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GOV/TDPC/RUR/RD(2004)2 1 PLACED-BASED POLICIES for RURAL DEVELOPMENT BASQUE COUNTRY, SPAIN (CASE STUDY) This Document Was Submit GOV/TDPC/RUR/RD(2004)2 Organisation de Coopération et de Développement Economiques Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development _______________________________________________________________________________________ English only GOV/TRG PLACED-BASED POLICIES FOR RURAL DEVELOPMENT BASQUE COUNTRY, SPAIN (CASE STUDY) This document was submitted for discussion to the Working Party on Territorial Policy in Rural Areas at its 6th Session held at the OECD Headquarters in Paris on 7 December 2004. The report will serve as an input to the OECD’s Horizontal Review of Place-Based Policies for Rural Development. 1 GOV/TDPC/RUR/RD(2004)2 TABLE OF CONTENTS Introduction................................................................................................................................................. 4 1. Context .................................................................................................................................................... 6 1.1 Governance in Spain and the Basque Country ..................................................................................6 1.1.1 A multi-tiered governance pattern .............................................................................................. 6 1.1.2 Autonomous tax administration .................................................................................................. 8 1.1.3 Spending competencies............................................................................................................... 9 1.2 Profile of rural areas in the Basque Country.................................................................................... 10 1.2.1 Urban and rural diversity in the Basque Country...................................................................... 10 1.2.2 Agriculture and forestry in the Basque Country ....................................................................... 11 1.2.3 Rural profiles and demography................................................................................................. 11 1.2.4 Contrasts between comarcas ..................................................................................................... 15 2. Rural development policy goals and framework................................................................................... 17 Introduction ........................................................................................................................................... 17 2.1 The strategic operational plans ........................................................................................................ 18 2.2 The Social Pact ................................................................................................................................ 18 2.3 The Law on Rural Development...................................................................................................... 19 General objectives.............................................................................................................................. 19 Cross-sector approach........................................................................................................................ 20 Implementation: “Rural Development Programmes” ........................................................................ 21 Multi-level governance and institutions............................................................................................. 23 3. Rural development policy implementation ........................................................................................... 26 Introduction ........................................................................................................................................... 26 3.1 Rural Development Programmes: implementation.......................................................................... 26 3.1.1 PDR aims and characteristics: three examples.......................................................................... 26 Montana Alavesa................................................................................................................................ 28 Urola Kosta ........................................................................................................................................ 29 Encartaciones ..................................................................................................................................... 31 3.2 CAPV vision: rural development policies and financing ................................................................ 32 3.2.1 Rural development during the last decade ................................................................................ 32 3.2.2 Current programs ...................................................................................................................... 37 4. Evaluation and recommendations ......................................................................................................... 44 4.1 Evaluation........................................................................................................................................ 44 4.2 Recommendations ........................................................................................................................... 46 Economic and financial sustainability and local area projects........................................................... 46 Stronger emphasis on specific rural development ............................................................................. 47 More efficient governance ................................................................................................................. 47 More dynamic networking using ICT................................................................................................ 48 APPENDICES .............................................................................................................................................. 49 Case study milestones ............................................................................................................................... 49 Acknowledgements ................................................................................................................................... 50 Websites .................................................................................................................................................... 50 2 GOV/TDPC/RUR/RD(2004)2 BIBLIOGRAPHY......................................................................................................................................... 53 Official texts and documents:.................................................................................................................... 53 Tables Table 1. Size distribution of municipalities in the Basque Country...................................................... 8 Table 2. Population, area, number of municipalities and densities in the historic territories, 2001 ... 12 Table 3. Rural population, area, number of municipalities and densities in the historic territories.... 12 Table 4. Income and unemployment rates in the historic territories................................................... 13 Table 5. Demographic comparison of rural areas in the Basque Country, 2001 ................................ 13 Table 6. Distribution of education levels in the Basque Country, 1996 ............................................. 14 Table 7. Distribution of rural/total education levels by province in the CAPV (% of population) .... 15 Table 8. Density, age distribution, agricultural employment by comarca, 2001 ................................ 16 Table 9. Profile of three rural comarcas.............................................................................................. 28 Table 10. Financing of DOCUP O. 5b (1994-1999) in EUR for the Basque Country ......................... 34 Table 11. LEADER II in the Basque Country 1994-1999 (in thousands of EUR)............................... 35 Table 12. LEADER II investment and financing (paid projects up to 31/12/2001) ............................. 36 Table 13. LEADER II impact ............................................................................................................... 37 Table 14. Basque Country PDRS 2000-2003 (expenditure in thousands of EUR)............................... 37 Table 15. FEOGA-G project categories and funding, 2000-2002 (millions of EUR) .......................... 38 Table 16. Sub-categories of category IX: adaptation and development of rural zones......................... 39 Table 17. Non-farming measures within FEOGA-G projects .............................................................. 40 Table 18. Social effects of PDRS (2000-2003)..................................................................................... 40 Table 19. Number of agrotourism projects (by historic territory) and overall funding (2000-2003) ... 41 Table 20. EREIN Chapter II investment and financing (2000-2003) ................................................... 41 Table 21. EREIN Chapter III and IV subsidies 2001/2003 .................................................................. 42 Table 22. LEADER + spending in the Basque Country 2000-2003 (thousands of EUR) .................... 43 Table 23. Number, origin and amounts for LEADER + projects as of 2003 in the CAPV .................. 43 Figures Figure 1. Regions in Spain: the Basque Country ................................................................................... 6 Figure 2. Revenue
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