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K Post at Bome

K Post at Bome


Will T()y~ ~nd Carmed. Goods l' Police Force MakesiLack Of Classrooms Council Will Rent Portions 01' N Agflt1l Sought To FtU Xmas 5 A I 0 I 'J ear Baslwts For Newark's Needy 6 rrests In Oct·; I Hal~s 1(1l1(lergarten\ Old Academy For Town Hall The Ch ristmas spirit can't wait until 22 Speeders Nahbed Project At Schools Christmas if Newark's needy families a re to have a merry holiday. --- I --- Fil's t Fiool' And Baselllent, To Be Renovated For Towll Street s May Come ~nder Every year Christmas baskets of 14 Investigations Also Carried II Propos al 1'0 Organize Pre-School U 1 d d 1 d' 1 'b t d t ""i I I OffiN's; Action On R e nt Conlt'ol Po tpone d nti I. Hour Rul e O n One Side ~~~ilte~ w~s ~i~er~i~'~ uW~Uldo hOac:e Out, According to Chief I C lass Next September Ot'("; Public A ·1t Collection Appl'oved Of 'I' horoughfare a cheerless Christmas. These gifts are 's Report 'I I s Shelved ! possible only if Newark's more for- tunate resIden ts show a little pre­ The plan to restore partially the old Academy building for us as a town Action picked up 011 the local crime Lack or cJas~roo m space will prevent hall moved a step ahead at the November meeting of the Town Council 011 ordInance Ilmltll1 g parking Christmas spirit. the Unlvelsity of Delaware front in October, with police making organizing the kindergarten program Tuesday ni ght, when the lawmakers agreed to renl the first floor and basement Local girl scouts will go from door 56 arrests as against only 45 for the planned here for next September, it of the historic structure. may soon be passed by the to door here Nov, 24 to pick up cast­ preceding month, according to Chief was decided at the November meet- In u business crammed session, the Cou ncil also gave initial readings lo an council. off toys. These will be repllired by William Cunningham's report. ing of the Board of Education on Fri- ordinance controlling tra il er parking in lhe lown limits, postponed action on oposed new law calls Cor one volunteer workers. Especially sought pr, restricted to one side of Speeding again topped the list, with day. r ent control, set new and stringent regulations for the polic departmenl, a nd are toys for older children, since the 22 motorists being picked up for viola t- The boa rd took the slep reluctantly made plans for a regular public ash co ll ection. from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. on workers always receive more than , Avc nue, North and South ing the 25-mile limit in town. after Supt. Wilmer E . Shue explained Jt appears certain now that the lown will soon I ave its cramped quurters enough "for the younger ones. The breakdown for the remainder that the school'S housing facilities ar.e - ----_ on Academy Street for more spacious Avenues, Academy Street, East A coll ection of canned food will be follows' passing red light, 4 arrests, alr eady overtaxed and that a 200-PUPI~ r , , offices in the old Academy building. Place, Amstel Aven ue a nd Kent- I held later by t he scouts, probably in drunken driving, 2; driving Without enrollment mcrease IS expected nex TOIVII s Cash R eserves No'w The lawmakers accepted an offer of the early D e~e mber . Donations of either lights, 1; passing yellow "walk light, year He also poin~e d out that state IToud .$20 35Z · Income For l blllldmg's boa rd of trustees to occupy , . and parking problems in New­ toys or canned foods may be left at 2; passing on right, .J; passing "stop" educatIOnal authOrities have said they O . b . C' ' 1' $23 158 portions of the Academy rent free the have multi plied in the past sev­ any time in the legion rooms, old sign, 2; disorderly conduct, 5; failing will not approve a kmdergarten pro- cLo el 011/,(>S 0 , first year and a t a nom mal fee thel e- years, Mayor Wallace M. Johnson Academy building. V'olunteers are also to stop for police whistle, 1; assault gl am here until all regular classes are The town's cash resel ves fell off aftel·. The trustees WI ll r etam full own- th~ being sought to help repair the toys. week in pomtlng up the rea­ and battery, 2; larceny, 3; leaving adequately housed. , $5,751 87 m October as expenses topped I ershl p and remain responsible for for the proposed new law. The The project is sponsored annually scene of accident, 1; drunk, 1; know- The board, however, l eafflrmed Its IIncome , but the treasury shU showed maintenance. The town will finance any increase in university personnel by lhe American Legion a nd Auxiliary ingly pel'mitting, 1; no operutor's Ii- intention of launching the pro.gram as a healthy cash balance of $20 ,351.30 at repairs or alterations necessary to con­ and t he opening of the in conjunction with the New Century cense, 1. , ~oon as it is feasible, whIch Will pr~b- the end of the month. vert the building inlo a municipal south of town are the Club and the Town Council. Mrs. The force also carried out 14 investi- ably not be until after the completIOn , Total expenses came lo $28,910 .63. headquarters. behind the growing con- A. P . Colburn, Century Club welfare gations, including five accidents; two of the dislrict's proposed new ele- while the month's revenue totaled only According to pla ns outlined by chairman, Mrs. Robert Levis, and reports of petty larceny, both cleared; mentary building m a rural area. $23 ,158.76, which necessitated us,ng Councilmen Carl S . Rankin and Sam­ utlook for the future is even Mayor Johnson are cooperating with one report of a stolen bicycle; one A request ?~l · tunds to finance the some of the $26,103.17 cash balance uel Diehl; the basement and first fl oor °according to Mayor Johnson, the Legion aides in the work. case of malicious mischief; two re-Ibuilding. project Wi ll go before tt e carried o~ er from the prece~i ng month. of the Academy will be renovated. to , in view of the expected ports of prowlers; one report of a fugl- , next sessIOn of lhe Ge~ era l A ssemb y. Major Items of Income. III .october provide quarters for the town admll1 - the university, the possible Spivakovsky Noted tive from justice, who was apprehend- A study by the boa I d estImates the were $12,910.35 In electriC ltght r eo, _ of new plants here and , ed; and two cases of lost child.ren, both i first year costs of a kindergarte.n pr~f. ceipts, ~7,404 . 56 in power returns and A proposa l to hold a, referendum Oil o~~h e proposed university IViolin Virtuoso, To r eturned to parents. ' gram at around $24 ,200 , exclUSIve $939.22 In property taxes. the question of continuing rent con- Two persons were held for the Fam- funds for new. cl ass ro~ms ..T~i s :over~ Magistrate Clarence. Foster reported , trois here until next June w ill be dis- also pointed out that Play Here Nov. 27 ily Cow·t, three for the Court of Com- up to $12,000 m salaries fOI t hr ee 0\ the collectIOn of $375 In fi nes. cussed at a special meeting of Town has received numerous com- mon Pleas. Four were sent to the four teachers, $4,200 in supplies and Council tomorrow at 8 p.m. regarding the town's traffic workhouse, and two cases were dis- $8,000 in initial equipment. Before a S O'C D 1'0 Appear In U. of D. Artist missed. kindergarten program could be organ- ean lasey rama istrative force, engineering department has no problem when the Series; R.·mked With 4 Top The police received 324 calls, the ized here, the question would have to To Be Produced By and police force. The town library, now is not in session," Mayor car traveling 3923 miles and the motor- be approved by the voters of the housed on the first floor, will be moved Living Masters Of Bow adding that the situation cycle 150. Overnight lodgi ng was pro- district in a referendum. E-5,2 Deceml)er 7, 8, 9 to another section of the building. greatly alleviated if the uni­ vided three persons. A total of 28 Social Security payments for one Library officials are heartily cooper- would cooperate. "The town Tossy Spivakovsky, who violin street li ghts were reported out. partime and six fulltime cafeteria a ting in the project, it was said. have on past occasions (as technique has been described by critics One soldier, wanted by the New workers at the schools were also. ap- Rehearsals A lready Have Begun I The new town hall will also contain three years ago) requested as "the most colossal of any soloist Castle Air Base, was apprehended and proved. The cafeteria staff had prevlous- public rest room and quarters fo th ad ministrative officials now before the public," w ill present turned over to the Military Police. ly approved the step, w hich for the first For 'Juno And The town's elder stat:smen who now g~the~ m to better pa rk­ the second of the 1950-51 Artists Series ______times makes the employees eligible Pay cock' in the summer months in the area be- but no action of any concerts at the University of Dela- for Social Security benefits. "Juno and the Paycock," an Irish fore the Main Street school building. forthcoming." ware's Mitchell Hall on Monday nigh t, Pos t To Puhlish On A question as to w hether or not the comedy by Sean O'Casey, has been se- The long range proposal to restore sent several letters to Nov. 27 . His performance, at 8:15 p.m., W k board was appropriating sufficient lected by the University of Delaware's U1 e Academy to its original condition officials asking for cooper­ will be open to the public as well as Wednesday Next ee funds for the town library led to a E52 Players as their second production will not be taken up by the Council, it suggesting solutions to the to students, under a reserved-seat sale The publication of the Newark study of the 1935 referendum on the of the current season. was pointed out. This will be done most recent letter was I Post will be moved ahead a day subject. It was found this authorized The play will be staged at Mitchell only if aid is secured from state his- Board of Trustees last July. P ~~lvakOV s kY is ranked with the four next week due to the Tbanksgiv- the board to levy a two-cent tax to Hall on the Newark campus on Dec. tori cal agencies and private societies. the Council has received no greatest masters of the bow toda~ , and Ing holiday. provide nol less than $500 nor ove~ 7, 8. and 9. Rehearsals all'eady have The restoration plan was proposed by according to Mayor Johnson. has won a unique place for hll~se.lf The issue will be on the news- $1,000 for the ltbrary. T~.e , lattel I started, according to -Dt', C Robert Mayor Wallace M. Johnson last month in the American concert world WIthin stands Wednesday afternoon, Nov. amounl IS now being appropllated an- 1

to commercial to permit the erection of Council Meeting a filllng station by Irvin Crowe. Coun­ ( C (,"I~I1U d from Palle 1) cilman Frank Durnall, who read the letter, said he believed Mr. Whitman the Nottingham Manor Association, re­ had mistaken the piece of ground quested Council to install about 750 involved, since it is not near Mr. Whit­ teet of water pipe in that section at n ~ n 's property. a cost of around $4,000, in order to pro­ vide increased fire protection. He said a previous Council had agreed to as­ E-52 Production sume the cost of the work. The law­ (Continued FI'oIn Page 1) makers told him then that his plan was not practical a nd that, in any case, Pllliharmonic and Buffalo Philhar­ such pipe was impossible to obtain at monic. In recital, he is featured on the this time. They advised him to renew leading concert courses from coast to his request when the material became coast, includi1}g a hop to Honolulu for available. two apearances. In May, he will leave Councilman William Coverdale point­ on a European tour and appear in ed out the apparent contradiction be- London at the Festival of Britain and other leading festivals. ~:~nH~ i~dS:~d t~~~ ~~: ';j:;ti~~~!~ Manor section was outside the town Chr'islmas Seal Sale limits and he said he felt in-town Send Opens Monday In State projects, such as the southside sewer, The opening of the 41th annual Tub­ ""nder if should get first priority. He refused erculosis Christmas Seal sale of the to vote on the resolution. though. If Delaware Anti-Tuberculosis Society, ~ process Mayor Johnson explained that since will take place Monday, Nov. 20, ac­ the last sesssion Town Supervisor Fran­ 1'Itere'll be a. cording to Dr. William Marshall, Jr., registration 111 cis Nlede had come up with a practical President of Milford, Delaware. plan for bringing the entire area into mer. The annual direct mail appeals will Lt. Clift' the water system, thus providing for be sent to thousands of residents the future developments there, which f.rdS last throughout Delaware and the returns We regre t the town will soon be called on to will be used to carryon the tubercu­ IOn didn't serve. As for the southside sewer, losis program of the society for the Mayor Johnson said the project was but has ensuing year. We o n the town's work schedule and would Dr. Marshall stated that this week on the be handled in its proper order. more than fifty Boy Scout troops in Iowe'en The proposed trailer camp ordinance, the state will begin distributing win­ by the which was given its first and second dow posters and cards in the interest readings, will be carried in full in the CHRISTMAS CHEER eleven of the seal sale. next issue oC the Post. It provides The Dover and Sussex districts will lengthy regulations controlling the be under the direction of Ernest H . parking and use of trailers within the Wison, District Scout Executive. town limits. In general, it limits trailer camps to the northeast section of town, north of the Baltimore and Ohio tracks k" and chiefiy in the Bernard property. At lac son s It also requiTes a five dollar permit tor each trailer in a camp and forbids TOMORROW IS their parking on any street, highway or public place in the town limits. I cfiiiibiitm Councilman Coverdale refused to I approve the initial readings of this I measure on the grounds that it would I work hardships on the owners of sev- =~~~::~;s ~~~:e Si~:t:d ~~y th~I~~o~t?~ I FRIDAY, NOV 17 to those away from home Sunoco Station and one on Academy • Ln us SIRVI YOU A FRII CUP OF Street. Mayor Johnson said the Coun­ DELICIOUS COFFEl MADI IN THI cil was primarily seeking publicity on NEW SUNBIAM COFFlIMASTIR. the measure in the first readings and would be guided by public reaction • Factory repre.entatlve will be In our .tore all day to demonstrate the in the final reading next month. sen.atlonal new Sunbeam products A lengthy set of new and stringent tor you. Come In and let us show regulations governing the police force I you how wonderful these new labor­ was also approved. The articles, 'mOd - I saving devices are. eled after those governing the Wil­ mington police force, regulate the gen­ MIXMASTER eral conduct and behavior of the offi­ JU#iiiiiim cers w hile on duty. They provide stiff penalties for violations but give the offender a right of a trial with counsel, ~ei:tjuices,.e::;t~ etc..:~:Sb;::t:~ Saves time : similar to a military court , if and arm-work. In- - eludes juicer attach- weekly he desires. The board of judges will comprise the Mayor, Town Solicitor ment, two bowls. and tne P olice Commissioner. B\' two ...._ (i A petition urging that the Danita Hosiery platt provVie private parking ~ " I space fQf its ~"'yees was read at ott¥SnR . the session. Tp,e dO$urnent, was signed Heau quickeri.. 1 by 45 residents of the area and pro­ stays hotter-irons faster. Start iron- tested the nuisance created by work­ ing in 30 seconds Ii! ers' cars parked all day on such streets after you connect as Wyr ling and Ashley Roads, Rast it. Thumb·Tip ~ P ark .ace, and residential sections of Heat Re~\Jlat o r . South Chapel Street. Li ghtweIght, 4 The lawmakers agreed to send a Ibs., lig htcrweigbt 21/2 lbs. ~. . - $13.95 Jetter to the Dnnita management, Ul'g ­ ing that immediate steps be taken to JU#iiiiiim ~~~:~:,' TOASTER correct the situation. It was poi nted a All you do is drop through Subscription out that at a recent Council meeting a Da nila representative appeared be­ in Ibe bread. Bread ~ lowers itself auto· r ~ EL fore the lawmakers and sta ted that the matically, no lev- company was then building a parking ers to push. Toast lot for its employees. The project, h ow­ raises IIself silent· ~ ever, seems to have either been aban­ I y, without pop· - doned or delayed. ping or I----ing. Plans for a regular pubic ash col­ l! ~ 124·50 lection to begin the week of Dec. 4 c.fiiiilJiiim COFFEEMASTER were also drawn up by the lawmakers. ~etails as to dates of collection wlll It's automatic! You can't .9 be drafted by the street and sewer miss! Same perfect coffee ~ every time. Shuts itself off ~ department. Local truckers will be when coffee is done, reo asked to submit sealed bids on the b~:. itself to keep coffee ~. ~ work on an hourly basis. Once the collections are organized, Council will Gem-like chrome olate, •. seek yearly contracts for the work. inside and out. Mayor Johnson issued a reminder to the t3UQ that no foreign matter, such as news­ papers, should be placed in garbage

th e time comes to prepare for a r e~i:n:~d~::!s:sn a~h~h !a ~ii~Lm Nichol -:- 'j'

·::i:.:::: ~!r~~Kalb. The little:~!~; lady ~"~~~::en tertain~ed ~~ a / t~;:~::7.~~!~~:~:~:::::j:!~:!::~ ;':"'I.:I/:I;i:::~ lumber o( small friends. She announc·

I TlLrkeys dressed e'very clay until T"ank.~giv;ng, Drawn X ~ ELK Theatre I Jor th~,,~~ ;~~;;~;;d Jree. l'/~ l1ealthllLl Air Conditioned -:- OGLETOWN PH. NEWARK 4356 ',' Winter and Summer Elklon, Md, Phone 92 Friday Nov, 17 BI/d Abbott & Lou Costello "The Naughty F~~~'.' and Haviland CHINA :1: Nineties" :1: Stieff, Gorham, International, :i:,I, Wallace, Luut and Heirloom SILVER Saturday Nov. 18 ,I• •!, DOlLble Feature Hamilton, Elgin, Bulova, Feature No. 1 ;j; Gruen and Croton WATCHES Allan " Rocky" Lane :1: WId "i .~ .~ tallion "Black Jack" in ~!~ J. J. MINSTER & SON ~: :1: Jewelers - Silversmiths - Since 1895 {, "Fl·jSCO Tornado" .1, ELKTON MARYLAND ::: Fealure No. 2 ::: Phones Elkton 188 Newark 3963 ~ "JAMBOREE" ~.. : .. : .. :-: .. : .. : .. : .. : .. : .. : .. : .. : .. : .. : .. : .. : .. : .. : .. : .. : .. : .. : .. :-:-: .. : .. : .. :-: .. : .. : .. : .. : .. : .. : .. : .. : .. : .. : .. : .. : .. : .. : . .: .. : .. : .. : .. :.~...) with ~ Terry & George Bryon Sanda y Nov. 19 'All Quiet On TIle Western Front" Here are live of the many b eaudful Reed & Starring B a rton solid silve r p a tterns available ~i s Aye ,~ & Lewis W olheim throug h our convcnlt.!I1t Sterling Club Pla n ------For as lit tle as $26.75 per week per MOQ ,.Tues. Nov. 20-21 place ettin g. Lint/rr Darnell & R, TPidmark You'U lind our P a ttern R egister most in helpful whe n you start your o w n sec rling, 'I 0 Way Out" and when you purchase gifts for others. . --- A . FRANCIS FIRST" . $33,75· C. FRENCH RENAISSANCE , •• $3~ . 50 · !ed,.Th ut's Nov. 22-23 B DANCING FLOWERS • • • $~ . 75· D. GEORGIAN ROSE • • • $21.00 "Wy01l1ing Mail" , E. BURGUNDY.,. $31 ,50· Gives quick, safe, abundant wi~h warmth. Ideal for small houses, • IPIJ"en McNally cottages, bungalows, gas sta­ arul Alexis Smith tions, shops, garages. color by technicolor low·cost fuel oil ~------Jriclay Nov. 24 DAN" IT's E E NOR G E " Jeweler Est. 1885 ~ , with 316-318 Del. St. 52 E. Main St. flrlQ Mo"tex anti JOrt Hall EAGLE FURNITURE CO. Phone 3311 New Castle Newark 162 Main Street Four The Newark Post, Newark, Delaware, Thursday, November 16, 1950 Nati onal Education Week w as cele­ to Camp Stewart, Ga., after being copy of a resolution passed by me Readings were given by Mrs. Elva brated at Eden School the past week, caled home by the death of his father, Grang expressing deepest sympathy Gooden and Miss Annabelle Laws. A the theme be'ing "Government or, By Raymond Walker, who di ed very sud- for Mr. Goss' family was votcd to b quiz was conducted by Mrs. Eliza~ et h and For the P eople." Friday, "Home News of Bear , guitar and vocal selectIOns 1 denlly. Besides his widow" Mrs. Mary s nt to his family. , and School Day," eighteen mothers vis­ 1 were given' by Miss Anne Wilhelm. Mrs. Leslle Ford, Correspondent Coopcr Walker, Mr. Walker is SUl"- Pomona Grange will meet with Un- ited the classrooms. In the group were : ••• At the next meeting, Nov. 20, a vived by two sons and three daughters. ion Grange at Corner Ketch on Thurs­ Mrs. Charles Moore, Mrs. Francis Crow, Phone New Castle 6484 Thanksgiving supper will be enjoyed Final services were held at Gedhardt day, Nov. 30, 1950 at 10:30 o'clock. Mrs. Henry Brooks, Mrs. Howard En­ to Funeral Home. Interment was jn Ralph Klair, a member of Harmony by grange members. Dec. 4, election of Miss Beverley Craig has gone nis, Mrs. Marion Meeds, Mrs. Cli flon Grace Lawn Mcmorial Park. Grange, explained the service of a tax ofTicers (or the year 1951 will take !'lorida to spend the winter. Carney, Mrs. Wilbul' Gregory, Mrs. Pencader Grangc held its semi- records corporation in aiding the com­ place. Friends are sorry to hear of the mis­ Herbert Barnes, Mrs. Eugene N eal, monthly meeting on Monday evening, pie lion ot income tax reports. Mrs. Matz, county mustc supervisor, fortune of Mrs. William Hutchinson Mrs. Clarence Sweetman, Mrs. William Worthy Master Henry W. Brooks pre- The lecturer's hour was a ladies night was a vistol' as well a Miss Alyce Pysz, who fell and broke hel' arm. She is McCracken, Mrs. Thomas Whitting­ siding. program with Sister Aucirey orooks in dental nurse, who has spent most of the ton, Mrs. Eugene Sheats, Mrs. Michael I resting comfortably at hel' home and week examining teeth and adminis­ we all wish her a speedy recovery. A memorial scrvi ce conducted by charge. She introduced Sister Betsy Schirling, Mrs. Pierce Fox, Mrs. Ed- I' 36. FOlll'Ih SI. the worthy chaplain, Sistel' Lucy But- Mitchell, state health chairman of th2 tering sodium fluoride. ward Walker, Mrs. John McCoy, and Miss Bessie Davis, of Wilmington, Mr. and Mrs. Paul Burge celebrated spent the weekend wi th her sister. Jer, and her aides. The Grange charter Delaware State Grange. She spoke on Mrs. Louisa ~k.:...-... _ __ Ox {Ol'd, Pa, Ph. lH3Ror'.... "'nJerel, 'c ~ their second wedding anniversary on Mrs. Annie H arrington. was draped in mcmory of the deceased the part health and a gond health Friday evening, Mrs. MarouseK, cnalrman of inter- ••••••• •••• Pvt. William Walker has returned Nati onal Master Albert Goss, and a program play in the grange. are you

• wondering about buying a ne,,! car

• ~- --- :With the Dest intentions in the world, many C'ar own- Also , , . \Alit.h prese:1t uncertainties about taxes, ers fall into 'false economy just by not trading in for living costs, and all the rest, you can at least count a new car soon enough. on this-that trf1ding your car now for a new Plym­ outh, Dodge, De So to or Chrysler will mak8 your At the present time, especially, this can easily family's transportation safe and sure, happen. It is not a question of "scare buying." The brief As YOll think about th f'S(, quec;tions, here are two fluny of this that was touched off by tile Korean war facts worth rememberi'ng . soon died down ... as it should have, One is that Chrysler Corporation cars are won­ The question is simply what is best for you, per-, derful values , .. attractive, comfortable, dependable son ally , . . what is bt."st for your family .. , what is and brilliant in performance ... and put together to best for your pocketbook. stay together. They'll give your pride a boost the mimlte you ee them, and they'll assure your good It's a question you alone can answer ... and one i1tdgment that you've got tile b~ 5 t in dollar value that that deserves your most careful thought and atten tion. a car bt:yer ever go t. For instance . .. How much sound v. lue and The other i tha t the men who se ll these cars are safe tran ~ portation is there left in your present car? mighty good men to do business with. Our dealers Is it costing you more to run and keep in repair than have been carefull y sought out and encouraged to be a car should ? Does it give you and your famil y the the ables t and mo t re§pon ible group of car dea lers satisfaction and peace of mind you want your family in the world. car to give? 'fhe 're proud of our new cars. And they are Along \ ith th:1t , . . lIrtve you talked figure with proud of their own busin ess r e pu~ a tion s for good one of our Plymouth, Dodge, De Soto or Chrysler service and squdre dealing. dealer? D o you know what one of these new cars would cost you, and what it would give you compared Why not come in and have a talk \With one of to the one you now driver Have you seen and driven these dealers near you? It needn't cost you anything the new cars which owners by the thollsanrlq tell us but a few moments' time. And it could be the best are the most dependable and atisfactory cars, and investment of time you ever made! the greatest dollar values, that we or anyone else ever offered the public? CHRYSLER CORPORATION

COME SEE THE MOST V\t'\NTED CARS IN CHRYSLER CORPORL\''' 'ON'S HISTORY Five G. Sedwick NEWARK TWENTY·FIVE YEARS AGO From Issue of November 18, 1925 will be cl•••• peaker At N.xtThur.... ' Dedicate New School ark resident, has been elected preqi­ Thank.slvlns olD.Dr anla Parley Formal dedication nt the new public dent of the State Teachers Association , school building here will take place a group comprising all public school -J. Stage PrIXluctions Saturday, Nov. 21. instructors in the slate. rV A.. The principal speaker wil be Pierre J . Harvey Dickey, of Newark, was To [le Discussed At S du Pont, whose effo r ts for a bet- this afternoon elected Master of Dela­ SesSion Tomorrow tel' public school system in Delaw re ware Odd Fellows at the annual mE'et­ ___ have won him national prom\ner c . ing of the Grand Lodge, Wilmington. aret Gucnvcur Sedwick of ewa~k To Play For Title Mr. Dickey is well known in lodge lIarg will bc a principal speaker Dover High's protest that the win- circles, having worked himselt liP Delaware Dramatic Illing touchdown in their recent game through minor offices of the order u n­ wh ich wi ll be held on Fri- wi th Newark was illegal has been ruled til last year he was elected Deputy "M'~ _. " (I!I' en"1 7 'It t h~ University of Del- out by the DrAA, and Coacb Nunn's Grand Master by a large pl uralitv. , ' Jacket warriors stand as 'lnalists in He is extremely popular with h is Sedwick, daug hter of Mr. :lI1 d th slate c h a m p i~n ~ h i l1 series. fellow lodgemen and a bright year is . L. GUCllvc ur f Marshallton, The J ackets will. n'lt'e: Gel) rgetown predicted for him in his fraternal . oC the Univcrsity of Dela- for lhe slale chamr I nshlp on 'l'hanks­ work. she was prominent in giving Day .. Personals . She look leading parts in . Former ~astor Dies Mrs. George Griffin, who has been lays slaged by the E52 Players GrIm death again struck home and poorly since Jast Slimmer, was a re­ Try it on our Guarantee . 10 Ib bag 79c P bore away an old friend of many New- cent patient at a Wilmington Hos­ Cream White Shortening 3 Ib can 85e her graduation in 1949, Mrs. ark people Saturday, when the Rev. pital, but is now convalescing at her joined th e touring company Joel S. Gilfillan, former pastor of Head home here. Gold Seal Cake Mixes 4 kind. 2 pkga 45e the Shakespearean actress ot Christiana Church, succumbed aftpl' Over a hundred persons from New­ . The Webster com­ a short illness at his Wilmington hOlllc ark, Dover and other towns werl' Calif. Diamond Walnuts Ib41kg 43e Dr. Gilfillan was 71 years of age. the United States, pre­ gues(£ last Friday at a deJi ;;htful tea Fancy Mixed Nuts Rob-Ford Ib pkg 4ge rean plays at scores Church Guild Organized given by Mrs. A. D. Cobb, West Main including Mitchell Hall at A Women's Guild of St. TlJomas Epis- Street. Ideal Fancy Pitted Dates 7l-'4'oz pkg 25e copal parish here w as nrgan 'zed r,!on Miss Marjorie Eastbll':n h as returned will di scuss hel' ex- cl ay, and Mrs. Samuel J . ~mi th was fl"Om a visit with friend3 in Oxfod , Ocean Spray or Ideal For those who Ulall' the Webster company at elected first pr C3ldent. The new group P a. 16-oz C best on their table •• conference. Speaking supercedes the old Guilct in e xiste ' l ~e Miss Edith O. ,Lewis attended the cans W~ America's Prize luncheon meeting sched uled for I :1,any years. Other new c!'ricers nre' Yale-Princeton football !;a me in New Cranberry Sauce 2. 2.9 JBI W inning in Ken t Hall , she will have as her Mrs. Norris N. Wright, v ice presiJent; Haven last Saturday af.l(>l l1oon . . Sweet Cream i "Touring Shakespeare with Mar- Mrs. R . O. Bausman, secJ'p lary; Mir; : Mr. and Mrs. William H. Smith and New Pack Ideal Fancy Webster." AII~!rey MiLle,·, treasurer. son, Frank, motored to Hehobl) (h, Del. , events on the day-long con.fer- Heads State's Te a~he rs last weekend to visit Mr. and Mrs. Har- "' Sauer Kraul 2.~~·~:2.3e BUTTER m include di scussions of Prof. William A. Wilkin30n, a New- ry Palmer. Ib 75c Wrapped ctn Quartera television for theatrical pro------Repp·U·Tation Pure V2 gzl 39Cl a lalk on the production of IDe t '. son wi ll comment during the concert lallon e Richland Creamery 73 plays; methods of production - ay on empol al y 6g ft on the individual composers and their Apple Cider jug BUT T E R Ib t~hniqu es illus. tr~te d th~ ough Mus i c Festival Set works being performed. and records; a cllmc; and dISCUS- Heading the festival committee are Ideal Fancy Prepared I Our Finest Quality - - • J . Robert King, acting chairman of ~~~i~~~~ ~:~~~; ~s~:~~~~i, O~~ For Dec. 2 At U. of D. the Music Department and a'ssociate • II .•II~ Enriched Ibis winter. , director of the Delaware Philharmonic; Apple Sauce Delaware Dramatic Conference P lans are in progress for a Con­ Dr. R. O. Bausman, chairman of the ~Mmiri:iZK activity of the University Dra­ temporary Music Festival, to be held institute; Mrs. Bernita Short Gerster, Ideal Fancy Old Time center and the Delaware Dra­ formerly of the Music Department e 6 oz at the UniverSity of Delaware on Sat­ 4 · 4 tall 47e Association. Dr. C . .R obert Kase, staff, who also represents the insti­ l!0jar'oz2.5 cans 25c cans mday, Dec. 2, under the joint spon­ of dramatics at the U. of D., Mince Meal sorshsip of the University's Music De­ tute; and Lewis Knowles, president of conference director. partment, and the Institute of Dela­ Local 311 , American Federation of Musicians. Lancaster Turkeys, litte all our Jllea ts, are Guaranteed. ware History and Culture, and the You mU5t be pleased or your money wlll be cheerfully refunded. Why take chances? Why pay more? Not Ready 1'01' Delaware Philharmonic Orchestra. The "The purpose of the festival is the s. day's activities will co nstitute t he an­ recognition of outstanding American composers of today, and the focussing FANCY YOUNG orld Leadership nual fall meeting of the insti tute, but w ill be open to the general pUblic. of public interest in the fi eld ot con­ temporary music," explained Mr. King. Dr. Howard Hanson, director of the School of Music at Rochester, N.Y., w ill be guest speaker at a lunch­ ••••••••••••• Turkeys eon in Old College which opens the WANTED ns are not prepared for th e festival. At 3 p.m. Jay Blackton will world leadership "thrust upon conduct the annual fall meeting of Rent or buy Oil easy pllyment the accident of history," declared the institute, but w ill be open to the [Jllln store building, house or " ", Hanson, professor of geography general public. 11Ind in business location. ,,,::',::'~ 4 3 ~"d " University of Delaware, in a Dr. Howard Hanson, director of the Ib47c Ib 57c lecture recently on "Geography's Eastman School of Music at Rochester, Semi full details, price, cash Modern Educa tion." N.Y. wm be guest speaker at a lunch­ required, to: have acquired the role of lead­ e eon in Old College which opens the Box 6047 IINCY DUCKLINGS Long Isla nd Ib 1g in at least half the world," said festival. At 3 p.m. J ay Blackton wi ll r Daytona Bellc" , Fla. e Hanson in the second of th e t onduct the Delaware Philharmonic STEWING CHICKENS Tender, Plump Ib 1g Itren. lilraUlJare Lectul"e Series, "but in a concert in Mitchell Hall. Dr. Han- C as a people, more frightened ••••••••••••• Freshly Kill ed Ib 19 perhaps any other people on :fRYING CHICKENS e Nowhere are the prophets of PORK LOIN ROAST 3·lb Rib End Ib 1g with more fervor than in e Slales, and nowhere is the SMOKED PICNICS Small, Lean Ib 3g Imminent end-of-the-world­ embraced more ardently. the various explanations for this down to the fact that we seem to little faith in the quality and of our present world

with good reason. As a people are at present n either prepared intellectually equipped for the l eRd­ that has been thrust upon u s acciden ts of history. We h ave Our Heat-Flo Roasted WHY BIIKE CIiKES? into that role straight from when you. can get such df; lclou, history of isolationism, and it COrrEES Virginia Lee Treats for ,0 little be obvious to any American Golden Snow Cocoanut mores, the adaptations, the of isolationism are inadequate for world leadership. LAYER CAKES i1 we are to play our role with any h ope ea 59c it now behooves u ~ as much as possible, as rapidly Fresh b:1 ked golden la}fers w rt l1 butter cream filling and shred­ about the rest ot the world. ded cocoanut on top. ~al home world today is' in the throes n 's great value-hunting at Newark Phannacy this wcek because we're style. ,a a'~o-rootNl. social revolution, un- featuring the health and beauty aids that help you feel better, look even during the R enaissance. better, and have a beUer time this Thanksgiving Day. Just feast your, Jelly Cocoanut Bar Cak .. ea as. conditions and demands of human eyes on these low, low prices for your favorite nationally advertised .a 390 and existence are changing every- products and you'll know that you can't mJss savblg money when you Square Walnut Pound Cakes with an explosive rapidity, and shop here for all drug si.ore needs for the holiday. Round French Crumb Cakes ea 2ge to keep pace with that sit­ luscious Cherry StreullIl P~ .a 630 change to correspond, difficult that may be. Pare, Mild El~ Enjoy Your Virginia- Lee Fruit Cakes Now convinced that the social sci­ Win-Crest Colfee Finest quality ever. Handy carton for mailing will soon find their own 'unified 1 Ib cake Ib cake Ib cake 4> mlldor blend ,..Uh a Ib 75e 89c 2 1.75 5 3.95 theory' and that they will find Conti. real ""l'or. the Deed for a responsible and Today'. Best Bread Buy.-Enriched attitude toward the process CASTILE 43 14 SHAMPOO large C man's standards of living 5. oz .• Aseo Collee S B d the world. l" ln •• t South Amerlmn 77e upreme ,rea loaf ~~~ ~I~ · o':~~~.. • lull body Ib Supreme Stuffing Bread large losf 160 7 OUT OF 10 -Collee Brown 'n Serve Ilolls pkg 12 11c CloYlrl~af Rolls pkg 818. WOMEN CHOOSE Idelll Virrinia Lee Do'Nuls plain, doz 200 .~gared , doz 210 Jlcrc'" " hrR\' I~r~bod l e d ble nd that Exacting aPllenl .. to all Jovrrl Princess Enriched Margarine Ib l7c of cotfee • •lt eJl{ ulnr a3e ~~!f~~ .35 "rind or ftrlp. Vn~n.. Ib Glendale Club Loaf Cheese lib box 75c um pncketl. ca n BALANCE Bola Club Asst'd Beverages + dep. 1 qt bota l3c KOTEX SANITARY Save Coupons for premh.,.,a The right ingredients carefully Fresh Fruit and JI eget(lbles Jor the Week-End and 'numksgiving compounded in the right; quan­ tities - this assures the exact BELT .31 Cape Cod Fancy balan ce necessary for the efTect­ CRANBERRIES Ib 15c iveness of your prescribed medi­ Calif. Red Ibe cine. Wc achieve this cxactlng EMPEROR GRAPES 2 25c balance through thc full applica­ Ben·Gay JUICY ORANGES Fla. 200·216', doz 29c tion of our knowlcdge and skill In thc selecting, measuring, and ~ Fait Relief from GRAPEFRUIT 46-54 La rge F la 3 for 25c preparation of the drugs your doctor prescribes for you. It is your assurance of the utmost New Hallowl Dates Ib 190 Ilmported Italian 8hest'nufs Ib 16, health benefits in prescription ~ A ' h~6i i" U. S, I Eastern m edicines. Winesap Apples FRESH BROCCOLI Large Green bch 15a 1 e BRUSSELS SPROUTS qt bot 25a 31bS Acul 200/0 Federal excise tax to Cosmetics, Jewelry Zg LOCAL SPINACH Fre.h Green 2 1ba 150 Red Delicioul NEW CABBAGE Southern Green 2 lba 90 Large Snow White head 19c r . Newark PharmacY,lnc. We~lern Apples CAULIFLOWER \ ~ 18~ E MAIN STREET PHONE 2867 J c 2 'bl •• NEWARK. DELAWARE ZIbaZ5 I FREE PARKING SPACE a.abrook Farm. 212-0% 45 I Farmdale aaby 12-0% 1ge I Ideal Pure Concan, 2 8-0. 3ft- ~!~~~~ _ ~!~ . __ _~ __ ~!~~ _~~~~ p_kG __ !..A~.I_"UICI ~_~ _ ~ Si ' The Newark Post, Newark, Delaware, Thursday, November 16, 1950 DcluwHI'e Gr'oup TOIll's Penll ylvuniu Fat'llls A group of Delaware fruit growers TII.E NE.K POST and packers took three days ofT this week to inspect fruit orcha rds, pack. Vou.Dded JaDua~y 26, 1910, by the late Everett C. I~ ing and processing houses, and the By GE ORGE LILLEY HOLLYWOOD HILLBILLY Arendtsvill Experiment Sta tion in An Independent Newspaper heart of P ennsylvania's fruit g rowing Published E very Thursd:lY by the Newark Post, Inc. Ju d ~' : Popular H ollywood P ennsylvania. N E~~;;1c~Rl~n~ ~ riC NuI~~ ~~n: "hillbi'lIy:" This cultured young lady 14 -16 Thompson Lane. Newark. Delaware h elpless, bewildered youth, has They lcft Monday afternoon for Locally and Independently Owned and Operated is one of our most traveled actresses, drawn one of radio's fine characteri­ think ~ travel . develops s.e nse .of Adams and Fra nklin counties, in the Le,al and Dlspla,. advert Is In, rate. furnished on requMt. zations. You know him as Dennis comedy. Says Judy: " J\Iectll1g .dlf. r egion. They visited the Heisey 01'- In Memoriam and Cards of Thana 5 centll per a,ate LlDe. D ay. For the fifth year he is [ cI'ent lleople in different situatIOns back with his . is a s ure way to FRANK N. MEGARGEE ...... EDITOR own program, nnd out th in~s VOICE LESSONS RICHARD T. WARE ...... PUBLISHER "A Day In the and make people Life of Dennis for pleasure and recrea tion lau g h." She will give greater satisfaction IEntered as second clasE matter. March 10. 1910. at the Postoffice at Newark. Delaware, Day," Saturday started in show under the Act of March 3. 1879. nights, NBC. business as a studying with a good teacher Dennis plays the ~ be lubsc:rlptlon price of tht. paper In the United Statu t. ~ . OO per ,.ear IN singer, t eamed DELAWARE SCHOOL OF MU Ie ADVANCE. Canadian and Forei,n IlUbacrlpttons $3.00 per year IN ADVANCE. mixed.up kid ·so with hel" sister SIn,le coptes 5 centll. Make aU checka payable to The Newark P..-t. convincingly Annie ("The 803 N. Broom St. hardly a week Happiness NATIONAL EDITORIAL ., passes that he . Girls"). Her does not receive . brothel' Zeke ,Dennis Day a letter from an Judy Canova made it a tl'io .: adoption .age aged couple of· a1'C DR. OSCAR BREGMAN +U;:E:1;:~: fering to adopt ... peoplc llllllIY;n~dnet~i!r p:~~ him. He likes that. "As long as peo­ Whitema n. Judy is back on the radio We want and Invite communications, but they muat be .Iped by the writer'. ple want to adopt me," he says, "I -a hayseed gal from Cactus Junc­ OPTOMETRIST _m&-not for publication, but lor our lDIurmatloD and protecUe... have nothing to fear." He has little tion trying to crash society-Satur· to fear anyway. A graduate of New day nights, NBC, one of the few Newark, Delaware, Thursday, November 16, 1950 York's Manhattan University, he is f emmes this season to head her own Monday· Wednesday. Friday Even.in.gs, 7 to 9 P M a shi'ewd business man, owns a pros· show. She'll also sing II song or so, Wednesday - Friday AfternooT/S, 2 to 5 . . ~ering JIlusic publishing house, real She studied serious music at Cincin­ Know Your Schools estate, etc. He would have been a nati Conservatory of Music, is a lawyer• . He . enrolled at Columbia first'l'at2 coloratura soprano. Judy School of Law but an illness forced once so impressed Nelson Eddy, be 91 E, Main Street Meet Newark's School Teachers him to turn to singing. . wanted to arrange a concert tolD' TOP _MUSICALS TO TV for her. Newark, Delaware Ncwark 565 (Thirtieth in a Series) For· the first time in televisiOil, Miss Esther M . Fenton, who at pres· yjewers are being offered elaborate, GRAND SLAM NO. 4 ent is making her home in Newark, is top-drawer musical ·comedies via a a nati ve of Shippensburg. Pa. She at· hew ' program, "Musical Comedy "Grand Slam,'! top·rated daytime ~, tended the Shippensburg Public School, Time," a ired on alterna te Mondavs musical quiz show, starring singing ): (Oct. ·2, 16, 30, etc.), NBC·TV,·9;30 hostess Irene Beasley, is celebrating West Chester Sta te Teachers College. its fourth .anniversary··on the air P enn State and the University of Dela· to '10 :30 p.m., EST. · On the (mornings, CBS), Included in ·tbe ware. Miss F enton holds a B. S. Degree Bing's Pastry Shop s how '~ up com· . : .. celebrations: a special broadcast l in Public School Music. and a t present ing schedule: .' frol11 a Times is Music Supe rvisor of the elementary "Anything Square theater; ',' Try a different kind of cake for the weekend-a Caramel Coes ," "Choco. appearances by :;: school in Newark. 'I' Cake with a luscious caramel icing-. Miss F enton has taught and super· ~at e Soldier," the star on othel' ',I Rio Rita," radio a nd televi­ ',' vised music in the elementary grades sion shows. An ','':' Thanksgiving Cookies along with our special line of and high school in Heidelberg Town· \..~~~J ~~~~J: .. ex·sehool teach­ ','':' small tea cookies, ship, Lebanon County, P a .. and h as wagon;" "Pana­ er, I rene origi­ ',' also taught Engli sh and supervised mu· rna Hattie.!' nated the idea of :!: Mince and Pumpkin Pies-Family ize and regular size. listeners l)artici ~ sic in South L ebanon Townshsip, Leb­ Typic al of its MacDonald Our mince meat pies are made from brandied mince meal. a non. P a. She has taught for t hree tale nt I Martha , •• TV view pating in radio :!: quiz programs. ,', years here in Newark. Raye, John ,', Conte, J eanette MacDonald, Rise Before that she Irene Beasley - Also you'll find Onion Rolls, along with other unu uaUr Miss F enton directs the High Sc'1oo1 ,', Stevens, Patrice Munse!. -"Musical was, of course, ... slwpl'ised herself ,', good baked goods. . Girls Gl ee Club and the grade school I Comedy Time" ..brings you practi. one of radio's . , '" ,', operettas. During her college days she I cally a complete production - t he outstanding blues singers. The Me~ . ,', was contralto solois t. in the choir a t full set of acts, scenery, casts. Spon­ .!. Phone 2226 61 E. Main Street the Presbyteria n Church in Bryan . . sored by one of radio's top spenders, ~~!~' s~;~~kg~P l~~~ !fuj;ri:a:~~, :i: Mawr, P a. She is now a membe r of MISS Esther M. Fenton the show is another indication that hope that it would give her poise.' When she found she could l'eall, the Newark Methodist Church. She enj oys and h?s t elevi.sion- programming, not long I t r a~~ li~ g jOl~r- ~~_g, she was most_surpl'ised of aJl,. . Miss F enton is a great lover of neyed through Vlrgll1la vIsIting hls­ ago an infant1 is _~~'!? ~~ng .\11) fast.. dogs and makes a hobby of collecting I torical Williamsburg. Y o ~k.t ow n Dnd china dogs from every part of the Jamestown. ShBjornson. Mrs. Russel made. An ingenious M assac hu selt ~ The Delaware State Board or Welfare R ardy. housewife, for instance, had the whelp ~~~o P~ob~I~~ ::,v;rr~ab[~rc";v~;. 2~Ft~g~r~ Thurs.·Fri. Mrs. Mary Walker. Mrs. Fra nk family engaged in a fl ourishing bllSi· Illstratlons. Printers interested in submit· Pilnick' ting bids please communicate with the "Squire, Mrs. E . J . K endele, Mrs. Sam· ness, making and circulating various Board at 2120 Market Street. Wilmington, 'Uel Handloff, Mrs. J ack Ernest, Mr ~. New England bills which were copied Delaware. 2tc For the Tots' Togs A. H. Able. Mrs. Lee L ewis, Mrs. Jacob by hand in her own kitchen. She ln id Correll, Mrs. A. Bradford, Mrs. Lloyd a piece of damp starched muslin on B--L-A- N-C- H- E- -M- AE--E- -VE-R- E-rr- Badsoll. a blank paper and ironed it hard. Miss Ruth Mary Cooper, Miss Ann transferring the design to the blank Slip Covers, Drapes and ReupbolBtcrlDr Crunden, Mrs. W. D. Crater, Mrs. C. paper. This impression was fainter than M. Olson. Mrs. Milton Draper, Mrs. the original, so she went over it with Estimates free with or without material SNOW SUITS Charles Maddock, Mrs. Loring Cord· a fine quill to restore its blackness." Newark. De\.. Route 1- 0gJetown Road rfl (lrrn, snug, styled to fit eve" :~', ::::.~a~~~rr;,~7~ , ~~. i~6 . ~~~~~ Pasture Awards To Phone: Newark 6405 SlJturday . Nov_ 18 Mrs. Mabel D. Frey, Mrs. Maxwell ----.:-:---'------your pocke(b,ook H . Kratz. Mrs. R. O. Bausman, Mrs. Be Given Tomorrow A.~n ~ ·herida.'f' l\'1AGAZJNES - 0 - Don Martin, Mrs. D. R. Eastburn, Mrs. , .I "Dennis 0' K. ~~Je Charles Lanier, Mrs. Jack Hadley, Mrs. Robert Duenner, Mrs. Anthony Loudis Local Farmers In Greener Tbru 7 different .'-Pllbllsbers I can '~;"VT I' hi ~ h !. R " (join.ed the party in New York) . Pastures Project place your .~becirl"U_ to allY ~ . .~~ , ....~~ on t e. un Children and In/ants' azlne (new.r renewal). ~11 pay "e . and Colorful Cotton Counterfeiting Old A state-wide meeting will be h eJd rate thataPpean~'" any t~wal notl~ H.opalong Cas8idy . P' Friday evening, Nov. 17, at 8:00 p.m . , received fll'Om the .1Ibllatlel'. · '. DRESSES AmerlCan as tIme at the Caesar Rodney High School. .'. J'. W'd' d' " "Forty Thieves" Wyoming, Delaware. All Iarmers co· V lctQr ' 1_ oes ,'I 'r . operating in the 1950 Greener Pastures "II . Making Of Fake Money Program are urged to attend the meet. 43 We" De~~re , AveD1Ie " Suriday-One Oay OnlY-Nov, 19 Began Early ing. as well as any other interested i.·. PhODe I-JIU • I Tough, Long Wearing farmers or people of the county , , Brian Do~levy . Counterfeiting of money was de· During tJlE:.. progra~ the s ~ate winner 1'______Corduroy uils scrIbed as "a favorite American pas· wUl be presented With a Silver coffee "Wake Islanil" time" and a "nation.wide indus~~y" service. Membl!l's of the state judging during most of our history down to the committee wtll outline and summa,r: , ~~W~K In Variety of Colors Civil War, in an address on the sub· ize the mana,e!pent practices that were MondaY·-One Day Only--Nov, 20 jed Monday by Dr. H . Clay Reed. pr')· carried (/ut by the farmers participat. Fulteral Home fessor of history at the University of ing in this year's program. • i Inc. . Lizbeth Scott, Dean Jagger Delaware. Edward H . Schabinger, County Agri'" Dr. Reed. whose topic was "Counter- cultural Agent, states that the follow­ Vivisca Lind/ors * * feiting In the United States from the ing farmers in ~ew Caste COU!}t)' par­ Revolution to the Civil War." was the ticipated In the 1950 Greener Pastures "The Dark City" You Can Use Our third speaker in the current series of Program: John McVaugh, Newark, Wil· Graduate Lectures b eing held at the llam NaudaJn, Newark; Mitchell Broth· WM. J. WARWICK university. He pointed out that coun· ers, Hockessin; T. Pierson, Hockessin; Tues.-Wed. Nov, 21-22 Xlnas Lay·Away terlelilng is an ancient practice. da t- Steven Barczewski, Newark; Elwood PRESIDENT ing from the time of the first minted Fox , Hockessin; W. Levis Phipps, Wi!· coins, and counterfeiters came to Amer· mington; Wills Passmore, Wilmington; -0-- Plan ica early and "grew up with the coun· Raymond F . Patterson, Newark; Joseph try." In the first year of his new city F. Maloney, Bear; Wilbur T. Gregory, 01 brotherly love, William Penn found Bear; George R. Moore, Bear; Ra.ymond 121 West Park Place inhabitants Imitating coins. The paper· Dasher, Bear; C. D. Buck, Wilmington; money era began In the colonies in Woodward, Wilmington; Mar- Plt-,ne 2463 s Variety Sto 1690 and immediately attracted the vln Klair, MMihallton; J . Gheen •••• atte~tion ot counterfeiters. Stephenson, Marshallton; Daniel Hal'- ....______, It...... ,...... • ••••••• The N e wark Post, Newark, Delaware, T h ursday, ovember 16, 1950 ______-~~~~=-=-=-~~======~======~S~ev~en DINNER MEETI NG OF in the Ebenezer Church, al'e being CLASSIFIED IBEDROOM - ESPECIALLY ADAPTED FOR NEWARK S O R O PTIMISTS made and Mrs. Daniel Cecil, Mrs. stud y. Phone 2-1432. The Newark Soroptimist business Joseph Brown, Mrs. William DeLong, I' ll-lS-Jtc '-Social Events mecting was held Tuesday night at and Mrs. William Adams comprise the ------APT. l8'rFLO OR , 3ROOMS-l:iA~' the College Inn with president, Miss committee., S itua t ion Wan tea %~~d~n~ly Rt i r~:t'.vale entrance. AI)ply 24 . ~orrs - ROSE ' BIRTHS Edna Campbell, presiding. SEWING AT HOME. WOMEN AND CHIL- 1I-1 6-lIp K; 'VVING ,'OLl'~l\1 JIZED :vr~ " and Mrs. John Byam are l'e­ A joint meeti'ng of the local club in WILLING WORKERS GROUP ~~ft71e s~~I~~ngrc~~fls:iI~P~~s~ abl:~r~po~~ 1 G~~~~ E2_~~R RENT--$5.oo PER MO. celvlng congratulations on the birth lIb wed dlnA of lIliss Earlecn Knolls Quarryville is being planned for the HELD MEETING AT MANSE 1l~1~'~w~ell, Cooch's Bridge. 1I -16-11c ' TheW es t D,'lall'nre Avenue, daugh­ of a son, born November J3 in the spring with Southern Chesler County, The R ev. and Mrs. J ames L . Getaz, 3 Memorial Hospital. ' DAY'S WORK. PHONE 6-1532. BEDROOM. MEN PREFERRED. 47 PROS­ el !r Mr. and Mrs. Earl Knotts of Oxford, Lancaster, West Chester, Read- Jr. of Nottingham Road were hosts Oll Il-16-llc pect Avc. Ml's. E. W. Lindell. ~r , gton and Mr. Lawrence L . Bose, ing, Ephrata, and Coatesville. Tuesday evening of this week to the ll-16-lIc Narn~ Mr. and 1\11'5. Reginald L . Rose Congratulations are being extended Local club members were invited to November meeting of the Willing ---W~d-T~ Buy --- SMALL HOt.'SE, EAST C LEVELAND rn- !Cn~sl~ Road, New Castle, took pla.ce to MI:. and Mrs. L eon W . Wright on have attended the Oxford Club fash- Workers Society of the Head of Chris­ LfVlNG ROOM STOVE. RAYMOND l1~\l~~i.t~ hone 2-6341. Wm. J . Barnard. ~turdaY afternoon ln Immanuel EP1 S­ the blrth of a daughter, born Novem­ ion show by P eggy Cronin on Novem- tiana Church. Johnson. Phone 2-1412. ber 14, in the ' Dealware Hospital. bel' 14 and 15. A program arranged by Mrs. J. El- 1I -16-Itp SPA ES IN TRAILER PARK. East Cleve­ I Church, N w Cas tl ~ . land Avenue, all facilities. Phone 2-6341. corev. Francis M. Hamlllon, r ector, Mrs. Mabel Frey and Miss Elizabeth wood Zebley and Mrs. Roger Wa tkins ----H- e-Ip- Wanted Will. J . B a rnard. ll-16-tfc r med th e ceremony and a r ecep­ MI' . and Mrs. William I. Crow are WOI"rall wer e members of the group followed the business session. :~ ~~uow d nt the Wilmington Manor receiving congratulations on the birth w ho visited the UN on November 8 Mrs. Zebley read a most inter~sting SALES GIRLS : PERMANENT- Ft'LL FURNISHED, 3-ROOM PRIVATE BATH and Mrs. F rey gave a report on the trip. and descriptive letter from her ~on time position. Also for part time. Apply apt. adulls. Apply 263 East Ma in Street: viC building. of a daughter born November N in Newark Dept. Store. ll-16- Itc tiThe IJride, given in marriage by her the Delaware Hospital. ' Miss Virginia P hillips and Miss Dor- Philip, w ho with a group of students 11-9_2tc ------othy Markert were delegates to the were members of an organized camp- Il!ber, had as her allendants M~ ss WANTED AT ONCE-MAN r OR RAW- Wanted- To Rent . Kno Is of Boothwyn, P a., a COUSin, MR W ILL IAM D ON North A tlantic Region Conference at ing trip into the Great Smokys one :;~ of honor ;. and Miss GlQri? Senos . N E LL Atlantic City and reported t hat Miss weekend. P hilip is now a student at ~~~~':r . b~~I;::tenc~~a~r~r.r..~~~u n~~ ~~~ APARTMENT FURNISHED. 4R00Ms. ~ ctaymont, Junior brldesmald. . HONOR ED ON BIRTHDAY Edna Campbell has b een apPOinted a Maryville College, Maryville, Tenn. r: c~~s4~rt:h~r!~~ ~:~v l elgh' s . Dept. DEK- ll~rJ~1 ·tcWr l tc P. O. Box 60, Ext. 5. The bride wore a gown of whlte Mr. William W. Donnell of Sunset mem ber of the Regional Assim ulatio:l Mrs. E. Orville Olley gave a very U-16-lIp Committee and A nn Longenbach is informative account of her day last ------~tin, the fitted bodice made with a Lake Road was honored by a dinner For Rent For S ale ~ulld neckline and short s l e~ves, fea- given o.n Sunday, November 12, m serving on the Fellowship Committee week at the Uni ted Nations, Lake Suc­ 'ng pointed cu tTs. The sklrt, fitted celebrahon of hlS eightieth bir thday The meeting adjourned to meet on cess, N.Y. REDMEN 'S HALL, 48 BENNY STREiT WE~;rlNGHOtSE~F : PRICW-FOR r~lr the hips, was fashioned into flat The d mner was held at the home of November 28, at the College In n. Special m usic of two solos by Mrs. ~~KO~~ I occaSions, day or night. Phone 1_1 ~1 6_~~C sale. Boy s 28 bIcycle. Phone 4865 . Donald Balderston including "With­ O;:ats and !el ~ into a lon~ tra~n . She Mr. Donnell's son-in-law and daughter, 10-29-4Ip 1950 CHEV. TRUCK: I TON PANEL 10 ' Pea fin gertip I ngth veIl of illUSIOn IMI' . and Mrs. Ernest Ir win with whom T H R EE-I N -ONE G ROUP out a Song" and "Bless This Hc use" \~;wo tiers attached to a satin D utch he makes his home. were also given. The last solo was ded­ M~WF~~~ l~Sa~;;'l.Ap'i,~~~'tt34~~W ~W:s:, ~Ii5~ . &:' riof~:e~ u\r':,1s . ~~:y ~~~ ~p which was lied under the chin. Guests at. ~ e d inner included : Mr. H O S T S TO LOC AL C LUBS icated to the Getaz family who are the 8-24-tfc ll~'J'_~sic Call 2539 or see Frank K. Scott. fi rst to occupy the manse. Miss Lillie Long glov es ma tched her .dress and she and Mrs. Wllham W. Donnell, Sr.; Mr. The Three-In-One Homemakers ROOMS WITH OR WITHOUT BOARD 5 TURKEYS. ALIVE OR DRESSED W C tarried a noscgay of w hlte roses. an~ !"'frs. Ernest V. Irwin, Mr. and Mrs. Club held t he November meetin g in Scott accompanied Mrs. Balderston. Phillips Ave. Phone 2-1367. . Cal'ter. Phone Newark 2-8432. . . . Miss Kn otls wore a blue taffeta frock Wllham Donnell, Jr. and children Billy, the Ebenezer Methodist Church, P leas­ Refreshments were served hy t he ~___ 1!-9 - 2~p ______hostesses for t he month. trimmed with Idsh lace,. a band of N~~cy , Marie and Dianne; Mr. and MrG. ant Hill on Thursday, November 9, , - LIONEL TR AIN ENGINE & TENDER blue carnations m her hall', and car- Wililam . Carey and ch ildren, Jeanette, with members of the Wimoda usis Club ------automatic dump coal car. lo(! car, box ried a nos gay of blue and yellow car- BIlly. RIcky and Bobbic. a nd the P ort Penn Club as guests. Ira c. Shellender )fi~l~tboo se. tl'ansformer. 57 Chapel nations, roseS and pompons. Mr. Donnell has been a resident of The t raveling gavel was brough t by Additional Society I I MiSS Senos wore a yellow taffeta Newa rk. and vicinity for t he past t hir- the Port Pen n Club a nd prcsented by OVERSTUFFED DAVENPORT & LARGE IrOCk with fi lled bodice, P eter Pan ty yea rs. In addition to five children their president, Mrs. Albert Kumpel, On Page 6 c!, al r. Hoover kitchen cabinet. Phone brocaded colla r and peplum and over- he has twelve grandchildren and six to Mrs. Rodney Eoastburn, president FUNERAL l1 :~~~tcafteJ' 6 P.M. 410 S. College Ave. skirt of nyl on net. Her headdress was great gra ndchildren. or the Three-In-One Club. This gavel ------or yeUOW pompons. She carried a which has visited all the clubs in the HOME Tt'RKEYS. BROAD BREASTED BRONZE nosegay of carnations, roses and pom- CHURCH GROUP NO. 4 county will be returned to its original 1951 Farm C onser v ation ~'~~b~I:~ , ~I~~~~ j,5CEI1\on~PM:.rsne;t pons with yellow predominating. . club, the Talleyvill e Club. on Tuesday, Book To B e R e ady S0011 ~t:-~r;a . R. R. underpass to Red Hill. Mrs. Knotts, mother of the bnde, MEETS WITH M R S. RITZ November 21 : The 1951 Agricultural Conservation Incorporated 194{) WESTINGHOUSE REFRIGERATOR wore a toast crepe gown with brown Group No 4 of the Women's Auxll- 1 An Illteresting program was glven by Program Handbook for Delaware w ill velvet acc ssories and a corsage of lary of the FIrst Presbytel'lan Church the guest club Mrs Edwald Cordery be available for all Delaware farmers ~g~ .' ~4BI~f,:'t1~i~~r~ IT~r e~e~v!~l d:Ii~ right to reject offers. Phone Newark ping ro s. Mrs. Rose wore mauve wtll meet WIth Mrs Fred Ritz, 77 West read a poem, Mrs Alvlll MIles sang soon according to Ernest S Matti!ord 2977 to submit offer. lace and nylon net with black vel vel P ark Place, on Tuesday evening, No- a nd Mrs. Kumpel conducted a quizz s tat~ PMA chaJlman PMA 'county and - ,e- 1I-16-ltc hat and accessories and a corsage of vember 21. which was won by Mrs Henry Mitch- commul1lty chairmen already have USED FRIGIDAfRE. 2'h YEARS OLD purple orchids. The meeting is scheduled for ell ~f the Wimodausis Club. their copies. 254 W. Main Street good condition, sti ll with two year gual'~ Mr. Richard McCully served as b esl o'clock. M1SS M. K athal'lne Jones, County This ha ndbook lists conservation Newark, Delaware i!?itl~e . Call Eagle Furniture Company. man and ushers were Mr. Robert ~gent, gave .an intereslin.g demonstra- practices that are eligible for assistance I 1I-16-11c Rose. brother of the bridegroom, and BAKE AND FOOD SALE !Jon on holIday decorations and re- under the 1951 program. It gives the l UP TO $25 ALLOWANCE ON OLD SPACE Phone 2-6131 Mr. Harry Felsburg. WEDNESDA Y, NOV. 22 freshments. requirements necessary to quatify for :~~t~,"~;S d~~p~;~. ~3~T" Call Eagle rur- Following a wedding trip to New Mrs. Eastburn requested members of these practices. 1I-16-ltc ~~~k 'i~\'1~~~~n =~o~ h~a~l~~ e G~il~~ el~es~ so~~eetyw:i\\es;!~~o~\~~\;~~ r::~~:~d ~~:i:eo:~eCl~nb ~~i~~o:, ~O~:~b~~~~~~~ _ --~~~~~~~==~=~==~ STILL HAVE TAX FiliiTELEVISION 1I~';6~ l~gk. Eagle Furniture Company. 3311. Mrs. Rose is associ ated with the office sale to be held on Wednesday aftcr - take a few stitches on the United Na­ of the Experimental Station, Unive rsity ~~~'~' ~~o~:~b e r 22, in front . of J ack- lions fl ag, a very important project. AFRICAN VIOLETS DIFFERENT VarleUe. of Delaware. Sellt'ng wl'l l stal.t at 10 o'clock. Plans for the Christmas party and S?:eeeethOuse. Maude Mote. covered dish luncheon, December 14, AT ~~t'k';,a~~~~r 9-15 -121p 3 CHURCHE TO JOIN IN ------, I - 22 INCH STEEL HOMART WARM AIR furnace (coal 01' oil) . Complete with THANK GIVI G SER VICE ""~~""""----_-. --__- _- _-'" "~~,,,, ~,,,,,,,..,.~~ ,~~,~,,,~,,, ... all controls. automatic day & nlte ther­ 'DALE mostat. !'an with alr filters. Plus seven The annual combined community ~ s shape, used one year. Tha nksgiving service will be held this ~~Yr {""e'{!.s,}~~s 2~r POWELL'S 11-1 6-2tp yea r at the First P resbyterian Church n T lONE ~ on Wednesday evening, at 7:45 o'clock. •• I JJ FARM. 90 ACRES. MODERN HOUSE & Dr. John L. Bunting, Jr., pastor of barn within 3 miles of Newark on h ard * TCE CREAl\f CO. ~ ,·oad. good soil & woods. Katherine W . the Newark Methodist Church , will ~~ W,lllams. Phone 8241. bri ng the message and the Rev. Theo- 11-16·ltc dore Ludlow, rector of St. Thomas' FUNERAL W e O,.liver ~ PULLETS $1.25 . -FRYING cmCKENS:iSc lb . Phone 6558. Y.~iscopa\ Church and the Rev. H . E. ~ 11-16-Itp Hallman, pastor of the h ost church. DIRECTOR ICE C REA I\J ~~ will assist in the service. .. MAPLE HIGH CHAIR AND TOILET sea l co mbined ~7 . 00; crib and Inner_ Special music will be presented by * spring mattress $15 .00. Call Newark 4287 . the choi r of the host ch urch. Dial 31 71 ", ll-1 6_ 11c The members of the choir of the Pl'es- PHONE 2-6221 l -I~ H. P. AIR COMPRESSOR: I SET byterian Church under the direction of For Your "Rigid" Pipe Dies I " to 2'" 1 'set "To ­ * ~ ~ I ~ do P!PC dies 1" to 2" : 1 set "Beaver" Charle Southwell, will present a ~ pipe dies ~~" to %"; ] -48" chain tongs. I heav.y duty arbor pl'ess. 254 E. Main Thanksgiving cantata this Sunday " P ARTIES ~ f l'cel. Newal'k. morning at the regular 11 a.m . worship 122 ""Vest Main Stre et ~ ~ ll-16-ltp hour. I. 2 LIONEL TRA INS. TRA CKS SIGNAL The public is cordially invitcd to NEWARK. DELAWARE ~ ~ & Station. Phone 6-2131. ' attend both of these serviccs. ~ . • ~ 11- 16- ltp J940 STUDEBAKER , 4 DOOR. P I'IONE , .~~~~.~.. ~~~;~~~~~ -~- ~. ~. ~. , ,~",~"~~~,~~~~~,, . ~,~~ 2-09.11. ll-16_ lI p GOOD USED LOTHING, HOUSEHOLD tlrtlcles. glass ware and dishes. at St. The Ladie, ' Bible Class of thc New­ Thomas' P arish J-Iouse. Delaware Ave. ark Methodist Church will hold the & Elklon Rd ., Nov. 29 and 30. business and social meeting on Monday 1I-J6-Jlc evening, November 20, at 8 o'clock in All tlU"U the Night- BABY AHR IAGE. SLIGHTLY USED. the Ladics' Parlor at the church. 11 :;~:~i~e n t cond ition $25.00. Phone 3922. Mrs. J. H . Rumer is chairman with When yo Ill' d octol' OJ' del's Mrs. Frank Jamison and Mrs. Mary 24-INCH ROADMASTER BOY'S BIKE. ~~~5~ ' Desk_ drawers $20 .00. Phone Walker as co-hostesses. medie a lio ll by vaporizer , 11 -16-ltc buy the one tha t g i ves y ou GAS STOVE. SMALL OIL HEAT E·R.HALL ~~:ne c8~~~~r water tank, n early new. about our pl"Otecti cJl all night long. 1I-J6-2tc and be Sure oJ 10 PC. ------MAHOGANY------DINING ROOM ~~I~~a l eEd~~It'::;t $.:1~~o. c<;h~~I~nHO~~~~ : si n 393. Finest Value- 11-16-ltc 3 WHEEL TRICYCLE, 18" PRACTICALLY ELECTRESTEEM II's GUARANTEED! new. Phone 3653. 11-16-He VAPORIZERS THE THRIFT SHOP AT ST. THOMAS ' Don't close your eyes to the UllJ PRrlsh House Wednesday, Nov. 29, CAMERON Ring ~I~~r~g ~~~ . ~~ie8 .;'impeg:/c:.o~ n:.:~~ Al,o $150 .... d 250 difference in diamonds. Make sure gain Box. Up to 24 hour burning Wedding Ring 12!ft) of the finest diamond your money ll-16- Itc ~ 'n " RI~II 100.00 RIFLJ;:, WINCHESTER MODEL 43. 218 Bp.c Also 7~ 10 250 can buy by choosiog Keepsake~ wi th a Weaver K_ 4 scope. Call New­ ark 2-7562. 4.95 to 6.95 the ring of GUARANTEED II -IS- Itc QUALITY. I HEAT----ROLA------COAL STOVE, ------I WA RM Morn ing coal stove, perfect condition. Phone 2-6341 . Wm. J . Barnard. Keepsake assures true value with 1I -16-tfc Keep some in your pocket- I s 'you; hai'.. ~eady for that the words "guaraQteed registered Mis ce llaneous cold protections are more " big date" ? ' I pedect gem" on the tag, and the CELLAR DIGGING & GRADING . Bt'LL­ u s eful when y ou hav e them dozing work done by hour or contract. handy . Toni Refills ...... 1.00 famous Keepsake Certificate signed John W. Burns. Phone Newark 8057. Il-9-4tc Antantine Tablets .39 & .89 4' Kits .,...... ~ . 29 by u. aDd Keepsake. RIDERS WANTED. LEAVE NEWAR K Kriptin Tablets .~9 & .98 Lilt Refills ...... 1.00 7:50: leave Wilmington 4 :30 or 5 :00. Call Histacol Tablets .39 & .89 " . Kits ...... : ...... 2.00 JONQUil ainll Dick Roberts. Phone 2-7264. Weclcli ... Ring ·62.50 11 -9-2tc 'tabcin Tablets .... .44 & .73 Hudnut Refills ...... 1.50 NO GUNNING ON TRESPASSING ON Resistabs ...... 43 Kits ...... 1.89 MY PROPERTY. Anna R. Register. 11 -2-3tp Anahist Cap ...... 55 & 1.98 Halo Shampoo FASHION ACADEMY Anahist in Atomizer.. ...98 .29, .57 & .89 GOLD MEDAL Laxative Bromo Drene Shampoo I ••• Awarded io Quinine ...... 39 & .69 .29 . . 57 & .89 IKteJlsaltt for "ex· , If a cold lingers on-"Make Prell Shampoo .... .57 & .89 f"isi't dtsiln IlIId PAPER H AN GIN G - REASONABLE S ure" --SH your doctor. Tintair Rins e ...... rate •. Call Rotand Gibson, Phone 2-6322. 2.00 b,iIIlttn' fashioll 9-7-lfc styli"g." No Prices Lower Than OlLrs - No Waiting at OlLr PAPER------HANGING. AU work lfUaranteed. G. J. Matthews. Christiana. Del. Phone " Hel,} YOltrselj Shelves" New Castle /l85B. COME IN AND SEE THE AWARD · 9-5-8tp WII!tI'H~G . UfPSA-,If.. •'O . L~E~ T. IOtl REFRIGERATOR SERVICE AND BALD C'lltDIT - CA.SH _ C HARGE MEDFORD Ring 81nee 1933 Harvey Refrigeration Co., n Wedding Ring 109.00 Tyre Avenue. Phone 57g. R~OD~S DRUG STO~~ B- IB -tte. BUNDLE & FAMD..Y WASHING, Plck-UD

of America·Mary~ise GreenPlate'j Less E I how Grease

Five Elgh~~rl~r:!=de~i~~u:amed To For House Cleaning This year five girls were chosen from the eighth grade to be in the New Time And Labor Saving Girls' Leaders Club. Those chosen wer e: Edith Streets, Norma Gray, Hints For Homemaker Nancy Hopkins, Dor is Records and Ginger Lanier. Housewives of today don't need as The Girls' Leaders Club sells tickets much muscle as grandma did. Science at all the home football, basketball and has come to the r escue. Detergents baseball games. Each year the girls are high on the list of cleaning aids. demonstrate their leadership ability Detergents disssolve soil, especially by carrying out a special project. greasy soil, faster and b etter than most Ginger Lanier. soap and water, says Miss Louise -0-- Whitcomb, extension home manage­ Bobby Knlghton, Polio P atient, Returns ment specialist at the University of to School Delaware. Bobby Knighton, w hose return to Recent tests by the New York Ex­ school was delayed by an attack of periment Station should prove to be polio, enjoys being back with his time and labor savers, she reports. classmates. While in the Doris Memor­ Miss Whitcomb suggests that you ial Hospital, Bobby received 350 cards, try gentle handling instead of rub­ plus candy, cookies and books. The bing and scrubbing, the next time you hospital furnished a television set for wash waUs, w oodwork, or shampoo

ROLLER SKATING it's a CHANCE you wouldn't take SUNDAY MATINEE, 2 to 5 En.joy an Afternoon Skating I,. No, you wouldn't risk moving in, unarmed and unprotected, on a deadly rattler, MERRYLAND GLASGOW, DEL I ------no more than you'd expose your life to anyone of the hundreds of risks against ;:rr' which you can have protection.

But it's easier to see the peril of a rattler poised to strike than to sense some of "

!I ~ 1 the everyday chances many of us still take with our own and our families ' lives. i"' . Leaving a family without the security of life insurance is no less a risk than , \ ,. ,~" tempting a rattler; it's a risk no man can afford to take. For without adequate life insurance a family is taking chances, reckl es s, un-

o" necessary chances. See for yourself how easy and inexpensive it is 10 sec ure

@;.;iiiTiiiHiii:aiiiemiii:iii::iii~iiii::iiii~iii::iiii:.iii~~iii;~iiii:iiii~iiii~iiiiey..~iiiii::iiii:iiiia:_:_~:iiii::iiii:iiii~eiiii:_:_:iiii:: _':iiii:_;iiii~:iiiif:_IUiiin:iiiie:;;~iiiiiy_:_:iiiifh_Ta_EmDiiiiie_:_:iiii:;;:;;E~iiil iiiiiiii

THOMA S I. PARKINSON · PR ES IDENT Don', neglect your wotch' Don', bong 1t ~round • • • Don't wear 39 3 SEVENTH AVENUE • NEW YORK I, NEW YORK ~e;~~rn r~a~~!~~~ ~r~s~:ln '! to~:cne i~ ~~ H !J .v;:i:1e~tn:~g~~~IYoit;d I regulorlyl B.ring your wotch in for 0 checkup without obllgo- . lion todoyl \ • • I •• ..s - Represented By: B. GIBBONS letveler - Ell. 1885 YOUNG 103 Old Oak Road 118 • 318 DEL. ST, Tel.: 3132 NEW CASTLE ------.------~ The Newark Post, Newark, Delaware, Thursday, No lember 16, 1950 Nine ~ ~o r e h e~ rse for Its special Thanksgiv- (2) That a majority of the totnl number --I' m g mUSIc The group is also begl of shares outstandtng and having v.Jttn~ b~a~t~e~e bayff~ .4' l.aiddcCtJhOISSkCcyC,rttltfl.captreestl~ 'll I'e U n(lred ' . nmng power have vot ed lor the foregotng resolu- d S R. L. TAYLOR , I C k II to work on th II' Chnstmas music. l1

'Jt!ce. - l' 1 omcmaker's Club Lindsay Greenplate, superintendent On ~f~~I~~ngpaa;t e:n:U~I~b~~,d~~~O~ a~:::;e~ ~lff~! ~:~~ ~r ri~"l~w~~~c"on O~h!h~ndSedc~~t~?N~~ the II1tr"vchnl{ gavel ast Thurs- of Ebenezer church school, h as assisted ~~~Ch have not been otherwise provided vember, 1950, at 9 o'clock A . M. and r,,­ the traveling gavcllest Thurs- the Rev. James H. Bishop to complete IN WITNESS WHEREOF, said McCloskey l3':e'!l'sd f~ lS'e~v og~~~leOfc~~~t:ei>°';;~~ar~~ tlte WimodJusis Home Demo.n- the arrangements for the union Thanks-Homes, Inc., has caused Its corporate on the 3rd day of November, 1950. Club in Ebenezer Methodist giving services which will be held The /lRvl'1 was brought by the Nov. 22 at 7:30 p.m . in the White Clay of POI· t Pcnn Home Demon- Creek Presbyterian Church. IT MAY '-I~Io r­ aUon, held on the 26th day of October. brated by the followi ng program: Poems 1950, and supplementcd by a speelal meet­ Acudem y Street, until 8 P.M., Standard Time, 'To the Unknown Dead," by Joyce ing of the stockholdcrs of said corpor­ a tion held .pursuant to a written w a iver Dairy, Products November 28, 1950, at which time they will be Cannon: "In Flanders' Field," by Mary­ of notice signed by all the stockholders. Springer: "Our Peace' by Bev erly on the 26 th day of October, 1950, In the publicly open ed and read, These Bids are to cover City of Philadelphia, State oC p cnnsYl-, ; reading, "Our Flag," by Sallie vania, at 11:00 o'clock in tho forenoon, Delivered to yo ur door or bought at yo ur favorite songs, "'s Recessiona l," for t he purpose or votin g upon 1h e ques­ a .'ale, on an hourly basis, fOl' this work. "Home Road:' by the school. lion of reducing its capita! to the e.'<' tent store, Pensupreme Quality Dairy Products are a and in the manner t.ercinarter set n, ut' j n lhe human relation classes for the It was duly MUST on yo ur li st for a really good Thanksgiving RESOLVED, That the capital of the Cor­ These Bids must be marked "Ash Collec· and sixth grades, a panel discus­ poration be reduced £1"Or. .. Two Mlillon, meal. Remember we offer yo u a Complete Line for was held las t Friday on the sub­ Three Hundred and FOI·ty Thousand Dol­ you r convenience and eating enjoyment: tion" on outside of envelope. lars ($2,340,000.00, r~presented by Tcn "Should We Be Different or Like Thousand (10,000) Sha" es of Preferred in Styles, Speech Bnd Actions?" ~;)(W~rsoI($\~g . o~ir e~~~~e" g~ gg~ ~~g~~~~ • Se lected Pasteurized Milk • Butter • Whipping Cream The Con neil reserves the I'ight to r eject any Beverly Cannon led the discussion with Thlrty-Iour Thousand (l34,OOa) Shares of • Homogenized Vitamin D Milk • Sour Cream • Buttermilk Sallie Evans, Fran cis Farmer, and Common Stock of the par va lue of Ten • Golden Gue ..... s y Milk • Coffee Cream • Reddi-Wip or all bids, 01' to make the award to the lowest re­ Dollars ($10.00) each, to One Thousaod Springer participating assist­ Doilars ($1.000.00), represented by Onc • Cottage Cheese sponsible bidder , or ill such manner as they con· by Mrs. Elsie W. Stradley. Hundred (100) Shares of Common Stock oC t he par value of Ten D~l1ars ($10.00) The .choo l subscribed 100 % to the each , said reduction o( '.:a p ;lu\ In the ·ide.' be t 'fOl' the interest of the Town of Newark. an nual drivc for the JuniOI' Red Cross. amount oC Two Million , Three Hundred Thirty-nine Thousand Dollars ($2,339. - Mermaid 000 .00 to be effected by lhe cancellation COUNCIL OF NEWARK, Harmony Grange w ill v isit Delaware of Ten Thousand (10,000 ) shares of Pre­ Cerrcd Stock of lhe oa\" value of Onc Cad S. Rankin, Grange at Newport next Monday eve- Hundrcd Dollars ($100 .00 ) each and Onc whe n a Thanksgiving p rogram Hundred Th irty-three Thous nd Ni nc Town Engineer Hundred (133,900) Shares (If Common wil l be given as arranged by Miss Ruth Siock oC the par valu of Ten Dollars [i' or /lome Deli very P/IOII P- : 634 3 Ball and Mrs. George T. J amieson. O n ~Tlg;,UO) coch acquired by the Corpor-I ~ ~...-...- 27, th c ways a nd m eans commit­ ...... by Mrs. R o coe Walker is an old fashion box social to in the hall. There w ill bc a of entertainment. Last week gra nge enjoycd a program giv n . the Futur Farmers f rom Conrad Schoo l. This group cx emplified Ihe workings of this order. T win broth­ ers, Don and K en Baer, furnished musi­ selectio ns on thc piano and gu ita':. I "",- The grange rs sang "Happy Bir thday" ',r!'IIIJJ rJl/IIIU/lII~~ 10 Miss Annie Derickson. Mr. Harry P olis, of Winch ester, Va., WilS a guest overnight at the h om e of his COusi ns, Mr. and Mrs. L . H. Pen­ nlOgton . Mr. a nd Mrs. Fred Trembath 01 Wilmington. were Sunday visitors at the P nn ingtons. Mrs. Fra nk G. Dennison is at h er 11/1f(fllfl/lll-lHlUEfiilllll! SOn -in-law and daughter's Mr. and Mrs. FLASH! Oldsmobile i8 now buildlJl~ James Derickson, w here she h as been "Rocket" E ngines exclu.silHlly! By popular ill lor the past few days. demand. "Rocket" production sweepe into Corner K etch _~ff1l1fiiY OLDSMOBILE BUILDS THIS high gearl Oldsmobile-and only Olda­ Uion Juvenile Grange had Mrs. mobile-1)ffers you thrilling "Rocket" llary Thomas of Marydel, state direc­ lor 01 jU venile orders, as a visitor last FAMOUS HIGH-COMPRESSION POWER PLANT! action coupled with the superb smoothneee Salurday. The grange received three of new Oldsmobile Hydra-Matic·! POWeh new members and planned for thei r packed performance! Incomjarable ViSi tation to Harmony at Mermaid on driving ease! Exceptional economy! You Salurday afternoon. Mrs.. Elizabetth get them all in Oldsmobile', flaahiDg Smi th , also or Marydel. was a v isitor. " 88"- lowest-priced "Rocket" Engine carl t Union Grange No. 1 is prepar ing for Drive in today- for yOl.U" "Rocket" ridel hWO SpeCial occasions this m o th, the ._- ... rst on Saturday evelll 'lg, w hen the _- annUal pou ltry supper will be se~ve J In the hall starling at 5 p.m., the sec­ ~d , on Nov. 3D, the date of the quar ­ prly meeting of New Castle County omona Grange with Union as host °, the all day scss ioi n b ginn ing at 10lOam. Rtd Clay ('rec k Presbyterian Church "t~1S church was h ost to an evangel - 1'h I 1I0wshlIJ l a m from Princeton lologica l Seminary over the past ~fi:kc nd .. 1'h t am comprised Robert ~ Ikey of Mllskegon. Mich, t eam cap­ WI~; Me rl Elrod or Sl. P aul, Minn.; Ha lam Blrlllingham of Scranton, P a.; RI~ Br hams, or BOlder, Colo., and ~ ard Om an of Minneapolis. The ch IrJ eond uc'tcd the Sunday school and re~:~ s~r\'ices, a lso the Westminster lIin ship meeting. For their enter­ Salu~:l , the ~ oca l g r~up h ad a party 5 E -. YOU i '" N I ARE 5 , lItip Y ev nlng, a hike, a nd fellow- ...... - 00 "SUnday afternoon. The sermon , !'reedom Through Christ" was r~ached by Bob Lakey. PHONE lilnd t ~rkey SUpper for the bullding PHONE ~boo l ' to be served i n the church Delaware City lrustet:.oom Nov. 29 sponsored by the Delaware City 4431 1'h ~ MethodJst Cb1ll'C1i 4568 ! church choir met last eveniq ••••••••••••• FILLIN' IN ••••••••••••• We arc ~ wark' s official Public The Newark Post Enemy Number 1284- at least that was the number on the yell ow parking tag we found adorning our automobile one C d U· h n·· ,." T T NHS SPORT Battered Hens Face Powerful recent morning. We were a bit shocked onra .l..l.tg .r Otnttng .I. 0 UpJset to find crime had r eached such pro- ROUND.,UP portions h re. If the number means T k t L 'Jl. k Dent t Bucknell Bisons On S anything, Delawal'e's second largest Jac e s n .I. ur ey ay 0 es city is infest d with l awbreakers. Yellow Jacket JV's Sting SaJIles JV's Practically everyone in town has a po- Newark High's Jayvee football squad Pl'ospects Gloomy For Season's Windup In W' I lice record. A. I. DuPont Throws First Half Scare Into Jackets But defeated Sallies, 20-0, Monday, No- We pocketed our parking ticket with Latter Win, 26.13, To Remain Top Contenders vember 6 in an after-school game Park; Kickoff At 2 P.M.; Wa hillgtOll A~t a small thrill of pride. It was our first For Mythical State Title played on the local field. Bob Towns- Lee Outgenerals DelawaJ'e, 32.0 a nd meant we could join that growing end made Newark's first touchdwown, company of citizen-motorists w ho scoring on a quarterback sneak from Bucknell's rampaging Bisons will invade Wilmington Pari tho mutt r against the town government Although Newark High 's undefeated Yellowjackets a re h eavy favorites the one-yard l ine. ~h e Jacket's next to. meet the University of Delaware's tattered Blue Hen and plot to pluck the beam from Offi- in the a nnual Thanksgiving Day fray with Conrad High, anything can happen score came on a twenty yard run by gridd~rs. ~ wIll be at 2 p.m . he eer Mote's eye. when the traditional rivalry is resumed here on tile athletic fi eld at 11 a.m. halfback Tom Baker Danny Palmer I Last Saturday while the Hens were bowing. 32-0. to the W h' We also thought it rather compli- The Redskins, still smarting from the 45-7 trouncing Newark gave them added the extra point making the Lee Generals, the Bisons were toppling Temple Univ rsity. 35.0 a~ng lon m ~ ntary .of Officer Mote to present tiS last yeal', have been pointing for this one all season, and repOl:ts from C?nrad score 13-0. Danny P almer plunged this is the same Tem ple which a few weeks ago turned back th fact WIth a tIcket. It struck us as rather say both team and student body have already started beatmg the v Ictory over from the ten-yard line in the ~ further darkens the picture for this Saturday. eus, democratic and openminded of him drums in anticipation of an upset. The invaders will be at fever pitch when final quarter and Dick Lawson added 10 1 The game will be the season's finale for the Hens who to dat h show our antique coupe the same r e- they arrive he re for the annual Turkey Day classic. the final point. The JV's record for specl he gives to sleek, powerful 1950 Coach John Chanowski's Redskins, w ho have a creditable season's record the season thus far is two w ins a nd gled two v ictories and a tie in seven starts for their poorest sho~v~ng ~~e models. Our battered heap wore its to date of four and four. a re a vGteran~ two losses. . • Delaware held its own duri n gay yellow tag with a proud, jaunty outfit. The man to watch in the back- Newark's JV team consists of the fol- first quarter against Wash' g II S . Lee but from then on' th~lgton air as if pleased to be in c ~u ded among field Is Maynarct Dill. A converted en occerlnen WIn lowing: Dick Dawson, Da nny P almer, Tllree Newar k D ogs the big boys. full back, Dill. w ho now directs the 0 J h H . Bob Townsend. Howard K eeley, Har- · D I C were In command. They Plished We can understand now.. though, Conrad attack from the quarterback Vel' 0 ry Williams, Art Boulden, Bill K notts, WIn e aware oon two scores in the s cond . ns OpklllS more in the third d penod, that look of shocked beWIlderment slot, is the county's outstanding aerial Frank Stewart, Joe Thorpe, Clem Om1( :lnre s "- un. fourth. an another in and surpressed fury we have noted artist, with a remarkable r ecord of pass Thorpe, Mitchell Crothers, L eonard H I L I S on the faces of so many parking ticket completion. W.·ack Up Season's Fifth I Nelson, Neil Kline, John Smith, Roger An ove;'whelming ground holders. We mean the "they can't do I Victory IK auffman, P ete Schuyler, Tom Baker. Championship Trials Held pr.oved the General's major asset. this to me" look. Albert J ezyk. tned only 12 passes which were After the novelty wore off, we be- A description of the Newark-Con- . .--- Joe Gregg. Sunday At Frank Singer for a total of 21 yards. However ga n to boil, too , especially when we rad football game here on Thanksgiv- The Ul1lverslty of Delaware soccer - 0 - Farm Near Here steam-rollered for a 433-yard ' read the tag. It was a curtly worded ing Day will be broadcast over station team won out, 2-1, over Johns Hop- Newark Girls Trampled BY' Redsklns the ground against a slim 58 for "summons" to report to the police on WAMS in Wilmington. kins for its fift h victory of the season Conrad's hockey squad remained un- aware. The latter managed only OI' before a specified date with be- last Saturday, A last second goal by defeated as the NHS fell under a 6- 1 Three local dogs were acclai med ~~s;8~own s, while the Generals ,..... ,[,crlen"" tween-the-Une hints of dire conse- Howard Betz settled the issue. score in a recent contest. The game, Delaware stat2 coon hound champions quences if the order was ignored. Newark, after a severe first hali The Hens' record now stands at five played on the U. of D field, was Con- Sunday after beating oft' all competi­ Their tricky offensive was The w hole thing smacked of ges- scare, came through the A. I. DuPont and fi ve, the best since 1941. rad's last game of the season. The tion in trials at the Frank Singer farm, lated by Gil Bocetli, a sleight of tapa tactics, and we read it wi th a fray last Saturday on the top of a 26-13 The Hens will wind u p with Buck- Redskins were out to win and win Ogletown, quarterback, who kept the Hens distinct "they can't do this" feeling. count. The J ackets did not suffer a nell a t F razer F ield on Friday. they did. Hot Rod, owned by Sa muel S. Esto­ tified much of the afternoon. Our first impulse was to crumple the single injury and should be in top Both clubs battled on even terms in Newark's only score was made in si tio, East Main Street, was named coon Wash ington and Lee's Ill's! ticket in our hot, rebellious fist and physical shape for the Conrad encoun- the first period and both notched goals the second half by June Moor e, center. tree champion, and Newark Slim, drive was stymied, whcn, in toss it in the gutter. but our sense of tel'. in the second, Delaware's being scored Three of Conrad's goals were made owned by Melvin D. Nutter, near New­ quarter, the Hens held on their good citizenshi p, which might more The A. 1. victory extended the J ack- by Neal Robbins. by White, center ; one by Taylor, left ark, was line champion. Both were But th e latter politely gave th eir~I".u"/a"'"-­ accurately be called fear of authority, ets' string to eight and kept them in The second half was spent in Johns inner; one by Miller, right inner; one awarded trophies. another try. when End Dave prevented us. the forefront of the contenders for Hopkins territory, but the Hens were by K lair, right wing. Reserve tree champion was another fumbled and the Generals We held off paying the fine, though, the mythical state championship. O ne unable to score until the final 30 sec- Conrad's JV's followed the example Newark dog, ow ned by Warren Lam­ on the 13. Randy Broy les for a couple of days. L et t hem wait more hitherto unbeaten club, St. An- onds of play. of their varsity and took the game born, Milford Crossroads. R es I've line around end for the score. was our attitude, and we bristled (not drew's, fell by the wayside last Satur- Delaware scor ing: Robbins. Betts. by a 2-0 score. The goals were made honors were won by Hot Rod. The second TD came in the too obviously ) every time we saw a day. leaving only Bridgeville and New- Hopkins scoring: Douthett. by Williams, center and Taylor right Rosettes wer e awarded to the reserve quarter on a 56-yard reverse local gendarme. Our huff began to ark in the elite group. inner. h ounds. with Cha rlie Holt doing the get frayed, though, as the deadline F ollowing is an account of the A. I. Farm Leaflet on 'Poultry The NHS varsity lineup follows: K. The Delaware Coon Hunters Asso- The Generals' only two neare. assume the name of -e- and Mrs. Amos Cattell, Polly Road, are spending this tel' recently attended the Annual Out- fo;eou;r:y~ti\I~~terhi;h':,a~~e~~lg~:ni:Jr~~ in Metuchin, N.J ., visiting look Conference in Washington DC Stanley Goleburn pursuant to the provl- daughter. Mrs. J . D. Leonard and He reports that in spite of hi gh e ~ co~t~ ~~o~l~eO~t~~: ~cb~fa~aere~~~er.;'l s ~;i~e~~~~ OIl for farm machinery supplies living made and provided. Maintenance Service David Eastburn, Mill Road, re- costs, t.arm wage ra~s and tax'es, new sl ROBERT H~ I Jl~~Y GOLDBERG that she was able to attend the fann Incomes should be somewhat STATE o~tg>f~'X~XR~etltion er All Makes of Radios session last week and that the above that ot the last two years, NEW CASTLE COn"TY: S9. was much more worth- though not as much as in 1947. BE IT REMEMBERED that on this 6th than she had anticipated. She Higher. price~ are ~ikely for meat ~~~e~:e:ob:fr:;::,erm~ ' t~e l~e~s~~~e'd~ ll ~ and Television especially impressed by the animals, Includmg chickens and tur- Notary Public for the State and County Session" conducted py Mrs. k eys. D,,;iry products, most feed grains, ~~~~~sa~~. ~';'},~ErUl~~!;~~E~~c'ordi~~ t and in the general and frwts and vegetables will prob - to I,aw. did . depose and say Ihat he Is the . Malik displayed his usual ab!y be slightly higher also. Lower ihe~;tlrl~:r r~~l s t~~ /~~~.t';l~ ~ ~}~tj~~'tift~~ manner. pnces than the average for 1950 may be are truc. Trail residents who were expected for eggs and potatoes. Sworn to a~~ sr.z~~~c?°b~~~~R~ e to the eigh t o'clock news There will be food enough for every- the day and year first above written. . broadcast on last Thursday morning one. even more than last year, con- sl WILLIAM E. TAYLOR. JR. were surprised when the power was tinues McAllister ,but it will be at a 9-16. 23. 30 Notary Public. cut off. Then those not near slightly higher price. A strong con- CERTIFICATE OF REDUCTION enough to heal' the crash heard the I surner demand resulting from much OF THE CAPITAL !Cream of police and ambulance sirens. business activity and increased indus- Th~ ~AS:r~~~A~'XtA~o~~~~¢~J cor- A pole near Delaplane Manor, on Cap- ilol Trail had been struck by a car e driven by Ricardo Medella, of Wil­ mington. a student at the UniverSity of Delaware, who was taken t the Wilmington General Hospital. The im­ pact of the collision was so great that Ihe pole was broken off, carrying with You are Invited II two high-tension power lines. Until Ihe damage could be repaired all traf­ fic on the highway was closed off f or * Drive the car that an hour and it was two hours before delivers more tlt un 25 milt·s electric power could be restored over l(! lhl' gu lloll al Hverag-e to Drive the Worlds 11I ;!!II"iI) speed. II 's tlte _---•• a wide area. Motorists are glad to see the white h ip;gc~t. roolllietoi L ('ar in iii lines .... hieh were painted on the cen­ pri,'" cI ,Ii'S, i'\ow "v"il abh­ te r of the highway last week . ",i lLt It) dra-Matic Drive! Clay Creek Presbyterian Church Most Modern Car Mrs. David G. Anderson's Sunday Stnoo\ class conducted the opening worship period, last Sunday. The fol­ Ii.' lOwing young people took part: Gracie * You'll say it's years abead oC anything you J§§§I Miller. Loretta Windle. William Peach have ever scen or driven. Designed and built an d Ja ne Hammell, who played the on modern aviation principles, the new J95 1 I piano. asb Airflyte is available in three great scries In a busi ness session held last Sun­ and ]6 exciting new models. day evening, the members of the West­ Come in and drive them. Enjoy the rno t minster F llowship voted $5 toward comfortable ride yet produced in the industry. Ihe improvement progl'am of the church. Th ey also adopted a constitu­ Di 'cover Air/lyle. Discover how it brings you tion and by-laws based upon the de­ safety, economy, performance, luxurious roomi- nominational recommendations. Under 11 ess-and vulue uever possible before in les Ihe new ruling, the presiding ofiicer modem ca r - the vulue that ha given a h a will be known as the moderator, in po twar sale gain 5 times as grea t as th · aver­ harmon y with the term used by both age of the indu try. Presbytery and Synod. All young peo­ Be doubly happy with the nex t ca r you buy. ple between the ages of 15 and 24 are invi ted to take part in the pro­ Before y ou decide, take an Air/lyte ride-in th e gram on the second and fourth Sunday world's most modern car. evening~ . The group is now officially YOU' LL FINO THESE PRICELESS known as the Youth Fellowship of BENEFITS ONLY IN NASH I While Clay Church. Mrs. M. D. Mullan, Capitol Trail, gave * Airliner Reclining Seat * World', ae.t an interesting report at the Women's Aerodynamic Design * Twin aeds * Weather Missionary Society last Thursday. She Eye Conditioned Air System * MOlt Usable represented the women of White Clay Luggage Space * Alrflyte Construction * Church at the meeting sponsored by MOlt Comfortable Ride You Ever Tried * 20 Ihe Newark COltncil of Church Wo­ DIfferent Interior Color Combinations men,last Monday, which was addressed by Mi ss Mable Head, of New York. Mrs. McMullan was serving as an alter­ nate for Mrs. David Eastburn who was UlUIble to attend. Mrs. Howard Bradley, president of * One of the j;reatest road performers of all time. (0 the Women's Missionary Society, an­ tbe Pan-AmerIcan Road Race a Nasb Ambassador nounces that the group has voted to ~ve~aged 95.3 miles per bour for 712 miles. Compare accept the invitation of the Red Clay It WIth any carl H ydra-Malic Drive is available. Missi onary Society to joint with them on Thursday evening, Dec. 14. The regular December meeting of the White Clay Society will h eld on Tues­ day, Dec. 12 at the home of Mrs. Pen­ nll1gtoo. Mr. Ralph Lindell, chairman of '-UwaHi'elli.. Ushers, announces the following assign­ ~ents for the remainder of the month: 4-. '9~' * Drive tbe oew Nasb tbat bas all ~. I Raymond Lindell, Edward ,MIl u America talkiog AirOyte- tbe Rambler Convertible Sedan. It goes like a blue h Weli, Jr.; Nov. 2~Robert Galla­ tr. I\alph Murray. 8treak .•. gel8 up to 30 milCII 00 a allon at avera e hi bway 8peed. And WOltU)" OM Y CA •• DIIIGIB ANO All II\cmbers and contributors wm ~on 't miss tbe ifambfer Station Wagon. ~ n receive by mall com»lete informa­ ~ ~, 011 AVIAnOH NIIKItUI IOn concerning the combined current Built the way of tbe 8treamlined train and the modent ~ and benevolence budget for airliDer. Body-and-fralDC are welded ioto ooe einlle, rattle­ I WhIch was adopted by the session free, etronger unit. Double-rigid, it . ta,.. new year.loogel'. ~ Iflruste.es at a joint session beld 0Vembcc 8th. FORI YOU DICIDI, TAKE All THE WORLD'. MOST MODERII CAR u!e WOrship service canvass wlll be &; •• H.~~;";~;;~-;;;;.:. ;; M their again this year. Those who bring Ie 1951 ~ pledges to the church thr~~ on Sunday, Nov. 26, or mall PI~ pledges in time, will have their DENNISON MOTOR COMPANY 101' :: cnnsecroted with the oft'ering Tht day. ___ Every Member Canvass Com- 19 Haines Street, Newark, Del.

T TOYLAND NOW OPEN Get Our Free Toy Book --- Use Our Christmas Lay-Away Plan

90 ~t Main Street JACKSON'S HARDWARE STORE Dial 4391 Twel% The Newark Post, Newark, Delaware, Thursday, November 16, 1950

: i7'"."~P;;;;~·;;· ';;;;;"-:;"iii_iiijii.•

~baaore" 'I ~ IltuM Meat . W ...... 37. ~~IoJ." . .. 55. A&P Believes It tan ~ - ''"lr' f Peter Pan Peauut Butter ,Save You More Money ••• I~. 88e

Stroughearl I Dog Food Because ••• A&P Offers You Storewide Low Prlces on Hundr~d; ~ l~t~-:· 26e -...,.... ------~--~ 01 Items Every Dcsy ... Instead 0/ a Few One-Day or Week-End "Specials." La Choy Meatle88 ~ -'" Custonlers' Chinese Dinner -~ . Corner pkg490 It's 91 years since we opened our Because. • • In Addition, All A&P's Ad. first store. . r We're proud of the fact that vertised Prices Are Guaranteed for a Full Week, Even , down through th e years our cus· Keebler Saltine8 tomers have shown, by their pat· ronage, their approval of our, low. Though Market Price. Go Up. 7~;' 160 cost, low.profit policy. But we are prouder of onoI' con· viction that right now A&P is servo ing you helter than ever before. Homogenized Spry Because. • • This Policy Mal~es I. Our stores are betier; the qu ...,:ity ,Vegetoble Shortenin g and variety of our food is greater; ami we have the fin est, best trained Posszble lor You to S.,ve on Many 01 the Thing, !~: 950 group of employees in our history. ::1------1 But we are not content to rest You Need, Rather Than on Just a Few • •• Any Cdsco on our oars. We will appreciate any sugges· Day You Wish to Shop, Inste(Jd 0/ on Week·Ends Vegetoble Sh ortening tions you m ay have for making your A&P II better place to shop. !~~ 34c Please write: or Special Days Only. Customer Relations Department, A&P Food Stores. 42Q Lexington Avenue. Palmolive Soap New York 17, N. Y. Conto ins Olive Oil A&p, . ·S Pft'CB A&P f'ancy Pumpkin 29-01. Storewide Jow . dreds of ite PrIces on hun. Vel Mince Meat :g~~Es~iH ~'ko: 19c .. 8tead f ' lI18 every da . Soapless Detergent IOlla Cut Wax Beans I. 0 JUst a few" Y· ··m. fPe helieve . week-end specials. or helps OUr tlus polz'cy A&P Sweet Potatoes "one.day' ~ !;:~~. 30c more moll Cllstorner" lave Mixed Vegetahles sum FINI 1'/.-0' Advertised. pri teed for one ces are guanll• . Witi't ey. A&P Beets SLlC'ED 2co~~'1 4c WHOLE 2 ~~~:. 3;:;c he correct ' . oodhury Soap llIarket pro lYeek, eVen thou h on every ite prJce llIirked :w , lees go up. g cash m, plus Ill) • A&P Golden Sweet Corn ~~~~~ " /:;~' 10e register 81i Itemized h F ru i t Cock tail ~~NTE 2 B~~:. 27 c 3~~~' 37c w at you p",you kn 8ave At A&p. ow A&P Whole Peeled Apricots 29-01 31ef Welch's Tomato Juice ~~~~ 29c Red Cheek Apple Juice :~~:,'. 22c Lux Flake8 (Price•• hown here guartmteed Thu'"day, Grapefruit Juice SU~l~t~DfD ~:; . 27c Nov. 16 through JPedne.day, No". 22) : Mil d Soop Flak es Juice or:~o~~cf= ~:o":.~~ult 2 1,~:.1 25c ~~~z 28c --- A friendly suggestion. Buy a. much of your 0 Ranger Joe Cereal 2 ~;: 27c ! !i. ; He non-lleri. hable Thanuaivinc ~rchandi se a. , Cream of Wheat o~·~·~~;. 1~;' 1ge 2;k;' 3Ic pOlSible this ,,'eek-end .....ave time and step. by avoidina the "Last-Minute" Holiday .ho~ i Nahisco Ritz Cracker8 :;'1: 310 flORIDA "·JICY THIN SKIN Lifebuoy' J~i~:P'~::~~8 n;ij; we:~en until 9 P. r~. Chiver'8 '~~~~: ~~~M~~~:H 1,~~ 290 I , 'fuesday night before ~anksgiving, Novem. FRESH 'GRAPEF-RUIT Heolth Soop Blended Syrup r~~ ~;il~: 26c ~o~f: 48e '4 ber 21st, bUI will close a. nlual at 6 P. M: Wednesday, No¥ember 220d. Ext .. Larg. I Ii for 3 ,..~~.~ •• II. 25c Tomato Soup r",.~~ 3 '~~~~., 29c 46 Silo 3 2!t)-: Sparkle Des8erts , s~.t',,::~~.vo.. ,kg 6e NONI 'IICED HIGHU i A&P'8 "SUPER·RIGHT" MEATS _Ann. PI'~.olin.ll . H c~~~~~~~ _ ~ 5.k "liP Quality-Orad. A U&R Boned Chicken ~~on' 6ge Stewing Chickens 4 to 6 Ib, Averag. Ib 390 Florida Orange!> J2'Ol;_2':'~· s~~" ".... 330 Lux Soap Crened and Drawn Red Rome Apples .... rr ••' f., .okl,.. • 100 L'nnquet Whole Chicken COOKED 4 ;~~b 1.85 Stewing Chicken8 body to Cook Ib 530 For Toi let on d Both Golden Syrup Q~~~~R 2;~~b 29c !~~ 51~ Super-Right mHeiou8 Apple8 NON~I::fc-:'D 1~'~11 • 12c Top Round Steak Clo •• Trim Ib 970 R & R Plum Pudding !~: 390 lotio," lound Pascal Celery NO~~~~~CED ~'::.Y~ 250 Beef Roast lup.r-Rlght Clo •• Trim Ib 97c Pancake Flour'uNrtrmLD 2:.;;' 14c ~.;;' 25e (Hamburger' ,White Boiling Onion8 .:'~..:. ~;j,:, '" 100 rreshly Ground Beef Ib 59c F?JIlily Flour l~L~Jm:-~. ~~: 39c ~o.;~b 75~ Cranberries NO.'C;:;:.~'::gIo., l-Ib 12e Beef ~~oa8t 'on~~n: :~~I:: ~r;~:, C.I Ib 93c Swan Soap dexo ~~~~~~~D:~g:~~TI~Q !~: 3Ie ~~'~ 85e Golden Sw~et Potatoea N°~ig~:~"'d III 70 Veal Roa8t ··N~n~ :'i~~·l J,~... ~',d.' Ib 85e 0 All Purpose SOIlP Nucoa OL~~;~~~~~N. 2 p~!~. 5ge 'Assorted Salted Nut Meats R:R~~i~ !i. ; 4ge Shoulder Lam.b Chops ~Ir~:: Ib 8 5e Pitted Date8 HALlOWI 7~k~·· 230 2 ::k!: 29c A&P COFFEE PRICES Lamb Roast 'oN~n~ P~i:!',l J,~~~~d.' Ib 85e Diamond Walnut8 .~d1:d Ib 3ge lb Orange Juice sno4,Cc;'I~' :~:::i. 2 ~~~ 3ge REDUCED AGAIN! Pork Roast c... Av.'~~'nl.n~ 10 4 Ib. 43e 'Y. Fah MILD AND MElLOW Rib End Pork Chops M•• ,y Ib 49c Snow Crop Orange Juice 2 :;: 270 Soopless Detergent Eight O'clock toffee ~75e Bird8 Eye Fordhook Lima8 pic, 330 IICH AND fULL IODIED Fresh Ham!t ~~fK Ib 51c :Xr. Ib 59c l ;k~' 30c Red Ci~le Coffee t:77e Pork Shoulder8 "c!'':·~'YI. Ib 4.2c VIGOIOUS AND WINfY Bokar Coffee Smoked Picnic8 n:-::,~ ~"A=: Ib 43c JANE PARKER Silver Dust llqnelep 'UUII ' ..··~~~,::i.h'..:=: Avo. lb 77e FRUIT £;AKE Granuloted Soo p "rosd~~ Sfi~ Bacon . ~~ 570 Mel-o-hit American Chee8e r;~~ 85e Canqed Pichtc. ..ni~::.v'"t: - I:Cltca" lit 650 Shacp Cheddar Chee8e Ib 5ge Felin'8 Fre8h Sausage \:".r. Ito 5ge Mild Cheddar Cheese "'450 Palmolive Soap Fetrin's Fre8h Scrapple !t ~ SOc Over 2/ 3 of every Jane Parker Fruit Cake Borden's Sharp Pippin Ron ~~i~ 200 Is fruit and nuts I Now js the time to buy For Toilet lind I?3th Kraft's Kay Cheddar ~~:~~d ~f: 280 NAa 'fOn ORBEIl NOW one of. these delicious cakes for a relative or friend overseas. 2 b~~~:!.. 25c Vp)veeta Chee8e Food klAn's ~~~ 4.80 FORA Ched·O.Bit Cheese Food ;::=nl! '~:'b 21c PILGRIM BRAND TURDY Pound Cake . ach .:;.1(' CaslJluel'e ' Bouquet BI'eakstol!le's YoglU·t . ,::':,:,';:, 16c Fine loilet Soop CI'eam Chtue S~~~~N 2 : k;~ 21e !k0; 33e 'UESH SEAFOOD Jane Parker Pumpkin Pie l ach I' c Ne tle'8 Swis8 Gruyere ';,~,~I,~:':c 37c Fresh SHced Steak Cod Ib 39c Jalle Parker Mince Pie .och .:;9c Borden' s Spl'eads .~ ' oil~~ ' pr~~ ~~.2 81~.0.,.. 39c Sword Fi8h Steak8 Ib 59c Ma I've I Bread t~~~~ '1~~of' I 4c 21!~°r'] 9c Mueuslel' Chee e Ib 4.5c Fre h Lal'ge White SllI'illlp Ib 69c Il'ish Raisin B.'ead 10 0' J 9c Super Suds Fre8h Oysters m· m~ J ~I~' 46e f ·~,"~?nl '1.9c Jalle Parker SLu.ffing .HI·cad 1:~;:b 210 Soopless Detergent ., Fre8h Crab Meat RV:h~ :' III 750 Indivfdllll' .PMAln Roll. ;"\ 2fJo I;k~ 30c ~AJlg~1 .FOIHt RI ...... lAMl - ? PI ff~nl1'" Cookie. ,.. 350 l.ava Spf'l~_'" M A"I.e Drop. ... 39. Hand' oap J)"nutl " .. '" _ 200 IliGARI D do"n 21. 2 .... ~= .. I.. 210 LemQD &I""illp. Pte - 550 Pe .... Clal...... ~. lie 'C;- 4t6t