Bibliography from ADS File: Gingerich.Bib June 27, 2021 1
Bibliography from ADS file: gingerich.bib Gingerich, O., “Year of astronomy: Mankind’s place in the Universe”, August 16, 2021 2009Natur.457...28G ADS Gingerich, O., “Book Review: Mikołaj Kopernik Dzieła Wszystkie, iii”, 2008JHA....39..416G ADS Gingerich, O., “The Role of Ephemerides from Ptolemy to Kepler”, Gingerich, O., “Not so amateur”, 2008Natur.453..156G ADS 2017ASSP...50...17G ADS Gingerich, O.: 2007a, Revisiting The Fitness of the Environment, 20 Gingerich, O., “Book Review: The Abridged Almagest”, ADS 2016JHA....47..448G ADS Gingerich, O., “Publish or Perish: The Case of Thomas Harriot”, Gingerich, O.: 2016b, Copernicus: A Very Short Introduction 2007AAS...211.3401G ADS ADS Gingerich, O., “Quests of a theoretical astronomer”, 2007Natur.450..480G Gingerich, O., “Book Review: Longitude for the Coffee Table”, ADS 2016JHA....47..224G ADS Gingerich, O., “Book review: Heinrich Rantzau und die Astrologie / Disqui- Gingerich, O., “Letter: On Galileo and the Moon”, 2016JRASC.110...95G sitiones Historiae Scientiarum, Braunschweiger Beiträge zur Wissenschafts- ADS geschichte, Band 2; Braunschweig, 318 pp., 2004, ISBN 3-927939-65-X.”, Gingerich, O., “Book Review: Studien zur ”Sphaera’ des Johannes de Sacro- 2007JHA....38..510G ADS bosco”, 2015JHA....46..101G ADS Gingerich, O., “Gutenberg’s Gift”, 2007ASPC..377..319G ADS Pasachoff, J. M., Needham, P. S., Wright, E. T., & Gingerich, O., “Recreating Gingerich, O., “Book Review: le Conflit Entre L’astronomie Nouvelle et Galileo’s 1609 Discovery of Lunar Mountains”,
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