Humanity in Doubt
HUMANITY IN DOUBT REFLECTIONS AND ESSAYS Philip Weiss HUMANITY IN DOUBT HUMANITY IN DOUBT: REFLECTIONS AND ESSAYS Collection copyright © 2007 by Philip Weiss All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopy, recording, or any information and retrieval system know known or to be invented, without the permission in writing from the publisher, except by a reviewer who may quote brief passages in review. National Library of Canada Cataloguing in Publication Weiss, Philip Humanity in DoubtlPhilip Weiss. Includes index. ISBN 978-0-9784713-0-9 1. 2. I. Title. Printed and bound in Canada First Edition To the vibrant Jewish community ofDrohobycz, Poland, that was, but is no more To my loved parents Solomon David and Cilia Weiss To my beloved wife Gertrude Weiss To my precious daughters Francie Winograd, Shelley Weiss and Beverly Schwartz To my dearest brother, Leo Weiss, and sister, Erna Kimmel, my soulmates and witnesses to the world gone mad To my most cherished gran children, Abby, Jill, and Richard Winograd; Evan and Erin Laroque, Michael and Lainie Schwartz, With Hope for a Peacefol and Tolerant Future CONTENTS INTRODUCTION ............................................................... 11 ACKNOWLEDGMENT ............................................ , ............. 13 I. PERSONAL ODYSSEY My SPIRITUAL JoURNEY ................................. '" ................ 17 INTERVIEW ..................................................................... 51 II. EVIL TAKES ROOT THE VANISHED WORLD: THE GLORY AND DESTRUCTION OF POLISH JEWRy ..........................................................................71 THE VANISHED WORLD PART II: POLES AND JEWS, THEN AND Now .. 85 THE TRAVAILS, TRIUMPHS AND TRAGEDY OF GERMAN JEWRY ....... 99 THE CONDEMNED MASTERS OF THE GHETTOS ... '" ................... 125 POETRY OUT OF THE AsHES SMOKE .......................................................................
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