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::::--­ vol. LV TRINITY COLLEGE, HARTFORD, CONN., APRIL 24, 1957 No. 24 PiGMu Society. C~ooses De~en~~mts .'Not Glee Club' wellesley r~,;~ !Y..loc~.~~h. !.~,!"~~,!·C~p~ ofPiGamm• ~u~~.!~~:: T0 Join in Concert ll a National Social Sciences Honor Society, at their April 16 elections it lly PHIL IM HAU ER FredMauck,' 59 \·,.~5 announced by Dr. J_ohn E. Candelet, Secretary. The new electees ~ill " h t cere- Theta Xi, PiKa and freshman be initiated into t e SMOCJety14a Riter were acquitted of the illegal monies to be held on ay . D c t H d To Be Solo i.St f • ooper 0 ea rushing charge pressed by t. An- Of the twenty electees, four were thony Hall in 1onday nig-ht' I.F. . The Well sley hoir will be members of the faculty,_ ten were e- H E • meeting. th gu sts of th ollcg Glee niors, and six were JuniOrS. onors Xlllllners A more orderly and b n lub for a joint cone rt PI' entation The faculty members were: Dr. A member of the Trinity History I.F .. deliberated over th evidence of lle<111iem on unday, April Jack N. X. Oanh, Mr. Rex Neaverson, Department will act as chairman of presented by the co uncil's investiga- 2 , at 7:15 p.m. in th Mather· hapel. Dr. 0. W. Lacy, and Dr. Robert D. the external examiners in history at tion committee and voted to pre Th W II . I y Choir p1·esent d con- Meade. Seniors elected were: John Swarthmore ollege next month. formal charge , complying with the c 1·ts this year with the M.T.T. and Bonsignore, Barlow Drayton, Jr., Professor George Cooper, who has r evised trial procedure. The complaint Hav rfot·d ollege Gl c Clubs, and Elliott, David Giamattei, Da- acted as an examiner five time in the stated that Rolfe Lawson of Theta Xi. thr " hoir e pers" cone 1·ts at vid Macisaac, Bill McGill, Jr., Robert past, will spend three days on the Willis Diefendorf of PiKa, neutral W llt'sley. Th s v nty-five gil'l choit· Rosenfeld, Steve Rowley, Jr., Fr d Swarthmore campu giving written Bob Purse, and freshman Ted Riter is und r the dit· rtion of Mr·. William Snider, James Wilson. and oral xaminations to hi story were seen together having coffee in Ju niors elected to Pi Gamma Mu majors. Tina's Diner on the night of April 9. were Robert Back, Larry Bouldin, Und I' the honors plan at Swarth- The incident was witnessed by Fred Fifteen Appearances Manown Ki or, Jr., Durstan MeDon- more supe1·ior students are freed from Houston of St. Anthony Hall, Bob Th T1·inity oil g Gl c lub has aid, Bordon Painter, Jr., Steve See. regular class work and requirements Doran of Psi U and Baker pres nt d fifte n public performances Pi Gamma Mu, was founded in 1924. ) during their junior and senior years. also of Psi U. this y ar, including a fiv day Spring The Trinity Chapter, known as Con- I They distribute their work among Theta Xi issued a statement follow- soloist . Tour to thr Middl Atlanti States, necticut Alpha, was chartered in three related departments in tutorial ing the charge saying that they ad­ and joint con • rts with • mith, onn., !936. The purpose of the society is I seminars patterned after the Oxford mitted the violation of the revised and th Vassar· Gl lubs. Th fifty the recognition of outstanding schol- system. At the end of the enior year rushing rules; they deny, however, man organization is dil· ctPd by 1 r. arship in the social ciences. Mem- 1outside examiner set and mark the that the . pil·it of the rushing laws Scholarship Fund Is larenc H . Barb t•. hers are Jected by unanimous vote written examinations and visit the were infringed upon. "There was Th soloist..'! will be Miss V ra !if­ from among graduate tudents and campus to give oral tests as well. damage without injury." The state­ Established for Son ford, soprano, and Mr. Fr d Mauck, undergraduates of th senior and ju- The history examining board in- ment went on to say that act wa not Of Richard Horan '48 '59, baritone. nior class s who have achieved su- eludes professors from four or five premeditated by the accused. Watters Accompanying perior rank in scholar hip in the different colleges_. ~he grade they PiKa issued a similar reply to that A scholarship for the two and one Th Hcquiem will b accompani d ocial sci nces. The society is al o give the student IS hrs final and only given by Theta Xi. Representative half year old son of FBI agent and by Dr. Jar nr E. Watters at th or­ empowered to elect to membership grade. Mr. oop~r. has . exami~ed in Fred Bm·glass of PiKa then t·eferred Trinity alumnus, llichard P. Horan gan. Mr. AI xand r· Lepak of the per ons who hav distinguished them- all periods of Br1tJsh hrstory rn the to the definition of rushing as stated '48, who wa fatally wounded during Hartford Symph ny 01·chestm will selves in public e r·vi c . past. in I.F.C. Handbook. •the captu1·e of accus d killer and bank­ play the timpani. robber, Francis Kolakowski, was An act of rushing constitutes the Johann s Brahms compos d the e~tablished by th alumni club of approaching of a freshman with the Requiem at th death of chumann, Hartford, Monday. Thompson, McDonald, Lambert intent of influencing him to join that and, mor significantly, his mother. individual's fratemity. The fund will provide a complete Th musi is ess ntially p I'Sonal in Trinity du ·ation for· Mr. Horan's Elected New Senate Officers The incident, Berglass felt, involved its app1·oach, and in contrast to the no intent of influencing the freshman son, Richard. liturgical r quiem which is a s I mn Jack Thomp on is the new President to join a particular house and, there­ With the approval of the Hartford pray r for th peace of th d ad, the of the Senate, Dusty McDonald is Sec­ fore, did not violate the spirit of the Alumni at their annual meeting, the Requiem is a consolation for th retary; and Ken Lambert, Treasurer. rushing laws. club will set aside ach year at least mourn r, d signed to reconcil th liv­ Thompson, a Theta Xi from Pitts­ one hundred dollars for the scholar­ ing with th id a of suff ring and The Council then qu stioned and field, Mass., is a memb r of the foot­ ship. death. ball team and i baseball captain, examined the witnesses' testimony. After lengthy deliberation on the President of th junior class this year fi ndings the Council anived at the and Vice-Pr sident in his sophomore year, Thompson is also a junior ad­ "not guilty" verdict. Senior Ball Weekend to Cost $5000; vi or and a member of the Sophomor President Bill Kilty stated that a Dining Club. reprimand will be sent to the a~cused Jazz Concert Higbligbts Activity Dusty McDonald of ew York City houses and freshman. The repnmand 1 will direct the individuals to acquaint Five thousand dollars is the approximate cost for the May 3 S nior Ball is a member of Phi Kappa Psi. !le 1 Weekend, it was recently announc d by the Senior Ball ommitt . has b n Pr sid nt of his fratermty themselves with the rushing rules. and i. pr sently house . teward. A The first critical test of the new Tickets to the Senior Ball cost ten dollarR. Riv rs Chamb rs and his Dean'. List student, McDonald is on I.F.C. and the revised trial procedure famous Baltimore society or h stra the var ity swimming and tennis J ACK THOM PSON proved to be a pleasant surprise to will provid the music. The ten dol­ Mike Wallace '58 Is lars includ s corkage f . teams. He is also treasurer of the ------­ the council. Philo ophy Club. Whether the " pirit of the law" or Campus Chest Prexy A thr hour jazz concert in the Lam bert, the Brownell Club sena­ the "letter of the Jaw" is the basis for field hous will highlight the usually Mik Wallac , '58, has been elected tor, is fencing team co-captain and a Debaters Match judgment in illegal rushing charges dull Saturday afternoon. nderclass­ the Campus Ch st hairman for the member of the Sophomore Dining was the weighti st question that oc­ men who buy jazz concert tickets, at Club. Wits With AIC cupied the councilmen's minds. 1957-58 campaign. Ten charities will the same time they buy enior Ball It was decided that the spirit of the r c ive the ben fits from an intens , tickets, will pay only $2.50 for the The new Senate immediately formed The last intercollegiate tournament Jaw is the foundation for judgment. month-long effort. jazz ticket. the Budget Committee composed of of the emester for Trinity will_ be Will this ruling be the precedent Duucan Benn tt, hair·man of this the officers and Senators Ray Joslin held this Saturday at the A~er _rcan $3.50 is the cost of the jazz ticket for subsequent I.F.C. de c i~ions? year's record breaking campaign iR (D . Phi.) and Gary Bogli (A.X.P.) International College in Spnngfleld, alone to fr shmen or underclassmen and the al ndar Committee, Senators highly confident of the ability of the not buying Senior Ball tickets. The Mass. R b t veteran committe to outdo oth r cam­ Dick Nob! ( t. A's) and Nick Zes­ An affirmative team of 0 er $3.50 price pertains only to those paigns in originality. soules ( Tnd .). Prince and Dave Leo£ along with the Program Reaches 60 tickets purchased from Bill Pierce, Promising anoth r successful "ugly negative team of Tom Barr~tt and or any member of the Senior Ball .Jere Bacharach will compete m_ three Percent of Set Goal man" contest, Wallac expressed his Committee, befor the Saturday, May . debnte . All teams will de- confid nee that next y ar· the "foulest 4 jazz production. Tickets to the Hungarian Students regu Ia1 u • • A total of ''2,794,491 has been collection of r pugnant looking char­ jazz concert purchased at the door, hate the national topic "Resol_ved: raised in the Trinity College "Pro­ acters will be gath red forth extrav­ will cost 5.00, "so it pays to buy Will Visit Trinity the U.S. Should Discontinue DJ_ rec.~ gram of Progress" development cam­ aganza." your jazz ticket early," Pierce The Trinity Hungarian Interest Economic Aid To Foreign Coun~nes. paign. . f or Robert Black of the lusLory Ugly man of 1956-57, Bill Barclay, noted. Scholarship will be host to four stu­ P 10 The figure, 61 per cent of the total es th tl'am 'GO, was infuriated at this pronounce­ Seniors will receive a jazz band dent Hungarian Refugees this week­ department will accompany e . goal of $4,570,000, was repo_rted ~Y The Hartford College for Women ment and assured his "many friends ticket free with their Senior Ball end. The students have been in this Albert E. Holland, vice president m t to the Bantam Atheneum who did me this singular honor that Ticket, because the Senior Class country for fiv e weeks and have been h charge of development, at a recent was os kl' Kury once more I shall be declared king of treasury has contributed almost 1,000 staying in Putney, Vermont, a. guests Society on April 17. Fran 111 meeting of the Board of Trustees. and introduced Robert the ugly men, no matter whom Wal­ to make the week nd a financial suc­ of the Experiment in International acted as M · C· . To meet its June 30 goal of Barrett as a negative team lace can possibly find ." cess, with the many activities Living. B ac k. an d b t S . ak $ , ,000 Trinity must raise $540,291, d D ve Rohlfing and Tal o p!v 3 350 planned. The student sponsored scholarship an aaffir·mative team. They put on with $1,775,509 needed to reach the fund (THIS) has rai ed almost enough as an · h' h tl e overall goal. t . debate m w JC 1 ROO IS money to car for one student for two a demonstra ron . Greater Hartford has contributed a ·~·ve team was chosen the wm- Years. Th colleg is now in the pro­ a ffi rma• total of $1,344,739 in the drive, the lletain present room '58 Apr. 25-26 lass meeting Thursday, . by three judges. . cess of selecting a likely applicant. net . b II t the nega tr ve remaining $1,449,752 coming from Rising Seniors '5 May 1-3 April 25 at 1 p.m. in the Chemistry In an audience a o • outside the area. The Hartford figure A reception for the students will be s awarded the victory. Three Rising Juniors '59 May 8-10 A uditorium to discuss election , held in Cook Loung , on Sunday . at exceeds the goal established there by 3 teambw~ f the audience voted for Rising • ophomores '60 May 15-17 Senior Ball, and t he constitution. ;0o P.m. Th public is cordially Jn­ mem eJs o $344,739. VJted. KurY: Apri I 24, 1957 Page 2 THE TRINITY TRIPOD Jesters State Problems and Professor Naylor Tells ~rinittJ i ~ri~ob Of European Soiourn Published weekly throughout the academic yeur by the 51 U­ Purpose in First Article VENTS OF TRINITY COLLEGE. Subscription $4 .00 P·r ycur. To th Editor of the Tripod: Student subscription included in tuition fee. Entered nt llurtfoHl. Conn~~eticut, us second ciiUls matter February 14. 1947, under the It is indeed a rare pri\'ile~P. ~o ''·.l'ite a hort account Act of 3, 1879. Tho columno of THE TIUNITY TIIIPOV As Tripod Begins New Series of my whereabouts and acti\'ItJ s m Europe from th are at all times open to alumnJ, under~rraduatea. anct othen for the dlacuaaion of matters of intereat to Trinity men. incomparably beautiful icilian town of Tao1·mina. ~ Notice of Change of Address for Mail Suba~rlplions must h~ rc ceived two weeks in advance. (Editor'. noll·: \\ 1th the followinv the organization, and by a steady and am sitting in the sun after 'unday dinner, and to the Olllce Telephone JA 7-3163, Extension 90, or JA 7.r,r,o; article, thl' 'J ripod iuitiat s a nl'W Interested following among faculty right looms :\Iount Etna. Its upper lopes are till st·ril'S on vunous c·ampus al'tiviti<·s. and students. The drama critics of coverrd wi h snow, and . nwk<' curls up from th crater EXEC TlVE BOARD Editor-in-Chic! ...... ~red H . W<·rner. '68 It is our intention to offe1· colll'gt' or·­ the local newspapers, too, regard the at the top. To the left, way down b low, extend the \1nnaging Editor ...... Clifford L . Terry, Jr., '68 efforts of the Jesters with great in­ Susinela­ • DACRON AND COTTON CORD ...... 28 .50 tions may continu to b a pleasant a they e INDIA MADRAS ...... 35 .00 have be n in this pa t year. ot only in our THE BOND PRESS, INC. e IRISH liNEN ...... 39.50 own event , but in all of lhe important col! g PRINTERS O F THE TRIPOD affairs, we feel that The Tripod ha pre ented • SCOTCH SILK AND WOOL ...... ,.... 49.50 th news in such a way that it ha become the 71 ELM STREET HARTFORD, CONN. I ading voice of the tudent body. TROUSERS Once again, thank you for a year of coopera­ e DACRON AND TROPICAL ...... $18.50 tiv effort in arousing the pirit of a dormant e ENGliSH ...... 22 .50 campus to the problem that must be faced and Hartford National Bank and DACRON AND COTTON POPliN ...... 17.50 ov rcome if Trin ity is to be an ffective c nte1· Trust Co. e of student activities. Eight Convenient Branches in Greater Hartford. • COTTON POPliN ...... 14.5 0 Sincerely, Six in the New London area, two in Middletown. LARRY BOULDI r, Serving Connecticut and families since 1792. Furnisher For the hapel Cabinet. The rz£'1V Executive Boct?'d pledge. itself to a Importer corztinu d, tho1·ough examination of all major Complete Art and Engraving Service 24-26 TRUMBULL ST ., HARTFORD For the Advertiser campus pToblems. The TRIPOD 1·s ve111 ,qlad Telephone: JAckson 5-2139 to help arouse the T1·inity student from his The Watson Cheney OPEN MONDAY THROUGH SATURDAY .~tupo1·, ancl we ?' cognize in the hapel Cab­ Photo-Engraving Co. inet anoth e1· organization 1 ol'ldrzy to aclzipve 20-30 BEAVER ROAD WETHERSFIELD, CONN. Free Parking for Our Customers at Parking Lot t hal goal as soon as 1Jossible. Adiacent to Our Store April 24, 1957 THE TRINITY TRIPOD Page 3 Dr. Williams~n to. Discuss Petrorch Dr. Mothersill Tomorro~ .Hight 1n (hem Auditorium . f Edward Willramson, chan·man ToSpeakThurs . Pro· w esleyan (.JT nrversr· ·t y romance Nay I or ... ,f the, ges department, wi ll discuss (C t' d On Hedonism gu 1 on 1nue from page ) 9 2 1" ' ch and the H :nl's Dilemma" excellent German next ·n E . h "l'etrar ' . . . ' · 1 ng1 rs anc1 Dr. Mary Mother ill will be the in the Chemistry. _au~r~oJ~um lomor- m French, also in Spanish (superb) gue t speaker at the meeting of the ;J"' evening nl 8:lla oCc oc -. B b' . a.nd Portugal. He blessed a ll the ro a- Philosophy Club tomorrow afternoon. The ta lk is t 1e esare ar rert rres and sacred obj cts which had She will present a paper on "Hedon­ Foundation Lecture .. made possibl e by been brought for the occasion. After ism a nd the IIighe1· Pleasures." The the $l0,000 grant from the Founda- short conversations with a f lu b will meet at 4:00 p.m., in the vear to advance Italian son n th h ew per- tion Ias t ;' . . ear e t rone, he was borne Library Conference Room. ;tudies at 'll'lnrty. . out as solem nly as h had entered. Miss Moth J' ill, who is currently Petr·a rch. a 14th century Italian A co ntra t with the mediaeval teaching philosophy at the Unive1·sity t has bee n called the> "father of the splendor of the Vatican was a trip of onnecticut, has also taught at ~i~n language" by leading R enai..- ye.sterday on a speedboat from Taor­ Radcliffe, olumbia, Vassar, and Queens Coll eg·e. She is a graduate of ;3ltce hi storians. A lso, he brought h1 s mma to Messina. It is a new type the University or Toronto, and re­ f3 I'Orite mode of expr ss1on, the son- of seacraft call ed "Ali cafo, which , to ," cl ·• s. ical perfection, which means \vJ·I d h' B ' c •ived her doctorate from H arvard .,.,·t, " « 1ge s 1P· Y means of what where she wrote her thesis on a prob­ had a far-reaching eff ect on the poets for want of a better word 1 shall who fo ll owed him. Dr. Williamson's call fins, the ship under power rises lem of Ethi<'s. In her paper at the mee in g tomor­ talk is free and open to almost onto the urface of the water 011 row, she will develop a contcmpomry ·he pub lic. ~nd skims at tremendous speed, reach­ interpretation of lhe age old contro­ • Dr. Willi amson joined t he Wesleyan mg a maximum of 82 kilometres an v rsy betwe n the so- ·ailed "high r" iaculty in July of 1956, s ucceeding Dr. hour, according the charming hos­ to and "lower" plNtsur s. It is her ll'. ~!. ]i'rohock as chairman of the de- tess. We were cruising, she said, at opini on the a hedonistic ethie., as part ment. A native of Indiana, Dr. only 62 kilometres per hour, but even she redefin s and clarifies it, is the ll'illiamson graduated from Wabash so the shore went by very fast. The only tenable ethical philo. ophy . Miss College in 1925, receiv d his law de- boat holds about 50 pas engers, who Mothe1·s ill has publis h d several ar­ •ree from Harvard in 1930, and re- are strongly urged not to move about ticles concerning this problem in the ;urned to Harvard fo1· his M.A. 1946, during the trip. The vibration caused leadin g philosophital journals. His­ 1nd doctorate, 1948. by the powerful engine is terrific and toricall y the probl m of hc•doni sm has A practicing attorney in Boston for not too pleasant. If I can get more 'Pipes' Make New Recording been to a rrive at a s ignificant analysis 12 years and a lend-lease admistrator information for the engineering de­ of the qualitative properly of difl'erent in North Africa from 1942 to 1945, he partment at Trinity, I shall do so. After Three Year Interlude values through a quantitative calculus beea me a teaching fellow at Harvard I have seen only one Trinity grad­ of pleasu,·e. Mi ss Mothers ill's ethics after the war and served as as istant uate so far: Michael Billingsley, '51, After an interlude of three years, The Trinity Pipes have just record d will in some way support this thesis. profe sor of romance languages at an Alpha Phi. He is studying arche­ a brand-new record album. This time, however, it i a full scale professional On Monday, April 2!J, members of Johns Hopkin s University from 1948 ology in Rom e under the G .. I. bill production, utilizing all the late t advances in high fidelity engineering. ln th Philosophy lub will travel to the 10 !952. and also taking very small parts in addition, the r ecord sports a colorful total playing time of abou t 30 min­ Univers ity of onn cticut for the Dr. William. on went to Ita ly in movies. He had the privilege, in the cover (illustrated) d igned to epi- utes. Featur d in the 1957 Pipes on final m eting of the onn. Valley Phil. 1950-51 as a Fulbright F ell ow, r e- original production in Rome of "War tomize the Trin man. this record are: Doug reen, Ray Assoc. Other schools t hat will be Moylan, Win P erry, Bill Warder, urned to Johns Hopkins as ch airman and Peace," of being a soldier and Varied Selections present at this meeting are W s leyan of the romance la nguages d pa r tment, firing a cannon at the Battle of Boro­ The elections on the a lbum are a Walt Graham, Alex Fava, Steve Von and onn. olleg-e. ars will leave and joined the olumbia University dino. Louis H. Naylor welcome change from the customary Molnar, and Chris Sturge. from the Chapel Lot at 6:15 to go to The entire production was super ­ faculty in 1 95::! . ThC' a utho1· of everal "beers and tears" songs generally this meeting·. Pap l'S will b read by books and numerous articles on Italian sung by other co ll ege groups. The vised by The Record King Ent r­ prises, which will also be responsi­ :iterature, he is presenting working on Night Car Rally Held Pipes have chosen a varied program ble for its sal s. Students and faculty book conceming the poetry of P e- which includes such numbers as : members desiring one or two ·opi s Peck to Discuss trarch. Over Conn. Backroad Dancing on the Ceiling, Moonglow, will have the opportunity obtain Last Tuesday, April 16, an interest­ Aura Lee, Daddy Get Your Baby Out to them in either Seabury Lounge or ing group of cars entered the Sports of Jail, Man, Man, Is for the \Voman Cyprus Question near Hamlin Archway during the Los Zapatos, Calypso Car Club of Trinity's first ight Made, Mary, and at least ten othe1·s. J ohn Howard Peck, .M.G., Di1· _ tor Rally. It was held over an intriguing This 1957 group stands out especially course or thP n xt f w wf'eks. Gcnc:ral of Bdtish I nformation S •t·v• Group, Are Active course running for forty miles through because of their "modern ound", cr - ic C'S in New York, will give> a lC' ture E1·en calyp o seems to be "shoe" the back roads of Farmington, Avon ated by the new-type arrangern nts on yprus Monday C'VPn ing at 8 1hese days, and old Trin is not with- and West Hartford. The average of their leader, Dong Green. Marriages to be Renewed o'clock in the> h C' mi s tt·y uditorium. out its own group, Los Zapatos. speeds were set at a low level 26.66 Because of the great succ ss The Mr. P erk, whose> stay at Trinity is This popular combo consists of K arl and 25.00 m.p.h. Jim Studley and Pipes have njoyed this year, they For Chapel Anniversary b ing s ponsor d by the Porc ign P olicy cheibe, the vocali st; Vinny Onslow, Don Pillsbury, driving the only Amer­ have l.Jeen somewhat scarce on their In commemoration of the twenty­ Association, wi ll also talk to two guitar and voca l; Chari ie "Snaps" ican car running, a 1951 Pontiac, own campus due to the numerous n­ fifLh anniversary of the Trinity ol­ classes, have round tabl C' discussion Weeks, bongos; and " D" Kay, bass. came in first by a wide margin. They gagements at girls' coll eges, high lege Mather Chap I, a sp ·ial ser vi ·e with F.P.A. memb J'S, and attend lin­ They made their debut Ia t F ebru- thus re-inforced their hold on first schools, and social functions. So as and Corp rate Holy ommunion for n , ,. as the guest of thC' Association nry at a Holyoke Alumni Meeting. place in the Clu b's Rally Champion­ not to lo se co ntact altogether, how­ all couples married in t he hapel will and th government d •pa rtm nt. The After this successful start, " The ship. ever, T he Pipes have become a fix­ be held on Sunday morning, May 5. I cturf' is op n to a ll those int rested. choes" were featured at "Crow" and The next gathering of t he Clu b will ture in The ave on Thursday eve­ I nvi tations have been sent out to Mr. P ck, a graduatP or Oxfo1·d Delta Phi during the Junior Prom be next Sunday, when those interested nings, where they entertain whil 180 of the couples whose man·iages Univ rs ity, joined Llw British ivil reekend, and everal weeks later a t in going to the Lime Rock Sports Car students are seeking refreshment. were solemnized there. Service in 1936 and soon bl'camc pri­ the intermi sion of the ;\1il itary Ball, Races wi ll leave at 10 a.m. from the Big n ecord During t he set·vic s there will be a vat secretary to Sir Winston hur­ chill. H r main d with hurchill besides everal Gl ee Club a ppearances. 1 R.O.T.C. Parking Lot. With regard to the album, it is a r affirmation of marriage vows. A re­ 12-inch a ffai r, custom-pressed by ception and coff ee hour will follow during the war and hC'came private Cook Laborator ies, Stamford, with a t he servi ce in the Chap •I Cloister. secretary to Lord Attl c> whc>n he be­ cam pt·im minister . In 1946 Peck was transff'rred to the For ign Offic • and serv d under th United Nations in BPigiurn and Egypt. He wa. in yp1·us from J%4 to J956, whrn h e was mov d to the United St:lt('S.

DIFFERENT TASTES* CHARLES' RESTAURANT "The Best Steaks in Town TAKE MUCH GAS? THEN SEE US! from $1.25 and up." Satn•s girl is tall and thin My girl is fat and low THE HEUBLEIN HOTEL Sam's girl wears silk and satin My girl wears calico WELLS AND GOLD STS. Sam's girl is fast and speedy ' M~ girl is slow but good SPUD s ~hink I'd swap my girl for Sam's? * ou're darn well right I would! "FLYING A" The Trinity Room now open Where Fine Food and All Legal MORALt Whether you swap, switch, or snitch 8 SERVICE CENTER ~.hesterfield King you'll discover the Be verages are Served Mg~est.pleasure in smoking today. CORNER OF WASHINGTON STREET AND BROWNELL AVENUE aJest1c length-plus the in a relaxing Atmo sphere . smoothest natural tobacco Open Till I 0 P.M. Every Night Except Sunday filter because Chesterfields ~re Packed more smoothly Spud now has the most modern and convenient gas station within Y ACCU•RAY. Try 'em! the city limits, and to acquaint all Trinity students and faculty Chesterfield King gives you more members with his expanded facilities, he is offering- of what you're smoking for! FREE ROAD SERVICE IN THE CAMPUS AREA ;;:~ .l!oeCs to J ohn R. Citron, Dartmouth CoUege, 18 hester Field poem. When You Need Help Call JA 7-5628 ~50 for euery philosoph ica / verse accepted for publil:a­ 'O n. Chesterfield, P.O. Box 21, New York 46, N . Y. Clothing & Furnishing C Lirtett • Myeu Tobacco Co. Page 4 THE TRINITY TRIPOD Apri I 24, 1957 Slaughter Appointed New Trocksters Foce Strong MiJJ/ebury; Ace CG Hurler Varsity Swimming Mentor D~~~~! ~! b~~!.!~ ;!~"~~~!0!!.u~.,~e~!!~~ - ~; =~:!~~~~~~w footed Bantams clash with their Middlebury counterparts 111 what should con1 1· 11 g 1·n b unc h es r1g· h t aboutes are. IT LOOKS LIKE THE GAME of musical chairs that has been going on prove to be anything but a landslide. Filling the role of host in the first of w eath er pernn"tt mg. the diamond Bnow · all year in the field house might be coming to an end with the Trinity stu· their two home meets, the Kurthmen find themse!Yes facing a squad of sur- tams put their 5-2 record on th ~~- dent body the real winner. prising strength. Formerly tagged as weak, the Middlebury tracksters dem- toda~ at Worcester Tech. Wit~ ;~: Popular Bob "Rabbit" Slaughter onstrated their ability last Saturday battling powerful Williams down to th contmued grace of Jupiter PI 1. "t . . T wire before succumbing, 73-62. three more tilts will ha,•e been pluavy euds ' h as b een name d vars1 y sw1mmmg enniS• T earn T este d Though a fine day weather-wise, last Wednesday proved t o b e a c 1ou d y, off by next Wednesday: coach which is in accord with the ex- gloomy one for the Trinmen as the locals were demolished by t~e Universi~y pringfield, and Amherst. oa t Guard, , pressed wishes of both the varsity With Three Matches of Massachusetts, 86~-36~. However, the Bantams found bnght spot 111 A . t C t G d gams oas uar a team h"ch1 and freshmen swimming teams. Hub Segur, Boynton, and Formeister. Ih·l been pia · t b' w Another new face next fall will be With th weatherman finalJy on Segur pinned on blue ribbons in the mile and two miles, breaking the tape tt1 B t 111 ym~l1 a a out a .500 clip, si de, the tennis squad will face a busy in respective times of 4:38 and 10:23.5. Freddy Boynton, though pulJing a the an a f sthw Cp!d·obably b facing that of Chester H. McPhee who has . . . 1 d t e ace o e a et staff in T we k, meeting Bowdoin hPr(' tomor- muscle whtle looserung up ra1sed everyone's eyebrow as 1e manag o C b C0111 b 0111 s •cure first and second plac,es in the high and low hurdles respectively. Un- j.;ml s. . s f recently put down received an appointment as instruc­ 111 tor in physical education. Presently row, and Worcester her£> on aturday, corking a heave of 122'10" Formeister tacked another live points to the h esd eya nh the ro_nt_ end of a double- . , ea 1· t at was d1v1d d by th tw coaching at Upper Arlington High followed by A.J.C., away, a week from 0 Bantam cause, captunng the discus. t e a ms. L. as t . S a t urc1 ay C G trieed an- School in Columbus, Ohio, McPhee is today. ot0hel: twm-bJII, blasting Middlebury scheduled to handle freshm n foot­ oach Dath declined any comment Freshmen Baseball Team Opens Season 9- 1n the opener with Com bs and ball and swimming, and take over as dropping the nightcap 4-2. coach to the informal lacrosse team. on the coming match<•s, but h did an- Today Against Yale; Perlman Only One Supplementing this information nounce one change in the Jadd<'l". Bob Of F" p· h S h d J d S On Tuesday next the Bantams will FI·e man has droppNl from th num- I again set themselves up as ho sts\ h was the announcement that a previ­ IVe 1tC ers c e u e to tart ously appointed newcomer, Jay Mc­ ber four space and 1· mni1~d<'r of the "Pitchers, thank goodness we have I Springfield Co lJ ege comes to t~wen Williams will assume duties as line l ad~er has ~oved up, placmg Gcoi·~e pitch rs," must hav shot through inserted into the lineup because of The Gymnasts, in their last go, obli~~ coach in the fall and varsity basket­ Stemmuller m fou~th, ·!ohn_ Ha rtz 1n l coach G rhold's mind as his fi'o h dia- thei r hitting ability. Frawley, though crated Bridgeport 17-1, on a four-hit­ ball mentor in the winter months. ~fth, and Dodd Mti<'S 111 Sixth. The mond t >a m trotted onto the field suffering from a shoulder ai lment laid ter by Bill SulJivan while his mates first three . rungs. ar£> held by Brooks ugamst· Yale th1· s afternoon. Reason down successful bunts agatnst· Hart- \\Cie· · co 11 ec t"mg 18 h"tI s. Prev10us· to McPhee, a graduate of Oberlin Col­ Harlow~ B11l Ward, and Dave Beers for such f ling were well-founded. ford High, proving he till had the that Springfi ld had nudged Rhode leg in 1951, was a memb r of the resp cttvely. Five pitchers found them lves in knack for getting on base and de- Island 8-7. football, baseball, track, and lacrosse I t ams. In 1954, he was head lacrosse Th f1 ·eshmen squad app<'ars to b starting positions. served a pot in the starting lineup. And last but not least th Bantams coach at Ohio State University. Ma strong,c well-balanced· outfit Bob Th infielders included Dick Hune- The outfield . etup found Walt will pack up their dud ne x·t wec 1nes- orgun, arnngton 1:~r k , and_ Sage ' !ius at first bas , Dave Arle, second Gre n, Bob wift, and Brian Foy in day a nd travel to Amher t to duel the Obviously pleased with his promo­ Swanson have loo ked unpn•ss1ve 111 base, Barry Royden, shortstop, and left, cent r, and right respectively. , Lord Jeffs with Case again the lik 1 tion, Slaughter ex pressed sincere op­ r cent workouts. Sattmlay they fac- Bill Frawl y at third base. The !at- Green and Swift are pitch rs, Foy, a starter. So far the J effs have d:n~ timism for next year's squad which K nt on the home courts. trr two are moundsmen who have been catcher. pretty well for themselves. wil l be greatly bolstered by a num­ 1 ber of xcellent swimmers Bob han­ dled on this year's freshmen team. A petition supporting Slaughter for the position had been signed by memb rs of both squads but whether or not it reached the administration is un­ known. Regardle s of its effect, Rab­ bit warmly appr ciated th gesture.

Stickmen Host To Lord Jeffs WHAT IS A TAlKATIVE FARM BOH WHAT IS A LEAKY PEN' WHAT IS A SMART ElFf This afternoon the varsity Lacrosse team opened their season with a home game against Amherst. This Satur­ day they will play W.P.I. away. This year's team shows much promise and should improve on last year's 1-6 r ecord. The weakest part of the team is in the mid-fielder s; only .Jon Widing and Sam Backious are back from last year. Promising Vocal Yokel Blotter Dotter Bright Sprite EARL WILLER , ROBERT BALD RI CA freshmen include Bill Roland, D. J . U. OF MIAMI U . OF MINNESOTA Salinger, and George Strawbridge. The attack looks strong with four vetera11s vieing for the three starting WHAT'S AN IMPROVEO HANOCUFH WHAT DO HYPOCHONDRIACS DOt slots. They are co-captain Doug Mac­ Cloud, senior John Shields, and sophs Bink Bailey and Bob Wiser. The defense also looks strong with five good men. Co-captain Dick Hall, s nior Bill Morrison, Pete Corbett, and Larry Ward are all back from last year. Frosh Fred Warner has looked very good in early season workouts Better Fetter Feign Pain and could be a starter. Bill Lorso n, RICHARD SULLIVAN. NOEL DOYLE, JR. , out for the first time, is also on the U OF CHICAGO PROVIDENCE COLLEGE defense squad.


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