LIFE Project Number LIFE15NAT/ES/805

Progress Report1 Covering the project activities from 01/09/20162 to 31/12/2017

Reporting Date3


LIFEPROJECT NAME or Acronym LIFE OREKA MENDIAN Conservation and management of Basque mountain grasslands

Data Project Project location: : Euskadi FRANCE: Pyrénées-Atlantiques Project start date: 01/09/2016 Project end date: 01/11/2021 Total budget: 3,743,705 € EU contribution: 2,246,223 € (%) of eligible costs: 60 %

Data Beneficiary Name Beneficiary: Fundación HAZI Fundazioa Contact person: Mr Mikel de Francisco Postal address: Granja Modelo s/n 01192 Arkaute SPAIN Telephone: +34 651 705 263 E-mail: [email protected] Project Website:

1 Progress Report without any payment request (for Progress Reports with payment request, use the Midterm Report template) 2Project start date in the case of the first Progress Report, otherwise date since the last reporting period 3 Include the reporting date as foreseen in part C2 of Annex II of the Grant Agreement REQUIRED STRUCTURE:

1. Table of contents 1.Table of contents 2. List of key-words and abbreviations 3. Executive summary 4. Administrative part 5. Technical part 5.1. Progress per action 5.2. Envisaged progress until next report 5.3. Impact 5.4. Outside LIFE 6. Financial part 6.1 Costs incurred 6.2. Budgeted person-days by group of actions 7. English summary of the annexes

2. List of key-words and abbreviations

CENA: Conservatoire d’espaces naturels d’Aquitaine (Aquitaine Natural Spaces Conservatory) CBNPMP: Conservatorio Botánico Nacional de los Pirineos y Mediodía Pirineos (National Botanical Conservatory of the Pyrenees and Midi Pyrenees) DOCOB: Document d’objectif Natura 2000 (Natura 2000 objective paper) DDFF: Diputaciones Forales (Regional Councils) DDTM: Direction départementale des territoires et de la mer (Department direction of territories and the sea) DREAL: Directions régionale de l'environnement, de l'aménagement et du logement (Regional direction of the environment, planning and housing) DFA: Diputación Foral de Alava (Regional Council of Alava) DFB: Diputación Foral de Bizkaia (Regional Council of Biscay) DPT: Department FDFG: Diputación Foral de (Regional Council of Gipuzkoa) EC: Etat de conservation (State of conservation) EHLG: Euskal Herriko Laborantza Ganbara ENP: natural protected space Euskadi: Spanish Basque Country IC: Intérêt communautaire (Community interest) Iparralde: French Basque Country JJAA: Juntas administrativas (Administrative Boards) MAEC: Mesures agro-environnementales et climatiques (Agro-environmental and climatic measures) PCHP: Plan de Conservación de Hábitats Pascícolas (Pasture Habitat Conservation Plan) PDR: Plan de Desarrollo Rural (Rural Development Plan) SIGPASTOS: Sistema de clasificación de datos georreferenciados para la gestión en los pastos de montaña (System to classify geo-referenced data to manage mountain pastures)

Progress report LIFE 2 TESSA: Toolkit for ecosystem service site – based assessment TTHH: Territorios Históricos (Historical Territories) ZEC: Zonas Especiales de Conservación (Special Conservation Zones) ZSC: Zone spéciale de conservation (Special Conservation Zone)

3. Executive summary 3.1. General progress Over these first 16 months, the Project has made huge progress in preparatory actions (A) and in communication actions (E). However, conservation actions (C) and monitoring actions (D) are beginning, since they largely depend on prior execution of the aforementioned actions.

Preparatory Actions: Preparation of Shared Bases to integrate data and establish criteria to conserve pasture habitats in a coordinated fashion is at a very advanced stage. Holding Coordination Groups and workshops where managers, technicians and researchers meet together proved to be a highly suitable formula to reach consensus and make progress toward these objectives.

Furthermore, great effort is being invested in designing and feeding a database (called SIGPASTOS) to integrate all the available information to plan management of mountain pastures.

The gaps and widely-dispersed sources to obtain said data mean that this effort is proving more difficult than expected. To access/collect certain data, it was necessary to wait for results from workshops and surveys, which, along with the difficulty in integrating the particularities of each space, has delayed the forecasted deadlines for this action.

Notwithstanding, the result is a quality tool that can be highly useful for management over upcoming years, beyond drawing up the PCHPs included in this project, for which it was designed. Once again, cooperation shall be necessary so that this database continues to be fed in the future, and the LIFE framework is suitable to activate this type of commitment. The proposal of a unified tool means that mountain pasture conservation can be approached homogeneously within the scope of the study as a whole, and it has also highlighted the particularities of each ZEC and underlined possible improvements to management within the different scopes of the project.

In relation to the aforementioned points, preparation of the Plan de Conservación de Hábitats Pascícolas (PCHP) in each ZEC is delayed, and they are expected to be finished mid-2018.

However, in addition to having collected all the database information and integrated it into SIGPASTOS, a diagnosis is already available of aspects such as vegetation trends, potential and actual use of pastures, definition of management units, balance between supply and demand in pasture production, etc. Based on this data, the objectives, particular criteria and conservation actions for each ZEC will be defined over the upcoming months.

Lastly, the preparatory action related to establishing a production monitoring network is making adequate progress, both in the south of the Basque Country and in Iparralde, with coordination between both territories. Only in the Alava zone was there a delay in cage placement, which will be activated next spring.

Progress report LIFE 3 Specific conservation actions A strategy was applied to the conservation actions, whose purpose is to mitigate the effect of the aforementioned delays in planning: it consists of partially beginning execution of urgent actions without waiting to finish preparation/approval of the PCHP. This was possible in cases where sufficient prior information was available on the actions to be executed (e.g., because they were planned in ZEC planning documents, or in prior pasture plans) and, in any event, when the condition was met that planning under development within the preparatory actions was not contradicted. Out of the possible lines of action, priority was placed on the most urgent actions per the judgement of responsible partners, and those most requested in workshops with local players.

Monitoring Monitoring of evaluation of the project's repercussions has barely begun, although the protocols to start it up in 2018 are being specified: in Iparralde, this type of monitoring is more advanced, given that it does not depend so much on actions executed within the project; rather, practises carried out per Natura2000 contracts (FEADER) are assessed. Within this section as well, the trend analysis was remarkably developed (D6), based on changes in vegetation and livestock practises in different regions.

Communication The project's Communication Plan was carried out, and its webpage was also published. Main communication milestones were met.

However, the huge effort in presenting the project to local players is of note, on one hand, so as to foment their participation and involvement in the project, and on the other, to obtain information on territory use (through surveys), necessary to draw up the PCHP. In this regard, meetings were held with ENP Sponsors, with entities who own the public forests, and with individual owners, with the livestock industry and its associations, etc. This sort of meeting requires a huge effort in gathering people together and in organisation, yet it is considered essential for the project to properly take its course. After the first round from April until June while drawing up the PCHP diagnosis, another meeting with interested parties is planned during the first months of 2018, so as to share its results and define, along with said parties, the conservation actions to be carried out at each location.

On the other hand, expert researchers collaborated at all times (either by expressly calling them to the coordination groups or by telephone/email contact) to help define the most suitable practises to conserve the habitats and the Technical Bases for preparatory actions.

Coordination The expectations set forth in the candidacy were met, creating different committees and establishing the administrative tools necessary for all partners to properly meet the LIFE project's requirements in this regard.

3.2. Assessment as to whether the project objectives and work plan are still viable Both the objectives and the work plan included in the candidacy are still considered viable.

Progress report LIFE 4 3.3. Identified deviations, problems and corrective actions taken in the period Problems and delays in the preparatory actions may influence execution of conservation actions, since, in principle, it was expected for them to be included in the PCHP prior to execution. As mentioned earlier, to correct this deviation, progress has been made with part of the actions. The slight deviations in deadlines for each action are presented in section 5.2 of this document.

It is not expected that these deviations compromise the project's objectives.

4. Administrative part

At the time of project approval, the coordinating beneficiary appointed his management team, formed by the project director (Mikel de Francisco), project coordinator (Amelia Ortubai) and the administrative-financial manager (Ismael Lasarte). This team organised an initiation Direction Committee on 15/09/2016 in Pagoeta, attended by all beneficiaries. The project management system was established, as well as the mechanisms for collaboration between the different partners, based on the following organisational structure: In the Direction Committee I, the incorporation of the Public Environmental Management Company - IHOBE SA - into the project was approved, acting as co-financier, with a contribution of 50,000€ to fund HAZI's holding, the Coordinating Beneficiary. This meant that HAZI's own capital in the budget was decreased by an identical amount. Per point 4 of the "General guidelines for the presentation of an amendment to the grant agreement,” this circumstance is a minor change that does not require amending the Subsidy Agreement. No other circumstances have taken place to date that would require amending the Subsidy Agreement in any way.

Progress report LIFE 5

All beneficiaries, as well as the co-financier, have signed bilateral association agreements with the HAZI Foundation for the technical and financial execution of the project, per provisions in the General Provisions of the Subsidy Agreement. (See Annex: 0_Signed_partner_agreements.pdf)

5. Technical part

5.1. Progress per action

Action A1. Technical Bases for the unified management of pasture habitats

Action status: in progress

Foreseen start date: 01/09/2016 Actual start date: 01/09/2016 Foreseen end date: 01/09/2017 Actual end date: 01/07/2018

Progress achieved

SubactionA1.1. Creation of a Coordination Group for mountain pastures

 Creation of the "Mountain Pastures" Coordination Group. In addition to partners, people from other departments in Basque administrations are invited (environmental depts., forestry (technicians and wardens), livestock, agricultural aids, from DDFF, natural environment depts. and the Basque Government Dept. of Agriculture), University of the Basque Country, entities from the livestock industry (Parzonerías), Agricultural Management Centres (Lursail, ABERE, Lorra, Lurgintza and ABELUR), ETORLUR, etc. Depending on the issue to be addressed, the Group of Northern Peninsular Mountain Pasture Experts is also invited (see action E3).  4 Coordination Group meetings. (See Annex: A1_Coordination_group_meetings.pdf). o Coordination Group I. "Presentation of the project LIFE OREKA MENDIAN." (15/11/2016). 26 people in attendance. Surveys to be aware of participant interest, and verify that needs for technical coordination are met: 17 surveys completed on- site + 5 surveys received by email. The main purpose of this table is to raise awareness of the project and to ensure that the table's composition is suitable, since it covers all technical-scientific aspects relevant to the project. At a round table, the DDFF explain the most relevant aspects for pasture management in their territory. Iparralde partners corroborate a similar issue in their territory. In conclusion, the interest of participants in the project is secured. o Coordination Group II "Good Mountain Pasture Conservation Practises," with the participation of the Group of Northern Peninsular Mountain Pasture Experts (15/02/2017). 29 people in attendance. Related to action E3. This meeting was designed as a workshop, where participants work on a template, drawn up by Neiker and HAZI, to rate the main customary mountain pasture management practises. After a debate held by technicians and experts, an initial proposal was made as to which of those practises could be considered as "Good" and as such, be incorporated into the project as a "Technical Bases in drawing up the PCHP."

Progress report LIFE 6 o Coordination Group "Prescribed Burns. A sustainable practise in managing mountain pasture habitats?" with the participation of the Group of Northern Peninsular Mountain Pasture Experts (22/06/2017). 42 people in attendance. Related to action E3. Experts from Navarre and Catalonia collaborated in this table, explaining their criteria and assessments when authorising prescribed burns to conserve the pastures. The main conclusion of the workshop was that, since there is not a large problem with uncontrolled burns in Euskadi, it is not advisable for public administrations to encourage a prescribed burn programme. Notwithstanding, in the event that the sector demands the practise, authorising sporadic, low-intensity burns during the winter could be assessed, as long as there is a commitment to grazing after the burn. In fact, in some cases, for example, it may be best to combine different techniques to control spreading of brush (burns, clearing, grazing, etc.) to make the location more heterogeneous. o Coordination Group IV "Livestock load, a challenge for conserving pasture habitats" (15/11/2017). 29 people in attendance. The main purpose of this workshop was to make participants aware of the progress made by Neiker and HAZI in collecting data to prepare the diagnosis in the PCHP of the 15 ZEC, how they were incorporated into the SIGPASTOS database and to suggest the best way to collect future data to feed this tool. Special emphasis was placed on calculating pasture supply and demand in the Grazing Management Units established in each location.

Subaction A1.2. Integration of available information to conserve mountain pastures

• Analysis of available information and cartography. Design of a system to Classify and use geo-referenced data for the PCHP (SIGPASTOS). (See Annex: A1_SIGPASTOS_design.pdf) • Integration of physical, vegetation, pasture production, livestock use and infrastructure data. Actions must still be integrated. • During the Coordination Group IV, progress in SIGPASTOS was shared, and a proposal for a Livestock Use data collection model was presented to the DDFF. In addition to preparing the PCHPs for which it is designed within the project, there is great interest in it as a tool to facilitate managing mountain pastures. • CEN Aquitaine has provided Hazi with all cartographic databases on agricultural-pasture habitats of community interest (except for the ZEC Aldudes, whose habitat map has yet to be validated) for the Iparralde Natura 2000 sites, to be integrated into SIGPASTOS. Subaction A1.3. Technical bases to prepare PCHP in the Natura2000 sites

 These Coordination Groups established the Technical Bases to prepare the PCHP (action A2) for several issues (Good practises, grazing units, productivity and sustainable livestock load, authorised practises and use of fire) and coordination between partners and players related to the LIFE project was improved.  Revision of the bibliographical database "Northern Peninsular Expert Group," seeking related Good Practises and Experts  First version of the Good Practises table to manage pasture habitats, stemming from the 2nd and 3rd coordination group  Technical Bases 80% completed to prepare the PCHP. The rest (referring to monitoring indicators) will be addressed at the Coordination Group V

Progress report LIFE 7 Problems encountered  The Coordination Groups are presented in open format to interested technicians from administrations and experts, led based on their topic, which means that it is complex to put out calls, and it is impossible to do so bi-monthly as was planned. The meetings are held approximately every 4 months. • Obtaining data for SIGPASTOS is proving very complex, due to the high number of sources. Several particular cases must be differentiated between in each one of the sections, with highly scattered information, and it is quite complicated to seek out a unique solution to homogenise the PCHP in the 15 ZECs. In many cases, the data obtained on actual livestock from surveys and workshops (actions D2, E2) was especially complicated to integrate into SIGPASTOS, since, although the work dynamics in the workshops was suitable to collect the information, livestock operator participation was voluntary, which therefore led to different degrees of involvement. • These difficulties, along with the decision to incorporate the criteria stemming from the Technical Bases into SIGPASTOS calculations (for example, calculating the pasture production in habitats), are causes for delay in preparing the PCHPs themselves (action A2), which are fed from this Database. • Protocol to update SIGPASTOS. This was partially presented at the Coordination Group IV, and the Database must be further disseminated with more in-depth information so that the protocol is undertaken by players involved at different levels.

Time schedule Scheduled with a bi-monthly frequency, it was decided that it was more suitable to space the Coordination Group meetings out more so as to draw a greater number of attendees. The Coordination Group V is scheduled for February 2018, where definition of the Technical Bases will be completed. As of this point, an annual Table will be scheduled to comment on project progress. It is expected that SIGPASTOS will be completed during the first semester of 2018. Notwithstanding, it will not be presented as a closed Database, but will rather be fed and reviewed throughout the project's entire life cycle. The need to disseminate the Technical Bases stemming from this action was detected, as well as to disseminate the Database itself, to engage SIGPASTOS' future updating. An attempt will be made to incorporate said dissemination both into project communication actions, and into specific actions with local (E2) or expert entities (E3).

Action. Planning conservation actions in the ZECs

Action status: in progress

Foreseen start date: 01/09/2016 Actual start date: 01/09/2016 Foreseen end date: 01/01/2021 Actual end date: 01/01/2021

Progress achieved  Review of pre-existing pasture plans. Specifically, there were Pasture Plans for the following ZECs: Armañón (Neiker, 2016), Gorbeia (Biscay) (Neiker, 2011), Jaizkibel (HAZI, 2015), Aiako Harria (HAZI,2016), Pagoeta (HAZI, 2015), Parzonería and Monte Aloña in Aizkorri (Belardi, 2016), Ordunte (Salduero zone) (HAZI, 2015). Review of Mountain Management Plans (which includes pasture management) in Parzonería of

Progress report LIFE 8 Entzia (Basartea, 2015), Parzonería of Iturrieta (Agresta, 2017), Marojal de Izki (Agresta, 2017) and Hermandad de Laguardia (Agresta 2016). Bibliographical reviews.  Definition of PCHP structure and contents. Consensus on method and work calendar. (See Annex: A2_Bases_for_drafting_PCHP.pdf)  Compilation, completion and organisation of geo-referenced data (GIS), referring to physical, biological, cultural, infrastructure factors, etc., for the 15 ZECs.  External subcontracting for diagnostic support (vegetation and actual livestock use). Specifically, vegetation review was hired out to companies or experts: Amador Prieto (Ordunte, Gorbea, Urkiola, Armañón), Aranzadi Science Company (Aralar), Basartea (Entzia), Belardi (Aizkorri, -Gatzume e Izarraitz) and Agresta (Arkamo-Gibijo- Arrastaria, Sierras Meridionales, Izki). In Pagoeta, Aiako Harria and Jaizkibel did not hire a new review, since this had been recently done when the pasture plans were prepared. In the ZECs in Alava, the companies who had conducted the vegetation were hired to assist in catalysing the workshops with local players and in conducting surveys (actions D2 and E2). In Biscay, this task was given to the Agricultural Technical Centre LORRA, and in Gipuzkoa, to the public company ETORLUR (not charged to the project in this case).  Workshops with livestock operators/owners (see action E2). Surveys with livestock operators to obtain data on real livestock use of mountain pastures (see action D2) and preparation of related General Report (dated December 2017). (See Annex: E2_A2_D2_Global_report_of_workshops_and_surveys.pdf)  Definition of Management Units in each ZEC, according to the most suitable criteria for each TTHH.  Incorporation of geo-referenced and alphanumeric data in SIGPASTOS (action A1.2). Obtaining data tables in automated fashion to prepare the PCHPs in the 15 ZECs.  Draft of a model to prioritise actions in the ZECs  Meetings/field outing with DDFF technicians, wardens, livestock operators, etc., in some ZECs where it was necessary to urgently define C actions (see details on C actions).  Progress in writing the diagnostic chapters and pasture Supply/Demand Balance in 15 ZECs (within the PCHP). Work is being conducted on establishing criteria and defining actions in each ZEC, according to these results.

Problems encountered  The problems listed in action A1 led to a notable delay in development of the PCHPs. The problems were solved with decisions that particularise each one of the spaces, while still maintaining homogeneous objectives/contents in the most relevant aspects of the plans.  Once the actions are planned, within the PCHP, meetings/workshops shall be called with local affected entities again for their approval. This type of meeting leads to a longer timeframe for the PCHP, but they are mandatory for the involvement of interested parties.  The delay in the PCHP may affect carrying out C actions in the ZECs. Notwithstanding, during the preparation process, urgent actions are arising that lead to conservation actions, allowing to begin this kind of actions and partially compensate said delays.

Time schedule New meetings with local players to present the PCHP (action E2) during the first quarter of 2018. Forecasted approval of the 15 PCHP was the end of 2017, which is now delayed to June 2018.

Progress report LIFE 9 A review of the PCHPs in foreseen in the candidacy during year 5, to incorporate the production data stemming from the monitoring network (action A3). Currently, calculations were made based on extrapolations from bibliographical sources. Notwithstanding, thanks to the automatisms from using SIGPASTOS, successive reviews can be made of this aspect of the PCHPs in different project phases.

Action A3. Monitoring Network for pasture production in different habitats of community interest (A3)

Action status: in progress

Foreseen start date: 01/09/2016 Actual start date: 24/10/2016 Foreseen end date: 01/04/2020 Actual end date: 01/04/2020

Progress achieved • Monitoring Network Design: applying criteria with GIS. 9 habitats (herbaceous and bushy) were included in the design, included in the proposal (6170, 6210(*), 6220*, 6230*, 6410,4020*, 4030,4040*,4090). The criteria used to design and place the cages is provided in the deliverable "Partial report on pasture production in target habitats: Year 2017." The network's operation is based on monthly collection of production samples (inside and outside the cages), processing them and DDFF staff maintaining/replacing the cages. After this, the data are sent to Neiker, where they are analysed within the network as a whole. • Meetings with technicians, managers and livestock operators from each zone (coinciding with coordination groups A; workshops with livestock operators E2). • Explanation of protocol to be used in sampling (theory). Coinciding with meetings with managers and technicians where the network design proposal is analysed, the theoretical training on the protocol to be followed in network operation is addressed. In Gipuzkoa, this theoretical training was 28/02/2017. In Biscay, 17/03/2017. In Alava, 10/03/2017. With partners from Iparralde, the meeting was held 28/02/2017, where a cage prototype was also left. • Placement of the cages (in Biscay and part in Gipuzkoa) with respective identifying project plates. A total of 42 cages were placed in the forest (30 in Biscay and 12 in Gipuzkoa), and the location was signalled on the mountain with stakes for 12 more cages in Gipuzkoa (for placement in spring). The UTM coordinates are included in the deliverable "Partial report on pasture production in target habitats. Year 2017." • Warden training (theoretical-practical) (in Biscay and Gipuzkoa). When placing the cages in the forest, staff from Neiker accompany individuals assigned from DDFF to conduct production cuts, in order to practically explain the theoretical training received before. (See Annex: A3_Cutting_protocol.pdf ) • Production cuts: in Biscay, 5 cuts (July-November) and part of Gipuzkoa: 2 cuts (July- September). All cages placed were monitored. • Production control in Iparralde (EHLG), focused on habitats 6210, 6230 and 4030. A total of 40 cages were built and installed (May 2017). Design of a Sampling Plan in collaboration with NEIKER and CENA: the protocol is extended monthly during the productive season (April-November) for two years, to monitor two complete growing cycles. Year 2017: total of 520 samples. • Annual pasture production report (on December 2017, Annexed Deliverable_A3_2017_Pasture_production_report.pdf) In addition to the production data from

Progress report LIFE 10 each habitat, the network operation provides us with data on the % of use of the habitats studied, which is highly interesting for management purposes.

Problems encountered • How sample processing costs are paid is not defined in the candidacy, with an approximate total of 372 samples (there were cases of missing cages, preventing the collection of production data at certain times). This first year, they are borne by Neiker (not charged to the project) and in upcoming years, agreements will be made with DDFF and laboratories that process them (without charging to the project). • Alava: no cages placed due to lack of staff availability in the DFA. There is a commitment to place them over upcoming months. The data not being collected in Alava can be covered with cages in habitats in other TTHH, although not those referring to habitat 6220*, which is exclusive to this territory. • Problem in placing the cages related to production in habitats 6410 and 4040, planned in Jaizkibel, due to deficient cartography. A review of the cartography has been hired out for the coastal heath (4040), with delivery date being December 2017. They shall be placed in 6410 after in-field prospecting, so that cages will be placed in both habitats by spring of 2018.

Time schedule Cage placement in Alava in winter 2017/2018 Training laboratory staff to receive and process samples In Iparralde, the entire protocol shall be repeated a second time between 2019 and 2020 in new sectors, still included in the Natura 2000 sites.

Deliverables Partial report on pasture production in target habitats. Year 2017 (Annexed Deliverable_A3_2017_Pasture_production_report.pdf).

C ACTIONS: Conservation Actions in 15 ZECs

As follows, the conservation actions carried out in each one of the project's 15 ZECs. In each case, only the actions bearing on this section are listed, although it should be taken into account that the actions that helped to define them were carried out in each space beforehand:  Preparatory actions A1 and A2  Specific actions to present the project for participation of local entities: E2  Surveys for livestock operators: D2 and they are listed in detail in the pertinent sections of this report.

In each conservation action, reference is made to the TYPES OF ACTIONS (T1, T2...up to T11) carried out therein, per the model set forth in the candidacy in action A2. These are:  TYPE 1 (T1): Planned brush or fern clearing to recover target habitats  TYPE 2 (T2): Creating attraction points and improving accessibility to consolidate livestock use in underused zones  TYPE 3 (T3): Recovery of pasture habitats with de-structured soil  TYPE 4 (T4): Increasing grazeable surface area to reduce pressure in over-grazed zones, or to reduce the risk of fire.  TYPE 5 (T5): Excluding livestock to correct impacts on non-pasture habitats or under risk of erosion.  TYPE 6 (T6): Recovery of azonal habitats in grazing areas

Progress report LIFE 11  TYPE 7 (T7): Informative panels to minimise narcissus collection.  TYPE 8 (T8): Controlling species that invade the pastures.  TYPE 9 (T9): Improving livestock infrastructures to consolidate livestock use of pastures (no charge to LIFE)  TYPE 10 (T10): Demonstrative action of monitoring livestock behaviour and its efficacy to control brush spreading  TYPE 11 (T11). Controlled burns to recover Molinia meadows

No problems in the execution of these conservation actions were found. Notwithstanding, a common complication should be noted, which is coordinating the project with other aid programmes to execute actions in public forests (FEADER, Basque Government Aids for sustainability in Biodiversity, DDFF aids plans for smaller entities, etc.). The conservation actions were carefully adapted in terms of compatibility with other aids and in terms of the project's own objectives. The partners' experience in coordination different players is a huge help with this problem.

Orthophotographs related to these conservation actions are included as an Annex.

Action C1. Conservation Actions in Armañón

Action status: started

Foreseen start date: 01/04/2017 Actual start date: 01/04/2017 Foreseen end date: 01/10/2019 Actual end date: 01/10/2019

Progress achieved  Clearing 13 ha of furze to recover the surface of habitat 6230 (T1), as foreseen in the pre-existing Pasture Plan (T1).  Purchasing GPS devices (6) and 1 monitoring antenna. Grazing behaviour in 4 cows and 2 mares is being tested (T10). Relation Action D1 Time schedule This action is taking place per the planned timeline.

Action C2. Conservation Actions in Ordunte

Action status: started

Foreseen start date: 01/01/2018 Actual start date: 01/07/2017 Foreseen end date: 01/07/2020 Actual end date: 01/07/2020

Progress achieved  Purchase of GPS devices (6) and 1 antenna (pending installation) to monitor livestock grazing behaviour (T10). Relation Action D1.3 Time schedule This type of action was not planned in this space, but given the good results this sort of monitoring is bearing, the DFB decided to broaden and extend the experience to the 4 ZECs in Biscay included in the project.

Progress report LIFE 12 Action C3. Conservation Actions in Urkiola

Action status: started

Foreseen start date: 01/01/2018 Actual start date: 01/10/2017 Foreseen end date: 01/07/2020 Actual end date: 01/07/2020

Progress achieved  Mechanical clearing of 15 ha of heath-fern-furze to increase the habitat 6230's surface (T1)  Purchase of GPS devices (6) and 1 antenna (pending installation) to monitor livestock grazing behaviour (T10). Relation Action D1.3 Time schedule T1 actions were able to be moved forward because they were planned in the ZEC's Management Documents, and they were deemed urgent. This corrects the delay in preparatory planning (action A2). T10 actions were not planned in this space, but the DFB decided to increase and extend the experience to the 4 Biscay ZECs included in the project.

Action C4. Conservation Actions in Gorbea

Action status: started

Foreseen start date: 01/04/2017 Actual start date: 01/10/2017 Foreseen end date: 01/10/2019 Actual end date: 01/10/2019

Progress achieved  Clearing furze and heath-furze in a total of 50 ha (Alava zone) to structurally improve the habitat 4030 (T1).  Installation of two troughs n the grazing areas on the south slope (T2)  Design and placement of 1 informative panel to minimise narcissus collection (T7)  Transformation of an exotic conifer grove into pastureland (5 ha in Pagomakurre, Areatza) to decrease the livestock load in zones with highly-demanded pasture habitats (such as Arraba) and highly vulnerable zones due to the presence of marshes (habitat 7240). Stump-shredding action, closure (due to adjoining recreational zone) (T4).

Time schedule The actions in this ZEC were able to be carried out based on the PCHP diagnostic (already written, even though the plan is not yet complete), since they were deemed urgent. Action T4 was not planned for this space. Meetings with local players, park wardens and DFB technicians proved that it was advisable to execute them as urgently as possible. The purchase of GPS collars to monitor animal behaviour in Gorbeia, included in the candidacy, was finally funded through a Cooperation Action (PDR 2014-2020, co-financed by the Basque Government and the European Commission with FEADER funds), with Neiker's participation. This way, coherency between both financing sources, coordination between both projects and incorporation of total results into LIFE Oreka Mendian are guaranteed.

Progress report LIFE 13 Action C5. Conservation Actions in Izki

Action status: started

Foreseen start date: 01/01/2018 Actual start date: 01/12/2017 Foreseen end date: 01/07/2020 Actual end date: 01/07/2020

Progress achieved  Design and placement of 2 informative panels to minimise narcissus collection (T7) Time schedule The DFA undertook the design and placement of narcissus panels as a "cross-cutting" action, simultaneously placing the panels in all ZECs where the species of community interest are present. This justifies moving ahead on the timeline in this ZEC.

Action C6. Conservation Actions in Aizkorri-Aratz

Action status: started

Foreseen start date: 01/01/2018 Actual start date: 01/06/2017 Foreseen end date: 01/07/2020 Actual end date: 01/07/2020

Progress achieved  Mechanical clearing furze and fern (12.9 ha in Monte Gatzaga), mechanical clearing furze (48.5 ha in Degurixa, 38,5 ha in Oamendi and Arrobi) and manual clearing (74 ha in Urbia), for surface recovery of habitat 6230 (T1).  Change of location of a drinking trough, to adjust the livestock load to the needs of the pasture habitats, zone Ultzama within the General Parzoneria of Gipuzkoa and Alava. (T2).  Clearing of 242 ha of herbaceous habitat (6230*) for structural and functional improvement, by elimination of thistle (Cirsium eriophorum) which, due to its great proliferation, has an invasive character in these zones (T8)  Prescribed burn of 18 ha (Alabita) to regenerate habitat 6230 (T11).  Design and placement of 1 informative panel (Alava zone) to minimise narcissus collection (T7)

Problems encountered A large part of the actions carried out in this ZEC were conducted on privately-owned land. The project was used to strengthen work groups and livestock operator/owner associations on this land, so that habitat conservation in the ZECs goes beyond the limits of the public forest where the DFG normally takes action. Time schedule The deadlines and actions in this ZEC arose as a result of commitments with livestock operators and private owners in workshops. It was decided that fast action would contribute to their interest in participating in the project and to manage their forests under the criteria proposed in the project. Action T11 was not included in the candidacy. With the prescribed burns initially focused solely on recovering the Molinia meadows (habitat 6410), Coordination Group III (focused on Using fire as a conservation tool) referenced the possibility of using prescribed burns as another action within the project (demonstration experience).

Progress report LIFE 14 The DFA undertook the design and placement of narcissus panels as a "cross-cutting" action, simultaneously placing the panels in all ZECs where the species of community interest are present. This justifies moving ahead on the timeline in this ZEC.

Action C7. Conservation Actions in Jaizkibel

Action status: started

Foreseen start date: 01/04/2017 Actual start date: 01/05/2017 Foreseen end date: 01/10/2019 Actual end date: 01/10/2019

Progress achieved  Clearing furze and fern, 36.1 ha in , for surface recovery of habitat 6230* (T1), per the urgent actions planned in the pre-existing Pasture Plan. Time schedule This action is taking place per the planned timeline.

Action C8. Conservation Actions in Aiako Harria

Action status: started

Foreseen start date: 01/07/2017 Actual start date: 01/10/2016 Foreseen end date: 01/01/2020 Actual end date: 01/01/2020

Progress achieved  Clearing furze and fern, 20.14 ha in (2016) and 8.70 ha in Hernani (2017), for surface recovery of habitat 6230* (T1). Time schedule T1 actions could be moved ahead because they were included in the pre-existing Pasture Plan in the ZEC, where it was deemed that they were urgent. This corrects the delay in preparatory planning (action A2).

Action C9. Conservation Actions in Pagoeta

Action status: started

Foreseen start date: 01/07/2017 Actual start date: 01/10/2016 Foreseen end date: 01/01/2020 Actual end date: 01/01/2020

Progress achieved  Clearing bramble and fern, 5 ha (2016), for surface recovery of habitat 6230* (T1). Time schedule T1 actions could be moved ahead because they were included in the pre-existing Pasture Plan in the ZEC, where it was deemed that they were urgent. This corrects the delay in preparatory planning (action A2).

Progress report LIFE 15 Action C10. Conservation Actions in Hernio-Gazume

Action status: not started

Foreseen start date: 01/01/2018 Actual start date: 01/01/2018 Foreseen end date: 01/07/2020 Actual end date: 01/07/2020

Action C11. Conservation Actions in Aralar

Action status: started

Foreseen start date: 01/01/2018 Actual start date: 01/06/2017 Foreseen end date: 01/07/2020 Actual end date: 01/07/2020

Progress achieved  Clearing furze, 19.6 ha in for recovery of habitat 6230* (T1)  Fixing enclosure, 1,566.8m in to delimit grazing areas and suitable distribution of livestock load (T5)  Manual clearing of 8 ha in Amezketa for structural recovery of habitat 4030 (T1) Time schedule Actions in this ZEC could be completed based on the PCHP diagnosis (already written, although the plan is not yet complete), since they were considered urgent in the workshops with DFG technicians, livestock operators and owners.

Action C12. Conservation Actions in Izarraitz

Action status: started

Foreseen start date: 01/01/2018 Actual start date: 01/05/2017 Foreseen end date: 01/07/2020 Actual end date: 01/07/2020

Progress achieved  Manual clearing and later burning on 13.3 ha in (Alabier) (T1) to recover habitat 6210. Problems encountered The actions carried out in this ZEC were conducted on privately-owned land. The LIFE project was used to strengthen work groups and livestock operator/owner associations on this land, so that habitat conservation in the ZECs goes beyond the limits of the public forest where the DFG normally takes action. Time schedule The deadlines and actions in this ZEC arose as a result of commitments with livestock operators and private owners in workshops. It was decided that fast action would contribute to their interest in participating in the project and to manage their forests under the criteria proposed in the project. The actions fall in line with the results of the diagnosis made under the framework of the PCHP.

Progress report LIFE 16 Action C13. Conservation Actions in Entzia

Action status: started

Foreseen start date: 01/04/2017 Actual start date: 01/10/2017 Foreseen end date: 01/10/2019 Actual end date: 01/10/2019

Progress achieved • Mechanical (32 ha) and manual (3 ha) clearing of junipers and scrub to recover habitats 4090, 6230 and 6170 (T1) • It is planned to repair a natural pond so it does not lose water and can act as a watering point for livestock. (T2) • Design and placement of 2 informative panels to minimise narcissus collection (T7) Time schedule The actions conducted fall under the pre-existing Pasture Plan in the Parzonería of Entzia. The DFA undertook the design and placement of narcissus panels as a "cross-cutting" action, simultaneously placing the panels in all ZECs where the species of community interest are present.

Action C14. Conservation Actions in Arkamo-Gibijo-Arrastaria

Action status: started

Foreseen start date: 01/01/2018 Actual start date: 01/10/2017 Foreseen end date: 01/07/2020 Actual end date: 01/07/2020

Progress achieved  Mechanical clearing in 19 ha with tractor-string trimmer (MUP num. 397, Luna) to recover habitats 4090 and 6210 (T1).  Repair of traditional stonework fence between grazing management units (T5)  A string-trimmer/chopper was purchased, charged to the LIFE project (16,280.80€), included in this action. However, the DFA shall also use this tool in other spaces. Time schedule Actions in this ZEC could be completed based on the PCHP diagnosis (already written, although the plan is not yet complete), since they were considered urgent in the workshops with DFA technicians, livestock operators and owners.

Action C15. Conservation Actions in Sierra Toloño-Cantabria

Action status: started

Foreseen start date: 01/01/2018 Actual start date: 01/07/2017 Foreseen end date: 01/07/2020 Actual end date: 01/07/2020

Progress achieved  Maintenance of the grazing surface (habitats 4090, 6210 and 6220*) in the firewalls by rod-grazing: agreement with two sheep and goat shepherds. (T4)  Design and placement of 1 informative panel to minimise narcissus collection (T7)

Progress report LIFE 17 Time schedule The DFA undertook the design and placement of narcissus panels as a "cross-cutting" action, simultaneously placing the panels in all ZECs where the species of community interest are present. This justifies moving ahead on the timeline in this ZEC. Since Action T4 is maintenance, it is planned to repeat it throughout the 5-year life cycle of the LIFE project

Action D1. Monitoring the repercussions of the actions on the project's objectives

Action status: started

Foreseen start date: 01/04/2017 Actual start date: 01/04/2017 Foreseen end date: 01/07/2020 Actual end date: 01/07/2020

Progress achieved Sub-action D1.1. Monitoring OE objectives (4,5,7) • Field outings to identify actions that could be monitored: Armañon, Gorbeia, Aizkorri- Aratz, identified in the first two, as shown in actions C1 and C4, respectively. The other actions were identified based on an analysis integrating interest in conservation and need for livestock use by the technical and management part of the respective DDFF.

Sub-action D1.2 Objective monitoring OE6 • This sub-action has not been begun

Sub-action D1.3. Objective monitoring OE8 Purchase of GPS for livestock (6 Ordunte, 6 Armañon, 6 Urkiola) and 3 antennae. Monitoring in Armañon and Ordunte begun. In Urkiola: Selection of livestock to place the devices in the grazing season 2018 and study of coverage in different zones. In Gorbeia: contact was made to coordinate information in the Oderiaga zone, with the devices purchased by Neiker through a cooperation action (PDR Basque Country 2014-2020), co-financed by the Basque Government and the European Commission with FEADER funds. Relation with C actions (T10) in these spaces.

Problems encountered  Different degree of success in maintaining the GPS during the grazing time. An attempt will be made to reinforce the importance of livestock operator involvement in this action when collecting the devices.  How urgently C actions were conducted in 2016-2017 prevented reaching a consensus on the protocol to monitor them. Said protocol shall be available for conservation actions to be conducted in 2018, including the progress already made in this regard in Iparralde (action D7).

Time schedule Definition and specification, with EUROPARC-Spain quality standard files on the indicators to be measured in monitoring the Type 1 - Type 11 measures. Coordination meeting with DDFF to plan conservation actions to be monitored in the different ZECs Field outings to place antennae to receive a higher number of geo-referenced location messages from animals.

Progress report LIFE 18

Action D2. Assessment of the project's socioeconomic impact on the local population and economy

Action status: started

Foreseen start date: 01/09/2016 Actual start date: 01/09/2016 Foreseen end date: 31/12/2021 Actual end date: 31/12/2021

Progress achieved Sub-action D2.1. Investments in the local scope  Definition of local scope. It is agreed to take the municipalities constituting the "Area of Influence of the 15 ZECs" as such; in other words, that include land in the protected spaces.  There are descriptors in each partner's financial monitoring procedures, differentiating between investments that are local in scope. Quarterly sending descriptors of expenses on local players to HAZI. The result of this indicator may be viewed in the deliverable Deliverable_F1_Management_guidelines.pdf, which, for computed expenses, shows that 24% are local. Sub-action D2.2. Surveys for the livestock industry.  Related to action E2 workshops - Data on actual use is obtained from said surveys, necessary for A2. They were conducted throughout 2017, bringing together livestock operators from each ZEC or municipality in the pertinent towns. Those conducting the surveys were companies hired to this end in Alava (see action A1.1), LORRA in Biscay and ETORLUR in Gipuzkoa. A total of 209 surveys were conducted in Biscay, 90 in Alava and 24 in Gipuzkoa (in Gipuzkoa, surveys were only conducted in ZECs with majority private land, since the DFG has sufficient information on real livestock use in the MUPs). The table below summarises the number of surveys conducted. On occasion, in addition to the surveys conducted expressly for the LIFE project, surveys can be added that have a similar objective, conducted in recent pre-existing Pasture Plans, or those conducted with wardens (see Annex E2_A2_D2_Global_report_of_workshops_and_surveys.pdf).

ZEC SURVEYS Livestock operators (num.) Izki 26 + 20 (previous pasture plan) Aizkorri-Aratz Alava 13 Gipuzkoa + 61 (previous pasture plan) Gorbeia Alava 3 + 19 (wardens) Biscay 157 Urkiola Alava 28 Bizkaia 13 Armañon 20 Ordunte 19 Izarraitz 11 Hernio-Gazume 13 Arkamo-Gibijo 68 (wardens) Entzia 16 + 29 (previous pasture plan) Sierra Cantabria 4 + 3 (previous pasture plan)

Progress report LIFE 19 Sub-action D2.3. Socioeconomic study on livestock operations that use mountain pastures  This sub-action was not begun

Problems encountered • The main problem when conducting the surveys is the interviewed parties' willingness. To obtain their collaboration to the extent possible, workshops were conducted to present the LIFE project, and specific workshops in Alava (action E2). In Biscay and Gipuzkoa, two trusted entities, close to the industry, participated (LORRA and ETORLUR) • Where livestock operators provided scant information (Arkamo-Gibijo-Arrastaria, Gorbeia (Alava Zone)): meetings with wardens and others aware of the environment to complete survey information. Time schedule The quarterly expense record on local players will be continued Specific surveys were planned for the Aralar/Aizkorri ovine sector that will not be conducted for the time being, since it is deemed that the known data (provided by the General Parzonería of Gipuzkoa and Alava and the Community of Enirio-Aralar) are sufficient to prepare the PCHPs. The need to prepare a socioeconomic report on the profitability of operations will be assessed. Said report will be hired out in spring 2018.

Action D3. Evaluation of the project's impact on ecosystemic services

Action status: started

Foreseen start date: 01/01/2018 Actual start date: 01/01/2017 Foreseen end date: 1/07/2019 Actual end date: 1/07/2019

Progress achieved  In Iparralde, bibliographical research was begun to list the ecosystemic services that may affect habitats, data necessary to fulfil TESSA protocols. Related to actions A1 and A3, through complication of cartographic data on species and habitats. Time Schedule The CENA pushed data compilation forward in this action, since they were also mandatory to meet the objectives of the preparatory actions.

Action D4. Monitoring spreading of brush in mountain pastures with LIDAR

Action status: Delayed

Foreseen start date: 01/10/2017 Actual start date: 01/04/2018 Foreseen end date: 01/07/2019 Actual end date: 01/07/2019

Problems encountered • Planning this action (monitoring with drones) is related to execution of C actions and the D1 monitoring action. Said actions shall be carried out in depth beginning in 2018. • On the other hand, the LIDAR flight, scheduled for 2016, was finally conducted in 2017. Its data are still not available to conduct inter-annual comparison calculations.

Time schedule LIDAR data shall be compared in spring 2018 Monitoring with drones from C actions shall be scheduled in parallel with monitoring in action D1.

Progress report LIFE 20

Action D5. Monitoring and measuring specific LIFE indicators

Action status: In progress

Foreseen start date: 01/09/2016 Actual start date: 01/09/2016 Foreseen end date: 31/12/2021 Actual end date: 31/12/2021

Progress achieved  Review of the indicators table on 31 December 2017. (See section 5.3 of this document) Problems encountered At this time in the project, there are still many data that cannot be provided. Some indicators, since they are pre-defined to fit into the LIFE programme's general system, provide scant information (see explanation and examples in section 5.3 of this document).

Time Schedule This action is taking place per the planned timeline. The information necessary to complete the indicators table is constantly being documented in the project.

Deliverables Included in the Management Manual (Deliverable in action F1)

Action D6. Historical analysis and future trends of pasture landscapes and habitats

Action status: started

Foreseen start date: 01/01/2018 Actual start date: 23/09/2016 Foreseen end date: 31/12/2019 Actual end date: 31/12/2019

Progress achieved • In Iparralde: staff were hired for a 6-month period to begin this action. The work conducted: Creation of a network of players (telephone contact + field day + work meeting): 34 people in total (agricultural operators, shepherds, managers, technicians, public officers, etc.) to compile old aerial photographs in: 2 periods: from 1950 until 1980 and from 1980 until today; 3 monitoring scales; • 4 large zones that generally include a massif or an entire basin • 6 areas mapped in 3D where agricultural practises and vegetation are analysed on three dates in 1950, 1980 and today • Operation and parcels (See Annex: D6_3D_Trend_models.pdf) • In En Euskadi: Preparation of a report on habitat and livestock trends, authorised in the MUP in the ZECs falling under the LIFE project (see annex: Deliverable_D6_Historical_analysis_and_trends-Euskadi.pdf). Related to compiling data in action A2. This report was made by HAZI (December 2017). As a main conclusion, it might be said that phenomenon of brush spreading is an undeniable trend in all Euskadi in general, with a loss due to plant spreading of 6.2% of herbaceous habitats over the past 10 years. However, this loss is not homogeneous, the ZECs of Ordunte, Hernio-Gatzume, Gorbea, Jaizkibel and Urkiola bearing the brunt. In other locations, such as Aiako Harria

Progress report LIFE 21 and Entzia, the trend even reverses, although this is not due to an increased livestock load, but rather to clearing actions and proactive maintenance by the administration. In fact, the data on authorised livestock trends is difficult to use as justification for changes in vegetation, since this is an administrative data, more related to PAC aids and rights than to actual territory use.

Problems encountered The main problem found in this action is difficulty in obtaining data on Iparralde. It was believed that photographs and old postal cards could be easily found through contributions from local players, yet few people have them. To overcome this problem, it was decided to create these 3D landscape diagrams, since the changes they show provide a result similar to what would be obtained through postal cards. Additionally, the number of contacts continues to grow, which will be used during the second phase of work in 2019.

Time schedule The first phase: scheduled in 2019, moved ahead in 2016, due to the opportunity to hire an individual specifically for that job Launch of 2nd phase in 2019: complete the network, format the data, compile historical data

Deliverables Deliverable_D6_Historical_analysis_and_trends-Euskadi.pdf.

Action D7. Monitoring effects of actions included in the LIC/ZEC in the French Basque Country for unified management of pasture habitats

Action status: started

Foreseen start date: 01/09/2016 Actual start date: 01/09/2016 Foreseen end date: 31/12/2020 Actual end date: 31/12/2020

Progress achieved • Bibliographical analysis over ecological monitoring, according to handling type and types of habitats • Technical meetings with managers of Natura 2000 sites: ZEC Larrun, Cize, Baigorri and Soule (see Action E2). These meetings helped not only to collect data on management actions at these sites, but also to identify local problems related to these mountain management methods, which oriented the design of the protocol and monitoring plan. • Participation in the Atlantic Pyrenees "Natura 2000 Club" (23/03/2017) organised by the Departmental Territorial Direction and the Pyrénées Atlantiques, with the National Botanical Conservatory of the Pyrenees and Midi-Pyrénées, bearing on the ecological monitoring issue. • Selection of habitats (6210, 6230 and 4030, related to Action A3) and "management methods" to be sampled (prescribed burns, harvesting, early fern cutting, solely grazing). • Preparation of a protocol draft, along with Neiker, EHLG and CBNPMP. To validate it, the suggestions from the Coordination Group V will be considered (see Action A1.1 and annex: D7_Monitoring_design.pdf)

Progress report LIFE 22 • In-field protocol testing: 21 parcels (3 target habitats and 4 management methods studied). To obtain further data within the context of the LIFE project, implementation of the protocol at 15 parcels with its funding was coordinated, with another 6 parcels with CEN Aquitaine's own funding. • Analysis of initial results: time required for different types of monitoring, relevance of the results, etc., which will act to re-adapt the protocol for 2018

Problems encountered Difficulties in finding homogeneous management areas for statistically satisfactory sampling: difficult to anticipate the areas to be sampled based on prior management data: inexact areas, etc. To alleviate these problem during upcoming monitoring sessions, in-field visits shall be conducted before monitoring, in the areas planned for one or more parcels, which shall require more preparation time.

Time schedule Monitoring protocol review and validation. Launch of the second phase in 2018, once the protocol is reviewed and validated: new monitoring parcels Reporting outcome to LIFE project partners

Action E1. Communication plan

Action status: in progress

Foreseen start date: 01/09/2016 Actual start date: 01/09/2016 Foreseen end date: 31/12/2021 Actual end date: 31/12/2021

Progress achieved • Press conference for launch Date (15/09/2016) • Creation of a Technical Committee in Iparralde and launch of LIFE project in Ainiza- Monjolose (1/12/2016). (See action F1). • Large media presence after project presentation (see Annex: E1_Press_clipping.pdf). • Preparation of logotype and style manual. Prepared by ENNUT (Dec 2016). This manual includes the basic tools for proper use and graphic application of the OREKA MENDIAN logotype in all its possibilities and expressions. Proper use of the logotype shall contribute toward achieving identification goals and reinforcing the project (Deliverable) • Communication plan. Prepared by HAZI (June 2017). This document establishes the communication bases for the LIFE OREKA MENDIAN project, to ensure that the news strategy meets the premises of clarity, continuity, coherency and coordination necessary for effective project dissemination. This plan establishes what the project objectives and image are that must be communicated to society during its five-year life cycle, and once it has been completed. Moreover, it includes the communication actions planned to inform and raise awareness in the target audience regarding the purpose and the results the project reaps. (Deliverable) Webpage • Dissemination material: roll-up with photos and logotypes of the project and its partners • LIFE project presentation at:

Progress report LIFE 23 • Landa Topaketa V “Aproximaciones y experiencias en torno a la ganadería sostenible (Approximations and experiences revolving around sustainable livestock operation)” (24/03/2017, Orduña). HAZI oral communication. Includes a group workshop on the project challenge “¿Cómo coordinar a todos los agentes que intervienen en la gestión del territorio? (How to coordinate all players involved in territory management?) (See programme in annex: E1-E3_Technical_Seminars.pdf) • RIIAM (Encuentros internacionales de sector agropastoralismo mediterráneo (International Mediterranean Agricultural-Pastoralism Industry Meetings), (Montpellier, 17/10/2017). HAZI poster communication (See Action E3) • Poctefa “GREEN” (Réseau Pyrénéen d’Espaces Protégés): presentation of the LIFE OREKA MENDIAN project at technical project meetings related to "biodiversity conservation in agricultural-livestock settings," with 14 partners participating, including HAZI and CENA • Communication actions in Iparralde: · Preparation of a communication article in the monthly EHLG newspaper, "Izar Lore," on the LIFE project's details (related to action E2.4) · Different communications through EHLG's Facebook page. · Preparation of a communication article in CENA's "l'Écho des cités," num. 65 January 2017 (related to action E2.4)

Time schedule  Project dissemination material (brochure) - February 2018  Travelling photographic exhibition - Throughout 2018  Attendance at the Mountain Convention (Euromontana) - Romania 25-27 Sept 2018  Layout of model poster for zones of action  Press release related to this Progress Report - January 2018

Deliverables and milestones Project launch press conference - 15/09/2016 Communication plan for LIFE OREKA MENDIAN project - 29/06/2017. See Deliverable_E1_plan_comunicacion_oreka.pdf Style manual - 31/12/2016. See Deliverable_E1_MANUAL_IDENTIDAD_OREKA.pdf Webpage Publication - 1/12/2017

Action E2. Local dissemination and participation

Action status: in progress

Foreseen start date: 01/09/2016 Actual start date: 01/01/2017 Foreseen end date: 31/12/2021 Actual end date: 31/12/2021

Progress achieved Sub-action E2.1. Project presentation meetings • 15 meetings with Local Players (in their majority, entities owning public lands). 7 in Alava (1 per ZEC), 9 in Gipuzkoa (number depending on particularities of each space; in Pagoeta, none were held since the forest is owned by the DFG). In Biscay, this type of meeting was not considered necessary, since the Town Halls that own the public lands were on the boards. On one hand, the purpose of these meetings was to inform as to the existence of the project and the invitation to participate in it, and on the other,

Progress report LIFE 24 to list the needs related to livestock's mountain pasture use identified by participants. The call to the meeting was via letter or telephone. Total num. of attendees: 234. The following table provides a summary of the meeting related to this action in Euskadi. (See Annex: E2_A2_D2_Global_report_of_workshops_and_surveys.pdf)

ZEC Local entity presentation Date and location Participants Izki JJAA Korres (160517) 18 Aizkorri-Aratz Board of Administrators of Alava Araia (080617) 11 General Parzonería of Gipuzkoa Otsaurte (040517) 15 and Alava Dekala Landowner Association - 9 (050517) Gorbeia Board of Administrators of Alava 16 Zone Murguia (240517) Urkiola Aramaio Town Hall 13 Armañon --- Aralar Enirio Aralar Community Zaldibia (100517) 10 Pagoeta --- Aiako Harria Oiartzun Town Hall Oiartzun (090617) 16 Jaizkibel Hondarribia and Town (December 2016) 4 Halls Izarraitz Individual landowners Azpeitia (170517) 11

Azpeitia Town Hall Azpeitia (260517) 11

Hernio-Gazume Bidania, and Errezil Bidania (150517) 7 Town Halls Individual landowners Errezil (060717) 41 Arkamo-Gibijo ZEC Board of Administrators Zuazo de 25 Cuartango (090517) Entzia ZEC Board of Administrators + Iturrieta (250517) 18 Entzia Parzoneria and Iturrieta Parzoneria Sierra Cantabria ZEC Board of Administrators + Laguardia(300517) 9 Antigua Hermandad de Laguardia Ordunte ---

• In Iparralde, EHLG encouraged the participation of several local players under the scope of different LIFE project actions: • EHLG and CEN Aquitaine Meeting with the Communauté d'Agglomération Pays Basque, management structure of the Larrun ZEC (13/01/2017); • EHLG and CEN Aquitaine meeting with three trade-union committees (Pays de Cize, Baigorri and Soule), all of which are Natura 2000 site managers (27/01/2017); • 2nd meeting with the Trade-Union Committee of the Pays de Cize, organisation that manages the ZEC Montagne de Cize (01/02/2017) • 2nd meeting with the Communauté d'Agglomération Pays Basque (08/02/2017) • 2nd meeting with the Trade-Union Committee of the Valle Baigorri, organisation that manages the ZEC Montagne de Aldudes (17/02/2017) • 2nd meeting with the Trade-Union Committee of Soule, organisation that manages 4 Natura 2000 sites (27/03/2017).

Progress report LIFE 25 Sub-action E2.2. Workshops related to planning actions in each ZEC and their implementation • Workshops with livestock operators: 12 Alava (with private livestock operators) + 11 Biscay (with livestock operator associations) + 3 Gipuzkoa (the DFG, along with ETORLUR, has work groups established with representatives of owners and livestock operators in different ZEC, so it was not necessary to call extraordinary workshops, except on sporadic occasions). Warden meetings in Alava: 3. Related to action A2, the main purpose of these meetings was to obtain real forest use data and become aware of the sector's interests/needs, necessary to prepare the PCHP.

ZEC Livestock operator Participants Wardens (date, workshops (num. of location) meetings, date, location) Izki 1-Korres (160617) 13 Aizkorri-Aratz Alava 2-Araia (190617 and 8 030717) Gipuzkoa 8-Dekala Association There are no (summer 2017) minutes Gorbeia Alava 1- Murguia (150617) 13 Zuia (210717) and Zigoitia/Barambio (050917) Biscay 4- Livestock 6 associations: 3 Itxina (1/03/17) 6 Gorbeiazpi and 5 Ubidea (3/3/17) Gorbeiazpi (30/3/17) Itxina (5/4/17) Urkiola Alava 1-Murguia (110717) There are no minutes Biscay 2- Dima (10/2/17) and 6 AGA-Abadiño 20 (25/3/17) Armañon 2-Karrantza (10/3/17) 3 Arcentales (15/02/17) 5 Ordunte 3-Karrantza (10/3/17) 3 Artaio-Turtzioz 20 (17/3/17) and 5 (29/3/17) Hernio-Gazume 3-Errezil (250517), 13 Hernio mountain 10 (4/08/17), Hernio 2 mountain (16/09/17) Arkamo-Gibijo 2- General (020817), 7 Livestock Arkamo(290917) 11 operators of Arkamo board (290917) Entzia 3- Cicujano, Iturrieta 8 and Okariz (010617) 12 5 Sierra 2- Laguardia, Arkaute 6 Cantabria (13 y 140617) 3

Sub-action E2.3. Presentation to boards • Project Presentation at the 8 ZEC Boards, which are Natural Parks, and therefore have this body: Izki (161216), Aizkorri-Aratz(020517), Gorbeia(190417), Urkiola (030717), Armañon(030317), Aralar* (110417), Pagoeta (060617), Aiako Harria (100417).

Progress report LIFE 26 Sub-action E2.4. Dissemination in news media related to the sector • Publication of project presentation articles in magazines related to the sector (see annex: E2_Diffusion_publications-pdf), such as: o ENBA trade-union magazines (“Enba, la revista de los agricultores profesionales”, Autumn 2017: LIFE Oreka Mendian: mendiko larreen kontserbazioa abeltzaintzako praktika tradizionalen bidez) and EHNE (“Ardatza”, August 2017: Interview with Amelia Ortubai, project technical coordinator) o The EHLG magazine (Izar Lorea, April 2017: Lancement du programme LIFE Oreka Mendian) o The CENA magazine (Echo des sites, January 2017: Lancement du programme LIFE Oreka Mendian) o Elhuyar (Elhuyas 327, Feburary 2017. Citation of the project in the article ustiatzetik kontserbatzera)…

Problems encountered • Different collaboration/participation/interest of local players in the meetings. In ZECs with greater varying situations, this was resolved by making particularised presentations based on zones or interests.

Time schedule  New meetings with local entities/livestock operators to present the PCHPs as they are written, in relation to action A2  Publication in the magazine Sustraia is planned, widely disseminated in the agricultural and environmental world, in 2018

Action E3. Participation, communication and technical-scientific training

Action status: started

Foreseen start date: 01/09/2016 Actual start date: 14/09/2016 Foreseen end date: 31/12/2021 Actual end date: 31/12/2021

Progress achieved Sub-action E3.1. Meetings with Expert Mountain Pasture Groups • Participation of North Peninsular Mountain Pasture Expert Groups in Coordination Groups II and III (15/11/2016 and 22/06/2017). Related to action A1. • Annual meeting with Expert Mountain Pasture Group (15/11/2016). 15 people attending (experts from CIFA-Cantabria, Serida-Asturias, INTIA-Navarre, University of the Basque Country, etc.). (See Annex: E3_Minutes_experts_meeting_Feb_2017.pdf ) Sub-action E3.2. Complete the database on technical-scientific publications related to mountain pastures • This sub-action was not begun Sub-action E3.3. Dissemination of results from project pilot actions • Presentation of project (poster) at RIIAM (Encuentros internacionales de sector agropastoralismo mediterráneo (International Mediterranean Agricultural-Pastoralism Industry Meetings)), at the finale LIFE MIL'OUV seminar (17/10/2017). Related to action E1.

Progress report LIFE 27 Sub-action E3.4. Good Practises Manual • This sub-action was not begun, beyond the first drafts obtained at the Coordination Group II (see action A1). Sub-action E3.5. Guide to prepare Pasture Plans in MUP to access PDR agricultural- environmental aids (2014-2020) • This sub-action was not begun Sub-action E3.6. Technical Training Courses Several training actions were conducted for the technicians of partners participating in the project (see Annex: E1-E3_Technical_Seminars.pdf), including: • Workshop "Natura 2000 in Iparralde" (Arkaute, 14/09/2016). 14 people in attendance. Exchange workshop with Iparralde partners and individuals interested in this issue in Euskadi (DDFF, Basque Government, Unesco Professor, IHOBE, etc.) • HAZI technician training (Amelia Ortubai) and NEIKER technicians (Nerea Mandaluniz) in the course "Pasture monitoring and evaluation," taught by BBBFarming (10 hours online + 34 in-class hours in Orduña, 25-27 June 2017). • Participation of the General Project Coordinator (Mikel de Francisco) in workshops related to its topic, such as "Red Natura 2000 in FEADER scheduling 2014-2020” (26/09/17, Madrid), Work Group Meeting on forest pastures and forest-pasture systems within the PAC (19/09/17, Madrid), Course "Taming fire: use of fire to prevent fire" (6- 7/09/27, Bertiz). Moreover, NEIKER taught a course on sample collection, related to action A3, for Basalan wardens and service in Biscay, technicians and field supervisors in Gipuzkoa (spring 2017) and CENA/EHLG technicians (7/06/2017).

Problems encountered No problems were identified in organising the meetings, beyond greater or lesser expert participation in meetings, depending on the topic

Time schedule During the Next Coordination Group (February 2018, see A1): Experts in N Peninsular Mountain Pastures shall be called. Hiring the "guide to prepare Pasture Plans in MUP, to obtain PDR agricultural-environmental aids," scheduled for 2017, is delayed until mid-2018, awaiting the completed PCHPs (see action A2), since these plans will be the starting-point reference model for this sub-action. The Technical Training courses in HAZI's "Training for Employment" programme have yet to be given. Technical-scientific contacts up until now have taken place as "Coordination Groups" or workshops such as the "Natura2000 Workshop in Iparralde," outside the aforementioned programme. A training action is scheduled for players in the agricultural- livestock industry over the course of 2018, related to assessment of the state of pastures and monitoring.

Action E4. Projection in Europe

Action status: started

Foreseen start date: 01/09/2016 Actual start date: 01/09/2016 Foreseen end date: 31/12/2021 Actual end date: 31/12/2021

Progress report LIFE 28 Progress achieved  An International Work Group, based on Euromontana partners and partners of the project LIFE OREKA MENDIAN, was created. The invitation to participate in said group was sent via email, in April 2017, to Euromontana partners, to members of the Expert North Peninsula Mountain Pasture Group and to partners of the POCTEFA GREEN project. As of today, this group includes: Name Organization Country Thomas Dax BABF Austria Anne CASTEX Suaci France Christophe LEGER APCA France Théo GNING FNSEA France Iker ELOSEGUI Euskal Herriko Laborantza France Ganbara Jean-Louis PEYRAUD INRA France Daniela MASOTTI ERSAF Italy Vlatko ANDONOVSKI Makmontana Macedonia Danut GITAN CEFIDEC Romania Tiberiu STEF AGROM-RO Romania Andreja BOREC Maribor University Slovenia Carlos ASTRAIN MASSA GAN Spain HAZI (Oreka Mendian) Spain  The group's first participatory consultation shall take place at the beginning of 2018, with a bibliographical compilation of good practises in mountain pasture management in Europe, which shall act to draw up the report related to this action, but also to make the Good Practises Manual for the project (action A1) and to complete action E3's bibliographical database.  Contact (verbal, meetings at workshops) with other related projects, such as LIFE MIL´OUV(, LIFE Montserrat (,LIFE Viva Grass ( interest was observed in exchanged focuses/experiences related to managing mountain pastures, either electronically, by visiting the zones of study, or by inviting them to come to the sphere of the OREKA MENDIAN project.  Direct experience exchange with other partners from the project POCTEFA "GREEN: Red de Espacios Naturales del Pirineo (POCTEFA "GREEN": Network of Natural Pyrenees Spaces)" (June 2016-June 2019), with both HAZI and CENA acting as partners.  Biodiversa ERA-NET (

Problems encountered More feedback is needed between the Euromontana partners and the Project Coordinator regarding progress being made (in actions E3, for example).

Time schedule It is deemed more suitable to make technical visits (included in the candidacy for 2017) once greater progress has been made on the report on EU pasture management and repeatable good practises have been identified (2018-2019).

Progress report LIFE 29 Create a questionnaire to compile good practises, based on the one conducted for the Coordination Group II, and consult the International Work Group on this issue for the first time. Establish contact with the following projects: H2020: Agroforestry Innovation Networks (AFINET) (, the project ERA-NETBiodivERsA (, the Alpine Space Project AlpES ( objective will be to disseminate LIFE Oreka Mendian through informational bulletins, to exchange good practises with them, etc.

Action F1. LIFEOREKAMENDIAN project coordination and monitoring

Action status: in progress

Foreseen start date: 01/09/2016 Actual start date: 01/09/2016 Foreseen end date: 31/12/2022 Actual end date: 31/12/2021

Progress achieved (See Annex: F1_Minutes.pdf)  Creation of Direction Committee (meeting 15/09/2016). Comprising:

Mikel de Francisco Isabel Albizu Juan Andrés Gutierrez Marie Clotteau (HAZI) (NEIKER) (HAZI E.U) (EUROMONTANA) [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] marie.clotteau@euromont Ibai Portu (DFA) Fernando Cámara Antonio Galera (DFB) Ismael Mongragon [email protected] (DFA Mamb) [email protected] (DFG) [email protected] [email protected] us Iker Elosegi (EHLG) Tangi Le Moal (CEN Ainhize Butron [email protected] Aq) [email protected] t.le-moal@cen-

 Creation of Technical Committee (meeting 15/09/2016). Comprising: Partner Technical representatives Partner Technical representatives Amelia Ortubai Javier Sesma DFA (MAmb) [email protected] [email protected] HAZI Damiana Maiz Iñaki Benito DFB [email protected][email protected] Sorkunde Mendarte Jesús Aduriz DFG [email protected] [email protected] NEIKER Nerea Mandaluniz Guillaume Cavailles EHLG [email protected] [email protected] Priscille L’ Hernault Lauren Mosdale EUROMONTANA CEN Aq p.lhernault@cen- [email protected] Luis Buesa Luis Alfonso Quintana DFA (Montes) DFA (Montes) [email protected] [email protected]

This committee met on 3 occasions (meetings 15/09/2016, 15/02/2017 and 15/11/2017), where technicians often accompanied members of the direction committee, as well.  Neemo monitoring visit (21/06/2017). Administrative and technical review of the project. Field visit to the ZEC Jaizkibel to monitor actions C7 and A3.

Progress report LIFE 30  4 Coordination Groups (15/11/2016, 15/02/2017, 22/06/2017 and 15/11/2017). See action A1  Start-up of OwnCloud Platform to exchange information between partners  Project Management Model completed. On OwnCloud since February 2017 (last revision December 2017). DELIVERABLE  Organisation between EHLG and CEN Aquitaine of a technical committee in Iparralde, a group comprised of Natura 2000 facilitators, elected representatives of the Union Commissions, the Agglomeration Community of the Basque Country, the National Botanical Conservatory of the Pyrenees and the Mediterranean Pyrenees, the DDTM 64 an the DREAL Nouvelle-Aquitaine. The objective is to ensure that the actions are coordinated, and dissemination of the project in Iparralde. The first committee met 1/12/2016 in Ainhice-Mongelos, with the project coordinator attending, to present the main points of the Oreka Mendian project to attending members.  Quarterly centralisation of administrative-financial data at HAZI, with the commitment of all partners on: o justification of expenses incurred (travel, overnight stays, purchase of consumables) o Time spent on schedules by each one of the employees of each partner o Analytical accounting: time and costs incurred per action and per employee o Load information on OWNCLOUD

Time schedule (timeline deviations, upcoming milestones)  Next Technical Committee: June 2018, along with the NEEMO Monitoring Visit

Deliverables Management Manual to coordinate and organise the consortium. (See F1_Management_guidelines.pdf)

5.2. Envisaged progress until next report The next report will be the Intermediate Report, planned for 15/06/2019.

At that time, preparatory actions shall be practically completed, with the Technical Bases and the PCHPs for the spaces approved. The Coordination Groups shall meet on an annual basis to monitor the project, and the SIGPASTOS database shall remain active, feeding from data on annual records and automating certain processes. The Pasture Production Monitoring Network (A3) will have been established, there will be a new production report for the year 2018, and a first review of the pasture supply/demand balance in the spaces will be possible based on these empirical data.

Conservation actions (C) in the spaces will be advanced, as action will have been taken in 2018 and spring of 2019, once the PCHP framework is established.

Moreover, monitoring of the impact of the actions on conservation objectives (D1, D7), on the economy and local population (D2) and on ecosystemic services (D3) will be very advanced. In the former case, the monitoring protocol will be established, and the pertinent indicators will be measured. In coordination with these actions, action D4 (drone monitoring) will also be taking place, and the pilot testing for the new measurement method of brush spreading (LIDAR) will be conducted.

Progress report LIFE 31 On the other hand, the second phase of the Historical Analysis of Trends in Iparralde (D6) action will have begun, and ongoing monitoring of specific LIFE indicators (D5) shall be continued.

The main milestone within the communication actions is a midterm seminar, lasting 2 days, in November 2018. Additionally, participation in the European Mountain Convention (September 2018, Romania), organised by Euromontana. It is expected that new dissemination material for the project will be available (brochure, travelling exhibition, etc.) shortly. In writing and approving planning in the ZECs (A2), new meetings with local players (E2) are scheduled during spring 2018, along with presenting progress in conservation actions being carried out to the new boards. Moreover, work will be carried out to disseminate the project in magazines, on the radio and through other media proximate to players in rural settings. Expert researchers in mountain pastures will be invited to attend the Coordination Group V (scheduled February 2018) as well as to the aforementioned midterm seminar. Moreover, the database on technical-scientific publications related to mountain pastures will be under completion. With the collaboration of said researchers and technicians, work will be continued in assessing the criteria to add to the Good Practises Manual, so the International Work Group formed shall be successively consulted (E4). On the other hand, it is expected that the Guide for Preparing Pasture Plans in MUP will be available, as support so that local players can access PAC agricultural-environmental aids, along with at least 2 technical training workshops.

Action planning is shown in the Gantt Diagram below:

Progress report LIFE 32 Updated on Original timetable Revised schedule December 31, 2017 Completed 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 Responsable III IV I II III IV I II III IV I II III IV I II III IV I II III IV A1 Technical bases HAZI A2 Action planning HAZI A3 Production monitoring network NEIKER C1 Armañón DFB C2 Ordunte DFB C3 Urkiola DFB C4 Gorbeia HAZI C5 Izki DFA C6 Aizkorri-Aratz DFG C7 Jaizkibel DFG C8 Aiako Harria DFG C9 Pagoeta DFG C10 Hernio-Gazume DFG C11 Aralar DFG C12 Izarraitz DFG C13 Entzia DFA C14 Arkamo-Gibijo-Arrastaria DFA C15 Toloño-Cantabria DFA D1 Action monitoring NEIKER D2 Socioeconomic impact HAZI D3 Ecosystemic services HAZI D4 Brush spreading monitoring HAZI D5 Specific indicators HAZI D6 Historical analysis and future trends EHLG D7 Effects of actions in Natura 2000 contracts CEN_Aq E1 Communication plan HAZI E2 Local dissemination and participation HAZI E3 Participation and technical-scientific disseminationHAZI E4 Visibility in Europe EM F1 Coordination HAZI F2 External financial audit HAZI F3 Post-LIFE HAZI Timetable update line Next reporting period Midterm report Updated on Original timetable Revised schedule December 31, 2017 Completed

2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 Type Element Action Original Revised III IV I II III IV I II III IV I II III IV I II III IV I II III IV I Creation of Technical Committee F1 2016/09/30 2016/09/30 Creation of Direction Committee F1 2016/09/30 2016/09/30 Launch press conferences E1 2016/09/30 2016/09/30 Webpage publication E1 2016/12/31 2017/12/01 Participation in the European Mountain Convention 2018 E4 2018/11/30 2018/11/30

MILESTONE Midterm seminar E1 2018/11/30 2018/11/30 Participation in the European Mountain Convention 2020 E4 2020/11/30 2020/11/30 Final seminar E1 2021/11/30 2021/11/30 Management Manual to coordinate and organise the consortium F1 2016/10/31 2016/10/31 Style manual E1 2016/12/31 2016/12/31 Communication plan E1 2016/12/31 2017/06/29 Guide to Prepare Pasture Plans in MUP E3 2017/09/30 2018/07/31 Partial report on pasture production 2017 A3 2017/12/31 2017/12/31 Grazing Habitat Conservation Plan A2 2017/12/31 2018/06/30 Partial report on pasture production 2018 A3 2018/12/31 2018/12/31 Report on LIDAR mountain pasture monitoring D4 2019/09/30 2019/09/30 Report on inter-dependency livestock operations/mountain pastures D2 2019/09/30 2019/09/30 First Partial Report on monitoring project actions D1 2019/09/30 2019/09/30 Partial report on pasture production 2019 A3 2019/12/31 2019/12/31 Evolution of cultural practises, pastures and mountain landscape in the French Basque Country D6 2019/12/31 2019/12/31 Report on the "Future Trends" indicator of pasture habitats in Euskadi D6 2019/12/31 2019/12/31 Report to assess the impact on ecosystem services D3 2020/06/30 2020/06/30 Second Partial Report on monitoring project actions D1 2020/09/30 2020/09/30 Manual on Good Practises in Pasture Habitat management E3 2020/12/31 2020/12/31

Report on monitoring the actions in the Natura 2000 contracts in the French Basque Country D7 2020/12/31 2020/12/31 DELIVERABLE Report on the management of mountain pastures at EU level E4 2020/12/31 2020/12/31 Offprint on ecosystem services in mountain pastures E4 2020/12/31 2020/12/31 Project dissemination report E1 2021/01/01 2021/01/01 Final report on pasture production A3 2021/03/31 2021/03/31 Scientific article on action D1: GPS monitoring E1 2021/06/30 2021/06/30 Scientific article on action D4: LIDAR method E1 2021/06/30 2021/06/30 Report on degree of implementation of Pasture Habitat Conservation Plans A2 2021/06/30 2021/06/30 Final Report on monitoring project actions D1 2021/09/30 2021/09/30 List of articles and press appearances E1 2021/09/30 2021/09/30 Plan Post-LIFE F3 2021/09/30 2021/09/30 External funding audit F2 2021/12/31 2021/12/31 Report on the evaluation of the project's socioeconomic impact D2 2021/12/31 2021/12/31 Specific indicators table, completed at the end of the project D5 2021/12/31 2021/12/31 Progress report F1 2017/12/31 2017/12/31 Midterm report F1 2019/06/15 2019/06/15 Progress report F1 2020/11/29 2020/11/29 REPORTS Final report F1 2021/12/31 2021/12/31 Timetable update line Next reporting period Midterm report Progress report LIFE 34 5.3. Impact

After only 16 months since its launch, and with an effort focused on preparatory actions, it is too soon to assess the project's impact on nature and biodiversity. Of note is the effort made in reviewing the distribution and conservation status of pasture habitats and narcissus species of community interest (within action A2). In relation thereto, an analysis was conducted of vegetation trends within the scope of the project, with a cartographic comparison from different years (Action D6), finished in Euskadi and begun in Iparralde, since the methodologies were different. These analyses could help to establish indicators of "future trends" when assessing the conservation status of different habitats.

Conservation actions have just begun, but the following is of note:  Clearing (and a prescribed burn) were conducted to improve the surface area of herbaceous habitats (6230, 6210) and to improve the structure of the habitats (4030 y 4090), for a total of almost 300 ha, spread throughout 11 ZECs: Armañón, Urkiola, Gorbeia, Aizkorri-Aratz, Jaizkibel, Aiako Harria, Pagoeta, Aralar, Izarraitz, Entzia and Arkamo-Gibijo –Arrastaria.  Two troughs were also made (Gorbeia), a pond was restored (Entzia), enclosures (Aralar and Arkamo-Gibiko –Arrastaria) and new pasture zones (Gorbeia), which will contribute toward redistributing the livestock loads and help to keep the pasture habitats in a good state of conservation.  To avoid impacts on the most-accessible narcissus populations, informational panels were designed, 7 of which have already been placed in Alava ZECs.

The project is contributing toward involving local players (landowners and livestock operators) in territorial conservation policies, by coordinating the LIFE project's actions with planning in each ZEC. This aspect is still a remarkably pending issue in Euskadi, although more developed in Iparralde, so collaboration between partners is a great support. Although no formal assessment is available yet (action D3), project development is collaborating with raising public awareness of the mountain pastures' ecosystemic services, while reassessing the role of the livestock industry in their maintenance. This promotes conservation of habitats and species in the mountain pasture environment at an individual level, and the LIFE programme in general.

Indirect impacts:

The DDFF, project partners and managers of Euskadi's protected spaces, are giving a very positive assessment to the Technical Bases and Good Practises being defined in the project's preparatory actions, so they are showing their willingness to extend this sort of criteria for action beyond the scope of the project (in public forests outside the ZECs, for example). At several meetings and local workshops (in Álava, especially), players shared their satisfaction over conversations with other players from nearby towns, focused on the use of shared forests and new protective policies, made possible by belonging to the Red Natura 2000. Said meetings can give rise to work groups and dynamics, which was the case in ZEC Arkamo-Gibijo-Arrastaria where, despite the complexity of the villages, they agreed to coordinate and provide the data needed to prepare the PCHP in the project on their own.

Table of indicators:

Below, a table provides the project's specific indicators. Due to the project's early phase of execution, most of the indicators do not provide information at this time.

It should be clarified that, for indicators for habitats and species (groups 6.2.1 and 6.2.2), it is mandatory to include sub-indicator surface and population-size values. Those for which an increase is not planned throughout the project (e.g., habitat 4020*), the initial and final values match. For this reason, these sub-indicators' value is 100%, even though the project must still conduct most of the planned actions. These elements will be benefited by improvements in their state of conservation and future expectations (trends), more than in terms of surface/populations. Therefore, these sub- indicators prove more informative in this case.

A similar situation takes place with the indicators that did not have starting-point or surface data within the scope of the project (indicator 10.2). The relevant data in these cases is not percentage progress, but rather the quantitative data shown.

Lastly, the table shows the conversion of the expense paid to date in full-time equivalents, within group 13.1. To this end, the different charges for labour in the different expense categories were taken into account, along with the estimated differences in daily cost in each case, etc. These are the values taken under consideration to make the conversion:

Average % labor cost d/y years daily rate Direct personnel cost Personnel 206,64 € 100% 220 5,17 External (skilled, high labor cost) External assistance 180,00 € 80% 220 5,17 External (not skilled, high labor cost) Infraestructure 150,00 € 80% 220 5,17 External (low labor cost) Travel+Consumables+Equipment+Other costs+Overheads 150,00 € 20% 220 5,17

For example, if an expense of 100,000€ for external assistance is recorded, it is considered that 80,000€ (80%) is for labour. With a 180€ cost/day, this is equivalent to 444 workdays. Assuming an average annual of 220 days, and bearing in mind the duration of the project (5.17 years), this is equivalent to 0.4 FTE.

This way, as of today, the project has generated 2 FTE, a value coherent with the early phase we are currently in.

Progress report LIFE 36 Updated on Mandatory indicators

December 31, 2017 Complementary indicators

Current status End Reference EU Initial Value % Progress (estimation) 3.3 Resource efficiency - soil Surface with a sustainable soil management ha N/A 47.485 125.542 47.485 0 6.2.1 Habitats Directive habitats 4020*, Brezales húmedos de Erica ciliaris y/o ha 213.282,00 85 85 85 100 Erica tetralix Conservation status UB UI FA UI 0 Trend UN UN I UN 0 4030, Brezales secos europeos ha 817.242,00 6.614 6.614 6.614 100 Conservation status UB UI FA UI 0 Trend S UN I UN 0 4040*, Brezales secos costeros ha 7.740,85 359 359 359 100 Conservation status UI UI FA UI 0 Trend UN UN I UN 0 4090, Brezales oromediterráneos endémicos ha 379.908,00 5.259 5.259 5.259 100 con aliaga Conservation status FA FA FA FA 100 Trend S UN I UN 0 6170, Prados alpinos y subalpinos calcáreos ha 223.539,00 3.031 3.031 3.031 100 Conservation status UB UI FA UI 0 ha UN UN I UN 0 6210 (*), Prados secos seminaturales y facies de ha 649.891,20 2.433 2.460 2.433 0 matorral sobre sustratos calcáreos (Festuco- Conservation status UB UB FA UB 0 Brometalia) (*parajes con importantes ha D D I D 0 6220*, Pastos xerofilos de Brachypodium ha 744.966,00 689 692 689 0 retusum Conservation status UB UI FA UI 0 Trend UN UN I UN 0 6230*, Formaciones herbosas con Nardus , con ha 330.614,00 5.651 6.628 5.651 0 numerosas especies, sobre sustratos silíceos de Conservation status UB UN FA UN 0 zonas montañosas Trend D UN I UN 0 6410, Prados con molinias sobre sustratos ha 583.426,00 258 288 258 0 calcáreos, tubosos o arcillo-limónicos Conservation status UB UI FA UI 0 (Molinion caeruleae). Trend D UN I UN 0 7140, Mires de transición ha 235.267,00 131 131 131 100 Conservation status UB UI UI UI 100 Trend D UN S UN 0 7210*, Turberas calcáreas del Cladium mariscus ha 90.977,00 6 6 6 100 y con especies del Caricion davallianae Conservation status UB UI UI UI 100 Trend UN UN S UN 0 7230, Turberas bajas alcalinas ha 239.979,00 64 64 64 100 Conservation status UB UI UI UI 100 Trend D S S S 100 6.2.2 Habitats and/or Birds Directives species No. of specimen N/A N/A N/A N/A 100 Narcissus asturiensis Conservation status FA UI FA UI 0 Trend UN UN plus UN 0 No. of specimen N/A N/A N/A N/A 100 Narcissus pseudonarcissus subsp nobilis Conservation status FA UI FA UI 0 Trend N/A UN plus UN 0 7.2.2 Natural or semi-natural ecosystems targeted Natural grasslands ha N/A N/A N/A 9.628 100 ecosystem status N/A UN UN UN 100 Trend N/A UN UN UN 100 Heathland & shrub ha N/A N/A N/A 12.232 100 ecosystem status N/A UN UN UN 100 Trend N/A UN UN UN 100 Wetlands ha N/A N/A N/A 201 100 ecosystem status N/A UN UN UN 100 Trend N/A UN UN UN 100 Phytolacca americana ha N/A 10 2 10 0 7.3 Invasive alien species Cirsium vulgare ha N/A 50 10 50 0 Cirsium eriophorum ha N/A 45 9 45 0 10.2 Total area to be affected by the project Natura 2000 sites No. N/A 125.542 125.542 125.542 100 11.2 Implication of NGO NGO No. N/A 0 3 1 33 12.1.1 Website Reach no. of individuals N/A 0 35.000 0 0 13.1 Networking Professionals No. trained N/A 0 900 216 24 Full-time equivalents (direct) Project period No. of FTE N/A 0 6,8 2 30

Policy implications:

The conservation actions proposed in the project are largely based on the management plans applicable to Natura 2000 spaces, pursuant to Directive 92/43 EEC. However, while said plans are particular for each ZEC, the LIFE OREKA MENDIAN project proposes integrated management of the mountain pasture habitats in the Basque Country as a whole, saving the particularities of each space and, in short, promoting the global coherency of the Red Natura 2000. In this regard, it is no coincidence that all the Basque spaces with a relevant mountain pasture surface declared ZECs were included in this project. It should be added that designing the project conjointly in the northern Basque Country (Iparralde) and in the south (Euskadi), despite the potential difficulty in bringing two realities together that are legislatively different, has remarkably enriched the LIFE project. Neither the magnitude of the project, nor the focus of its actions, entail or promote regulatory changes, new protective categories or modifications to existing categories. Notwithstanding, the project addresses measures included in the aforementioned management documents (such as writing the PCHP), and shall act as a base to establish management guidelines in mountain pasture environments (to be included in Annex III in said management documents). In fact, the aforementioned writing of the PCHPs is very valid as an example of a

Progress report LIFE 37 complex measure, from a technical, administrative and financial perspective, that is benefited by being included in a LIFE project, with a collaborative focus participated in by different partners. For these reasons, it is deemed that the project contributes to local implementation of the Habitats Directive in a relevant way, in addition to contributing to the aforementioned coherency sought by the Red Natura 2000.

On the other hand, the interrelation between this LIFE project and FEADER's Rural Development Programmes should be noted. In principle, the project was designed so that both funding sources were compatible, even in situations of time-space convergence. This was attained, thanks to the proximity of the partners to those applying for the aids (livestock operators), either directly or through the workshops expressly established within the project to this end. In fact, this circumstance was necessary to alleviate an aspect which otherwise would have led to error in the estimates made: the actual use made of mountain pastures and the industry's needs are masked by a fictitious demand stemming from rights and aids related to the PAC. Only by working toward trust, and fomenting the involvement of the livestock industry and owners of the MUP in the project can interests be clarified, to foment those that are compatible with habitat conservation.

Lastly, it should be borne in mind that the project is appropriately addressing other regulatory aspects when planning conservation actions, beyond meeting the objectives established in the Habitats Directive, such as:

 Endangered species. The PCHPs consider the flora and fauna species included in the Basque Catalogue of Endangered Species in the Basque Country that may be directly or indirectly affected by the actions planned in the project.  Invasive exotic species. No conservation actions related to this aspect have been conducted yet (Type 8).  Regulations and zoning established in ZECs that are also Natural Parks (reserve zones, livestock promotion zones, etc.).  Regulations due to declaration of Cultural Heritage, especially archaeological heritage (dolmens, barrows, etc.), which are quite abundant in open zones in Basque mountains.

5.4. Outside LIFE

In Biscay, in the ZEC Gorbeia, an operative group for organisational and technological modelling was created, called GORBEIA-GO (through a Basque Country PDR cooperation action). This experience is local in scope, but broad as far as the involvement of different players related to grazing zones is concerned (livestock operator associations, technical- economic cooperative, rural development agency and research centre and agricultural development). The participation of certain LIFE OREKA MENDIAN members in GORBEIA-GO provided for close collaboration, which will be observable in LIFE OREKA MENDIAN 's results in practical actions outside the project. For the LIFE project, Gorbeia-GO makes it possible to compile information on actual livestock use in an effective and reliable fashion over time, to record on, and add the different actions conducted by this group during 2017 to SIGPASTOS, and to transfer information from animal GPS. Moreover, work on other issues is being conducted, such as animal health in public-use forests.

Progress report LIFE 38 On the other hand, in Biscay, in the ZECs of Ordunte and Armañon, work is being conducted to make livestock use compatible with the presence of wolves in these ancestral pasture zones. To this end, an operative group was created (through a Basque Country PDR cooperation action). In addition to other actions, introducing mastiff dogs to care for livestock, and monitoring them by placing GPS devices, was proposed. After contacting this operative group, a collaboration framework was established to share the animal GPS-signal receptor antennae in the Ordunte and Armañon zones, to be placed within the LIFE OREKA MENDIAN project, and the information from the devices placed on the animals is transferred from the Wolf-Operative Group. This collaboration will provide for more information regarding animal grazing behaviour, as opposed to different actions to be monitored in the LIFE OREKA MEDIAN project.

In 2017, Gipuzkoa, in the ZEC Aizkorri- Aratz, the General Parzoneria of Gipuzkoa and Alava conducted conservation actions related to improving habitats 6230 and 4030 (with a subsidy from the Basque Government Biodiversity Direction). In relation thereto, they implemented monitoring in certain zones of action by applying a protocol and parameters for sampling to study the vegetation structure. The results arising from these controls could be quite valuable for the LIFE project as far as methodological aspects are concerned, and as comparative values with other zones monitored in the LIFE OREKA MENDIAN project. The joint interpretation of the data shall provide a more solid scientific foundation to draw technical conclusions and base management guidelines stemming therefrom.

Also in ZEC Aizkorri-Aratz, the aforementioned General Parzonería of Gipuzkoa and Alava, along with Oñati Town Hall, are having experiences with controlling the thistle species Cirsium eryophorum, since this species' excessive proliferation is becoming a problem to livestock operation and structural maintenance of habitat 6230 in large zones in this ZEC. The controls, conducted in 2016 and 2017, with different techniques, are being monitored for effectiveness by HAZI. The best results shall be collected as a recommended practise, and applied to similar actions to control invasive species, planned in the LIFE OREKA MENDIAN project in certain ZECs.

Lastly, it should be stated that the monitoring protocol being implemented by CEN Aquitaine in Iparralde, in order to obtain the highest number of data possible, was extended beyond the plots considered as part of the LIFE project to other sites managed by CEN Aquitaine, with this entity's own funds. Thus, of the 21 plots sampled, 6 are funded outside the project, distributed thus: - Larrun and Xoldokogaina massif (6 in the Life project / 2 as part of CEN Aquitaine's management plan in Sare) - Mondarrain and Artzamendi Massif (4 as part of Natura 2000) - Saint Jean-Pied-de-Port Mountains (7 plots as part of the Life project) - Massif des Arbailles (2 plots as part of the Life project).

Progress report LIFE 39 6. Financial part 6.1. Costs incurred

Costs incurred Budgeted costs from the start Budget breakdown categories % of Budget in € date to 31/10/2017 in € 1. Personnel 1.410.703 286.965,8 20,3

2. Travel and subsistence 95.738 7.903,4 8,3

3. External assistance 264.820 30.557,7 11,5 4. Durable goods

Infrastructure 1.784.940 197.993,07 7,0

Equipment 72.000 16.280,8 22,6 Prototype 0 0 0

5. Land purchase / long-term lease 0 0 0

6. Consumables 22.484 11.981,3 53,3 7. Other Costs 60.654 9.747,7 16,1

8. Overheads 32.365 0 0

TOTAL 3.743.704 586.831,40 15,7

While the technical part of the project was estimated 31 December, the actual expense data for this financial part was considered 31 October 2017. As shown on the table, 15.7% of the total budgeted expense was consumed. The progress indicators for the actions (section 5.2 of this report) have a higher value: 26% execution. Notwithstanding, this is a contradiction. The period of time not included in the expense estimate, end of the year, is when most payment processing tends to be concentrated, as this is the end of the fiscal year for each partner.

Progress report LIFE 40

6.2. Budgeted person-days by group of actions

Personal % of days spent Budgeted person-days Action type from the person-days spent start date to

31/10/2017 Action A: Preparatory actions 2.019 779,2 38,6

A1 Technical bases 305 172,4 56,5

A2 Action planning 816 331,1 40,6 A3 Production monitoring network 898 275,7 30,7 Action B:Purchase/lease of land and/or 0 0 0 compensation payment for payment rights Action C –Concrete conservation actions 325 0 0,0 Action D: Monitoring and impact assessment 1.814 287 15,8

D1 Action monitoring 611 33,6 5,5

D2 Socioeconomic impact monitoring 5 0,4 8,0 D3 Ecosystemic services monitoring 145 2,9 2,0

D4 Brush spreading monitoring with LIDAR 83 0 0,0

D5 Specific indicators monitoring 0 2,0 0 D6 Historical analysis and future trends for pasture 134 83,3 62,2 habitats D7 Effects of actions in Natura 2000 contracts 836 164,8 19,7 Action E: Communication and Dissemination of 1.619 129,8 8,0 results E1 Communication plan 761 67,8 8,9 E2 Local dissemination and participation 121 16,2 13,4 E3 Participation and technical-scientific 701 38,8 5,5 dissemination E4 Visibility in Europe 36 7 19,4

Action F: Project management (and progress) 1.050 256,1 24,4 F1 Coordination 1007 256,1 25,4

TOTAL 6.827 1452 21,3

Just as with the expenses, personnel days are shown dated 31 October. Since the beginning of the project, 14 months have passed (in other words, 22% of the time) and 21% of the planned workdays have been used.

Progress report LIFE 41 7. English summary of the annexes

File Comments Bilateral agreements between the coordinating beneficiary (HAZI) and each 0_Signed_partner_agreements.pdf one of the partners (CEN_Aq, DFA, DFB, DFG, EHLG, EUROMONTANA, IHOBE and NEIKER). Report with historical analysis and forecasted trends for pasture habitats in Euskadi, both generally and in the 15 ZECs included in the project. Conclusions: The general data on trends indicate: A) a clear reduction in herbaceous habitats, in favour of habitats with brush (which is a clear sign of less action in the territory), and within this trend, an increase in habitats with lesser pasture value (furze, ferns, etc.), indicating a clear deterioration in the state of conservation of these habitats of community interest. In fact, the Deliverable_D6_Historical_analysis_an habitats that suffered the worst over the past years were mountain d_trends_Euskadi.pdf meadows (6230), but also heath (4030 and 4090). B) A noticeable increase in the livestock population authorised in the MUPs, and especially a large change in its orientation that may also be due to variations in how livestock is handled: a great ovine decrease in comparison with increased cow, and especially equine. The change in the type of livestock and greater intensification that valley pastures seem to have suffered, to the detriment of high pastures, seems to indicate progressive abandonment of traditional shepherding activity, forecasting a trend toward less use of mountains as a grazing zone. Deliverable_E1_Project_identity_manu Project identity manual, including corporate image, logo, etc. The candidacy al.pdf also mentions this deliverable as "Style Manual." Project communication plan, defining its objectives, target audience, Deliverable_E1_Plan_for_communicati communication strategies and a timeline with the planned communication on_oreka.pdf actions. Pasture production report, with 2017 data. Although different institutions Deliverable_A3_2017_Pasture_product participate in the application of the sampling protocol, the collected data ion_report.pdf show an excellent quality, allowing a global analysis. Project Management Manual. This document contains the basic elements necessary to understand the LIFE programme, its associated documentation, Deliverable_F1_Management_guidelin progress indicators, as well as how to conduct administrative and financial es.pdf control, how to appropriately document expenses, formation of coordination bodies, etc. A1_Coordination_group_meetings.pdf Minutes, programmes and photos of the 4 coordination groups held. Conceptual schematic of the geo-referenced database SIGPASTOS, and A1_SIGPASTOS_design.pdf diagram of the relationships between the tables it holds. Bases for drafting the Pasture Habitat Conservation Plans (PCHP) in the 15 A2_Bases_for_drafting_PCHP.pdf ZEC included in the project. Methodological protocol that defines processing samples from the Network A3_Cutting_protocol.pdf for pasture production monitoring (A3). Location and partial summaries of actions conducted under the framework of C_actions_localizations.pdf conservation actions (C actions). Also a photo of the brushcutter bought for C14_Brushcutter.jpg this project (C14 action). D1_GPS_performance_report_Armano Report on operation of GPS monitoring systems in Armañon and Ordunte, n_Ordunte.pdf which forms part of monitoring the repercussions of the actions (D1) 3D trend models, based on comparison of the plant formations in 1951 and in D6_3D_Trend_models_Iparralde.pdf 2015. Report with the description of the planned protocol and location of the D7_Monitoring_design.pdf monitoring points for the actions included in Natura 2000 contracts in the French Basque Country (D7). E1_Press_clipping.pdf Provisional collection with the project's press appearances. Minutes, programmes and communications from technical workshops E1-E3_Technical_Seminars.pdf attended or organised by the project. Summary report on Project presentations to local players, workshops with E2_A2_D2_Global_report_of_worksho livestock operators, surveys and established collaborations. Includes ps_and_surveys.pdf documentation related to these meetings (minutes, programmes, calls, photos, etc.). E2_Diffusion publications.pdf Appearances in local press, industry-related press, promoted by the Project. Minutes from the meeting on Good Practises in managing mountain pastures E3_Minutes_experts_meeting_Feb_20 and project actions from 15 February 2017. It took place in Arkaute (Álava) 17.pdf and researches and technicians from the Expert North Peninsula Mountain

Progress report LIFE 42 Pasture Group participated. Minutes, signature sheets and photographs of:  Direction Committee I and launch in Euskadi (2016/09/15)  Launch meeting in Iparralde (2016/12/01) F1_Minutes.pdf  Technical Committees I (2016/09/15), II (2017/02/15) y III (2017/11/15)  Visit from external monitoring team (NEEMO, 2017/06/21)

Progress report LIFE 43