
I.S. Vasilyeva. USA, and Essential Focus on Strategic 161

UDC 004.056.5

I.S. Vasilyeva

USA, China and Essential Focus on Strategic Cyberwarfare

The current dependence of the information and cyber component has made our civilization much more vulnerable. The speed and wide dissemination of information technologies and networks have caused a tremendous increase in informa- tion and cybernetic arms power. With the growing role of cyberwarfare in the international politics, leadership in cyber sphere is one of the main ways to achieve national strategies. Being geopolitical opponents in reaching superiority in world – USA and China are the key leaders in of cyberwarfare. In the paper the definition, initial pri- orities of cyberwarfare, along with development of the cyber strategies of USA and China, their balance of power and future coexistence are revealed. Keywords: cyberwarfare, security, USA, China, national strategies, cyber command, . doi: 10.21293/1818-0442-2017-20-3-161-166

Introduction – What Is Cyberwarfare? and methods, from monitoring the mass media to the The rapid development of informatization world- most sophisticated ones, including wide, specifically in the USA and China, and its pene- and technical reconnaissance. The bet is on «smart» tration into all spheres of the vital interests of an indi- guided by , microwave bombs and vidual, society and state, has undoubtedly brought not drones [3]. According to , «it's now clear only advantages, but also led to the emergence of a that this cyber is one of the most serious eco- number of significant problems. The urgent necessity of nomic and challenges we face». protecting information along with being protected from In the arena of information/cyber confrontation, we it has become one of them. When economic due to now see not just national states but also blocks of coun- the integration of national economies become too dan- tries united by common international political interests. gerous and unprofitable, global conflict is ca- Thus, the necessary resources (material, technical, hu- pable of leading to the of all life on the plan- man, intellectual) can be in completely different parts of et. The acquires new directions and qualities: in- the world, but work perfectly as one single organism for formation warfare with a great thirst for comfort in it providing information and cyberwarfare. The role of and cyberwarfare. Today information resources have cyberwarfare in international politics is growing every become the wealth of a country, like its minerals, pro- year. The image aspect is especially significant. Cyber, duction and human resources. Considering that eco- information and psychological factors will be the most nomic potential is increasingly defined by the level of important in world politics. However, cyberwarfare af- development of the cyber structure, the potential vulner- fects not only the mass consciousness, but also the deci- ability of the economy to information and cyber influ- sion-making process of the world's political elite. There- ences grows in proportion. fore, the results of cyber confrontation have real finan- The amount of cyberwarfare financing demon- cial, economic and geopolitical consequences for states. strates that leadership in this sphere is considered one of Advances in technology, ongoing geopolitical the main ways to achieve national strategies. Cyberwar- transformation, and an increasing number of economic fare is not some hazy futurology sector but a real «dis- and social developments can radically alter the realities cipline» which is being studied and developed, gaining of today. The range of possible scenarios is wide and more and more secretive, deeper forms. There is no of- difficult (or impossible) to predict. In such circum- ficial definition of cyberwarfare yet, thus the one cre- stances, the central problem is, therefore, the develop- ated by RAND Corporation will be used: «cyberwarfare ment of the direction that will effectively respond to any involves the actions ( or defensive) by a na- scenario. It determines the need for constant adaptation tion-state or international organization to attack and of forces to the tendency. attempt to damage another nation's computers or infor- Who Is In Charge Of Cyberwarfare? mation networks through, for example, computer vi- Today, the strategic geopolitical advantage and ruses or denial-of-service attacks» [1]. In addition, the economic prosperity of any country is mostly dependent Department of Defense (DoD) defines on the degree of its involvement in the cyber sphere. cyberwarfare as «an armed conflict conducted in whole Cyber is an essential basis for making decisions in pro- or part by cyber means. Military operations conducted to duction, objects of civil and military infrastructures, deny an opposing force the effective use of cyberspace public authorities and daily life. systems and weapons in a conflict. It includes cyberat- In comparison with other countries, the United tack, cyber defense, and cyber enabling actions». [2]. States (US) has a significant advantage in the field of Achieving success in any war, above all in the cy- the development and use of information and telecom- ber one, is impossible without the availability of reliable munication technologies, and has the highest level of information and intelligence. For these purposes, for- computerization. Based on established practice, the US eign intelligence services use a variety of techniques consolidates the dominant positions not only in the po-

Доклады ТУСУРа, том 20, № 3, 2017 162 УПРАВЛЕНИЕ, ВЫЧИСЛИТЕЛЬНАЯ ТЕХНИКА И ИНФОРМАТИКА litical, economic and military spheres, but also in the dinate the activities of cyberwarfare among other units, global information/cyber infrastructure. This informa- as well as other branches of government and commer- tion/cyber dominance produces an ironic asymmetry. cial organizations which participate in the network secu- The United States is both powerful and vulnerable. rity. However, in most cases the main manpower of Cy- The main strategic US priority is to be active in cy- ber Command deals with the four major US services berspace in order to secure world leadership. After all, it (Army, Navy, Air Force, Marine Corps). is the US which annually sustains enormous losses from Out of the four services, the US Air Force is the and leaks of commercial information. The most experienced in matters of cyberwarfare. Back in US openly bets on cyberwarfare techniques to achieve 2008, the Air Force planned to formally establish its superiority in cyberspace and the conservation of lead- own Cyber Command, which was to exceed the capac- ership positions in the 21st century. The signals intelli- ity and ability of the «ordinary» Cyber Command. This gence collection and analysis network «Echelon», new organization of the Air Force was supposed to offi- «Prizm», «NarusInsight», etc. are the key components cially begin it work at the end of 2008. Instead, the main and great «helpers». Special counsel and the sixth Di- was sent to the new nuclear command. This change rector of FBI, Robert Mueller, said that in the near fu- was made in response to the growing (at the time) prob- ture cyber threats can potentially be equated, and can lem of the Air Force's nuclear weapons. Despite this, the even surpass the threat posed by . Air Force continued to try to create a new cyber com- The US continues to improve the concept of cyber mand and use it to gain full control over the conduct of and information warfare. The main direction is in ex- cyberwarfare. Back then, other services were not so panding the applicability of techniques and methods of interested in cyberwarfare, which eventually led to the this warfare. The US divides actors in cyberwarfare into creation of the 24th Air Force, which deals with cyber four types: hackers, groups, terrorist and . Following the example of the organizations/networks, and advanced state/nation. In Air Force, the US Army has also created a cyber com- early 2013, the US Cyber Command (USCYBERCOM) mand. About 21,000 soldiers were withdrawn from the announced the formation of offensive cyber divisions, electronic and intelligence units in order to form the US the number of which reached 40 in 2015. By the end of Army Cyber Command (ARCYBER), which was 2017, it will be split into more than 60 cyber defensive founded in 2010 and became fully operational in 2012. divisions, which will provide a defensive function. Each In 2009, the US Navy created the Information Domi- team will have a combination of experienced engineers, nance Corps and in 2010 it formed the 10th Fleet of the software (including civilian contractors) and staff with US Navy with more than 40,000 IT staff. While the more specific skills. US Cyber Command receives a usual Cyber Command is focusing on exploration and huge budget from the state, and has contacts all over the , the Navy Cyber Command also in- world. Most of these teams (40 offensive and 60 defen- cludes data related to meteorology and oceanography. sive) will be assigned to other commands (for example, The Navy called up about 45,000 talented sailors and to the US Navy special forces), but about 13 (according civilians, the majority of whom were reorganized in the to open-source information) will be used for retaliation 10th Fleet. One thousand new positions were created, in the case of an attack on the US [5–7]. mainly for the 10th Fleet. All this has given the Navy a Cyber Command became operational in late 2010, more powerful and secure position in cyberspace. The and is still working. Only in 2013, after multiple techni- US Marine Corps also created its Cyber Command in cal, legal and political issues, they have reached the 2010, consisting of approximately 800 employees, « to operate» agreement. The year before, which should ensure the safety of the Marine network the US Congress approved a new law that allows the [10–12]. Ministry of Defense to conduct offensive operations of The participation of the US administration in the an information-cybernetic nature, in response to cyber- development of the area and the security of cyberspace attacks on the US [6–8]. The US military is now al- was first noted in the released National Strategy for lowed to wage war in cyberspace. The new law requires 2003. Cybersecurity policy in the US continues to de- that all the rules that apply to conventional war also velop and has already changed; now the emphasis is not apply to cyberwar. This includes the international law of on non-state terrorist actions and state actors (in the armed conflict (to prevent war crimes and unacceptable framework of the National Security Strategy, 2010). behavior in general) and the US resolution on the right Also, in May 2011, the United States released its Inter- of declaration of the war (which requires obtaining the national Strategy for Cyberspace, which clarifies and permission of the US Congress within 90 days after unifies American attitudes towards international part- entry into the war). Also in 2013, the US Department of ners in matters of cybersecurity [6]. Defense announced that nuclear weapons could be used The character of US policy led to the fact that the as a response to a . However, it should be processes of development of the cyber strategy and ac- noted that, for example, the NSA doesn’t have all these tion plans have been fragmented. However, currently restrictions because it is an intelligence agency [9]. there is a wide network of national plans that set cyber Meanwhile, there are some problems with finding standards and goals. In April 2015, the DoD Cyber qualified people to carry out attacks and counterattacks. Strategy was updated and published. The original DoD US Cyber Command has small organizations that coor- Strategy for Operating in Cyberspace was published in

Доклады ТУСУРа, том 20, № 3, 2017 I.S. Vasilyeva. USA, China and Essential Focus on Strategic Cyberwarfare 163 July 2011. In June 2015, the US Department of Defense Active youth are the most welcomed, especially included a chapter dedicated to cyberwarfare in the DoD users. Thus, the main priority is the strategic course on Manual. Attention to the debate about cyber concept development of the effective use of cyberwar- threats and cyberwarfare continues to grow. Institutions fare to achieve main political and economic targets. and the administration continue to lobby Congress for China is currently executing a patient and deceptive regulation and the adoption of a comprehensive cyber form of cyberwarfare designed to advance its economic security strategy. In April 2015, the US DoD published state, maintain its national unity, significantly improve the latest Cyber Strategy; here are the five pillars of the its technological and military capabilities, and increase US for cyberwarfare [13]: its regional and global influence with minimal or no 1. Build and maintain ready forces and capabilities fighting and without alarming the West, using cyberwar- to conduct cyberspace operations. fare based on its strategic heritage to achieve its national 2. Defend the DoD information network, secure interests [15]. DoD data, and mitigate risks to DoD missions. The Chinese military already has a cyber army, 3. Be prepared to defend the U.S. homeland and whose population is growing at an incredible rate. It has U.S. vital interests from disruptive or destructive cyber- created a huge number of academies, colleges and uni- attacks of significant consequence. versities with extensive training courses that are aimed 4. Build and maintain viable cyber options and plan at preparing information and cyber units. These units to use those options to control conflict escalation and to plus voluntary organizations and the Golden Shield (In- shape the conflict environment at all stages. ternet censors and monitors) cooperate closely with 5. Build and maintain robust international alliances each other, providing China with unimaginable oppor- and partnerships to deter shared threats and increase tunities in cyberwarfare [16]. Together, they can conduct international security and stability. a huge attack and have great defensive potential. No The new US cyberwarfare strategy that was an- other country has anything like that yet. nounced by on April 2015 says, «as a mat- In the opinion of commanders of the People's Lib- ter of principle, the United States will seek to exhaust all eration Army of China (PLA), one of the key factors network defense and law enforcement options to miti- that has a significant impact on conflict resolution is gate any potential cyber risk to the U.S. homeland or superiority over opponents in cyberspace. If we talk U.S. interests before conducting a cyberspace - about what the PLA is from the point of view of the tion» [13]. But it also adds that «there may be times organization of the army, it’s divided into divisions, when the president or the secretary of defense may de- each responsible for one thing: electronic warfare, elec- termine that it would be appropriate for the U.S. mili- tronic defense, intelligence gathering and cyber opera- tary to conduct cyberoperations to disrupt an adver- tions. Despite the separation of duties, the Chinese mili- sary’s military related networks or infrastructure so that tary is well-equipped and staffed. The PLA General the U.S. military can protect U.S. interests in an area of Staff Department Third Department (Department of operations. For example, the United States military Technical Intelligence, Jishu Zhencha Bu) is responsible might use cyberoperations to terminate an ongoing con- for technology exploration, as well as data collection flict on U.S. terms, or to disrupt an adversary’s military and analysis, and provides communication security for systems to prevent the use of force against U.S. inter- the PLA [17–19]. It's often compared to the US NSA. ests» [13]. So far, most American on ene- The Fourth Department (Department of Electronic War- mies have been covert operations, but now the door fare and Electronic Countermeasures) is responsible for seems to be open for preventive cyberattacks [14]. The offensive operations in the electronic warfare and coun- new strategy also explicitly names China, , termeasures exercise. and as the countries most likely to pose a For more than a decade, the PLA has been studying cyber threat to the US [13]. US military publications on the network war (and now On a level with the US, China is another world cyberwarfare) and doctrines of information warfare. leader in charge of cyberwarfare. In the coming dec- After observing the American information operations in ades, this nation appears to hold the greatest potential the Balkans and the first Gulf War, the PLA has seen the for developing into a real rival to the United States. The effect of modern information operations on the - strengthening of China, obviously, will lead to a new field and the international arena. Then, the PLA began configuration of geostrategic forces in the world, i.e., a to design its own form of information warfare. [17, 20] new structure of international relations [5]. The un- Over the past 25 years, the Chinese military adopted the avoidability of the future geopolitical confrontation with concept of information warfare appropriate for its or- the United States demands that the Chinese leaders be ganization and doctrine, mixing its traditional tactics, carefully prepared for cyber operations under modern military approaches of the USSR and the US doctrine conditions. It should be said that cyber geopolitics is the for the introduction of the PLA in the . most restricted in China. They pay a lot of attention to the At the same time, the PLA modernized to improve its development of mass media and the Chinese Internet. own military and psychological operations and ex- China is actively promoting the concept of a Spe- panded the role of its research centers. cial Forces network (battalion-sized units), which China's is dependent on informa- should consist of highly qualified computer experts. tion technology and cyber operations. The operational

Доклады ТУСУРа, том 20, № 3, 2017 164 УПРАВЛЕНИЕ, ВЫЧИСЛИТЕЛЬНАЯ ТЕХНИКА И ИНФОРМАТИКА concept of the PLA for conventional intelligence and search in the IT sector. It extensively collaborates with electronic warfare has been extended to cyberwarfare; leading academic institutions and research organizations kinetic and cyberattacks aimed at satellites; and infor- in the field of «critical technologies.» As a result of this mation warfare. Along with these technical aspects of interaction, China has access to advanced research, Information Operations, the PLA combines them with technologies and telecommunication systems that can be psychological and media war operations. Understanding used for military and dual purposes. The most remark- the concepts of new PLA strategy is important for the able fact that highlights the possibility of Chinese ex- US and other allied military leaders. perts hacking well-protected networks is separate opin- «Cold cyberwar» and balance of power ions about Chinese involvement in the penetration of the U.S. military experts have recently come out with Pentagon network, when one of the main computer net- official accusations against Beijing, catching them in the works was paralyzed (in the US, this series of cyberat- creation of tools for organizing cyberattacks and devel- tacks is called «») [21-23]. oping viruses as well as supporting special IT-troops, China «sees» objective cyber factors that help including hackers who occasionally commit diversion achieve a balance of power with rival parties. More im- activities against other states [21]. This activity is a part portantly, a key factor in cyberspace is its invisibility. of Chinese military foreign policy. In addition, many in The demonstration of power in the cyber world is dif- the American defense community worry that China’s ferent from forces with tanks. Therefore, comparison growing presence in the manufacturing sector provides with the old boundaries is no longer appropriate. The it with plenty of opportunities for mischief which they combination of the objective factors of cyberspace and may not be shy to take advantage of. In fact, the analy- strategic thinking has allowed China to increase its digi- sis of Chinese-made chips (which were used in many tal capacity. China launched cyber intelligence and es- systems, including weapons, nuclear power, public pionage a long ago, and today China's cyber activity transport, etc.) conducted by American specialists in the [24, 26] aims to develop a strategic advantage. IT sphere has shown that they contained malicious code The US must resist the growing Chinese intelli- that was placed by the manufacturer and that was able to gence. China's cyber strategic advantage can lead to the remove cryptographic protection from main chips as a use of cyber sabotage operations against the major pow- means of changing the key and getting ac- ers. Following are three points of China's strategy, cess to an unencrypted flow of information or to even which can be identified as the most problematic for US disable it. In addition, according to the researchers, this cybersecurity: kind of beetle can be used as a and as a sort of 1) China hopes to receive information via cyber re- advanced version of a well-known . connaissance of enemy systems, manipulation and in- In May 2012, in the annual report of the US De- fluence on the perception of the technology of oppo- partment of Defense on the PLA (in the US Congress), nents – in other words, to obtain a cyber strategic ad- it was pointed out that China's telecommunication com- vantage. panies, such as Huawei, Datang, and Zhongxing (ZTE), 2) China understands that if the country is in a state have links to the Chinese government and the PLA. Al- of crisis, it can be used as a strategic advantage. There- so, General James Cartwright said that China had cyber fore, cyber exclusion and reconnaissance will be in- reconnaissance and mapping of public and private com- cluded in subversive (sabotage) activities. puter networks necessary for carrying out cyberattacks 3) After the discovery of vulnerabilities, China can and has the ability to incapacitate critical infrastructure make the cyber/information technological systems of and military control of the US. Chairman of the Joint any potential enemy useless, and use the resulting bene- Committee of the US Joint Chiefs of Staff, General fits to create a full-scale cyber offensive. Martin Dempsey, urged China to cooperate with trans- According to US research, China now captures ter- parency and an exchange of technology. abytes of data from cyber-information systems of for- In 2013, President Obama discussed US concerns eign nations by sensing intelligence. China has devel- about cyber espionage with Vice Premier Wang Yang oped ready-to-use offensive cyber and national defense and Foreign Minister of China Yang Jiechi. US Secre- organizations. Defense and attack are key components tary of Defense Chuck Hagel stressed the necessity of of cyber strategy. In contrast to this, the US is at a sig- cooperating in cyberspace. In March 2014, Chuck Hagel nificant disadvantage; the vulnerabilities of US infra- said that the number of US cyber professionals will be structures have been already documented by the PLA. tripled [21]. Frequent attacks on the part of Chinese China is able to contain and potentially win over the US hackers on the information systems of US companies and any other country in cyberspace. have even become the subject of a conversation between However, despite all the accusations that China is a Barack Obama and Xi Jinping. The damage from Chi- major source of various online attacks (and not only nese economic espionage is valued at more than $300 against the United States), officials declare that they will billion; some media have already named this «cold cy- cooperate with the further development of mechanisms berwar» [22]. of cyber defense and control over cybercrime. Both China has a very high scientific potential, qualified countries have greatly moved forward in the progress of and experienced staff, and the modern material re- technological solutions and a joint fight against cyber- sources that are necessary to successfully carry out re- crime that will help prevent a global crisis in this area.

Доклады ТУСУРа, том 20, № 3, 2017 I.S. Vasilyeva. USA, China and Essential Focus on Strategic Cyberwarfare 165 Obama and the president of China, Xi Jinping, reached communication revolution with the geostrategic infor- a mutual agreement that both countries won’t commit mation/cyber antagonism between leading countries of cyberattacks or commit intellectual property theft the world for achieving superiority in world cyberspace. through the Internet [5]. Earlier, Chinese authorities had It is time to strengthen our defenses against this growing angrily reacted to the statement by the US Director of danger to avoid the awful future! As Julian Borger said: National Intelligence, James R. Clapper, about hacker «cyberwarfare: the great wild card that can turn the attacks and asked to stop «unreasonably blam[ing] them world’s most advanced technology against itself with a for that». few well-placed lines of code» [26]. 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Доклады ТУСУРа, том 20, № 3, 2017