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The Moon, Issue 2, December-January 2006

DIT Journalism Society

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Issue 2 December - January 2006 +

_2_N_e_w_s Dec_e_m_ber_-J_an_u_ary_2006__-=---.__ L

by HughCasey pay), but I am annoyed, I did­ n't expect to get this kind of A number of DIT lecturers grieffrom staff'. are refusing to pay subscrip­ The DIT gym is funded ex­ tion fees to the on-campus clusively by student capita­ gym at Kevin Street, The tion fees, and annual mem­ Moon has learned. bership rates are approxi­ Approximately 6 lecturers mately 85% cheaper than lo­ want to use the facilities but cal commercial gyms. don't want to pay the annual "We've also heard oflectur­ 70 membership fee. Talks ers telling students not to pay have taken place at a senior to help their cause. I think it's level in DITadministration to a disgrace. I'm employed to resolve the issue, but their re­ look after the sporting inter­ sult is still unknown. ests of the students, not the Herbie McClelland, the DIT staff' said MrMcClelland, "If sports officer, is eager to we can't run this little gym up point out that it's a minority here, I don't see how we're ofstaff. "We had 122 people going to manage with the sign up, and it's only a hand­ 20million complex up in ful of people (refusing to Grangegorman".

By Rebecca TocId O'Dea said that e met will be holding discussions to minimise the risk of Islamic extremists being Jt'lII!Il.lplll­ form tD.....b1nla1l1e

organisation. It was clear to DIT. me that most ofthe issues But this time I telt dift'er.. '_U~_ oa r_lIII1 aDd m­ The USI held a special con­ the USI focused on were of endy. I thiDt that of tea"mallSSUeS. Some col- gress in Dublin on Saturday little relevance to the stu­ of ,.-,....-tanational umon November 26th to vote on dents I know. I felt the wel­ that 0 professionallCllV­ several constitutional amend­ fare ofthe students ofIre­ lyurm_. ice and proper represen18tion ments. land was second in impor­ prob to its students - on studeDt is- This was my second time tance to furthering the inter- The USI an organisation attending congress. My first ofsome left-wing politi­ without a purpose, or rather It' DOt possible to do experience was last May, and cal groups. The views ex­ it is an orgamsation with tpo with the resources available left me wondering uDIT pressedby the USI did not many pmposes. Some col- The question for USI, and students really belonged to repraeat my or leges want a . UDion for ': Which onc? such a politically motivated views ofany I know in will Uti- + __ December - January 2006 Wacky News 3

Putting the libe al in lib ral December - January 2006 News 4 Budget 2005 delivers 1 billion euro for colleges

By Cian Fitzsimons

rian Cowen's Budget bid for university status with­ 2005 has delivered a in the next five years. Bpackage of over one The termination of tax re­ billion euro for the third level lieffor those investing in stu­ sector, making a return offees dent accommodation was unlikely in the near future. criticised by the mTSU Pres­ The Minister announced a ident. "At a time when stu­ 900 million euro package for dents are still encountering capital projects at third level great difficulty in getting a over the next five years, along reasonable standard of ac­ with a 300 million euro mod­ commodation this decision is ernisation fund. difficult to understand," he Colleges will be rewarded said. for reform, rationalisation and USI President Tony Mc cost efficiencies. The money Donnell raised concerns is likely to be directed to­ about the possibility of a wards areas prioritised by the commercial agenda being Government - facilities for forced upon third level col­ science, technology and re­ leges. He declared that "USI search. ...await with concern the DIT is "in a good position Minister for Education's an­ to take advantage of these nouncement on the break­ measures through our im­ down ofthe proposed capital Iranian government deny pending move to Grangegor­ spending and how this will al­ man", said mTSU President located." Bob Coggins. The Book of DIT President Brian Nor­ Baha'f students an education Estimates for Education has ton welcomed the funding, allocated one million euro to saying "DIT plans to partici­ the establishment and admin­ pate fully in both of these By Sarah Plckett istration of the Grangegor­ funding initiatives. DIT, as a man Development Agency. doctoral awarding body, will s Irish third level stu­ There are four recognised it showed disregard to their re­ dark days ofpersecution were Increased competition participate in the develop­ religions in Iran; Muslim, ligious beliefs accordingly, dents struggle over the at last coming to an end but among the colleges for fund­ ment ofwhat the Minister has proposed introduction A Christian, Jew and Zoroastri­ were denied enrolment to col­ the Iranian government has ing means DIT "needs to ex­ called the 'fourth level' in ofthird level fees, some Iran­ an. For these the prospects lege. continued to pursue its dis­ pand the levels of research Irish higher education, and ian students face battle to re­ are many, while for this mi­ The 800 BaM'is who took criminatory policy for the within the college". Coggins we will be looking inparticu­ ceive an education. While nority of300,000, higher edu­ the exam were excluded from 2ooSI06 academic year. continued. He also revealed lar at areas DIT has a technology is developing at an cation is a mere dream. Iran­ university, in the 2004/0S ac­ By mid-August 200S hun­ that DIT could be making a unique contribution to make." incredible rate, the basic ian authorities made it known ademic year, by means ofthis dreds ofBaba'ls had received rights of the human beings that BaM'is would be allowed ploy. The denial ofeducation their university examination seem to be ignored. to attend colleges, but only if to Iran's largest religious mi­ results with, once again, "Is­ "Everyone has the right to they renounced their faith. nority seems to be the latest in lam" designated as the reli­ DITSU and USIT about education..... and higher edu­ This would again appear to be a series ofsystematic persecu­ gious orientation ofthe Baba'l cation shall be equally acces­ in violation ofarticle 16 ofthe tions ofthe Baba'is. Since the students. to make J1 deal sible to all on the basis ofmer­ UN Declaration. coming to power ofthe Revo­ The Irish BaM'i communi­ it." Well that seems to be the The principles oftheir faith lutionary Government, more ty along with governments, By Clan Fltzslmons opinion of one United Na­ ( prevent than 200 BaM'ls have been academics and concerned cit­ tion's in article 26 of their them from misrepresenting killed, hundreds imprisoned, izens throughout the world nitial plans have been In return, DITSU will re­ Universal Declaration of Hu­ themselves as a member of thousands have had property have and are continuing to made by DITSU to link up ceive a commission style man Rights. any other faith, just for con­ orbusinesses confiscated, lost voice their concern against the I with student travel compa­ payment based onthe number Foryoung BaM'is in the Is­ venience sake. In recent times their jobs, and/or had their denial ofthird level education nyUSIT. ofDIT students who sign up lamic Republic of Iran this the Iranian government ap­ government pensioDs termi­ to Baba'i students. Baba'ls as As part ofa major drive by for a JI visa with USIT. OIT­ has not been a reality. Since peared to offer BaM'i students nated. a principle oftheir faith accept USIT to become more direct­ SU President Bob Coggins 1979, the government of Iran access to higher education in BaM'l holy sites and ceme­ the tnlth in all religions. They ly involved with individual said that in his opinion, USIT has systematically deprived an attempt to pacify interna­ teries have also been targeted. lookforward to the day when colleges, they will have a di­ provides the best level of its' members of the right to tional human rights monitors. Many have been destroyed they will enjoy the same rect link on the OITSU web­ service among ]I visa higher education. The govern­ Baba'i students were told and the community's elected rights extended to the other site, as well as being given a providers. ment has also impeded Baba'l they could participate in na­ administrative structure has major faiths in the land of far greater level ofaccess to However, questions have efforts to establish their own tional university entrance ex­ been dismantled. BaM'is have their birth, especially in the OIT studeD . This will take been raised about the legiti­ institutions ofhigher learning. aminations. Following the re­ been denied a host of other areaofeducation. the form ofvisits to the col­ macy ofthe decision for the This has had the effect ofsup­ lease of results in August rights, ranging from freedom This blatant contempt to­ leges, including a proposed union to prioritise one com­ pressing the BaM'l communi­ 2004, the Baba'is had been ofmovement to simple inher­ wards the Baba'is is appalling visit to one ofthe OIT sites by mercial company above oth­ ty in Iran, ultimately leading falsely registered as Muslims. itance rights. but only time will tell iftheir the American ambassador to ers without adequate student to its demise. BaM'is ultimately refused, as Many had hoped that these plight falls on deafears. Ireland. consultation. Sudoku Easy Medium Hard

2 1 3

8 December - January 2006 Editorial and Letters 5

Christmas time on The Moon

Hi everyone and welcome back to The Moon! The feedback we've been getting from peo­ ple over the past month has been a great help to us, and I'd like to thank everyone who let us know what they thought. We are still looking for contributors, so whether you have experience writing articles or not, send us a mail and we'll get you involved! Last week's budget finally had some good news for students. The announcement ofa mas­ sive injection ofcash into the third level sector gives a great boost to all colleges in Ireland. Hopefully DlT win mange to take advantage of the money on offer, and use it to continue to make progress toward gaining well-deserved university status. The OIT gym in Kevin Street has been providing fantastic value for money for both staff and students since its opening. Compared to the prices charged by local fitness centres, 70 euro a year IS a milHscule amount to have to pay. This makes the refusal ofseveml OIT lec­ turers to pay thesefees even more difficult to understand. Why should staffbe exempt from payingwhat, on a full-time wage, is a paltry sum. when the gym is funded by students' cap­ itation fees? The Moon has an exclusive interview with Franz Ferdinand this month, conducted just hours before their sell-out Dublin gig. We also talk to up and coming group Editors. We have given in to the sudoku craze, with three puzzles for your enjoyment on page 5. Just the thing for tedious winter lectures! This will be the last issue ofThe Moon for 2005, and we would like to thank everyone who contributed to the paper over the last few months, and wish all our readers a very happy Christmas.

It Is the policy ofTIN Moo" to correct any inaccuracies as soon as they occur. Any cor­ rections or clarifications will be printed in the next edition ofthe newspaper. It is also the policy ofTIle MOOII to offer the right ofreply to any person who feels aggrieved by com­ ment or opinion contai1led within. Pletue forward any such cOWlllUllll8 in writing to the EdItor.

_5 (The m), BIT A 1. Tea: (81) 4023871 Fax: (81) 4013284

EdIt.- : ClaD Jl1tzI...... edltor.dit tl!

new tor.d emaILcom featuresed.dtt@gmaJLcom clubs.ICKS [email protected] ported.dlt( darcy2000@gmaiLcom

December - January 2006 News features 7


eee eer ies?

by danger, staying up later than urinating in a public place in the evening. bring in a not guilty verdict lubrication and can lead to ever and having sex with and then falling asleep a few You're less 1ikely to use con­ against a university secmity painful sex. Long term aIco­ Irish third level students strangers. metres up the road traeeptioo when consUmed in guard accused of rapiDg a can le8d to a drop spend more money every A 21-year-old fine arts stu­ With sex-on-tho-beach aod dnmken passion. Ifyou can't student, "even if you don't m te8ltoItlClOlIle m men month on alcohol than food, dent revealed details of her slippery nipples available at walk in a straight line, it' agree". It came after the 21­ and cause menstrual pr0b- the results of a recent study regular weekend drinking almost every city bar, it's more likely that you or yom year-old alleged victim lems in women. - have found. Most drinking habits. "I start drinking about easy to see how sex and alco­ partner won't use condoms admitted under crou-exami­ The right amount ofalcohol occasions among students five or six, sometimes earlier. hol go hand-in-hand. correctly. A major Irish study nation that she was too drunk can help us lose inhibitions, can be considered binge I usually drink a flagon of Cocktails and other lethal found alcohol to be a factor in to remember whether or not but when booze means drinking sessions. cider or a nagon of vodka". liquors are as much a part of crisis and unplanned preg­ she had agreed to sex. snooze in the bedroom it's More than half of young "rd drink about two or three any young person's night out nancies (where drinking There are an eYer-growing time to re-assess yo1D' love­ people in Ireland have begun pints in the pub and maybe a as lip gloss or hair gel. An resulted in the non-use of number of drugs, used by making strategy. experimenting with alcohol shot rd be hammered." The offer of "Can I buy you a condoms). One in threo Irish perpetrators to as ist with A glass of red wine or before they reach their 12th student has been barred from drink?" at the bar, is more teenagers say alcohol is a fac­ their use of sexual violence; champagne in the bathtub birthday, according to the a popular Dublin hot-spot for likely to mean "Fancy a tor in their engaging in sex. alcohol continues to be the with yom lover can give both National Health and Lifestyle being drunk and disorderly shag?" than an expression of The incidence of STI's in most commonly used. The sex drives a boost, but under Survey, 2003. With alcohol on several occasions. chivalry. Ireland has increased by drugs used are generally no circumstance should you and sexual behaviour so A Kevin Street science stu­ Among female students who 165% in the last ten years 'hypnotics' which means they have multiple drinks. closely tied together, this is a dent revealed she always were sexually active, 42% with 8,900 cases reported in have an anaesthetising and Unfortunately, afterjustone cause for great concern. drinks a bottle ofwine before said that they had used the 2000 alone. This coincided muscle relaxant effect. The or two drinks, alcohol inter­ All over Ireland, third-Ievel going out. "It's a social thing. morning after pill with 4% with a surge in alcohol con­ drugs used are less aod feres with a man's ability to students regularly splash Friends call over, we get reporting that they had con­ sumption of 41 % over the odourl , although one perfOlm. Instead of rising to their cash on wine, cider and ready, do our make-up tracted an STI (sexually same period. (Rohypnol) has a blue dye the occasion, he may just fall spirits and it doesn't start at together while drinking at the transmitted infection). The Three-quarters ofrape and added to it, this blue dye does asleep. Alcohol causes testos­ the pub. The binge usually same time. It's my favourite link between drinking and sexual assault victims say not show up for almost 20 terone levels to drop, and begins when friends get part ofthe night - it's the only unplanned and unprotected alcohol was a factor in their minutes. Just because your with 4 or 5 drinks, most men together in someone's living part I remember." She admits sex has been documented attack, figures from the drink is non-alcoholic does lose their ability to maintain room for a few hours before to often sneaking a can of worldwide. Waterford Rape and Sexual not mean It cannot be spiked. an erection and have an they head out and there's only cider into pubs when she After a few drinks, alcohol Abuse Centre how. Feeling frisky and merry orgasm. With prolonged use one goal- to get drunk! can't afford pub prices. She stops you from thinking Unfortunately alcohol does don't always mean good over years, alcohol perma­ It's all fun and games until said she's often woken up in clearly meaning you could make people more vulnera­ times- nently damages the nervous they end up in the Accident bed with a stranger without end up having sex with some­ ble. Alcohol can increase one' system causing less sensation and Emergency departments being able to remember how one that you'd nm away from, Women too drunk to expectations, yet decrease in the penis. AIc:oholics have of hospitals or fac an she got there or embarrassed when sober. The "beer goggle remember whether they had arousal and sati faction. a hip rate of erectile dys­ unwanted pregnancy or on a when she' told about her effect" means that you are agreed to sex were recently taken in large amounts, function for . reason. Still more long-term basis, liver behaviour the night before. more likely to find someone warned that "drunken ""'hs the --VI'! endings in wondering about sex and failure. Fuelled by booze, One of her most embarrass­ attractive after a few bevvies, is still consent". A judgl a. ale geni- alcohol? Irish women are flirting with ing antics involved than if you saw them earlier Scotland directed a jUl) .... W&1I8. it also decree.;, female ...J News features 8 December - January 2006

DIT students (IFS) get national enterprise gong

tion of seven years develop­ Property Operations Manuals thing in an electronic format them clinch the award. The Ireland they saw the potential ment and graft by the compa­ were insufficient in today's to search if something goes company also has an impres­ for development in the mar­ Under the picturesque setting ny's founder, directors Kieran advanced market. They recog­ wrong in the building. The ul­ sive client list including ket. of the Mansion house in Beggan and George Harold. nized the potential to apply timate aim of the product is Dublin Zoo, Croke Park and So what does the future hold Dublin's City Centre six of The two meet during their technology to this industry that ifthere is a need to adjust the Dundrum Shopping Cen­ for Irelands hottest Entrepre­ Ireland's fmest small busi­ time in DIT Bolton Street necessity. With the help of or view anything in the safety tre. As the first company from neurs? The simple answer is nesses sat in anticipation. The where they both studied technical partners, they creat­ file they can do it at click ofa Fingal to win the award, still working in the industry. six finalists haled from all Building Maintenance. It was ed their trademarked product button. Brock also feels that the win Beggan said, "I'd pull my over Ireland with service after they graduated that the the IFS Digital Project Manu­ IFS now provide a portfolio will help promote the c0mpe­ hair out ifI retired in the next ranging from construction in­ pair decided to go into busi­ a1(DPM). of services to their clients; tition in the area and that it I S years. I always want to be dustry to online dating. After ness together. In practice, the application Beggan explained "IFS will will be a wake up call for oth­ doing something different and a year ofcompetitions and de­ Harold explained that, "Our takes away the need for boxes be there from the initial con­ er small businesses. challenging, I want to im· liberations this was the mo­ course was extremely useful ofpractically untraceable pa­ cept ofa project until the dis­ IFS employ 10 full time prove standards and create ment when all would be re­ and practical; we then went to per docwneots about every as­ posal ofthe asset." From their staff, as they are growing at new concepts. Both George vealed. work for the consultancy and pect of the management-of a flagship product the DPM such a rapid rate they hope to and I want to take IFS to The silence was finally bro­ research unit for the Built En­ large project. file, to Data Capture and now double there staffby this time where we think it should go. ken when Bryan Dobson and vironment in Bolton Street. It The simplest way to de­ their latest innovation, Project next year. The main goal of Right now going international Miche8l Martin, Minister for was from there that we saw scribe the DPM file is ifyou Live which is internet collab­ IFS now is to increase market and refining our services our Enterprise Trade and employ­ the commen:ia1 potential" bought a new car or a kitchen oration and its due to be for­ share and to open offices in ultimate goals!" ment announced Integrated Established in 1998, IFS set appliance you get a manual of mally launched soon. the OK and mainland Europe. Facilities Solutions (IFS) as out with an innovative idea to how to maintain it. Ifyou &p­ Keith BrockAssistant C.E.O China is another area that the •.-•'ear'sNalioDal Emerprise revolutionize tbe builil...... 1" this idea to somewhere of FingaI stated that it was company would like to ex­ n...&ler5. trade. Be 1,. vke Park it becomes their innovative idea and their plore. After a resent trip to This awmI • die c:aImina- lieved tI: ode paJk-1 ..._ ...ed that you have some- professionalism that helped Hong Kong with Enterpri t- Kitty Kinkypuss explores SIDs in the industry and Lepreporn....Follow the rainbow to his cock of gold!

You've all heard of Deep fortunately for Lara Roxx Throat and One Night in some others working on Paris, but get ready for LA production, which Top 5 First Date Tips Ireland's very own addition to ed some risky double the pom scene: LqJreporn. scenes, no condoms Yes, that's right. we are well used during filming. l. Girls remember the old reliable-fMbiooably late, but on the way to establishing ot being schooled on that doesn't mean two hours. our very own pom industry ings of the industry, 2. Do not get hammered. Iurred speech is never attrac­ with a bit of Irish charm. 1 it was routine to tive so keep an eye on the drink-o-meter wonder will there be tractors e STD results of 3. Don't tell your whole life story, how you have no and wellies involved? But all rs before film- friends and know body ever asks you out. It's weird and of you budding Ron Jenneys n't experienced kind ofdesperete and Jenna Jamesons should to people .c. My advice girls don't sleep with someone on a first ~'401.~ be aware that there are seri­ __ their test, date and boys don't expect It. ous risks for those involved trson that S. And ofcourse relax, have fun and be yourself. in the pam industry. st before Lara Roxx, 21, IS a tes­ The Adult Industry Medical even hundreds of peoples. timony Healthcare Foundation, AIM, "Basically, 1 put Band-Aids to this an organisation set up by for­ on shotgun wounds," says fact. mer pom actress Sharon Mitchell. "I can't stop HIV Mitchell, tests 1000 pom but 1can help prevent it." actors eve ee weeks for In the meantime, Ireland's HIV. tion was fledgling Leprepom Industry set r another can learn a lot from the mis­ H industry. takes of its giant cousins in many of San Fernando Valley. extra cash Unfortunately for those of e usage of you who are finding them­ . g the risk selves intrigued by the idea be negligible. ofLepreporn, information on cording to the the emerging industry seems , they have diag­ to be as elusive as those little es ofHIV among green leprechauns and their tors, which if left pots of gold. But kitty will ed could have keep you posted. the virus to dozens, -


December - January 2006 MOONSTRUCK Features 11 ------

Have you got a great Christmas party to go to, but haven't got a clue what to wear? eed a little advice on completing your outfit? Or are you searching for a dramatic new make up look to accompany your big entrance? We've got all you need to know to turn you into the belle of the festive balL by KIdIe 'J'......

ing that perfect silhouette. toasty on those cold nights. Black really is the new Adorn yourself with fash­ black, and teamed with the ionably festive baubles 10 right accessories, it can look dazzlingly gorgeous pectplo senoualy sexy. Rich berry will want to put you on top 0 shades are also a must this their tree! There are no bard year. Choose anything from and fast rules when it plum tones to the deepest to accessories this year. If crimson to add spice to your you've got a simple outfit, party outfit You don't have to why not team it with lots of stop atclothes either, do siren sparkly beads worn long, red Ups with UBdcllltlSed o. sotct. silver, pearls, eyes, oradd a coloured Iy scarf to that LBD. Sky high stilettos are a great way to achieve the clas­ sic feminiDe look, what girl doesD feel a in the -..._- r'-

or if you're reaDy 'ed about your toes, 15 a huge range of gor­ flat pumps out there, .,.,ny ones with m.lllI!IlUcs. glitter b8ubIes. Iy you can't go ·th a pair of sexy boots to keep you

Mi itty ..., ...... A', fi of X

or him...

Chocolate Body drizzle. De rt on you! Pour thl wherever tlckJe your fancy and wait to b taken away to orgasm heaven 9 00 euro I pnce converted exual POSItIonS Memory ng to euro Game. Board games will accurate of ncv be the same agam after poee) you've te ted your memory and daring WIth thl ucy er to the next page game. Be prepared to lose a to get more great gifts Ideas few clothes. + ,


MOONSTRUCK Features 12 December - January 2006


~ I r' r:, "r (' - I - _ f f ( I f f '"J- /J _.~~.-J JJ_))_# j)I({j, ( "I" ", l'II(II,.IIIJIIIJII _ J + Irish fa s o crazy

Paul Thomson has a habit of forgetting what he's doing mid-song

When was the Iut time you odd keyboard sound would ed to incorporate video into it Outsiders we've got three for the encore spitting fake never really stop. I think U teneel to your first come on we'd just cringe and as well. Particularly lib in people playing one drum kit. blood all over the place and when you stop then you just album? go "Oh my God why did we London, we're playing in I noticed OD y.... ebIite they just looked a bit become a sort of glorified In a photo shoot we did in LA do that?". Alexandra Palace and a cou­ that you picked the mu* bemused, sort of thinking karaolce band playing your for a Japanese magazine. The This is probably your ple ofthe guys went down to for your HaUowee. gig. b "weD this is new, are they own material, covering your photographer thought he'd biggest tour with uch a big see The Strokes two years this always the cue? going to do this every own material practic:aIIy. make us feel at ease by play­ production.•• ago, and they go for quite a 'Eleanor Put Your Boots ing our first record just after Well we just felt that since bare set with just a curtain Back On' (from the new. we're doing for the sec­ we're playing bigger venues behind them because they We caBle on for album) has a very ond one, so we just thought we better step up with the like to try and make it look McCartneylBeaties feel to it "thanks", and every time the production a bit and we want- like a smaller venue even the encore without being cUchect. b though its obviously not, and this a direction you can see it doesn't really translate to spitting fake blood aJ I the band going in? the back of the room, even over the place and they It's not the only direction I though they're such a great can see us going in. I mean, I live band. So yeah, we just just looked a bit 40n't see us becoming Wmgs wanted something visual to or anything, although I engage people without taking belllused, sort of thinking wouldn't mind, I quite like away from the live perform­ '\vell this is ne\v, are thev Wings, but I think with some ance. ..I of the songs, they were writ­ Wotdd you ever get another going to do this every ten acoustically on guitar or mDJician on tage to play piano and we wanted to keep keyboard through more of night?" them that way to bring some the lOngs? variety to the record and keep W. 'vc got one. We've got a a range of different styles on ADdy Knowles who's Yeah usually I'd do it. I'd put night?". it That was the inspiration together some sort of CD Are you stDI writing con­ for putting that one, and Fade .'?~·;=~=~smcegig wasthe instart.his before we go on. We wanted study oo-the road? Together. Walk Away was .' ':1PdIiiedd's bedroom and he's to do something special for Yeah we did a brand new one very different to anything playing drums on Walk Away Halloween, although we that we wrote in two hours, we'd done before. ow that and I'm playing guitar. He's were in Rouen in France and that we did for an acoustic we've gone that way we' also playing keyboard on I don't think they really do session we did for Virgin might take it other directions about five songs and some Halloween that much in Radio, but yeah, it's some­ for the next record It's still Franz frontman Alex Kapranos extra drums on Outsiders. On France. I mean, we came on thing we do constantly. We early days.

-+ I 11 k J Llll1l11l' 11 h 16 I\, :, ," =I' ,

by Maeve McLauglln was received well by the place names, and references Other notable performances "Nightblindness", which was larger venues such as The crowd, as Gray delivered an to Irish people; a trend which included "My oh My", "The disappointing, and continued Point. impressive performance. continued in various songs one I love", and "Lately". The with a decent rendItion of All avid Gray re­ Next, Gray launched into throughout the night. Unfor­ biggest crowd-pleaser of the Gray's new single, "Hospital sive gig, but venue's size the opening bars of "Sail tunately this was more cringe­ night was, unsurprisingly, Food". made for a less-than-ideal at­ turned to his Away". The song is from worthy than crowd-pleasing, "This Year's Love", during An energetic performance mosphere. Dspiritual home Gray's most successful and but it raised a few laughs all which everyone held up their of "Babylon" came next, to a ofDublin to play a sell­ well-known album, "White the same. mobile phones to great visual fantastic reaction from the out gig in The Point on Ladder", and the crowd was Gray continued his set with effect. crowd, and he finished his set December 1st. obviously pleased that they'd "Nos de Cariad", which went Gray finished the main set with The Cure's hit "Friday be hearing some of their old down well, but one ofthe best with "Freedom", which he ad­ I'm in love". Gray began his set with the favourites, as well as the new performances of the night mits the band has only recent­ Gray is better suited to opening track of his latest al­ material. came next with a fantastic ly perfected live; and it was smaller venues, but unfortu­ David Gray's new album bum "Life in Slow Motion", He tailored some of the rendition of "Please Forgive very impressive. nately demand for tickets Life in Slow Motion is out the terrific "Alibi". This song song's lines to include Irish Me". The encore began with means that he frequently plays now Ask the Editors by Frankie Whelan

The band name is very definitely Editors, You aD have backgrounds in music tech­ was this a conscious attempt to avoid being nology, does this mean you're more hands regarded as just another 'The' band? on in your recording and with perform­ Yeah its our private in-joke, we kinda knew it ances? was going to happen anyway so we just knew No. It's weird because you learn bits and it would look better on its own, it suits the pieces at college and you're in a studio with a artwork and the aesthetic ofwhen you look at littl~ tiny desk and everything's very simpli­ a record. fied and then you go into a professional stu­ It's also quite uncomfortable to say it in a dio and you just think "ah, I won't bother". sentence and we quite like the idea ofthat. It's very different; the stuffwe were taught We quite like the idea ofpeople struggling to was very different in how to mix and how to pronounce it. record. Birmingham [where the band live] isn't renowned as the happiest place on earth. It has been about a year since you signed to the Kitchenware record label. Are you still happy with this decision? Do you think this urban landscape adds a Absolutely. It's worked in a partnership be­ dark streak to your mu le? tween us and them. They're fans ofour mu­ Yeah, we were all working at the time when sic and they're just the right guys to do it. we were writing the songs, and it is a pretty They listen to everything we have to say and drab looking city. It's not like Brighton, for it's just worked out really well. We haven't example. It's so in-land, it's difficult to es­ had any ofthis crazy major label hell that cape sometimes. you hear a lot ofbands going through and it's just kept small so you know exactly what's going on. osting a stellar cast romance and drama - and the including Rachel cast carry it through with all­ TheFamily Stone H McAdams, Claire round excellent performanc­ Danes, Sarah-Jessica Parker, es. McAdams is the standout Luke Wilson, Diane Keaton, performer in the role of and Dermot Mulroney, The Everett's temperamental Family Stone certainly does­ younger sister Amy. Parker surprisingly shakes off the n't disappoint in terms ofstar 'Carrie Bradshaw' preconcep­ quality. tion with ease to shine in the The film tells the tale ofthe role of the controlling, rigid annual Christmas gathering and tightly wound character ofa New England family, the ofMeredith. And Mulroney ­ Stones. The eldest son well, he simply smoulders in Everett (Mulroney) brings the role ofEverett! his girlfriend Meredith With a healthy mix of (parker) home to meet his humour, sentimentality, and parents, brothers and sisters. poignancy, The Family Stone The bohemian Stones greet IS a chick flick ofthe highest their visitor - a high-pow­ order. Sure, it's predictable ­ ered, controlling New Yorker but isn't that what we want in - with a mix ofawkwardness, a chick-flick? confusion and hostility. But So leave the boyfriend at before the holiday is over, home, round up the girls, relationships will unravel load up on chocolate md while new ones are formed, head for the cinema to wit­ secrets will be revealed, and ness this year's Love the family Stone will come Actually. together through its extraor­ dinary capacity for love. ELAINE BUCKLEY The commendable script Meredith always took staring contests too seriously juggles elements of CODledy, CCCCC sunp e taIy g: a charting a year in the life About penguins? Boring. But ofthe Emperor penguin give this film a chance because March of was the swprise hit ofthe smn­ it reaI1y is faotastic. mer at the U.S. box office and It has all the elements of a it is easy to see why. good sIory: love, death, con­ The film charts the peII8Uins' tIict, suspenae and humom. seventy mile journey across And if you don't go the Penguins Antarctica to reach their breed­ 'aaaawwww' at the sight ofthe ingground fluffy little baby penguins then Once there we see the hard­ you just don't have a heart. ships they endure in their effort The filmmakers have to be to keep their egg alive and pro­ applauded - their footage is tect it from the freezing winter breathtaking. You can almost in a place where the tempem­ feel the chill ofthe biting arctic ture can go as low as minus 80 winds. Morgan Freeman's vel­ degrees. vety voice is the perfect choice It is fascinating to see the as a narrator, putting real emo­ lengths they go to so that both tion into this beautiful story. they and their egg can survive. I would definitely recom­ One of the most interesting mend this film, it's really enjoy­ things is the fact that the fiIlher able and you might even Ie8m takes care ofthe egg - and goes something. up to four months without food BRIGID O'GORMAN - to allow the mo1her to return n to the sea to feed. UStep back, Fluffy••. Let me handle thisl I know you're probably

, 'Dark and difficult Newell manages to retain times lie ahead most ofthe plot without com­ Hany Potter and Harry" promising the wit and subtle Dumbledore warns and he's humour of J.K. Rowling's not far wrong. From its eerie novel. opening to its dramatic end­ The scene where Professor ing Harry Potter and the McGonagall (Maggie Smith) theGobletofFire Goblet of Fire will have you attempts to teach the glued to your seat. Without Gryffindors to dance and all doubt the fourth instalment in of the love scenes between the series is the best yet with Hagrid (the brilliant Robbie impre sive performances Coltrane) and Madame from. its young cast. Maxine (Frances De La Tom) Harry (Daniel Radclift'e), are hilarious. My favourite Hermione (Emma Watson) however is when Harry and and Ron (the hilarious Rupert Ron are contemplating their Grint) are be' . their chances of a date to the bill fourth year in iD the middle of learn w· the~~ schaet".JM.dJe and 0 fatal Tri-:= book by Professor tournament. (Alan Rickman). The film 8tIl1I at a 1nadl­ Being a Harry Potter fan I taking pace with a murder in was slightly sceptical before the Riddle house, the seeing the Goblet of FU'C Quidditch World Cup and the because none of the other arrival of the BeaYxbatons films have quite numaged to girla and the sons of live up to expectati Darm8traDI at HogwII1B. However I was DOt • Director Mike NeweU was pointed this time and I on for the fourth Harry to admit I beck for film hiIn't dis- ODd he1pjDg a W)iDted. 'teh JUL OG CC CC C CC ------~------_._-----

Clubs & Socs 18 Journalism Society promises 11 cool" Christmas party

e here at The Moon ning to attend have also been get underway around the All are welcome, particu­ don't like to blow promised one or two surprise 7.30 mark, and entry is free larly freshers who will have Wour own trumpet performers for the night. (is there a sweeter word in an opportunity to get to know (steady), but on December Also playing are the criti­ the English dictionary?) for their journalistically minded 14th, Carnival on Wexford cally acclaimed Prunty Journosoc members. 'The brethren. Those seeking fur­ Street plays host to the annu­ brothers, Shane and Kevin, Committee' have also prom­ ther information can email al Journalism Society who will be entertaining the ised free passes to Tram Co. [email protected]. All Christmas Party. The resi­ crowd with what they on the Lower Rathmines the cool kids will be there, dent DJs will, as ever, be pro­ describe as a post-apocalyp­ Road for anyone left stand­ and you wouldn't want to be viding some of the entertain­ tic, neo-country style. The ing after last orders in seen as uncool now, would ment and those who are plan- festivities are scheduled to Carnival. you?

The crowd at n Mondo for the Red Soc Rodeo

he drunk, the red and One jubilant attendee, the ugly made an Maeve Scully, equipped T appearance at the Red with a Fat Frog lined with Red So O~~-_·....··· Socs Redneck Rodeo to around ten straws comment­ inaugurate their campaign ed "this is a legendary • into nigbt-out-hood. Sean 6 night", while attractively Proinntigh, self-described dodging the ugly and red roaring success Rodeo Romeo, saddled up categories but nestling in and hit 11 Mondo with the nicely to the drunk. intentions of drunkenly My partner in crime engaging a mechanical bull, received a head-butt for his YEEHA. troubles after a disagreement A bouncing castle? with a bouncer in the smok­ Promised a bull and given a ing garden for standing in bouncing castle, extracting the smoking area without a the danger and inserting a cigarette: "I was merely sec­ padded arena of disappoint­ ond hand smoking when ment. My partner in crime accosted by this meathead." told me it was to do with What has the world come legalities but the only whiff too when a poor man can't of bull seemed to be coming enjoy another mans smoke from him. The Red Soc without being assaulted? He saved their blushes by deliv­ has since invested in his own ering the cheap drink they cigarettes. promised managing to avoid This night out deserves a the downhill slalom that is middle ofthe road 3 out of6 expensive beverages. Dutch, a marking system Willie Nelson would be which makes its debut this turning in his grave ifhe had issue after a Dutchless first heard the music that was event. Not a bad attempt at a more 0-Town than Hoe night out and I'm sure the Down! But luckily he was Red Soc will only improve Moon staff enjoying the Red Soc night out neither there nor is he dead. in their future endeavours. +

December - January 2006 Clubs & Socs 9 DIT Fashion show 2006... ..uncovered

by Rebecca Todd ed the popular beats and Lisa Mayburry who starred The DIT Fashion Show 2006 remixes which set the show in the show are seasoned pro­ will go down as the year's in motion. A sexy strut and fessionals. Jane has a model­ finest party. The show daz­ photogenic pout was the only ling contract with Compact zled the packed out Vicar requirement from the sultry modelling agency and Lisa Street audience. Hip-Hop models. has been working the dancers at the interval left The talent among the models European scene with consid­ spectators with a difficult was impressive. There was a erable success. They added decision. Get a pint or miss lot of potential at the show to the shows professional air, the fantastic spectacle. and I'm quite positive we'll parading down the catwalk To open the second half a be seeing more of these full ofpersonality and charis­ team ofbreak dancers invad­ beautiful youths. They really ma. ed the catwalk. They left gave the show their all. They Louise Conlon, the main everyone in awe; they pulled were up-beat and vibrant all organiser of the show, was offhead-spins, one-arm hand the way through, from under­ quite deserving of the stands and other impossible wear to winter woollies. crowd's ovation. In fact the looking moves. They oozed confidence with whole production team were The Fashion Society truly anyone ofthem being worthy subject to an awesome pulled out all the stops for ofthe professional stable. response from the exceeding­ • ODe. The wa per- Two of the models were ly vocal crowd. All their fect for the show's burlesque awarded modelling contracts efforts really paid otT. I'll theme. Draped in red and by Compact modelling look forward to next years purple velvet curtains it set agency. The show wasn't a show but it certainly has a the sultry scene for the stun­ first for all the models how­ hard act to follow. ning models. The DJ provid- ever. Both Jane Wilde and ---=Sp_ort_2_0 Dec_e_m_ber_-_lan_uary_2006 _

By Nanook cisions tarnish what was 2002, France seemed all Nosworthy once the 'Beautiful conquering. Les Bleus Game.' Consistency, with had won the 2001 Con­ The Magnificent Mag­ e ception of Brazil, federations Cup, 2000 Eu" yar team of 1954 played departed wf1h the of with Ferenc 'Galloping the lules Rimet Trophy. and the previous World Major' Puskas, Zoltan Cz­ As the final places for Cup. Meaningless friend­ ibor, Laszlo Budai and next summers FIFA ly matches were deemed 'Golden Boy,' Sandor World Cup were decided, sufficient preparation for Kocsis up front. Four scepticism overshadowed the defence of their tro­ years later, Brazil boasted any excitement at the phy. France were certain­ a strike force of Vava, world's biggest sporting ly breathtaking. Three Garrincha, Mario zagallo event. France flattered to winless games, no goals and Pele. deceive during qualifying. ald loyalty to a defective 'Total Football' was in­ Italy, mediocre at best, reargu8rd saw Roger troduced by the Nether­ imploded apinst Slove­ Lemerre out of a job. lands team of1974 which nia. Spain did their best to It was unlucky 13 for included Johan Cruyff, avoid underlchieving at a AIpDtine'tbat Rob Rensenbrink and World Cup not . a 3S-yeer old CIau­ Johnny Rep. The victori­ fyiag and England stnJve dio Caniggia and a 30­ ous Argentine sides of to prove their critics right, year old Claudio Husain 1978 and 1986, had that they can't win a ahead of the young, ere- Mario Alberto 'Matador' World Cup. . and taleDted Juan Kempes, Leopoldo At least expectati OD Roman Riquelme and Luque, Jorge 'El Fil6s0fo' the Swiss, Tunisia, Saudi Javier Saviola. The cur­ Valdano and Diego Ar­ Arabia,Australiaetalto rent Albicelestes coach, mando Maradona in its perform are minimal. J Pekerman ould do ranks. They offer little in terms well to remember L' I The list ofgifted teams ofexciting and attractive M i, Rodriao Palacio that graced football's football. Three games, and Javier MucberanO greatest global gathering three defeats later they when selectiDs his final is endless. Recent times will depart for another 23. If not, it could come have seen; defensive tac­ four years. Their inability back to hauDt him. tics, pitiful teams and to defend provides an en­ It is the biggest scandalous refereeing de- tertainment factor, the on earth, where the 'World Cup is much more biggest and best play then that. Well, it wu a demoDstrate why they are show cue where the paid bizarre amounts. It lilt is the world' greatest proved often wo . that they were a cutabove eRpeDCi ofin'lemao­ biggest show the aI football, u gjanta Reliance on tired old crumble at the of on earth, stars, a fear ofgoing for­ minnow'. Paul where the ward, ignorance of0ppo­ - football, nents and excessive hype pltelt Iatillf8cltk'm is biggest and over teams have they I&)' downfall ofmany an ex­ you can't.- ODe w best players citing aide. The 2002 if die hard football World Cup illuatrated would agree. demonstrate points. CooIer­ Even so, it would be vatism should have no nice to see Italy, France, why they are pl8ce in football, but Spain and AqeatiDa per- paid bizarre harsh I have been to of their dealt, ifnotlearnt. France Baglandit' KING?: Will Wayne Rooney be crowned as the new Pele? amounts" aDd AIpntina are prime .....i. tll.n.. and Mr examp of . IlooDey to be 1eIIdina Prior to KoreaIJapan from fiont. December - January 2006 Sport

Gaelic football in France is grO\Vil1g. 2004 savv t11e for111atiol1 of t11e French Gaelic Sports Gallic Association and il1 May, the final of t11e i11augural Britta11y CAA Games Champio11ship took ~,lace.

Roscommon All-Ireland seas for the first time at the Gouez (Wild Geese) club in game in French schools. the world in twenty years By Mark Rodden quarter final, where the Stade Yves du Manoir in Rennes. "When I joined, the With thanks to support from time, but Coffey and Bouvier game, Croke Park, and the Paris. One notable sight at club was unorganised and Gaelic Gear and Goalposts are not so optimistic. "I think THE WEATHER is awful banter among rival support­ the match was the curtain some ofthe others convinced Ireland, the association development in Brittany is and the training is tough. The ers left a lasting impression raiser, which featured the me to get involved in the recently held a challenge easier than in Paris, because wind and the rain hit hard on him. On his return to French national team - with organisation," he says. "I match in which 200 kids aged there's a lot of community against the 24 players pres­ France, he began playing 'An Fhrainc' emblazoned on realised that the problem with 11 to 18 took part. spirit there," says Coffey. - ent, and if you didn't know with a club in Rennes, and their jerseys - playing their the European Association is The demands from schools Similarly, Bouvier feels it any better you could easily this Monday is his first train­ first ever game against a that the chairman is in in Brittany has seen Jean­ will be difficult or at least have thought you were in ing session with Paris Gaels. European selection. This fol­ Munich, the Vice-Chairman Paul Laborde and Didier take a lot oftime. "It's going Ireland. "I discovered Gaelic foot­ lowed the formation of the in Amsterdam, the Secretary Perou, an ex-French volley­ well in Brittany and it will be But at the ASPTf sports ball when I was working in a Association Fran.;:aise des in Rennes, the Development ball champion turned GAA good to see how it evolves, complex in Paris, the sight of supermarket," he says. Sports Gaeliques (AFSG), Officer in Barcelona. It's dif­ fanatic, take charge ofa pr0­ but for the rest of France it a Gaelic football team in "What I really liked about it the French Gaelic Athletic ficult to run through the inter­ gramme dedicated to intro­ will be difficult." training must have been fair­ was the mix between football Association, in October net and every country has ducing the sport to French As for Pierre Gauthier, the ly strange. Formed in 1994 and rugby. I already played 2004. their own peculiarity with the children with the help ofIrish Frenchman who discovered by a group of Irish people football for a number ofyears President ofthe AFSG and laws." coaches. "We (the associa­ Gaelic football in Leitrim, he who found themselves in the in France and I found a num­ Secretary of the European "So to make it more effec­ tion) don't have a lot of hopes to organise a tourna­ French capital, Paris Gaels is ber of common elements in GAA board, Herve Guicherd, tive I found it necessary to money at the moment." ment in Paris next year, and a mix of Irish businessmen, Gaelic." was introduced to Gaelic create a French association Guicherd explains. "It's pro­ is confident of attracting tradesmen and students, as "I think what's really inter­ football by a colleague at with a goal of obtaining gressing quickly, even a bit thousands oflocals to watch. well as an increasing number esting," Gauthier continues work. "An Irish colleague recognition for the sport. We too quickly for us as we're With already seven clubs in of local players. "is that you see points and knocked on my door and also wanted to organise com­ getting a lot ofdemands." France, perhaps his dream is Pierre Gauthier discovered goals all the time. It's true asked ifone day I would like petitions on a French level, So with this development not as unlikely as it sounds. Gaelic football when he spent that in football you can have to tell my grandkids that I which is why we set up the in Brittany, will the game seven weeks in Leitrim in the a 0-0. But in Gaelic football, had played Gaelic football I Brittany Championship." become popular elsewhere in summer of 2003. The 20­ that never happens." said yes." The AFSG meets every France? Guicherd predicts year-old Breton student Last November, the He quickly became four months, and are target­ that Gaelic football will be attended the Kerry- Railway Cup was held over- involved with the Ar Gwazi ing the development of the played in stadiums all around

top two finish for 'Gers Lisbon Lions of '68, and almost out ofthe question. even Waiter Smith's Rangers By Ronan 0 Connor The yin to this yang is the team of 1992/1993 who poorly titled 'Champions dumped a hapless Leeds out FOR THE blue half of League'. Rangers just man­ of the competition that year. Glasgow it is the best of aged to finish ahead of a The current Rangers team is times, it is the worst oftimes. Porto team in steep decline a poor relation of those two Rangers' Jekyll and Hyde ever since the departure of sides. season continues into yule­ the 'chosen one', and The mere fact that many tide. They lie a miserable Artmedia Bratislava. Celtic's see Rangers best chances of fifth in the SPL, having col­ conquerors but no great going further in the competi­ lected a paltry (for them) shakes by all accounts. They tion is to face an Engliah side twenty-four points from sev­ accomplished this feat with a and rely on a 'bdle of enteen games. The sil~er In: nervy draw at home to an Britain-style' blood and guts ing to this dark cloud IS their Inter Milan side that had conte t to see them through. European form. A tense draw already topped the group One can hardly see the with Inter Milan at Ibrox was with relative ease. Even with stronger teams in enough to steer them into the this draw the Rangers players quaking at the thought • sixteen ofthe Champions and fans- were left with a trip to Scotland's second city. League. nervy t1 minutes at Ibrox. The curious situation of The man at the centJle of After the final whistle they Rangers IS compounded by this odd coming together of were foNed to wait for the the curious situation of the sublime and the ridicu­ resuh ofA1'tmedia' clash with manager. Were it not for lous is Alex McLeish. The Porto. goal either way sides continued European much maligned Scot is hang­ would have seen Rangers competitiveness, McLeisb ing on to his job by the skin tumble into the UEFA Cup, would have been dismissed of his teeth. Dismal league and McLeish tumble into the by David Murray long 110 form has en Rangers Dole queue. He will urely jump ship or endure their longest run of Many will point to Rangers be pushed in the near games Without a win in their being the first Scottish team We are currendy witnesslDl history. It is not bad enough to emerge from the group strange tim when a maaeer that they trail cross city stages into the last sixteen. who has guided his team to nemeses Celtic by an aston­ This Sky Sports oriented the last sixteen of the ishing seventeen points, but claim should trouble all foot­ Champions League is being GOD HELP ME: Alex McLeish appeals to his the unexpected form of ball fans. Such claims do linked to the Portsmouth post Hearts has put the notion ofa great injustices to Celtic's before he has quit his post. Protestant God for help + December - January 2006 Sport 22

By Ronan IJThis extra O'Connor experience trans­ Athletic Club de Bil­ bao is a club like no lates into more a other. Owned exclu- ively byi supporters, ndmore Bil or members, it plays only canteras - players players having who come from the lo­ cal area. Many would thenous and argue that this is how football should be. In experience to go stark contrast to this we can see that Chelsea in on andrepresent the late nineties • aged to field an entire ----tlM~....Q4~~~~¥_-­ squad that did not in­ clude a single English­ man. at the highest Today the club is in trouble; joint bottom of level." and with no re­ al option of improving the brightest star ofthe 'blacken the name of a the squad in January. team, they are overly club, butBilbao is often They have eleven reliant on the ageing the source of more points from fourteen talents of warhorse Spanish internationals games and a goal dif­ striker Ismael Urzaiz. than any other club. ference of minus six. who is 34. The reason for this Alaves and Real Betis An even stranger anomaly, a Basque are keeping them com­ phenomenon is the case team providing more pany down in the base­ of Julen Guerrero. In than their quota ofplay­ ment ofSpain's top di­ the mid-nineties Guer­ ers for the national vision. rero was hailed as the team can be traced to Javier Clemente. the kingpin of Spanish the cantera policy. former Spain manager football and expected There are no foreign who led the club to to form a rock-like part- stars to take the places back to back league ti­ nership with ofyoung talent. There­ tles in the eighties. i Bar.,:elona's Pep fore the younger play­ the club's new saviour. Guardiola. It would ers get much-needed Three weeks ago he re­ never be, Guerrero suf­ game time and experi­ placed the maligned fered an almo t mcred­ ence in the top divi ion. Jose Luis Mendilibar ible loss of form that This leads to obvious and has seen a slight saw him fall from con­ development of the upturn in the club's tention for the Bilbao youngsters, who gener­ league form. Bilbao team for three seasons. ally have a head start on now stand a decent Only towards the end their young rivals at chance of hauling of last season did he other clubs. This extra themselves out oftheir make a substitute ap­ experience translates malaise, but one has to pearance for Bilbao, to into more and more worry for the club in a spectacular ovation Bilbao players havmg the long run. from the devoted fans. the nous and experi­ The team is bolstered There are many who ence to go on and rep­ by an ageing core and claim that be<:ause the resent their country at the historical flood of club plays only can­ the highest level. talent that used to come teras, home grown 1be cantera rule that Bilbao's way is now players, they are adding Bilbao employ has bad more ofa trickle. In re­ to national' t tensions its critic , not for the cent years only Francis­ that exist in the Basque fact that it is still being co Yeste and Roberto region. This ill-in­ employed. but because Tiko have made an im­ formed criticism lev­ it has been applied with pact in the flfSt team. elled at the club does differing levels of Bilbao are reliant on not do either critics or strictness during differ­ these two to spark the criticised any credit. As ent periods of the midfield, while Joseba with any organisation, Club's history. The Etxeberrla (a constant there will always be Basqueness of players FIERY: Bilbao boss Javier Clemente is known for his razor tongue in the Spain squad) is one or two idio who has been intcrpretedif- + BI!@:GI December-January 2006 Sport 23 ..

differently from time to time. Miguel Jones, born in Equatorial Guinea but raised in the Basque region, couldn't play for Athletic m the 19508, while other play­ "Even when ers born abroad with Basque ancestors have in they do get some cases been admitted. Currently the rule is bemg the talented youngsters applied rather laxly, with plenty of Navarrans and to play for them, there second generation Basques • in the squad. IS never a This contrasts with the practice ofone ofAthletic's guarantee that they Basque rival Real Sociedad, who once had a similar Basque-only policy will stay." but has now abandoned it In the club's history only one foreigner has played for the club. This was the well­ another the next." On the out of town before he per­ known French full back other side of the coin, formed a previous saving Bixente Lizarazu who, Bilbao don't even have act at the club. Whatever although he is French, came exclusive rights to Basque 'the outcome on the field, from the southern region of players (Alaves, Real things are sure to be enter­ that· also part of Sociedad, 0 &suna and taining off the pitch with the Basque region. Racing Santander are all Clemente back at the helm. One can see that Bilbao's Basque clubs in the Primera This is the man who once home-grown only policy Liga). There is a long list of put down a journalist who has and will cause them quality Basque players ply­ claimed he knew about problems when they are ing their trade outside ofthe football because he had attempting to field a side region. been watching it for years that can compete at the very and Xabi Alonso are both with this stinging rebuke, highest level. This seems to eligible to play for Bilbao "the cows at Lezama be getting more and more but choose to play else­ [Athletic's countryside difficult for the Basque where. Even when they do training ground] watch club, as the likes of get e talented youngsters football every day and they B~elona and Real Madrid to play for them, there is haven't got a fucking clue.n are trawling the globe for never a guarantee that they ne future of this great the cream of world talent, will stay. In the summer top romantic club is certainly Bilbao can only choose scorer Santi Ezquerro left to hanging in the balance; their players from one warm the bench at there is renewed pressure to small region in Spain. Bar~lona, while Asier del break the cantera rule. But This rule can be double­ Homo went to Chelsea with would cheap (Bilbao are edged for Bilbao. On the a cool £8m coming to the not a rich club any more) - one hand their players can Basque club. foreigners be any better often have a much stronger This is a real crisis that than what they have now. aff'mity for the club that won't be solved with back They are one of only three sees them from a real team to back wins. For Bilbao to clubs to have never been spirit and would make most come out of their current relegated (with B~ and loath to ever leave the San malaise a true turnaround is Real). They will want to Mames for anther club. As needed. Perhaps Clemente preserve their record. but said. "We can change things around. with their worst start in 100 identify more with the club He has a true understanding years and their second than others players; we're of the. club, the people and coach of the season Bilbao BROTH ARMS : Bilbao players love ea other not mercenaries who join the pnde of the region. He aren't doing it the easy way. verymUC:b one team one year and once chased John Toshack Kingdom's rearguard He was Kerry turned to Kennelly to' brutitIy strong, like a steam pluck them out ofthe mire. It engiae, made so by his daily was steel they needed, a call­ labour on his farm in Listowel. ing to stand up to the plate and HE TREMBLES as he walks He possessed a radar-like show what they were made of. towards the forty. He's been awareness when manning the The Horse began to repel ram- given the number II jersey, the forty, switcldns . . Roscommon star Der­ leader ofthe attack. The place and swatting away bUZZIDg mot is unfamiliar, yet he's been in forwards like flies. He present­ ward forays. Each athletic the stadium many times be­ ed a huge obstacle to any stride ofEarley was met with fore. He makes his final trudge prospective attacker and in the stone-cold manhood of to his position, ready to brave beating Kerry, you inevitably Kennelly and his resilence held the elements of the flesh, to had to beat the Horse. out as Kerry claimed a 1-9 to face the might of bone and He was not a simple man of 1-6 victory. sinew. He looks up, and tower­ mettle, a destroyer, so often Kennelly picked up his fifth ing like a prize stallion stands deployed in that era. He was a medal the following year but Tim K.ennelly, the toughest gifted fielder and w e rose he also endured the agony of centre-back in the business. It's for a high one, he ~ came Seamus Darby's last gasp goal a frightful prospect but it's the down without it. Kenfs style for Offaly in the 1982 final life he chose. It's moments like was like a blitzkrie They which denied Kerry the five­ tbis he'll relish when his boots played in rapid sconies of in-a-row. are up and he's warming his short passing on the ground Tim drifted away from the feet by the fire. but mixed with heaving aerial Kerry team after this. He had It's a familiar story to any­ bombing oflong balls into the achieved enough with 5 All­ one who came across the man heart of the opposition area. Ireland medals pocketed be­ they called 'the Horse'. Tim Kennelly was the lauhch pad fore he had reached his thirties. Kennelly was the archetypal ofso many Kerry attacks. He He continued to farm his land centre-half back. Shoulders was blessed with a booming in Listowel and run his pub like walls, arms that closer re­ kick and the sight of him with wife Nuala. sembled heifers, legs like aD sweeping up at the back before In 2000, Tim's son Noel was elephant and a chest like a bag finding Johnnie Egan, Mikey on the Kerry team that won the ofhard cement He came right Sheehy or Ogie Moran with a All-Ireland His other son Tad­ at the start of Kerry's golden pinpoint punt was a familiar hg has made the successful era. Introduced by fresh new one to all football followers of transition from GAA to Aus­ manager . le O'Dwyer into the era. tralian Rules football with the team the start of the With his power came a cool Sydney Swans and this year 1975 campaign, the granite­ sense ofresponsibility. Team­ made history in becoming the made 20 year-old ofListowel mate Pat Spillane said "He first Irishman to win a Pre­ Emmets was groomed for res­ wasn't known as 'Horse' for miership medal. Tim was in idency at number 6. notbiDg but be was a cbar- Australia with his wife for the It wasn't long befbre Ken- aeteL I don't ever him day and was beaming as he Uywu f losing his temper." watched his son celebrate on Keny won the All,~...... the podium. 1975 with a swa It was a crowning salute to w define them the life ofTIDl, the SOD that had 12 years. The in longed to showcase his talents 1978 when they slausJrtered on the professional stage had Dublin by 17 points and in triumphed. It was a dream that 1979, Kennelly captained hi bore fruit in the throbbing City side to victory over the Dubs ofSydney but that was forged again and it was a whipping on the distant sod ofhis dad's once more, 3-13 to 1-8. farm in Listowel. While the 1979 triumph was T1DI Kennelly's death due to probably the proudest moment a heart auaek at the age of5I ofKennelly's career, it was in is a shock to everyone in GAA. 1980 that he gave his finest But every GAAfan knows that display. A young, hungry the thing football gtV Roscommon team stood in the you i happy memori that Tim Kennelly's son Tadhg in action for Australian way ofthe three-in-a-row. Af­ don't fade with the passing of NFL side Sydney Swans ter 12 minutes, the men from time and the Horse has provid­ Connacht had a five point lead. ed us with plenty.