Seite 2 l L-AWP 2010 Provincial Waste Management Plan Styria 2010 unanimously agreed by the Styrian Provincial Government 17 May 2010 Volume 17 of information series Waste and Material Flow Management Owner and editor: Styrian Provincial Government Specialised Division 19D – Waste and Material Flow Management 8010 Graz, Bürgergasse 5a AUSTRIA Phone: +43 (0)316 877-4323 Fax: +43 (0)316 877-2416 Email:
[email protected] Head: Hofrat Dipl.-Ing. Dr. Wilhelm Himmel (Sustainability Coordinator) Project management and compilation: Mag. Dr. Ingrid Winter (FA19D) Phone: +43 (0)316 877-5931 Email:
[email protected] Picture copyright: FA19D Data source Styria maps: Styrian Provincial Government, Abteilungsgruppe Landesbaudirektion – Stabsstelle Geoinformation (LBD-GI) English version: FA19D FA19D 50.01-05/2008-059-4 1.12.2010 Translation: Mag. Claudia Lanschützer Note for citation: Styrian Provincial Government (ed.): Federal Waste Management Plan 2010. Graz, 2010. The L-AWP 2010 is available for download in PDF format at Seite 4 l L-AWP 2010 – Preface Preface Natural resources – notably water, food and energy – are the central issues to be dealt with in the 21st century. This means that i) we have to find more economic and more efficient ways to use our resources; ii) we have to strengthen regional economic structures and iii) we have to change our life-style. If we fail to use our resources in an efficient way, the cost of our living will literally outgrow our expectations. While natural resources are limited, the number of people is growing, and so is the consumption of nature and its resources.