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Research & Education Taste of More pressure on A saucy new twist Norwegian Nobel Jeg tør si, vi elsket våre ski. Vi klappet with Ski Queen og kjælte dem hver gang vi spente Committee dem på. cheese Read more on page 3 – Roald Amundsen Read more on page 8 Norwegian American Weekly

Vol. 122 No. 9 March 4, 2011 Established May 17, 1889 • Formerly Western Viking and Nordisk Tidene $1.50 per copy Norway.com News Find more at www.norway.com Golden start to 2011 News of Norway After years of Searchers have failed to find preparation, the a Norwegian yacht missing in frigid Antarctic waters for sev- FIS World Ski eral days with three crew mem- Championships are bers aboard, officials said Feb. 28. Two other crew members of underway in Oslo “The Berserk” were rescued. (blog.norway.com/category/ news) St a f f Co m p i l a t i o n Norwegian American Weekly Norway in the U.S. As part of its monthlong maxi- mumINDIA festival, the Kenne- Neither snow nor sleet nor dy Center in Washington, D.C., a sudden (and fortunately short) presents an Indian-inflected ver- breakdown of Oslo’s public transit sion of Henrik Ibsen’s final play, metro line would ruin the start of “When We Dead Awaken.” In the FIS Nordic World Ski Cham- this adaptation, scenes from the pionships (Ski-VM) in the Norwe- original play have been picked gian capital. up and interpolated, without Under a clear winter sky on distorting the original idea and Feb. 23, His Majesty the King’s using unaltered dialogues from Guard and The Staff Band of the the original text. Norwegian Armed Forces announ- Photo: Stian Broch/Oslo 2011 (blog.norway.com/category/ Norway’s cross-country queen Marit Bjørgen has skied her way into history with three individual gold medals so far in a norway-in-the-us) CONTINUES PAGE 6 single World Championship. She also won Norway’s 100th gold medal in world championship history. Sports Norwegian Tore Martin Gun- Welcome to the Cove Birkebeiner champions dersen won the 50K Birkie 38th American Skate with a time of 2:00:32.8 Nestled in the pine trees in Wisconsin, in the 38th annual American Birkebeiner won by Birkebeiner held Feb. 26. Cait- The Troll’s Cove offers a slice of Norway Norwegian lin Compton broke the Wom- en’s 50K Skate course record today and took first place with a Am e r i c a n Bi r k e b e i n e r winning time of 2:15:26.0. (blog.norway.com/category/ Norwegian Tore Martin Gun- sports) dersen won the 50K Birkie Skate with a time of 2:00:32.8 in the 38th annual American Birkebeiner held Feb. 26 in Hayward, Wis. Caitlin What’s inside? Compton broke the Women’s 50K News 2-3 Skate course record today and took Business 4 first place with a winning time of Photo by Brett Morgan Research & Education 5 2:15:26.0. Over 9,000 participants took part in CONTINUES PAGE 8 the 38th American Birkebeiner. Opinion 6-7 Taste of Norway 8 Break out into dancing Travel 9 Folk dance group Roots & Connections 10 Obituaries & Religion 11 entertains crowd at Arts & Style 12 Photo: Sandy Schulz In Your Neighborhood 13 The Troll’s Cove is located in scenic Waupaca, Wis. Os l o 2011 Norwegian Heritage 14 Ch r i s t y Ol s e n Fi e l d Owner Sandy Schulz had the Sports 15 Managing Editor dream of opening a Scandinavian Feb. 24 was the big opening Opened in 2001, The Troll’s shop for several years before open- day of competition of the World $1 = NOK 5.6068 Cove is a cozy Scandinavian and ing The Troll’s Cove. Ski Championships in Oslo. More updated 2/28/2011 knitting shop in Waupaca, Wis., lo- “I had thought for long time then 20,000 people had made the In comparison cated in scenic central Wisconsin. that someday, I want to do this,” trip to see the first competition, the 1/28/2011 5.8182 The region is rich with Scandina- she said. exciting cross-country individual Schulz looked around for a 8/28/2010 6.2315 vian heritage, and The Troll’s Cove sprint. The folk dance group “Kjer- long time for just the right space, 2/28/2010 5.9209 offers Scandinavian items in the ringa med staven” came all the way store and online. CONTINUES PAGE 8 CONTINUES PAGE 15 Photo: Tandberg/Oslo 2011 2 • March 4, 2011 norwegian american weekly Nyheter fra Norge Nyheter – Fem år var nok som ambassadør PST: – Dette truer Norge i 2011 Per Kristian Pedersen fra Horten var Norges ambassadør i Libya fra 2005 og frem til i Ekstreme islamister, høyreekstreme og andre lands fjor høst. Nå er han glad han ikke bor i lan- spionvirksomhet er de største trusslene mot Norges det lenger. Den siste perioden som ambas- sadør bodde Pedersen i Algeries hovedstad. sikkerhet i 2011, sier Politiets sikkerhetstjeneste (PST) Der følte han seg langt fra trygg, selv i tiden før opprøret. – Da vi kom dit ble det en op- NRK pblomstring av terrorvirksomheten som vi følte helt inn i nabolaget. Det var massive 28. februar la PST frem sin trusselvur- ingsleire eller deltatt i kamphandlinger der. selvmordsbombeangrep og vi så mange dering for Norge i 2011. Den advarer spe- Dette senker terskelen for å utføre terrorak- døde. Det påvirket jo vår daglige situasjon. sielt mot internasjonalisering av ekstreme sjoner i Norge, sa Kristiansen. Ingen går fri, selv ikke diplomater. Det var islamister og høyreekstreme. Sistnevnte tilhører gjerne grupper som en utfordrende og vanskelig tid. Fem år var nok, og vi har ikke sett slutten på dette ennå. Ifølge PSTs rapport er det få personer ikke domineres av én enkelt etnisitet, og de Og hva det blir er jo et åpent spørsmål, sier i Norge som støtter opp om ekstrem isla- synes ikke det er viktig hvor kampen finner han til NRK.no. misme. De som gjør det knytter imidlertid sted så lenge den utkjempes. Det som forener (NRK) stadig bedre kontakter over landegrensene. gruppene er en ekstrem islamsk ideologi, og – På den måten blir ekstrem islamisme ifølge PST er det personer i disse gruppene – Borten Moe når et bredere publikum i Norge stadig mer lik den ekstreme islamis- som utgjør den største direkte trusselen mot enn Lundteigen men som vi ser internasjonalt. Trusselbilde Norge i året som kommer. Med Ola Borten Moe som nestleder håper vil også i 2011 være uoversiktlig og kom- I rapporten fra PST slår politiet fast at valgkomiteen i Sp at partiet skal fremstå pleks også i året som kommer, sa PST-sjef verken høyre- eller venstreradikale miljøer Foto: PST som et ungt og vitalt parti. Men internt fort- Janne Kristiansen under pressekonferansen. vil utgjøre en alvorlig trussel i Norge i 2011. PST-sjef Janne Kristiansen peker på en stadig setter striden om hvem som er best rustet til Det skjerper, ifølge PST, trusselbildet i 2011. PST registrerer imidlertid at fremveksten globalisering av islamske ekstremister som en å kjempe i front. – Borten Moe når et mye Sikkerhetstjenesten peker primært på tre av det høyreekstreme miljøet fortsetter etter mulig trussel mot Norge. bredere publikum enn Lundteigen gjør, selv områder: økningen i 2010. om Lundteigen også er en politiker som Sp • Radikalisering kommer i stadig Samtidig skriver PST at de høyreeks- joner og markeringer. trenger. En første nestleder må ha kvaliteter større grad til uttrykk i det offent- treme miljøene har kontakter både med uten- PST advarer også mot andre lands et- til å kunne rykke opp til leder av partiet når lige rom og i sosiale medier. landske nynazister i både Sverige og Russ- terretningstjenester i Norge. De vurderer at som helst, og til å virke samlende for par- • Det pågår fortsatt reisevirksomhet land, og med organiserte kriminelle. denne virksomheten først og fremst vil rette tiet. Det føler vi at både Ola Borten Moe og til konfliktområder man vet brukes Man har også registrert fremvekst av is- seg mot å få informasjon og forsøke å på- Trygve Slagsvold Vedum har, sier Lederen ti trening eller deltakelse i kamp. lamfiendtlige grupper i Norge de siste årene. virke norsk forsvars- og sikkerhetspolitikk, av valgkomiteen i Senterpartiet, Ivar Odnes. • Ekstreme islamister i Norge frem- Disse gruppene har hatt større rekruttering olje- og gassektoren og innen høyteknolo- (VG Nett) står som mer globalt orienterte enn enn de høyreekstreme miljøene. giske virksomheter. English Synopsis: Norway’s police security service krever 500 millioner til tidligere. De islamfiendtlige er mest synlige på – Personer knyttet til radikal islamisme sosiale medier i Norge, og økt aktivitet i (PST) published its 2011 threat assessment, pointing Hardanger to growing Islamic radicalization and espionage from har reist til Afghanistan eller og dette og det høyreekstreme miljøet kan øke other countries to influence Norwegian policy. Hordaland fylkeskommune holder fast ved vi har grunn til å tro at de har vært i tren- bruken av vold i tilknytning til demonstras- sjøkabelalternativet i Hardanger. Dersom regjeringen likevel velger luftspenn, mener fylkeskommunen at kompensasjonen til kommunene må øke til 500 millioner kroner. Milliontall for Ap og SV kan nærme seg – Den økonomiske kompensasjonen som er lovet til kommunene fra regjeringen på 100 millioner kroner, må økes til 500 millioner ski-VM på TV SVs fylkesledere kroner i tillegg til avbøtende tiltak, skriver mener at partiet bør Hordaland fylke. (NTB) gå ut av regjeringen Foss vil bli fylkesmann i Oslo hvis resultatet blir en Per-Kristian Foss bekrefter overfor Af- tenposten.no at han søker på den ledige konsekvensutredning fylkesmannsstillingen i Oslo. – Det ligger i kortene at da søker jeg ikke gjenvalgt til NTB Stortinget i 2013...Det gjelder selv om jeg ikke skulle få den. Da har jeg sittet 32 år på Aftenposten skriver 24. februar at bo- Stortinget. Det får holde, sier han. I fjor høst retilhengerne i Ap og vernetilhengerne i SV utga Foss boken «Innenfra» der han blant annet skrev om hvorfor han aldri ble Høyres er innstilt på å godta samme innhenting av leder eller statsministerkandidat. I boken kunnskap om oljevirksomhet i nord. gis det uttrykk for at han selv ikke var helt Det er toppolitikere fra begge partiene Foto: Statsministers kontor Statsminister og kunnskapsmin- fremmed for tanken. Foss var fra 2001-2005 som anonymt skal ha bekreftet dette overfor ister . finansminister i Kjell Magne Bondeviks an- avisen. Partene skal ha blitt enige om å godta Foto: Stian Broch/Oslo 2011 et kompromiss om innhenting av informas- dre regjering, og har vært partiets nestleder i – Hvis SV har en smertegrense, går den jon uten å kalle dette for en konsekven- perioden 2002-2008. her. Selv om man må gi og ta i en koalis- Ad r e ss e a v i s e n sutredning. (Aftenposten) jonsregjering, er det grenser for hvor store SVs gevinst vil ligge i at regjeringens Dermed ble gull-løpet også helgens TV- kameler man kan svelge, sier Roy Eilertsen, kunnskapsinnhenting ikke vil innebære er ut- gull, som det mest sette øyeblikket. Da Nor- leder i Østfold SV. To busser blåst av veien på vei til talt siktemål om fremtidig olje- og gassvirk- thug passerte målstreken, var det 1.587.000 Partileder Kristin Halvorsen har tidligere somhet, slik målet med en konsekvensutred- seere som fulgte med på skjermen. avvist å risikere den rødgrønne regjeringens ning beskrives i petroleumsloven. Kjell Haug er på tur med Hurtigruten fra Ifølge NRK har også programmet VM- fortsatte eksistens i Lofoten-spørsmålet. . Reisefølget var på vei opp til Nor- kveld samlet over en million seere både fred- Samtidig går partiets fylkesledere ut i dkapp da de kjørte ned i et dalføre og møtte ag, lørdag og søndag kveld. Klassekampen og gir klar beskjed om at de meget sterk vind. Turistene seiler med båten ikke kan leve med at området åpnes for olje- English Synopsis: The controversial proposal to drill Nytt på Nytt forsvarte imidlertid tet- in scenic Lofoten has caused a great deal of politi- Midnatsol fra Bergen til Kirkenes med en plassen i fredagens gullrekke med 1,4 mil- boring. cal turmoil. Arbeiderpartiet (Labor) and Sosialistisk innlagt utflukt til Nordkapp. To av de seks lioner seere, fulgt av Skavlan som ble sett – Vi kommer til å gå på en kjempesmell Venstrepartiet (Socialist Left) have agreed to a collec- bussene i følget ble blåst av veien. Den ene av 1.050.000 og VM-kveld med 1.039.000 hvis vi godtar noe annet. Da kan vi like godt tion of information about Lofoten without having to bussen endte i grøfta, mens den andre ligger officially call it a environmental impact assessment. seere. Av VM-øvelsene trakk også søndagens bli et underbruk av Arbeiderpartiet, og det er på siden. – Det er nesten umulig å bevege Aftenposten talked with 12 county leaders in SV, and laghopp i normalbakke og lørdagens 15 kilo- vi selvfølgelig ikke, sier leder for SV, only one was supportive of an impact assessment. “If seg ute, sier passasjer Kjell Haug til Dag- Jan Olsen. SV has a pain threshold, it goes here. Although one bladet. – Det er meldt om en person med meter fellesstart for kvinner over en million – Avisen har snakket med tolv fyl- must give and take in a coalition government, there nakkesmerter, sier operasjonsleder Eilof A. seere, melder NRK. kesledere i SV, og bare én av disse sier at are limits to how big you can swallow camels,” said Skjølberg. English Synopsis: Over 1.5 million TV viewers Roy Eilertsen, director of Østfold SV. Party leader (Dagbladet) watched capture his gold medal on partiet kan leve med en konsekvensutredn- Kristin Halvorsen has previously refused to risk the Feb. 26. NRK estimates that over 1 million watched ing. coalition government’s continued existence in the Lo- the World Ski Championships over the weekend. foten issue. Norwegian american weekly Online: blog.norway.com/category/news March 4, 2011 • 3 News More pressure on Oil prices soar to new heights This week on Norway.com Norway provides support for emergency Nobel committee Even more petrokroner medical assistance in Libya flowing into Norwegian The Norwegian Ministry of Foreign Affairs will fund the deployment of a Norwegian state coffers Red Cross surgical team in Libya. The team will provide assistance for the many wound- ed who are in urgent need of medical atten- Ni n a Be r g l u n d tion following the unrest in the country dur- Views and News from Norway ing the past few days. “The authorities’ use of military force against the country’s own Oil analysts in Oslo said they were al- population is unacceptable and is in viola- most trembling over the “dramatic” swings tion of international humanitarian principles. in oil prices on Feb. 24, as the value of Nor- It is important that we respond quickly by providing relief to the civilian population in way’s North Sea crude jumped to more than this critical situation,” said Foreign Minis- USD 119 a barrel. Widespread unrest in the ter Jonas Gahr Støre. The team, which con- Middle East threatened supplies, sending sists of one surgeon, an anesthetist, a surgi- Photo: Øyvind Hagen/Statoil prices soaring. cal nurse and a nurse, will be deployed in Oseberg Øst platform “This is dramatic, I’m sitting here and Libya in cooperation with the Libyan Red almost shaking,” oil analyst Torbjørn Kjus of rumours in the market. On Thursday, there Crescent. The aid provided will also include DnB NOR Markets told Norwegian Broad- sufficient medical supplies to carry out 500 were unconfirmed reports that as much as casting (NRK). He said the wild fluctuations operations. 50 percent of oil production in Libya was Photo: Wikimedia Commons in oil prices have never been greater. (Ministry of Foreign Affairs) Thorbjørn Jagland, leader of the Norwegian No- A barrel of North Sea crude was trading shut down, while traders also have feared bel Committee. at around USD 110 when the Oslo Stock Ex- disruptions through the Suez Canal and that Heroes & Zeroes on U.S. tour widespread demonstrations like those seen change closed on Feb. 23. When it reopened, Since their humble live debut, Heroes & Ni n a Be r g l u n d prices were up to USD 119, the highest level in Libya, Tunisia and Egypt in recent weeks Zeroes have mesmerized audiences all over Views and News from Norway for two-and-a-half years. will spread to other oil producing nations, in- Norway, touring extensively and playing the Analysts said it was impossible to pre- cluding Saudi Arabia. main stages of some of Norway’s biggest The leader of the Norwegian Nobel dict how high prices could go, given all the CONTINUES PAGE 11 music festivals. This month they are ready Committee, Thorbjørn Jagland, is standing to take on an American audience, with eight firm in his belief that the committee is “im- tour dates in New York and Alaska. The trio portant” and “autonomous” in a world that’s Making a North American debut formed in 2005 and has been performing increasingly “being overtaken by commer- relentlessly around Europe ever since, sup- cial and geostrategic interests,” as he wrote Internationally lauded Stavanger Symphony porting two LPs and a handful of EPs. Today in a commentary in newspaper Aftenposten. they’re a part of the Norwegian rock elite. Orchestra to play at Carnegie Hall on March 23 (Norway.org) Jagland himself has been a target of crit- icism in his short tenure as committee leader, Norwegian wage settlements in 2011 first over its choice of US President Barack Obama in 2009 and also because some crit- The Calculation Committee puts average pay growth from 2009 to 2010 at 3.75 per- ics think the committee has for years strayed cent for employees at enterprises affiliated to from the intentions of benefactor Alfred No- an employer’ organization and in the public bel’s will. administration including the health trusts. Calls have gone out lately for a more Differences in pay growth between the ma- international composition of the committee, jor bargaining areas were smaller in 2010 both to represent thinking in other parts of than in 2009. Pay growth varied between 3.5 the world than Scandinavia and to further percent and 4.5 percent apart from in finan- distance the committee from Norway politi- cial services where the figure was 6 percent. cally. The current committee is appointed by Photo courtesy of SSO.no Pay growth in financial services was pushed the Norwegian Parliament, in line with No- up by bonus payments, which were higher in bel’s will, and traditionally has been com- No r w a y .o r g tistic Director of the Stavanger Symphony’s 2010 than the previous year. Average hourly prised of former Norwegian politicians to early music program. wage costs in manufacturing in Norway in reflect party representation in Parliament at On March 23 at 8 p.m., the internation- Founded in 1938 by NRK, the Norwe- 2010 were an estimated 50 percent higher any given time. ally lauded Stavanger Symphony Orchestra gian Broadcasting Corporation, the Stavanger than a trade-weighted average of E.U. trad- The committee operates entirely inde- of Norway will make its North American Symphony Orchestra (SSO) of Norway now ing partners, measured in a common cur- pendently of the Parliament and the Norwe- debut at Carnegie Hall’s Isaac Stern Audito- is an important musical and cultural institu- rency. For manual manufacturing employees alone, Norwegian hourly wage costs are es- gian government, but those offended or an- rium. The orchestra will be led from the First tion in a country teeming with musical tal- timated to be 54 percent higher than among gered by prize choices have failed to distin- Chair by the acclaimed conductor/violinist ent. This was recognized in 2008 when the Norway’s trading partners in the E.U. Fabio Biondi. Maestro Biondi serves as Ar- CONTINUES PAGE 11 CONTINUES PAGE 11 (Statistics Norway)

Norwegian American Weekly (USPS 679-840) (ISSN 1942-1389) is published weekly except the last two weeks of July, the first two weeks of August and the last week of Dec. by Norwegian American Weekly Inc, 7301 Fifth Avenue NE Suite A, Seattle, WA 98115. Periodicals postage paid at Seattle, WA and at additional mailing offices. POSTMASTER: Send address changes to Norwegian American Weekly 7301 Fifth Avenue NE Suite A, Seattle, WA 98115. Phone: (206)784-4617 • Email: naw@norway. Proud to bring you the Norwegian American Weekly com • Website: norway.com. Annual subscription cost: USD $55 domestic; USD $75 to Canada; USD $175 to Norway and all other foreign countries. 4 • March 4, 2011 Online: blog.norway.com/category/business norwegian american weekly Business Exchange Rates Oslo Børs: Week at a Glance (February 28, 2011) Building new partnerships Norsk Kr. 5.6068 Rina Sunder of Dansk Kr. 5.3995 BrandMatters helps Svensk Kr. 6.3328 Canadian $ 0.9748 facilitate Norwegian Euro 0.7241 business with For detailed information about the Oslo Børs, visit www.dn.no. Ra s m u s Fa l c k Oslo, Norway

Globalization has probably been the most important trend the last 15 – 20 years, and the changes in the world economy are accelerating. New emerging markets are rapidly developing, like India. Last year, 24 heads of state visited India, and our own HRH Crown Prince Haakon and family stayed in the country during their three-month cultural educational journey (dannelsesreise). Ac- cording to McKinsey, China will be the sec- ond largest economy in the world by 2025, and India the fifth largest consumer market. Photo: BrandMatters Author Thomas Friedman is sure the world Rina Sunder is the founder of BrandMatters, and is shrinking while markets and market po- returned to Norway in 2008 after living eight tentials are increasing. A small country like years in Singapore, France and Australia. Norway is depending on the rules shaped by the dominant players. gian businesses. She holds two masters, one Rina Sunder is a second-generation in Foresight, Scenarios and Strategy from Indian-Norwegian. She went to kindergar- the Norwegian School of Management, the ten in Norway. After having taken her edu- other in Corporate Communication from the LEWIS O. TITLAND Quality Accounting & Tax Services for: cation and some work experience she left Copenhagen Business School. She masters Certified Public Accountant Small businesses the country for eight years living in Singa- four languages. She was the leader of the (206)789-5433 Individuals pore, France and Australia. In Singapore she International Student Festival in 3824 18th Ave Specialized Assistance worked for Petroleum Geo Services and the with the theme of human rights. She also Seattle, WA 98119 investment company Tigris Capital Pte Ltd. persuaded His Holiness’ the Dalai Lama to Recently she returned to Norway to establish come to Norway after sitting outside His Ho- her own company BrandMatters. The busi- liness’ residence for four weeks. LUNDE MARINE ELECTRONICS, INC. ness concept is to prepare, facilitate and help Rina’s transnational branding is based Norwegian companies who want to enter the on the idea that a successful brand may be Sales and Service new India. used in other countries to further revenue Modern Indian leaders think holistically, and strengthening the strategic position of a and their education has given them a British company. Her program consists of five mod- way of thinking. At the same time their soul ules. is Asian. This is a unique combination and There are a lot of knowledgeable immi- can describe the enormous success we see grants in Norway. May be we will see some Seattle,WA Tacoma,WA Dutch Harbor, AK among Indian leaders. Often they are driven of them following Rina’s example establish- phone (206) 789-3011 phone (253) 627-6968 phone (907) 581-1498 by personality. The top leader’s charisma ing new companies to help Norwegian com- fax (206)782-3188 fax (253)383-4965 fax (907) 581-1402 might make the difference. panies entering the Asian markets! Rina is well-prepared to help Norwe- Business News & Notes [email protected] 5415 24th Ave NW, Seattle 98107 ConocoPhillips Hikes Investments at port, “Greener shipping in North America,” Norway’s Ekofisk proposes that LNG l is the most efficicient Oil firm ConocoPhillips and partners will in- and economical way to meet air emissions MULLAVEY, PROUT, GRENLEY & FOE vest close to $12 billion to extend the life of requirements in the U.S. and Canada that Norway’s four-decade-old Ekofisk oil and gas take effect in August 2012. Environmental a t t o r n e y s a n d c o u n s e l o r s a t l a w field, which was the first reservoir developed Control Areas (ECA) will gradually be en- off Norway. “We need more projects like this forced along the North American coastlines. Advice regarding maritime and civil claims, disputes, ... that will increase oil recovery,’’ Norwegian They will have full force in 2015 and 2016. commercial transactions and estate planning. oil and energy minister Terje Riis-Johansen (Det Norske Veritas) told reporters. ConocoPhillips said it would invest NOK 65 billion ($11.55 billion), which Developing world imports increase 24001 NW Sixty-fifth P.O. Box 70567 Seattle, WA 98107 would bring an additional 60 to 80 billion cu- Imports to Norway of food and foodstuffs Telephone: (206) 789-2511 Fax: (206) 789-4484 bic meters of oil equivalent in output. With the from developing nations increased by more plans, the recovery rate at Ekofisk would in- than 10 percent from 2009 to 2010. The crease from 49.5 percent to 52 percent, while value of the imports reached NOK 7.6 bil- Eldfisk’s would rise from 22 percent to 28.5 percent. Ekofisk South is expected on stream lion. Soya from Brazil is the largest single in early 2014 while Eldfisk 2 is due in 2015. import, according to a survey made by the Advertise in the Weekly! Norwegian Agricultural Authority (SLF). In (Reuters) Reasons to advertise: 2010, the import from developing nations Reach over 20,000 DNV Recommends LNG Fuel Shipping for made up 22 percent of all imported food and Norwegian-American readers • Affordable! $10/col inch for North America foodstuffs to Norway, against 19 percent in EVERY week! 2005. Measured in volume, 1.2 million tons B&W, $15/col inch for color “Domestic ships in North America have of agricultural goods were imported from • Free ad design three options to meet new emissions con- developing nations in 2010, an increase by • Support the only Norwegian- trol regulations; install scrubbers, burn low 8.2 percent. American newspaper! sulphur fuel or switch to LNG fuel for the (Norway Post) ship’s propulsion,” says Kenneth Vareide, director of operations for Det Norske Veritas For details, call (800) 305-0217 or email [email protected] North America Maritime. DNV’s new re- norwegian american weekly Online: blog.norway.com/category/research March 4, 2011 • 5 Research and Education Sustainable prosperity and welfare? Why is the Nordic social model so successful economically? Ten Nordic researchers provide some answers in a new report

Re s e a r c h Co u n c i l o f No r w a y

In a recent publication a group of ten tems: “In the Nordic countries, for example, Nordic researchers from a variety of back- companies such as the investment banks grounds present their assessments of the Morgan Stanley and Goldman Sachs would Nordic model as an alternative form of capi- have been more effectively monitored.” talism, prosperity and welfare. “It is crucial that researchers with an eye Collective agreements provide the key for an interdisciplinary approach bring their Per Ingvar Olsen, Associate Professor perspectives to the debate,” says Anne Kjer- at BI Norwegian School of Management sti Fahlvik, Executive Director of the Divi- in Oslo, also points to the collective agree- sion for Innovation at the Research Council ments for workers and the accompanying of Norway, which funded the project. low levels of unemployment as important Professor Atle Midttun at BI Norwegian factors in explaining the economic success Photo: Yngve Ask/Innovation Norway School of Management and Research Profes- of the Nordic countries. “There is a strong will in the Nordic countries to take the lead, including when it comes to environ- sor Nina Witoszek of the University of Oslo “More people working means more tax mental issues,” says Professor Lennart Olsson. headed the project. revenue for the government. The middle classes are subject to high rates of taxation At the turn of the millennium the Icelan- deal specifically with environmental issues. Wealthy and equal and in this way acquire a stake in the state. dic government embraced Thatcherism and The Nordic countries have not been The Nordic model includes aspects that This creates the basis for high levels of wel- sold off a lot of public assets. Thus, banks nearly so successful when it comes to solv- to many appear paradoxical: fare.” emerged in Iceland that controlled nearly ten ing the major challenge of today – climate • The Nordic countries rank among times as much money as the Icelandic na- change. According to Professor Olsson, this the highest in the world in terms of Individualism and solidarity tional budget. is because the environmental challenges we levels of both wealth and equality. The fact that people in the Nordic coun- “A few years ago in Iceland we viewed are now facing are of a completely different • The Nordic countries combine pro- tries have become individualists has had the welfare state as an outdated phenome- type. ductive capitalism with extensive huge significance for the emancipation of non. We also saw ourselves as more progres- “It is now no longer a question of remov- welfare provision. women. According to Lars Trägårdh, Profes- sive than the rest of the Nordic countries. We ing sulphur from petrol, which could easily • The Nordic countries manage to sor at the Ersta Sköndal University College introduced low taxes, downsized the welfare be done. Now it is about the total ecological balance widespread collectivism in Stockholm, the Nordic countries are home state and gave little consideration to the el- footprint we are leaving behind us. Today with high levels of individual free- to some of the most individualistic people in derly or others who needed help.” the Nordic countries are lagging behind the dom. the world. He believes that the strong em- Then, in 2008, came the total collapse E.U. average in this respect. The inhabitants “For several decades the Nordic model phasis on social solidarity in efforts to under- of the economy. The collapse of the banks in of the Nordic countries are major consumers has provided the Nordic countries with a stand the Nordic model have meant that not Iceland is the third largest in world history. of the world’s scarce resources. We have a GDP per capita that has been at the forefront enough attention has been given to this. And it happened in a country that has just level of consumption that is completely in- internationally,” states Professor Midttun. “In the Nordic countries most people are 300,000 inhabitants. compatible with sustainable development,” In countries such as Norway and Swe- able to free themselves from both the family According to Mr. Sigurjónsson the peo- Professor Olsson warns. den we trust that the state will help us when and the local community around them. Weak ple of Iceland are now turning towards the In the view of several researchers in- we need it. In many countries this is not the patriarchal structures and less dependence on rest of the Nordic countries once again to see volved in the project, the solution for the case. At the same time family has less sig- others means that many people in the Nordic how they manage their societies. Nordic countries is not to halt economic nificance in the Nordic countries than it does countries feel that they have control over growth. That would probably lead to a multi- elsewhere in the world. their own lives,” states Professor Trägårdh. Insufficiently sustainable tude of problems. Instead we have to redefine Is the Nordic model underpinned by “Studies show that this also makes many According to Lennart Olsson, Profes- growth and find smarter ways to consume. deep-lying cultural values – values that can- of us happy,” Professor Trägårdh points out. sor at Lund University in , the Nor- “There is a strong will in the Nordic not be exported to other parts of the world? dic model has played a key role in how the countries to take the lead, including when it Or is it a model that others could also benefit National educators countries have tackled environmental chal- comes to environmental issues,” says Profes- from adopting? “The Nordic model cannot be explained lenges. By way of example he mentions the sor Olsson. He believes that many others are purely in terms of economic policy, specific large nature reserves and the unique public following developments in the Nordic coun- Fair society institutions and good fortune. The model right of access. The Nordic region was also tries to see what they are doing in this area. According to Carlos Joly, visiting pro- also has deep-lying cultural roots,” states the first in the world to appoint ministers to fessor at ESC Toulouse and former director Nina Witoszek. at the large Norwegian financial company Culture has a key role to play in how the Storebrand Group, it is a misunderstand- a society’s wealth is distributed. Professor ing to think that there is a kind of Protestant Witoszek believes that for the Nordic coun- work ethic underlying the Nordic model. tries this can be traced back to the unique Instead he explains the phenomenon type of Nordic modernity that arose at the thus: “In a country like Norway there is a end of the 1800s. This provided the popu- AIR – SEA – LAND SPECIALISTS general view that society should be based on lation with a particular form of culture and SAS Sale to Scandinavia from now until March 21! Call for details equitable distribution. This was how Norway education (Bildung), for which we can thank and the other Nordic countries responded to the great national educators. With reference Contact us for all your travel needs, domestic and worldwide! the major conflict that arose between capital to Norway, she mentions the writer Bjørn- and labour at the beginning of the previous stjerne Bjørnson and the polar explorer, hu- 7905 Fifth Avenue, Brooklyn, NY 11209 century. Today this equity is built on foun- manist and diplomat Fridtjof Nansen. Tel: (718) 748-7400 • Fax: (718) 238-3604 • [email protected] dations such as the collective agreements In Professor Witoszek’s view, the spe- for workers and the state arbitration institu- cific cultural roots that lie beneath the Nordic tions.” model may make it hard for others to adopt Want to study in the United States? According to Professor Joly this pro- it. vides the key to explaining why the Nordic countries have been able to come up with Iceland is the exception NALA helps you every such a good alternative to the system of what “Now Iceland is paying for the fact that step of the way. he calls predator capitalism that is to be found the country abandoned the Nordic model ten in several other places in the world. He also years ago,” states Þröstur Olaf Sigurjónsson, Visit www.gradusa.org emphasizes the fact that the Nordic countries Assistant Professor at Reykjavik University for more information. have strong control over their financial sys- School of Business in Iceland. 6 • March 4, 2011 norwegian american weekly opinion An opinion column about current issues in Norway Editorial Join the conversation! This newspaper’s opinions On the EDGE Where skiing was A brighter future or not? invented By Steinar Opstad, Ph.D. The FIS Nordic Ski World Champi- If we use GDP as scale, most of the Eu- coats and with gold Rolex watches, but those the world leaders in certain (but limited) onship is taking place in Oslo and - ropean countries and the U.S. are far ahead signals of wealth is far from the situation for business sectors. One of the important at- menkollen these days. Norwegians are of China. In a recent study from the U.S.- the majority of Chinese. But if the economy titudes we Norwegians have compared to protecting their reputation as a ski-loving based Pew Research Center, researchers of China becomes larger than the Europe, it many other countries, among them U.S., is nation with tens of thousands flocking to asked people in some countries if they think is not a disaster. The Chinese will buy more the tradition to travel out and learn, focus on the arenas to witness great skiing and in their own country is developing in the best French wine and German Mercedes, and for learning foreign languages and we have in hope of more gold to Norway. Marit Bjør- direction. Americans increasingly see Asia Norway it will present greater opportunity our spinal cord that other countries have a gen, probably the best female skier ever, as the region of the world that is most impor- for export of our competence and high-tech culture we can learn from. has started out with three gold medals, tant to the U.S. Nearly half (47 percent) say knowledge. This is partly why I am embarrassed winning every race she has attended so far Asia is most important, compared with just I am old enough to remember how de- when I hear some Norwegian-Americans ap- this week. “Bad boy” Petter Northug has 37 percent who say Europe, home to many pressed we were when we read Jean-Jacques plaud the Old Norwegian way of life. Today started out with one gold medal and one in of America’s closest traditional allies. Servan Schreibers book “The American we are not the country of longboats, lutefisk, silver, very impressive results from both According to the Pew Research Center, Challenge” (1967) and later “The Global sweaters and helmets; we are the country of them. But what is really impressive to 87 percent of Chinese, 50 percent of Brazil- Challenge” (1980). He described first the with world leading technology in energy this newspaper is that 50,000 people are ians and 45 percent of Indians feel their re- U.S. and then Japan as the big threats to production, fish processing and sensor tech- showing up every night for the medal cer- spective country’s development is headed in Europe, later did we learn that the Japanese nology, just to mention something. We are a emony. Celebrating their own – but also the right direction, while the people of Great was better copyists than innovators. Japan is peaceful country with good opportunities for medal winners from all over the world. Britain and France believe almost the oppo- today hardly any challenge to the U.S. or Eu- all citizens, a very good place to live, despite site (respectively 31 and 36 percent). Only rope. The U.S., which has ruled the world’s the misunderstood comments from some Congratulations to Oslo, Skiforeningen 30 percent of U.S. citizens think the U.S. is economy since World War I, fight now low Americans that we are a socialistic country and the World Championship Committee. progressing in right direction, despite the growth, around 10 percent unemployment which create associations to the late Soviet fact that U.S. citizens normally are optimistic and a budget deficit that makes other coun- Union and former Eastern Europe. The pres- Welfare on steroids and express that anything is possible for U.S. tries go pale, but U.S. have kept their mili- ent Norwegian society makes me more proud The institute has not measured little Norway, tary and technological lead and will continue to be a Norwegian than our brave history. Like the U.S., Norway has trouble but I am sure we would have been ranked as to be the world’s economical leader. with a school system that has real trouble very positive about the future if we had been Some financial experts are convinced Steinar Opstad, born 1941 delivering a quality education, with a asked. The economy measured in GDP per that China, as well as Japan and U.S., will in , Norway, is drop in graduation rates that must be of capita shows Norway with USD 57,400 and one day “hit the wall.” When the Chinese the retired Vice President concern to a nation that wants to be first the U.S. with USD 46,000, while Sweden have collected what they can of international of the Confederation of in research and innovation. More than a has USD 36,600, USD 34,100 and technological inventions, they will most Norwegian Business and third of the Norwegian students in high China only USD 6,600 per capita. probably face the same situation as Japan, Industry. During his ca- school drop out and fail to graduate. What I am skeptical to figures and results and not because of lack of researchers and reer, he was an educator is the consequence for the drop out? He which almost always forecast that China scholars. It is rather simple production which and communcator with or she gets automatically NOK 6000 per soon will have the world’s largest economy, gives China a head start, not research and positions as a journalist, editor, teacher, and month ($1,050) from the government for followed by the U.S. and leaving Europe in high-tech. professor. He has a Ph.D. and Hon. Litt. D. living expenses – living at home or not. a deep shadow. If we measure the economic I understand that we Norwegians have from the University of North Dakota. He is The reason is that the drop out should not status per capita, most of the European coun- something to offer the two Great Powers. the author of several professional books. He be a financial burden on the parents! This tries are far ahead of China. I have seen men This is hopefully the fruits of strong Norwe- is also the founder of the American College newspaper is of the opinion that this fur- in Shanghai and in Burberry gian focus on education. We are still among of Norway in Moss, Norway. ther undermines the education system and the graduation rate – and is bordering on The opinions expressed by opinion writers featured in “On the Edge” are not necessarily those of Norwegian American Weekly, and our publication of those views is not an absurd. endorsement of them. Comments, suggestions and complaints about the opinions expressed by the paper’s editorials should be directed to the editor. golden start... (…continued from page 1) the opening ceremony was going to be cov- ered. ceed the opening ceremonies of the FIS World On the first day of races, cross-country Ski Championships in Oslo. They showed queen Marit Bjørgen captured the first gold the way for 1,700 children representing the medal of the championships for Norway, various participating nations. The train of claiming it was her most exciting victory people moved to University Square, where ever. This was Norway’s 100th gold medal the children colored the stage with flags and in world championship history. enthusiasm. An estimated 50,000 attendees “When I was standing at the starting provided a fantastic start to the champion- line, I could hear the public yelling ‘Marit, ships. Marit,’” she told NRK. “It was incredibly Those who were not at University Square fun to meet their expectations.” were frustrated with the TV coverage of the Petter Northug didn’t win gold in his event. Viewers called NRK’s coverage of the first competition, but took silver. He got his opening ceremonies “a scandal,” “pure rub- revenge on Feb. 27 with the men’s 30-ki- bish” and worse, when it became clear that lometer pursuit, easily placing first ahead NRK wasn’t really covering the entire cer- of two Russian rivals and well ahead of his emony “live” after all. Instead, broadcasting Swedish competition. executives interspersed only some live foot- Women’s got its time in the age of the ceremony into another program spotlight, only to be overshadowed by thick Photo: Petter Tandberg called “Førkveld,” which in turn featured fog on Feb. 25. The spectactors came out to support the athletes with enthusiasm. what were supposed to be funny skits with “They would have postponed it if this comedian Linda Eide and others. had been a men’s competition,” Norway’s pi- conditions prevented the women from doing and 101 meters on the second. “Can’t we please see the Ski-VM open- oneer female ski jumper Anette Sagen fumed well. However, an IOC representative hint- The Nordic combined team of Magnus ing and not these meaningless women who to NRK. She claimed it was “ridiculous” to ed to NRK that she thought the IOC would Moan, Mikko Kokslien, Håvard Klemetsen sit and talk rubbish?” pleaded another disap- carry on when the visibility was so poor. make a decision in the women’s favor. and Jan Schmid had gold medal hopes, but pointed viewer on Twitter. The women had been eager to put on the In ski jumping, the Norwegian men’s had to settle for bronze in the combined “It’s a scandal that NRK isn’t sending best possible performance, not least because ski jumping team won silver on the 100-me- event of ski jumping and ski relay. the entire opening ceremony live,” tweeted observers from the International Olympic ter Hill. Norway’s team consisted Public transportation has been under yet another. Still others who’d tuned in to Committee (IOC) were among the specta- of Tom Hilde, , Anders Jacob- fire for miscalculating the demand for pub- NRK said they felt they’d been cheated. tors, evaluating whether to include women’s sen and Bjørn Einar Romøren, with the latter lic transportation. Thousands of spectators VG reported there had been broad dis- ski jumping at the next Olympics in 2014. jumping 101.5 meters. Hilde landed at 102.5 holding expensive tickets for events at the agreement among NRK executives over how Sagen, who has fought for years to win more while Bardal was best of the Norwegians FIS Nordic World Ski Championships over respect for women ski jumpers, felt the foggy with a jump of 105.5 meters on the first try CONTINUES PAGE 15 norwegian american weekly March 4, 2011 • 7 opinion Norwegian American Weekly Published since May 17, 1889 Letters to the Editor 7301 Fifth Avenue NE Suite A, Seattle, WA 98115 Do you have something to say? Send your letters to us! Toll-free: (800) 305-0217 • Local:(206) 784-4617 7301 Fifth Avenue NE Suite A, Seattle, WA 98115 fax: (206) 448-2033 • email: [email protected] Email: [email protected] Publisher Norwegian American Foundation [email protected] CEO and Executive Director, NAF Dear Editor, Please RSVP by March 11 by phone or Again, thank you for writing to us and Kim Nesselquist [email protected] I am Norwegian, and lived in Norway email. Tickets are $60. Early bird: RSVP by bringing this to our attention. Managing Editor for 34 years before I came to this country. I March 1 and get two tickets for $100. Please Christy Olsen Field [email protected] love to bake, and was interested when I saw send check to the Norwegian Seamen’s Med vennlig hilsen, the article “Best bread around” (printed in Church, 2454 Hyde Street, San Francisco, Editor Assistant Layout Editor Harry Svenkerud [email protected] the Feb. 18 issue). CA 94109. Phone: (415)-775-6566, email: Since this is all about bread and flour, I [email protected] Advertising & Subscriptions am very interested if any of the readers of the (206) 441-3044 [email protected] Norwegian American Weekly know where I Sincerely, Dear Editor, can buy grovmalt hvete and grovmalt rug. Pastor Hans-Jørgen Svartvasmo This is a lutefisk story in response to Contributing Editors All the grocery stores have “whole wheat” Norwegian Seamen’s Church the “Lutefisk Letdown” article in the Jan. Bjarne Anthonsen Bonsall, Calif. Melinda Bargreen Everett, Wash. but it is very fine – I prefer coarse. I have San Francisco, Calif. 14 issue. Lutefisk smells like 10 outhouses. Carla Danziger McLean, Va. asked around – no success. I am hopeful that It’s awful. It turned all our silverware black. Gary G. Erickson Sunburg, Minn. somebody will know. Thanks! My dad ate it at Christmas time. Our house Rasmus Falck Oslo, Norway Marit Fosse Geneva, Switzerland smelled for two days. It tastes like glue. A Shelby Gilje Seattle, Wash. Sincerely, Dear Editor, friend of ours left it on their table and went Line Grundstad Hanke Seattle, Wash. Heidi Håvan Grosch Sparbu, Norway Kari Hotvedt Can you kindly reinstate the chaplain’s to the store. When they came back, their cat Victoria Hofmo Brooklyn, N.Y. Burke, Va. scripture message and good word? had scraped up some wood shavings from Leslee Lane Hoyum rockford, Minn. Else Hvistendahl New York, N.Y. In a world filled with so many temporal the table and put it on top of the lutefisk. Inger-Torill Kirkeby Miami, Fla. pursuits, a newspaper that knows how to in- Thor A. Larsen Fishkill, N.Y. spire its readership to higher things from an Sincerely, Solveig M. Lee Seattle, Wash. Richard Londgren Thousand Oaks, Calif. Dear Editor, eternal perspective – which also adds warm Mr. Fattigman Dagfinn Magnus New Orleans, La. We invite the readers of the Norwe- humor and lighthearted fun – would be well- Seattle, Wash. Donald V. Mehus New York, N.Y. Berit T. Mesarick Williamsburg, Va. gian American Weekly to the annual Hul- worth the subscription price. Simply report- David Moe Juneau, Alaska dra Fundraiser at the Norwegian Seamen’s ing information leaves none of the above. Ken Nordan Batavia, Ill. Bill Osmundsen Milton, N.H. Church, 2454 Hyde Street in San Francisco, Please continue the heritage of a provid- Lisa Portelli Bradenton, Fla. Calif., on March 18 at 7 p.m. Live and silent ing a regular devotional section so we won’t Dear Editor, John Erik Stacy Seattle, Wash. auction, exquisite food and wine, raffle with need to rethink our subscription. Seattle-based Author A.C. Christensen Rolf Kristian Stang New York, N.Y. Kjell Olav Strømsli Trondheim, Norway fun prizes. recently E-published her two books ‘Mo- Julie Whipple Portland, Ore. The Norwegian Seamen’s Church in San Sincerely, torbikes and Murder’ a mystery and “Pat- Beate Ørbeck Oslo, Norway

Francisco was established 60 years ago in O. G. Reiss and family rick the Naughty Pony’ a children’s chapter CORRECTIONS: Norwegian American Weekly strives 1951 in response to the extensive number of Garden Grove, Calif. book on both www.amazon.com and www. to make its news report fair and accurate. If you Norwegian ships and sailors that frequently bn.com/pubit. have a question or comment about news coverage call (206) 784-4617. • Norwegian American Weekly visited the harbors in San Francisco and the Christensen will be signing books and reserves the right to edit any and all submissions for rest of the Bay Area. speaking at the 23rd NW Women’s Show on style, grammar, accuracy and/or space, and the right It soon became an important and central Dear Reiss family, March 4 – 5 at the Quest Field Event Center not to print submissions deemed libelous, in poor taste, or not suited for publication in this newspaper. meeting place, not only for sailors, but also Thank you for your letter! We appreciate in Seattle, Wash. She will be speaking at the • The opinions expressed by opinion writers and for the rest of the Norwegian and Scandina- you expressing your concern for the devo- Authors Corner of the show on Friday, March letter writers are not necessarily those of Norwegian vian community in the area. Even though tional on the Obituaries and Religion page. 4 at 11:30 a.m. and on Saturday, March 5 at American Weekly, and our publication of those views is not an endorsement of them. Comments, suggestions the clientele has changed through these sixty Since all our contributors are unpaid 11:30 a.m. and again at 4 p.m. The title of her and complaints about the opinions expressed by years, the church has maintained its status volunteers, we are respectful of busy sched- talk is: “Love a Good Mystery? Especially a the paper’s editorials should be directed to the and function as a social meeting place for ules of our pastors who occasionally write good story where no women or children are publisher. • Norwegian American Weekly is published weekly except the first week of the calendar year, the whole Scandinavian community in Bay for us. Several subscribers have told us how killed and only the bad guy gets it in the end? the last two weeks of July, and the first two weeks Area. much they appreciate the devotionals in the Strong heroine in an adventure thriller by au- of August by Norwegian American Weekly, INC. • The church is open six days a week, and Weekly. In light of this, we will bring back thor A.C. Christensen.” Please send address changes to 7301 Fifth Ave. NE Suite A Seattle, WA 98115 • Annual Subscription hosts a wide variety of activities. These ac- the regular devotional with Per W. Larsen’s Cost: US$55 Domestic, US$75 to Canada, tivities are fully financed by locally raised “Just a Minute” columns, which were origi- Sincerely, US$175 to Norway and all other foreign countries. funds. In addition to personal donations, nally printed in Norway Times. Arne Ness SINCE MAY 17, 1889: we depend on events like the annual Hul- In addition, we would like to invite the Lake Sammamish, Wash. Formerly Norway Times dra Fundraiser. As the church is a charitable pastors and reverends among the readers Western Viking & Washington Posten organization, donations are tax deductable, of the Norwegian American Weekly to con- We want to hear from you! and contributors will receive a receipt for the tribute to the devotional column. We would Letter to the Editor Comprising Nordisk Tidene, Decorah- Posten og Ved Arnen, Minneapolis-Tidende, amount of their donation. Meanwhile, for love to hear from you! For more information, 7301 5th Ave. NE, Ste A, Seattle, WA 98115 Minnesota Posten, Norrona and Skandinaven your records, the Seamen’s Church’s EIN is: please call us at (800) 305-0217 or email or email [email protected]. 94-292238/3. [email protected]. NORWEGIAN AMERICAN WEEKLY, INC. Han Ola og Han Per 8 • March 4, 2011 norwegian american weekly taste of norway Get saucy with Ski Queen Use the beloved Norwegian brown cheese for a savory chicken main course

Photos: Sandy Schulz The Troll’s Cove offers a wide variety of gifts and items, from sweaters to rosemaling. the troll’s cove... (…continued from page 1) from customers for what they want to see in the store. Once or twice a year, Schulz meets but nothing seemed to fit her vision of a with importers to find the best items for The troll’s cove. Instead, she built the perfect Troll’s Cove. If there is a special item not space on beautiful lake property right next to currently offered in the store, Schulz will her home a few miles outside of town. Turn- place a special order for the customer. ing down the drive, visitors come through “We are very customer-oriented. We pine trees to discover the shop, which was will hunt down a special item or product for built in Scandinavian style. On May 5, The you,” said Schulz. Troll’s Cove will celebrate its 10th anniver- Over the years, the store has also sary. evolved into a knitting shop as well, offering The store is filled with Scandinavian a great range of yarns, notions, patterns and items and gifts, ranging from jewelry, books, classes for knitting projects. The store is one Norwegian pewter, Dale sweaters, linens of the few in the U.S. to sell Rauma yarns, and food items. As might be expected, The Strikkegarn and Finullgarn from Norway. Troll’s Cove offers a wide selection of trolls Every Thursday, people from the community and gnomes of all sizes and descriptions, gather at The Troll’s Cove for an open knit- from the popular Nyform trolls to Candy ting session. Design, as well as some outdoor gnomes for The Troll’s Cove is open Thursday the garden. Schulz is dedicated to offering a through Saturday, 10 a.m. – 5 p.m., and Sun- wide range of Scandinavian style gifts that days 12 – 4 p.m. Visit The Troll’s Cove at will appeal to any taste E 801 Lauritzen Lane, Waupaca, WI 54981. Call (715) 256-9930 or shop online at www. The changing seasons bring new items Photo: Tine to the store, and Schulz finds inspiration thetrollscove.com. Ti n e .n o Ski Queen is a popular topping for open-faced sandwiches and waffles, but have you tried it with chicken? This easy, savory sauce is an unexpected and delicious twist on Nor- way’s favorite cheese. NORDIC DELICACIES “A TASTE OF NORWAY IN THE HEART OF BROOKLYN!” Chicken breast

6909 ird Avenue Brooklyn, NY 11209 with Ski Queen sauce Phone: (718) 748-1874 • Fax: (718) 833-7519 3.5 oz Ski Queen, grated 1 tsp salt www.nordicdeli.com 1 cup sour cream 1 tsp fresh ground pepper 1/2 cup fresh herbs of your choise 3 tbsp butter The Little Viking Gift Shoppe 4 chicken breasts, bone in Salt the chicken breasts and sear on both sides on high heat with butter. Sprinkle herbs a touch of Scandinavia in southern California over, turn down the heat and let simmer with lid until well done, about 170°F internal tem- perature. In a medium saucepan, heat the sour cream over medium heat. Add Ski Queen and Come see our new shop in Temecula! let melt while stirring. Add finely chopped spices and serve with chicken.

Fine gifts and collectibles, cooking supplies, clothing, and more! Seaport Village • 817 West Harbor Dr. (619) 232-7160 • (951) 676-6800 Old Town • 28480 C Old Town Front St. birkebeiner... San Diego, CA 92101 www.thelittleviking.com Temecula, CA 92590 (…continued from page 1) Ned Zuelsdorff, Executive Director of the American Birkebeiner Ski Foundation, said skiers from 19 foreign nations, includ- Benoit Chauvet, Saint Gervais, France, ing Latvia, Israel and , and 47 U.S skied to a second-place finish in 2:00:35.5 states, including Hawaii, North Carolina and Advertise in the Weekly! followed by Andrey Tyuterev of St. Pe- Alaska, had great conditions for the 38th an- tersburg, Russia, with a third-place time of niversary event. Reasons to advertise: 2:00:52.6. The American Birkebeiner is modeled Reach over 20,000 • Affordable! $10/col inch for The second and third place women after the Norwegian Birkebeiner Rennet, Norwegian-American readers B&W, $15/col inch for color also skied a fast race with all three of the which in turn was inspired by the historic top women breaking the 50K Women’s EVERY week! • Free ad design rescue of the infant who would become a Course Record set by Rebecca Dussault in celebrated king, Haakon Haakonsson IV. • Best of all, support the 2010. Second place was captured by Morgan only Norwegian-American The race symbolically re-creates the flight Smyth of Park City, Utah with a finish with a of the prince, carried on skis by warriors newspaper! time of 2:15: 28.2 and former Birkie Cham- called birkebeiners for their protective birch pion, Evelyn Dong, of Bend, Ore., took third bark leggings. For race day results, log on to For details, call (800) 305-0217 or email [email protected] place honors in a time of 2:15:34.3. www.birkie.com. norwegian american weekly March 4, 2011 • 9 Travel The Norwegian Mountain Code Bring the right equipment and clothing, and follow the Mountain Code for a great hiking experience in Norway

Vi s i t No r w a y

The Norwegian mountains are fantastic. Fresh water, pure air and beautiful nature as far as the eye can see. An experience of na- ture you will remember for life. However, a tour needs planning. Before setting out on your trip, whether hiking, bik- ing or cycling, bring the proper clothing and equipment and familiarize yourself with the Norwegian Mountain Code. The Mountain Code is directed towards your safety, and should be followed by all.

Be prepared Be sufficiently experienced, fit and equipped for your intended trip. Practice hiking or skiing with a backpack away from trails and tracks, even if conditions are poor. Your physical and mental fitness, your ex- Photo: Anders Gjengedal/Innovation Norway perience and your equipment determine the map and compass. Before departing, study for liquid intake, even if you do not feel build a snow trench or snow cave. When you sensible distance of a tour. the map and trace your route to gain a basis thirsty. Insufficient food and drink lead to have surplus time and energy, practice build- for a successful tour. lethargy, and you can become discouraged. ing a shelter – the experience gained can be Leave word of your route Follow the map, even when the weather Start building a snow shelter before you valuable. A survival bag can provide emer- Many cabins, hotels and other lodgings and visibility are good, in order to always are exhausted. A few hours are enough to gency shelter. have tour notification boxes in which you know where you are. When visibility dete- may put a written notice of your planned riorates, it can be difficult to determine your route. In an emergency, the details you give position. Read the map as you go and take will aid the rescue service. note of points you can recognize. Rely on the compass. Use a transparent, waterproof map Be weather-wise case attached to your body so that it cannot An old adage advises that you should blow away. Take bearings between terrain always be alert to forecasts of bad weather, points on the map that can guide you to your yet not rely completely on forecasts of good goal. Use the compass to stay on a bearing weather. from a known point. Regardless of the forecast, you should be prepared for bad weather. Even a fresh Do not go solo breeze (Beaufort Scale 5) combined with If you venture out alone, there is nobody sleet or frost can produce frostbite. to give you first aid or notify a rescue service Weather forecasts are not sufficiently in an emergency. Yet there is not always safe- NORWEGIANNORWEGIAN TV WANTS YOU!YOU! detailed to forecast local weather in moun- NORWEGIAN TV WANTS YOU! ty in numbers. A large party is inadvisable, tain areas. Despite forecasts usually being CouldCould the the Love Love of of Your Your LifeLife bebe Norwegian?Norwegian? particularly if its members are unequally ex- Could the Love of Your Life be Norwegian? right, it is difficult to predict when weather perienced. A party never is stronger than its will change. So you should heed forecasts in Would you like to date interesting and beautiful weakest member. Nordisk Film TV are looking for single adjoining lowlands as well as in the moun- NorwegianNordisk men and Film women? TV are lookingNordisk for Film single TV is looking tains, and follow weather changes. It can be Norwegian Americans in Seattle Turn back in time – sensible retreat is no for participantsNorwegian for a brand-new Americans TV in series Seattle about single a good idea to seek advice with the locals. disgrace Norwegian-Americans looking for love. If conditions deteriorate so much that Be equipped for bad weather and frost We are producing a brand new TV-program about Norwegian Americans you doubt you can attain your goal, turn We are producing a brand new TV-program about Norwegian Americans Always take a backpack and proper looking for love. Would you like to date interesting and beautiful around and return. Do not try to defy weather, looking for love. WouldCasting you like to dates:date interesting and beautiful mountain gear. Put on more clothing if you Norwegian men and women? as others may risk their lives to rescue you. Norwegian men and women? see approaching bad weather or if the tem- Minneapolis/Like you they saret. allPaul, singles Minnesota: with a desire March to find love! 9 – 12 If you change your goal, be sure to notify the Like you they are all singles with a desire to find love! perature drops. people who are expecting you. If you start a seattle, Washington: March 13 – 16 A roomy wind- and waterproof anorak, tour in windy, uncertain weather, go against If youIf you want want to to be be a apart part of of an an entirely entirely newnew and excitingexciting adventure adventure please please wind- and waterproof trousers, wind- and the wind’s direction. It will then be easier to san Francisco,registerregister California: atat ourour website: March 17 – 19 waterproof mittens and a warm hat are good backtrack if necessary. outer clothing. Put them on before the weath- Contact Kristinnorwaycasting.comnorwaycasting.com Tangstrøm at +47 98 26 35 45 er gets too bad. Stand with your back to the Conserve energy and build a snow shelter wind and help others put on their clothing. or [email protected] for details. if necessary or contact Kristin Tangstrøm Use a survival bag for additional protection. or contact Kristin Tangstrøm The stronger the wind, the tougher the Mail:Mail: [email protected] [email protected] walking/skiing. Suit your speed to the weak- Cell: 0047 98263545 Learn from the locals Visit online atCell: www.norwaycasting.com 0047 98263545 est member of the party and avoid sweating. Local people can often tell you about If you go in single file, turn often to ensure avalanche trails, wind and snow conditions, that the others are following, more so in bad and the safest routes. weather when it is hard to hear voices. Remember to eat and drink frequently. Use a map and compass Physical activity increases the body’s need Always have and know how to use a 10 • March 4, 2011 norwegian american weekly roots & connections Norwegian American Weekly Photo of the Week From the journal of Roald Amundsen South Pole Expedition Centennial 1911 – 2011

Brought to you by the Fram Museum in Oslo

4 mars – lørdag March 4 – Saturday Har ligget over i dag. Tok middashøide. Have stopped over today. Took a mid- Obs.br. 81° i S. Det stemmer fårtrinli. Være day reading obsv. of our position of 81°s.lat. har værtt pent. Stille & sol de meste av da- That agrees exactly. Weather has been fine. gen. –43°C i dag mårres. Hunnene viler gått Still & sunshine most of the day. – 43°C Photo courtesy of Thor A. Larsen ut i dag. Bygget i dag vårt depo opp. De this morning. The dogs are having a good This photo was sent to us by subscriber Thor A. Larsen of Fishkill, N.Y. The photo of young Thor with his spark (kicksled) was taken by his mother, Anny Larsen, in 1944 at the top of består av 14 kasser hunnepemmikan = 560 rest today. Built up our depot. It consists Godalen in Paradis, Stavanger. The fjord in the background is Gandsfjorden. “Stavanger kilo – 6 stk uttatt av en kasse = 557 kilo. of 14 cases of dog pemmican = 560 kilos. does not get as much snow as Oslo, so when we had snow, all the kids would be out there Mærking er jortt ut fra dette i E å Wlig ret- Six pieces taken from one case = 557 kilos. with skis, sparks and sleds,” writes Larsen. “The top of hill shown was a favorite place as it ning me 40 kassebor på vær side. De bor Marking has gone out from this in an E –W had a good slope and plenty of land for runoffs.” som står mot W er alle umærkett, så vi vet direction with 40 case boards on each side. i vilken retning depoet ligger, når vi møter The boards facing W are all unmarked so we Want to be featured as our Photo of the Week? dem. De mot E er mærkett. I måren tili re- know in which direction the depot lies when iser de ene parti mot N, de annet mot S. De we meet them. Those to the E are marked. Email [email protected] or mail your photo with a caption. mot S gåene parti består av 4 slæer, vorav Early tomorrow we will erect one part to the den ene fører menskeproviant. De 3 andre N and another to the S. Those to the S con- tillsammen 520 kilo hunnepemmikan & 90 l sist of four cases, one of which holds human petroleum. – 30.5°C. food. The three others together hold 520 ra- Norwegian Proverb tions dog pemmican & 90 l. petroleum. of the Week – 30.5°C.

“Betre byrdi du ber kje i Did you know? Facts about Norway bakken enn mannevit mykje. Med låkare niste du legg kje Norman Julius “Boomer” Esiason (born April 17, i veg enn ovdrykkje med øl.” 1961) is a former American football quarterback and current net- Ole and Lena work commentator. He played for the Cincinnati Bengals, New America’s favorite Norwegians! York Jets, and Arizona Cardinals before working as an analyst “There is no better luggage for ABC and HBO. As quarterback, Esiason was named to four than much knowledge. Lena decided that she and Ole Pro Bowl games (1986, 1988, 1989, 1993) and holds several There are none sorrier needed a bit of culture so she bought NFL career records for left-handed quarterbacks. Esiason was provisions than excessive tickets to the ballet. That evening, af- born in West Islip, N.Y., and grew up in East Islip, N.Y. Es- ter watching the performance for about iason got the “Boomer” nickname before he was born. His amounts of beer.” thirty minutes, Ole leant over to Lena mother, reacting to his constant kicking in the womb, called and whispered in her ear,“I don’t see him “Boomer,” and he has kept the name since. He is a proud Norwegian-American, – Håvamål, Snorre Sturlason why they dance on their toes. Why don’t and he was the Grand Marshal of the 17th of May parade in Brooklyn, N.Y. in 2010. they just get taller dancers?

Cynthia Eiken Park Ridge IL Ray Finden Minneapolis MN Robert Aasen Portland ND Dr. Charles Anderegg Redmond WA 3. mars Margred Jacobsen Becida MN Iona R. Dhaese Puyallup WA John B. Rasmussen Lacey WA Karin Reistad Whiting NJ Chloe Willow Knudsen Simi CA Christ Feste Minneapolis MN 7. mars Eric Chellstop Prospect Heights IL Steven O. Wick Minneapolis MN Martin Yucaipa CA Palmer C. Portland OR Helge Langorgen Ft Lauderdale FL Arne Stensrud Nes i Ådal Norway Margrethe E. Grorud Portland OR Albert Furnes Denver CO Grant Skalet Black Earth WI 28. februar Johannes Angen Geitastrand Norway Lorraine Smith Upland CA Jakobine Hovik Seattle WA Olav E. Mathisen Sarasota FL Einar Nygard Santa Barbara CA John M. Anderson Park River ND Ken Helling Seattle WA 8. mars 25. februar Paul C. Raysby Avon SD Arvid Ronning Stanwood WA Petra Sletten Outlook Sask Can Hilda Danielsen Surrey BC Can Raymond Thompson Hawthorne CA 4. mars Mabel Nilsestuen Cashton WI Kristi Samuelson Sheffield IA Ralph L. Gusfre Chicago IL Mabel Marvik Tacoma WA 9. mars Egil Erlandsen Mosjøen Norway Gust Oien Skandia MI Lars Bakstad Romedal Norway Jane Slattebo Los Angeles CA 1. mars Betsy Isane Brooten MN Astrid L. Omdal Pasadena CA Helga W Endahl Spokane WA Martha Bjornstad Chandler AZ Bernhard Hendricksen Mesa AZ Capt. Otto G. Lee Greers Ferry AZ Roger Johnson Seattle WA Mafred O. Aws Madison MN Barbara Bie Seattle WA 5. mars Dorothy Bakken Glendale CA Stevie Gjovik Madison WI Mrs. Ole Kaldestad Worland WY 10. mars Lyleth Gjovik Madison WI Sissel Almaas Peterson Seattle WA Kent Larson Sandy UT Mrs. Art Eliassen Grenora ND Asta Lehn Trondheim Norway 26. februar Jeanne Emblem Shada Scotts Valley CA Lyman C. Heyerdahl Phoenix AZ Selmer M. Hamland Gilman WI Ivar Jenseth Seattle WA Judith Lien Seattle WA Hanne Ekelund Norway Bob Colter Castle Rock WA 2. mars Gladice Widman Elmont NY Sarah Anderegg Redmond WA Nels Jensen Duluth MN Want to see your birthday in the Nancy Gunderson Lincoln NE 6. mars Norwegian American Weekly? 27. februar Arnold Lunnum Stanwood WA Vicky Sjong Seattle WA Harold O. Tvede Clarice Nereng Give us a call at (800) 305-0217 or email us at naw@ Sacramento CA Mrs. L. Allbee Yorba Linda CA Blair WI norway.com. Birthdays must be submitted at least one Olaf A. Jacobsen Bellingham WA Howard Thompson Hawthorne CA Alma Drage Tacoma WA month in advance. norwegian american weekly March 4, 2011 • 11 Obituaries & Religion Just a minute In Loving Memory Encouraging columns by the late Pastor Per W. Larsen, written for Norway Times and now shared with the readers of the Norwegian American Weekly Do you have a loved one or friend who has recently passed? Contact us at (206) 784-4617 or [email protected] to place an obituary free of charge. Donald Keith Hansen Keep it simple

July 21, 1928 – February 21, 2011 A church member came up to his the way, if we can’t say it simple, we Don Hansen died Bolivia. pastor after a Sunday morning service probably don’t know what we are talking peacefully on Mon- Don met Dina, the love of his life, while and said, “Pastor, you are one of the about. A “sophisticated” presentation can day, Feb. 21, 2011. working as a consultant with multinational greatest guys I know, but your preaching be something we hide behind in order to He was surrounded business development companies in Russia. goes high over my head. I don’t identify escape the detection of muddled think- by his wife and other Following three years in Vladivostok, Rus- with what you are saying.” ing. People may go home and marvel at family members who sia, they moved to Seattle area in 1996. Don’s It is important for a minister, or any the speaker’s “depth,” not knowing that talked with him and keen interest in Viking heritage was sparked public speaker, to know his subject well they have been exposed to a speaker out comforted him be- early by his Danish grandmother “who gave and be able to handle his mother’s tongue of touch with himself and the topic. fore and during the me the sense of wonder that is still with me.” without too many grammatical errors. Great speakers are simple in their day of his passing. He started The Viking Trader, a business of- But if he or she is not striving for skill in presentation, and I don’t mean superfi- Born in Oakland, fering fine replicas of jewelry and artifacts communication, he will never stir an au- cial. Christ is the best example of a first- Calif., on July 21, 1928, Don attended Oak- from the Danish National Museum and other dience. Sophistication, academic phrase- class communication. He used simple land Technical High School. He served in the Nordic museums. He served as a docent at ology and eloquence won’t do it. One of words for the deepest truth. U.S. Navy, attended Navy flight school, and the Nordic Heritage Museum in Seattle and the ancient philosophers said: “Too much “I was deeply touched when I saw received a degree in English and languages spearheaded the re-establishment of “Leif eloquence is tiresome.” your wife through you a kiss when you at UC Berkeley. Don began his career with Erickson Day,” which was proclaimed and Communication skill is need – along were speaking tonight,” said a man to a Seattle City Light as a surveyor on the Skagit officiated by the Governor of Washington. with a willingness to give of oneself and public speaker. “Oh that,” said the other, River. He next worked for several surveying Don also provided ongoing consulting ser- to sacrifice a sophisticated presentation if “was not a kiss but the first letters in the companies in the San Francisco Bay Area vices for the animation “Beowolf.” He was need be – in order to reach people. By sentence: Keep It Simple Stupid.” on power house and tunnel installations. His a member of the Ravens of Odin, a Viking technical and writing skills next led to equip- reenactment group in California. In his last ment testing and development with Chrysler days, he spoke of “going” and we can only in Taranto, Italy. Subsequent positions in- imagine that it must be on a Viking ship to cluded project management in Montreal with somewhere respectable and dignified. His We need your help! Kaiser Engineering, in Chile with Holmes & interest in opera, classical music, fine litera- Narver, in Columbia with Exxon, work in ture, gardening, travel, friends, a warm fire, Did you or someone you know migrate as a young woman from the India with Lummus Corp., and national en- good conversation, and excellent food are counties (Sørlandet) to New York in the time span 1946 to 1965? vironmental policy development in Peru and what many remember so well about Don. Siv Ringdal, author of “Det amerikanske Lista” and “Lapskaus Boulevard,” oil prices... is conducting field research in New York in April and May, and would like to (…continued from page 3) completely bananas,” with prices rising two meet with people from this demographic. dollars in just one minute. “There’s no doubt that panic is ruling the market now,” he said. “If that happens, you only have to pick a Please contact Siv to be a part of this project! For Norway, high oil prices mean even number to see how high prices will go,” Kjus more petrokroner flowing into state coffers. Email: [email protected] – Phone: +47 977 04 873 said. He equated the current price shocks to Every dollar increase can mean another NOK those that occurred after the revolution in Mail: Siv Ringdal, Pastor Fangens vei 20 B, 0854 Oslo, NORWAY 1 billion over the course of a year, but state Iran in 1979. officials have vowed to hold firm on spend- Another analyst at Nordea, Bjørnar Ton- ing limits, with most all of the windfall prof- Funeral Home haugen, told NRK the oil market was “going its to be set aside for future generations. SOlie and Crematory nobel committee... Honoring • Caring • Serving (…continued from page 3) instrument for Norway. This can, in the long term, reduce the Peace Prize’s authority in an 3301 Colby Ave. Everett, WA 98201 (425) 252-5159 guish the committee from the “official Nor- international arena.” way.” Chinese officials, most recently, were Lawyer Fredrik S. Heffermehl, long a Join a fi nancial services organization furious that last year’s prize was awarded to critic of the committee’s choices over the focused on what matters to you. one of their leading critics, Liu Xiaobo, and years, went so far as to call for the current they’ve been snubbing Norway ever since. members to resign. In a column in Aftenpos- Experience what makes Thrivent Financial for Lutherans different. All political contact has been broken and of- ten on Monday, Heffermehl suggested they ficial meetings have been cancelled, as have don’t have the competence or will to meet We help our members support cultural exchanges. Some Norwegian busi- Nobel’s goals for the Peace Prize. He thinks the causes that are important to nesses also feel they’re being punished over Nobel’s vision for peace centered on disar- them—in their communities, the prize, with Det Norske Veritas (DNV) mament and anti-militarism, and is crum- their congregations and around losing important licenses in China and other bling under successive committees. the world. firms reporting difficulty with imports and Jagland disagrees with most of the exports or even obtaining visas. criticism. The committee, he wrote over the If you’re not a Thrivent Financial Some Norwegian business leaders are weekend, “would be destroyed as an inde- member, now is a great time to joining DNV boss Henrik O. Madsen in pendent voice... from the minute it were to become one. calling for their government to make some start handing out Peace Prizes for different For more information, new initiatives towards the Chinese, some- parts of the world.” Opening the commit- visit us at Thrivent.com. thing the Norwegian politicians have refused tee to members from around the world, he to do. Perhaps it’s become a matter of both wrote, “would start a political battle in the Find us on Facebook! sides trying to “save face,” but for the most Parliament over who and where they should Thrivent.com/facebook part, the Norwegian government seems keen come from.” There would be “dissatisfaction Follow us on Twitter! to simply ride out the storm. Madsen, who all over the world” if certain parts aren’t rep- Thrivent.com/twitter resented. also advocates more foreign representation Join our community! “The Nobel Committee has defended on the Nobel Committee, says that’s too pas- LutheransOnline.com sive, and he rejected criticism in newspa- and carried on a long tradition as being the per Aftenposten over the weekend that he’s world’s conscience,” Jagland maintained. merely concerned about the bottom line. Reprinted with permission from Oslo- DNV, he responded, has “great respect for based Views and News from Norway. Visit the Peace Prize and the committee’s indepen- www.newsinenglish.no. Appleton, Wisconsin • Minneapolis, Minnesota • Thrivent.com • 800-THRIVENT (800-847-4836) dent work,” but it “can be seen as a political 26239C N12-10 201001915 12 • March 4, 2011 Online: blog.norway.com/category/culture norwegian american weekly Arts & Style

Style Highlight of the Week Calendar of Events Borte bra, hjemme best What’s going on in your neighborhood? A look at interior design trends in Norway California American of Norwegian and Swedish ex- Scandinavian Heritage Day traction. Admission: $35 per person. Res- March 19 ervations suggested. Contact Victoria at Palm Desert, Calif. (718) 748-5950. Learn about Scandinavian cultures, music, genealogy, art and the Vikings at Scandina- Centennial of Sporting Club Gjøa vian Heritage Day. Shop venders for food April 8 – 10 and merchandise. Games for the kids, and Brooklyn, N.Y. food demonstrations. It is free to the pub- This year marks the 100th anniversary of lic. Join us from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. at Hope Sporting Club Gjøa in Brooklyn, N.Y., Church, located at 45-900 Portola Ave in which has been a force in competitive soc- Palm Desert, Calif. For more information, cer for many years by providing young call (760) 343-0848 or email norsknm@ players with a great environment to play earthlink.net. great soccer. A weekend of celebration will take place April 8 – 10, and activities Illinois include an evening of cocktails, a dinner Nordic Marketplace & Luncheon dance, and a family barbeque. Tickets are March 26 $150 per person for the weekend. For more Park Ridge, Ill. information and to purchase tickets, call Join the Chicago Area Friends of Vester- Karen Diego at (718) 921-6173 or Kathy heim for a Nordic Marketplace! The event McArdle at (718) 563-8833. begins at 9:30 a.m. at the Park Ridge Coun- try Club, and featuring a marketplace of of Greater N.Y. Contest traditional Norwegian folk art, including April 16 woodworking and rosemaling. The Silent Brooklyn, N.Y. Auction will have wonderful, affordable The Norwegian Immigration Association items. Luncheon at 12:30 p.m. Tickets are presents the 56th annual Miss Norway of $50 per person (includes a $15 tax deduct- Greater New York Contest! This annual ible donation) and $25 for school-age chil- tradition takes place on April 16 at Ar- thur Nilsen Banquet Hall at the Norwe- dren, 12 and under (includes a $10 tax de- Photo courtesy of Babazar.no gian Christian Home and Health Center in ductible donation). For more information, The bench from Oliver Furniture is a top seller at Babazar. call (563) 382-9681, email info@vester- Brooklyn. Miss Norway and her court will heim.org or visit www.vesterheim.org be officially recognized at the famous 17th of May Parade in Brooklyn. Contestants Li n e Gr u n d s t a d Ha n k e Line Grundstad Hanke Interior Design Minnesota must meet the following criteria: Be 17 – 24 years of age, be of Norwegian heritage, 14th Annual Ibsen Festival and interest in Norway. Contestants who Norwegians are always busy remodel- shopping for a new look. April 15 – 17 register by March 1 receive a $10 discount. ing and making a cozy home. In fact, Nor- Here are some Web sites from Norway Lanesboro, Minn. Visit www.niahistory.org. wegians are considered to be among the that feature the latest trends: Join us in the heart of Norwegian America highest spenders the world, according to the • Kinu offers unique designs for your in Lanesboro for the 14th Annual Ibsen Washington European E-Handelsindekset. Not only are home. www.kinu.no Festival! This year, we feature a world pre- Norwegians the best on skis, but using credit • Babazar, with furniture, interior ac- miere adaptation by Jeffrey Hatcher of Ib- Cod Fish Dinner cards as well. We spend a lot of kroner on In- cessories and children’s products. sen’s powerful An Enemy of the People. As March 20 ternet shopping, and we outpace the Danes, www.babazar.no always, the festival will include lectures, Seattle, Wash. who are number two, and Great Britain, who • Hviit is a lifestyle web shop that is fine art, music, post show discussions and The Karmøy Club of Washington presents many other events to put this Ibsen’s work its annual Cod Fish Dinner on March 20, is ranked number three, according to an ar- considered to be very Nordic and into context. Call (800) 657-7025 or visit held at the Leif Erikson Hall in Ballard. In ticle on klikk.no. exotic. It carries mostly white nu- www.ibsenfest.org. addition to a delicious meal, come for the Norwegians spend a lot of time fol- ances of products. www.hviit.no entertainment and raffle. A film crew from lowing the latest interior design trends and • Precious is based in Tønsberg, New York Norway’s TV2 will be present to film the decorate their homes accordingly. It is often and specializes in repurposed event! Suggested donation: $18. Reserva- Centennial of Færder Lodge easy to see what is popular when you visit vintage pieces, and has furniture tions are required, so please call today to March 26 family and friends because they all seem to and accessories of vintage style. make sure you are a part of this wonder- Brooklyn, N.Y. update with the same trends. Magazines and www.precious.no ful tradition. RSVP by March 16 to Betty Save the date! Sons of Norway Færder stores are clever in showing the must-have • Nordhjem is a Danish lifestyle at (206) 542-8161 or to Gro at (425) 742- Lodge #109 is celebrating its centennial in items for each season and makes it easy to shop and has a vast collection 9133. We would love to see you there! 2011. In celebration of this historic mile- be tempted and purchase. Norwegians spend of items popular in Scandinavia. stone, Færder Lodge will hold a gala din- www.nordhjem.dk Norway Day 2011 a lot of time in their homes and loves to have ner and dance at the Rex Manor, located April 16 it cozy and inviting so it is easy to see why There are plenty more to name, but at 1100 60th Street in Brooklyn, N.Y. Our Olympia, Wash. they prefer spending money this way. the few I mentioned will keep you busy for featured entertainer for the gala will be the There’s more to Norway than Lutefisk and With the Internet, we can now sit at home some time looking at trends in Norway and famous Norwegian recording artist Bjøro Lefse! Join us for Norway Day 2011, spon- and surf the latest trends all over the world, keep you interested of what will be coming Håland. Admission: $90 per person. Please sored by the Hovedstad Lodge Sons of Nor- but it was not until recently that many more next. Norway is forever changing in interior join us for this special celebration. Contact way and the Prillar Guri Lodge Daughters sites allow Norwegians to purchase and ship trends, and it is always fun to keep on top Frank Bolstad at (732) 302-0955 or John of Norway. From 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. at the to Norway. So on a cold winter month or a of it. Petersen at (718) 494-2080. Thurston County Fairgrounds Expo Cen- rainy fall we can spend some time at home ter, experience Norwegian music, dancing, Peggy Lee Tribute Vikings, food, giftware, crafts, artwork and April 3 real Fjord horses. For more information, Karmøy Club of Washington Brooklyn, N.Y. call (360) 923-1242 or email joanne@mo- Join the Scandinavian East Coast Museum holtusa.com. for a tribute to Peggy Lee at Bethlehem Annual Cod Fish Dinner Lutheran Church from 3 – 7 p.m. on April Sunday, March 20 at 4 p.m. 3 (please note date change). This year the Scandinavian East Coast Museum cel- Leif Erikson Hall in Ballard ebrates the life and work of Peggy Lee, an Entertainment and Raffle ~ Suggested Donation: $18 Reservations required A group from Norway’s TV2 will be present to film the event! Send your event to [email protected] or call (206) 784-4617 Bring a friend! to add your list to the Norway.com online calendar and the Weekly! ~ Please bring a non-perishable food item for the less fortunate ~ Event listings are free, but space is limited. Please contact us at least one month prior to event. RSVP by March 16 to Betty (206) 542-8161 or Gro (425) 742-9133 norwegian american weekly Online: blog.norway.com/category/norway-in-the-us March 4, 2011 • 13 In your neighborhood

Who will be crowned? It’s a small (Norwegian) Find out at the 56th annual Miss Norway of Greater New York competition in April world after all... Making connections across the Norwegian- American community

Su b m i t t e d b y Od d Øi m o e n Sunnyvale, Calif.

On a beautiful May day in 1954, a fast trip to the government liquor store for friend and I were enjoying a beer at Skans- a “micky” and I was all set for my lone- en, an outdoor restaurant overlooking Oslo some self. Harbor. We were both army officers and as- Then I got a call that I will never forget. signed to the Inspector General Staff of the The man on the other end could not speak Signal Corps at . We agreed we English very well, and I was unable to un- had a good life in front of us at the age of derstand his church affiliation. So I thought 23. Something was, however, “lurking” in he might be a German: “Sprechen Sie Photos: Berit Hessen the back of our heads, we had, as so many Deutsch?” I asked. He replied: “Ka sa du Left photo: Miss Norwegian Heritage 2010 Freia Titland (left) and Miss Norway of Greater New York Norwegians: eventyrlyst, a desire to see no?” (What did you say now?) in a northern 2010 Helene Rell. Right photo: Miss Norway 2009 Megan Hjelle (left) and Helene Rell. other lands, and wondered what was on the Norwegian dialect. I said: “I Herrens navn other side of the ocean. How about if we snakker du norsk?” (In God’s name, do you Ro y Jo r g e n s e n took a leave of absence from the Army for speak Norwegian?). He replied, “Javisst, e Hopewell Junction, N.Y. three years and went to the U.S.? “Out of ringe no frå Valhalla,” (Yes, I do, I am call- the question,” my friend said. “We will be ing from Valhalla.) “Valhalla?” I asked. “Er The “reign” of Helene Rell, Miss Nor- sen, Lynn Andersen, Linda Hobbeland and drafted in to the American Army and serve du sammen med Odin?” (Are you together way of Greater New York 2010, seems hardly Gerd Sagen, all of whom are very active in two years as ‘privates.’” Well then, to Can- with Odin?) “Nei, i denne Valhalla er det begun when we now must again make plans the Norwegian-American community in the ada with no military service. berre nordlendinga.” (No, in this Valhalla, for the 56th annual Miss Norway contest, Greater New York area. On June 27, 1954, we were in the we only have northern Norwegians). On the scheduled for April of this year. This year there is a discount for early mid-Atlantic, headed to our destination of monitor at the control counsel, I listened to It may seem early to be talking about applications for Miss Norway if received by Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada. Little did this pastor preaching in Norwegian, and these plans but the task is not simple. Some March 15 and the deadline is April 1. The we know of the hardship that followed. We reading juleevangeliet (the Christmas sto- of the activities which require advance contest and luncheon has very limited seating ended up at Immigration Hall in Winnipeg, ry), and with my “micky” I was not so lone- preparation are: media publicity, selecting so reservations are strongly encouraged. One filled with refugees from many eastern Eu- some anymore. a master of ceremonies, writing biographies can check on the Web site www.niahistory. ropean countries. We were all called “DPs” From that service, I found many Nor- of the contestants, planning the meal, solicit- org or by writing to Arlene Rutuelo, Nordic (Displaced Person), a person without a wegians in the area, and made some very ing gifts for the contestants, cadets as escorts Delicacies, 6909 Third Avenue, Brooklyn, country. good friends. Radio station CFGP asked for the contestants, who usually come from NY 11209. Our thought went back to our good life me later, if I would emcee a radio program Kings Point Military Academy; and other The Miss Norway event will take place in Norway as we worked as farm hands, every Tuesday called “Music from Scandi- time-consuming details. April 16, 2011 at 2 p.m. at the Arthur Nilsen dug ditches and swept streets, but as stub- navia.” I did for the year I was in Grande With 16 members of the committee, Banquet Hall, Norwegian Christian Home born Norwegians we were not about to Prairie (I was later transferred to the en- there is room for more volunteers. Most of and Health Center (NCHHC), 1270 – 67 “buckle under.” My friend finally landed a gineering department in Edmonton). I still the members of the group have full-time Street, Brooklyn, NY. A ticket to the event job on the “DEW Line” (The defense early hope today that some of the people, like jobs or businesses. The current members are: includes lunch supervised by Peggy Katen, warning system). I traveled to Edmonton, Olderskogs, Lobergs, Toftelands, Hansens Arlene Rutuelo, committee chair and owner chief dietitian at NCHHC. Reservations Alberta, and got a job as chief technician and others in Valhalla and Grande Prai- of Nordic Delicacies in Brooklyn; Rigmor please are requested. The Syttende Mai Pa- with the Alberta Government Telephones rie remember all the birthday greetings I Swensen, co-chair of Norwegian Immigra- rade will take place May 16 ending at Leif in Grande Prairie, 400 miles north of Ed- played for “bestemor and bestefar.” tion Association; Lars Nilsen, co-chair of Ericsson Park, in Bay Ridge, Brooklyn. Miss monton. It was now early December 1954. After three years in Canada, I decided Norwegian Immigration Association and Norway and all the girls who participate in Soon Christmas followed, my first to return to Norway, but I wanted to see an executive of Morgan Stanley; Victoria Little Miss Norway will be part of the pa- Christmas away from home. The station California on my way home. That was 54 Hofmo, school teacher and director of East rade. The parade is held in Brooklyn as it manager inquired what I was going to do years ago, and I am still “seeing” Califor- Coast Scandinavian Museum; George Jens- was the last sizable Norwegian colony in the on Christmas Eve. If nothing, he would nia! en, member of the board of directors of the 20th century, as opposed to being on Fifth like me to take care of the broadcasting Share your small (Norwegian) world Norwegian Home and Health Center; Anne Avenue in New York City, where many of of church services that evening. All the stories with us! Contact us at naw@nor- Marie Jensen; Laila Jensen, former Miss the ethnic parades are celebrated. churches around Grand Prairie would call way.com or write to It’s a Small Norwegian Norway, Kristine Oftedal and Katrina Win- To find more information, visit www. in, and I would set up the connections to World, Norwegian American Weekly, 7301 slow, both N.Y. school teachers; Freia Tit- May17paradeNY.com and www.niahistory. radio station CFGP. That evening I made a 5th Ave NE, Suite A, Seattle, WA 98115. land, Miss Norwegian Heritage of 2010; Me- org, or contact Arlene Rutuelo at (718) 748- gan Hjelle, Miss Norway of 2009; and Sarah 1874. Lindland, Miss Norway of 2008; Odette Lar- Sons of Norway Building, B-20 Norway Art 1455 W. Lake Street stavanger symphony... (612) 339-7829 Minneapolis, MN 55408 (…continued from page 3) projects and an extensive programme of CD- recordings of Norwegian 20th century mu- www.norwayartonline.com • email: [email protected] city of Stavanger, a thriving center and major sic, has contributed to the orchestra’s devel- By appointment please oil port on the North Sea, was again desig- opment and reputation. The orchestra tours regularly within nated a “European Capital of Culture” and Find the perfect gift from the plans were made for the SSO to move into Norway. Internationally the orchestra has performed in Scandinavia, The Baltic states, comfort of your home at a brand new, state-of-the-art concert hall in our online store, or if Spain, The Netherlands, Belgium, UK, Ger- 2011 – 2012. As part of an expanded range you’re in the area, visit our many, Ireland, Czech Republic, Slovakia, of musical initiatives the SSO has also ad- E 801 Lauritzen Lane Waupaca, WI 54981 shop in Waupaca, Wisconsin! opted a satellite model to promote events and Japan. It has participated at the (715) 256-9930 • [email protected] with smaller ensembles alongside its regular Edinburgh Festival, Schleswig- Fes- series of symphonic concerts. tival and the Prague Autumn Festival. Stavanger Symphony Orchestra (SSO) The orchestra has released over 30 re- has gained an international reputation for its cordings the last 20 years, receiving excellent quality and interesting profile in addition to reviews in international music magazines. its creative programming. The combination For more information, please visit www. SWEATERS — COLLECTIBLES — ROSEMALING — FISHERMAN’S CAPS — BOOKS — AND MORE! of a commitment to early and contempo- sso.no. For tickets, please visit www.carn- rary music, together with unusual cross-over egiehall.org or call (212) 247-7800. Visit us online at www.thetrollscove.com 14 • March 4, 2011 Online: blog.norway.com/category/norwegian-americans norwegian american weekly Norwegian heritage Corner The boys from Vangen: Rønningen Ramblings with Heidi Håvan Grosch

Written by Leif Halse Heidi was a long-time Minnesotan until she married her favorite Norwegian, Morten, and moved to his home Vangsgutane, a classic series in Norway from 1941 to present, was used as curriculum material in country of Norway. As a recent immigrant she is experi- Norwegian schools, as the series had easy-to-read text with pictures. Deb Nelson Gourley of Astri encing Norway with a unique perspective, filling us in on My Astri Publishing brings the copyrighted bilingual English/Norwegian serialization of “The the good, the bad and the unexpected! Boys From Vangen: Vangsgutane” to the readers of the Norwegian American Weekly to practice their Norwegian reading skills, as well as enjoy a Norwegian classic! Old burial traditions in Norway

REDNING TIL SÅLENGE SAFE SO FAR «Vangsgutane» henger i alt de orker The Vangen boys keep giving it every- for å redde seg unna den villsinte hunden thing they’ve got to save themselves from til Larris. Men Troll tar innpå litt etter litt. Larris’s fierce dog. But Troll gains on them Snart vil den vel nå dem igjen og kaste seg bit by bit. Soon he will catch up and jump over dem. Hvordan skal de komme seg on them. How will they escape his snap- unna denne glefsende hundekjeften? ping teeth? Da husker Steinar at det ikke er så Then Steinar remembers they aren’t langt igjen til sommerfjøset deres. Dit må very far from their summer barn. They de prøve å komme seg, og de skynder på så have to try to get there, and they hurry so snøen fyker om skituppene. Framfor som- fast that snow flies over the tips of their merfjøset spenner de raskt av seg skiene og skis. In front of the barn, they quickly un- smetter innom døra med dem. Det er bare fasten their skis and slip through the door så vidt de greier å slå igjen døra før hunden with them. They just manage to close the kommer settende. door before the dog arrives. “Yes, now we are like mice in a trap,” «Ja nå er vi som mus i ei felle,» sier Photo: Lars Forseth, Nord-Trøndelag fylkeskommune Kåre. Men Steinar ber han om å huske på says Kåre. But Steinar reminds him that the A grave mound situated in Snåsa, which is 25 meters across and 2.5 meters high. at sommerfjøset har to dører. Mens Troll summer barn has two doors. While Troll står og gjør rasende mot den ene døra, så barks madly at the one door, the boys sneak lurer karene seg stilt ut gjennom den andre. out the other. They quickly don their skis Since the beginning of time, we have they needed. Often very precious items are De spenner fort på seg skiene og legger i and make their way home at full speed. memorialized our dead by placing mark- found in these mounds including gold, pearls veg heimover i full fart. Bare nå ikke Troll They hope Troll hasn’t noticed they came ers over their graves. We pass down family and weaponry, or other household items – an- har lagt merke til at de kom seg ut igjen. out again. But now it isn’t far back to Van- names and heirlooms, and share stories of other indication that a burial mound was not Men nå har de ikke så lang veg heim til gen. the past in an attempt to keep their memories for the common man. There have also been Vangen. alive. This article is part two of a two-part traces of fur and animal bones (horses and series about burial traditions in Norway. sheep) leading archeologists like Inger Ma- Grave (burial) mounds pre-date the rie Kimo to wonder if the animals were food Translated into English by Alexander Knud Huntrods Illustrated by Jens R. Nilssen Vikings and can be found in many parts of or a gift to the gods to insure safe passage Vangsgutane bilingual book available for $19.95 with FREE shipping in the U.S.A. the world. These artificial hills of earth and to the afterlife. In rare cases, large rowboats www.astrimyastri.com stone (called a barrow in English, a cairn were buried with them, but this was a custom in Scotland and a tumulus in other parts of only for the best of the best. Europe) were designed to capture the atten- Skeifeltet has over 100 registered burial Legend of Siljatjern Seter: tion of passersby. Usually situated on a main mounds, three stones, a ring-shaped yard and Life, love and faith on a Norwegian mountain dairy road, crossroads or a high point in the land- large cooking pits from the Viking Age and Written by Gunlaug Nøkland scape, they were a wealthy or important per- recently more were discovered. “Sparbu of Legend of Siljatjern Seter tells the story of Mette agreeing to son’s way of saying, “Look at me, I still have Nord-Trøndelag is about to become the rich- take a summer job as a budeie (dairy maid) on an old-fashioned power.” Normally only one person is buried est of these historical relics,” said county demonstration dairy called Siljatjern (Silja’s pond) Seter. There is the heart of the Norwegian mountains, she discovers the love of her life, in each mound, occasionally the mounds archaeologist Lars Forseth. According to helps solve an ancient mystery, and renews her faith in God. The author, were re-used later (holes were dug to insert an article on Norway.com, he feels that this Gunlaug Nøkland, from girlhood had interests in husflid (Norwegian folk art) and farming traditions. Included in the bilingual English Norwegian the new boxes containing the burnt bones of area was a center of power for 1000 to 1500 book is pictures and recipes from the old mountain seter life. the deceased.) Sometimes the person was years ago. “Concentration of collectibles are cremated before the mound was build on top so much greater than elsewhere.” (blog.nor- • Bilingual novel in both English and Norwegian of them, other times the deceased was buried way.com/2010/06/02/viking-graves-found- • Old Norwegian traditions from the summer dairy • Hardcover, 448 pages, illustrated in a casket or a boat. with-laser) • $19.95 with FREE shipping in the USA Although there are some existing writ- Vikings had mixed views about death. Astri My Astri Publishing ten records, the grave mounds themselves In one way they were afraid of the dead, Deb Nelson Gourley www.astrimyastri.com are the best timeline. During the Iron Age doing everything they could to insure they 602 3rd Ave SW Email: [email protected] Waukon, IA 52172 Phone: (563) 568-6229 (4000 B.C. – A.D. 600), the mounds were would move on. But they also often had a primarily made of soil, while Bronze Age special grave mound close to the farm said to Norway.com Royal Norwegian Consulates (3300 – 1200 B.C.) mounds were mostly be for the haugbonde (the primary ancestor, made of stone. Sometimes grave mounds the one who started the farm), believing he Organization of the Week in the United States acted as a sort of communal burial plot, and lived there and kept an eye on things. Viking Valdres Samband North Carolina entire communities eventually were laid to burial traditions and beliefs didn’t change The Valdres Samband is an organiza- rest in the same place. much until Christianity took hold in Norway tion of descendants of immigrants to Honorary Consul Because it was necessary to send these around A.D. 1100. the U.S. and Canada from the Valdres James D. Lucas Jr. pillars of society successfully on to their next A special thanks to Inger Marie Kimo Valley Royal Norwegian Consulate life, it was very important that they hadFull whatService Agencyfor fact With checking Experienced this article. Norwegian Speaking Consultants! PO Box 536 For more information, contact: Full Service Agency WithOur Experienced daily specials Norwegian and regularly Speaking updated Consultants! Secretary, 21 - 21st Ave N Charleston, SC 29402 information will help you make wise travel Our daily specials and regularly updated information will help you make wise travel decisions in a constantly changing world! Hopkins MN 55343-6922 Tel: (843) 577-5782, (843)577-5783 decisions in a constantly changing world! www.valdressamband.org Fax: (843) 577-3589 Sp e c i a l s t o Sc a n d i n a v i a , VERRAZANOSpecials to Scandinavia TRAVEL & LEISURE Eu r o p e & t h e Ca r i b b e a n Europe & the Caribbean For the full list of organizations, For a listing of all consulates, 1 (718) 979-6641 visit noram.norway.com/organizations visit noram.norway.com/organizations Call us for details! [email protected] us for details! • [email protected] Verrazano TraVel & leisure 1 (718) 979-6641 [email protected] [email protected] norwegian american weekly Online: blog.norway.com/category/sports March 4, 2011 • 15 sports Golden start… (…continued from page 6) the stations serving the line to Holmenkollen Oslo 2011 in photos hours before events were to begin, only to the weekend were left stranded at metro sta- face a lack of metro trains and thousands of tions in Oslo, and missed the start of the ac- other stranded spectators. tion, if not all of it. Organizers had miscalcu- “Oslo 2011 apologize for the miscalcu- lated how early the fans would show up, and lation regarding start times for extra trans- couldn’t handle the crowds. port. People started much earlier than we had The organizers of what’s called Ski- expected and we were not prepared for the VM in Norwegian had faced their first big crowds that arrived at that time,” said Nina test of how Oslo’s newly improved T-bane Horn Hynne, PR and Communication Direc- (metro) line would handle weekend crowds tor of Oslo 2011. heading up to Holmenkollen. The fans hold- At the time of press, Norway was in the ing tickets had done exactly what organizers lead for the medal count with eight total med- had been telling them to do for weeks: They als: four golds, two silvers and two bronze. relied on public transport and showed up at

Photo: Oslo 2011 An estimate of 50,000 people attended the opening ceremonies at the University Square in Oslo.

Photo: Stian Broch folk dance… (…continued from page 1) casion. She also composed a new WSC waltz that she plays in Holmenkollen. from Nittedal and , and had their The dance group is dancing in - first dance show at the WSC Hill during the kollen seven days during the WSC and will day. contribute to the hustle and bustle with folk “We are full of enthusiasm and are very dance such as polka, waltz and reinlenders. happy to be here, and we get an extra boost The group turns 35 years this year and has with the dance, says Anne Hval Jensen,” the started their centenary year by dancing in group’s dance leader. Holmenkollen. “We made new skirts for the WSC, “We were also dancing during the FIS Photos: Stian Broch and it has been knitted 47 new hats for our World Cup last year, and after that we were Left: Marit Bjørgen celebrates her first Oslo 2011 gold medal finish in the cross-country individual groups,” Jensen adds. told that we were welcome to join the WSC sprint free finals. Right: Petter Northug placed first in the 30 km pursuit. Their music is played by Wendy Grant as well,” says Jensen. Junior Olympics coming soon who just bought a new accordion for the oc- Norwegian tradition The Scandinavian Hour continues to grow Celebrating over 40 years on the air with young skiers KKNW – 1150 AM Saturdays 9 – 10 a.m. PST Jo h n Er i k St a c y Seattle, Wash. Streaming live on the internet at: This season’s final Junior Olympic www.1150kknw.com qualifying races for Pacific Northwest region was hosted by the Kongsberger Ski Club Feb. 19 – 20 at Cabin Creek, Wash. The JOQ races determine who will go on to the Junior Olympics for cross-country skiing, this year to be held at Theodore Wirth Park in Minne- apolis, Minn., the week of March 6. Athletes to compete in the Junior Olympic events are age 14 – 19. The races at Cabin Creek were one of the five JOQ events held this season by the Photo: Karen Voorhees Pacific Northwest Ski Association for the re- Oregon brothers Nick and Ryan St. Clair in a gion. The PNSA is one of eight divisions of fight for the JOQ finish line. the United States Ski Association (USSA). This year 18 boys and 13 girls qualified for three races traditionally hosted by Kongs- the PNSA Junior Olympic Team drawn from berger and has been operated fully by vol- three Oregon (Bend, Mt. Bachelor and Tea- unteers since 1954. The Stampede and JOQ cup Lake) and two Washington (Methow and together hosted 184 entries of racers from all Wenatchee) clubs. over including California, Montana, Idaho, The JOQ was held in conjunction with and Oregon. Racers in the Stampede ranged the Stampede citizen race, the oldest of the in age from toddlers to senior citizens. Velkommen!No one fl ies to Scandinavia more often than we do. Check out all our destinations and timetables at www.fl ysas.com/us. By the way, “Velkommen” means welcome in Norwegian. As in, welcome to Scandinavian Airlines, we promise to make the most of your time by providing smooth, comfortable and time-effi cient travel solutions. Welcome onboard!

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