------ -- --- KEEP YOUR MONEY K POST AT BOME Will T()y~ ~nd Carmed. Goods l' Police Force MakesiLack Of Classrooms Council Will Rent Portions 01' N Agflt1l Sought To FtU Xmas 5 A I 0 I 'J ear Baslwts For Newark's Needy 6 rrests In Oct·; I Hal~s 1(1l1(lergarten\ Old Academy For Town Hall The Ch ristmas spirit can't wait until 22 Speeders Nahbed Project At Schools Christmas if Newark's needy families a re to have a merry holiday. --- I --- Fil's t Fiool' And Baselllent, To Be Renovated For Towll Street s May Come ~nder Every year Christmas baskets of 14 Investigations Also Carried II Propos al 1'0 Organize Pre-School U 1 d d 1 d' 1 'b t d t ""i I I OffiN's; Action On R e nt Conlt'ol Po tpone d nti I. Hour Rul e O n One Side ~~~ilte~ w~s ~i~er~i~'~ uW~Uldo hOac:e Out, According to Chief I C lass Next September Ot'("; Public A ·1t Collection Appl'oved Of 'I' horoughfare a cheerless Christmas. These gifts are Cunningham's Report 'I I s Shelved ! possible only if Newark's more for- tunate resIden ts show a little pre­ The plan to restore partially the old Academy building for us as a town Action picked up 011 the local crime Lack or cJas~roo m space will prevent hall moved a step ahead at the November meeting of the Town Council 011 ordInance Ilmltll1 g parking Christmas spirit. the Unlvelsity of Delaware front in October, with police making organizing the kindergarten program Tuesday ni ght, when the lawmakers agreed to renl the first floor and basement Local girl scouts will go from door 56 arrests as against only 45 for the planned here for next September, it of the historic structure. may soon be passed by the to door here Nov, 24 to pick up cast­ preceding month, according to Chief was decided at the November meet- In u business crammed session, the Cou ncil also gave initial readings lo an council. off toys. These will be repllired by William Cunningham's report. ing of the Board of Education on Fri- ordinance controlling tra il er parking in lhe lown limits, postponed action on oposed new law calls Cor one volunteer workers. Especially sought pr, restricted to one side of Speeding again topped the list, with day. r ent control, set new and stringent regulations for the polic departmenl, a nd are toys for older children, since the 22 motorists being picked up for viola t- The boa rd took the slep reluctantly made plans for a regular public ash co ll ection. from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. on workers always receive more than , Avc nue, North and South ing the 25-mile limit in town. after Supt. Wilmer E . Shue explained Jt appears certain now that the lown will soon I ave its cramped quurters enough "for the younger ones. The breakdown for the remainder that the school'S housing facilities ar.e - ----_ on Academy Street for more spacious Avenues, Academy Street, East A coll ection of canned food will be follows' passing red light, 4 arrests, alr eady overtaxed and that a 200-PUPI~ r , , offices in the old Academy building. Place, Amstel Aven ue a nd Kent- I held later by t he scouts, probably in drunken driving, 2; driving Without enrollment mcrease IS expected nex TOIVII s Cash R eserves No'w The lawmakers accepted an offer of the early D e~e mber . Donations of either lights, 1; passing yellow "walk light, year He also poin~e d out that state IToud .$20 35Z · Income For l blllldmg's boa rd of trustees to occupy , . and parking problems in New­ toys or canned foods may be left at 2; passing on right, .J; passing "stop" educatIOnal authOrities have said they O . b . C' ' 1' $23 158 portions of the Academy rent free the have multi plied in the past sev­ any time in the legion rooms, old sign, 2; disorderly conduct, 5; failing will not approve a kmdergarten pro- cLo el 011/,(>S 0 , first year and a t a nom mal fee thel e- years, Mayor Wallace M. Johnson Academy building. V'olunteers are also to stop for police whistle, 1; assault gl am here until all regular classes are The town's cash resel ves fell off aftel·. The trustees WI ll r etam full own- th~ being sought to help repair the toys. week in pomtlng up the rea­ and battery, 2; larceny, 3; leaving adequately housed. , $5,751 87 m October as expenses topped I ershl p and remain responsible for for the proposed new law. The The project is sponsored annually scene of accident, 1; drunk, 1; know- The board, however, l eafflrmed Its IIncome , but the treasury shU showed maintenance. The town will finance any increase in university personnel by lhe American Legion a nd Auxiliary ingly pel'mitting, 1; no operutor's Ii- intention of launching the pro.gram as a healthy cash balance of $20 ,351.30 at repairs or alterations necessary to con­ and t he opening of the in conjunction with the New Century cense, 1. , ~oon as it is feasible, whIch Will pr~b- the end of the month. vert the building inlo a municipal south of town are the Club and the Town Council. Mrs. The force also carried out 14 investi- ably not be until after the completIOn , Total expenses came lo $28,910 .63. headquarters. behind the growing con- A. P . Colburn, Century Club welfare gations, including five accidents; two of the dislrict's proposed new ele- while the month's revenue totaled only According to pla ns outlined by chairman, Mrs. Robert Levis, and reports of petty larceny, both cleared; mentary building m a rural area. $23 ,158.76, which necessitated us,ng Councilmen Carl S . Rankin and Sam­ utlook for the future is even Mayor Johnson are cooperating with one report of a stolen bicycle; one A request ?~l · tunds to finance the some of the $26,103.17 cash balance uel Diehl; the basement and first fl oor °according to Mayor Johnson, the Legion aides in the work. case of malicious mischief; two re-Ibuilding. project Wi ll go before tt e carried o~ er from the prece~i ng month. of the Academy will be renovated. to , in view of the expected ports of prowlers; one report of a fugl- , next sessIOn of lhe Ge~ era l A ssemb y. Major Items of Income. III .october provide quarters for the town admll1 - the university, the possible Spivakovsky Noted tive from justice, who was apprehend- A study by the boa I d estImates the were $12,910.35 In electriC ltght r eo, _ of new plants here and , ed; and two cases of lost child.ren, both i first year costs of a kindergarte.n pr~f. ceipts, ~7,404 . 56 in power returns and A proposa l to hold a, referendum Oil o~~h e proposed university IViolin Virtuoso, To r eturned to parents. ' gram at around $24 ,200 , exclUSIve $939.22 In property taxes. the question of continuing rent con- Two persons were held for the Fam- funds for new. cl ass ro~ms ..T~i s :over~ Magistrate Clarence. Foster reported , trois here until next June w ill be dis- also pointed out that Play Here Nov. 27 ily Cow·t, three for the Court of Com- up to $12,000 m salaries fOI t hr ee 0\ the collectIOn of $375 In fi nes. cussed at a special meeting of Town has received numerous com- mon Pleas. Four were sent to the four teachers, $4,200 in supplies and Council tomorrow at 8 p.m. regarding the town's traffic workhouse, and two cases were dis- $8,000 in initial equipment. Before a S O'C D 1'0 Appear In U. of D. Artist missed. kindergarten program could be organ- ean lasey rama istrative force, engineering department has no problem when the Series; R.·mked With 4 Top The police received 324 calls, the ized here, the question would have to To Be Produced By and police force. The town library, now is not in session," Mayor car traveling 3923 miles and the motor- be approved by the voters of the housed on the first floor, will be moved Living Masters Of Bow adding that the situation cycle 150. Overnight lodgi ng was pro- district in a referendum. E-5,2 Deceml)er 7, 8, 9 to another section of the building. greatly alleviated if the uni­ vided three persons. A total of 28 Social Security payments for one Library officials are heartily cooper- would cooperate. "The town Tossy Spivakovsky, who violin street li ghts were reported out. partime and six fulltime cafeteria a ting in the project, it was said. have on past occasions (as technique has been described by critics One soldier, wanted by the New workers at the schools were also. ap- Rehearsals A lready Have Begun I The new town hall will also contain three years ago) requested as "the most colossal of any soloist Castle Air Base, was apprehended and proved. The cafeteria staff had prevlous- public rest room and quarters fo th ad ministrative officials now before the public," w ill present turned over to the Military Police. ly approved the step, w hich for the first For 'Juno And The town's elder stat:smen who now g~the~ m to better pa rk­ the second of the 1950-51 Artists Series _____ _ times makes the employees eligible Pay cock' in the summer months in the area be- but no action of any concerts at the University of Dela- for Social Security benefits.
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