Local Government Boundary Commission for England Report No

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Local Government Boundary Commission for England Report No J Local Government Boundary Commission For England Report No. 109 LOCAL GOVERNMENT BOUNDARY COMMISSION FOR ENGLAND REPORT NO. SCU1JTHORFE DISTRICT - AMEHDMENTS TO SCHEDULE 2 OF REPORT NO 109 PAGE 1. PARK EAST WARD • Delete from "southwards ....<> (line 4) to Ground" (line 6) insert : to a point opposite the northwestern corner of the garage west of No 61 Smith Street, thence southwards to and along the western boundary of said garage and the eastern boundary of the Old Show Ground, PAGE 3. KIIJGSWAY EAST WARD Delete "Brumby Wood West Ward" (line l) . insert: Kingsway West Ward PAGE 3. FRODINGE'U-i IIORTH WARD Delete "brumby Wood East Ward" (line 1) insert : Kingsvay East Ward PAGE 4. BRUMBY WEST. WARD Delete from "thence east (lino 12) to .. boundary" (line 14) Insert : thence eastwards along the rear of the properties IJos 229 to 189 Burringham Road to the eastern boundary of No 189, thence southwards along said boundary to the northern boundary of Ho 187 Burringham Road, thence eastwards along said northern boundary and southwards along the eastern boundary of said property PAGE 6. RIDDINGS EAST WARD Delete from "the southern (line l) to <,..,. Bottesford Road" (line 3) Insert : crossing Covert Road and continuing eastwards along the northern boundaries of Nos 32 to 2 Copse Road and Ho 72 Bottesford Road to.Bottesford Road, thence southwards along said road Tc the Rt Hon Roy Jenkins MP •Secretory of State for the Home Department PROPOSALS FOR THE FUTURE ELECTORAL ARRANGEMENTS FOR THE BOROUGH OF SGUNTHORPE IN TH3 COUNTY OF HUMBERSIDE 1. We, the Local Government Boundary Commission for ^n^land, having carried out cur initial review of the electoral arrangements for the borough of Scunthorpe in accordance with the requirements of section 63 of, and schedule 9 to, the Local Government Act 1972, present our proposals for the future electoral arrangements of that borough. 2. In accordance with the procedure prescribed in section 60(1) and (?) of the 1972 Act, notice wns given on 3 June 197^ that we were to undertake this review. This was incorporated in a consultation letter addressed to Scunthorpe Borough Council, copies of which were circulated to HumVrside County Council, themember of Parliament for the constituency concerned and the headquarters of the main pcliticnl pnrties. Copies were nlso sent to the editors of the lcc.nl newspapers circulating in the area nnd of the local government press. Notices inserted in the local press announced the start of the review nnd invited comments from members of the public and interested bodies. 3. Scunthorpe Borough Council were invited to prepare a draft scheme of representation for our ccnsiderntion. When doing so, they were .•isked to nbncrve the rules laid down in Schedule 11 to the Local Gcverninent Act 197?, nncl the guidelines which we sot out in our Report No. 6 about the proposed number of councillors for each ward. They wore nlso nsked to tnke into iccount any views expressed to them following their con.sultnticn with 1 oenl interests. V/e therefore asked th.-rt; they should publish details of their provisional proposals about a month before they submitted their draft scheme to us, thus allowing nn opportunity for local comment, k. The Council h'ive passed a resolution under Section 7(4)(b) of the Local Government Act 1972 requesting a system of election by thirds, 5. On 30 October, Scunthorpe Borough Council presented their draft nchcme of representation. The Council proposed to divide the area of the borough into 16 wards, each returning 2 or 3 councillors, to form n council of ifO. 6. V/e received no comments on the Council's draft scheme. 7. V/o considered the draft scheme submitted by the Borough Council, v/e noted that the scheme complied with the rules in Schedule 11 to the Locnl Government Act 1972 and our own guidelines and we considered that it provided a satisfactory basis of representation for the district, "/e decided to delete the numbers from the proposed ward names and to re- nnme '.Vast No. 1 North and V/est Ho. 2 South wards as Brumby 7ood '-Vest and Brumby V.'ocd "East wards respectively. We then formulated our draft proposals accordingly. 8. On 30 June 1975 we issued our draft proposals and these were sent •to nil who had received our consultation letter. The Council were •inked tn m-ike those draft proposals, and the accompanying map which Jefinod the proposed ward boundaries, available for inspection at thoir main offices. Representations on our draft proposals were .invited from those to whom thoy worn circulated and, by public notices, from :nombors of the public and interested bodies. V/e naked that rny comments should roach un by 2? August 1975. 9. The Borough Council suggested alternative names for the proposed Brumby Y/ood Snnt and Brumby Wood West wards, and proposed a slight amendment to the boundary between the Lincoln Gardens 'East and Ashby Ur-in^o West words to contain the whole of a new housing development in the Lincoln Gardens Earat ward. V/e also received comments suggesting 2. that the boundary between the Brumby Hast and Brumby West wards should be; changed in order to avoid dividing a housing- estates .in. addition we received comments from a political association suggesting an alternative pattern of wards in the western part of the borough. 10. V/e reviewed our draft proposals in the light of these comments. Y/G decided to accept the Borough Council's suggestion that Brumby V/ood Ifost and Brumby V/ood "'est wards should be renamed Kingsway Sast and Kingsway Y/est respectively and we also agreed that the boundary- between Lincoln Gardens tfast and Ashby Grange V/est wards should be realigned. V/e also decided to accept the suggested realignment of the boundary between the Brumby East and Brumby '/Vest wards. We then formulated our final proposals accordingly. With regard to the remaining suggestion, we preferred the wards in our draft proposals, 11. Details of the final proposals are set out in Schedules 1 and 2 to this report nnd nn the attached map. Schedule 1 gives the names of the wards and the number of councillors to be returned by each word and Schedule 2 shows the order of retirement of councillors. The boundaries of the new wards nre defined on the map. PUBLICATION 12. In accordance with Section 60(5)(b) of the Local Government Act 1972, n copy of this report and 9 copy of the map are being sent to Hcunthorpe Borough Council and will be made available for public inspection at the Council's main offices. Copies of this report (without map) are a"I.r-;o biing sent tr those who received the consulta- tion letter and tr. thone who made comments. A detailed description of the boundaries of thn proposed wards as defined on the map is set i;ut in Schedule 3 to this report. 3. L.S. Signed: Ecl'nund Compton (Chnirman) John M Rankin (.'Deputy Chnirman) Diana Albemnrle T G Benfield Michnel Ghisholm Andrew "'hentley P B Young • DnviJ R Smith (decretory) 23 OCTOBER 1975. SCHEDULE 1 NAME OF V/ARD NO. OF COUWCILLOB5 Ashby Grange East 2 Ashby Grnngej West 3 Brumby East 2 Brumby V/est 3 Crosby Town North' 2 Crosby Town South 3 Frodinghrim North 3 Frodinghnm South 2 Kingswny E.nst 2 Kingswoy V/ost 3 Lincoln Gardenn Rast 2 Lincoln Gardens 7/est 3 Pnrk Knat 3 Park V/est 2 Biddings East 2 Riddinga \Vest 3 SCHEDULE 2 BOROUGH OF SCUNTHORPE ELECTION BY THIRDS ORDKR OF Ri/PIRJ-JMlM RETIREMENT IIO.OF COUNCILLORS 1ST YSAR 2ND YEAR 'Aehby Grange West 3 1 1 1 4&hby Grange East 2 1 1 - Brumby West 3 1 1 1 Brumby Kast 2 1 - 1 Crosby Town South 3 1 1 i Crosby Town North 2 1 1 - Frodinghnm North 3 1 1 1 Krodingham South 2 1 1 - Lincoln Gardens West 3 1 1 1 Lincoln Gardens East 2 '- 1 1 Park East 3 1 1 1 Park West 2 1 1 - Biddings West 3 1 1 1 Riddingc Eact 2 1 1 - TCiia^jnway West 3 1 1 1 2 • V4 1 1 Kingsway East Totals 13 1* 13 f * .• SCHEDULE 3 B6ROUOH OF SCUNTHORPE : DESCRIPTION OF WARDS PARK WEST WARD Commencing on the western boundary o.f the District at its junction with Doncaster Road; thence northwards and following said District "boundary to a point opposite the drain running alon;>; the norths5.de 'of Parcel Nos 2461". 4159 and 5765 on 05 1:2500 Plan SE8G/3913 "ftition of 1964; thence eastwards to and alon^ said drain, southeastwards alon& Park Farm Road, southwestwards along Flixborough Footpath and generally westwards along the most northerly > and westerly boundaries of properties on the northern and western sides of Buckingham Avenue and Crosby Avenue and the most northerly and westerly boundaries of the properties on the northern and western sides of Skippin^dale Road and Portman Road and continuing westwards and southwards along the northern and rear boundaries of Nos 95 to 1 Foxhills Road and the northern and western boundaries of the Cocked Hat Public House, crossing Ferry Road and continuing southwards along Avenue Vivian; southwestwards along Hempdyke Road, northwestwards along the northeastern boundary of No 75 Hempdyke Road, southwestwards and southwards along the rear boundaries of the properties on the west side of Hempdyke Road, the rear boundaries of Noa 11 to 1 Farthing Avenue and Nos 129 and 127 Jackson Road, westwards along the northern boundary of No 29 The Cliff and the property known as Tatras, southwards along Sherwood Vale and westwards along Doncaster Road to the point of commencement.
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