Willard-Wirtz to Deliver Graduation §Peeches
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ruegei; Willard-Wirtz To Deliver Graduation §peeches,- Thc senior class will be honored Ohio. Ire has travcled and preach- the University of Iowa from 1937- by two fino speakers at the Bacca- ed throughout the United States, 30. .. laureate and Commencement ex- Canada, Latin America, Europe, From 193942, nIr. Wirtz’was as- ercises. Reverend Kenneth \V. and the Iliddle East. sistant proiessor in the School oi Krueger and the Iionorable W. The class of ‘67 will have as their Law of Northwestern University. \Villard Wirtz, Secretary of Labor, commencement speaker. \V. Wil. Iie . w3s, active in.aiding the gov- will deliver the messages. lard \Virtz, a member of President ernment settle strategic labor dis- i Rev. Krueger, minister and ed- Johnson’s Cabinet. Tho Secretary ‘pules while wrking on the War itor, will deliver the Baccalaure- of Labor will address the WUP at Labor .Board .1943-45. .After this ate sermon to the graduating class G:OO, Junc 4th, in the fieldbouse. he began to establish .a .full time on June 4th. Iie graduated from ltr. Wirtz was born in DeKaib, private law practice, and in 1955 North Central College and the Illinois, in IIe attended North- joined Ex-Governor. Adlai Steven- Evangelical Theological Seminary, 1912. son in a law partnership in Chi. at Naperville, Illinois. IIe com- ern Illinois State Teachers’ College cago. pleted his graduate’studies at the in DeKalb and after two years In 1961, Air. Wirtz assumed tie University of hlinnesota. transferred to the University of position of assistant to the new JIr. Krueger has had ample Caliiornia in Berkeley for one Secretary of Labor, Arthur Gold; journalistic experience ha v ing year. In 1933 be received his B.A. burg. Whcn, a year later, - Gold- served as contributing editor for from Beloit College. Beloit, \Vis. burg was seated in the Supreme “Church and IIome” and is ‘at consin. Iro graduated from IIar- Court, AIr. Wirtz was appointed Willard W. Wirtz present Adult Editor of Sunday vard Law School in 1937 with his Secretary by the late President Kenneth \V. Krueger . School publications in Dayton, LL.B. degree and taught.law at Kennedy. P Central Council Officers is life ot Indiana centra co e e 4 I “8 Pick Committee Heads 4 I Central Council’s executive board has announced the ap- pointments of its subcommittees .for the 196748 year. Com- menting on the appointments, President alike^ Watkins ex- plhined, “We feel the people me have appointed have the lead- ership to achieve the goals me have established for the com- ing year.“ Dee Ann Stohler, social aetivi- Deputation Teams; Nancy Burch- ties vice-president. remarked that am, Mental Iiealth; Linda Brown, her newly appointed chairmcn Tutoring; and Barb Wuertz. Eldcr- have already begun plannix. Ap ly. pointed by Dee are nIary AM Alike Watkins has chosen, Bob Shellhamer and Dianna Catlin. Coleman to head the Homecoming; Sharon Jones and Court as chief justice. “\Ve will Dave IiOlman, Leap Week: Glen- look at each case as to the indi- (13. Xetcalf and John Everitt, vidual and the situation. not as a Sweetheart Dance; Diane Snyder mere hreakix of a ,.,,le;* is the and Dxetta Coddingtou, Promo- policy Bob and the rest of the tion; ani Del Olston and. Pam court. John Everitt, Lynn Parks. Grishow, Fall Cotillion. Larry Axel, John Kesterson, and Choosing Confab t’opi c s and Sue Dyers will use. ‘Volume 47 IndionoDolis. Indiana Wednesday, May 10, 1967 No. l3 scheduling them will occupy Bob In charge of the Dining Iiall Coleman’s time. Dick Boyce, vice. Committee is Verna Adler. Tuker L president of religious activities, Weather, Cary Had, and Bob Senior Recognition Day has also appointed these students: Cardm Will supervise the ree 4 - Larry Axel and Jo Ellen Spencer, mom. Tho Intramural Program is R. E. Week; Judy Smith and Jane headed by Del Olston, Larry Denotes AcAieuement COMING! Koonsman, W.U.S.; John Kestcr- Stoner, Roger Waltcrs, Pam Jones On Friday, AIay 5, at 9:35 a.m., the graduating seniors son, Inner-city; Ralph Clingerman, and Pat Martin. were honored .during the regular chapel session. Approx- imately 200 seniors ‘were presented to the student body for the Annual Senior Recognition Day. , This annual event is held each year to recornire and give credit ence, and Bachelor of Science in to those who are receiving thc ~~~i~~~~ I\dminisbation degrees. Bachelor Of Arts, Bachelor Of sei- The traditional Senior Recognition - Day is held each year in an open chapel session and attended by the Honors Course student body and the faculty. * New It is traditional that the mem- hers of the graduating class be at- : TO Be .Initiated. .. ... .. tended by members of the Junior .. class. The ntanhals from the Jun- The Iionors has an..ior class are: Delmar Olston. Pam a ne’v genera’ honors Grischow, Mike Watkins, Becky course in the social sciences area. IIoren, Don Bare, Sue Byers, This course’ to be for the Robinson, Sleve Stroch, and Mary C iirst time next fall, will be called, Ann Shellhame,. “Man in Society,” and will be taught by pd. IIenricks. TIIC Senior Recognition Day is Qualiiied students are now being the beginning of the festivities invited by the Honors Council to honoring the senior class. Follow- join this course which combines ing the Open session is the political science, economics, an- thropology, and sociology. Senior Candleligbting Service on General honors courses already May 28, followed by a reception being taught include in for the seniors at the President’s Drama,,s offered to entering fresh. home. The final events for the sen- men high in t~~~ 101‘s are Baccalaureate and Com. S.A.T.; and the honors section mencement, held on Sunday, June Iiistory of \Vestern Civilization 107, 4. which may bc participated in dur- ing the second semester by iresh. plus honors work and a research men with high academic records. paper in his major field will quati- ~~~th~~stage in thc development fy for “graduation with didnc- of the honors proflam is expected tion.” in the 1968-69 academic year with Thc new course, ‘Wan in SWi- the launching of the honors course, ety,” may be substituted for one “hlan in Nature,“ focussing on the of the usual social studies required Mike Watkins, newly elected Central Council presi lent, and members of the Council executive com- natural science areas. A student, courses, or it may be taken by stu- mittee last week announced members of the 196748 Student Court. They are, seated from left, Lynn \vho completes three of these Zen- dents with high academic index as Parks, Bob Coleman and Sue Byers. From left standing are John Kesterson, Lprry Axel and John Ev- -. era1 honors courses satisfactorily an elective. eritt. John Everitt and Lynn are sophomores. The cther four members ant iunlon. Paae TWO REFLECTOR Wednesday, May .lo, -1 967 ...._. il. ...... ...... Letters To The Editor Dear Editor, tion the amount of true concern - Recently I read an editorial in and initiative that should be ex- the Reflector concerning pride in pected of the “devoted” draftees. Carl \V. Todd Does. *\ .Faculty Care? our school, especially concerning PRAY FOR PEACE Schwitrer Center. I agree that it : In the ‘last issue of the ‘hefleetor, an editorial appeared usually looks like a pig pen due to proposing thnt all English majors be required to spend at unsightly trash! IIowcver, I feel I I that Schwitzer also has another least two semesters working on the Reflector staff. Since the problem. It seems to me that it publication of this’idea, the editorial staf.f has heard nothing should be dubbed the “Passion News from the faculty.of the English Department. The only re- Pit!” It is almost impossible to walk through Schwitzer without sponse received..... was from a fellow student. (see “Letters to seeing passion displayed in some From ..the Editor).., , . form or other. t I :.’ We challenge the English Department to display some Admittedly tho horseshoe is un- ablo to be used. But are Central. MENC Thank You! ‘ .,.amount , of concern forour proposition. If this idea is impos- ites so unimaginative that they cannot find a better substitute “The Pit” was sponsored by Tho Nursing Department sible or impractical, why don’t me hear about it? Is silence wishes to take this opportunity I.to be ‘interpreted as Approval and acceptance? than Sehwitzer Center? Surely \I.C AIENC, Friday, AIay 5 from 830 can find a better dace for our to 12:30. The dance mas lo be held to thank tho Senior Class for their giIt of five State Board .We3 acknowledge the fact that our suggestion was very lovemaking than open display in the pit area outside the old generally stated and wuld require planning and organiza- in Schwilzer! Review Books to tho depart. Sincerely, cafeteria in Academic Hall, but ment, .also their cooperation in tion before it could be put into effect. This organization can Embarrassed rain forced it into Krannert’s base- letting us know when to order be accomplished only by cooperation between faculty and stu- ment lounge. Commencement Invitations, get. .... ting pictures taken, and all the dents. Dear JTE: other necessary preparations ALPHA PSI OMEGA If a working relationship is to exist between faculty and I ,vas very much coneemcd u<th for Commencement. This is the students at Indiana Central College. it is essential .for the fac- the intent of your editorial. “Is Installation of new officers oc- first~~~~~ time~~~~~~ wo~ have~ bad~ ~ such~ ~~~ a ulty to mean interest in concerns. This is a con- This the lf’ay- to Run a News- cupied the dinner-business meet- fine relationship with a senior Paper?” !!‘as the Of ing of Alpha Psi Omega, May 9.