Best Copy Available GU1GNOL mm mm nwhii dream* THE KENTUCKY KERNEL IS LAST OF SEASON UNIVERSITY OF KENTUCKY VOI I MF- XXIII LEXINGTON, KENTUCKY. TI'ESDA V. MAY l«. NEW SERIES NO. M I) K AND KIWANLS Engineers Wear MA J. (JEN. MOSELY MIDSUMMER NIGHTS HICHAM Dr. E. B.Bryan KENTUCKY UNIT. WILL ESTABLISH Henry M. Waite WILL REVIEW U.K. IS GUIGNOL SEASON'S FINAL Witt Be Speaker PERSHING RIFLES RADIO CENTERS «0TC DAY By BEN F TAYLOR Ourk as "Snout." H. C. McKee as DM1 MEET At Convocation ™ With the elaborate musical score Quince "; and Jack Williams as At Graduation by Frllx Mendalssohn - Bartholdy "Starveling." The play that this Radios Be Sent to Annual Visitor's Day and Victory Is Second Consecu- Fifty To for an accompaniment, the Gulgnol group staged for "Theseus" will be Speaker Wednesday Is One Tbe Demobilization of Edu Various Towns in the Field Dav Are Slated Inaugurated Its seventh and last remembered by the audience. tive One Taken by Local of Ky. Mountains Of Nation's Outstanding for May 24 presentation of Shakespeare's com- Mary King Koger as "Puck." the ctlion" Is Subject Organization edy. "A Mid-Summer Night's mischievous and scheming Imp. .s LISTENERS WILL HEAR TROPHIES TO HE CIV EN Dream." next In fine performances Her OHIO STATE. ILLINOIS UNIVERSITY PROGRAMS Col. Henry M. Walte. who direct- TO MILITARY STUDENTS The one legitimate theater of the genuine laugh and her convincing \RE SECOND AND THIRD ed the construction of Cincinnati* Bluegrnss offered Its patrons, pos- "giggle" are her best assets for the new railway terminal, will be the sibly for first time, the perform- role which Is done to perfection. Listening Centers Are To He Governor Ruby Laffoon and the "Perkins' Rifles" Exhibits A speaker at the Engineering assem- ance of a Shakespearian play with The graceful and fleeting move- Local Sym- Members of Reserve Offi- Typical Awkward Located Under bly at 10 a. m. Wednesday In Its official and proper musical score. ments while on the stage convey Squad Memorial hall. His subject will be To At Such an undertaking ls quite cour- to the audience a true Insight to Drill • Problems in Constructing a Rail- ageous for the little theater to stage her difficult characterization. A system for adult education, road Terminal for Seven Rail- and while portions of the play In Th? costumes of the players are For the second time in as many through the medium of radio by roads- which the orchestra plays are rough. most effective. While it Is usually ypars. the Kentucky unit of Persh- means rf listening centers In the Colonel Walte is one of the out- It is certainly commendable as a difficult to give a performance in ing Flfles marched on the field for Kentucky mountains, has Just been standing engineers of the United whole. Surely by the middle of the Roman costume without some of competitive drill, and for the sec- Inaugurated by the University In States and Is well known In Lex- week's run. the audience will wit- the desired effect being lost for the ond time. It marched off the field cooperation with the Klwanls clubs ington, having been superintendent ness a smooth performance. play, the Ouignol players have victorious. Friday night on Stoll according to Elmer O. field, the crack company from the of Kentucky, of the Cincinnati division of the Harlle Smith as "Bottom" Is the overcome this. Aside from beinR University, Sulzer, director of the University Queen and Crescent railway with stellar performer of the comedy. excellent examples of designing and commanded by Cadet system, Capt. Joseph H. Mills, radio studios. This prob- offices In Lexington. He has been The audience will be convulsed with difficult workmanship, they are defeated the ' units from the universities ably the most comprehensive thing superintendent of the Seaboard his antics and egotistically boom- colorful and give the production an of Ohio involves State. Illinois. Indiana, and of Its kind ever planned, Air line, chief engineer of the city ing voice. The love scene with added attraction. Particularly is Day- establishment of 50 or more ton, which finished in that order the of Cincinnati, vice-president, chief Bottom" and Titania" is one of this so In scenes with the colorful respectively. centers In fthc more Inaccessible engineer, and president of the his many excellently hilarious per- fairies with Marjorle Powell as the be- portions of the mountains, each Lord Construction company of tormances. Those who ably assist principal character. All of her Approximately 5.000 persons wit- ing equipped with a radio set. New York. For the last six years, Mr. Smith in his fine performance performances are little short of pro- nessed the exhibition which in- Each listening center will be lo- he has been chief engineer of the and who also make up the many fessional, and her acting opposite cluded competitive drill, an exhibi- cated under local sympathetic au- Cincinnati Union Terminal com- Indications of an exceptionally well- to Bottom" Is supreme. tion by the drum and bugle corps spices, such as settlement schools, pany. east play are: John Day as "Flute"; Songs by the fairies were rather of Man O' War post of American general stores, newspaper offices, or 1914 to 1918 Colonel Waite Legion, a fancy drill From Phil Ardery as "8nug." Don Mc- ) by the entire community halls where gatherings was city manager of Dayton. Ohio, company of Pershing Rifles con- of 15 to 30 Individuals can be ac- which was the first city in this Elmcq Burritt&Qim sisting of six squads, and a comi- commodated. The local auspices country to adopt the city-manager I cal exhibition of "what the well- will keep the centers open during of Dr. Elmer Burrltt Bryan, presi- trained soldier does system government. (. WESLEY CARTER not do" by the times of the University educa- The new station which Colonel dent of Ohio University. Athens. Perkins' Rifles." Seniors to to all Ohio, widely educator, tional programs as well as others Walte has Just completed In Cin- ought go and known Out of a possible 1500 points the the functions which are ar- will address the members of the | of value, and will encourage local cinnati, probably the worlds mast IS K. I. P. A. HEAD Kentucky unit, which is trained by ranged for at com- class of '33 at 10 a. m.. Friday, people to attend these programs famous terminal building. Ls a mar- them Warrent Officer G A. Knight, said later 2. will regularly. A system of centralized vel of beauty and Involves many mencement time. In June His subject be "The by Col. D. D. Dennis to be Kentucky Kernel Is Judged one of supervision on control by the Uni- Innovations In novel construction years they will wish they had Democrltilatlon of Education. " Dr. the best drillmasters In the United if Eirst in Contest. Is L. president of versity is planned. and design. The Interior trimming attended, they fail to go. Rut Frank McVey. the States, made 1394 points, while the Baccalureate Service on University, will preside during the Various Klwanls clubs In Ken- of the building ls of aluminum, and The Disqualified; Murray others finished as follows: Ohio Sunday, May 28. at 3 oclock program. The entire calendar for tucky are appropriating money for ls unique in modern construction. MAJ-GEN. G. V. MOSELY Wins Cup State, 1307; Illinois, 1285; Indiana, the sets for these centers which The arrangements for handling in Memorial ball is always an commencement week is as follows: 1272; Dayton. 1223. The decision MaJ. - Gen. George Van Horn interesting and memorable will be known as "University of motor traffic to and from the sta- LEADER AWARDS PRIZE Wednesday. May 24 was rendered by Capt. Robert Shoe Kentucky-Kiwanls Listening Cen- tion are also new. Mosely. commanding officer of the affair. The speaker this year 2:00 p. m.—Military Field Day of Fort Thomas; Capt. Carml Wil- ters." is Dr. W. J. Hutchins of liams of The Lexington club has al- Colonel Waite will discuss fea- Fifth Corps area, and members of Wesley E. Carter, editor-in-chief and R. O. T. C. graduation exer- Fort Thomas, and Lt. Col. ready made a donation for two tures in his address to the engi- Berea College. cises on Stoll field. Stanley Koch of Lexington. the Reserve Officers of Kentucky The second event ls the of The Kentucky Kernel, was elect- sets and other clubs will probably neers. All students and the public Thursday. May 25 The drill meet was opened with suit. will be the guests of honor at the breakfast for the senior class ed president of the Kentucky Inter- the parade of follow According to Professor in general are invited to attend. 8:00 p. m.—University High school the entire First regi- Sulzer, battery sets will be needed annual field day exercises to be given by President and Mrs. collegiate Press association Satur- commencement. ment of Pershing Rifles, under the in many instances and Individuals McVey on the lawn at Max- command of Cadet Col. George held Wednesday. May 24. on Stoll day at the culmination of a two- Sunday. May 28 throughout Kentucky who have Annual Garden Day well place at 8:30 o'clock. Kimmel of the Unlverstiy of Indi- Meld in conjunction with Visitor's day convention of the association 2:30 p. m. — Baccalaureate pro- such sets for which they have no June 1. ana, and Cadet Capt. Louis Chaney, day. which all of at cessional forms on Plaza between further use and who desire to speed To Be Held Friday at time parents The third event is com- Centre college in Danville.
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