Two AlleghenyStudent OratorsEntered In Intercollegiate Forensic Competitions Two Allegheny students are participating in intercollegiate speech contests this week. Nan Kilburn will speak todaj' in the Interstate Oratorical OF ALLEGHENY COLLEGE Contest, Evanston, CAMPUS held at Northwestern University, Illinois. THE Miss Kilburn will repeat her original oration, "Prudence Con- VOL. LXXVI, NO. 23 Meadville, Pennsylvania APRIL 24, 1952 quers All," with which she won first place in oratory in the fifth annual Pennsylvania intercol- legiate forensic tournament, held at 'The Campus' Awarded Prospective Saturday Lehigh University early in March Frosh Here Contestants from upwards of 30 First Class Rating In by Pat Riesenman from over country schools all the This weekend will be the oc- compete in elimination rounds will AnnualPress Contest casion of Allegheny's first stu- in two divisions, eastern and west- The Campus has received a first dent planned and directed high The three top speakers from ern. class rating from the Associated school weekend, for the pur- division will then speak to de- each Collegiate Press for the third con* pose of interesting first, second, and third prospective termine secutive semester, Betts Moore, students in coming to Alle- place winners for the contest as a editor-in-chief, announced today. gheny. A full program is set Entered in the class of weekly be up for Saturday and Sunday, Miss Kilburn's oration will publications with an enrollment of according "Winning to student chairman Bill published in a booklet 500-999 students, The Campus com- Oehmler. Orations," published by the Inter- peted top with 56 other for honors Of the 1.500 invitations sent state Oratorical League, sponsors colleges, on the basis of its first out, 240 were accepted. There of the contest. The booklet is to semester issues. will be 125 women 115 men ar- contain a copy of the winning ora- Editorials, features, and makeup and mem- riving on campus Saturday for reg- tion in each state which is a received top scores in the critical league. istration between 9 and and 12 a.m. ber of the service according to Mrs. Moore. Emily Engle is scheduled to take in Brooks Lobby. Undergraduate The purpose of- the scoring, accord- women from all classes have volun- part in the annual contest of the ing ACP, is provide "a to the to teered to assist with the Civic Oratorical Association, spon- practical for the use of crit- welcom- outline Robert T. Sherman and Bill Oehmler are shown discussing final plans ing and registration procedure and sored by Western ReserveUniversi- in analyzing newspapers, for this weekend's program for prospective According ics and to freshmen. to have agreed to take students along ty in Cleveland. Miss Engle's ora- helpful specific suggestions Oehmler, student chairman of the committee, approximately 250 high furnish — to classes in their particular tion will deal with the subject, "It's staffs." school students are expected. Photo by Damm field to of interest. Smart to be Dumb." Orators from "Out of approximately 1,000 area The visitors will eat four eight or nine schools in this points, The Campus receiveda total meals be in Brooks, Saturday from will compete in the contest, to of 930, an improvement of 75 Annual Singers Tour To Conclude lunch With 12:15 to 1:00 held tomorrow at 4 p.m. points over last semester's rating," p.m., supper at 6:00 $15 is required p.m., Sunday breakfast from 8:30 A fee of all con- said Mrs. Moore. Night Chapel Of the total collected, Home Concert Sunday In to 9:00 a.m., and dinner at 1:00 p.m. Ktants.% goes to the first-place winner, Allegheny students and townspeople will have an opportuni- In order to be able to serve all of while the second place speaker re- AnnualTerrapin Show ty to hear the Allegheny Singers' Spring Concert Tour program them in Brooks for Sunday dinner, ceives 40% of the sum. next Sunday at 8:15 p.m. in the Chapel. The tour began last it will be necessary for all college Mr. Howard Martin, of the Alle- SetFor NextWeek Sunday, with a concert at the East Liberty Presbyterian Church women to eat in Cochran at that gheny Speech Department, will ac- Terrapin, the girls aquatic club, in Pittsburgh. time in cafeteria style. company Miss Engle to Cleveland will present its annual show on On Mondaynight the 60 members of the Singers, directed b} Saturday Program Dr*. Morten Luvaas, gave a con- for the contest. April 30 and May 1, 2, and 3 in J. The program for Saturday after- cert in the Uniontown High School, Montgomery Pool. Spring Garden Decor noon includes informal meetings under the sponsorship of the Lions Under the direction of Phyllis with faculty members concerning Club, on Tuesday they had an Frosh SpeechContest Speck, president of the club, and and Featured InTonight's specific fields from 1 to 3 p.m., to alumni-sponsored concert in Cleve- the supervision of Miss Marjorie be followed by a choice of attend- May8; land. night the ScheduledFor Kirk, faculty advisor to the group, Last took them to AWS Spring Banquet ance at Washington and Willoughby, Ohio, High School, Jefferson the 24 members will participate in The annual AWS Spring Banquet track meet at College Field or a Prizes Of $15,$10,$5 and tomorrow evening they are 10 original numbers coordinated trip to Bousson. There will be a appear will be held in Brooks and Coch- The annual Freshman Speaking around the team "Happy Holidaze." scheduled to at the First special performance of the play Erie, a con- ran, tonight, it was announced by Contest, sponsored by Philo-Frank- Valentine's Day, Easter, Fourth of Methodist Church in in "Shadow and Substance" in the cert sponsored by the Men's Club. Mary Sceiford, lin Speech Union, will be held on July, and Thanksgiving are repre- general chairman of Playshop at 8 p.m., to be followed The program is as follows: Thursday, May 8. Time and place sentative of the holidays to be de- the event. Decorations will carry by an informal dance in Brooks, to Part I of the contest, which is open to all picted. out a spring theme which all college students are in- O God, Thou Faithful God, a with Brooks' freshmen, will be announced later. The shows on May 2 and 3 will vited. Refreshments will be served. melody from 1646, harmonized by stage decorated as spring garden. Seven or eight speakers will be bring an added attraction when On Sunday morning a tour of the Douglas chosen from the eliminations which Marty Nelson, featuredin last year's The Queens of the ROTC Ball campus will be conducted from 9:30 Grieving Soweth, by are to be held on May 5 and 6 from show, will return for a soloperform- Who With will reign anew as guests of honor. to 11:00, after which the students 3 to 5 p.m. in Arter Hall. ance. J. H. Schein. will be taken to Chapel services. of the Flesh, from the Faculty guests in Brooks will be The speeches may be on any top- Due to limited seating capacity, Ye Are Not Transportation for Catholic stu- motet, "Jesu, Priceless Treasure," Mr. and Mrs. Carl Heeschen and ic, the only restriction being on admission to the Terrapin show will dents will be arranged by the New- their length, which must he between be by ticket only. There will be no by J. S. Bach. Mr. and Mrs. Lee D. McClean. Savior, man Club. five and 10 minutes. charge for tickets, which may be O Throw the Heavens Cochran guests will be Mr. and It is planned to house the wom- Wide, by Brahms. Prizes of $15, $10, and $5 will be obtained at Brook's desk beginning Mrs. Lewis N. Pino, and Mr. and en overnight in Caflisch, while men Part II awarded to the first-, second-, and Monday, April 28, at 12 noon and Mrs. Ralph Hitt, with Cochran, too, willbe staying in the Phi Gam, Phi The Cry of God, by Luvaas. third-place winners respectively. 6p.m. decorated in a general spring theme. (Continued on page 6) Laud Him, by Pepping. Lost in the Night, arranged from a Finnish folksong by Christiansen. David C. Henderson of Kenyon College From Heaven Above, a melody Burtt Speaks Tonight On Philosophy from 1539, arranged by Christian- Named Tuesday As New Football Coach sen. In Last Fifty Years; Concludes Series Hosanna, by by Hill Schrick. Jack Part 111 Dr. Edwin A. Burtt, Sage Professor of Philosophy and Re- In a press conference held Tuesday President Louis T. Waters Murmuring Flow, a folk- ligion at Cornell University, will speak tonight at 8:15 in Ford Benezet announced the signing of David C. Henderson as foot- song from Czechoslovakia. Chapel on the topic, "What Happened in Philosophy from 1900 ball coach to succeed Bill Daddio, who will join the Chicago The Pines of Home, by Luvaas. to 1950." After the lecture a coffee hour willbe held in the Pine Cardinals of the National Professional Football League. Song of the Seasons, by Sinding. Room of Brooks Hall. Henderson is at present head football mentor at Kenyon Out of the Night, a folksong College, Ohio. His resignation there becomes effective at the from Finland. Before joining the staff of Cornell in 1941, Dr.Burtt taught University end of this academic year and he spring Singers toured at Columbia and the Last the Univirsity is expected to take up residence in the East stopping in Harrisburg, of Chicago.
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