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I) K AND KIWANLS Engineers Wear MA J. (JEN. MOSELY MIDSUMMER NIGHTS HICHAM Dr. E. B.Bryan KENTUCKY UNIT. WILL ESTABLISH Henry M. Waite WILL REVIEW U.K. IS GUIGNOL SEASON'S FINAL Witt Be Speaker PERSHING RIFLES RADIO CENTERS «0TC DAY By BEN F TAYLOR Ourk as "Snout." H. C. McKee as DM1 MEET At Convocation ™ With the elaborate musical score Quince "; and Jack Williams as At Graduation by Frllx Mendalssohn - Bartholdy "Starveling." The play that this Radios Be Sent to Annual Visitor's Day and Victory Is Second Consecu- Fifty To for an accompaniment, the Gulgnol group staged for "Theseus" will be Speaker Wednesday Is One Tbe Demobilization of Edu Various Towns in the Field Dav Are Slated Inaugurated Its seventh and last remembered by the audience. tive One Taken by Local of Ky. Mountains Of Nation's Outstanding for May 24 presentation of Shakespeare's com- Mary King Koger as "Puck." the ctlion" Is Subject Organization edy. "A Mid-Summer Night's mischievous and scheming Imp. .s LISTENERS WILL HEAR TROPHIES TO HE CIV EN Dream." next In fine performances Her OHIO STATE. ILLINOIS UNIVERSITY PROGRAMS Col. Henry M. Walte. who direct- TO MILITARY STUDENTS The one legitimate theater of the genuine laugh and her convincing \RE SECOND AND THIRD ed the construction of Cincinnati* Bluegrnss offered Its patrons, pos- "giggle" are her best assets for the new railway terminal, will be the sibly for first time, the perform- role which Is done to perfection. Listening Centers Are To He Governor Ruby Laffoon and the "Perkins' Rifles" Exhibits A speaker at the Engineering assem- ance of a Shakespearian play with The graceful and fleeting move- Local Sym- Members of Reserve Offi- Typical Awkward Located Under bly at 10 a. m. Wednesday In Its official and proper musical score. ments while on the stage convey Squad Memorial hall. His subject will be To At Such an undertaking ls quite cour- to the audience a true Insight to Drill • Problems in Constructing a Rail- ageous for the little theater to stage her difficult characterization. A system for adult education, road Terminal for Seven Rail- and while portions of the play In Th? costumes of the players are For the second time in as many through the medium of radio by roads- which the orchestra plays are rough. most effective. While it Is usually ypars. the Kentucky unit of Persh- means rf listening centers In the Colonel Walte is one of the out- It is certainly commendable as a difficult to give a performance in ing Flfles marched on the field for Kentucky mountains, has Just been standing engineers of the United whole. Surely by the middle of the Roman costume without some of competitive drill, and for the sec- Inaugurated by the University In States and Is well known In Lex- week's run. the audience will wit- the desired effect being lost for the ond time. It marched off the field cooperation with the Klwanls clubs ington, having been superintendent ness a smooth performance. play, the Ouignol players have victorious. Friday night on Stoll according to Elmer O. field, the crack company from the of Kentucky, of the Cincinnati division of the Harlle Smith as "Bottom" Is the overcome this. Aside from beinR University, Sulzer, director of the University Queen and Crescent railway with stellar performer of the comedy. excellent examples of designing and commanded by Cadet system, Capt. H. Mills, radio studios. This prob- offices In Lexington. He has been The audience will be convulsed with difficult workmanship, they are defeated the ' units from the universities ably the most comprehensive thing superintendent of the Seaboard his antics and egotistically boom- colorful and give the production an of Ohio involves State. Illinois. Indiana, and of Its kind ever planned, Air line, chief engineer of the city ing voice. The love scene with added attraction. Particularly is Day- establishment of 50 or more ton, which finished in that order the of Cincinnati, vice-president, chief Bottom" and Titania" is one of this so In scenes with the colorful respectively. centers In fthc more Inaccessible engineer, and president of the his many excellently hilarious per- fairies with Marjorle Powell as the be- portions of the mountains, each Lord Construction company of tormances. Those who ably assist principal character. All of her Approximately 5.000 persons wit- ing equipped with a radio set. New York. For the last six years, Mr. Smith in his fine performance performances are little short of pro- nessed the exhibition which in- Each listening center will be lo- he has been chief engineer of the and who also make up the many fessional, and her acting opposite cluded competitive drill, an exhibi- cated under local sympathetic au- Cincinnati Union Terminal com- Indications of an exceptionally well- to Bottom" Is supreme. tion by the drum and bugle corps spices, such as settlement schools, pany. east play are: John Day as "Flute"; Songs by the fairies were rather of Man O' War post of American general stores, newspaper offices, or 1914 to 1918 Colonel Waite Legion, a fancy drill From Phil Ardery as "8nug." Don Mc- ) by the entire community halls where gatherings was city manager of Dayton. Ohio, company of Pershing Rifles con- of 15 to 30 Individuals can be ac- which was the first city in this Elmcq Burritt&Qim sisting of six squads, and a comi- commodated. The local auspices country to adopt the city-manager I cal exhibition of "what the well- will keep the centers open during of Dr. Elmer Burrltt Bryan, presi- trained soldier does system government. (. WESLEY CARTER not do" by the times of the University educa- The new station which Colonel dent of Ohio University. Athens. Perkins' Rifles." Seniors to to all Ohio, widely educator, tional programs as well as others Walte has Just completed In Cin- ought go and known Out of a possible 1500 points the the functions which are ar- will address the members of the | of value, and will encourage local cinnati, probably the worlds mast IS K. I. P. A. HEAD Kentucky unit, which is trained by ranged for at com- class of '33 at 10 a. m.. Friday, people to attend these programs famous terminal building. Ls a mar- them Warrent Officer G A. Knight, said later 2. will regularly. A system of centralized vel of beauty and Involves many mencement time. In June His subject be "The by Col. D. D. Dennis to be Kentucky Kernel Is Judged one of supervision on control by the Uni- Innovations In novel construction years they will wish they had Democrltilatlon of Education. " Dr. the best drillmasters In the United if Eirst in Contest. Is L. president of versity is planned. and design. The Interior trimming attended, they fail to go. Rut Frank McVey. the States, made 1394 points, while the Baccalureate Service on University, will preside during the Various Klwanls clubs In Ken- of the building ls of aluminum, and The Disqualified; Murray others finished as follows: Ohio Sunday, May 28. at 3 oclock program. The entire calendar for tucky are appropriating money for ls unique in modern construction. MAJ-GEN. G. V. MOSELY Wins Cup State, 1307; Illinois, 1285; Indiana, the sets for these centers which The arrangements for handling in Memorial ball is always an commencement week is as follows: 1272; Dayton. 1223. The decision MaJ. - Gen. George Van Horn interesting and memorable will be known as "University of motor traffic to and from the sta- LEADER AWARDS PRIZE Wednesday. May 24 was rendered by Capt. Robert Shoe Kentucky-Kiwanls Listening Cen- tion are also new. Mosely. commanding officer of the affair. The speaker this year 2:00 p. m.—Military Field Day of Fort Thomas; Capt. Carml Wil- ters." is Dr. W. J. Hutchins of liams of The Lexington club has al- Colonel Waite will discuss fea- Fifth Corps area, and members of Wesley E. Carter, editor-in-chief and R. O. T. C. graduation exer- Fort Thomas, and Lt. Col. ready made a donation for two tures in his address to the engi- Berea College. cises on Stoll field. Stanley Koch of Lexington. the Reserve Officers of Kentucky The second event ls the of The Kentucky Kernel, was elect- sets and other clubs will probably neers. All students and the public Thursday. May 25 The drill meet was opened with suit. will be the guests of honor at the breakfast for the senior class ed president of the Kentucky Inter- the parade of follow According to Professor in general are invited to attend. 8:00 p. m.—University High school the entire First regi- Sulzer, battery sets will be needed annual field day exercises to be given by President and Mrs. collegiate Press association Satur- commencement. ment of Pershing Rifles, under the in many instances and Individuals McVey on the lawn at Max- command of Cadet Col. George held Wednesday. May 24. on Stoll day at the culmination of a two- Sunday. May 28 throughout Kentucky who have Annual Garden Day well place at 8:30 o'clock. Kimmel of the Unlverstiy of Indi- Meld in conjunction with Visitor's day convention of the association 2:30 p. m. — Baccalaureate pro- such sets for which they have no June 1. ana, and Cadet Capt. Louis Chaney, day. which all of at cessional forms on Plaza between further use and who desire to speed To Be Held Friday at time parents The third event is com- Centre college in Danville. The adjutant, also of the University of Physics and Mining buildings and up the establlhsment of these lis- students and friends of the Univer- mencement Itself. Practical- retiring president of the group was Indiana. Then the cadet captains on drive leading to the Administra- tening centers are asked to commu- Marv Ivouis Speed, Landscape ly all seniors attend this Joe Lafferty, Western State Teach- of the various units and their sity are Invited to visit the campus tion building. nicate with him. Architect. Will Speak function, and most of them ers college. .sponsors were introduced by Col- and make an inspection of the 3:00 p. m.— Baccalaureate sermon. The lack of radio sets In the go to the breakfast, but it Carter is a Junior In the College onel Dennis in the following order: at 11 a. m. buildings and grounds. The Reserve Dr. William James Hutchins. presi- Kentucky mountains is for the most would be worthwhile to at- of Arts and Sciences, member of Company C. University of Kentuc- dent of Berea college. Berea, Ken- In convention at tend the Baccalaureate ser- oart unappreciated by the people A talk by Miss Mary Louise Officers will be PI Kappa Alpha social fraternity, ky. Capt. J. H. Mills and sponsor, vice on Sunday. tucky. jf other parts of Kentucky. Ac- Speed. Louisville, the time and will sit in the review- Sigma Delta Chi. honorary profes- Miss Betsy Frye of Augusta. Ga.; landscape archi- 4:00 p. m.—Band concert. Uni- cording to the 1930 census Elliott ing stand with MaJ.-Gen. Mosely. FRANK L. McVEY sional Journalistic fraternity. Strol- Company A. Ohio State. Capt M. tect, and a tour of the University's versity band— Amphitheatre of Me- rounty had but eight families sup- Governor Ruby Laffoon. Dean Paul lers, and ls head announcer at the B McMillan and sponsor. Miss I botanical gardens will feature the morial hall. piled wi'ii radio sets and Leslie had University of Kentucky's P. Boyd, who will receive the guests local extension studios of radio Dorothy Curtis of Maysville. Ky.; annual 5:00 p. m—Reception for grad- 11. The establishment of the lis- in the absence of President McVey. station WHAS. Company B. University of Indiana, garden dny, to be held Friday, uating class, parents and guests. tening centers will bring to thous- and MaJ. Boltos E. Brewer, com- Other officers elected at the meet- Capt. Karl Martz and sponsor, Miss May 19. Faculty club. mandant at the University. ing were Al Anita Murphy of ands of eastern Kentuckians the The day's activities will begin RUPP ANNOUNCES Clmbraugh. Eastern Atlanta. Oa.; State Wednesday. May 31 educational, vocational, and mod- with the visitors meeting at the The field day exercises, which Teachers college, vice-presi- Company D. University of Illinois, dent: Wesley 9.00 p. m.—Senior ball—Alumni Capt. L. I. Friece ernizing effects of radio which have Art center on Euclid avenue from were originally planned for 2 p. m. Carty. Centre college, i and sponsor. Miss secretary: gymnasium. Anna Hillenmeyer been denied them in the past. where they will be taken to the have been postponed until 2:30 CAGE SCHEDULE and Wallace Rogers. Bain of Lexing- Murray, Thursday, June 1 ton; E. University The University has broadcast botanical gardens, the rock garden, p. m., due to the fact that Major- treasurer. Company of 8:30 Breakfast for the educational programs from its own In the contest for the best news- a. m. — Dayton. Capt. Edwin C. Lango. and and the University library where General Mosely will be unable 1938-341 Basketball To Squad paper graduating class given by President studios for over four years through there will be a display of rare books to arrive in Lexington before that in the association for the Play Strong Eastern, Mid- and Mrs. McVey, Maxwell place. the cooperation of WHAS. Louis- on gardens. time. Major Brewer expects to year. The Kentucky Kernel was Lexington. Miss Elizabeth Western, given first, 9:00 a. m.—Registration of Alum- Lexington, the ville. Five programs each week are Miss Speed's address will be on have the company of Pershing and Southern the Eastern Progress, regimental agricultural second, and the ni—Administration building. had been previously introduced and are prepared by L. the subject of "Garden as a Hobby Rifles, which won the regimental : Good Team Expected Murray College News, 10:30 a. Meeting of Board of with Cadet Col. C. Brewer of that department in and a Fine Art." and will be given competitive drill on Stoll field Fri- third, but the first two papers m— Kimmel. were disqualified Trustees. Co-favorites with such a way as to be specific value at 11 a. m. in Memorial hall. Fol- day night, form an escort for the By JOE (H INN because of the fact the competitive that they 12:15 p. m.—Class luncheons. drill were the exhibition and benefit to Kentucky farm fam- lowing the meeting in Memoril hall, car of Major - General Mosely Although there are several spots were not submitted on by "Per- 2—4 p. Open house at the ilies— Five other programs are edu- the group will adjourn to Castle- from the main entrance to the Ad- yet to be fllled in the 1933-34 bas- the dates specified, and the silver m— kins' Rifles" and the fancy drill of University Library. Art center and caticmal, usually arranged In week- wood where the Lexington Garden ministration building where Dean ketball schedule. Coach Adolph cup donated by The Lexington the Kentucky unit, which was exe- Woman's building. ly series of from four to ten talks, club will serve luncheon at noon, Boyd will receive him. The Persh- Ste ay 8 Leader was presented to Murray. cuted without commands and to ' 4:00 p. m.—President and Mrs. and run gamut of informational prior to the opening of the flower ing Rifles unit will then be dis- slate" thYt has bee n "arrenged U> Representatives from Western the music of the "Best Band In Teachers McVey at home to Alumni and to Dixie" subjects Including geography, liter- show to which the public is invited. missed and Major Brewer will es- date. college. Murray Teachers under the direction of Prof. guests of the graduating class. Max- (Contlnued on Page Four) cort General Mosely to the review- The new schedule will include college. Morehead Teachers college. Elmer Sulzer. It was the opinion of well place. ing stand for the Field day exer- 21 games, which is one more game Eastern State Teachers college. the officers present that this drill 7:00 Banquet. University Prof. Cohen Heads cises. than was played during the regular Georgetown college. Transylvania. p. m— could rival anything that the of Kentucky season last year. Among the South- Centre college, and the University alumni—Phoenix ho- United States Army's best drill Math Association In addition to the awarding of to be of Kentucky attended the tel. team could produce. The company the Rotary plaque, upon which is eastern conference teams Friday. June 2 of six squads was the largest unit engraved each year the name of played are Vanderbilt. Alabama. Prof. Leon W. Cohen, of the 9:30 a. m.—Commencement pro- that has ever executed the drill, the senior in the military depart- Georgia Tech. Tennessee and Se- University Library mathematics department, was elect- cession forms on Plaza between which was carried out with uner- Kampus ment having the finest qualities of wanee. Mississippi State may also ed president of the Kentucky di- Physics and Mining buildings and ring precision and exactness. leadership, new trophies will be show against the 'Cats in a home Receives Four New vision. Mathematical Association of on drive leading to the Administra- (Continued on Page Pour) presented by the Optimist and Kl- and home series. The only Big Ten America, at the annual meeting tion building. Kernels wanis clubs, and the Reserve Offi- conference opponent, slated so far. Educational Books held Saturday at Georgetpwn col- 10:00 a. m.—Commencement ad- cers association. These awards are is the University of Chicago with lege. dress. "The Democritization of a saber given by the Optimist club whom a tentative agreement has Miss Margaret King. University SIGMA XI GROUP He succeeds Prof. Charles Hat- librarian, Education." Dr. Elmer Burritt Bry- to the first year advanced corps been made. announced yesterday the field, head of the mathematics de- an, president of Ohio University. ever walking student having the highest combin- One of the features of the season receipt of three publications on col- Have you tried down partment at Georgetown college, Athens, Ohio. the south end of the main drive- ed military and academic standing; will be the appearance, here, of leges and universities. They are: WILL INITIATE 13 who presided at the Saturday ses- 12:30 p.m. — Luncheon — guests, way at noon? If you have you the Kiwanis club medal and a one of the big eastern universities, •Survey /of Higher Education in sion. Prof. A. R. Fehn, Centre friends, faculty of the possibly the University of Pennvyl- Tennessee." "Report on University alumni and know full well that it was a dan- college, was re-elected secretary. membership In the Reserve Officers Dr. E. R. Cumings of Indian;, nothing definitely Consolidation University. University Commons. ger to your life! All the motorists association to the second year grad- vania. although In North Carolina" The program included the pre- McVey hall. Iniversity Will Chief has yet been arranged. This game (President McVey was on the com- y Be act as though they must get to sentation of 1- uating student In the advanced . fur- mission 2:00 p. m—Meeting of Alumni their lunch within two minutes if course having the with the eastern team should that made this study), and Speaker at Annua) given by members of association — University Commons. they wish to get anything to eat. standing. nish an interesting basis of com- "Economy in Higher Education." •juet Friday tion. McVey hall. and as a result, the pedestrians parison on the relative merits of published by the Carnegie Founda basketball as played In different tion and the U 8. office of Dr. E. R. Cumings. of the de- sections ol the country. Reister Is Elected partment of geology, University of U. K. STUDENT IS DAREDEVIL The lone Southern conference Economies suggested in the latter Indiana, will be the speaker at the There will be a meeting of Scab- team to be played is Clemson. If book are: Expensive and Infre- Catholic Club Head annual banquet of the Kentucky bard and Blade at 5 p. m., today in arrangements can be satisfactorily quently used books might be made chapter of Sigma Xi. national the Armory. All members are re- DIVER, WRESTLER, ACROBAT concluded for a two game series. available in only one institution but scientific fraternity, which will be quested to be present. Three Other Officers Are University of Cincinnati and catalogued in two or this time • • • more; post- Elected Eor Service held Friday. At new Xavier university are two newcom- ponement of purchase of books to members who will be Initiated will All letter men of this year's track By JAY LI CI AN ers on the Wildcat schedule. The be used by only, one or two persons: Next Year include an active member and 12 f quad are requested to meet at the A chill over This all seems strange and far Ruppmen will again open the sea- reduction in number of duplicates associates. to elect i expectant crowd, grouped away but the central character of gym at 3 p. m . today the tense, Joe S. Reister. Lexington. (Contlnued on Page Four) order for class use and also of Junior The program for the evening in- captain for next year's track team. in obscure darkness around the this little drama is a student at in the College of Arts Sciences Journals ordered; and making class and cludes the annual election of offi- . . . margin of the cement pool. The the University. Those of you who elected president of the Cath- assignments more flexible as to time was cers and the principal address by lap-lap of the little waves beating attended the May Day Stunt Fes- W. A. A. Installs olic club of the University Coach Potters freshman track- allowed and titles to be used. and Doctor Cumings. His subject will against the pool walls could be tival may remember seeing a pow- Transylvania college Sunday morn- man will meet the combined var- Officers Picnic A book that is being kept alive be Bloherms." The banquet will plainly heard by the spectators. erfully-built, blond young man do- at ing In the gold room of the La- sity and Ireshman squad of Tran- after the donor has passed on Is be held at 6:30 p. in at the Phoe- Their faces were raised skyward ing a series of acrobatic maneuvers, fayette hotel. sylvania on 8toll field at 4 p. m. the "Ellen Churchill Semple Col- nix hotel, A trail wooden ladder rose from whirling round and round in a Helen Fry, Pearl Zink. uul Other officers elected at today. lection." a 1933 edition of Miss the The new jJiembers will be Wil- their midst until It lost Itself far giant swing on the horizontal bar. were: • • • Sarah Purnell Receive Semple's famous book. "American meeting Margaret Brown. liam Brooks v ed by the library, from Mr Clements. James 8 Frankel. Wil- cussed. It ls Imperative that all ner In a series of leverage acts. Suddenly a match was struck and Kerii'i. a member of Sigma Delta L. the organization at 6 p. m . Thurs- liam Haag, P Hutchinson. Rob- In question i» Chi. treasurer of Y. C. the gasoline on the surface of the The young man dy. May 11. at the home of Helen the M. A., ert Broh-Kahn. Thomas Moore. water in the pool burst Into flames. Ralph Gutchell of Schenectady. N and editor of the "K book. Palmeter. Henry Polk, Fry. The ceremony was conducted li \ l 1 1 n\

Best Cop

Paff? Two THE KENTUCKY KERNEL Tuesday. May tfi, l«m

O D K last Chrysnstom. came thousands of The Kentucky Kernel miles to hear them lecture, slept LITERARY thnt he In alleyways during the term and Piihlxbol M of $100 when It by JANE Looking Roamin' MemlirT The first large pledge announc- the College Previ Awhi.ii ion National ed was that of the Kernel amount- for fifteen liMMk] InterrollegUte PlW Literary continues this week in Glare of the too blazoned torches the then bawl out the professor for not ] ing to $20000 We commend Back the Rialto Amoi tat ton a playful mood. These are the Lights the wayt on Stu- giving him an "A" In the rours" Lexington Bnanl of (.ommeiie action of the Committee remains of sweepings from The radiances suspended Small hang I By MARY .IO LAFFF.RTY By JOAN CARIGAN Publications for their wise and That type of student Is plentiful on Kernel environs. Staffs or make up dent | over head. Nc«»|i,i|h-i ol ihr Student* o( this splendid pro- every rampus and that Is the type divisions not represented In last Barkers bid travellers here — and " part In the I niver»ilt ot kriiHi.V.\ of student which should be denied week's poetry edition have so clam- there ject The others who have pledged 'omblning some of the elemenv. ored for recognition that we have Tall ladles drift by on fanciful those the right of matriculating In edu- May 14 of 'Smllln' Through." "Cimarron." to again print Snl>v npunn S'J 00 a \cai Fnteir.t ai found It necessary Thornton Connell. Paris, anej cational Institutions and The Covered Wagon." Mary Prof • preserves These po- . Pmioflwr a* snoiul old home of puppets LexitiRtnn. k\ There are side booths Mhw Eliza M Piggott. Irvington. Plckford's newest picture. "8ecrets." Mail Mutter Mctn- Today a collegf etics are really Jams." they have Nodding In caps. Claw Enoch Orehan Prof. R D were elected editor-in-chief and opened at the 8trand Sunday. Les- of sweetness. The money because It an Innate savor Long frilled skirts of lithe dancers: i»dltor. respectively, of tyre. Delta Tan Delta. Phi Kappa managing lie Howard is her leading man In HF.RF: SHALL THE KERNEL ALL first poem Is the composition r>f Fairies—and elfins In cobweb wraps. the 1918-19 Kernel 1918 Alpha Sigma Phi. Tau Beta to anyone who can get It. Trie this story of the secret Joys and PF.N I RICH I S MAINTAIN T»u. Johnnie Craddock conductor of the before wheels a silver disc. Ml And ever A new publication entitled. "Cam- sorrows of a woman's heart. Miss and Kappa Kappa Oamma harm Is done when -Quia Vadlt" column. Mr Crad- sparkling on. PI. Tinseled, and twirling, pus Special," issued by the Out- Plckford believes "Secrets" an Ideal . Editor in Chiel Wmtt) I Cars* I These Individuals and organizations refuse to earn a degree crowd into dock's realistic sketches are well The smoke from the tents by the door Recreation athletic council Fiank * Managing Editor vehicle, because In the first place I with outstretched hands known by university causeway rise: circulated the campus. 1923 have proved their Interest in the colleges was on It la a "motion picture" from begin- even the professors. A bright bit shoots from the farris Kentuckian was issued 1928 \ss(>( I \l I I HI lORs ambition to dwell The ning to end. and in the second plac» activities of the University by their and with a wild Is Craddock's defensive wheel. IS s Man I affem May the story Is a simple one of love, Joe RrMer Jo In academic leisure for four years It is hoped that others will Uma Mater. disc Is sharp bit of H Palmci F.l»in Pan And the a bright An editorial writer of the Idea with no wise-cracking and no so- J. these VADIT'S steel. |ohn F. !)av follow the fine example set by (The Kernel) stated that United phistication. This United Artist* Or barkers wheedle. war have already pledged The fessor The States was ready to declare picture was who to a Prof \ssls I \ \ I I 1)1 I ORs Owed "Come to the fair!" on Japan If the California alien feel certain For gosh sakes. lay off of these zage. twice «• sponsors of the plan vow I dedicate. ttrgMl I F.clw»r»l Watt* With solemn For the lights are the twinklings land bill did not meet with Jap- award. Mm the for the most of them are Crate IMH Wonclwn Knight that the other organizations on These final words of wretched of late spring stars. anese approval. 1913. • • • Robert M««..iuiihc\ Arthur HM campus will also want to share In Dogs are the barkers, calling to The radio club of the University Metro - Ooldwyn - Mayer's "Hell mates. The Alumni have la last meeting of th Below." opened Sunday at the Ben A. Matthew* .... Literary Editor this building. Jane The puppets — bent tops of clown All. with a notable cast Including times in the past Judith r.haduiik .... Feature Editor proved rajany rapped pines May 16 Robert Montgomery. Walter Hus- Art Editor Johnnie Craililock their Interest In the University and "That lowdown DO And the silver disc on the dull thin Kentucky Mining Institute week ton. Madge Evans. Jimmy Durante, Editor Joan ( annul Drama mercy." line University. It Is known that they will desire STOUT FELLOWS was In session at the Eugene Palette. Robert Young, and Are the Is the Editor also The moon. 1913. FJdwIn Btyles. The picture, ac- Elirahrth Hardin Society to have a part in this direct cause for What was the But they're too The tents are the houses of brick The first Interscholastlc declama- claimed as greater than "Hell Willie H Smilh . . AM. Society Editor is hoped, will see state legislature, it Pershing Rifles and stone. U. K. 1913. Frances B«nh Nano Bciker Kentucky's unit of tory contest was held at Divers." was filmed with the co- clear to make a substantial As I fringed green skirts are the [ean Anderson Its way winning the competitive drill meet The State University debating team operation of the United States Navy onion beds defeated a team from Georgetown. at the Pearl Harbor base Hawaii. donation to this undertaking the en- In Friday night and making lack a sense of humor. SIM ( I \ I URI I I Rs To those who Waved In the moonlit breeze, bend- 1913. A genuine super-submarine of the building, it la proposed, will The tire affair such a colossal success? I've Howard I.. Cleveland I apologize for wrong done: ing their heads. Delegates to the annual conven- Navy Is of the many naval craft house the offices and pressroom of This question can best be an- Twas merely done for entertain- The bit from the wheel, a falling tion of the Mine Inspectors Insti- to figure In this pageant of sub- Man C. Tenetl A'etes t'difor also provide an The Kernel and swered in the following words: ment- star. tute visited the campus. 1928. marine heroism. In addi- All affection—malice none. The tinsel, the moon In the lace of May 17 • • • ASSISTANT NEWS EDITORS office for the Kentuckian. work. work, and more work! • tree The state interscholastlc track John OUbert returns to the screen F.d Shannon Morion Collin' tion a swimming pool li planned In truth, although the unit seems Now I drop my carving scalpel. The fair Is spring's latest fantasy and field meet was won by Louis- under Tod Browning's direction In |ay I. ii. i in Brn F. Tavlor a large ball room In which and also to have two mottoes already—"ser- Tool of torture, knife of grace. And come, while the barkers call ville Male high school. 1913. the romantic comedy "Fast Work- at the University may- With which I carved the carica- fair. ers," which opens at the All RFPORIKRS all dances vice" and "carry on" - they may Come to the The annual intercollegiate debat- Ben Marv A, Rrend Ann be ample room tures —J. A. M. ing contest was held at Transyl- Thursday. It Is the story of the be held There will rightfully add a thtrd-"work." Ba/il Baker Forest That brought me fun. and them • • • vania college. 1918. hilarious adventures of two riveters for all honorary organizations and Svlventer Ford Agne* Savage The local unit has been organized The Blue and White tennis team who liked to climb high in the world also for the Y. W. C. A. It will be The following poem is entered in Floienre Kellev Earl'-',,. only since 1931; yet In Its two com- won the first victory of the season so that their range of vision for the this month's poetry contest: Charlotte Coltinan C. Hulett a place where all students of the So I write this ode of by defeating the Georgetown team ladles would be Increased. Robert J petitive meets It has walked, or IT SNOWED LAST NIOHT sk-njen Helen Alfrev can meet and enjoy A final plea to save Armstrong plays Gilbert's pal, and University rather marched, away with the sil- Who says the city's a clumsy place? For 'tis said some profs still threat- It the cast includes Mae Clarke. Vir- Helen Rich Jane Hamilton recreation with May themselves In the various trophy both times. I saw all Its windows hung 4 Sagash Kasli |ack May ver en. The Wildcat trackmen compet- ginia Cherrlll. Muriel Klrkland. and It is to rooms that are planned. all-inclusive enthusiasm seems "I'll kill the critter yet. by heck!" Vtnce Barnett. An black dirty? I saw them ed In the first annual Southern s/.or/i ErfKoi Streets and • • • Dolmar be self-supporting when completed. —JOHNNIE CRADDOCK. Intercollegiate Conference to have invaded the entire military • • tonight track Joe Qninn 4«J tfOTtt Ediloi • In the role of a romantic rogue The Kernel is solidly behind this and field meet. 1923 department during the past few re- Covered with ermine, spotlessly fleeces tourists. Hcnr\ McCmvn . . Awl. Sp»rt\ EditW "Spring's Fair." was written who Ramon Na- project morally and financial- white. The first short course for flre both weeks and all their efforts have cently, the night when It didn't varro as "The Barbarian." comes to fighters was held under the aus- I buildings, row on end? SI'OR $ WRITERS ly and will use whatever Influence rain. It Is a moonsoaked composi- Tall sooty the Strand Thursday. This Metro- been directed toward bringing about pices B. Wells Vernon Nugent Oh. you're mistaken there, my of the College of Engineering J possess to bring this highly tion by another member of The Ooldwyn-Mayer production has as It may a happy ending to the drill meet and the Lexington fire department Arnold Fust Harrv Franks Kernel staff. friend— Its background colorful atmosphere desirable proposal into reality on training school. Two Not only a happy ending with re- SPRING'S FAIR They may be tall, but they're nice of the Nile river and the Egyptian Nea Turnljtill . . . Business Manager sons attended the the campus of the University gards to winning the competitive Its spring, and there's calling to desert. Navarro, as a native tour- demonstrations. 1928. come to the fair! And lovely to look at- ists' guide, falls In love with a ADVERTISING STAFF drill, but also to staging a most May 19 The midway is lighted—but none of It snowed last night! young English girl, portrayed by Dave Dilford Rolvert Nail enjoyable show, which can only be —D. T. Plans were made for commence- Myrna Loy. and the ensuing plot Bliss Warren Dan F.wing PROFS the MOANS OF THE termed "swell." ment and the Installment of Presi- involves many amusing situations dent* McVey. 1918 . . . Circulation Manager surprising climax.. C V. Coflman Tls a lonesome occupation. Company C. under the command and a Others In The four companies of the mili- the cast are Reginald Denny, Louise This of education. of Captain Mills, has worked dili- Human Beings Are Praised tary department of U. K. held a Hale. C. Aubrey Smith and gently during entire VISITOR'S DAY For dumbells inhabit every class: the competitive drill, followed by Arnold. Ramon sings. "Love lng ceremonies of Songs Nile." alumni and friends of When after long explaining of the Parents, Human Responses To Various Stimuli Is Great Advan- Blade. 1923. • • • complaining weeks has spent many hours on the " University are to be the guests The class begins 29 the tage to Mankind, Says U. K. May The State theater is now open, didn't it clear. Professor drill field perfecting Its maneuvers of the Institution. Wednesday. May You make Freshmen defeated the sopho- after a period of renovation. Its Glass. The results of this concentration 24, for the annual Visitors day and mores In the first annual inter- current attraction is Eddie Cantor's it of action were plainly shown Friday exemplified in the class debate on the subject. Re- famous vehicle. "The Kid from the military Held meet. Thousands Again must go through By BCRNAM PEARLMAN imagination as night. of the greatest advantages manifold developments of science solved: that there should be a min- Spain." The State promises many to on Or on exams you'll rue It One of persons are expected be imum wage law operative In the first -run pictures in the future, as Doubtless the companies from that human beings possess over all and of art. the ability to learn, to day. taking Not a one of us know what it's all factories, the campus during that other organisms Is their capacity profit by evperlence. to adjust to work shops and depart- well as the best of the second-run about. the other universities have worked advantage of the "open house" to for making an infinite number of changing environment, and to ment stores of United States. 1913. productions. too. and they were good, but just of nearly inspect the various buildings, lab- Tis Important they all tell us. responses to various stimuli fashion that more and more not quite good enough. their environment. If man's re- to his heart's desire—all these oratories and residence halls. The Sometimes pay us. then compel us. this things alike be quite impos- Just as Captain Mills said in his sponses were pure troplsms. would Is Lexington Board of Commerce would be impossible; If he were sible and even beyond his compre- short talk upon receipt of the cup. co-operating with a University com- snout phototropic he could not go Into a hension. the success of the group was due camera But this plasticity and this ca- mittee to make the occasion an Sometimes we get our pay. then dark room to deveiop a in large measure to Warrant Officer film: if he were heliotropic he pacity for varying responses which outstanding entertaining affair spend it. and thus set man off from the rest of been preparing c°uld not ex P'ore ' ne WMllMljM Tho' we often have to lend it. Knight, who has | for all present. „ „ he were geotropic he would be like the animal kingdom, also carry the group for, the exhibition. Boys The program will open at U o'- And we can't say that we find tne rQOt Up wnen pulled out of tne with them serious disadvantages, don't mind working for someon ' recourse but to for with paths lying before clock with a barbecue on the Ex- in the earth, with no many they like, and there are few In the push back Into It again if per- him. he is confronted with the ne- periment Station farm, followed by chance it were not enough. cessity of choice, and the hazard Students who have never tried to entire R. O. T. C. unit who do not a personally conducted tour, under Instead, he is able to seek out oB choosing wrongly. think that G. A. Knight is a "great special guides, of the building and "dirty-nose" a professor out of a the conditions which satisfy his There are many errors made In guy" and a real soldier. needs, are conducive to his well- social behavior when unwise means grounds. Open house will be held good grade are as scarce as The organization of Pershing being, and gather them about him are employed to attain satisfaction library all fraternity Gandhis front teeth. The' same at the and at as he does in his home. for the great physiological, psycho- may be said of professors who do Rifles has been a national unit only and sorority houses. Military field Similarly, if his responses were logical, and social needs. The way since 1924. but It has been expand- day will start at 2:30 o'clock not respond to the plea of the as uniform as those of the single- of satisfactory adjustment is ed to a large number of Institutions celled organisms so that he only fraught with many unsuspected and Wednesday afternoon on Stoll field. "dirty-noser." since that time, and doubtless will could move toward or away from unseen perils. For this reason, the Dean Melcher and Dean Blanding Every college teacher with a cor- the object In his environment, or accumulated experience of the race be included in practically every have notified all students to invite puscle of humanity in his blood as mechanical as the reflex-like is brought into the school where R. O. T. C. unit within a few years. their parents and friends to the stream has "passed" hundreds of Instincts of the insects, so that he children may modify their behav- The University should be proud could only fly toward, crawl upon, ior, and develop their capacities for the festivities. fellows who. on the basis of schol- campus favorable conditions, so that of the local members of this organ- pierce, lay eggs In. or scuttle away under Kentucky and Lexington are just- astic accomplishment, deserved to from certain types of stimuli, he they may not lose their way thru ization. If as much effort Were put ly proud of the University and sin- be flunked outright. To grant a could scarcely be the creator that ignorance and lack of the proper Into other endeavors as these boys of thought ^.nd skills. cerely appreciate its cultural and passing mark to a student because he is. The works put In preparation for their drill practical contribution to the peo- his social and political affiliations

meet, the Kentucky campus would ring leaders. . .Dot William's army ple of the state. Persons through- deny him ample time to prepare his be deserted her in time of need . . studies is obviously out the state are vitally interested unfair, both to and she was left "holding the sack"

In one or more phases of the Uni- the remaining students who expect . . . She received a thorough soaking versity's work They will welcome no academic mercy and to the In- Scandal (water) from members of the op-

posing forces. . peaceful by-stand- this opportunity to be the guests structor who "carries" the delin- ers who were forced to flee from of the school and visit the famed quent student by making a false Snickerings the scene were Deltaw Fred Dye Vocal cords Kentucky campus. entry on the scholastic book. and his courtee. Nellie Taylor. • This presents to the student body In sheer desperation, many in- By Friday night two distinguished an excellent opportunity to demon- structors often give a flunking mark ladles walked into Stoll field to to these visitors the of It strate type to an undeserving student. What seems as though the composer llltilllllll witness the Pershing Rifles drill made of coal7 person attending the University. wrote. "I Don't Mind Walking who . . a scene ensues! Tears,' hard luck We have just been Informed of meet . 81galph Buddy Dallas tip- The majority of enrolled students stories, lack of real sympathy, ac- in the Rain." was once touring the organization of a "Brain Trust" ped his hat very politely to the Slgalph are an eager, steady, intelligent when his car stopped, ne- In a class of the commerce college housemother, Mrs. Luxon. cusations of hard-heartedness. etc.. which of Western Electric care - and her companion Mrs. Hagan. Typical and . . . Kappaslg Charlie Woolrldge. A 1 class of young men and women flow in a maudlin stream until the cessitated his walking to the near- Phidelt housemother. Mrs Hagan phalumbdatau La in manufacturing Bell Telephone apparatus, is the Upperclassmen. especially, are fa- est settlement. mark is raised Who is responsible— Anyway he didn't and Independents handed Buddy two small cards and miliar with the buildings, halls and the instructor or the student? As have to keep encouraging that Oreathouse passed on. . Sometime later Buddy making of the transmitter hutton which transforms suddenly discovered two neatly en- laboratories and can in this way a result of these perpetual experi- graved calling cards among his col- spoken words into electrical impulses. enrjes. we JbeUeve that the eco- Our ole Irlend Tri-Delt Virginia lection of Pershing Rifle tickets... information concerning these This transmitter button the telephone's vocal nomics of higher education need a is very sore. . she Is sore in two These two cards bore Mrs Hagan's — things. The ghostly form of an ed was ways besides having a sore throat name and address ... When Mrs thorough overhauling. cords — contains coal. Only a fine grade of se- seen lurking in the shadows of the she Is sore at us for mentioning Hagan's attention was called to the The Kernel, on behalf of the stu- Professors are human beings, that the incident she discovered two tickets ettes dorms recently mo. this isn't that she went for a wade In lected anthracite, specially treated, is suited for dent body, welcomes these friends Is, in pocketbook disregarding outward Gutgnol theater fish pond.. . BUT her any murder mystery). Sneaking up to the campus, and knows that they ..."She can take It", her wading this delicate work. First the coal is ground into within hearing distance he hissed. will satisfied partner. Plkap Jack Williams "can't Several of leave that the Uni- nights ago a student fine granular form - next it is carefully sifted and "Hey. Black and Silver. don't " Why take It he was confined to his the University visited a in versity of Kentucky is one of the dance you never come up to the room bed with his sore throat, but Vir- Georgetown ... In an attempt to washed. Then, after !>eing roasted in special ovens, anymore?" Now. make your own, ginia went on to college (like all "make a hit" with a woman with tutlons in the South. good little Tri-Delts do) it is put into the transmitter hutton. Approxi- sodden with fatigue from whom he was dancing . Fie popped • • • the question, or over exertion in political cam- "Don't you love me mately 50,000 tiny grains must go into each hutton

It has been suggested that a just a little bit?" . The dancing paigns. To be sure, only a fma'l Hazing of freshmen was sudden- UNION monument be erected to Ohio Mary ceased for the student and his part- —too few or too many would impair transmission. THE BUILDING percentage of these students ever ly abolished at Lincoln Memorial Woolrldge for her gum-chewing ner... His partner remarked. "Lis- The proposed student union get their degrees because the mor- university in Tennessee when one ability. . 8hes a keen little "chew- ten here young man. I don't love Such infinite care with "little things" is one rea- . Flob- tality among of the upperclassmen er". according to Professor anyone but my husband" . and Is a project in which all academic parasites is grabbed a of the with these few words she left the son why Bell System apparatus so faithfully. ^ ^ • • i This building will fulfill a long felt If the time should ever While on the Woolrldge sub- in the of the One freshman athlete of the Uni- when students ject. We might mention that she need on the campus of the Univer- possess the pure versity, upon the completion of an has become a member of "Can't academic Phisig Harry sity. It has long been a subject of Instinct, unmixed with athletic season, remarked that "He take It" club. . .while on the Natural BELL SYSTEM very good attempt at conversation, but until the O. D. K. the baser ingredients of social am- couldn't bridge trip Saturday she was com- decide whether to buy a Maurice Chevalier at the regiment- banquet last Thursday night, little bition and commercial preferment, big "K" or Just a sweater with some pelled to procure a horse for the al parade last Friday . Instead of numbers on it." return trip from the bridge to the definite work had been accomplish- professors would be free from the placing a stiff straw hat upon the • • • train ed This proposal was recently "dirty-noser" and hi end of a cane and giving it a spin, Charlie—Do you know rats how our hero. Harry, sticks his military mentioned by President McVey to get In here? A Very interesting cap upon the end of his sabre and ® the board of trustees at their Horse—Naw! last look place on the geology trip to raises It grafcfully into the air Charlie-Ub-huh Natural bridge Kappas Dot Wil- TELEPHONE HOME ONE NIGHT BACH WEBU E. V I liams and Lucy Shropshire were the ' y Available

Tuesday. Mnv 16. \W\ THE KENTUCKY KERNEL

» " It la al- Chi house were Messrs Richard The prize winning composition. Spotted Snakes. ' is sung by the summer Night Dream Davtes. Joe Delly. Cincinnati: Joe Musical Score Reverie, fairies accompanied bv the ways a surprise to every audience that this well known OBryant. Ft Thomas; J. D. Fish. hall this tra This delightful chorus occurs to discover University of Indiana; Oeorge Hll- gram during the second act of the play. Wedding March is taken from a Adds Much To classic of Shakespeare and len. Louisville, and Cliff Dill. Cin- Mr Capurso s compositions are a At the end of the second act we comedy cinnati regular Wednesday feature on the hear the beautiful Intermezzo This Mrndelessohn. Mr Frank Wnrthlngton. Sigma Guignol's Last University radio program and at selection depicts Hermla on her This. In brief, is an account of what Alexander Capurso and hi* Chi. visited Mr and Mrs. Ollboy In present he Is preparing a program fruitless search for Lysander This his for the Columbia staff of willing assistants are do- Chicago last week. MirlHiimmer Night's Dream" of own works lovely movement which seemingly SOCIETY network Is of ing to make more enjoyable the Mr William Oottshall. Sigma Capurso a member expresses the conflict of emotions Athland A*>1>0 Merits Praise Fro Phi Mil Alpha and Kappa Kappa Oulgnol theater's last production Phone , I I 1/ Mil III H\RI»IN. Editor Chi. spent the wenfe-end In in Hermla's heart is played by the University of the year. This work Is rarely Miss Nell Dlshman FirsJ Nijjhiers Psl fraternltesi. The first violins, which are answered by is fortunate in given in Its original form and ft week-end In Louisville. of Kentucky Indeed the flute and clarinet The theme Alex be great treat to the people Week-end guests of the Phi Kap- having such a musician as then abruptly changes to the seml- will a of Lexington to see and hear what pa Tau house were Messrs. Ollbert Capurso and the success of Mid- romic measures of the Clown's

people are doing . Covington; Summer Night s Dream will be due March, which is here intoned by these young assisted In serving Kingsbury. Bowman \\l> I 111 RO\D Jane Hamilton Those playing In the orchestra, THI HOI M Wrbb. Louisville, and John Webb. to the fine cooperation of Capurso the bassoons the clarinets, and the ».ixv (•o. the delightful salad-sandwich the under the direction of Mr. Capurso. 1 lir hlllr Purdue. and Mr. Fowler In presenting trumpets This prepares the au- course The Hlllr NMM >H*i **r) Elizabethan comedy with the Inci- dience for the entrance of Bottom are: Lee Crook. Oayle Tudor, first the occasion was pro- Messrs. Bud 8plcer. Bob Taylor, Anil O. il's Ik>iim\ here at home. Music for dental music of the Oerman com- violins; Lois Robinson, cello; J. and Bill Franz spent last week- and his troupe of theatrically vided Mlas Ruby Dunn, violin- I go by poser. Robert Allen, bass: Charles Dlck- Hill mnM MM) end In Cincinnati. minded rustics. ist and soloist, and Miss Mary Mendelssohn never wrote an erson. flute: Howard Matson. Ed- pianist. Sigma Alpha Epsllons had as The well known Mendelssohn Thr lilllr liWr mr. Woodburn. opera, but his music to Shakes- gar Barlow, clarinet*; James Mll- enter- guests for dinner Sunday Nocturne occurs between the third v*k and turn and know: Members who assisted in their peare's comedy. Midsummer Nights lrr M J Holbrook, trumpets; Elea- Would and fourth acts of the comedy. lhing< taining the guests were: Misses Mesdames Featherstone, Orlmes, give forili I MM, M Irmn thr Dream, would be sufBclent to nor Wllkerson trombone: BUI Mc- Mohney. Harper. Taylor. Maxon. The four lovers are lying asleep In Louise Mitchell. Alice Hamm. Fran- him a high place among dramatic a the woods, and to the strains of ces Alderson. Pauline Harmon. McCauley. Ayres. Bryant. Irvln. composers. The overture was writ- piano. Mary Woodburn. Catherine Smoot. Steely. Nelson. Mahan. and Luxon this lovely melody. Puck appears I im dean, ten for a performance of Shapes- Anil go mnM. with the magic potion which will Ruth King. Elizabeth Soaper. Fran- Boredom is a result of a clot on Anil jmirnr\ uhilr I in.t\ Sigma Alpha Epsilon announces peare's comedy, which was given Brown. Edna straighten out all the lovers' tan- the Imagination Oerard Forrest. lir.ul lot ihr lillle ces Walsh. Sarah the pledging of Mr. Harold Hill. by the Mendelssohn family, when — 1 hough gles all reunit- Elolse Carrell. and make happily this of the stu- Mouse < Brown. Ruby Dunn. Russell the composer was but seventeen About time year Eliza- ed. The opening theme is written Imi Slat Mary Miller. Agnes 8avage. years old Seventeen years later dents on the campus are That ha* no word The Mother's club of Phi Kappa for the French horn, the harmony beth Craig. Eleanor Briggs. Edith around with clots. Tau met yesterday at the chapter the remainder of the Incidental Burrlner. Whttlocfc Is exquisitely furnished by the cel- Ma\lw. no olhrr Mav. Isabel house. music was written. In Its truest Watklns. Marian los and bassoons. The ending of THE TAILOR MAID SHOPPE ex- ihilil y were Mrs. W. A. Faber. playing of the Wedding March. Phi Beta Initiate* wind instruments with which the of the outstanding manufacturers nasium. Music was furnished by Mr. and Mrs. O C Allord. Fort This composition was written In Kappa chapter of Phi Beta, pro- Overture opens, are the magic for- in the country Such outstanding Jan Oarbers orchestra. Thomas: Mr and Mrs. J A 8t*l- Potsdam In 1843. There have been Tailoring Co.. fessional musical and dramatic mula that opens to us the realms firms as Siebler Active members of the fraternity tenkamp. Fort Mitchell; and Mr. few marriages since that date that Cincinnati: Plke-Hansen Co.. Chi- fraternity, held initiation services of fairyland. The busy tripping are Messrs. H. V. Bastln. C. Bar- Oeorge Hlllen. Louisville. have not been enhanced by the cago: Atlas Raincoat Co. Chicago: at 2 p. m. Saturday at the Oood first subject tells us of the ralries; nett. John Breckinridge. Olenn majestic strains of this noble wed- Shepherd Church. Messrs. Billy Hubble. University the broader and more dignified Becker Tailoring Co.. Cincinnati, Burch. C. D. Calloway. John Crut- ding march. In Its original set- .Legioner, The new members are Misses of Louisville, and Ted Hall. Shelby- theme which follows, of Duke The- Master Oarment Oo Ind., cher. Wallace DeHaven. R. Dugan. ting, the march occurs between and others. Flowers will be Mary Dantzler. Martha Fugett. ville. spent the week-end at the By VIRGINIA BOYD seus and his retinue: the passion- many D. Elliott. C. Oaines. W. Ooodwin, Phi Delta Theta house. Acts IV and V and leads on to the given to each visitor, beginning Virginia Murrell. Virginia Riley. Alexander Capurso and Felix ate second subject of the romantic Joe Goodson. John Haggard. Daryl stage Duke Theseus. Hlppolyta and Tuesday. Display room will he Lucy Jean Anderson, Mary Evelyn Phi Delta Theta fraternity en- Mendelssohn-Bartholdy are com- lovers, while the clownish second Harvey. Walter Hunter. Hal Head- the four lovers, whose pa 9 P M Craycraft. Elizabeth Whitley, Al- tertained Saturday night for sev- bining their efforts to make the part pictures the tradesmen, and ley. Pelham Johnston. William tures form the narrative of This" leen Lewis, and Gladys Lewis. eral boys from the Indiana Persh- production of the baying reminds us of Bottom, King. Oeorge Lyons. Kirk Moberly. Gulgnol theater's Following the ceremony a formal ing Rifles team. "Midsummer Night's the ass. The development Is full B. Montgomery. Sam Nuckles, A. K. Shakespeare's dinner was given in their honor at never to be of bustle and the play of elves. Parrls. William Phelps. F. Posey. Messrs. Louis Diebel and Oscar Dream" an occasion the Wellington Arms tea room by Lexington audiences. The conclusion of the overture Is ALL MAKES OF Frank Rue. Frank Robinson. J. Reuter spent the week-end in forgotten by the active chapter. well student once again the magic formula of Steele. R. D. Scott, E. Wedding, R. isvllle. Alex Capurso, known Kappa chapter is composed of Is taking the classic fairyland." Wilholt. and J. Worth. Mr. Paris Maha composer. Misses Elizabeth Hardin. Lois Rob- At- end in Williamsburg. music of the Oerman composer. The sparkling fairy Scherzo oc- Ly- Pledges are Messrs. Marlon inson. Jean Foxworth. Dorothy Mendelssohn, and with the aid of curs as an entreacte to the first TYPEWRITERS Car- Hazel kinson. C. Buchanan. Alfred Mr. Lindsay Mahan motored to klns. Elizabeth Montague, a competent orchestra. Is giving a and second acts of Mendelssohn's ruthers, Frank Caywood. M. Cole. Louisville to spend the week-end Nollau, Mary Ann O'Brien. Mary color and brilliance to the Shakes- musical setting for "Midsummer Walter Girdler. Jack J ™ x as a guest of friends. Hall, Kit- Special Rental Rates to Students Hopper Laytham. Aleene £££' pearean comedy seldom heard. Night's Dream." This is a dainty Dr. 8. Knickerbocker, ty Cooke, Lots Neal, Dorothy Wtai. a Capurso is a senior in the College and delicate piece of writing for der. alumnus, the Compton, Willie Hughes Smith. • • • Kappa Sigma was of Arts and Sciences at the Uni- the orchestra, being scored for the Cather- guest of the Kentucky chapter of Mary Catherine . Sorority Officers versity, and a major in the music strings, woodwinds, two horns, two Jones, Ruth Wehle, Kappa Sigma during his recent STANDARD HPEWRITER CO. ine Drury, Ann Alpha Oamma Delta announces department. He distinguished him- trumpets, and kettle drums. The Evans stay In Lexington. and Ruby the election of the following offi- self in the city of Philadelphia last form of the Scherajo is the regula- Miss Sara Whlttinghill Is a Phi Opp. WEST SHOBT ST. cers: Misses Evelyn Orubbs. presi- The Delta Zeta sorority will en- year by winning the Carl F. Lim- tion two-part dance form. pledge. Beta dent: Willie Hood Hatchett. first tertain Friday wth a formal tea In ber award for musical composition. The chorus of the fairies. "You honor of new girls whb expect to vice-president : Julia Catherine Party For Friends Webb, second vice-president. Fran- enter school here next fall. In the Mrs. L. C. Jenkins en- Mr. and ces Kerr, secretary, and Anne Ir- receiving line will be Mrs Jouett. a group of friends Friday tertained vine, treasurer. the chapter housemother, and the evening at their home in Hlltonia • • • president and vice-president of the park, after the Pershing Rifles Dinner for Mothers chapter. Approximately 30 guests drill at atoll field. Delta Epsilon chapter of Delta are expected for the affair. list Included Misses The guest Tau Delta entertained the mem- Miss Kathleen Carlton. Louisville Myrtle Polk. Mary Agnes Brend, bers of their mother's club with a was In Lexington this week-end to Brumagen. Marjorie Powell, Edna dinner on Mother's day at the visit her sister. Miss Martha Carl- Anderson. Margaret Dwelly. Jean chapter house on Forrest Park ton. and Mrs. Virginia Bean Bryan: road. Messrs. Crosby Bean, Johnnie The fraternity colors of white, Craddock. Oarland Lewis. Walter purple, and gold were carried out Earl Whitson, Bill Davis. Ted Voll. In the decorations. Those present GEOLOGY GROUP Scott. John Clark. John Hart. Bill were Mesdames Skelton. Miner. Tlchenor. and Edgar Bagshaw. Thorn. Greathouse. Lutes. Odear. • • • TO GO TOUR Davis, Nlcholls. Moore. Skinner, ON Will Honor Alumnus Smith and Olney. The Lexington alumni club of • • Nashville Basin. Part of Gulf the Delta Tau Delta fraternity, at Commerce Graduate Honored Coast and Western Kentuc luncheon-meeting Saturday at its Dean and Mrs. Edward Wiest kv Caves Will Be Visited the Lafayette hotel, will have as Its entertained the commerce gradu- Melcher. on the Trip guest of honor Dean C. R. ating class at tea from 4:30 to 6 of the fraternity and an alumnus p. m. May 7, at their home on Juniors and seniors of the geolo- former chapter adviser of the Uni- Fontaine road. The faculty and chapter. Dean department will leave on June versity of Kentucky their wives were also present. gy Melcher will retire at the close of • a • 3 for a two weeks' trip. Including the semester after many years of First Annual Tri Delta the Nashville Basin, part of the service at the University as dean State Day Gulf coast, the Appalachians in of men and head of the German The Delta Rho and Beta Zeta Alabama. Georgia, and Tennessee, department. chapters ot Delta Delta Delta will and a visit to the caves in West- All alumni of the fraternity from sponsor their first annual state ern Kentucky. travel truck, Lexington and out-of-town are ex- day meet Saturday. May 21. All The group will by pected to attend. alumnae from any chapter In or and will camp on the trip. Geolo- • • • out of Lexington are invited to at- gy of the selected areas will be Dinner Kappa Sigma tend. studied. en- The Kappa Sigma fraternity The two chapters will be hostes- The geological strata of Coons tertained its members and pledges creek', and Muscle Shoals. In Ten- ses at a luncheon at 1 p. m. Satur- Sun- nessee, iron coal wtih a delightful dinner party day at the Lafayette hotel. The and the and de- of day. posits Ala., will be day In honor Mother's speakers for the occasion will be in Birmingham. Just two guests present were studied. Geological structure will Among the Mrs. Elizabeth Rolfe Frill, national Judge and Mrs. O W. Stanley. secretary of Delta Delta Delta, and be observed In the mines of Cum- and Mrs. Ernest berland. Tenn.. and zinc mines and Frankfort: Mr. Mrs. Paul McBrayer. deputy for words... Gaillord. Lebanon: Mr. and Mrs. the Delta Rho and Beta Zeta chap- marble quarry at Knoxville. The Block. Misses Shirley and group will return by way of A. H. ters of Delta Delta Delta. Cum- Louise Warren. Beverly Gaillord. All those wishing to attend this gerland Gap. Mrs. H. R. Yes, I have Mrs Crecellus. Mr. and meeting will please notify Miss CriUl. Mr. and Mrs. C. H. Thomas, all of Louisville: Mr. and Mrs. R. L Edgington. Augusta: Mrs. R. three words—but "They Sat- Mattingly, Bardstown; Mr. and MS Mrs. Brlner. Danville, and Miss ' Week-end guests at the Kappa Bound Trip Excursions isfy" means "To gratify fully. Martha Manning. Maysvllle. Kuppu Gamma house were Misses • • • Mav 27. 29 Eleanor McElroy. Springfield; Sal- 2K Why do these two words Tri Delta To Give Supper ly Ware, Anna Ware. Ruth Willis, One Cent Per Mile Delta Rho of Delta Delta Delta fit Dolly Mattox. Shelby ville; Theo mile traveled) "they satisfy" Chester- will entertain at 6:30 o'clock. Thurs- (for each Tebbs, Winchester: Virginia Rich- Trip Faxes Lexington to day night. 18. wtih a buffet Round May ards. Louisville; Virginia Waddle, fields? supper at the chapter house. For- Knoxville $ 4. (0 Somerset, and Mina Pate. Madison- ty guests from Lexington and near- 7.90 vllle. Atlanta by towns have been Invited. Misses Miss Mary King Montgomery, Jacksonville 14.70 Louise Johnson, Anna Bain HUlen- cause Chesterfield Cigarettes Kappa Kappa Gamma, had as her 1.75 meyer, and Virginia Brown are in Cincinnati guest for the week-end Miss An- charge of arrangements for the Louisville 1.70 taste better. nette Newlln from Fort Thomas, party. Misses Ruth Peck and Ruth Ky. Owensboro 4.00 Ralston are on the dinner com- Chesterfield's way of blend- Mr. Elwood Barber. Lambda Chi Evansville tSf mittee, and Misses Margaret and Alpha, spent the week-end at his 7.35 Dorothy Walker are In charge of St. I.ouis ing and cross -blending fine I i. in Ashland. Nashville 5.45 Mr Joe Ohr. Lambda Chi Alpha, 9..I0 Turkish and Domestic tobac- spent the week-end at his home in Memphis Entertain with Irvine, Ky. New Orleans 15.50 The members of Lambda Lamb- The members of Alpha Tau Ome- Pineville 2.85 da chapter of Sigma Chi were ga fraternity attended the Max- Middlesboro 3.10 and aroma. hosts to their mothers for break- well 8treet Presbyterian church fast at 9 o'clock Sunday morning Harlan 3.60 service In a body Sunday morning They Satisfy I at the chapter house. to hear Reverend Austin. After the Jackson LSt house was beautifully deco- The service. Reverend and Mrs. Austin Hazard 2.70 rated with spring flowers, and were entertained at dinner by the Corresponding fares to and from many out-of-town guests were pre- members of the fraternity at the all points on L. & N. R. R and chapter house. Reverend Austin points on many other railroads in The guests were Mesdames Ed- was of Alpha Tau Ome- a member the Southeast. ward M. Meyer; Alvin King; J. E. ga at Emory College. I. TO Johnson; D. Best; J. M. For- Sunday dinner guests at the Tri- OTHER KOl'ND TRIP FARES sythe; I. C. Haley. John J Mc- angle house were Misses Mary Mar- Chicago $12.45 Detroit ll.M Gurk, Foster Helm; W. S. Smath- shall, Virginia Hatcher, Florence a5 ers; Fred Brlngardener: Mrs. Jer- Kelley. and Harriet Spice. Cleveland U ome Payne and daughter. Covlng- Miss Kathertne MyMck. Louis- Toledo M.B5 Lapping I u krts good on trains leaving May i; Mrs W and daugh- ville, who conducts the Neighbor- Mary Clark. New Al- - 27. 28 or 2». Limit for return U> column in the Hi i leave destination to includ- a guest at the Alpha up and Xl Delta house over the week-end. ing June 3rd. Alpha XI Delta Tea The Alumnae club of Alpha XI Tickets good In comfortable coaches and also In Pullman cars on pay- Xl chapter of Alpha XI Delta Delta will meet at 7 o'clock Wed- berth or seat rate charges. entertained from 4 to 6 o'clock nesday night at the ment of Friday afternoon at the chapter Miss Louise Broaddus Chesterfi age Dinner guests Sunday at der 12 years of Delta Chi house were Mr. and Mrs Quantities of spring flowers were Carol Kales—Have 25 per rent used as decorations, and yellow ta- Catherine For further particulars, reserva- Ct lighted the rooms. Miss Mary vester. tions, tickets, etc.. call izer. president, and Mrs. Howard Week-end guests at ttie Delta Chi K. J. TEED. Ticket Agent tAe ctyareUe tAat tastes better an. housemother, received the house were Messrs. Pete Bailey and I'uion Station. Phone Ashland

vllle. r. BV i ikk General Agent at the W M HARRISON. T P A • my —— Best Copy Available


LOST—Four pictures on Listening ( enters Dr. Balke Speaks HIGHLANDS WINS If found please call Ash -X To He Established To C hemical Society Ask for Mary Clarke. STATE NET (Continued from Page One) At a meeting of the American §> Chemical society hrld Thursday In seen ature. poetry, current events, book Kastle hall Dr 0, W Balke. direc- TITLE reviews, law. astronomy, foreign af- from tiir tor of research of Phanstlel Pro- fairs, music, and art. The entire ducts company and holder of more staff of specialists at the University Charlie Coleman. Danville ace. than 30 patents In the development Is made available to the cittern* of defeated Joe O'Brien. Highlands of metals, spoke on ' MeUlurgy— Kentucky through these programs, Hleh school's one-armed star. Sat- Tantalum^ Columblum. Molybden- which are written in simple urday afternoon on the University a um, an" fashion courts and won the Kentucky high and enjoyable whether the "HELL BELOW" listener has school slnRles championship Four had no education or has a college degree. Each week with sets were played the scores of which HELP WANTED Nationally known the University broadcasts Ave to were 7-5. 4-6. 8-3. 6-3. manufacturer, soap and cleanser Robert Montgomery seven musical programs which cov- Hbox These same boys met In the final specialties desires lonul agent to Walter Huston er all types of music, from the round In 1932 and on that occasion. sell house to house also to retail Delmar Adams Philharmonic orchestra, under the Madge Evans O'Brien was crowned champion outlets. Must have ability to or- direction of Prof. Carl Lampert to But Saturday Coleman proved too ganise selling crews Capital not the popular Blue and White and —Thursday stronR for tho one-armed boy. Aftrr essenttal. ibul financial responsi- the Masqueraders dance orchestras. For the the Prrssbox appears under Its new (I iv if i mi the first two sets with the bility a prerequisite Answer fully— flash. Coleman opened In addition to the University of- 'FAST WORKER' tlworatlon. Craddodo. the artist who produced HlRhlands Box No. 802, University. j up and took the next two and the ferings, such programs as the evold of all pests since he hunR up JOHN GILBERT the art trophy, hi* championship. American School of the Air. the ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: the orlginlal of thle picture in hta wall. We hope It will help our pro- Last year's doubles champions. Damrosch concerts, talks on busi- :: ROHFRT ARMSTRONG a better column. Donahue and Trakes of St Xavler. ness, and the current event spot M AYE CLARKE • » * * successfully defended their crown pickups ' are features that will be :::::::::::::::::;!;:::!::::::::::::::;:?::::::: by defeatlnR Coleman and Wlsner. valuable to the users of these lis- Shlvely and three Merlin* track athletes. of Danville, in straight sets. 8-6. tening centers. tt::::::::s::::«n:nnn«t:mt««n«t:tm Dour ParrUh. Ralph Kercheval and Howard Baker will leave for the and 6-1. STATE The first listening center will be W ^ Nights lif Southeastern conference track meetf Danville's representatives played Installed June 3 at Athena school. at Birmingham. All these men are a stronR game in the first set. but Cow Creek. Owsley county, under but to name a few: All- American Marjorie Powell, sopnomore. who —Now Playing specialists In their particular events their efforts evidently tired them the scholastic, twice captain both years. will take the part of "Tltanla." in management of Reverend Al- and should score quite a few points for they fell easy victims to the bert Tull. Is located All -American collegiate guard, and the Gulgnol play. "Midsummer Cow Creek for the Big Blue The Cats with Louisville shot-makers In the sec- 'HELLO SISTER' all-southern guard two years. Ellis Night's Dream." which will be pre- about eight miles from Booneville. their thiee man team have little ond set. has completed his collegiate athle- sented this week at the Little the- the county seat, on a branch stream JAMES DUNN —Now Playing chance to win the meet as Louisi- In advancing to the final round. of south fork of the tic career but he will make some ater. Stir Is from Baldwin. Long the Kentucky ana State, with stars In every de- Coleman defeated Panther of Male Is as Ideal school a great coach Best of luck. Island. New York and Is registered river, and regarded an Thursday - Friday partment, should have little trouble HiRh. 6-3. 9-7. and O'Brien beat "SECRETS" in the College of Arts and Sciences location for a listening center. wlnnlR the conference crown. Al Donahue. 8t. Xavler star. 6-3. 6-1. Other centers will be established is a member of Strollers, the Sopho- "CYNARA" Moreau. and Hardin of Louisana in the semi-final round. MARY PICKFORD more Commission, and has been ac- as rapidly as proper State are plenty fast In the hur- contracted and sets RONALD COLEMAN Kentucky Unit Is tive In Guignol and in Strollers. be dles, but Parrlsh should be able Gold Guignol Keys —Thursday to place in the event. Winner of Drill Saturday • * • Will Be Awarded New Cage Schedule Coach Shlvely will assemble the Guignol Presents "RUSTLERS "THE BIr Blue thinlies this afternoon at (Continued from Page Onei Announced By Rupp Thirty-seven gold Ouignol keys 3 p. m. In the Rym. to elect a lead- The crada platoon of "Perkins' Last Production ROUNDUP" will be awarded to students parti- BARBARIAN" er for 1934. and the choice prom- Rifles." under the command of (Continued from PaRe One) TOM MIX cipating in at least five plays dur- ises to be a difficult one. Doug "General" Bill Luther, displayed an (Continued from Page One) son with Georgetown college. ing the season. The awarding of Parrlsh. fleet and redhead, and uncanny Inability to drill In spite weak, but their appearances always While the prospects for next RAMON NOVARRO the keys Is under the supervision of Tom Cassady. hard working quar- of their pipes, cigars, and the like, marked a dell(fhtful and colorful year's team are not quite as bright "CLANCY OF THE ter mller. appear to be logical the Director Frank Fowler. stage Many of the scenes with as they were this time last year. 1 MYRNA LOY the and was finally forced to leave | MOUNTED"—No. Acting in the plays, working as choices for the honor. Either man field In pursuit of an amorous ad- "Puck" and "Oberon" as well as the still the Big Blue should be repre- stage njands. sellinR tickets, and :::::::::::::::: will prove an excellent captain, as mirer of their sponsor. Miss Nellie fairies are surely expressive of the sented by a formidable outfit. With ushering are some of the many both are talented in their events Blye. of Kokomo. theme of the entire play. Captain John "Frenchy" DeMolsey are [ ways in which the keys were earn- veteran of the playing center or forward and always out there trying. Distinguished army officers pres- Combs Blanford. at either • • % ML Guignol stage, enacts his role of and Dave 'Lawrence and ."Little I ent included Col. O. P. Robinson, Students who will receive keys "Egeus" in his usually fine manner. Bill" Davis at the guard posts. In the history of athletics at this commandant at Ohio State; Col. so lonq are: Helen Morrison. Margaret Furr. as "Hermla." Coach will have a nucleus co institution there has been only one Benjamin F. Ristine. commandant Edna Brummagen. Rupp Dick Lawson. Sarah Brown, Mary "Hippolyta," and around which build his team four let terman — Turkey Hughes, at the University of Dayton; and Margaret Furr as to Ounn Webb. Frances Bush. Mil- Lowry as "Helena." play Jack Tucker. Evan 8ettle. and now coach at Eastern 8tate Teach- Col. David L. 8tone. commandant Martha And oft we go ! Hem* . . . victtion . . . sum me* dred Schaffner, Yvonne Sylvester. for George Far- all lettermen and ers College. But into this select the University of Illinois. charming opposites "Dutch" Kreuter, at Aurjrey deWilde. Ralph Johnson. iob no mitter where you trfvtl, SoattiMlttr* rank Ellis Johnson has made his ris as "Theseus." Howard 8mathers members of the championship var- Bill Saunders, organizer of the Ralph Edwards. Turner Howard. Greyhound Linti c»n serve you bast. And Here art, way. He will probably be the last as "Demetrius." and James Curtis sity squad, will be back again for local unit of Pershing Rifles and Paris Virginia the ruions-CCONOMY, COMFORT end CON. Mahan. Pulliam. the promising fresh- | as baseball is the forgotten sport at as "Lysander." duty. Among VENIF.NCE. commander of it when it won the Arch Deacon. Ruth Averitt. Kath- Pay your local ijent a visit, or phone ha* today. the University and unless times be- For the sake of a more lively men coming up are Esch. , drill meet at the University of Il- erine Jones. William McClure. Alex- come much better, there will be no portrayal, parts of the Play could Lewis. Edwards. Anderson, Arnall. Look At These Bargain One-Way Fares linois last Jtear. was introduced ander Capurso. Carrol Welslger, diamond team here in the next be omitted. The perception of a and Potter. over the public address system Mary King Koger. Marjorie Powell. CHICAGO $7.25 CINCINNATI 1.75 few years. slow-moving comedy is. however, The following games have already which was used all evening. Wildan Thomas. Joseph Mills. NEW YORK 15.50 MIAMI. FLA. 22.25 Ellis has won three letters in not easily noticeable, but perhaps been arranged: Following the presentation of the Leonard Van Arsdale. Frances Kerr. ATLANTA 6.75 BIRMI1S basketball, three in football, and an even better performance could December 9—Georgetown, here trophy to Cadet Capt. Mills by Col- Henry C. McCown. Bettye Davis. 1.75 NASHVILLE one in both baseball and track. have been the result. December 16—Marshall. Ashland

onel 8tone. the program was John Carter, Mary Ruth Price, I Had baseball been continued it Is The orchestra, augmented for the (tentative). to close in a martial Roscoe Stephens. Matthew A. Southeastern Greyhound Lines brought a Ca- j probable he would have won two spcial musical score, is a great im- December 21—Tulane, there spirit in the form of a fireworks bot. Wallace Difford. J. B. Croft. additional letters in this sport. In over previous Guignol December 22—Tulane. there display which included burning George Farris. • FREE — ATTRACTIVE FOLDER ON ALL I the opinion of Pressbox, Ellis orchestras. It would be advisable December 29—Chicago, here (ten- lctures ot President Roosevelt and Emily Hardin PAID FAIR. Johnson is one of the greatest ath- P for the little theater to retain a tative). TOURS TO WORLD s letes in Ger Joh" P" n>ne. orchestra for its future pro- January 12 Sewanee. there Southeastern Greyhound Lines, Inc., the history of sports in this i * larger — \ Lexington, Kentucky Persni The classes in 13 suite and one of the finest in the I Systematic Botany ductions as it assists greatly in cre- January —Tennessee, there i Without any obligation please mail i South. In basketball he has no Arrangements for the drill meet and Plant Geology went to Natural ating the professional tone of the January 27—Tennessee, here let telling of your all- tours to the World superior in the nation, in football were In charge of Lt. P. E. LeStur- Bridge Saturday to further their plays. Heretofore, this small, yet ef- February 1—Alabama, there Fair In Chicago. there were few backs in Dixie who geon. faculty advisor of the unit; study in botany, under the direc- fective department, has showed February 2—Vanderbilt. there could near approach his prowess. Warrant Officers Knight, and Maj. tion of Dr. Berthus Mclnteer. They lack of preparation, and at the February 8—Alabama, here Addrei«_ The number of awards he has won B. E. Brewer, commandant of the returned to Lexington Saturday af- late performance. Its improved state February 10—Georgia Tech. here would fill up this entire column. University R. O T. C. unit. ternoon. is a relief. February 17—Vanderbilt, here

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