National Strategy for Nature Protection (2017-2027)

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National Strategy for Nature Protection (2017-2027) REPUBLIC OF MACEDONIA MINISTRY OF ENVIRONMENT AND PHYSICAL PLANNING NATIONAL STRATEGY FOR NATURE PROTECTION (2017 - 2027) Skopje, 2018 REPUBLIC OF MACEDONIA MINISTRY OF ENVIRONMENT AND PHYSICAL PLANNING NATIONAL STRATEGY FOR NATURE PROTECTION (2017– 2027) Skopje, 2018 Ministry of Environment and Physical Planning Министерство за животна средина и просторно планирање на Република Македонија, Националната стратегија за заштита на природата е подготвена во рамките на Програмата за The National Strategy for Nature Protection was prepared within the Nature Conserva- зачувувањеНационалната на природата востратегија Македонија, за заштита проект на на Швајцарската природата е агенција подготвен за развоја во рамките и соработка на tion Programme in Macedonia, a project of the Swiss Agency for Development and Coopera- (SDC), Програматакој е координиран за зачувување од Helvetas на Swiss природата Intercooperation во Македонија, и Фармахем. проект на Швајцарската tion (SDC),агенција coordinated за развој by Helvetasи соработка Swiss (SDC), Intercooperation кој е координиран and Farmahem. од Helvetas Swiss Intercooperation и Фармахем. ВладатаThe на Република Government Македонија of the Republic на Педесет of иMacedonia, осмата седница, on its одржана fifty eight на 13.03.2018 session, година held on ја донесе Националната стратегија за заштита на природата (2017-2027) 13.03.2018 adopted the National Strategy for Nature Protection (2017-2027). Преводот и печатењето на оваа публикација се поддржани од Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internatio- The translation and printing of this publication have been supported by Deutsche Gesellschaft nale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) GmbH - Германско друштво за меѓународна соработка (ГИЗ), во име на 2 für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) GmbH – German International Cooperation (GIZ), Сојузнотоon behalf министерство of the German за Federal економскa Ministry соработка of Economic и развој Cooperation (BMZ), и and во Developmentрамките на Проектот (BMZ), „Заштитаand within и theодржливо Project “Conservationкористење на and биодиверзитетот Sustainable Use на of BiodiversityПреспанското, at LakesОхридското Prespa, и СкадарскотоOhrid and Shkodra/Skadar Езеро (CSBL)“. (CSBL)”. 2 National Strategy for Nature Protection Title: NATIONAL STRATEGY FOR NATURE PROTECTION Contractor: Ministry of Environment and Physical Planning Prepared by: Geomap, DOO, Skopje PROJECT MANAGER Milorad Jovanovski, Faculty of Civil Engineering, Skopje MEMBERS OF THE WORKING TEAM Authors: Blagoja Markoski, Institute of Geography, Faculty of Natural Sciences and Mathematics 3 (PMF), Skopje Milorad Jovanovski, Faculty of Civil Engineering, Skopje Ivica Milevski, Institute of Geography, PMF, Skopje Vlado Matevski, Institute of Biology, PMF, Skopje Ljupco Melovski, Institute of Biology, PMF, Skopje Cvetanka Popovska, Faculty of Civil Engineering, Skopje Slavcho Hristovski, Institute of Biology, PMF, Skopje Associates: Mitko Kostadinoski, Institute of Biology, PMF, Skopje Svemir Gorin, Institute of Geography, PMF, Skopje Igor Peshevski, Faculty of Civil Engineering, Skopje Marjan Temovski, Institute of Nuclear Research, UAN, Debrecen Daniela Jovanovska, Institute of Biology, PMF, Skopje Natasha Nedelkovska, Faculty of Civil Engineering, Skopje Dragan Ivanovski, Faculty of Civil Engineering, Skopje Denis Jankulovski, Faculty of Civil Engineering, Skopje Vladimir Zlatanovski, Institute of Geography, PMF, Skopje Tome Jovanovski, GISDATA - Skopje Photography on the title page: Golden eagle (Aquila chrysaetos), round- leaved sundew (Drosera rotundifolia), Sage (Salvia jurisicii) –Ljubomir Stefanov, Large Copper (Lycaena dispar) – Dime Melovski We would like to express our sincere gratitude to the Department of Nature at the Ministry of Environment and Physical Planning for the support and cooperation in the preparation of the National Strategy for Nature Protection. Ministry of Environment and Physical Planning CIP - Cataloging in a publication National and University Library “St. Clement of Ohrid”, Skopje 502/504(497.7)”2017-2027” NATIONAL Strategy for Nature Protection: (2017-2027) : draft / [Milorad Jovanovski, project manager; authors Blagoja Markoski... [et al]; associates Mitko Kostadinoski... [et al]; ; editor Blagoja Markoski]. - Skopje: Ministry of Environment and Physical Planning, 2016. - 208 p.: illustration; 30 cm Footnotes. - Authors: Blagoja Markoski, Milorad Jovanovski, Ivica Milevski, Vlado Matevski, Ljupco Melovski, Cvetanka Popovska, Slavcho Hristovski. - Bibliography: p. [140-163]. - Registry. - Contains: Annex 1-6 ISBN 978-9989-110-91-7 a) Environment - Protection - Strategies - Macedonia - 2017-2027 COBISS.MK-ID 101935370 4 New redesigned edition Reproduction of this publication or its parts in any form and their distribution is not permitted without the prior written consent of the authors, Geomap DOO from Skopje or the Ministry of Environment and Physical Planning National Strategy for Nature Protection TABLE OF CONTENTS GENERAL INFORMATION ABOUT THE PROJECT NATIONAL STRATEGY FOR NATURE PROTECTION ..........13 PART 1 ......................................................................................................................................................................... 17 1. VISION, MAIN OBJECTIVES AND ROLE OF THE STRATEGY FOR NATURE PROTECTION ...................... 17 1.1. VISION ............................................................................................................................................................ 17 1.2. MAIN OBJECTIVES OF THE STRATEGY .................................................................................................... 17 1.3. GENERAL ROLE OF THE STRATEGY ......................................................................................................... 18 1.4. ROLE OF THE STRATEGY WITHIN THE NATURE PROTECTION POLICY ............................................. 18 1.5. SIGNIFICANCE OF THE STRATEGY IN RELATION TO THE ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT POLICY .... 19 2. ANALYSIS OF THE LEGAL AND INSTITUTIONAL FRAMEWORK FOR NATURE PROTECTION ................. 20 2.1. LEGAL FRAMEWORK FOR NATURE PROTECTION ............................................................................... 20 RATIFIED INTERNATIONAL AGREEMENTS IN THE AREA of NATURE PROTECTION .................................. 23 EU DIRECTIVES AND REGULATIONS ............................................................................................................... 23 STRATEGIC DOCUMENTS, PLANS AND PROGRAMMES RELATEDTO THE NATURE PROTECTION STRATEGY ..25 2.2. INSTITUTIONAL FRAMEWORK FOR NATURE PROTECTION ................................................................. 26 2.2.1. COMPETENT AUTHORITIES FOR NATURE PROTECTION ........................................................... 26 2.2.2 SCIENTIFIC AND TECHNICAL INSTITUTIONS INVOLVED IN THE STUDY 5 AND PROTECTION OF NATURE .......................................................................................................... 31 2.2.3 NON-GOVERNMENTAL ORGANIZATIONS INVOLVED IN ACTIVITIES FOR THE PROTECTION AND PROMOTION OF NATURAL HERITAGE ........................................................... 31 2.3. STAKEHOLDERS’ AWARENESS .................................................................................................................. 31 2.4. ECONOMIC ISSUES ...................................................................................................................................... 31 3. ANALYSIS AND ASSESSMENT OF THE CURRENT SITUATION WITH RESPECT TO NATURE PROTECTION IN THE REPUBLIC OF MACEDONIA ................................................................................................................. 32 3.1. Geography of the Republic of Macedonia ...................................................................................................... 32 3.1.1. GEOGRAPHIC POSITION, BORDERS AND SIZE OF THE REPUBLIC OF MACEDONIA ............ 32 3.1.2. PHYSICAL AND GEOGRAPHICAL CHARACTERISTICS OF THE REPUBLIC OF MACEDONIA........ 33 Geological structure and tectonics ................................................................................................... 33 Relief structure .................................................................................................................................. 34 Climate .............................................................................................................................................. 36 Hydrography ..................................................................................................................................... 37 Pedogeography ................................................................................................................................ 40 Biogeography.................................................................................................................................... 42 3.1.3. POPULATION AND SETTLEMENTS ................................................................................................. 42 Population ......................................................................................................................................... 42 Settlements ....................................................................................................................................... 42 3.1.4. ECONOMIC AND GEOGRAPHIC CHARACTERISTICS .................................................................. 42
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