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Aug. 22, 1950 J. H. SIMONs 2,519,983 ELECTROCHEMICAL PROCESS OF MAKING FLUORINE-CONTAINING CARBON-COMPOUNDS Filed Nov. 29, 1948 Aaaaf cozierzser Mésozzye77 soain? (7%aracaravoas, ef.) v%2/22 Avaazrae 23, 32 canaerzser /zctor 47?r 26-29/37 Mérvive ar 22seous meet sales arvava?s Ayaayer rariae Zawa air eferry a2^6Aarza7 a.4/ A %2 - Zia Z Ya?ade 3/. 27-M -472c/zózsas Ce// -Zawaayaaye777%rae so/2//a/7 conv2z/7/47 M N arzmie starfiry compound 67as 72eer //aviaowfief proa/cts for Zzzerzzor 344,42.277zaz75 Patented Aug. 22, 1950 2519,983 - UNITED STATES PATENT OFFICE 2,519,983 ELECTROCEMICAL PROCESS OF MAKNG FJOR NE-CONTAINING CARBON COM POUNDS Joseph H. Simons, State College, Pa., assignor to Minnesota Mining & Manufacturing Company, St. Paul, Minn, a corporation of Delaware Application November 29, 1948, Serial No. 62,496 20 Claims, (C. 204-62) This application is a continuation-in-part of ditives to permit of electrolyzing liquid hydrogen my copending application Ser. No. 677,407 (filled fluoride solutions thereof admixed with rela June 17, 1946), since abandoned. The latter was tively insoluble organic starting compounds, such filed as a continuation-in-part of the following as alkanes, which do not provide adequate con prior applications which thereafter were aban ductivity. Pure anhydrous liquid hydrogen fluo doned in its favor: Ser. Nos. 384,729 (filed March ride, per se, is non-conductive. The electrolyte 22, 1941), 569,265 (filed December 21, 1944), and is free from water in more than a small pro 626,434 (filed November 2, 1945).
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