Religion and Evolution in Progressive Era Political Economy: Adversaries or Allies? Thomas C. Leonard Of the several influences on early Progressive Era American political economy, two stand out, evangelical Protestantism and evolutionary sci- ence.1 Scholarly and popular accounts alike have tended to make sci- ence and religion antagonists, no more so than with the conflict they find between evangelical Protestantism and evolutionary science, as exem- plified by accounts of the 1925 Scopes trial.2 But evangelical Protestant- ism and evolutionary science comfortably coexisted in Progressive Era American political economy. Leading progressive3 economists, not least Correspondence may be addressed to Thomas C. Leonard, Department of Economics, Fisher Hall, Princeton University, Princeton, NJ 08544; e-mail:
[email protected]. This essay benefited from the constructive criticism of several distinguished scholars. I especially wish to acknowledge the comments of Marie Griffith and Wallace Best, as well as those of the participants in the American Religious History seminar at Princeton University. 1. The term evangelical can be elusive. In the nineteenth-century American context it refers less to a specific group or church than to a set of widely held Protestant commitments: (1) the need for conversion (being “born again”), (2) the authority of the Bible, (3) an empha- sis on the sacrifice and resurrection of Jesus Christ, and (4) activism, in the form of mission- ary or social work (Bebbington 1989, 2–3). 2. The concept of religion and science in conflict can be found in late-Victorian-era books such as John William Draper’s History of the Conflict between Science and Religion (1875) and Andrew Dickson White’s A History of the Warfare of Science with Theology in Christen- dom (1896).