IUS-INESS Dinnn \\US intol l� sale (.onfet once or th� ADVERTISE Btltlrdl cruiser Is •• Lllter. 'the sllch un appellation, Dod !:len !c.c I ho OI6.11l1�allou n.lad dpnt� In its • during be held in New of the gener") b� IlIljll�ing by lD(lG, raee, 20,00000 open for inspection ami 6, n meeting will half million chul ch sOlllh 'E AlIa IIIC1lASI leva Bent Since January 30 u satisfactory fined him 'lutlol1nl flnd u\lmbclf] a Plus the tho total nddltlon., 79 � them. nnd pUl In "umedl �rcthodlst Elllscot>_1 f575 UeverBlOnary 7,198 examine York to olganlze invite the to ='ii hilS becn expected mombols We public 'rhe Southern States b\ Viet PIO!:Hdent C eud at the Incident i Or n totnl of ate opcrntlon was the adMe35 8tate� on :Iud PostponeCf. is one or Ihe lending Commission.' the put· from but tho Pal to lias lIehl Populist Meeting Georgia And '1'\\0 FnB Pos�Mortem Dividends would be paid Immigration FairbAnks rrutc.rnnl dclcg.lte dl1l1y. bas With!'} W chnh Illan ot tho In B 'I P U wOII. and which is to sen e us n dis. IslulltllJclollglng J Hollown). �� )Jose of un TRULY mpls('opnl :\\ould hu\e seized un YOURS 1101 thol n Methodist tho some the greatest LV the 110pullst state committee, Issued its bounda of I trlbuUng bUi eau or clearing house, WOO IN YOUIINTIDST h.ld not the Diuoa lutcnened. OOUNTY BlHhtorlum WDS ALWAYS AT to Egypt s.t,ltement to the AGENT WANTED FOR BULLOOH labor to the ohurch The Imment30 rollo\\lug plesl:i,.un Ions III the wolld 'n fOi ImmIgration nnd tho postponement ot the feutllles IIle Olle Savannah uuthol weI e turr.ell DOllllr:lng I�hc elille.1Uonal and 514 south lIetinS' under the state packe(1 antl sll.lkes It.. :tl 504 ...., The LctlgCl of the cOlllmlttee, \\ blch \\ as Ceatures of the LUCAS i\!utthcw !), ...... "., 1e,u1lcUlH TIllS .An.. Philatlclphln meeting of the dlslll S'ulshillg , Jo thc s'butll Or W IS ... Th J A l' GAt' L. G. Illes away :HO\ 21 who ."nil ns Ilud IClIlml,s Peoplc cnllHI to meet In Atlanta :\11.1)' I'hese bIlIlS: to nIl the southern fJtutelJ sclt. It "Cle, OIg<1J1i�lltIOI1 Go, eruors or .. lO rlOm Borltcley Oal clel Jell doIOl.� tile the I equest of some le,ldlng n cOlllprehenslvc thee> to ;:end oue del the East tHe to 0\ ellool� "At sue them �=1::!:�����:'��������=,' on \ e heol) requested of .lpt I1l1l also 8j)ol�e because or the uOltllelll chulch POPllltsts all. the stile, Ilnd and thousands thete Is a glcat LInd gIO"IIIt; loglcnl tJnlnillg, $27'19879:J egate euell f.lct tbat committee cnll 80l1le membels of the UI e being equipped that ut peoilia C\ en whore F. WILLIAMS. T.... QRIOI. "·4.l8t '.vltey do Ie \h7.O " I1pt en9nt /11.)) 21 ,IIlU 0\\ Ing Alaster's "oll{ Hot I,a III fat tho - IjccUOU and enl\stQd time not ftll tllst.lllt tills THROUGH TRAINS SOUlO to Ute IIl1so"tlo(1 cO'Hlltlon at lhe po- ,,!til tho Ellst til June 4th 1005 tha ,,111 bt1 cOlllpl'thle: 1It1< 11 mind at the pref-cnt JlltlctlllO, Beg IOnlng NICARAGUAN OFFICIAL SLAI' del Or the Illl'" Savannah & Statesboro population nnd In comlllctciol suplcm I 1. tllought. bC:it 10 railway WILLIAMS & Kl1"OWl1" BRA:NDSI " . n latel trams CRICE,.. WELL to duto, run the thollslillds of Amellcolls Ill� of 0111 committee ..In passenger through THE FOLLOWI:NG II!,:). '10 Af181rs the Victim S'I'O(JK middle of Juh I'v1hllSter of Fo"eli!11 IN Em uut to POSiilbh to the to Savaunah Without ohange of --DEALERS IN-- r I,. "Ito ole Cnmlllm "Ith aile, KEEP 'P.ease thelerOIC so stnte In �t'm of an �s£assln oars Week day., leave State8- Monarch I,t ,,110m Callfol'!nln, Oregon nud \V.lsbillg­ Shulkill Rye vnl1181)Ie II'lle) and obi ge �OU}oj Coen the Nlca aguln minister bora 6 '30 arrive Savsnnllh Lewis' 66 Ute Mr am, Stook 1'� [,\ tau alc IllllOeS nud nothing mOle, Wood'" P 'ivate Tremont H. Vl'1 � tl ull lecet,ed u cnbla :4011. leave SavalJuah 4:00 FANCY GROCERIIS AND I WOOD, lit Wnslllne;ton I11G 8 m., L.IQUOB.S. Wilson "Goillen Onte' Is "iiliaut mcnu­ W. W. Oommonwealth MonTamT. Pepper term arrive Statftsboro 6:10a m. Wood;, IV stating tll:\t Adolro !\Itamh nnD p. m., Paul Jon68 Ga. iulllc.lth 0 of noth­ Case Recelvl!cl snun 1881 Savannah, lng, "Puget Sound" Ma.ndate In Rawlings 1�llve Statesboro 7 :30 a. River White Oak MoBrayer the Nlc:Ilnguall mJnlstCl of 10lolgn Sunday., Green Puck: 'U I) dls(allcc. do not 1\.1}OW AttOt ne) Genel ul Hal t 1 cccl, ed last Ardmore Ing but The) d'jsn�i31Ilnle{' m ,arrive Savannah 0 :35 a. m., JUG A SPECIALTY. 361S MAlt Ilffnlrs has becll TRADE Duffy 1m. � I, tbe Ole· the. mandate from 1rlaryland Planet . . Innd wbere rolled Silltllll1ny morning I leave Savannah 11'45 m arflve '6 ca. a Bottle. G-. Ibnt In lJle I'lle st lte de}lHrtment. has ecelve(l p. , at a Bota1t. ... PJloD" eOle CaUl t In Bl'ookhill BoWe. $1.00 , sove Its 0\\11 the UnIted 8t.lte5 SUPI 00 a 01110 sound !pruc::! G Dallev tile Statesboro 8 :50 m at r. gall oud heard n dltllltltch f1 01'1 p. _I, case Tbe rnundnte ...' " ., a Bottle. " lire the Rawlings Costn connec­ e ••••• CIIIDIrJ prada... '1.2� n Jcse trIUne make - dasblng" thOle hds Il,rung up Amerlcnn chaq:;c It San Week-day rOlth thnt thc supreme COUlt at the I"'"'! flam h;)\ the 1 epol )Jut gly tIOn at With West boundl c. more virile than Ul0h: 0\\11, 11le8 conlil mln� t, Ouylt'r �02 WEST GA. United IStlttes refused to go Into the BRO�D STRt'ET, SAVANNAH. ._- no detnlls S. A. L. trail! No. 71 for all of Ing POtnts "' Ing the Insllhatlon )outh 111'(.1 of J G Rawllngs nnd his two stJll appelll and hell nmbltJon Ouyler Montgomery, the »)Ilplt thnt comes \" 6011S MUton nod Jekise, who aslted fOI ,between AI.wbama Mlxod tralll Will leaye w11l Ie­ Killed Soldiers. rcnlb.cs Ulot thelc ure rot to o new trial 'Tbe paV01 be No One by State.boro dall stnte cOllrt �t Gelloral Oro�h h"s rt _ tecI to the V, except Sunday '.rhe 'Vest 1s a giant, It doe. vlev. 4.ld by lhe bUllrcme : JX)P911cr F'lnnclsco at 4:00 m and �1ll become lhe judgment of war department 110m IE...111 p. , making conneot�� 110t beg It dOCB not ask tor rcc" once, ta\ors, at n 'II' With S. A. L No the slale cOllrt 'file judge or the lint the nportcd Ittlltng larb'o Cuyler 72 o"nlttou, but It torccs the recognItion at PRINTIN6C�DS. I ecch'c u the army durIng Savannah 8:00 Lowndes county court will number o( 11e-Op1c b� ufiTing p. m: ��e!aotJOB by the <'X1)nndlng power of Its O\'\: II Incolrect PI iI;ClIo remtltur betore the expiration ot the the SaD Flanclsco fire 1s H. D. GRIlIlSHAW, Sup". We do all kinds of PrlatlnK at RellfioPlnb!c Iplendld vlllm,. II.I.L LA"D PElsallLm I."",. TO tiE IIlitllillletl'Rtur 0. t••• .J, G DlIII'II, 1I1'1'I'llbmJ, hu, 8IRIST. ,Iulll' (.:, IIlill'lI, Of �ESUS II ccl (iu I he under­ .. r fllrlll"11 IlJl lll'II" 1:!tIli bllld I .e....tlon Il"'V� loll '1r Betliu, MJlY IO-A I'!Ij[ut'li for V dt'I"t! und rlldti 'II1lllh'lItlun wll!It 1" 8/1111 ' NEWS. lC eccl�.i""al ..c&.oca1 oluoed III lirati .. In Junt heen Llic t'''tld.y STATESBORO I' hal hear.l un UIJ of what JPon, tho (lIII,l!oatiol! CASTORIA III'Xtlo 'J'lIh� Mny mil, oircles loy Ohlldren. S. I., )Io"ro, Ordhlar7. THE mo.tiut.reet· IDfantland tu ),olho 'or \,..,------,-������������� -� hi.torioal SUI·I·oI(T. inti and Important' 1·'0" YKAIUJ THINK OF tho VOL.�. NO WHEN You Orovf-land. document �Iesoribillg pAnon. Have 1906 The Kind You 01 • MAY 29, It I, a let­ Gt�t��,ln\IBu�IIll(I�:l�:�I::II1;'ldIIW 1'UESD.A.Y" THll':IKOFRAINES. Brauch i. of JeBu. Ohri.t. STATESBORO. GA., IInDWARE, sobool a� Reedy ulity Ih:I't'lItU'II,lul\'II1" hindu a� 'l'he Em· G LII II lor. Wlltt"" 1,0 the Roman 1211101lLh" IWPllOrt out ut of under the mau- tcr pliun("iull fIJI' 001. R. It D.Lunch, nicely n Lauter, Ind.� MrR. progrouing of Pontius Bought estlltf' of U. Strrckland. 1111 "me.r Always til" J. L V. peror by ttl let! apar' D.ld, "hao been vi.iting Mrs. of Prof. duly 1IIIIIOllliud Anti·Toxin and L L CI.lrtun, agement and hal been die­ pralaere, tlu�lr in To Serve Ikl"" I'ilut.'a COIlrJ.. 11II\'lug Illerl return, "Hell Fire" Remains (If I hi. been the 8111111', re­ C. S\rickh"'c1 city. Corine Wilson has the cOllccrlll'd uri' hereb, of 1I1i8O the of Illi persons Two New. r4.ched here SUllday covered in librnry Bears the before tlhe court Have Code. Tuberclulin From Capitol. for In 8tulolboro tu show QII1I81J Presbyterian "aRt 11'11111 und rain awhile Rome. quired In May Mr. R. The cold spendtng LuzurJst }I�Rthf:!re in 011 tile Ilrst Konda, the death of Benjamin AI,lli. How. III' urtllnnry 26,­ hns hee n IIIIV' sistar Mro, oet ,,,Id IpptJ..'IOD In a am­ 'be fAll' dRV. "'ith hor , churchmen have JOllie "ext why Trains. D.. MOloe., Ia., M.y which occurred •. paat Christian , 27,-Geor· Sharpe, STATESBORO, -._ Through to the shuuld 1I0t be grnnted. of the 1l8th G•. , Mr. BANK OF bllt .noollrllll"1g ard, the Signature Fln.1 Atlanta, lIIay \hIDg tu work: 1.0 prove anthontioity tOtln, adjonrnment tarlum In Milledgeville. 'rills �hy Ulih. whioh Green wlil take drive" momeut l'IoInoa.'_'Uon,Ol!eeIftIJ­ 8. L. ltuure, Ordlnarl. of the state hoard of health, .bout. f.rmorl. Oenarnl which "'Aa bnmg the 1t1l1real, a general "19mbly Ilia'. becamo deraolled A horsc, of writlllg. _lPdlleaUoontalnslll!lJMr Over C, of Ga.-Other Sharpe Oe!d of cottoII beourn­ con­ One ooourred .t II o'clook re.olatlon. tbe .am· of many a Harville, the Iuct that It IIIIfllIDcmI. of ter.n ohurch ••ed pro. month .nd went to Clh.rge by Mr. i:iAmu.1 "illge. 11»011 Opum;MCIJ1IIlInf GUARDIAN. yuterday pa a., SOu". APPOIN'I'MEN'I' O�· worked we.therdoll't cl"uroll' ..ith hun miraole. OTIO. Seaboard Connecting Tbe members ID treatment. While Oa. to the � in.tltu\e if the nud rau IIway taiul test imonv aa NOT MAlIC' ton ight. for • Pa.teur tarium for Statesboro, frtghtened . OItOROIA-BoLLCKIU OOI1J1ft. vidmg , muoh - .. tran.aoted It Satur­ _ beheve are I.ot to Christ. " S. hard and wa. no rea.on to Brooklet Co, ngollts and his two daughtera, "ttflbutod it �tn" Concern: Link With S. today bosement of the .Iate oapltol there Trading To Wholll was tbe Brooktst, hurt, to have been - been bu.inp.... The finance repl.rt hi. mind wa. af· nverull. ut No one II'U8 The I.tter purports .,_...... Siullnle Juhnson hlt"lng lepn, It i. wa. lunaoy, yet lor C.rh.r\'. ... Savannah. a eOllrse WhlOh, duy, IIl1bt'ollti and unlble to for of has taken aftor JeBII' hau he· deolared lUI Iho.. the expeu.e "•• suppo.ed to the finest writtell soou tu •• reoeived, lng caloulated fected of Brannen W. W. Miller haa his IIWII affairs, thl8.11 "I believed. II 75,000.00 The .wck of goodl !IIr. text IIIlltlftgC had been about gan.rally and hI. ill Judea. It. fJret 10 the anociation an ova ax of wurk, Capital, oold beanB i" this aeo· to preach Iwtlot.\ thnt Ull the lfunda, to be the leotions of bA of Puluskl, wna of voll'ot glln . In bti Statesbor'l bid. fair benefit.1I 01: Don.ld.on, patch " will .p' mGvem.nt ".. laul1ch· to ,reatly to \be follows: June, next, gunrdlall A frleudl bo d that tbe trip • and I,ropert,.. lin.. '60,000. 011 Tueldav ulldor u mortguga lion. fur hid pt!rsull of two through consolidatiou of tho .tate. 18,000.00 here 0 Cae.. th.t p:lillted point to the ffO*"batwonld him SUI'plus, r, orolaiog brlog, "I havolenrned, 'l·lIi. tlth, 10011. ed looking board IIIlavor of J. W. Olliff AI"y membere ot the pro. sanltartulI\ fore,olo.ure re· 8. I•• Moore, nO di.tant .emll1aries. The oame VIA CEN· aOllle information railroade.t day. several th.ologioal but the elld EXCUI.!SION IIAn,,,, de.ired of the aronnd .11 rigbt, -01""8.'- which 10 saId to you Usa Ordlnar,. , toxin. and 01: Co. Tbe .tock, number to bave anti· !uber. 'l·RAI. O�' GEUIIGIA VlftuOU. mall called �:rJ. the dally par·er• tc the decren.iug pOle this 'orCoII!I_ We .ee lalt 00 waR gardiuK through owillg manufaotured at the Satn.y. . involOl about '2,'100 RAII.WAY A�tJlelMdy were culin. oapit,ol PA,R".R ..0.0 wholD the .. RPBOllltiol'. interred Sun· ••,," W. C. the Chriat. people lion.SovSIo b.DiarJ\IIeI. MAJ.E Contrll bll. of graduat,.9, Tho were •• L. DOL ., . Olliff '" Cu. JeAus, GUAUDIAN the in rem,lns '1••• &' , off to Menu. Worms.conwJsions,F_I!h· tbat bought. ono. I Rent to Georgh P,...hl••, knocked home· and hie ' that church and aoy place burl.1 '1'0 I.olJlsvllJe, I{y-Aocount conlidered a prophet. loutb·west declaring in the family orSUD For Ovar JJullnoh VOUllty, ahort Iioe. ill adupted beDgeded to treat day Jun� _IRILoss or two Muoh -"1.000.00. weuk ror KUlililioklans, of Georgln, B. be where may coming as the Son Ood, "n order granted b7· sbo'uld dilciplihed Soarboro. - regard virtue of and member. n r -I11I111CTO•• l!(j oellts roullil disoipl.,s Ill' 'l'attnan ..elt callinee or feliou. ground. to the BlOtl; one fllre 111u8 Eartb. ordinary ot .bd Floridl, Bul· 181bl. granulated sugar lU-17, of Heaven and P. AlcxRUticr, Georgia who in rentlo!! propsrty bl�e. �y .Ied wa' one of Creator 011 t.he it,h of persist The d. 'J'ickct. un 81lle .'une lOth, lUll, da, innovation will de· .W 0111. 'Jo, one oOllnty, llt!orglR, a fe.. connecting Thi. gre.t!y we Park... Brooklet Tradiug t.rlp. but"r. the oOdrli coutrllct or .lgning naval.tore. 11.,"••• dollar.t .Juno JOOe, is a f80t that every day Yaars WIll be aold will for saloon purpole.. after;nmo"promin8n' oJ L W B .IUI Ihullllrnit 2Brd, [t loch'. and 12th; May, 11106, inoonvenienoe and e:l B LI...I'b III tihe ut Statesboro, Iille of road orelle tbe B 'I' OuU••d obtained told or Thirty house door I chy a. to a laloon the the upert thlt extension CRII b� he.r. wonderful things Itn....o tbe bona. of keepere. jlhd large.t "L CUI.I.... Mr. Jerome .volleLt,., exccllll hours of 881u, on th� who are now oom· oper.tor. perbapi coudltion! within MIl! It'glll Alabama of thOle about 211rd under t.he ulual be be make. tbe .JIllIU. 1906, to the via Peol&oola of tbe pona. He owned hner ill be in Statesboro toJuly him. To lmef, first 'l'u�sdlty in lrom tbe Gnlf Tbe request fo� farmftr ID ",e connty. ... all the follow. to come w Atlanta Ga--AcculIlI heala the lick. bitltler fur 1'1I8h, for. 16per· pellod aud other 1I!IDIVIDUAL!l80LICITRD a (".. only. OUlIlborlRnd 181111d, dead rise aud he highest thence to Cor· oolored Pre.byterianl oon.iderabJe realty FIRMS .lId Jnne for daya �I'o rcnl t!s(nt6: All tha' FIll., ACCOUN'l'd Or . 4th. tlcsurihtd lad Qniooy, treatment, ARain. any person I AssooiatlOn, JUIU' medium size. iJlg of refprred to next and in ollce at Rountreu 'J'cnoht"rs "He is a mall of or I.areel lanil, ..a. this county order at Georgia ccrr.uill t,rltut, lot, on to Dublin, .te synod to In cents ...7th and wilhel t....atmeut may go prope��y one rar.., plus 2" both nlld b�in� in th dele, Gu.. who b. will 1I0t du 21-21i, 1000; JUdioate. siLllnli�, lyillJX Congratulatioos w.. to a. Mr. FolleLte ..hO•• llppoaralloe of an4 conneotlOn year's allembly, Florida aod hotel. In Georgi". RIA•••m. district,of tlte oount,y lluJloch make and receive It. from all CASTO�''''''.''NIIY.... ," will ronnd points an .bere United tbe tbla above trip sw.etll8lS and suoh nnd bOllndt'd: tbey receIved from the capitol ill the matter of c.nv8sllllg. he being 20th. and at,ate nfort'i!uid, Norllh, "ere ex· w&lI .bead .ny 1'lckctH UII MAle .'"nc lOth, �re';� and Dover branoh witb whicb to defray nne feal. III I. O. ::!IIIIUlons Kar, Dublin and .t Rioh· him .mount of tbat IKnds with the Assemblv Money It I••aid Jf 'bat olul of tuu"rs." fJnalllmlt June 25th, lUOO. digoity by Pre.byt.rian will be world"llOodl. 2IBti Drown elist. by tho Ogeechee rl'I"; their of sunb treat,ment that h. mu.t j Welt; over whiob the uOlon jUlt penles uots that be at him ., and tbe Central, tbe la.t ,r"tnrlled MaMA-AocfJunt Amcrloan in looking south, by lof mond. Va., upon that one 01 has ======Mi.. Effie Wlisoll �'o Buston, known .. from the regnlar appropri. Bame tIme commonly taken the ••nita· 1000, :ove hIm and at the by plI1�lic road, run into !'\avannah. atablished. for Savun. AB8ociatioH, .Julle 6-8, onlJ hundred ; will .. did b6fol'�e.ving ..nt vilit t1 Medical cUlltltlnlng tb. state legillature hom. plea Rh'er Road, ation ma�eby 0.010111. Ohrist8 Soientists, less and .everal overtue from asking the nnd First Ohurch of f•• r bim. !llld six morlJ or being rflsd wOllld be An Albany rinm wa. to.bunt up acret', The I ine of sustenRoce of the .tate .. Crevices A� Opened a.b. excursion rllt'CI! J. S\IIlIUUIIII re­ B. for the of Ne Hope I.ow ..n to bis eara, II wll"ruoll n. Hev. contribntion w the improvQment June 10·17, 1000. "His half, do thc pIllet! and that the name of George toe and • large 811d toile dnte of his drath; laid mile. in length PIJ of in \'Ia SlvHnnah sided Itt bnndred for board. loc.ted near bi. pl.ce Shocks Mil. Ev. Olliff i. visiting vii. all rail, allo of rlOh walnut and to the churcb oharoh, Thousands of the cllior PRICES sold Mrs I 8 stmmon., lost ...... -""""""""''''''i'''''''''''''''''� By or SPECIAL land boing by eection of DlOkery, =""',.",======""'=""' For tot;al ratcs, datel iale, dlltrlbu­ tr.verso a fille thl. stating S.vannah. tltealiler. shouldera al a for the 'pUrIJ08U ot would from ...., io oonuty. Tioket. do..n on his guardian, soveral yean, be dropped �,­ to nearest hanIJ8 mean. of Calumet, Miob.. M.,. limits, elio., apply it ia tlon. This ..ouid the time that .",.ething was.I at are clear maas; Gu.rdlaD.c oonntry. was prelented. UpOIl left.t Atl.n· Tbe achool girls expected I.ght, blonde, Mrs. I. S. Shnmon., would all the roll., Se,ere tremon ware A,ent. ON th�Re train. hiol and be wished ,I, oonr.�. that a commisioner ..ith and next in the middle, acoordlng announcement wroug wI ..een ...d home wmorrow early G,,-Aconuut, University parted by Bet 8,500 �ro AND Statesboro. h.fore he worae. today, Athc/1s, Nazarenes. NOTIVY. TO DJo:UTOItS OS!tDITOU. throllgh of an that bill got ,tlO 27th, to the fashion 01 tbe that is pa.wr pay .Dd I8veral week. Summer School, JUlitt 20th-July loome few Dickey aud 4.000 shoob were felt, . fot tbe of of J111110clt County. paat Was about 85 yean age �6oentll round of the lame color Georgia, Tbe papere, chllrch in Brooklyn, He nnm. one fare trip. H,s beard, estate of ooonrred near old of Val. 1900; plus A.II irltlebted tu tlte of news in Epllcopal oave·ins Mr•• C. C. Brantley, persons been full as· 24th, 26th. and Shoes. are no­ have The unmalrted. erd.ed, 'rlokelis on sale Junu 2IJrd, IllS hear, 18 ourly, although Cut Juhn Campbell, deceased, hi. uame was .llandoued IUDY her 11118, Low deal. made ber 4 .haft, sister, alld 16th Immediate railroad ie.visi�inl! .• make settlement. to the words ICE! dOllta, fuly 2nd, 9th, in tho titled to etrike the 20th,OOlih not very ioog, i. parted Idaya.regard refused to the Atlantio mine. Brannen. that \\Tilliame. The sembly IItJd R lr ye.ra 8110 by J. A. lPOO; finRlllrnit 1(\ dl&yij.-t'xcept J�hn Skelton contession Cnips In .... middle like bls bair, :!����r���:I�I�Oe���':e�la��1I:f:.W:J Iby "Hell fire" from. the m tbe e.rlib OOth oan he �h�t to he the Crevioe. were opened extt"lIslon to September ollce. All bUla Florida I. .et the and Turner-Glisson Co. to same ali .nll ten hu condition•. "His are rathersevere. present [Georgia The dayl wbile oae under the usual eyes Ga. run· of faith. put w .ix loob.. wide, obtained 8hould be mailed to Dover. hne no two name of • new througb witb their work Middleground ahiu. like tbe sun; It i. impos.i. Joshua Campben, Adm•. farmerl!' h.ok 'J'enll-Acotlnt Sumlilor into Florida bole i. re rted to .btI Knoxville, look bim estate John Campbell. from Augu.ta that thue tbe men went for anyone to long !nlDg little. DotlPI flahing ble Dakota . A orowd of �hool orthe 8Guth,June- 16·:!7, lUOO; The "�rk of Snow In North fIJi • on to the Gulf. tauithaVi"lill..-efj'd.'iitii'td while cents round trip, face. ,la:Jd - and thev one fare 25 in the oracJb io 'he o�her night, "lull line bal already 26.-Tbree (rom ·th, PI'" lOth, H tbi. N. D., May of the yoanlf 1'luketii one lIale June 17tht 18tht Whe" he Icoldl be inlpirel Notice :!aladlllg lIIedor., the working ••her diaCluued tho' gubernatorial and Gar. prevent .teudiul a � Midville . .,.. penon. II� 14th, between rain· . .lIOb' !·Ith. July 7th. .oou he bims.lf be· .CMIIIRea' b.a lOt veral were for HOIl. 28rd, BOth, but very Oitizens or Statesboro: ;).t'arted dap.of oropl and � p... eo.l. b_ c.mpaigo••• that fear, '1'0 the 'IterII Tbe .halt rttp_rted tbey finalliinit Iii dayd,�except in hi. "!'!be MllleD ...... • .now•• will ta:r. tbe .bility for "Dick" 1000; to .bed tears. E"eo is ven to all oltlzens � lollo,!,ed I;y $oro:" I .tart tb•• Clark Ho..ell .ev�ral 80tll CAn be gins Notioe hereby gl handa ,. rOOk.dloppiDI.Ddatrilriarbelow. extenliion to September ••••d'lUte 'bl over two Incbe. wltb it IS affahle HOMf el••trlO that the p i. oovered to severe mood. be YOUR who waut Iightll, olty tb. farnaeia, cope ..." ia for Col. Estill, conditions. most fURNISH ,roaod of _ Rauell leveral obtained under LfT US are 80_ Gl ... ahoob who ••t will have the work done rree uf Gabbett'. people, fallen in tbe p cot\on Hoke It is .aid that ell.rre. IIr. 01 .now baving now oli. 'Tbe YOdnl one man for and benevolent. from TIlt> b1't only to ao. we under. Hauaoalt 100· partie. havIng work daDe POl of tbl. de.I, .nd I HoaallM�. would oot oue ever aeen bim langh, ok honn. lookl .bu' proml.inl...... he he Oen .. no h.1 offer "t1.lre•d, anythiDl, liIa'ioual baddln. Smith; .nd EXOURSION RA'l'ES VIa tual cost for all materinl. This of Citll8n.' often. " tb.t It i. tbe pnrpose tweaher b...wdad. for a oo·n and that he shed tAars very EXCEPT The oold ... omOl ia 'YOt. for bim except tral of Georgia Bedroom I� untIl July lot, 1900. jIlaII4 from now .. Cclmpea,. Beautiful ,Dod baild • line 26.- had every day 00 it Copper·Ran oonver· to WII., May be the lice ill flnol. tbat hie notloe la that each oompao, L. Cro.le, Can .od • mihtia diatriot. Railway Everyone �'urth"r Ifl.en bo, ,tbl. iill IIrowtb were .h.k,n. .table of Here .now feU Hoalbwn 8t.telboro. they •• of faTIIICI.. . will and wlthlu the limit. or Glrfl.ld to Tbree' w fiv� 1U0b MOtion.. If tbe One far. 25 centll .ation ia agreeable attraotlvei olty Stateboro, State'sboro Bottling In moat tbi, olo.ed Rate: pluo Sideboards, connectIOn If Wi.ocnsin UNDAY at th'� The achocl .t placo ex­ conflned in an area of land bave dlreot "elte�n weatbwr in sball be " Sl often Suits, 'WOUld lOme aooount o[ the followln, leen pub. tbroughout o.n 11108, open • II loot . "a' appl, He very pt lec!t_ Celt WhIle it of one aore of run tbeir owo It I. Dtulpna11te ... • lew weeki ago. car. equal to .ne�to�rth lind, Ihould not then tbe (1ursionl. and when he appean be they not run delivery, tor the next tw�.k� hear It ..marked': deb.t­ ho, Tables and allowed to tb. today. Will regular Bo.. often do we • over the S. on the boy. h.d up 'J'enn-Acoount Ind not two hOIf8 SIt&nlo.h over WQJ;'ks.,': n.w IOIDI To Nlshville, Dining traiD.lnw ·Ilimonltle. tb.t oomfront n. and. fewda, to riel bim.elf mode.tly. vlolltlon of this ordl. "W. ani, a eold," .re not gOlOg V.nder� peu. AllY ho, LlDe from to They SUll1m�r Scll001 for 'relcherll; nd Seaboard Air will be' bnt if I' I. 00 bl. "011 wltb lOCiety. di.tlll· •• . but glad thlnb. man Ina manners are S .nrmonllted. "HII nry lIance wIll be punl.bed. ... Mo.ataln or Gold be learn " wQuld cootioue Rlblloallnotltute, June China Clos­ tbe A the citYI; bnt will bllt Unl,eraltl Tbi. will give n. 'wag�ns.iIi neXt Tbl. II of ,uob _ quit, be iA even be.ntlful. Chairs, Further notloe la given thlt all oltl. Angn.t.. contiDn" for tb. p.eumoDla. ... to' .bowery one 11106. guigh.d; . ,1Di will have II-Auluot, 10, two line.: ODe not a. happln lbs. and up- ._._Sl1I1M'._ 1IQIIs, '" ruo it. Tbey their clean of could brln, as. 50 tha ' becanle bl. mother zells must keep premlle8 crolling point WI as h it clnrin& pal" Ga-Account A.nual It is •.• deliver �itc w"k,.. b� ' oae.tIlaP. .t 8 To Atlanta, perhapl Buck's Stoves I.uoln o[ Clrollne. ,bOtJI4 0•• evening .nd In .. .oodl.lon. to PeD••col. Kro. WII.e{ • aest Satnrday ..oman ever ets, lloud mtary S.vann.1i an� ont. fori General P. June 1U�21, tbe be.t.looking 'I'ba, from of Bucklen'l Arnl!llJ w..k tben look ooa .,. invited Con\'entlon B. Y. U., is nne 2lk,.1Iox ' .... , il all preml.ea ..Ill be Inopected monthl, Cordele. .. dId r.tleerb o'Cllook. Everybody Dublin .od cured a your patronage. 00 .ale from all point. "i. .... r�n· Will apprec1ate rnua..,witia,.1IOttoD &0 ...alt In piIIII- 1900. 'floketll l8eo iu tbil part. .be lalf, b.n It compl ly ward. w ' of a cold n.. We the marsh.1 and ..nltlry committee;' to eal,.... G_�, CIOm. ont .nd be "itb and by S.v.noah bid tor· . to 0 Cae. Ranges the other from her whloh tbll.MOtIon· .. lle'_. PDIIJI- ID GeorgIa. "If wi.b to eee bim, aad lore on leg. In lUonla, .nd bu pin orowd a. yon Tbl. KI,I' 8th,I900. '.In, orop a. Con· e. Greatest \0 large. O-Annual '& • Id . dulenll".. ,,_,.. N. me me t ,,1& G r6 'UM b.r 118 lon, loaro. larl" •• I.b1Ito !rope To Aobevllle. ..rote ouce, ·.Iet R. Lee . ' •. lar, a. you Koure. ..IIIU .'. Wound. I J. wa. of PII.. , oommOD allmeD" the acbool in progfe' .. KI.llonarl not f.r dl.t.nt .. bAIlor ou,.. of thll 1II00t .hen ference Young Peopl •. .end him W. 11, Kalor. ,Tbe tim. i. a.,I ptlc knuw and. I .hall Ito becau.e we in grsater Ellis, EIII.' Drull CONE' ()empleSIOll• tall•• lower prloee buy W.H. A·Geed I. ...D' to June 1006. We give you ....n the �nd IIor... 2ie 81 E. al•.,1 ourea and pIO Movement, j9.JuIY,8, Clerk Olty Council. W' o.n e:O:PfKlt to C, What save In a .hen • L"er. Swannan 01 you. .nd the lo..elt prioes. you with For ,alo All Drurrllta A Las, To A.hevllle, N. C-and 'quantitlea get la I..pea.lbl. bl never A rood oomplozlon Students­ he hal punned theo .how • a ,realtty. Southern "Although I� .. the and you If liver oan produo. N. C,,�Accollnt hero ill pay freIght lItitIMl's AMress out of ord,r" put, Inactive Ed itor NeWI: In a recedt illae ,boT' ..1'IIf. tbe ,'ttm,oh A .... � pld. Soutnern well in � � . and .tudiea be il every advertised tbe � � � 1It11e41. Meller. at\eetlo• W. O. up our lale. in � � � ... Velerlls mote almo.t thIn, Conference, Y. A., any ., speCIal � would pa, ___,1, Ills than any •aving. Keep np",ith at elenD ..ilow peoplo June 8-26, of your paper appoared an .rtlol. to the .kln olean the .,ltom Oonference Y. W. C. A., iJranoh �f knowledge, til ·0" ywterdqo'm'oftrlng theIr Itolll••bl Ind I...... It 10 lood to Savaonah newspapers. III" tbe 26th the Hendrix to Rev. Walter Antbony, pu$or barefooted whICh waa "Rnrai Ronte. S.turd.y' J; "Walter would have better .. On Stir the liver up, 1006. around beaded, lait o'olook,Pmf. r..... , _, _Ionally. "He goes f) ....w:vv�. on , tb., , caUed. meet- before tbe For oltbeMetbocb.tobnrohol VilIlDIi; Th. in in to "blob I ••� Metter n 'addren Kodol Dllpapola .nto ohape lIener.lly. tbe New Enelan without head·oover. Daog.,." regard Citizen .• compl.zlonl. .... P' .0.... New. from and from the use wbotber 01' not deh�ered, Sta"'· wblt ." and put ,our coDlmlnCMiaMb', result. are derived of bim would like to add that I am' im. tot decide of the will dl,", 'OU deli,ertod tbe -'eN 8tate. "Many people make fun IDg patron., Ito Ga., Re old ,papd. .hlpa to do LIttle HAVERTY extend w' tbe an� • ltomach baak In rIp' of DeWItt's 'Early tbe but RHODES "ith the that Metter "ould for th" StatHboro IDlti. •• doubt.. to wben aee hIm ooming, pressed opinion ths, .rDlOD ....nt with a If anyone ha ny they Kodol re1l._ palpItatIon liable « pl pili. I ••n invlt.tion ow. work. •• are two re••on Conlerer.te v.rer.n ��e':!ltornlm Cure, �hey are iu bi. prelance Itlll in danger tor •• a: lOur ltomach, N.ver gripe. Sold by vlrtuo o[ Foley'o Kldn.y .s 800n as they 'bc;�Ina�tj.': tb. b..rt. JlIlulen.e. in tbe .adl"'r1IlDl, SaDday . of reputatIon. 11 tbere or'Dot, n��.1 tute, AlvIn rennion ' to refer to Kr. admire hIm. viz: bold tbeir ", •'�. er·· e. •• 'T"h'• .,..,_er W. H. Ellla. n.ed tremble and Furniture 10 .... lecd 10" burn. 010. IIold bl W. H. EIllI. only tbey Company Igeb·n a boa•• Tbe who ted w packed of Willimantlo, Conn" II WIll eIec Howe11 morning StlmpPoll, that the noed of Geo. R • Trapne 'duo.d b, C I" "Tbe Hebrews say thlY First, patronage, a!ld w•• IDtro 0,' Indll'aolt. or recovery 'and lermon wu .n .ble one after almost losing hope •• St" over tbo meeting him ., be· 0.... seen a man hke blm, ZOI-Z II W t Brouchton the o�ed of work 011 to wbo ,referred to .. or so have never alld. Beconrl, pre.ule ...... ,. ' acoollnt of the rallure many 0'er . Ben- ... on It ",a. pnt Con�, clua 'of men wbo B•Itter Cold Sweeps all wbo b••rd It•. __...wfa.t heard like tbil he rural route road•. A. J. BIrd .ecretary. W' .,b.t enjoyed by tried (""oley's Kidney nor teachinlls SAVANNAH, OA 10ngIDg , nnilly , . remedies, wa. .rried \'0te .nd 'heen accorded The Northwest charch•••Ire .a... the . he wu "Just of to a rl.,ng . not" alwaVl, Much of ice••t .11 tbe Oure, whiob 81Y. imparts. Now, my good patroll.,.ll c. :had" . cured Metter wonld &8 fotlr bottles a th.t bad 'ted in order \0 thing" for him, "Many heheve that be il god, you spem to appreoiate sucb .ery. nnuOImouBly b wh'10b tbI, '.n Ilinn., lII.y26.- pended lor the day Nptice. well .nd . Mion".poli., 11. la entirely In invitatIon tbelr him oompletely. assert tbat be is thine bllt I would like to _ ext.end to tbem cim:rl .. tbe to : and otbers Ice, wbilpe' f' . In opportllnit, For S.le at • B.rgaln thesufferlllginoident ,tb·t Minn•• •• vlciDlty e...rybody (rolll all best to poll give . and free hor .1' • � . Beggars' to io ro. en wYb0 n� H 0 fow wOl'ds to you b.rore tbe in. Made Horses, wonld promls. nt.propell,loHn. d·�rl:O:, .. e:r.perlenoed of ComputlDg Soales, trouble, Sold by W. enemy, IfWishes tleboelr oold••t we.tb.r It b .ho I. _108 1 Dayton loutc kidney , elt ." bear pair to Vererans" tbe b bU b•d Mr"Antbony, I be hal never ginn Ip.ctor come. arollnd. 8ee tb., tbe 0Id ·n.tlve 0I th'II ooaotYI" 1898. At Coanter Sbowoase•• Elllo. "They say give for .inoe tbe year S Ride. .•obool .t M.y tbe I." Rev. J. D. AIlt;bODJ,·who btlt on all rooto are out out and Would me oS.lble. of abe trouble to anybody, that. theBe tbl ti p .ob.r.e blgh o'clocktbil morningtbe 'emper. 6 Table•• bave i. well 6 tbe h� tries to make holes Oiled ill tbe time If 1,ou' lor .hi: ye.n and w.. paltor 01 MeUaOOUit. .t once. the contrary. along road UI8 of wa.ting Dongl.a down to 40 delree., M...t be aold Bat wb.t ia tbo .tnn w.. and .ave nothing. you to onr own people la 'bi. 01" for qai" Proowr Bro•• New Complete everyone happy." ONE WEEK MORE wbera yonr oarrier nearly .tande w work, If yoa known not.only IDdlo.tion of • Inrtber oburch � yon will with every notbing, he.d .bove aoutb HII on bis bead Iver.f day. I hlTt to keep your to .11 GeorgI.. wmorrow. • f•• • bave to k8C!p on working .but befol'll wbtle ye.,. a&I] will work for bim� ·noeived .nd df!)p spoken to lome of makel hi. money •ddre.. w.. well are that· t,b. of already m, ·man witb oapltal indio.tion. FOR SALE. Georgia, ' water.. A Tbe :Map Cen· left yest.lJr. best .nd· mOlt in· WEA.THER 'I'RIPS VI. patron. in tb tbis m.'ter. P. Regi.tlr •• one of tbi will rile .nd RO'I' regard h.ven'. o.pltal? Mr. F. ,. Mi.II•• river E••t · all the and the yon be.rd ippI on . n, Wby Fla" . .. .nd lot · tbat b•• b Houl8 Showing Summer They, soem to think tb.t; c.pit.l? for Barww, .huotive , addition.l ralUlall', tralof GeOl gla Rallw., bowever. doo't yon ...rt d.y moroing tbere will be N.r-· bon.e and ball".y Wb,. B!'''inl .coonnt wltb u. deed. 26-Lnoi... __ 8 room tbe United Stat.. .n •.w deliver the in lOme time. tbermometer MIl' ', New fiollotles Tioket& po.tal depan-, It grow, open wbere be gae here if tbe pte Atl."ta, of w.te" Exourslon Start .18.11 IDd altboalb alternoon uo' well timbered I.nd , two fireplace. good "ill oome here It. tract of will mOlt hin, • �,'bla Free Picture Offer from W••b. wilh-jn.t do to • large down muob lower, it .bort time only. Mount,In Ind Lat. Great !"ent teNIa,. �n't of bl' brother. fora '1'0 the Seashore, to a compan., Snu. and kIlled • _ hargain FREE mgton and keep tbe roadi worked• in tb.t .ectlon re.nlt in in.tantly well. the East, and likely .loo,.lorm In HolI.nd & Br.. Resort. in Nortll,Soutll, Rlell a. 'RookeleUo"·. Hendrick., They may juat al well look for ;'. men. Not It as watar· ID.I.w, "Lawy.," Ga. Weot. . pbo.pbate The geverumelot Piedmont State.boro Year's Sub· Closes, · of Rooke. day. 900 With a Full to N.w Sborman's Bank ot tbe deed had III th� ....Itb read. lroot 01. bonae, A bl nil and sb.i1 army to orol. the e.. National Tbe consideration I! you on tbe MiI.llllppi triP The' First you aDd ,b. leveral the Standard 011 lII!1A'nlte. avenne. N.rbin' e_peel to Booton. BaltImore. Pbliidolphla noooheo on a 01 ", wbioh coven [eller, • rll8 01 th..... of Gold scription York, piece pln'�t". i. t46,OOO.OO, !Dedlclne for .bowinll A Bou_taln Savlnnah a beher 10.08, (or bim. and In the Xlot vII tickets out before June 1st Have near Ft. could not buy bonn. aearcbln, polnto Trade �u�t No", good if ".n' acrelof land Ohimberlalo'l .n bnt in 24 polionre kI con.ldered your .' you'r p' patrollR, yon Oa. tbou.and tblti tentba of Inob, lin.. I. to be . Statesboro, bow.1 complalntll Bendrioka q_ u 'muoh bapplD_ .nd .leamohlp , Of to N.rbin and _14 not brlae the next SIX months. the R. F. D. ser,ioe relervel Dllrrhoea Remed, 14 bnt WI•• 'Nen taken time in This is the best $0 continn. Meade. IIIr. Regilter Cholerl and hne ia loobea, , Savannah Weetly oeason. Collo, The dang.r matte, WIllie, of CarollDe, The at thlo noon over a trivl.1 .... LDOID an! level tnfPllltino privi. no .erion. relied a. Buoklen·. AmI.. are on .ale a' III coupon ever had to a of np your road. and J. E. McCR.OAN. all tbe authoritl.. ..,. of Tloketo get picture yourself or an patronlz; . himself tbe one 210 too:o: THIS PAPER opportunaty you y wa. r..umed _ f•• _..d 'SIM:MONS, come and �:�O:I�! the row ouncl a run· f�., .ervice BROOKS to :::::rtp�:::���:n oooar. .ad It complel.el, tioket o",ce8. For rate., 8ohedulel, .nd UnQ,le S.m will da.. Cashier. for yeara !:�:;;:"..: will ..,.. wbea t�e leges ror ohlldr.n and d.mage Tbe B.n. tor· or of laud both boun later. polioe., wblob bad and to Agen' r.preo.otatlve your family. hll PreiUtC!lt. for tbe and dIarrhoea, MIDne.ota .nd • OD bar I.., apply In1 part, ,45,000,00 tbl. Tbe ontire 10" get. uniform .uoo... or armecl. .... Gr....t Cenlral of G.orgla Rallw.,• deal adults. Tbe driok. wu not bar .. lODe 1ean. of the No.2 Directors: mill timber, Tbe iu tbe wintry .... Woun" lews Lioker, .nd s.w Dakot. fired. The PU.. , regl�n �. Doe .bot ... of SavannahWeedy New Rav.n, Conn_ocount tbousand dol· :::r��::: tb.t Only .."-PtI0 To Ga. W. W. WILLIAKS, several �r1n���.h�� o�r�:vl:r t.;'a:r.•• clatoh, .nd It 18 prob.ble W.R. Bill.' Drul lIIetter, represeuts .w••l.ened, II .llee& in tbe .lido..,. 110.' Columbu. ConventIon, ----_ "ater Ind I bnlleHook ...... of , RIiGISTER, besidel reduced ..Ith ... Knl,bto Turner-Glisson F. P. BROOKS SJKKONS to Mr. aogl.ter .hould .nlrer .."rei, nul Both 1 Year Only eJ:ourslon ratee lars take. Ever, famU, will Low Company, profit ....nt to . re.nlted JUDe 1-0,1908. illlmecli."ll" ..... RUSBING, intenlt wblob be pl Sold All •h I • and . .JAS. B, wltb It. b, nae. y via Savannlb and tbe turpmtine bo lupplled are ,II All Rail; 1110 The Value 'Store. lorop•t�bermomoter BIg __ Drul.l.liI...... 81e73 Steamer. •Iao m.kel olo.r., ...... � ,...:u--