
Two AlleghenyStudent OratorsEntered In Intercollegiate Forensic Competitions Two Allegheny students are participating in intercollegiate speech contests this week. Nan Kilburn will speak todaj' in the Interstate Oratorical OF ALLEGHENY COLLEGE Contest, Evanston, CAMPUS held at Northwestern University, Illinois. THE Miss Kilburn will repeat her original oration, "Prudence Con- VOL. LXXVI, NO. 23 Meadville, Pennsylvania APRIL 24, 1952 quers All," with which she won first place in oratory in the fifth annual Pennsylvania intercol- legiate forensic tournament, held at 'The Campus' Awarded Prospective Saturday Lehigh University early in Frosh Here Contestants from upwards of 30 First Class Rating In by Pat Riesenman from over country schools all the This weekend will be the oc- compete in elimination rounds will AnnualPress Contest casion of Allegheny's first stu- in two divisions, eastern and west- The Campus has received a first dent planned and directed high The three top speakers from ern. class rating from the Associated school weekend, for the pur- division will then speak to de- each Collegiate Press for the third con* pose of interesting first, second, and third prospective termine secutive semester, Betts Moore, students in coming to Alle- place winners for the contest as a editor-in-chief, announced today. gheny. A full program is set Entered in the class of weekly be up for Saturday and Sunday, Miss Kilburn's oration will publications with an enrollment of according "Winning to student chairman Bill published in a booklet 500-999 students, The Campus com- Oehmler. Orations," published by the Inter- peted top with 56 other for honors Of the 1.500 invitations sent state Oratorical League, sponsors colleges, on the basis of its first out, 240 were accepted. There of the contest. The booklet is to semester issues. will be 125 women 115 men ar- contain a copy of the winning ora- Editorials, features, and makeup and mem- riving on campus Saturday for reg- tion in each state which is a received top scores in the critical league. istration between 9 and and 12 a.m. ber of the service according to Mrs. Moore. Emily Engle is scheduled to take in Lobby. Undergraduate The purpose of- the scoring, accord- women from all classes have volun- part in the annual contest of the ing ACP, is provide "a to the to teered to assist with the Civic Oratorical Association, spon- practical for the use of crit- welcom- outline Robert T. Sherman and Bill Oehmler are shown discussing final plans ing and registration procedure and sored by Western ReserveUniversi- in analyzing newspapers, for this weekend's program for prospective According ics and to freshmen. to have agreed to take students along ty in Cleveland. Miss Engle's ora- helpful specific suggestions Oehmler, student chairman of the committee, approximately 250 high furnish — to classes in their particular tion will deal with the subject, "It's staffs." school students are expected. Photo by Damm field to of interest. Smart to be Dumb." Orators from "Out of approximately 1,000 area The visitors will eat four eight or nine schools in this points, The Campus receiveda total meals be in Brooks, Saturday from will compete in the contest, to of 930, an improvement of 75 Annual Singers Tour To Conclude lunch With 12:15 to 1:00 held tomorrow at 4 p.m. points over last semester's rating," p.m., supper at 6:00 $15 is required p.m., Sunday breakfast from 8:30 A fee of all con- said Mrs. Moore. Night Chapel Of the total collected, Home Concert Sunday In to 9:00 a.m., and dinner at 1:00 p.m. Ktants.% goes to the first-place winner, Allegheny students and townspeople will have an opportuni- In order to be able to serve all of while the second place speaker re- AnnualTerrapin Show ty to hear the Allegheny Singers' Spring Concert Tour program them in Brooks for Sunday dinner, ceives 40% of the sum. next Sunday at 8:15 p.m. in the Chapel. The tour began last it will be necessary for all college Mr. Howard Martin, of the Alle- SetFor NextWeek Sunday, with a concert at the East Liberty Presbyterian Church women to eat in Cochran at that gheny Speech Department, will ac- Terrapin, the girls aquatic club, in Pittsburgh. time in cafeteria style. company Miss Engle to Cleveland will present its annual show on On Mondaynight the 60 members of the Singers, directed b} Saturday Program Dr*. Morten Luvaas, gave a con- for the contest. April 30 and May 1, 2, and 3 in J. The program for Saturday after- cert in the Uniontown High School, Montgomery Pool. Spring Garden Decor noon includes informal meetings under the sponsorship of the Lions Under the direction of Phyllis with faculty members concerning Club, on Tuesday they had an Frosh SpeechContest Speck, president of the club, and and Featured InTonight's specific fields from 1 to 3 p.m., to alumni-sponsored concert in Cleve- the supervision of Miss Marjorie be followed by a choice of attend- May8; land. night the ScheduledFor Kirk, faculty advisor to the group, Last took them to AWS Spring Banquet ance at Washington and Willoughby, Ohio, High School, Jefferson the 24 members will participate in The annual AWS Spring Banquet track meet at College Field or a Prizes Of $15,$10,$5 and tomorrow evening they are 10 original numbers coordinated trip to Bousson. There will be a appear will be held in Brooks and Coch- The annual Freshman Speaking around the team "Happy Holidaze." scheduled to at the First special performance of the play Erie, a con- ran, tonight, it was announced by Contest, sponsored by Philo-Frank- Valentine's Day, Easter, Fourth of Methodist Church in in "Shadow and Substance" in the cert sponsored by the Men's Club. Mary Sceiford, lin Speech Union, will be held on July, and Thanksgiving are repre- general chairman of Playshop at 8 p.m., to be followed The program is as follows: Thursday, May 8. Time and place sentative of the holidays to be de- the event. Decorations will carry by an informal dance in Brooks, to Part I of the contest, which is open to all picted. out a spring theme which all college students are in- O God, Thou Faithful God, a with Brooks' freshmen, will be announced later. The shows on May 2 and 3 will vited. Refreshments will be served. melody from 1646, harmonized by stage decorated as spring garden. Seven or eight speakers will be bring an added attraction when On Sunday morning a tour of the Douglas chosen from the eliminations which Marty Nelson, featuredin last year's The Queens of the ROTC Ball campus will be conducted from 9:30 Grieving Soweth, by are to be held on May 5 and 6 from show, will return for a soloperform- Who With will reign anew as guests of honor. to 11:00, after which the students 3 to 5 p.m. in Arter Hall. ance. J. H. Schein. will be taken to Chapel services. of the Flesh, from the Faculty guests in Brooks will be The speeches may be on any top- Due to limited seating capacity, Ye Are Not Transportation for Catholic stu- motet, "Jesu, Priceless Treasure," Mr. and Mrs. Carl Heeschen and ic, the only restriction being on admission to the Terrapin show will dents will be arranged by the New- their length, which must he between be by ticket only. There will be no by J. S. . Mr. and Mrs. Lee D. McClean. Savior, man Club. five and 10 minutes. charge for tickets, which may be O Throw the Heavens Cochran guests will be Mr. and It is planned to house the wom- Wide, by Brahms. Prizes of $15, $10, and $5 will be obtained at Brook's desk beginning Mrs. Lewis N. Pino, and Mr. and en overnight in Caflisch, while men Part II awarded to the first-, second-, and Monday, April 28, at 12 noon and Mrs. Ralph Hitt, with Cochran, too, willbe staying in the Phi Gam, Phi The Cry of God, by Luvaas. third-place winners respectively. 6p.m. decorated in a general spring theme. (Continued on page 6) Laud Him, by Pepping. Lost in the Night, arranged from a Finnish folksong by Christiansen. C. Henderson of Kenyon College From Heaven Above, a melody Burtt Speaks Tonight On Philosophy from 1539, arranged by Christian- Named Tuesday As New Football Coach sen. In Last Fifty Years; Concludes Series Hosanna, by by Hill Schrick. Jack Part 111 Dr. Edwin A. Burtt, Sage Professor of Philosophy and Re- In a press conference held Tuesday President Louis T. Murmuring Flow, a folk- ligion at Cornell University, will speak tonight at 8:15 in Ford Benezet announced the signing of David C. Henderson as foot- song from Czechoslovakia. Chapel on the topic, "What Happened in Philosophy from 1900 ball coach to succeed , who will join the Chicago The Pines of Home, by Luvaas. to 1950." After the lecture a coffee hour willbe held in the Pine Cardinals of the National Professional Football League. Song of the Seasons, by Sinding. Room of Brooks Hall. Henderson is at present head football mentor at Kenyon Out of the Night, a folksong College, Ohio. His resignation there becomes effective at the from Finland. Before joining the staff of Cornell in 1941, Dr.Burtt taught University end of this academic year and he spring Singers toured at Columbia and the Last the Univirsity is expected to take up residence in the East stopping in Harrisburg, of Chicago. He repre- Meadville about the middle of Tune. York, Philadelphia, Orange, N.J., sented the American Philosophical and Garden City, Long Island. Association in India in 1946 and The appointment came after three 1947 in an attempt to relate philo- months of weeding out applications sophical concepts of the Orient and by the Athletic Committee, com- Orchesis To Present Greece to those of modern Ameri- posed of H. P. Way, Dr. Rhine- can thinkers. smith, Mr. McFarland, Dr. Byers, Program Week Dr. Burtt graduated from Yalein Dr. Edward, Next and Mr. Kidd. Of the The annual program of Orchesis, 1915 with a Bachelor of Arts degree, 50 applicants, four were invited to Allegheny's modern dance group, receiving a degree in divinity from the campus. While here they met will be presented Friday and Satur- Union Theological Seminary and a and talked with Paul Roese, captain day, May 9 and 10, according to Ph.D. from Columbia University in of the 1952 Gator football team, and " Miss Val Hershberger. adviser to other players. 1920. the club. He has written several books, Dr. Benezet, in announcing the There is no overall theme for the among them The English Philo- new appointment, stated, "We are show, which will have two produc- sophers from Bacon to Mill. satisfied that after a careful searcii tion numbers and several smaller This will be the sixth in a series of three months we have found the routines. of as many lectures sponsored by man who can bring to Allegheny All of the 19 members of the the local chapter of Phi Beta Kappa the best combination of training and group willdance in the pageant-type in recognition of' developments in talents to do our job. The students, number entitled "Johnny Apple- the major fiields of learning during faculty, alumni, and townspeople seed." Another dance, "Metro- the first 50 years of the present cen- will like Dave Henderson," he con- politan," will be built around an in- tury. tinued. "He appears to us as well- strumental piece composed by Don In the first half of the series, be- Mr. David C. Henderson on page 6) Cervone, a sophomore. (Continued on Page 5) Dr. Edwin Burtt 2-THE CAMPUS OF ALLEGHENY COLLECE, Thursday, Apjrii 24, 1952 must be carefully thought out. But we also feel that with sufficient planning the weekend could The Lost Weekend play up rather than de-emphasize the major theme There's Still Time for the May Day festivities as they are now set up. Some weeks ago The Campus initiated discus- There are many of us who have heard, either sion concerning an all-college weekend. It was felt The third point leaves much room for thought. in lectures or sermons, the idea that where there is feels that good many the usually that what Allegheny needed was a good healthy The Campus a of a will there's a way. We fully understand that in events are too on same affair of this type to relieve the monotony of our scheduled much the order. these last few hectic weeks there is much to be activities— extra-curricular. It was to relieve this monotony that we originally done. At times work becomes tiresome and we routine scholastic and all-college — We also believed, and still do, that such a weekend suggested an weekend. Student Affairs feel that we aren't gaining. Yet we say to you action to parties has crowd- would contribute to a greater feeling of unity at eliminate Friday night persevere. Allegheny. ed the social calendar to such an extent that this weekend five sororities are holding their spring We have all felt moments of success when we A committee was formed and elaborate plans won what we sought. We know that it's not Among formals. For practical reasons,including obtaining have for May Day Weekend were drawn up. orchestra, dance, the victory that counts but the attempt to win, the a Friday afternoon, pro- a place, and date for the it is these were fashion^show such created a struggle, the dream of attainment. night, no obvious that crowding has difficult gressive fraternity parties Friday classes Affairs Saturday of the May situation. We hope that Student will find In Spring we oft times imagine that there is a morning, the coronation solution a with the ROTC a more plausible for the problem of next certain member of the opposite sex whois especially Queen followed by float parade year's calendar, will marching on Saturday afternoon, a play preceding social and that this solution for us. We smile and she smiles back, and the fun include an all-college weekend. the dance, scheduled to last until 2 a.m., Satvtrday begins.— But beyond this type of struggle is anothe night, and a picnic at Bousson Sunday afternoon There is a good chance that the progressive, one a struggle of vast significance, one whicl and eveningfor both faculty and students. A pret- party plan will go through. This envisages the gives rapturous joy to all participants. We are al ty good plan, we think. use of four fraternity houses with students travel- increasingly aware that within a few short week The weekend as such is now lost for this ling from place to place throughout the evening. we will be in the battle. This is the time to buckle spring. Action taken by Student Affairs resulted in An interfraternity committee would organize the down ;this is the time to make every move count the postponement of further plans for this semester parties and expenses would be jointly met. We When finals come it will be too late. for the followingreasons:insufficient time to prop- hope this plan will be approvedby Student Affairs Therefore it seems only right that we make use erly arrange the affair ;the de-emphasis of the "art" when it meets in the near future. It could be one of the little time left. Take out your blankets, ye theme of May Day; and the fact that Student Af- more means of breaking down the boundary lines that dwell in the dingy halls. Your pallor is no fairs has tried to cut down the social calendar for which separate student groups. the kind to appeal to incoming students. Get your- this semester. The progressive party plan is a good idea. If selves tanned now, while the sun is hot! Tomor- We agree that since the inception of the idea we can't have the whole cake, let's at least accept row may be too late. There will always be classes there has not been enough time to properly plan the the crumbs. And to insure an all-college weekend and the opposite sex, but one can never underesti weekend. Inorder to insure its success not only the for next year, how about a great deal of student mate the withdrawing qualities of the Meadville first time but in succeeding years such an affair discussion, opinion,and just plainpush? sun. Senior Sketch Pins 'nSins Activities Calendar With the approach of the warm — Larry Oxley of Elizabeth, New Thurs., April 24 SpringBanquet Brooks and Cochran Dining weather a few of our more exuber- — Jersey, is an economics major, also Rooms 6 p.m. — ant males have already started to Lecture: Sponsored by sporting a speech .background, plus " Dr. E. —Burtt — Ph engineering which he picked circulate a petition for a "Blue Beta Kappa Ford Chapel 8:15 p.m some day. this rate some of Fri., — up while studying for a year at Shorts" At April 25 Political Science Hour Exam 7 p.m. fair never get — Princeton. our co-eds will dates. Sat., April 26 Outing Club Overnight Outing Bousson. But here are some who don't have Theta Army Engi- Upsilon Parents' Weekend. As a sergeant in the to worry any more: Betty McNe- Faculty Wives' Luncheon. he stationed at — neer Corps, was mar and Bill Utberg; Kay Robbins Track W & at Meadville Japan, where he — J Camp McGill in and Will Dicome: Jane Mauer and Youngstown at Youngstown. base newspaper. — was editor of his Don Groshong; Corrine Ewing and Alpha Chi Omega Spring Formal — 9-12:3( At this time he also organized a Bill Henderson; Bonnie Ford and Kappa Alpha Theta Dinner Dance— 6-12:3( NCO club in Japan and was for a Eric Woit; Carol Sperry and Dick Alpha Xi Delta Rose Formal 9-12.— time its leader. Piper; Barb Gaskill and Herb En- Alpha Gamma Delta SpringFormal 9-12:30 twistle, engaged during Easter va- Kappa — jobs?" he said. . "I've, Kappa Gamma Spring Formal S "Part-time cation. Also best wishes to 'em, including a go 12:30. had all kinds of Happy Spinning and Tom Manere- Sun., April 27 Kappa Kappa Outing as Brush man after I Gamma Bousson —': stint 111; Gay Anderson and Bud Mcln- 10 p.m. got of the service." — out doe; Ann Hadaway and Joe Pool; Alpha Chi Rho Spring Picnic 2-10 p.m. He is a member of Phi Gamma Freddy Aschehoug and Arvid Klein; Mon., April 28 Kappa Delta Epsilon Founders' Day Banque Delta and has served as its treasur- Nancy Maxwell and David Norton — 6 p.m. as as — er and pledge trainer, well (Temple), pinned last week. Lecture: Mrs. Ruth Tooze "Children' IFC representa- Larry Oxley — being an alternate The social calendar was rather Books,— Authors,and Illustrators" Play tive. good use as business manager of crowded last week. If you look shop— 8:15 p.m. In his sophomore year he won this year's Kaldron. closely you can still see the shine on Tues., April 29 Baseball— Geneva at Meadville. the Philo-Franklin speech tourna- A letter winner in varsity tennis, the Phi Delt halos left over from Tennis Slippery Rock at Meadville. going great played junior varsity — ment and has been he has also parents' weekend. Even tho it Economics IHour— Test ■ 7 p.m. — guns in speech ever since. He is football and J.V. basketball, as well wasn't warm enough to dance out- Organ Recital William Clendenning treasurer of Philo-Franklin, mem- as participating in intramurals. As side, everyone agreed that the Phi Ford Chapel — 8:15 p.m. ping- — — ber of the varsity debate team, and " a freshman he won the class Gam spring formal was the greatest Wed., April 30 AUC Weekly— Meeting Pine Room 4 p.m member of the Allegheny Speakers pong championship. (especially the girls who walked off Track —Westminster at Meadville. Bureau. Favorite hobbies he lists as pho- with those purple garters). The Thurs., May 1 Baseball— Slippery Rock at Meadville. He puts his economics training to tography and dramatics. Cwens had their— annual spring com- Tennis Grove— City at Meadville. ing out party Everyone had a bang G2 Hour Test 7 p.m. — up time at the Phi Psi house last Fri., May 2 Freshman Speaking Contest — Playshop Saturday night. 8:15 p.m. Trix At The Flix Fiction and Fact from Mac's Sat., May 3 Outing Club Overnight Outing. Almanac: Alpha Chi Omega Mothers' Weekend. April Bugles in the to be sock material .. Miss 25-26 (Park) . Evening classes will now be Theta Chi Alumni Weekend. , Hugh answers the acting demands Afternoon, with Ray Milland, Shore scheduled for the profs in the Eng- Kappa Alpha Theta Mothers' Weekend. pro- Marlowe, and Forrest Tucker. This of the country character and is lish department, according to Fred- Phi Gamma Delta Mothers' Weekend. — Carnegie colorful melodrama takes place on vided with' some nifty costuming erick Seely, noble head of said de- Track Tech at Meadville.— partment, in order that they may Delta Tau Delta Spring Formal the Dakota prairies in 1876, at a that looks good in Technicolor ... — 9-12. gain a fuller insight into the work- Phi Kappa Psi Spring Formal 9-12:30. on the Young . manages to spark what time when the Sioux were .. ings of youthful minds. he, genuinely humorous sequences Quoth rampage and the U.S. Calvary was few "I learned a lot." — Variety sometimes on the receiving end. the picture has." 0.X., then. So it didn't go over Technicolor. this time ... all we can say is:— keep plugging for that weekend ". Bugles in the Afternoon April 27-30 (Park) With a Song . . We'll never give up! , OP ALLEGHENY COLLEGE has very few dull moments . .. the in My Heart, w-ith Susan Hayward, Pass That Sun Tan Oil— our _LbETTS manner in which Milland (a cav- Rory Calhoun, David Wayne, and slogan for the rest of the year.... EDITOR-IN-CHIEF MOORE alry officer) retains life and limb Thelma Ritter. The story of Jane EDITORIAL STAFF critically injured and particularly his hair, calls for Froman who was ADVISORY EDITOR . SAM BATES in an airplane crash but valiantly to the Editor ASSOCIATE EDITOR i pAUL DAVIDOFF some thrilling hand-to-hand en- Letter fought recovery. Technicolor. ADVISORY SPORTS EDITOR JACK MITCHELL for To The Editor: counters with the Sioux and a fine, PRODUCTION MANAGER . JACK BARROWS "Tops on effectively February 14 SPORTS EDITOR extracurricular duel in the sun." songs .. . In your issue of The . jACK HILL — performed with great heart and Campus were listed the 23 students FEATURE EDITOR . BERT KATZ Newsweek NEWS EDITOR glossed with a Technicolor coating with averages of 90% or above for \ PAT RIESENMAN ASSISTANT MAKEUP EDITOR emphasizes the presentation previous This 808 PARK that ... the semester. write- COPY EDITOR __ED DAVIDOWITZ story follows faith- up also following: April 26-29 (Academy) Aaron Film ... rather contained the PHOTOGRAPHY EDITOR RONALD DAMH fully though telescoped, names of those hav- Slick from Punkin Crick, with Alan the actual "The students course of Miss Froman's career ing averages between85 and 90 will BUSINESS STAFF Young, Dinah Shore, and Robert ... Miss Froman does her own be released at a later date." This BUSINESS MANAGER BILL BLACKBURN Merrill. A country bumpkingoes to ... chirping in this film... in the same last statement is the thing to which ADVERTISING MANAGER SANDY REITMAN Chicago girl CIRCULATION to save his from the manner Al provided Ishould like to bring your atten- MANAGER DICK BOYLAN evils of the big city. Technicolor. Jolson . .. vocal magic to spark the two re- tion. So far this semester The MEMBER, ASSOCIATED COLLEGIATE PRESS "The bucolic humor presented is leases on his life. The vocal wal- Campus has not done this. SERVICED BY NATIONAL ADVERTISING SERVICE, INC. of mild brand. The music score lop is there, edupled with the A Fellow Student 420 MADISON AVENUE, NEW YORK, N.Y. OFFICE, HALL, that has been added to the original thespian talents of Susan Hayward, Editor's Note: Our reason for BENTLEY TELEPHONE 261 pfayis fair, and while the perform- to make the Froman story an earn- not printing the above-mentioned ENTERED AS SECOND CLASS MATTER, OCTOBER 30, 1904, AT THE POST OFFICE AT MEADVILLE, PENNSYLVANIA, UNDER THE ACT OF MARCH 3, ances are competent its chances in est, moving drama ... that will list was one of space considera- 1879. PUBLISHED THURSDAYS BY STUDENTS OF ALLEGHENY COLLEGE, the general market are slim...Ten touch almost any audien.ce."— tion. 133 students received an EXCEPT DURING VACATIONS AND EXAMINATIONS. ... tunes are used but none appears Variety average between 85 and 90. THE CAMPUS OF ALLEGHENY COLLEGE, Thursday, April 24, 1952- 3 Prospective Student's Letter Shows Outing Scheduled For Clendenning To Give This Weekend; Annual OrganRecital April30 RemarkableWisdom ForJust A Youngster Clendenning, junior ' Bousson Brush-Up Set Bill music Editor'sNote: The following letter was receivedby Gladys Haddadin major, will present a recital of answer to oneshe sent to a prospective freshman. A Bousson afternoon and over- organ music on April 30 at 8:15 night outing is scheduled for this p.m. in Ford Chapel. Dear Gladys : Saturday, April 26, according to How nice of you to invite me to spend a weekend with you Outing Club president George Cul- His program is as follows: at Allegheny College. Your letter,neat as abanker's collar,took berson. A playday will be held in Prelude in A Minor, by Bach. me completely by surprise. see, was one You it contained in of the afternoon, -with teams to be Fugue in C Minor, by Bach. those Allegheny College envelopes that bear the austere stamp organized upon arrival. of the Allegheny Development Program. They say "program" Concerto No. 4 in F Major, by Signup lists are posted on bulletin . but it is an artful dodge to escape the use of the more-to-the- boards around campus, and it is re- point word Preludes, Op. 122, "'fund". quested that students who have not Three Choral You start out, in some retrospect, by Brahms. Darling Speaker as yet done so sign up today. by "looking back on our high school At Trucks will leave Brooks Hall at Benedictus, by Leter. days." Gladys, I'll bet Ihave further 136th Founders Day 1:30 p.m., Saturday, and will return Gothic Prelude, by De Lamarter. to look than you! But let me dis- *" Allegheny's Sunday morning. Reverie, by agree with your that 136th annual Found- Nordic Hokanson. first statement Culberson also announced plans you face problems when you choose ars Day, honoring Timothy Alden Fanfare, by Virgil Thompson, ac- for the annual all-college Bousson a college of your own. Not prob- and other founders of the college, Dr. Ralph W. Decker companied on the tympany by all-college Brush-up, scheduled for Sunday, lems, but problem how to pay was the occasion of an Dorm McCafferty. ... May 4. at your board, enjoy convocation held yasterday in Mont- Busses will leave Brooks bill and still the and college , gomery Gymnasium. 2:15 p.m. return to the Dr.Ralph W. Decker rlife full . . after supper at the camp. There May Accept Invitation President Louis T. Benezet read will be no charge for transportation To Speak InChapel 10 Alieghenians Attend the traditional'Founders Day scrip- I may accept your invitation. and food. Dr. Ralph W. Decker, President ture, from Isaiah and IIPeter, Your program looks delightful. We fol- Recreation for the day will in- Methodist Conference lowed by prayer of college of Wyoming Seminary in Kingston, could skip the Registration, Brooks the the clude Softball, volleyball, and hiking. Ten Allegheny students attended written by the late Dr. Pa., will speak in Chapel this Sun- Lobby, at classes William H. Last year there were 180 students, and attendance Crawford. the Pennsylvania state Methodist thing. You list present at the Brush-up, -while the day morning at 11, according to and all that sort of Student Movement Conference held lunch at Brooks next on the agenda Dr. Chester A. Darling, speaker preceding year 300 participated. Chaplain Herbert Picht. at Lycoming College, Williamsport, would you have lunch 'with me? for the Convocation, was introduced "We hope that this year's Brush- ... "All Your Life" is Dr. Decker's Pa., April through They a thought. by Steve Graffam, newly-elected up will meet with the success it 18 20. Just topic for the morning worship serv- president of AUC. Dr. Darling, has in the past," said Culberson. were accompanied by Dr. Herbert And about the informal meetings professor emeritus of biology and "We therefore urge as many stu- ice, and he will discuss "Wisdom to Picht, with the faculty members. The college chaplain, who acted geology and former acting Presi- dents possible to cooperate in Know the Difference" at the ACA faculty wouldn't like that, Iassure as. the as a fellowship resource leader for dent of the college, spoke on the program." meeting in Oratory 7 p.m. you. So that part we could skip, the at the conference. topic "Critical Times." too. But the track meet with A of Duumore, Pa., Dr. native Mac Bailey, Phyl Bond, Joyce Washington and Jefferson intrigues Among the critical periods in the Decker received his A.B. from Wez me. Please -enter me in the 100- college's history which he discussed Student Aid Application leyan University in 1932, his M.A. Carter, Rachel Dunnington, Skip yard dash. I want to settle an old were: the first 50 years, when there Deadline and S.T.B. from Boston Universi- Moberg, Al Monstrum, Norm Sabin, grudge with W & J, and the first was an average of 10 students a Announced ty in 1936 and 1937, and his Ph.D. Audrey Smith, Betsy Stevens and lOiyards- will settle me. year, and when only the gifts of The Student Aid Committee has from Boston in 1941. Dave Winans participated in the several famous librarieskept the in- announced that all students who various groups. The trip to Bousson is out. Please He has held Methodist pastorates discussion The stitution alive; the Civil War, when contemplate applying for any kind speaker meeting forgive me, but nature is not one of in 'Middletown, Conn., and Fall main for the was most of the student body was in of scholarship or employment George Harper Nashville, my favorites. aid River, Bourne, Dorchester, and of Tenn- service; and 1917, when the lack of for the year 1952-54 must make essee, secretary N6w we come to the play, "Shad- — Edgartown, Mrss. executive of the students because of wartime con- such application by May 2. ow and Substance." No such para- — Methodist Student Movement. In again undermined the was pointed Dr. Decker spent nine months in doxes ever present themselves on ditions It also out that next addition to speeches and group dis- stability of college. Only the year all employment Berlin, as a student during the television. Couldn't we settle for the campus of any cussions, the group transacted the government-financed Army Munich Crisis, the Annexation of Berle? About the tour of Student kind whatsoever will clear through annual business of the state as- Training Corps made possible con- Sudetenland and Czechoslovakia, the campus— I've slept on every the Student Aid Committee. sociation. tinuance of the college program. and the invasion of Albania. He al- foot of that ground, so there is The committee will have about the same amount of aid for distri- so visited Sweden, Denmark, Hol- nothing new there. "Critical times come to all of us," FOR YOUR DRUG bution as it has had in the past. land, England, France, and Luxem- Iwould enjoy the Chapel service said Dr. Darling, adding that "It Those currently holding scholar- bourg in 1939. and because Iknow now that Imissed takes a lot of hard work and a lot ships are reminded that they must TOILET NEEDS many of them some years ago of vision to meet these crises. But He was listed in both the World too make new application for the fall we held them daily. Do you you may meet them in life," he con- Biography and Who's Who in New ECKERD'S when term. The committee wilj continue have them every day now? You cluded, "with faith, the necessary England in 1949. Park and Chestnut Sts. the past policy of not*awarding should. factor"to carry you through." scholarship aid to people attending Fairly Well Acquainted The Allegheny Sinfonietta, under summer school. Campus Cove To answer your hope that I the direction of Dr. Herbert Neu- Students living college dormi- — — pro- in Fresh Fruit Punch for 4 BARBERS 4 might become better acquainted rath, furnished music for the tories will obtain blanks from their with PARTIES & WEDDINGS with Allegheny College, you may be gram, which ended the aca- resident upon properly advisers and SODA GRILL — LUNCHES $1.00 $1.00 assured that I am already fairly demic recession. filling them All Haircuts out the blanks turn in 164 Chestnut St. Phone 25-023 Well acquainted with Allegheny. The Public Events Committee, to the resident advisers. May L express a hope? It is this: chairmanned by Dr. Robert Bug- your days that you, Gladys, enjoy bee, was in charge of arrangements A thesis properly typed will add RODA &LEACH Allegheny as much as Idid mine LAFAYETTE TAXI at for the program. materially to the clarity and BARBER SHOP and that your affection for the col- grade of your report SERVICE lege willripen as much as mine has Taking Appointments Now PROMPT AND COURTEOUS in 25 years. Mrs. Mary W. Hankey 24-HOUR SERVICE Faculty Wives Plan Typist Theatre-Up you explain your Presi- Public Opposite Park stairs When to 32-112 147 Chestnut St. Phone 43-211 dent, whom Ihold in much esteem, LuncheonFor Saturday somehow his records became that The Faculty Wives' Association you invited an old snarled and plans to hold a luncheon this Satur- DionysiusColoprescribed: alumnus for a weekend with you, day at the Venango Inn, according « -% r 1 1 1 H3 will you give him my affectionate . . to president Mrs. Henry Pommer. greetings him he is not IVlmele your cares with pleasure JjTA and tell Following the luncheon cards will writing nearly enough pieces for the JfTnivtV played. Alumni be Bulletin. Mrs. Guy Buckingham, chairman now and tnen Duikha DeMonbus C. Bowman Mmcm Robert of the luncheon, is being assisted Class 1929 that pleasureanice-cold of by Mrs. Richard Brown, Mrs. W. Make ■bKh S. Wright North, Mrs. Jack Cram- Coca-Cola and you'll tip the >^^flflHfe]s.flfffl er, Mrs. Rylander, Gus Mrs. Wil- rtaj^Q- scales from care to cheer. Time Changes Sunday liam Walton, and Mrs. Armen Kal- HMlfin , i Allegheny students are warned tayan. not to jump the gun on Daylight Saving Time. Officially the clocks YOUR WAT DOWNTOWN set hour at ON should be ahead one LEAVE TOUR SHOES FOB 2 a.m., Sunday, April 27th, so no - SOLES - HEELS CLEANING girl with a 1:00 permission Satur- SEWING - SHINE day night needs to feel compelled Yeagers Shoe Rebuilders 12 to return to the dorm at mid- 895 Park Avenue night, Eastern Standard Time. White Dinner Formals ForRent or Sale « "

AL'S CLOTHES SHOP BOTTLED UNDER AUTHORITY OF THE COCA-COLA COMPANY BY of Meadville Must Have at Least Four Days Notice for Rentals The Coca-Cola Bottling Company © 1952,THE COCA-COLA COMPANY 4 -THE CAMPUS OF ALLEGHENY COLLEGE, Thursday, April 24, 1952 Baseball, Track, Tennis Teams Open This Week Netters Meet Clarion And Slippery Rock Gator Grandstand InInitial Matches by Jack Hill The Gator varsity tennis team is former rushing through final practice ses- During the past week this reporter interviewed a stu- sions this week in preparation for dent of Kenyon College of Ohio. This school, as you know, is the the lid-lifter which will see them present home of the newly appointed Gator football coach, Mr. face Clarion on Friday. On Tues- David C. Henderson. During the course of the conversation. I day the netters open the home ses- learned a great deal about the athletic setup at Kenyon, and Mr. sion against Slippery Rock at 3:00 Henderson's success there, as well as what to expect from our new p.m. coach when he takes over the football reins from Bill Daddio next fall. Ten varsity members will com- Kenyon is a small school with a male enrollment of 500. Like pose the squad from which six Allegheny they provide littleif any subsidation for athletes. Hender- singles and three doubles combina- son must realize what sort of a situation this is and what he will be tions will be chosen. getting into at Allegheny. Mr. Henderson is well liked and in very high by A successful season is anticipated held esteem the student body at Kenyon, and is highly respected by every mem- with six returning lettermen, Tom ber of the football team. Every squad member would give his all Pictured above are three men who will-play an important part in the Mustio, George van Hartogh, Stan for the coach and as a result Kenyon has a Allegheny baseball scene. They are, left to right: Bob Garbark, coach; Segel, Ginny Minor, Larry Oxley, had rather enviable pitcher. record for the past three years. Gene Loughney, catcher; and Carl Herrmann, — Davidoff, all of whom Photo by Damm and Paul Henderson is in have looked good in practice and a firm believer the idea that condition is the most important factor in football. His teams were always will be the mainstay of the team. 100% physically .fit, and injuries 'were at a minimum. Baseballers Face Mount Union Friday; Also emerging from the ranks of In reviewing these above facts and others which have been re- 22 candidates are two sophomores leased about him, it appears to me that Henderson is the kind of Home Opener Against Rockets Tuesday Dkk Atkinson and John Way, and coach Allegheny needs if it is to continue on its present athletic a trio of freshmen, Joe Dickson, policy. A man who has coaching experience in high schools where by Ken Smith John Howie, and Hank Fisher who he must develop players as well as coach them, a man who has With seven out of nine returning lettermen in the starting show promise and will likely see coached in a school comparable to Allegheny and has proven him- lineup, Coach Garbark's baseball squad is anticipating a highly action this spring. self a coach under these circumstances, and a man who has him- successful year, despite some roughcompetition on the schedule-. self been a great athlete all seem to mold a says Starting just after spring vacation into form which The season opens tomorrow at Mount Union, followed by Tues- "a good man for Allegheny." day's inaugural against Slippery under H. P. Way's skillful direction home Rock. by unusual Meadville The only newcomer to the starting pitcher-outfielder and aided nine is the rounding out Bill Bishop. Probably the top man weather team is into a smooth squad of hard hitting Cindermen Oppose W & JonSaturday; on the team as far as versatility is I. M.Diamond Season concerned, Bishop is expected to see Gators. a lott of mound work this season, Gets Into High Gear Little is known about Clarion, but Sapper, Ocamb Injuries To Hurt Team point good and while not pitching, will be in all indications to a Allegheny College's squad Last week saw the opening of the Tuesday present a 1952 track will shop its wares in right field match. should a encounter Washington intramural softball league here at the dual with and Jefferson at College Don Bear, a non-lettermen who thrilling match, though, when Field this Saturday afternoon, May 26, Allegheny high,scoring play the visiting starting at 2 p.m. The nevertheless proved a valuable out- as many and Gators host to meet was originally scheduled as a triangular Slippery Rock aggregation. Alle- meet including field replacement last year, will try high erroring teams took the field. Alliance, but the Cambridge Springs school is unable to field i his luck at thirdbase,replacing Hap gheny shaded Slippery Rock last team. At present four teams maintain a year 5-4, and be Lynch. Otherwise, the varsity will the Rockets will Frequent injuries have hampered win, record; they out to avenge that defeat with a open with the same team as last one no loss are the chances of Coach Bill Dick Reasbeck vying for records, is powerful Hanson's year's. These are: Fritz Cotton at Phi Psi, who clubbed the hapless team. a question mark season, team from the start. Javelin-man this as is first, Gene Loughney behind the Theta Chi team Monday night 24- the discus event. Letterman A Hub Ocamb and pole-valter Jack plate, Tom Beagan and Gordie 4; Sigs, with a 33-21 victory over Spears will put the shot along with Black the outfield, and Poole Varsity Schedule Sapper, both lettermen, have in- in Joe the Chi Rhos; Delts, by a 13-2 win Bob Nichols and Mclndoe. Letter- and Al Pankopf at second and short, Baseball juries which will prohibit their ap- men Bob Buck, Frank Desko, am pitching over Theta Chi; and Phi Gams, who pearance Saturday. respectively. The staff will Apr. — Mount Union Alli- come Sapper Al Bentley are slated for high jump southpaw Cary defeated the Commons Club jn a 25 at recently sustained be manned by ace ance, Ohio. an ankle fracture duty. Frosh Graham Dunlop is Herrmann, Dick Steele, and Ed hard-fought 12-2 battle Tuesday while at practice. Freshman Woodie entered in the pole vault Apr. 29— Waynesburg at home. and letter- Benson as starters, and possibly night. This game went for five and — also injured an ankle while men "Chick" McCrea and Mclndoe May I—Slippery1 Slippery Rock at home. broad-jumping. Bishop. a half scoreless innings before are sure entries in the broad jump. In adddition, the Gators came up Track Monk Meyers drove one of Mike — This bad news from the liniment W & J Strength with a wealth of freshman talent Apr. 26 W & J at home, room coupled with the fact that Goldstein's pitches over the right Much of W & strength this season, those high on the list home. there are three track lettermen not J's lies in being fielder's head and into the other — the sprint duo of Me Elvorey am besides Bishop hurlers Bob Apr. at home. participating this season for other 30 Westminster Duffy, a pair who will furnish the Johnson and Toby , in- diamond for a . reasons leaves a gap in the once- Tennis district with plenty of speed thi fielder Dave Reed, and outfielders The Phi Delts came to life after — promising Gator track ranks. Tom Terrilland Jack Buser. Apr. 25 Clarion at Clarion. season. a smarting defeat at the hands of — In the short distances Hanson has and Apr. 29 Slippery Rock at home. Jaymen Piscorcik, Herrmann Opens Season Mike Goldstein the Commons a pair of returning lettermen, Skip The also have Club, 9-4, up-end Rhos, May I—Grove1— City home. a hurdler; Mariner, miler; am Carl Herrmann will open the sea- to the Chi Grove at Mclndoe and Mitchell, plus 28-5. was Jack Baker, a weightman; for addei son against Mount Union, which This the second set-back neophytes -Paul Zavarella and Dave season. Cir- strength. will be far from a soft touch. The for the Chi Rhos this Mitchell. Dick Penwell, Mac Alliance, Ohio, squad shows a cuit clouts were performed by Big CCNY BasketballHead Bailey, and Riesenman will Bob Mowry and Harry Sherrick, Joe power laden lineup that walloped probably go in the 440, while the Forlunch... who drove one far over the center To Address Block A Steubenville in a double header by field is open among Riesenman, For a between meal snack fielder's head. scores of 14-8 and 16-0. Herrmann The annual Block A Dinner will Bruce Forsgren, and Dom Matteiin many be thrown back against Slip- The schedule this week is a fol- be held on Monday evening. May the 880. Mattei, Sil Alfonso and Holman, pery Rock Tuesday, depending upon lows: sth, with Nat basketball letterman Dave DeGrange will run at City College of New tomorrow's performance. If not, Apr. 24— Sigs — Phi Psis. mentor the longer stretches. pitch Slippery Rock, — York, as the principal speaker. Mr. Dick Steele will Phi Delts Delts. Plebe Dave Warren has shown initial outing thumped a David Henderson, newly appointed in their Apr. 25— Chi Rhos—lndepend- promise in the high hurdles and will good Duquesne team, 9-4. football coach will also be present. ents. also compete in the 220-lows with Allegheny coach will The last time met Theta Chis — Sigs. The CCNY hardwood Bailey and Dave Mitchell. Contest- Uinon was in 1950, when the join with Allegheny President Mount Apr. 28— Phi Gams — Delts. ants for the milerelay have yet to team eked out an eleven-inning one- — Louis T. Benezet in paying tribute PhiPsis Phi Delts. be chosen. to run decision. But a Gator team has to varsity athletes who won Block EVERYONE comes Apr. 29— Independents— Delts. The javelin throw, the top event yet whip Slippery Rock on the A letters during the past year. Gold to Phi Delts — Theta year's withOcamb WIRT'S! baseball diamond. charm awards will be presented to for last team and Chis. graduating seniors. Apr. 30— Phi Gams— PhhPsis. — The banquet, which will begin at " Preparefor aresponsible executive Attention Golfers Delts Chi Rhos. p.m. in Hall, will — — 6:15 Cochran be position in retailing: buying, adver- Bill Daddio has called a meeting May I—Phi1 Phi Psis Independ- attended by 80 Allegheny lettermen. tAtwUIIVfc of all golfers tonight at 7:30 in ents. Ed Snyder, Gator football and ADETCDC tising, fashion, management,person- vHllEtliwf* Montgomery Gym. All participants Games now start at 5:30 p.m. but basketball star, is the current presi- nel,or teaching. Specialized training, are urged to attend. after Sunday they willbegin at 6:00. dent of Block A. |N RETAILING exclusively for college graduates, covers all phases of store activity. One-year Course Realistic approachunder store-trained COYAN & GREEN aa* .° nft faculty. Classes combinedwith super- 270 Chestnut St. Phone 21-601 Cari-lite Luggage .. Hlli Degree HIM vised store experience with pay. Stu- Prescription Specialists H|jij||l dentsusuallyplacedbefore graduation, For Men and Women degree. Kodaks and Film Ideal flj Co-educational. Master's class July 1,1952. Ansco Cameras and Film ■{||| Next begins Photoflash Bulbs ||ji|l Write for Bulletin C Whitman's and Mary ■ jll «V RESEARCH BUREAU FOR RETAIL TRAINING Lincoln Candies II " Theatrical Make-up fiifaPllliiffliw UNIVERSITY 0F PITTSBURGH Pittsburgh 13; Pa. THE CAMPUS OF ALLEGHENY COLLEGE, Thursday, April 24, 1952- 5 See: Universe In AllIts Brilliance; Famous Author Visits AWS Installation For Cadet Training And Writing Classes Today, New Officers Monday; Commissions Offered See: Mars,Saturn, AndFlying Saucers Captain Joseph T. Fordham of Is Former Alleghenian GraffamNowIn Office the Erie Recruiting Office, will be Dissatisfied with the way things are going on earth? There's p.m. Hildegard Dolson, author and AWS officers will be formally in- in Mr. Sherman's office until 5 a whole universe at your beck and call. There are heavenly concerning free-lance writer, is on campus to- stalledat a mass meeting next Mon- to interview students bodies unequaled by anything on earth. There are stars without Training day visiting the beginning and nar- day at 7:15 p.m. in the chapel, when Aviation Cadet and Air money, but not without glamour. All this may be found via rative classes. Joyce Lowry will take over Kitty Force Direct Commissions. the telescope at the college observatory. Captain Fordham will be primar- Dolson, Alle- Crawford's position as president. What would you like to see first? Where do you look for Miss who attended ly interestedin talking to the senior you'd peek gheny 1929, pub- it? Let's say like to at from 1927 to has Other AWS officers are first vice men who will be graduating in sky novels, of the Mars first. You locate it on a AnnualHigh School lished four sold two president, incoming, Ginny Smith, June; however, anyone who has portion to companies, map, then find that of the novels movie had one retiring, Joan Matthiessen; second completed, or will have completed -by stepping adapted play, sky out on the observa- Debate Tourney Held novel as an amateur vice president, incoming, Carolyn 60 semester hours by June, will be by using the celestial tory deck or and written numerous articles for Estep, retiring, Joyce Lowry; third eligible for the Aviation Cadet Pro- sphere Jamestown Places First leading American magazines. vice president, incoming, Ginny gram. Appointments are not re- Or, say you decide to look at a The Form Divineis the novel that Allegheny was host to 12 hfgh Johnston, retiring, Jan Koehler; quired. on the moon. You recently adapted articular crater school debate teams last weekend has been for movie. secretary, incoming, Flo Kappler, mil the rope that opens the slot in Miss just returned for the eighth annual college-spon- Dolson has from retiring, Carolyn Estep; and treas- dome, then work the pulley to working on the script Hollywood. le sored high school debate tourna- in urer, incoming, Barb Edstrom, re- dome around so that the Hus- Meet Your Friends at the turn the ment. The other two novels are The tiring, Ginny Smith, ot is in front of the moon. Swing band Who Ran Away, also adapted The question for the debate teams Graffam, newly elected ie telescope around so you can re- for movie, and We Shook The Steve RED was "Resolved: That Every Ameri- AUC president, received the gavel THE AND WHITE move the covers on both ends, then Family Tree, which was adapted for can Citizen Be Subject to Conscrip- as symbol of authority from retiring push the 'scope until it's pointing amateur theatre. generally moon. tion for Essential Service in Time president Arnie Lewis at last week's at the I After attending Allegheny for two that keeps of War." meeting. Start the mechanism years, Miss Dolson, a native of com- Jamestown, N.Y., winning 10 out le 'scope moving slightly to Franklin, Pa., went to New York The vice president's post was earth's rotation, of 10 rounds of debate, took first All the girls are lensate for the and while taking night courses in taken over by Bill McCartney, as through smaller finder place in the contest, while Butler n look the journalism at Columbia University, Glenn Dunmire stepped down, and ope mounted on the big one just won second place, winning eight representatives embroidering worked at various writing jobs. the new class were the eyepiece and adjust the out of 10 debates. A three-way tie lind Eventually she went into advertis- received into the organization. vernier knobs to get the crater for third place between Franklin, Stop At o ing, and was at one time employed ht on the cross hairs of the find- Meadville, and Jeffersonville, N.Y.. by most of the larger department If the moon's down so low that was decided in favor of the last stores in their advertising divisions. le eyepiece is too high to look named school on the basis of per- Kessler's Diner was also employed by King irough comfortably, you can wheel centage ratings df individual de- She OPEN 24-HOURS A DAY 939 Market Street Syndicate. le small bleachers section platform baters. articles in er and sit on it or use a prism to Debates which were judged by Miss Dolson has had 163 PARK AVENUE SEE OUR LINENS FIRST gle the image into a more favor- members,of the faculty and Philo- the "New Yorker," "The Ladies e position. Franklin, took place on Friday Home Journal," "The Woman's 3f course, you may want to ob- morning and afternoon and Satur- Home Journal," and "Good House- keeping." THEVITEX PROCESS IS EXCLUSIVE WITH rve a stellar cluster area that's day morning. The students were /^m MAURICE M. stars; if is on tour of f(\ 't ed thick with the time conducted a the campus Jlz' 1 "jTV or Pickup and Free Delivery ht you can view —all four of Jupi- by the Cwens on Friday afternoon, the group attended a showing of -tf^- 'f"£"\ 's largest moons the ones that and that evening were guests at a "How Green Was My Valley" in ' C^JpXnY I*"24-041-893 Park Aye. first saw. you banquet Hall, Playshop. ' ialileo This year in Cochran at 'which the DKT CLEANERS n easily distinguish the rings of Philo-Franklin members acted as On Saturday morning a trophy turn. You can see that some hosts. After the banquet Steve was awarded to the winning team stars, under high enough magnifi- Graffam, president of AUC, Bill and individual awards were present- tion, are really double. And if McCartney, president of Philo- ed to outstanding debaters. v look—long enough, you may see Franklin, and Snip Engle, vice pres- Mr. Howard Martin and Miss meteor or even a flying saucer! ident of Philo-Franklin gave ad- Jean Isherwood of the college BAKER'S LAUNDRY dresses of welcome, and Cookie Speech Department were in charge Carlino sang. Later in the evening of arrangements for the tournament. — Senior Class Meeting 43 Years Complete Laundry Service for Students There willbe a senior class meet- ing in Ford Chapel tomorrow at STANTON-RAND STUDIO noon, according to Jim Boddorf, president of the class. 843 Market Street Commencement information, and PORTRAIT AND COMMERCIAL PHOTOGRAPHY Phone 47-471 988-990 Water St. the senior picnic, gift and dinner will be the main points of discus- sion, he said. Burtt Lecture You can't miss... whenyou wear, (Continued from page 1) gun in the fall of 1950, lectures were smooth-fitting, j^LJJ^. given by the late Philo M. Buck, on perfectly-tailored * comparative literature; by Andrew jfila ?% Cordier, secretary to Trygve Lie, on international relations; and by Law- This is what rence Schmeckebier, director of the Arrow ;«_^Jr Cleveland Art Institute, on art and V^L art history. Last fall Dr.Roy F.Nichols, pro- women put on men essor of history at the University of 'ennsylvania, spoke on the place of le historian in modern society, and ast month Dr. KarlK. Darrow, ex- ...when men erimental physicist with the Bell elephone Laboratories, discussed "The Atom from Lucretius to the 'resent." put * **»'* g'"ipi on

APRIL 26-29 _^ ARROW "Aaron Slick from Arrow Dart $3.95 W-^ Punkin Crick" SHIRTS — _^^^^^fl_ You click every time in one of Starring these famous-for-style Arrows! - They're Allan Young Dinah Shore I \ >3^ /I made from finest "San- forized" fabrics, Mitoga-cut Robert Merrill \ \5/i\o/ / for \ A / body-tapered fit. So comein and " \^^J_^/ pick theArrow shirt you like best ,Arrow GordonDover $4.50— in your favorite collar style.

APRIL 30-MAY 2 "Oklahoma Annie" weldon 1 Starring .^w» >~_-v-.__a. - " " " " 178 chestnut street M Judy John Russell SHIRTS TIES SPORTS SHIRTS UNDERWEAR HANDKERCHIEFS ______«_«___ FOR ARROW UNIVERSITY STYLES April 24, 1952 6 —THE CAMPUS OF ALLEGHENY COLLEGE, Thursday, Gladden NamedNew 'Children'sLiterature' New Football Coach SHARTLE'S (Continued from page 1) PhiDeliaThetaHead Topic For Education qualified and unusually sincere in the Wooster football team in 1938, STATIONERY STORE Group'sFounders Day his intentions." and basketball captain, there in Tona Gladden was named presi- Appreciates Your Patronage Henderson has been in the coach- 1938-39. He was votedthe most all- dent of Phi Delta Theta for the Tooze, guest speaker Wooster and was 949 Water Street Phone 20-241 Mrs. Ruth ing business for 13 years. He start- around athelete at coming -year in elections held during for KDE Founders Day, will dis- chosen for the All-Ohio Conference ed at Upper Sandusky High School the past week. Other officers are: cuss "Children's Literature" in the in Ohio in 1939, and in 1942 moved football team in 1938 and the All- vice president, Sil Alfonso; house Green Room at 8:00 p.m., on Mon- to Mentor High School, also in Ohio basketball team in 1938-39. employ day, April 28. A reception will be Ohio. After a period of two years Henderson will probably rules chairman, Rod Davenport; following he did Ken- Hoffman held in the Pine Room in the Navy, he took over as head the same system as at corresponding secretary, John Way; interested in yon. There he used the T forma- her address. Students football coach in 1946 at Kenyon, recording secretary, Bob Foster; talking further with Mrs. Tooze there tion with a shift into the single Qreenhouses and has remained since that and treasurer, Fred Inghram. may make appointments with her at time. At Kenyon Henderson was wing. At times he has employed TELEGRAPH SERVICE that time. also basketball coach, assistant the split T. Since Daddio used the Mrs. Tooze bring with her a coach, golf coach, T there will be no change in the de- CORSAGES will track and assis- DISTINCTIVE CORSAGES few of her collection of over 800 tant director of Intramural sports. partment. All Kinds of Cut Flowers The new coach will become an children's literature books. They His high school coaching record pre-school to assistant proffesor of physical edu- Carpenter's Flowers will range from level was 25 wins, four defeats, and two "Fresh Flowers at Moderate Prices" the junior high school age group. cation at Allegheny. It is expected ties. His college record is 14 wins, in track, bas- 931 Park Avenue Although no text books will be on that he will help out 819 S. Grant St. Phone 28-671 24 losses, and one tie. In 1950 he ketball, be new and and golf. display, there will 'both had an undefeated season and in children, animals, old books about 1949 his Kenyon team won six and living in different parts of families tied one. Study Abroad Offered the world,poetry, music and famous Henderson, who is 35 years old, of Your persons. The Institute International Bring has two children, a girl 14 and a boy Mrs. Tooze has chosen the books Education has announced that the four. He is a graduate of Wooster period the competition Laundry Problems To Us to be displayed in consultation with for 1953-54 College, receiving his AB there in for graduate study under the editors who produce the books abroad the to 1939. He received his M.A. from Fulbright from May 1 to SPECIAL Rates COLLEGE STUDENTS and with the teachers, parents, and Act is Ohio State this year. 31, Any children who advise them. Along October 1952. one interest- WE DELIVER ANYWHERE ON CAMPUS captain is with this display there will be sev- The new coach was of ed asked to contact Mr. Kalfayan. BUT DO NOT PICK UP eral books written by Allegheny students taking the 'Course in chil- Roha's dren's literature. Costume Jewelry — Magazines — Tobacco Come In and Browse Half-HourBendixLaundry Postance News and 832 North Cottage Street Prospective Frosh 903 Market Gifts (Continued from page 1) Psi, and Sig houses and Cochran. The fraternity men from these houses will double up with men in the other four houses. "Excellent Cooperation" "We have received excellent co- operation from the fraternities, Caf- lisch, and Cochran residents, in the matter of housing," said chairman Oehmler. "We realize that it is in- BeHappy-GO we LUCKY! convenient," he continued, "but also think it could be a lot of fun " right n a cigarette/ taste if everyone gets into the spirit of nswer's .^^flflflfc^^ the weekend." - Oehmler was assistedin the plan- makes the difference Black, ning of the program by Sue ° r Bey DeLellis, Rachel nl^^^^^^^Hß^F Carson, Abbie Mender ttpP*S^^SDL and Luckies taste better! Dunnington, Jean Hinckley, Ray lara Leuenberger, Chuck MacDonald, Wayne McKallip, Si -Mountsier, Jack Olofson, Ginny Smith, and j| /"" %*&" .9^^l really enjoying your smoke is the taste of a Sandy Woeckner. /f / iHHH nk cigarette. You can taste the difference in the >rf^ \2^ "UBS""- smoother, mellower,more enjoyable taste of a Art Bookmobile To Be On CampusNextWeek " '" ne'm^d tobacco that tastes better. Second, <*Jmr r^l&^ Luckies proved The Gallery Hacker Bookmobile, 'sdH!zZ^~~^ / aremade totastebetter... best- operated by Mr. R. Rothschild- J-T**-* I made of all five principal brands.So reachfor a Davidson, will be on campus next I 7 / fftim^&W'"'^^sk Lucky. Enjoy the cigarette that tastes better! Wednesday in Brooks Circle. Car- rying over 1000 current as well as old and rare books on the fine and applied arts, and colored reproduc- tions and original graphic work by American artists, the Bookstore-on- Wheels is a project of the Hecker Gallery of' New York, a contempo- rary art gallery and art bookshop. Browsers and buyers alike are welcome to explore the Bookmo- bile, which is on tour visiting schools, colleges, libraries, and museums throughout the country.

Shows — 2-7-9 — Shows

APRIL 24-26 "Bugels in the Afternoon" Starring Ray Milland - Hugh Marlowe Helen Carter

APRIL 27-30 "With a Song in My Heart" Starring Susan Hayward Jane Froman Story

COMING "Big Trees" - Technicolor Starring Kirk Douglas - Patricia Witmore AMERICA'S LEADING MANUFACTURER OF CIGARETTES W f /40? /*^/« %