, , t )\. I '1,.,', I I I r t t 1 . I, I I ! 1 !, i '.' ',\, t., I ." :'l r- .,r,' ,',J. 11'1. I .,,1,f1;: 1 i \ I' " ESXABLISHED� 1863. TOfEKA; 'KANSA'S� "'M�Y :2'6:>18751• <i1! j "\ � .. (.1 " 11 ., . 'J' ,� � e ) 1- 1- :y e ,d 'Y n 1. m JO JO )0 )0 JO 15 i!5 i!5 f, I. 00 al �l et .e- " \ t, ,." s '" ):.' .. J'.' .. : .. !' ',<,: '. ,,,""":.' �,.�: ' '."<1 .. (. .. �" �� .�::···�I�, . ' . ,� •• JACKSON.. " 'rt.;/., :;. ,f • .. •• ," . ',", ''','' ... lD , : (. :tH.'" t ." ", C1I11l_'.. " , FARKaR :...... M(!)NTHl.yl},�E�:ART. I � ;., 'EDITOR .. J I fi :":,' • i'l : :/", � �I., In " " '�'. ',,_�ff, "�". ,,�.I and and a decrease "U " In winter wheat . O.. .': I About the usual A amallincrease COrti, ' , fOr .. for &hI -, . -, f;nIJ�. acreage. Fu '. FABJIBB of APrIl 18;: beIt'·nmlcty . "', "" ,"� •. , ",' ) , ,:.,! ,,,. \ '¥a,:':: " _ beelil : . .. '" ':1'1. l'. , ,', ;1' , ��SAS' STAT�. �<?�;�.��.�g;n�t;'::A'q SiI'C,t!:'��P�R�::., ·:�:i'r\to�������h:,�rln.g.��re'IOO�ng.!��::" �'I" Pull ' .OF ,�. i�f'�·�y'bij�tt!t!:�nr-·�c� tret!s'k,tn�: a ;.Abot . Gaqpsl�, :r,� "Gnl�vlnes�il:cu��bUSheS,Iii,�7.�'. fro1D '�Il, ·€O.,BI110N Pa:���:�RA��OPP'BS,,�tf.':" ';."J',,� th, ',iI8&ICl atCb'.'fijr' �ijIota . •. ,bY,'i��b,iI'�� �.�:\'�'�t-y� �f mad. ,���Jls������>�g:���:f Il��� lex- .,� __ � J\Ja�iMate'�'or �ciIl�:"J��ofeoJtJAIrlc�·�.:Jj' In Have ob�wheat, oa6tand garden 'gefl\ltablOi to lOme ". �::·o�. N�:,'boIer �ecl"-.�i ottiir OIl ,th .. �:j "N�rous plilces. foraged up �,r,.g:, . tha'Pa&IoDI of OO�8IIt,I •. li(!}ii�Pllrs. , bo5irellln�=��:.-..a�7:::a!':: �,Coaat, eoail!Ul of Haa..",·1D4 "W """,,', , \nil, 01' (, ',"" • ,,'l.t,�� •.•. .m \, F;' ,.'·,,:;1; n'::'��: . �y • 'p.n -. , SI, .. •. .. r,1UUl ''''X'hl pa�" �I, ", •. ,j"""}"",J:·'_',.,tehtl;:.;'''>'�.).\. -"·1\\i' ". ',:' '," '�' ' . I' JEPPERSON. 1:' .... .. ,.' I .. ',; .:,�" ' '. the .. I, •. � .,j "t;.. ,'" ':. '",'," • I (r " No-�tU.c.ON.,.. j.t�,tbI'f�"liMtle." I. � , �, 1.'...... "'·,,�·,�'�II .. ," ' ,,", ; 01 '.' AL�. ••• '·iI.iI(iI;e;iiJ.,PfelentprSlaPecia,v�,yiflattcring., ' .' .iultclhAw..OI '; . �1 . "'. i:' !, ,:.-: ::;:'w'," : '. ,",' .',' )"',"i' ;.''' " ; .: ',1. :\'.'-�, "", �,: 1,:1, '. , ot,�.:�e'''''UI'�.h....., usual but ,\1:' ." �'(" :" ,";;1 Not • ,,/.'Vel'l!olte/of � .IIIIld C,.�s .-:"'Iaa,com hQ,� phui�lthan mo� mDlet"b� "'1I,�alt; ,,�tfl''1i�!�yl;. �d ,winds'of y.... , apm""_' I� pnr� � s�, IfrJ �shoppe�'of, ���t of Y�,91l account 'i'f depredAtions.of\cllinch bugs,' �t.'iI�.�bin.Uon Ci!fl tl!�cum��ncea-:"hOt 1ast',llUIII,me,r, ly� . Io!:t!'«!i' 1 ,baYe ��ter ��eat ' ti:r."df,: �uce4,.f1;dly,tw��,;�l!,,;that . th!a,,�o,.e,er,.theD!wJlII1ie �lalr \Nell ,." &hll'I�, IN gr��,lnj�O'� �Iihstiu!ding " 'i.' '. .,' eZl�(�r �u.sqd I �hdlat, .JUt '.' ��, �r '., ', •. ,:.. ' . � 'I' ".'1!' the •. '. ;J.'. .. '- .. hODIe y!liL\'. ,!" �, 1')'£': af!l_..�-. ��h�Wlt�'!IO�th-\¥�ferl.Y,��posu�s��.Jl��r, ��t iV' by utn ·• .. ,::JP!:IDI�ure,Ii,�w1ngnlce1y:. ,,�" .' :�.' .I� crop.,;'·'��i'�." '. .1 ,. .IDee . �I�.�t.h�tliy, . " "J ..._'. I" �·.Slo,j.-NCld� W�.I� .. e ;" :. .. :' >.'\'; '. ..... ... ,-,: � ,� orcbWr'dS ... liat�i:d i \'; iiu\t"",.1Iio.:' . IlI!p1li pl�tifuny;.. ", JII a"d . .��'. '�"oIJ"'J. IOm.�ha� ',SOm� yo� '. If � J�ni , I, �, .YfiuYatyil ....;;.p� � ' .� .11 J:irI,>ftfks . ...p �,�� aJIPU",,:�a�],It. �ds, With th.. ',,1'<1., 11",', '''u.. J,dH�so'i., .' ,.,�it. �� 'Ii)r'iln,���.,. :'�fi"\ '. , & ,excepti0i!"s,tbe'�ectIi , .... JO.. jured by depridatlonl " .• ,.:. ;" ,'.. of�pppe!'5 last1.tall.,': . to, "; J. of trimmed' closest, • '.' ." : :':.'<'." ".' June'1RanCl"'J-'ii.(,�·• ·eachy*,·U\tle-'or the voractoui grasshOpper '�j more winter Of .',' .. ' ,',' � . Is than . �'lleVer bettl!S' O{ grapes,'where an' wmter this , •. ' ",' .l. ,dant.&wt ,\ . !"kid. lost.by c� " QUIte � "' Crops. mc�ease III a\,reag� ?f wh�t, b�t in�rease frozen. • �I'be doae .tber ..boY. cent."arij per cellt. of Is t, ..,' " winter aome "1 . 61 �f 'he, per' kUled: 5 n� stoc!c .• sown, Is well, Clover killed; also, ,timothy· �. thli are xte.nalvely up. �II. lookmg ti�ly ,no In quantiUee and commltllng depredaifons I" vllrl� locab"r, no whatever badI .The beesle hMah_ lD' &he NlIOI1io' ,GrIUJj�/ws.-Have,1i8tche:d illlm� 'I �kilUel:f.,prlax were,..In many Instances, eatelj the ground, ,leaving protection BpeIll_ ". �.�d,pas�nres i�to . flax i " .•• t'� ;'.', last ties on crops. Oats. IDdp�vegetables·autrer th�:m�. and winds . spring . ' , ' dry .. in the �Ing, . • mon&h earUer ,han I " 9. fr�JI"g .the of win!er. 0 ValieiI. Jlearly• .' w(: .',' ',. .t·, ,,�'� usual. ,li,"!' smaller '. ,,' • . "��I",·, ·is·the trouble. Loss the wl.llter tha.n : �� , only duru:lg two cd the ,1"., AN'DUsON. ,'." ',,::.' �4 �1;,4N��t:.fi.0Ymy, small fruits Ohio. " bacle and ·iDJG1 8cloto fou4 pain " • and. Apples Valley, ,I. I : ,; Osage' par�ially·:killed. �y, freezing. .' ,(�{ re,,9)1� he���· ..' . : "'.': �·()re�, summer . "Orchards were grasshop- •. 18&h of the the well latl!l .own, Winter � dec� ,Ip, correspb�aent ,says: Injured' Ias�' .by q o. :April (�_.. wh�t. Th�lwlUI .A��.�er o1ir:YlObo,hrl y .,' �/d ,crops except t\e ��� �C,I'9I!1. , ',. '.' ()y,/s.-All IIJPk 'i • com last winter and flat-headed borers." ;'. lD th.. winter wheat of IOwn fiill. More than! the usual b�th of p�nte4. the .b�s, I)y's�vere frosts. thls,spring, by 1I&t but 'hOle �.or .ov�r. 4�OOO last li,l!r&·rem'qYIlll. �I� are head) lD, my ��, � ,.. Our"corr�po�Qen�,reports.grasshoppers not.as numerous as in 1867, but they 11 condition, ..' ... the Son billQOd Gt:��." '. � in • Springwor�w�lIadvan�.' .' box ill ,&hl,houe,are '18& ; meadows to sOme extent & ,.' ' ." ha�nll dlsi:ase foraglngion,�eni� ·tlmothy a�d'clover . ;', \, '.' SlO&.E...-No repoJ'ted... ,',.: >".' .; . 'i Konl sumn,�, and aub� . \' weU I&naor ...... B l1ICIOa.fal..- Nu"swUs.-Peach trees somewhllt'lnjured 'by drouth/last 1:';.';'::'" ,;;j'·:f� 'I"',''.' rr .. , .•• o,.,Iuvds, JlilIqa,.ds.a..d. .... .pllpa In- " :., .. I,ABltT'I'E.'· /.':�., ·0 trees the, 'V'I', ,',. ". ' Bo�rs �.: " • • ",,:f . �d peach world�B.,I� ", apple ' • In�d. ' , • '., • cultariR·:m_ •• .. t . : ••;.. .' .... sequent}'reedng, "The,lO�th"8Id.fof l!Ianr , .. " ',(i" '," h, 1 ',: '.: �". metl nd,m1llO�e,all1thlng well., ,�'..,. �. .. )":.' ,:'... � . killed. ,small: prolp�� • In �ii'''' 'w' cent .bf grape Vlnl'S ,'P�, che�� �� fruita for an abundant never more cent. Increase 'ii hilk. bil,' 'I. J�d pliacei: 'Funy:ab lo'callmis. de- !"kId ·'t,.ots.. Prospects crops' flattering. Fully' 25 per G ... _p , .. are 'considerable In 'Eggs . call1ln'''·;_�. hatched":and i!limagt! . • _. .'" hliYe doing rather .. ,': ";l7!l, ...' in late sown, . NIl:... and GNis.tOP/wl.-"MIlHoDl wmter . on wh.,t Early sown, heavy splendid condition; light. henda 'he near belts of timber. the streams, and unplowed aC.reage. �pulll.e io 'hem, praetl. in spots-ill protected exposures, skirting Cholera . evldeDtlf posited elsewhere Stocll..ll11'! dISease rcport. among poultry. oats and near the hatching grounds, exempt. Damage Borerll have ... and 1\ 11 .. con- ground. Flax, veg«:tables destroyed etc in Have come tbe winter IIll right. injured cal pre.en\atlve, west of O,.cha,.ds, .. good condit!on. through t}llng confined to creek bottoms. and fields in Immediate viCinity; Jackson township, Gamet!, A.re trees to a hmlted extent. Fruit good.. r • '/0 .. \hat 1 ,mostly consumed. Com lIS fast,as It, young prospects duilive to health' any appUcadoD Here entire oats and flax have.�n �en to Farm- '. hIlS suffered the most. fields.of \ in immense and lire crops. Cor '., Have hatched numbers. doing slight damage early e Gtasshoppers. and th comes will em as soon as have! fj)lIDd., ,i1he �r up. ers are of the that are not in numbers and that they migrate they unit �'!lllher increasing . opinion , . they _., ,. .. ,. A1'CHISON. �." "'. bark: \he Itr�Dfler Roald be th� IOIIlUon. can ·fly. 'Are the' most numerous In bottoms along timber belts•. oS with . and condition. Usuill • r Potlllh'·iUIOI.ed In' IDA_. goocl"bQ'IL. well. Soil in admirable acreage .. '" , waWi, F�/d remarkably flanted I,," " "'" tj .' ';' C"oIs:-Alllooking h J .� (! an increase flax w,interwheat. LEAVENW6JtTH�'�' :�.', rIa," "UJ of com, an4 . walh. F.or ,h. peaoht borer, ... aniDlllls' have: suffered for rav, ... Thin in flesh but thriving on'spring pasture •. Work for .. Wint�r�h'ea� i� exceil��t that 'or -Health, gOoc;l. Pi�id C,.ops. Pr�s�cts '�n average crop, good Co�dlt{�ri,. e�cept e fJom the' malohlDg' lastfall,farmerswillbeabletodo,thesprill' w eat. dUl'erellHuect abovej ' as usual'IS not 100k' lIS well as willter h wt:0ctofg'rain;butllSalargeaniountofgroundwasplowed whichI'was sown, ate. Not mu��h spring wheat sown. and Ing . 0 , \10...... on'that account. , " 0 -"'per,I.·hepa work without much Inconvenience Srock.' No ,disease -ra"p'plng' ,-'. .• frozed prevailing." ' ·�.�,co·�, "., ".'.l�_.·,',,6_ last drouth and grasahopperll.· Peach trees badly and smail fruits. o,.e"a,.ds� e/'.,....Frult trees were Injured' fail'by Orcha,.ds, e�c. by freezing. ,A fair'crop of grapes 'Ap�ies 'prom- PFaches . '1 preven\a.lvlI.�� ,iOap, t�n� hard injJ:lred '.. " ..... • . p�tl�' trees but will survive. vines damaged freezing. ..'!. '.' m�t the winter. Young Injured Grape by Ise an TI)<:re Will be some peaches. referred uh \0 11. during hatched in In average crop. .!. wI\h fl-1..... brine I.1111 P w. eep to the' western of the only spots. ( confin�d to iue not have , the center part county, they l1ave Are the millidns, but are localities; general; G,.tiss"opplrs.-From is hatching by nellr timber. serious apprll- 'Grassh0t.pen.·: result . In the No damage . .mooth peach barkj ali'd 'to ...e expailill the eastern part they are more general, especially very done buthttle pamageas'yet,and the funners who were here in 1867,'.�·,not y�cyne�9usaboutthe " .
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