
InfoGibraltar Servicio de Información de Gibraltar



El juego online se aferra al Peñón (al menos por ahora)

Traducción del artículo de Thomas Hale publicado en Financial Times el martes, 28 de abril de 2015

El Túnel Admiralty recorre casi un kilómetro a través del Peñón de Gibraltar. En 1942, el túnel se utilizó para planear la Operación Torch, un ataque al norte de África dirigido por Dwight Eisenhower.

A día de hoy, mientras que todavía cuelgan mapas de sus paredes, las numerosas salas del túnel tienen un uso muy diferente: actualmente acogen los servidores de Continent 8 Technologies, una empresa de gestión de datos encargada de procesar las transacciones en Internet de los jugadores de todo el mundo.

El túnel marca un giro de 180 grados en la identidad de Gibraltar. Con una ubicación estratégica, este Territorio británico de Ultramar se ha consolidado en el nuevo milenio como la capital de facto del sector del juego online.

Este sector vive un momento de pujanza: en 2014, generó unos beneficios brutos —total de cantidades jugadas menos todos los premios abonados— de 30.000 millones de euros, según los datos facilitados por H2 Capital, lo que supone un aumento del 11 % en comparación con el año anterior.

Gibraltar ha sido un enclave tradicionalmente atractivo para los operadores de juego por su generoso marco fiscal. Históricamente, estas empresas se han beneficiado de un impuesto de sociedades bajo, la exención del IVA para sus gastos en marketing y la exención de pagar impuestos sobre el juego en el Reino Unido.

En las últimas décadas, empresas británicas y algunas multinacionales —Ladbrokes, William Hill, Bwin.party y, más recientemente, Bet 365—han trasladado sus operaciones online a Gibraltar. Actualmente, hay más de 34 empresas de juego online en este minúsculo territorio que pende de la punta meridional de España.

A finales del año pasado, no obstante, la posición central de Gibraltar en el sector del juego se vio amenazada. El impuesto británico basado en “el punto de consumo” para empresas de juego online deslocalizadas que se introdujo en diciembre de 2014 después de años de preparación, implica que las empresas con sede en Gibraltar están sujetas al pago del 15 % de sus ingresos brutos obtenidos a partir de clientes domiciliados en el Reino Unido. Anteriormente, estas empresas eran gravadas en función de su ubicación y no de la de sus clientes.

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Casi todos los operadores del sector gibraltareño están de acuerdo en que el impuesto en base al punto de consumo llevará a la consolidación del sector. No obstante, mientras que algunos pronosticaron que este impuesto conllevaría la partida de Gibraltar de las principales empresas, todavía hay pocos signos de que el sector del juego deje de estar enamorado de la región.

Boylesports, la corredora de apuestas irlandesa, ha sido la última en sumarse a la comunidad de juego online de Gibraltar, al recibir su licencia oficial este mes. De hecho, Continent 8 se está expandiendo dentro de la Roca e incorporando nuevos servidores para responder a una “demanda sin precedentes” del sector, a la vez que las principales empresas cotizadas insisten en que aumentarán su presencia.

“Tenemos previsto expandirnos en Gibraltar” señaló Jim Mullen, el nuevo Consejero Delegado de Ladbrokes, quien visitó a su equipo de Gibraltar este mes, sólo unas semanas después de su nombramiento. “Este nuevo Consejero Delegado visitará Gibraltar mensualmente”, añadió.

La empresa de apuestas británica Gala Coral, que posiblemente lance una OPV tras las elecciones generales, trasladó parte de su negocio a Gibraltar cuando la modificación del marco fiscal británico ya estaba en curso. Como muchos de sus competidores, Gala —con una plantilla de 400 empleados— cita la pujanza del ecosistema sectorial del juego en Gibraltar como el factor determinante para el traslado, incluso después de que quedara claro que desaparecerían algunas ventajas fiscales del sector.

“Es el mejor sitio para contratar nuevos empleados” comentó Paul Meeham, Director Financiero de la División Interactiva de Gala.

En una población de 33.000 habitantes, el sector del juego online da trabajo a alrededor de 3.000 personas, muchas de las cuales se distribuyen en las ciudades españolas aledañas.

“Desde 2011 hasta la actualidad, el impuesto en base al punto de consumo ha sido el tema candente, pero contamos con 1.000 puestos de trabajo nuevos en el sector”, comentó Albert Ísola, Ministro de Servicios Financieros y Juego, quien añadió: “Este impuesto no representa una amenaza al sector”.

El sector del juego online de Gibraltar es un caso de estudio antropológico de un entorno empresarial densamente poblado. Los bloques de oficinas de hormigón —reminiscentes de la arquitectura gris de los sesenta—acogen a docenas de empresas competidoras. Los empleados descontentos no tienen más que cruzar el pasillo para encontrar un nuevo empleo.

Un antiguo Comisario de Policía de West Yorkshire está al frente de la autoridad reguladora del juego en Gibraltar. Pero la normativa local es tan sólo una pequeña parte del panorama completo para las empresas de juego, que operan en todo el mundo y solicitan licencias en diferentes regiones. Stan James, la corredora de apuestas online, solicitó recientemente una licencia para operar en la lejana Delaware, por ejemplo.

“Cada país tiene el derecho de regular el juego como crea oportuno” declaró Scott Longley, Responsable de Contenidos de Regulus Partners, una consultora especializada en el sector del

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juego, y añadió: “Esta presión no sólo aumentará en Europa, sino también en EE. UU. e incluso, a largo plazo, en algunas partes de Asia”.

De momento, Gibraltar ha sobrevivido a la introducción de un nuevo impuesto británico, aunque Longley afirma que “con el tiempo”, puede que algunas empresas “retornen al Reino Unido”. No obstante, más allá del Reino Unido, el sector del juego online —como Gibraltar— sigue expuesto a cambios bruscos en la legislación y en su estatus legal en diferentes países y estados.

Longley sugiere que la edad de oro para las empresas del sector ha llegado a su fin. “El marco fiscal los ha alcanzado y los reguladores —del Reino Unido, Francia, España, Italia y EE. UU.— se han hecho con ellos”, señaló.

Para las empresas de juego, a la conquista de nuevos mercados, las legislaciones y restricciones nacionales desentonan con la fluidez del mundo online. El impuesto británico en base al punto de consumo tuvo que lidiar con la dificultad de identificar si la ubicación real de los jugadores está en el Reino Unido, algo inimaginable para el sector tradicional de las corredoras de apuestas que operan en tiendas físicas.

“En la actualidad no pensamos a nivel de un país; no pienso nunca en la legislación inglesa, sino en la inglesa, la alemana, la estadounidense, la china”, declaró Peter Howitt, Presidente de la Asociación del Juego y las Apuestas de Gibraltar (Gibraltar Betting and Gaming Association), que presentó un recurso ante los tribunales por el nuevo impuesto británico en marzo. “Todos mis clientes operan en todo el mundo, por lo tanto, ¿cuál es la legislación en todo el mundo?”.

A medida que los marcos legislativos vayan evolucionando, las empresas de juego de Gibraltar vigilarán de cerca el cambiante mapa mundial de riesgos derivados de la legislación”. Por el momento, el juego online ha venido a formar parte integral del tejido cultural del territorio.

Meehan, de Gala Coral, señaló que la mayoría de personas en los numerosos bares y pubs de Gibraltar parece formar parte del sector y declaró “No estoy seguro de qué había aquí antes”.

Historia del juego online en Gibraltar

El sector del juego aterrizó en Gibraltar en forma de apuestas telefónicas, de la mano de Ladbrokes y BetVictor, que prestan servicio desde Gibraltar desde mediados de los noventa.

Las cosas cambiaron rápidamente: “Llegaron por las apuestas telefónicas, pero a medida que esto se consolidaba, a alguien se le ocurrió que se había inventado Internet”, comentó Phill Brear, Regulador del Juego.

Internet abrió las puertas a un nuevo mundo de posibilidades para los jugadores. En la primera década del nuevo milenio, la comunidad del juego online creció. En 2005, la Ley de Juego del

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Reino Unido (UK Gambling Act), que reconoció formalmente el juego online, dio el pistoletazo de salida al traslado de las operaciones de las principales compañías del sector como William Hill y Jackpotjoy al territorio.

El sector se topó con un obstáculo importante en 2006, cuando EE. UU. prohibió el juego online con la Ley de Prohibición de la Financiación de los Juegos de Azar Ilícitos en Internet (Unlawful Internet Gambling Enforcement Act).

Como consecuencia de ello, las autoridades gibraltareñas impidieron la prestación de servicios en dicho mercado a las compañías radicadas en el territorio, entre las que se encontraba PartyGaming, que centraba la mayoría de su actividad en EE. UU. y que, posteriormente, se fusionó con Bwin.

El impuesto británico en base al punto de consumo —el último desafío en cernirse sobre la industria—fue propuesto ya en 2010, pero tardó cinco años en aplicarse.

A la vez que las operaciones online se han disparado, el panorama del juego presencial también está creciendo, aunque no de la forma tradicional. El Sunborn de Gibraltar, un hotel flotante de cinco estrellas, abrirá su propio casino en mayo.

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When it comes to management coloured peas before processing, and shareholders, “you can imagine a world Contortions challenges, fish fingers and circuses are he was trialling new ready-meal where he says ‘I think we should do Art of persuasion at opposite extremes: one product is combinations. But such incremental this creative show’ and the people who are required to the acme of industrialised food are a long way from the stand to make a financial gain or loss processing, the other the ultimate original breakthrough of the eccentric say ‘that’s too risky’”. The politician’s old trick of keep Cirque de expression of human creativity and Clarence Birdseye, who in the early Daniel Lamarre, Cirque’s chief pretending to be normal energy. Somehow, private equity has 20th century, inspired by how Inuit ‘ executive, denies that will happen. He How can Soleil’smagic found room for both: last week, people preserved the fish they caught, told me the buyers understood they SAM LEITH Permira agreed to sell Iglo, which invented a way of processing flash- inventive “could spend a lot of time looking at makes Birds Eye fish fingers in Europe, frozen food in bulk and thus launched the numbers but if the creativity is not after nine years running the frozen a billion microwave television suppers. companies there . . . you are losing everything”. foods company, while another buyout Birds Eye sold out to the Post food avoid Four things have to happen to keep group, TPG Capital, led a deal to gain empire and Goldman Sachs in 1929. It that aim alive. The new owners must control of Montreal’s Cirque du Soleil. is hard to tell whether it was a critical turning let the group’s directors take artistic The coincidence made me wonder at turning point in how the was into bland risks or there will be no business. The the sheer breadth of private equity- managed. The founder was always creative team must let the owners take owned , which seems to defy interested in mass manufacturing and production steps to ensure Cirque’s commercial the caricature of buyout kings as asset- continued his innovative research. But lines? health, or there will be no art. The stripping short-termists, interested the parallel with the dilemma that has managers themselves bear a bigger

only in targets with an annuity-like faced Cirque du Soleil co-founder Guy responsibility now to mediate between PA stream of revenue. But something else Laliberté is intriguing and instructive. owners and artists. All must ensure Argumentum ad populumsi together in a sort of links these two apparently disparate Mr Laliberté wanted to keep control. that the owners honour undertakings a rhetorical term that feedback loop. The wisdom businesses. All great enterprises start He plays a lead role in management to keep Cirque rooted in Montreal, roughly translates as of the doorstep is recycled like a troupe of inventive and inspired case studies, from Blue Ocean Strategy where it has seeded an innovative “argument to the people” or on the airwaves: you will circus performers. But over time most to Harvard Business School, based on cluster of some 40 circus companies. “appeal to the crowd”. What, hear a lot about “common end up churning out the equivalent of how he and colleagues revived the tired ’ Calculated risk-taking, commercial after all, is an election sense”, “what people are pre-cut breaded strips of reconstituted circus format in the 1980s, with a new stability, management skill and a sense campaign but a set piece telling us out canvassing”, seafood. The big question is: how can spectacle based on human skills and of history: these are prerequisites to making an argument to the and what “everybody entrepreneurial and inventive theatricality. He has long employed stop innovative businesses turning into people? So the run-up to the knows” or “the hardworking companies slow their slippery slide to a outside directors for the shows, but has mere same-again production lines. UK general election seems a men and women of this fish-fingery fate? a strong say in what they produce. Patrick Leroux of Montreal’s Concordia good time to consider this country” feel when it comes Andrew Hill I do not mean to disparage the When you are the creative driving University, who studies circus culture, technique. to immigration, tax, the NHS creativity involved in food production. force and majority owner of any says Cirque’s new owners and their First, it is worth teasing and what have you. To be, or Onmanagement Iglo’s new owner, Nomad Foods, says business, all interests are aligned. Mr agents in management “have to focus out what argumentum ad to appear to be, “out of is one reason it is ready to Laliberté will stay involved after the on research and development and the populum means in a bit touch” is a very considerable pay €2.6bn. A few years ago, when I sale. But the fear is that Cirque has creative core: otherwise it will just be a more detail. It is actually political sin. visited Birds Eye’s plant in Lowestoft, taken a step down the tightrope that brand”.A bit like Birds Eye, in fact, used in two senses. There is The point bears making on England’s easternmost tip, the man leads to mere mass production. Ajay only with contortionists on the payroll the direct appeal to the that one of the ways you in charge would not let the FT Agrawal of Toronto’s Rotman not fish-packers. crowd — “Friends, Romans, argue to the crowd, and — photograph his state of the art potato- management school points out that countrymen!” — which is by arrogating its presumed waffle-packer, he was justly proud of once 90 per cent of the company has [email protected] how the great scholar of wisdom — argue from the the scanners that screen out dodgy- passed to TPG and other outside Twitter: @andrewtghill rhetoric Richard Lanham crowd, is to cast yourself as glosses it. This doesn’t just being of the crowd. The mean addressing the nation thing that comes to the fore directly over the airwaves or in any election campaign is Caesar’s corpse. It can what the ancients called include the abrupt change ethos: the way a speaker of addressee called an forges his or her connection apostrophe: you are in a with an audience. public debate, say, and you This is why the nearer any turn to the audience to nation comes to an election, appeal directly to them over the more strenuously its the head of your opponent candidates for office insist (“playing to the gallery” that they are ordinary Internet gambling’s might be a useful tweak of people just like you or me. In the translation). Hey! Am I the UK, you will see them enthusiasm for Gibraltar right, fellas, or am I right? drinking tea out of mugs is yet to be dulled by the The second sense in while “sharing a joke” with stiffer taxation of UK bets, which argumentum ad construction workers (or, at populum is used is to a push, with each other, like says Thomas Hale describe not an appeal to the SNP’s Nicola Sturgeon the crowd’s ears, but to its and Alex Salmond, above). dmiralty Tunnel runs for wisdom. That is what strict In the US they will be almost a kilometre through logicians call an “informal photographed wearing the Rock of Gibraltar. In fallacy”, a conclusion not baseball caps and eating hot 1942, the tunnel was used supported by its premise. It dogs at backyard cookouts. toplanOperationTorch,an implies that because This pleasurable Aattack on north Africa led by Dwight something is very widely pantomime of absurdity Eisenhower. believed, it must be true. underscores, at least, Today, while military maps still hang Here is the argument that something we can probably fromthewalls,thetunnel’smanyrooms says, as per an old tourist agree is a good thing: in a serve a very different purpose. They T-shirt: “Western Australia is representative democracy, now host the servers of Continent 8 a great place. Six billion flies anyone aspiring to govern Technologies, a data company which can’t be wrong.” needs to look and sound like processes the transactions of internet Polling repeatedly tells us a representative of the gamblersaroundtheworld. that the British public is governed. Informal fallacy it Thetunnelembodiesaprofoundshift misinformed about all may be, but it is a good in Gibraltar’s identity. A key strategic sorts of political facts — thing on the whole that all location, the British overseas territory especially on emotive issues these argumenta need to be has this millennium established itself as such as immigration and the ad populum rather than the unofficial capital of the online gam- welfare state — but if you’re otherwise. ingindustry. a candidate for high office The global industry has been boom- there is not much political [email protected] ing: in 2014, it generated a gross win — Online betting sticks to the capital in saying so. total stakes minus winnings paid out, You see both senses of The writer is the author of including bonuses — of just over €30bn, ‘You Talkin’ to Me?’ Rhetoric accordingtodatafromH2Capital,up11 in a campaign, coming from Aristotle to Obama percentonthepreviousyear. Gibraltar was traditionally attractive Rock — for now at least to gambling companies because of its generous tax environment. Historically, Great place to meet they have benefited from lower corpo- ration tax, no value added tax on mar- Visible all over: British betting company Gala Coral, sumptiontaxisathreattotheindustry,” pressure is only going to increase Bonanza Coffee Roasters, Berlin keting spend and exemption from gam- Gibraltar’s which may launch an initial public headds. not just in Europe, but also the US blingdutyintheUK. online gaming offering after the general election, Gibraltar’s online gaming industry is and even further afield in parts of Asia,” Over the past few decades, UK and sector employs moved part of its business to Gibraltar an anthropological case study of a headds. internationalcompanies—amongthem about 3,000 out while the UK tax change was occurring. denselypackedcorporateenvironment. Gibraltar has, so far, survived the Ladbrokes, William Hill, Bwin.party of a population Like many of its competitors, Gala — The territory’s concrete office blocks — introduction of a new UK tax, although and, most recently, Bet 365 — have of 33,000 which now employs about 400 people a throwback to grey 1960s architecture Mr Longley says that “over time” some movedtheironlineoperationstoGibral- Getty Images locally — cites the rise of Gibraltar’s — host dozens of competing firms. Dis- companies “might repatriate back to tar. There are now 34 online gaming gambling ecosystem as a key factor in gruntled employees need only walk the UK”. But far beyond the UK, the companies in the minuscule territory the decision to move, even after it acrossthecorridortofindanewjob. online gaming industry — and Gibraltar balancedoffSpain’ssoutherntip. became clear some of the region’s tax A former deputy chief constable of —remainsexposedtoabruptregulatory At the end of last year, however, advantageswoulddissipate. West Yorkshire heads Gibraltar’s gam- shifts and changes in legal status across Gibraltar’s central position in the “It’s the best place to recruit people,” blingregulator.Butlocalrulesareonlya differentcountriesandstates. worldofgamingcameunderthreat.The saysPaulMeehan,financedirectorofits small part of the bigger picture for gam- Mr Longley suggests that a golden era Where WiFi UK’s “point of consumption” tax, intro- GalaInteractivearm. ing companies, which operate around for the industry has come to an end. Prenzlauer Berg, Berlin No duced for remote gaming companies in The online gaming sector now the world and apply for licences in dif- “The tax has caught up with them, the Plug sockets Yes Espresso €3.40 December 2014 after years of planning, employs about 3,000 in a population of ferent regions. Stan James, the online regulators have caught up with them — Open 8.30am-6pm Privacy points AAAEE means that Gibraltar-based companies 33,000,withmanyworkersspillingover bookmaker, recently applied for a UK,France,Spain,Italy,theUS,”hesays. now have to pay 15 per cent on gross intoborderingSpanishtowns. licence to operate in distant Delaware, For gaming companies forging ahead profits from customers based in the UK. “Since 2011 to today, point of con- forexample. in new markets, national laws and In the darkest days of the good and metal tables Previously,those companies were taxed sumption has been the , but “Every country has the right to regu- boundaries sit uneasily with the fluidity cold war, the far end of attached along the length of onthebasisofwherethey—ratherthan we’ve got over a thousand more jobs late gambling in the way it sees fit,”says of the online world. The UK’s point of OderbergerStraße, in the the interior walls are clearly theircustomers—werelocated. in the industry,” says Albert Isola, min- Scott Longley, editorial director at Reg- consumption tax grappled with the dif- Prenzlauer Berg district of designed for those looking Almost all of Gibraltar’s industry ister for financial services and gaming. ulus Partners, a consultancy specialis- ficulty of identifying whether the gam- Berlin, was a draw for those to stop and linger, either for players agree the point of consumption “It’s not as though the point of con- ing in the gambling industry. “That blerwasintheUKornot—aproblem seeking to flee to the west work or pleasure. There are tax will lead to consolidation. But while scarcely imaginable for bricks-and- because it was close to a also enough quiet corners at some predicted the tax would prompt mortarbookmakers. section of the wall. Today, in the back of the shop to hold the flight of major companies, there is The gambling industry was first drawn to obstacle in 2006 when the US banned “Wedon’t think in terms of one coun- a sign of how far Germany’s a discreet business meeting Gibraltar through telephone betting, online gaming through the Unlawful capital has transformed over a refreshing hot drink. littlesignyetoftheonlinegamingindus- History try now — I never think about what’s tryfallingoutoflovewiththeregion. with Ladbrokes and BetVictor providing Internet Gambling Enforcement Act. English law, I think about English, Ger- since the collapse of During the weekend the Boylesports, the Irish bookmaker, is services from the territory as early as the Gibraltar’s regulator blocked any of its man, American, Chinese,” says Peter communism in Europe, area is awash with local the latest company to join Gibraltar’s mid-1990s. companies from offering services in that Howitt, head of the Gibraltar Betting people now flock to the families and tourists, drawn online gaming community, officially Gibraltar’s Things soon changed. “They came market as a result — including andGamingAssociation,whichissueda street from the west of the to the nearby flea market gainingitslicencethismonth.Continent here for telephone betting, but as that PartyGaming, which had the majority of fresh challenge to the new UK tax in city, lured by the bohemian and street entertainers, who 8 is expanding further into the Rock, growth in was getting established, someone its business in the US, and has since court in March. “All my clients do busi- atmosphere and the flat perform across the street at adding new servers to accommodate gaming realised the internet had been invented,” merged with Bwin. nessaroundtheworld,sowhat’sthelaw whites on sale at Bonanza. Mauerpark, a public space “unprecedented demand” from the says Phill Brear, gambling commissioner. The UK point of consumption tax — aroundtheworld?” A neon squiggle on the that once sat in the no- industry, while major listed companies The internet gave rise to a new world the latest challenge to hit the industry — As legal frameworks evolve, Gibral- bare render shopfront is all man’s-land between East insisttheywillcontinuetoincreasetheir of possibility for gamblers. In the 2000s, was mooted as early as 2010, but has tar’sgamingcompanies willkeepaclose that alerts you to the and West Berlin. presence. Gibraltar’s online gaming community taken about five years to introduce. eye on a shifting world map of regula- presence of Bonanza from On a working day, “We are looking to grow in Gibraltar,” grew. In 2005, the UK Gambling Act, While online operations have climbed, toryrisk.Butonlinegaminghasfornow the street. Inside, the however, the biggest says Jim Mullen, Ladbrokes’ new CEO, which formally recognised online Gibraltar’s real-life gambling scene is wovenitselfintotheterritory’sculture. stripped concrete walls and competition for space at who was visiting his Gibraltar team ear- gaming, was followed by major also growing, albeit not in the purest Gala Coral’s Mr Meehan points out display of glass coffee Bonanza is from bearded lier this month just weeks after his companies including William Hill and bricks-and-mortar sense. The Sunborn thatthemajorityofpeopleinGibraltar’s making devices are tech entrepreneurs. appointment. “The new chief executive Jackpotjoy moving their online Gibraltar, a five-star hotel on a manybarsandpubsseemtobefromthe suggestive of artisan coffee of Ladbrokes will be in Gibraltar every operations to the territory. permanently-moored yacht, is opening industry. “I’m not sure what existed snobbery. But the drinks are Jonathan Moules month,”headds. The industry encountered a major its casino in May. herebefore,”hesays.

APRIL 28 2015 Section:Features Time: 27/4/2015 - 16:57 User: allenk Page Name: BizLife, Part,Page,Edition: LON, 14, 1