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Committee on Industry, External Trade, Research and Energy

9 January 2002


of the Committee on Industry, External Trade, Research and Energy

for the Committee on Culture, Youth, Education, the Media and Sport

on the follow-up of the report on the concrete objectives of education and training systems (Communication) (COM(2001) 501 – C5-0601/2001 – 2001/2251 (COS))

Draftsman: Olga Zrihen Zaari

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The Committee on Industry, External Trade, Research and Energy appointed Olga Zrihen Zaari draftsman at its meeting of 22 November 2001.

It considered the draft opinion at its meeting of 8 January 2002.

At the latter meeting it adopted the following conclusions unanimously.

The following were present for the vote: John Purvis, acting chairman; Olga Zrihen Zaari, draftsman; Gordon J. Adam (for Glyn Ford), Gérard Caudron, Colette Flesch, Malcolm Harbour (for Giles Bryan Chichester), Rolf Linkohr, Marjo Matikainen-Kallström, Eryl Margaret McNally, Elly Plooij-van Gorsel, Godelieve Quisthoudt-Rowohl, (for Norbert Glante), Paul Rübig, Gilles Savary (for François Zimeray) and Esko Olavi Seppänen.

AD\458631EN.doc 3/4 PE 309.071 EN CONCLUSIONS

The Committee on Industry, External Trade, Research and Energy calls on the Committee on Culture, Youth, Education, the Media and Sport, as the committee responsible, to incorporate the following points in its motion for a resolution:

1. Emphasises that in addition to increasing recruitment to scientific and technical studies, vocations in science and technology should be encouraged, and a qualitative indicator should be put forward on the types of measure introduced to make these subject areas more attractive through the allocation of adequate budgetary resources;

2. Calls, therefore, for measures to be taken to increase the numbers of young people of both sexes choosing studies and careers in the field of science and technology, in particular research careers and scientific disciplines, to enable the European Research and Science Area to develop in the future, despite the fact that currently there is a lack of qualified people;

3. Believes that, in making best use of resources, the goal to be pursued is to increase public funding of education and training in the areas which contribute to reducing the gulf between the market’s expectations and those of individuals;

4. Stresses that companies have a role to play both in education and training; therefore, both the EU and the Member States should promote business internships for students and training for employees;

5. Believes that in addition to carrying out research and development work to find ways of making learning more attractive, both within the formal education and training systems and outside them, research and development work in pedagogy should be promoted, to ensure that education and training are universally available, allowing personal development and skill acquisition;

6. Considers that steps should be taken to help those who are socio-economically disadvantaged and currently benefit least from education and training systems to gain access to basic skills acquisition;

7. Deplores the fact that none of the proposed indicators relates to companies and would like to propose an indicator measuring the extent to which companies are genuinely committed to in-house training: number of interns taken, budgets, mentoring programmes, mentors, number of companies participating in sandwich courses;

8. Calls on the and the Member States to take steps to promote and strengthen partnerships and links between education and training systems and institutions and the world of work, research, companies and all elements of society.

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