(Pampa) Aullagas
Symbolic and Material Boundaries An archaeological genealogy of the Urus of Lake Poopó, Bolivia SYMBOLIC AND MATERIAL BOUNDARIES AN ARCHAEOLOGICAL GENEALOGY OF THE URUS OF LAKE POOPÓ, BOLIVIA Virginia Sáenz African and Comparative Archaeology Department of Archaeology and Ancient History Uppsala University, Sweden 2006 !" # $ % & $ '(( )(*(( + " + + " ", !" - ", ./ 0 1, '((, . 2 3 , 4 " + " + 5 6 3 , '7 , , 8.3& 9):;(:)797:9, !" " + 3 8 -" " + < + " , 4 + " + " - + " 4 " 4" . ++ " - " " , + - " + " " - " + " 8 " + 5 6 + " " = + " 3 "" , !" + " , !" + " " " + " 8 " 3 4 - " 4 " >" , ? - " . " < - , !" +- " " " , % " + " ++ + : " " " " + " , 8 4 3 5 6 4 " " 4 " 4" 4" 5 . : " ! "#" $ $% &'()*#" $ @ 1 ./ 0 '(( 8.3& 9):;(:)797:9 * *** :A)9 B" *CC ,,C D E * *** :A)9F TABLE OF CONTENTS Frame of Reference: General Project Presentation of the Sida-SAREC/UMSA Bolivian Project 9 List of Illustrations (Figures, Maps, Photographs, Drawings, Diagrams) 11 Note on Abbreviations, Acronyms, Local Cameloids 21 List of names frequently quoted in the text 22 Foreword and acknowledgments 25 CHAPTER I – DEFINING THE RESEARCH FIELD Introduction 27 Why Anthropology? 27 Why Archaeology? 28 The subject 28 The method 29 A note on sources
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