
Notable Catholic Periodicals

Most offer discounts for multiple year subscriptions and some have specials for new subscribers.


Adoremus To subscribe: Phone 1-608-521-0385 Website: www.adoremus.org Freq. Monthly, 10 issues a year Cost: $40.00 Description: Dedicated to the liturgy and a proper implementation of the Vatican Council. It primarily combats abuses in the Liturgy while promoting sacred music, architecture, etc. ______

Catholic Family News To subscribe: Phone 1- 905-871-6292 Website: www.cfnews.org Freq. Monthly, 12 issues a year Cost: $29.00 Description: Dedicated to preserving the truths of the Catholic faith. Gives updated Church news, world news and more.

National Catholic Register To subscribe: Phone 1-800-421-3230 Website : www.ncregister.com/info/subscribe Freq. 26 issues a year Cost: $49.95 (receive 6 free issues, no obligation) Description: Most complete & faithful Catholic news source. News about the Vatican and the good being done in the name of the Church today, an in-depth analysis of today’s and world events. Book & movie reviews. Gives clarity on the half-truths reported in the mainstream media.

Our Sunday Visitor To subscribe: Phone 1-800-348-2440 Website: www.osv.com Freq. Weekly, 52 issues per year Cost: $42.95 Description: A relevant mix of Church and World news, articles, opinions. A faithful view of the Church yet with challenging & hard hitting journalism.

The Wanderer To subscribe: Phone 1-651-224-5733 Website: www.thewandererpress.com Freq. Weekly, 52 issues a year Cost: 6 mos. $39.00 – one yr. $95.00 Description: Large Catholic newspaper, loyal to the Pope, very conservative and pro-life. Catholic commentary on world news and book and movie reviews.


First Things To subscribe: Phone 1-877-905-9920 Website: www.firstthings.com Freq. Monthly, 10 issues a year Cost: $19.95 Description: Neoconservative Catholic views with a very Catholic understanding of Church to from both Christian & Jewish observers. It gives a scholarly look at the vast array of phenomena on the cultural, political and religious scene.

Inside the Vatican To subscribe: Phone 1-800-789-9494 Website: www.InsideTheVatican.com Freq. Monthly, 10 issues a year Cost: $49.95 Description: Learn about Rome, the Vatican, and the Pope, and stay current on issues of the Church and how they affect your life of faith, hope and charity.

Liguorian To subscribe: Phone 1-866-848-2492 Website: www.liguori.org Freq. Monthly, 10 issues a year Cost: $25.00 Description: Are you looking for hope, inspiration and spiritual guidance? Liguorian offers all this and more! Grow in your relationship with Christ through timely pastoral messages on matters of faith, Catholic practices, and Christian living.

New Oxford Review To subscribe: Phone 1-510-5374 Website: www.newoxfordreview.org Freq. Monthly, 10 issues a year Cost: $24.00 Description: Addresses head-on the full range of issues concerning our Church, and doing so with unswerving loyalty to the Pope and magisterium. Each issue is packed with intellectual vibrancy and zeal for Christ.

U.S Catholic To subscribe: Phone 1-800-328-6515 Website: www.USCatholic.org Freq. Monthly, 12 issues a year Cost: $30.00 Description: Puts the faith in the context of everyday life. With a strong focus on social justice, we offer a fresh and balanced take on the issues that matter most in our world.


LOVE ONE ANOTHER To Subscribe: Phone 1-630-424-0401 Website: www.loamagazine.org Freq. Quarterly, 4 issues a year Cost: $25.00 Description: Started in Poland. It is aimed at readers of all ages, who wish to think, ponder the meaning of life and seek the truth and faith.

Magnificat To subscribe: Phone 1-866-273-5215 Website: www.magnificat.net Freq. Bi-monthly, 6 issues a year Cost: $24.95 or 12 issues a year. Cost: $44.95 Description: Booklet is a missal with full text of the day’s Mass readings & the order of the Mass. It. contains good meditation, plus other prayers, blessings and hymns.

The Word Among Us To subscribe: Phone 1-800-775-9673 Website: www.wau.org Freq. Monthly, 12 issues a year Cost: $24.95 ($34.95 with Mass readings) Description: A good resource for Daily meditation, prayer and reflection with prayer and scripture readings based on the day’s Mass readings.

Notable Catholic Periodicals ( continued)

Magazines for Kids and Teens

Magnifikid ages 6 to 12 years To subscribe: Phone 1-866-273-5215 Website: www.magnificat.net Freq. Monthly, 12 issues a year Cost: $44.95, (6 mos. $24.95) Description: includes a booklet of 16 color pages for each Sunday & major feast days, plus Mass readings, prayers & suggestions to nourish their spiritual lives.

St Mary’s Messenger ages 7 to 12 To subscribe Phone 1-270-325-3061 Website: www.stmarysmessenger.com Freq. Quarterly, 4 times a year Cost. $13.95 Description: Catholic version of Highlights, with 32 pages of full color. It provides children with a fun and entertaining way to learn more about their Catholic faith.

Take Out: Family Faith on the Go for busy families with kids To subscribe: Phone 1-888-430-7512 Website: www.osv.com Freq. Monthly, 10 issues a year Cost: $26.00 Description: Part magazine, part newsletter, Take Out: Family Faith on the Go, is a one-of-a-kind combination activity guide and support tool designed and written for busy families. This eight-page, monthly mini-magazine offers insightful, creative solutions to real life issues and interesting, fun ideas for the whole family to live the Faith.

Magazines for Young Adults

Radiant for Young Women To subscribe: Phone 1-800-348-2440 Website: www.osv.com Freq. Quarterly, 4 times a year Cost: $32.00 Description: is a quarterly periodical for young, Catholic women. Spreading the Beauty of Christ and His Church. Covering traditional topics of the and applying them to the lives of young women living in a modern world.

Valiant for Young Men To subscribe: Phone 1-800-348-2440 Website: www.osv.com Freq. Twice a year Cost: 16.00 Description: Valiant magazine is a semi-annual Catholic magazine for young men from all walks of life who are not afraid to live out their calling with courage, strength and conviction.

Notable Catholic Websites to Explore

About Catholics www.aboutcatholics.com

Archdiocese of Philadelphia www.archphila.org

Bible Gateway www.biblegateway.com

Catholic City www.catholiccity.com

Christ Life www.christlife.org

Catholic News Service www.catholicnews.com

Catholic Online www.catholic.org

Catholic World Report www.catholicworldreport.com

Crisis magazine online www.crisismagazine.com

Daily Scripture Readings www.usccb.org

Eternal Word Television Network (EWTN) www.ewtn.com

Faith in the Future www.philly.com

FORMED www.lighthousecatholicmedia.org

Mass Time for Travel www.catholic-mass-time-com

My Catholic www.mycatholic.com

New Advent www.newadvent.org

Spirit Daily www.spiritdaily.com

The Catholic Encyclopedia www.catholic.org/encyclopedia

The Coming Home Network www.chnetwork.org

The Vatican www.VaticanNews.va/enhtml

The Word Among Us www.wau.org/new/4u

Word on Fire www.wordonfire.org