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News Taste of History Channel’s Golden beets with “Vikings” in Det er ingen vei til fred. Fred er veien. a Norwegian twist review Read more on page 8 Read more on page 3 – Mahatma Gandhi Norwegian American Weekly

Vol. 124 No. 10 March 15, 2013 Established May 17, 1889 • Formerly Western Viking and Nordisk Tidende $1.50 per copy News in brief Find more at blog.norway.com Scandal in the barnehager Business Final investments in oil and A VG report gas activity in 2012 – including pipeline transportation – were sheds light on NOK 172.5 billion; 18 per cent higher than in 2011. The forecast poor conditions for 2013 has been adjusted downwards to NOK 198.7 billion, in Norway’s according to Statistics Norway. state sponsored The estimate for 2013 is 7 per cent higher than the comparable daycare system estimate for 2012 and indicates a lower growth in 2013 than in the last year. Total investments in oil Staff Compilation and gas extraction and pipeline Norwegian American Weekly transport for 2012 were NOK 172.5 billion. This is NOK 8.1 billion lower than the estimate conducted in the survey last Norwegian news service VG quarter, but an increase of NOK released a comprehensive report 26.2 billion compared with the on safety and health conditions in- final investments in 2011. side Norwegian daycares on Mar. (Norway Post) 11. The report, compiled over the Foreign Affairs course of 6 months by a special “It is absolutely unacceptable investigation team and including that Syrian rebels have taken Photo: Olve Utne / Flickr. Illustration: VG UN peacekeepers hostage on A barnehage (daycare) in Northern Norway. Upper left: VG’s front cover on Mar. 11. It says, “Mama and Papa think I am safe at barne- See > scandal, page 6 hage, but is it true?” the Golan Heights. They must be released immediately,” said Minister of Foreign Affairs Espen Barth Eide. The peacekeepers U.S. talent abroad captured at the border between Premiere plays and Israel on Wednesday Akvavit Theater’s English produc- American Rachael were part of the United Nations Lee Flores does Disengagement Observer tion of three Jon Fosse plays in review Force (UNDOF), which was well in Norwegian established in 1974 to monitor the tense situation between Syria Idol contest and Israel. (Press Release) Kelsey Larson Managing Editor

What’s inside? Growing up in the U.S., Ra- News 2 – 3 chael Lee Flores probably never Business 4 thought she’d one day enter the Research & Education 5 Norwegian Idol competition. Photo: TV2 Opinion 6 – 7 See > idol, page 12 Rachael Lee Flores. Taste of Norway 8 Travel 9 Roots & Connections 10 Photo: Dan Lehner Pettersen wins Obituaries & Religion 11 Susan Fay, Beau Forbes and Kirstin Franklin in “Autumn Dream.” Arts & Style 12 Suzann Pettersen wins In Your Neighborhood 13 the championship in Shannon Foskett Norwegian Heritage 14 Chicago, Ill. Hainan, China Sports 15 The perennial problems of our ta). Nordic-focused Akvavit The- Staff Compilation $1 = NOK 5.7214 deepest concerns recur with a spec- atre presents “Gjenganger: Three updated 3/11/2013 tral uncanniness throughout the Plays by Jon Fosse,” a cycle of per- Norway’s Suzann Pettersen Chicago-based, English-language formances that alternate through In comparison came from two shots behind to win world premiere of three plays by the seasons their titles invoke: “A 2/11/2013 5.5041 the Mission Hills World Ladies Norway’s highly-acclaimed Jon Summer’s Day” (“Ein sommars Photo: AFP / Roslan Rahman Championship in Hainan, China on 9/11/2012 5.7663 Fosse (translated by Kyle Koryn- Suzann Pettersen competing in China. 3/11/2012 5.7011 See > plays, page 13 See > pettersen, page 15 2 • March 15, 2013 norwegian american weekly Nyheter fra Norge Nyheter Nye plasser Norwegian-fly snudde etter mistanke om Nest beste år i 2012 teknisk feil Utlendingsdirektoratet Flyet på vei til Bodø returnerte til Værnes lufthavn etter indikasjon på teknisk feil. Nor- Oljefondet tjente (UDI) vil opprette nye wegians fly DY154 fra Trondheim til Bodø 447 mrd. kroner i fjor, og asylmottak med totalt snudde etter 10-15 minutter og fløy tilbake til Værnes lufthavn kvelden til 11. mars. – derfor sitt nest beste år i 1000 nye plasser Det var en indikasjon på en teknisk feil, sier 2012 informasjonssjef Lasse Sandaker-Nielsen VG i Norwegian til VG. Flyet landet igjen på Værnes 18.20 for å bli sjekket for feil. – Det VG er ikke knyttet noen dramatikk til dette. Vi Årsaken er en økning i antall asylsøkere håper passasjerene har forståelse for at vi og at 5000 ikke har forlatt landet til tross for setter sikkerhet først, sier informasjonssje- – Resultatet reflekterer utviklingen i utreiseplikt. fen. Han understreker at en såkalt indikas- verdens finansmarkeder gjennom 2012. – Vi har også flere utløpende kontrakter jon på teknisk feil ofte ikke innebærer noen Slik beskriver Oljefondsjef Yngve med eksisterende mottak, i tillegg går boset- faktisk feil. Per Jarle Ingstad, fungerende Slyngstad resultatene for 2012. Foto: Anette Westgard / Statoil ningen av de som har fått opphold, saktere lufthavnsjef på Værnes lufthavn, bekrefter Fondet fikk en totaltavkastning på 13,4 Troll A platform. Oljefondet tjente 447 mrd. kroner i enn ønsket. Vi ser derfor et behov for å 2012. at Norwegian-flyet har landet som normalt. prosent gjennom året. etablere nye mottak og håper på mange in- (Kongehuset) Det tilsvarer 447 milliarder kroner, eller teressenter, sier avdelingsdirektør Christine Den årlige avkastningen på fondet har 89.400 kroner per nordmann. Wilberg i UDI. i gjennomsnitt vært på 5,05 prosent. Justert NHO vil bremse lønnsveksten Siden starten i 1996 har fondets samlede I løpet av fjoråret kom det 9800 asyl- for inflasjon og forvaltningskostnader, har NHO-direktør Kristin Skogen Lund mener avkastning kommet opp i 1.107 milliarder søkere til Norge. Det var en økning på 8 fondet gitt en avkastning på 2,97 prosent. lønnsveksten må bremses, og at det ikke er kroner. Avkastningen oversteg for første prosent fra 2011. Prognosen for 2013 ligger Det er under handlingsregelens bestem- rom for sentrale tillegg på områder med lokal gang 1.000 milliarder i november i fjor. på drøyt 10.000 asyølskere. melse om bruke av fire prosent av fondets forhandlingsrett. – Jeg håper og tror at LO tar Det fremkommer i Oljefondets årsrap- – Det er ingen klare indikasjoner på at realavkastning. med seg dette bakgrunnsbildet inn i forhan- port for 2012. antall asylsøkere vil endre seg dramatisk i Ved utgangen av 2012 var verdien av dlingene. Det ser ut til at LO legger opp til Oljefondet er fordelt på tre investering- 2013, men usikkerheten forbundet med an- en moderat linje, og det er bra, sier Skogen fondet 3.816 milliarder kroner. Det innebær- er; renter, aksjer og eiendom. tall asylsøkere i år er stor. Flere andre eu- Lund. Forhandlingene mellom hovedorgan- er en økning på 506 milliarder kroner gjen- I 2012 var det aksjeinvesteringene som ropeiske land opplever en økning. Dette isasjonene NHO og LO startet mandag. Den nom året. kastet desidert best av seg, med 18,1 prosent. gjelder i særlig grad Sverige, sier Wilberg. seremonielle kravoverrekkelsen mellom «Tilførselen gjennom året var 276 mil- Renteinvesteringene ga en avkastning på 6,7 I årets to første måneder registrerte UDI partene fant sted i Næringslivets Hus i . liarder kroner, mens avkastningen utgjorde prosent, mens eiendomsporteføljen ga en 1652 asylsøknader. Aller flest asylsøkere, Forhandlingene mellom partene vil pågå i to 447 milliarder. En sterkere kronekurs trakk avkastning på 5,8 prosent. 342 stykker, er det fra Somalia. Fra Eritrea uker. – Den klare meldingen fra våre medle- verdien av fondet ned med 220 milliarder,» Den enorme aksjeavkastningen i fjor, kom det 265, mens det kom 138 fra Afghani- mmer er at årets oppgjør må bli moderat og heter det i pressemeldingen fra fondet. lavere enn i 2012, hvor vi endte på om lag 4 gjør at aksjer nå også har gitt mest avkast- stan og 102 fra Sudan. I dag er det omtrent prosent. De er også tydelige på at det kun er ning i hele fondets levetid. Av de 1.107 mil- 18000 plasser i 105 asylmottak her i landet. lønn vi skal forhandle om når vi i dag setter liarder fondet har «tjent», kommer 579 mil- English Synopsis: The return on Norway’s “Oil Fund” was the second highest ever in 2012, at NOK i gang årets forhandlinger, sier NHO-sjefen. liarder kroner fra aksjer, og 528 milliarder English Synopsis: The Norwegian Directorate of Im- 447 billion (USD 78,157,950,000). migration wants to add 1,000 new places for asylum LO-leder Roar Flåthen tror det blir et krev- kroner fra rentepapirer. seekers in Norway. ende tariffoppgjør. Til NTB sier Flåthen at alle skal få opprettholdt kjøpekraften. I årets mellomoppgjør legger LO opp til en profil som prioriterer de lavtlønte. – Det er mange som ikke får noe annet enn det sentrale til- Øker mest Norske solfavoritter legget, og dette må vi ta hensyn til, sier han. (VG) Senterpartiet går mest fram Når sommerferien skal med 1,5 prosentpoeng bestilles, er det Spania Flere tatt av snøskred i Lofoten til 5,3 prosent på en ny Flere personer ble 11. mars tatt av et skred og Hellas som er de ved Hammarskaftet i Lofoten. Alle er red- måling det ut med kun lettere skader. Ifølge red- soleklare favorittene ningsleder Sten-Rune Nicolaisen ved blant nordmenn Hovedredningssentralen Nord-Norge var VG det en gruppe med franske skiturister som Senterpartiet har med oppgangen kla- ble rammet av skredet. – Alle 12 skal være VG gjort rede for nå, men minst to personer skal tret over sperregrensen fra forrige måneds være skadet. Vi har ikke helt oversikt over måling. Samtidig som Sp går fram, faller omfanget foreløpig, sier Nikolaisen til VG. regjeringspartneren Sosialistisk Venstreparti Spania topper statistikken over pop- Han forteller at redningshelikopter og politi 0,1 prosentpoeng til 4,1 prosent. Regjerin- ulære reisemål sommeren 2013 med 16 er på stedet. Svolvær alpine redningsgruppe gens største parti Arbeiderpartiet er med en prosent, mens Hellas følger tett bak med 14 er også engasjert for å bistå i redningsar- nedgang på 1 prosentpoeng til 27,7 prosent prosent, viser en undersøkelse som er gjen- Foto: rapgenius.com beidet. – Det var en person som ringte inn landets nest største parti. nomført av Norstat for FINN.no. og fortalte at det hadde gått et skred og at Høyre befester posisjonen som størst – Tilbudet av reiser er størst til Hellas ulære landene. Men ifølge FINNs søkestatis- han kun hadde kontroll på fire av totalt 12 med 32 prosent, ned 0,1 prosentpoeng og Spania. Grunnen til at de to landene lig- tikk er det langt større interesse for Tyrkia. personer, sier Nikolaisen. Til TV2 forteller fra Norstat-målingen i februar, skriver ger på topp, er at de har en lang rekke des- Ofte er det rimeligere å dra på pakkereise Tore Wangsfjord, fungerende avdelingsdi- Klassekampen og Nationen. tinasjoner som Mallorca, Kreta, Rhodos og dit. Pris spiller definitivt en rolle når de en- rektør for Hovedredningssentralen for Nord- Fremskrittspartiet får støtte fra 17 Costa del Sol i tillegg til Kanariøyene. Det er delige valgene skal tas. Norge, at de åtte personene som ble tatt av prosent av de spurte, en nedgang på 0,6 også tradisjoner knyttet til disse reisemålene. En del av de spurte har slett ikke lyst til skredet kun har lettere skader. prosentpoeng. De to sentrumspartiene Mallorca var blant de første destinasjonene å dra på sydentur til sommeren, noe som er (VG) Kristelig Folkeparti og Venstre går fram til der det ble satt opp charterfly fra Norge, tilfelle for 19 prosent. I fjor på samme tid var henholdsvis 5,8 prosent (+0,1) og 5 prosent sier Lene Kallum, PR- og informasjonssjef denne andelen på 24 prosent. Det tilsvarer en (+0,2). i Finn Reise. økning i sydenlysten på 5 prosentpoeng. Småpartiene Rødt (+0,4) og Miljøpar- Ut fra undersøkelsen gikk det fram Mars er den måneden da nordmenn bes- tiet De Grønne (-0,2) havner under sperre- at det er en forskjell på hva folk drømmer tiller sommerferien, og det tilsier at sommer- grensen med henholdsvis 1,5 prosent og 1 om og hva folk faktisk søker etter på nettet. ferien ofte kjøpes både fire og fem måneder prosent. Prisen er et viktig element når reisen skal før avreise. Både representanter for Ving Hvis målingen hadde vært stortingsval- bestilles. og Star Tour opplyser at de merker at folk gresultat, ville de tre rødgrønne partiene ha – Grunnen til at vi kan si dette er at vi har begynt å bestille sommerens reiser noe fått til sammen 65 mandater. Høyre, Frp, KrF kan se på FINN.no hva folk leter etter av tidligere i år. og V ville ha fått til sammen 103 mandater. pakkedestinasjoner. Da ser vi at for eksem- pel Tyrkia og Egypt kommer mye høyere English Synopsis: A recent survey declares that Nor- English Synopsis: In the latest survey, Norway’s opp enn det som kommer fram i under- Center Party has gained the most popularity. Høyre wegians’ top summer vacation destinations are Spain remains the biggest party, with 32% approval ratings. søkelsen, sier Kallum til NTB. and Greece. Majorca, Crete, Costa del Sol and the Ca- Italia og Kroatia er de nest mest pop- nary Islands are the most popular destinations. Norwegian american weekly Online: blog.norway.com/category/news March 15, 2013 • 3 News New session This week in brief An enticing TV raid Jessica Chastein to star in Norwegian- Norway present at the directed film spring session of the History Channel’s new The recent Best Actress Oscar nominee – for her role in “Zero Dark Thirty” – United Nations Human series sparks interest will soon take on the role of Miss Julie. Rights Council in Geneva in savage Vikings Norwegian director Liv Ullmann is preparing her NOK 28 million (approx. and gives new life to 3.7 mill EURO) take on Miss Julie, from Marit Fosse Scandinavian antiquity Swedish playwright August Strindberg’s Geneva, Switzerland 1888 classic, with a US / UK cast headed by Jessica Chastain, Colin Farrell and Denise Leland Samantha Morton. Shot by Russian The spring session of the UN Human Seattle, Wash. Rights Council opened in Geneva on Mon- cinematographer Mikhail Krichman, day. the film will be produced by Norwegian For the first few days, during what is There’s no doubt that what people most producer Synnøve Hørsdal for Norway’s known as the high-level segment, heads of associate with Norway are the Vikings. A Maipo Film, with the UK’s Apocalypse government and ministers from around the general theme of the past, Viking culture and and France’s Senorita as minority partners. history is not extremely well known in the Wild Bunch will be handling international world, took the floor to discuss human rights Photo: History Channel / Vikings States beyond notions of pillaging and drag- issues. This year Norway was represented by Ragnar Lothbrok and his family: Bjørn, Lager- sales for Miss Julie. State Secretary Gry Larsen. on-like ships. Thankfully, History Channel is tha and Gyda. (Norwegian Film Insitute) The main issue for Norway in this ses- now bringing this Nordic past back into the present with its new series “Vikings.” sion will be to lead the negotiations on a res- Scandinavia, we can deduce that given the Norwegian kindergarten teacher fired The premise of the show surrounds olution on human rights defenders. The reso- character’s eagerness to sail the unknown after bringing vial of her blood into class real historical Viking and farmer Ragnar lution aims to prevent the law being misused West, this band of Vikings must reside in the Up to a dozen Norwegian children may Lothbrok around 793 A.D. While it is never to block and gag defenders of human rights. most western land outlet, Norway. The series have ingested their kindergarten teacher’s explicitly said to be set in Norway, merely blood after she brought a vial of it into See session, page 6 See > raid, page 7 > class. The teacher, who has not been identified, reportedly asked the nurse at a recent doctor’s visit if she could have a Incomes up vial of her blood to take with her to the Secures future seed school where she taught. When ‘sharing time’ came, she took out the vial, poured This year it is five years On average, gross income it in a plate, and let the students pass it since the first boxes of for farmers amounted to around the classroom, said Inger Lise NOK 511,000 in 2011. This Andersen, director of the Dravhaug seeds from food crops kindergarten. ‘The parents are mortified, were carried into the represents an increase shaken and shocked,’ Andersen said. The Svalbard Global Seed of 5 percent, from the teacher, a temporary employee, had been previous year tested for AIDS and Hepatitis B following Vault the incident. Results of the tests are not yet in, but authorities consider the risk of transmitting any infection very low. The Press Release teacher was terminated. Special Release Statistics Norway (The Daily Mail) Minister of Agriculture and Food

Entrepreneurial income from agricul- Dampened growth in mainland economy Today, more than 770,000 different seed ture averaged NOK 154,000, constituting 30 Foreign and domestic demand, excluding samples are deposited in the vault for long- percent of the gross income in 2011. petroleum activities, grew modestly in the term storage. Agricultural holdings vary considerably 4th quarter of 2012. The gross domestic To celebrate the fifth anniversary of the Photo: MAF in size, from hobby-like production to hold- product (GDP) of mainland Norway opening of the seed vault, Minister of Agri- Minister of Agriculture and Food Trygve Slags- ings with a turnover of more than NOK 1 was up 0.3 per cent in the 4th quarter. culture and Food, Trygve Slagsvold Vedum, vold Vedum and Roland von Bothmer of NordGen million. This is the main reason for the con- However, as Statistics Norway points visited Svalbard. There he met with the In- inspecting the Svalbard Global Seed Vault. siderable variation in entrepreneurial income out, the modest growth at the end of last ternational Advisory Council for the Sval- from agriculture and debt. In 2011, farmers’ year must be viewed in conjunction with precautionary principle in practised in the bard Global Seed Vault, and also inspected average gross income was made up of NOK the strong 0.8 per cent increase in the 3rd best possible manner by providing long- the vault. 255,000 from wages and pensions, NOK quarter of 2012. term storage for future seed,” Vedum says. “The seed vault is a completely unique (Norway Post) and incredibly fascinating facility. Here the See > seed, page 11 See > incomes, page 6 Enjoy Norway all year long. Keep up with Norway and the Norwegian-American community with the only Norwegian newspaper in North America! $ Subscribe – it’s easy! one year subscription: 59 Call us toll-free at $79 in Canada and $179 in Norway and all other countries (800) 305-0217 to start a new subscription

Questions? Call us toll-free at (800) 305-0217, email [email protected], or write to us: Norwegian American Weekly, 7301 5th Ave NE Ste A, Seattle, WA 98115

Norwegian American Weekly (USPS 679-840) (ISSN 1942-1389) is published weekly except the last two weeks of July, the first two weeks of August and the last week of Dec. by Norwegian American Weekly Inc, 7301 Fifth Avenue NE Suite A, Seattle, WA 98115. Periodicals postage paid at Seattle, WA and at additional mailing offices. POSTMASTER: Send address changes to Norwegian American Weekly 7301 Fifth Avenue NE Suite A, Seattle, WA 98115. Phone: (206) 784-4617 • Email: naw@norway. Proud to bring you the Norwegian American Weekly com • Website: www.norway.com. Annual subscription cost: USD $59 domestic; USD $79 to Canada; USD $179 to Norway and all other foreign countries. 4 • March 15, 2013 Online: blog.norway.com/category/business norwegian american weekly Business

Exchange Rates Oslo Børs: Week at a Glance (March 11, 2013) Winners Losers A diverse workforce Norsk Kr. 5.7214 Name NOK Change Name NOK Change The Norwegian Center for Multicultural Value Creation Norse Energy 1.37 16.1% Apptix 2.60 -11.68% Dansk Kr. 5.7196 Oceanteam Shipping 3.74 6.25% Storebrand 25.2 -10.98% facilitates an entrepreneurial spirit among immigrants Svensk Kr. 6.3914 Nio 2.45 6.06% Namsos Traffikselskap 75.0 -10.81% Photocure 41.8 4.76% Gyldendal 200 -10.0% Canadian $ 1.0263 Nordic Semiconductor 17.2 4.24% DiaGenic 0.89 -9.76% Euro 0.7669 ForFull detailed Service information Agency With about Experienced the Oslo Børs, visit www.dn.no. Norwegian Speaking Consultants! Full Service Agency WithOur Experienceddaily specials Norwegian and regularly Speaking updated Consultants! information will help you make wise travel Our daily specials and regularly updated informationdecisions will inhelp ayou makeconstantly wise travel changing decisions inworld! a constantly changing world! Specials to Scandinavia, VERRAZANOSpecials to Scandinavia TRAVEL & LEISURE Europe & the Caribbean Europe & the1 Caribbean (718) 979-6641 Call us for details! [email protected] us for details! • [email protected] Verrazano TraVel & leisure 1 (718) 979-6641 MULLAVEY, PROUT,[email protected] GRENLEY & FOE [email protected] attorneys and counselors at law

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2401 NW 65th St, P.O. Box 70567 Seattle, WA 98107 Telephone: (206) 789-2511 Fax: (206) 789-4484 Photo: Terje Rakke / Nordic Life – Visitnorway.com The Norwegian Center for Multicultural Value Creation provides coaching and motivation to tal- ented immigrants who bring their valuable skills to Norway. LUNDE MARINE ELECTRONICS, INC. Sales and Service Rasmus Falck Oslo, Norway

During the recent decades, Norway has 38 employees. The startup is an engineering, become a multicultural society with a grow- procurement and construction contractor ing number of immigrants coming as refu- catering its services to subsea, offshore oil Seattle,WA Tacoma,WA Dutch Harbor, AK gees, on family reunification grounds or as and gas and marine industry. The company phone (206) 789-3011 phone (253) 627-6968 phone (907) 581-1498 work immigrants. The unemployment rate offers complete solutions to its customers fax (206)782-3188 fax (253)383-4965 fax (907) 581-1402 among immigrants is three times the general from concept stage to delivery along with unemployment rate. Another issue of con- documentation, testing and follow-up. Since cern is the high level of over-qualification 2011 they have a subsidiary in with a among immigrants in the job market. Re- focus on reducing cost on bulk design work, [email protected] 5415 24th Ave NW, Seattle 98107 searchers point at the challenge immigrants drawings and modeling. face in moving between many temporary The entrepreneur got coaching and mo- jobs and conclude that we have not been able tivation from the center. She participated in to use a good portion of our qualified immi- their start-up program, got advice before and grant workforce properly. after the start-up and was introduced to a Russ Oberg, CLTC, CLU This gave way to the establishment of professional network for immigrants run by the Norwegian Center for Multicultural Val- the Norwegian Confederation of Enterprise. Independent Insurance Broker ue Creation in 2005. The aim is to facilitate Rajvindu Kaur Aulakh is from India. Long-Term Health Care Insurance and stimulate strong business start-ups and Her education is from the university in an entrepreneurial spirit among immigrants. Stavanger and she has worked as an engineer Should you consider it? The long-term goal is to create successful at Aker Solutions and Det Norske Veritas. Call me for honest straightforward advice. and competitive businesses that would con- She decided to become a citizen because she (206)362-5913 tribute to value creation, growth and employ- wanted to have the possibility to affect soci- www.obergltc.com ment. This value creation center distinguish- ety, to vote and have influence and the pos- 5650 24th Ave NW, Ste 603 Seattle, WA 98107-4155 es itself from other business establishment sibility to change things. Together with 155 centers. “We work proactively to find oppor- new countrymen from 35 different countries tunities for value creation and matching the she became a citizen at a ceremony at the LEWIS O. TITLAND Quality Accounting & Tax Services for: user’s competence, cultural background and Drammen Theatre in 2009. Certified Public Accountant Small businesses motivation level with business opportunities The traditional view has been to look at (206)789-5433 Individuals in the market,” says the director of the center immigration and immigrants as a problem. 221 1st Ave. W. Ste. 400 Specialized Assistance Zahra Moini. “We believe this is the way we The Norwegian Center for Multicultural Seattle, WA 98119 can create more sustainable businesses.” Value Creation was established to change One of the immigrants that have re- this public attitude and rather focus on the ceived help from the center is Rajvindu Kaur opportunities! The aim has been to create a Aulakh (35). She established Nipunn Engi- success recipe from the beginning. Subscribe to the Weekly! neering AS in January 2010. Today they have Have a nice weekend! U.S. • Canada • International Business News & Notes Norway Cracks Down on Mortgage Debt to nancial Supervisory Authority in Oslo will add Fight Bubble Risk stricter risk-weight recommendations to a raft Digital • Print Norway’s financial regulator is throwing its of measures, including curbs on covered bond weight behind a government proposal to force issuance, all designed to prevent a repeat of Call (800) 305-0217 or email [email protected] banks to assign higher loss probabilities to the 1990s crisis that sent Norway’s real estate mortgage assets as the nation looks for ways prices plunging 40 percent and left households to cool its overheated property market. The Fi- with unsustainable debt loads. (Bloomberg) norwegian american weekly Online: blog.norway.com/category/research March 15, 2013 • 5 Research & Education Folic acid can lower risk of autism Women who take a vitamin B9 supplement (folic acid) during the beginning weeks of their pregnancy can cut the risk of having a child with autism in half

Elin Fugelsnes / Thomas Keilman Research Council of Norway

These findings are the result of a new study carried out at the Norwegian Institute of Public Health. In the study, women who took folic acid supplements from four weeks before conception to eight weeks into preg- nancy had a 40 per cent lower risk of giv- Photos: Flickr / The Grazer ing birth to children with childhood autism A Norwegian study shows that vitamin B (folic acid) can help prevent autism. Spinach (right) is an example of a good source of folic acid. (classic autism). “It appears that the crucial time inter- val is from four weeks before conception to eight weeks into pregnancy,” states Pål Su- have a similar effect on other developmental Journal of the American Medical Associa- dietary supplements early in their pregnan- rén, MD and doctoral fellow at the Norwe- disorders as well,” Dr. Surén says. tion (JAMA). cy. Children with autism diagnoses involved gian Institute of Public Health. in the study were identified using question- The study is based on the Norwegian Important in other areas as well Note: The participating in the naires, through referrals from parents and and Child Cohort Study (MoBa) The Directorate of Health’s recommen- MoBa Study have provided detailed infor- the National Health Service and through the and the Norway Autism Birth Cohort Study dations regarding pre-natal folic acid supple- mation about their eating habits and use of Norwegian Patient Registry. (ABC). It covered a total of 85 176 children ments are based on research that shows that born in the period 2002–2008. the vitamin protects the foetus against spina bifida and other neural tube defects. Inexpensive, simple prevention The researchers have also found a cor- Folic acid is a B vitamin that is essential relation between folic acid supplements and for the construction and repair of DNA mol- the reduced risk of severe language delay by Student-Faculty ecules, which control all body cells. Folate the age of three. Such language problems are is the naturally occurring form of folic acid common in connection with autism but may found in food and in the body. also occur with many other conditions. Research Most pregnant women need folic acid “It will be a tremendous breakthrough At PLU, rigorous academics and a caring community supplements to reach the daily recom- if it turns out that folic acid also prevents mended levels. The Norwegian Directorate other developmental disorders,” Dr. Surén ensures challenge and support for every student of Health recommends that women who are believes. planning to become pregnant start to take fo- lic acid supplements one month before con- Some more vulnerable than others? ception and during the first three months of Dr. Surén and his colleagues will con- pregnancy. duct new analyses when the children in- The results of the study of the correla- volved in the study are older, among other tion between intake of folic acid supple- things to examine whether there is any cor- ments and childhood autism indicate that the relation between folic acid and a reduced lower risk is only associated with this specif- risk of other developmental disorders such ic supplement and not with the consumption as ADHD and cerebral palsy. They will also of food or other supplements. carry out genetics studies. “Thus, the findings show that a measure “We know that there is a genetic compo- already used here in Norway, one which is nent to the body’s ability to use folate, so it simple, inexpensive and without any known is possible that some mothers are more prone side effects among pregnant women, can to folic acid deficiency than others,” Dr. Su- prevent autism. Previous studies we have rén adds. carried out have shown that folic acid may The study was recently published in the Chemistry Professor Neal Yakelis and Chelsea Berdahl in the Rieke Science Center laboratory. We’ve gone digital! CHALLENGE SUPPORT SUCCESS If you are a print subscriber, you can access the digital PLU edition for free! Tacoma, Washington www.plu.edu 800-274-6758 Email [email protected] for details 6 • March 15, 2013 norwegian american weekly opinion

< scandal An opinion column about current issues in Norway From page 1 Join the conversation! On the EDGE over 30,000 pages of information from all municipalities and nearly every kommune VETERANS – a resource! (county), has found some daycare centers (in By Rasmus Falck Norwegian, barnehager), both public and private, to be particularly lacking. “Every day in Norway, 300,000 chil- Since 1947, more than 100,000 Nor- ian competence and diplomas. HR-units in private companies should be dren are delivered to over 6,000 Norwegian wegian men and woman in military uni- The number of Reservists taking part of major importance. barnehager. Are they safe?” asks VG. form have participated in almost 100 dif- in international operations is increasing. In the Armed Forces, as the rest of In total, VG has now gone through more ferent international operations. Six veter- This trend is in parallel with the trends we the society, the human capital is the most than 4,500 inspection reports from over ans from Norway who served in Afghani- see from our closest allies. Increased and valuable resource. The employee’s at- 3,000 kindergartens in the years 2010, 2011 stan helped Sandy Victims and each other better use of the Reservists will contribute titude, competence, ability in innovative and 2012. The inspections have revealed of- last year as part of “Team Rubicom.” thinking, loyalty and leadership skills fenses in every barnehage, and fully 50% of In the U.S., you have Veteran’s Em- are often the critical factors which leads barnehager in Norway have broken the law ployment & Training Services (VETS). to success, both for the civilian compa- in some way, according to the report. The organization prepares veterans for nies and the Armed Forces. This project The most important breached laws in- meaningful careers, providing employ- is of the opinion that there should be clude: ment resources and expertise. For 40 room for flexibility and cooperation to Inadequate physical security; careless years, the Employer Support of the improve exploitation of the human capi- hygiene, infection control and cleaning; fail- Guard and Reserve has served the coun- tal between the civilian society and the ure to implement or poor security practices; try developing and promoting a culture Armed Forces. inadequate educational planning; and viola- in which all American employers sup- The project recommends a number tion of staffing requirements. In total, VG port and value the military service of of activities. The most important are to found a total of over 6,400 offenses in three their employees serving in the Guard and ensure high level support for the Em- Reserve. ployer support concept in Norway, and years. Photo: cracked.com The report includes several stories Now the Norwegian Defense might to establish an organization responsible want to follow suite. Just before Christ- A potential new Norwegian project could mirror for implementing the series of recom- deemed terrifying by parents, including the veteran resources in the U.S., including North Da- mas 2012, a report on how employers mendations. 2011 story of four-year-old Ingrid Marie kota’s Golden Paperclip Project. Hansen in Tromsø, who was asphyxiated to could support the Veterans was handed death when she got caught in a curtain cord over to the MoD. Myself, I had the plea- sure of being involved in the project. Here to better recruitment, improved exploita- while playing at a barnehage. are some of the conclusions. tion of valuable competence in the soci- Rasmus Falck is a well-known entre- VG discovered that one year earlier, The majority of the veterans are re- ety as such, and an improved integration preneurship advocate in Norway. He has 5-year-old Marius Kullstad had come home sourceful people with valuable knowledge between the Armed Forces and the local been involved in initiatives like Connect, from a different barnehage in Tromsø – and experience. The veterans with expe- society. First Tuesday, Forum for Entrepreneur- owned by the same private company – with rience from international operations are The number of Norwegians called ship, Seed Forum, Venture Cup, Young bruises around his neck. His mother, Mar- loyal and have executed important tasks upon for conscription is decreasing, re- Enterprise and lately the Norwegian Busi- ita Tråsdahl Kullstad, was concerned and for their country, often in challenging con- sulting in both employers and leaders hav- ness Angel Network. He is the author of called the barnehage to discover what had ditions. Most of them have undergone ex- ing less understanding for the relevance the publications “Hva gjør de beste bed- happened; she was furious that nobody had tensive training and are highly skilled to of the Armed Forces, and the tasks which re?” (“What are the best doing better?”) called to inform her of the incident. perform their tasks. However, returning military and civilian employees are do- and “Norwegian Venture Capital Guide.” “I asked to see the room where it had to a civilian life, many of them are being ing. This leads to a need for highlighting He received his MBA from the Wisconsin happened. The playroom had long curtain confronted with their lack of formal civil- military employees as a resource. The School of Business in Madison, Wis. cords. I asked them to cut them off,” she said. “You bring you child to barnehage to be cared for, and you expect to get her back The opinions expressed by opinion writers featured in “On the Edge” are not necessarily those of Norwegian American Weekly, and our publication of those views is alive and safe. The minimum requirement not an endorsement of them. Comments, suggestions and complaints about the opinions expressed by the paper’s editorials should be directed to the editor. should be that the conditions are conducive for the children,” said Dag-Kjetil Hansen, < session < incomes said. Ingrid’s father, to VG. From page 1 From page 3 Other dangerous situations discovered She went on to deplore how reactionary by VG include dangerous playground equip- forces are seeking to reverse every inch of Secretary Larsen, together with col- ment, mold and mildew, and toddlers waiting progress achieved over the last four decades 218,000 from total entrepreneurial income leagues from Switzerland and Argentina, and NOK 39,000 from capital income. Aver- in line for diaper changes. in the area of women’s rights and gender will also lead a parallel event on the death Morten Solheim, lecturer in education equality, stressing that there is an increased age entrepreneurial income from agriculture penalty under the auspices of the Interna- at the University of Oslo and , need to combat discrimination based on sex- for all 42,800 farmers was NOK 154,000. tional Commission against the Death Pen- About 30,500 farmers with a positive entre- says that VG’s findings confirm that more ual orientation and gender identity. Proposed alty (ICDP), in which Norway is currently preneurial income had an average agricul- children in Norwegian barnehager has led legislation to criminalize public discussion playing a leading role. tural income of NOK 216,000. to a slip in quality. “So far, the “barnehage on homosexuality in Ukraine, and The State Secretary of Norway, in her revolution” is only a half-baked reform. The Russia was another issue of concern. Nor- Distributed by county, farmers in Vest- speech to the Council on Monday, empha- fold and Akershus had the highest average rapid expansion has weakened the quality of way noted the positive developments in sized that the death penalty was cruel and gross incomes, with NOK 644,000 and NOK day care services, at the expense of the chil- Myanmar over the last couple of years and inhumane and that its abolition was central dren,” said Solheim. believes that the international community 635,000 respectively. Farmers in had to the protection of human dignity. In an interview with VG after the release should engage in supporting capacity build- the lowest gross income, with an average of Norway is proud to be co-sponsoring of the report, Minister of Education Kris- ing efforts to promote human rights in that NOK 426,000. The largest average entrepre- the fifth World Congress against the Death tin Halvorsen believes that there is already country. neurial income from agriculture was NOK Penalty in Madrid in mid-June 2013 and has enough checks done for safety and staffing Norway noted with regret that in Egypt, 210,000 in and Nord-Trøndelag, invited all States, including the top five ex- levels in Norwegian barnehager. the constitutional process had polarized so- while farmers in had the lowest ecutioners, the United States, China, Iran, “I do not think the main challenge is ciety rather than uniting it, and called on agricultural income, with NOK 87,000. Iraq and Saudi Arabia, to participate and an- that too few barnehager are supervised. The the government to take immediate steps to Agricultural holdings are classified by nounce new commitments to the global fight main challenge is that local authorities, who investigate all allegations of human rights type of farming. Farmers with cereals and against the death penalty. own half of the barnehager, are set to make abuses and to prepare the ground for a com- oilseeds as type of farming had the lowest The rapid expansion of hate speech, of- their own inspections. I think this means that prehensive security sector reform. Further, entrepreneurial income from agriculture ten targeting minorities and other vulnerable the quality of the inspections is inadequate,” the State Secretary affirmed that the situ- in 2011. Agricultural income for this farm groups, is an also a matter of concern, and it said Halvorsen. ation in Mali should be monitored and all type fell by 15 per cent from 2010 to 2011, is important to examine how to prevent ex- Halvorsen cited a different report when measures taken to ensure that those respon- to NOK 66,000. As many as 43 per cent of tremism and harassment of minorities while confronted with VG’s, which had been or- sible for human rights violations are held ac- these farmers had no positive income from at the same time promoting openness and a dered and paid for by the government.The countable. culture of dialogue, the Secretary of State See > incomes, page 15 report is from Nova Research and was pub- lished in 2012. Halvorsen think it shows that there is no need for more supervision of the Subscribe to the Norwegian American Weekly! See > scandal, page 15 Call (800) 305-0217 or email [email protected]. norwegian american weekly March 15, 2013 • 7 opinion Norwegian American Weekly Letters to the Editor Published since May 17, 1889 7301 Fifth Avenue NE Suite A, Seattle, WA 98115 Do you have something to say? Send your letters to us! Toll-free: (800) 305-0217 • Local: (206) 784-4617 7301 Fifth Avenue NE Suite A, Seattle, WA 98115 Fax: (206) 448-2033 • Email: [email protected] Email: [email protected] Publisher Norwegian American Foundation [email protected] Managing Editor Dear Editor, 1/2 cup rye flour Kelsey Larson [email protected] I hope that you—or someone, can help Dear Jan, 2 1/4 tsp (1 packet) active dry yeast Assistant Layout Editor me. I have lost my copy of the recipe for Thank you for your lovely letter! I think 1/4 cup rolled oats (not instant) Harry Svenkerud [email protected] “Norwegian Mountain Bread” which was I speak for many of our readers when I say, 1 1/2 tsp fine sea salt Advertising published in the paper sometime last sum- you are not alone in being proud of your 1 Tbsp brown sugar Erik Krippaehne [email protected] mer. I DO have the recipe that was submit- Norwegian heritage. I love to share these 1/2 cup blend of any of the following ted to the Editor as an improved version, and kinds of stories from our readers! (preferably all): Wheat germ, sun- Subscriptions which I do like, but it is more of a dessert As for the Norwegian Mountain Bread, flower seeds, flaxseeds, pumpkin Call (800) 305-0217 [email protected] bread. The recipe as it was in the original I will reprint the recipe here. This original seeds, wheat bran Contributing Editors form was a little more complex—but, oh so recipe as well as the “tweaked” version has Melinda Bargreen Everett, Wash. “earthy”! proved to be one of our most popular reci- Combine milk and water together in a Carla Danziger McLean, Va. About 16 years ago we found my pes! measuring cup, and heat to 110°F to activate Sölvi Dolland Fraser, Mich. Erling Dugan Ventura, Calif. Grandmother’s family in Norway. My Great- Thanks again for writing! the yeast. Stir in the yeast, and let rest for 10 Gary G. Erickson Sunburg, Minn. Grandmother had come to America and had minutes. Combine all the other ingredients Rasmus Falck O oslo, Norway Marit Fosse G geneva, Switzerland married here. She had been a little older and Sincerely, in a large bowl. Pour the liquid into the dry Judith Gabriel Vinje Burbank, Calif. died before I was born. My Grandmother Editor ingredients, stirring to make a sticky mix- Shelby Gilje Seattle, Wash. Line Grundstad Hanke Seattle, Wash. was an only child and with WWII and her ture. Then beat for about 2 – 3 minutes. But- Heidi Håvan Grosch Sparbu, Norway aging, the contact was lost! It is a whole ter your loaf pan well, pour the dough into Victoria Hofmo Brooklyn, N.Y. story in itself! I received my first letter from the pan, sprinkle a few extra seeds and oats Leslee Lane Hoyum R rockford, Minn. Else Hvistendahl New York, N.Y. Norway on Christmas Eve Day, 2003. My over the surface of the bread, and place in a Inger-Torill Kirkeby Miami, Fla. Great-Grandmother was the oldest of 12 cold oven (middle). Scott Larsen New Westminster, B.C. Thor A. Larsen Fishkill, N.Y. children — and do I have Norwegian rela- Turn the oven to 225°F and bake for 30 Jerry Larson Zimmerman, Minn. tives!! I have been to family reunions at the minutes. Turn up the heat to 325°F and bake Solveig M. Lee Seattle, Wash. Richard Londgren Thousand Oaks, Calif. seter where the cattle were taken in the sum- for 1 hour. When the loaf begins to brown, Donald V. Mehus New York, N.Y. mer (have met about 40 of the family mem- take it out of the oven, run a butter knife Berit T. Mesarick Williamsburg, Va. bers). I am returning again this August! My along the sides of your pan and let rest for David Moe Sun City, Calif. Ken Nordan Batavia, Ill. older son has accompanied me on all three 5 minutes, then carefully remove the bread Bill Osmundsen New York, N.Y. trips—and has soaked up as much of our his- from the pan. Allow the bread to cool thor- Sada Reed Woodbury, Minn. John Erik Stacy Seattle, Wash. tory and the beauty of the country as I have! oughly on a rack in order to prevent the in- Rolf Kristian Stang New York, N.Y. Anyway, I just wanted to ask about sides from getting gummy. Kjell Olav Strømsli Trondheim, Norway the possibility of finding that recipe – but Larrie Wanberg Grand Forks, N.D. Photo: Tine.no Daytona Strong Seattle, Wash. couldn’t resist telling you (and anyone who CORRECTIONS: Norwegian American Weekly strives will listen), how proud I am of my Norwe- to make its news report fair and accurate. If you gian heritage! Norwegian Mountain Bread Do you have something to say? Write to us! have a question or comment about news coverage Med vennlig hilsen, Adapted from Rosa’s Yummy Yums blog call (206) 784-4617. • Norwegian American Weekly reserves the right to edit any and all submissions for Jan Stearns Letter to the Editor style, grammar, accuracy and/or space, and the right Rice Lake, Wisconsin 1 cup milk or buttermilk Norwegian American Weekly not to print submissions deemed libelous, in poor 1 cup water, lukewarm taste, or not suited for publication in this newspaper. 7301 5th Ave. NE, Ste A, Seattle, WA 98115 • The opinions expressed by opinion writers and 2 cups whole wheat flour or send a note to [email protected] letter writers are not necessarily those of Norwegian American Weekly, and our publication of those views is not an endorsement of them. Comments, suggestions < raid and complaints about the opinions expressed by From page 3 by the trials of human relationships and the a female warrior to watch in the series. the paper’s editorials should be directed to the violence of battle. Will you be absolutely blown away by publisher. • Norwegian American Weekly is published weekly except the first week of the calendar year, The first episode in the series suffi- the first episode? Probably not. But there cer- uses artistic cinematography and editing to the last two weeks of July, and the first two weeks ciently introduces the set of primary char- tainly is a significant hook bearing the poten- of August by Norwegian American Weekly, INC. • add visual intrigue, and actually succeeds at acters and presents the central plot amidst a tial for the series to develop into something Please send address changes to 7301 Fifth Ave. making what could easily be drab and dirty NE Suite A Seattle, WA 98115 • Annual Subscription few mysterious subplots that will undoubt- fantastic and addicting. This series offers landscapes or graphic violence into some- Cost: US$59 Domestic, US$79 to Canada, edly drive the excitement further down the a unique and detailed look at Vikings that US$179 to Norway and all other foreign countries. thing interesting and rather pleasant for the road. As viewers, we get a glimpse at the promises to be very captivating and enter- eye. SINCE MAY 17, 1889: lifestyles, traditions and beliefs of the Viking taining, all the while enlightening us of the Formerly Norway Times With the immense popularity of televi- people. The female characters in the series ancient world and brutality of the old North. Western Viking & Washington Posten sion shows like HBO’s “Game of Thrones,” also provide quite a remarkable display of History Channel’s new series and first Comprising Nordisk Tidende, Decorah- it’s clear that History Channel is trying to not only the dichotomy of the Viking fam- original scripted drama “Vikings” airs Sun- Posten og Ved Arnen, Minneapolis-Tidende, reach this same young audience interested ily but of the women in this violence-driven days at 10pm EST. Some viewer discretion Minnesota Posten, Norrona and Skandinaven in the complex medieval plots surrounded society. Ragnar’s wife, Lagertha, is certainly is advised for violence and sexuality. NORWEGIAN AMERICAN WEEKLY, INC.

Emma Jossang Stavanger Norway 16. mars Martin Gusland Central Point OR 20. mars Alfred Th Fodnes Los Angeles CA Palmer Paulson Harrisburg SD Berit Sjong Seattle WA Karl Herje Vancouver BC Canada Olive Stewart Durand WI Kathryn Engelstad Winthrop Harbor IL Alvin O. Stensland Anacortes WA Sally Aadahl Beaton Boca Raton FL Gunvor Sjøl Sande Norway Ansgar Dahl Malaga NJ Albert Smeby Grygla MN Diane Olsen Ashburn VA 19. mars Sarah Elizabeth Rolf Radcliffe IA Maria Bruun LaCrosse WI Arne O. Lunde Seattle WA 17. mars Emilius A. Hansen Portland OR Theodor E. Olsen Pensacola FL Eugene Bekkevold Seattle WA Kaptein Alf Hammon Astoria OR Carl Flagstad Holiday FL John M. Olausen Portland OR 21. mars 15. mars Willy J. Thornton Strongsville OH John Askeland Corwith IA Mrs Allen Hammon Seattle WA Christine Ong Brier WA Marlene Belgum Glencoe MN Ole T. Bostad Drayton ND Roger Gabrielsen North Salem NY Emma Eriksen Rockford IL Solveig Stier Fredrikstad Norway Joan Lybarger LaCrosse WI Elsie M. Parkhurst Puyallup WA Arvilla Flesland New London MN Pastor Roy Warwick Arlington WA Marit Simonsen Nielsen Poulsbo WA Anna Sandvik Edwards San Diego CA Rev. Paul Hasvold Decorah IA Ardis Dragsten The Villages FL Rolf Pedersen Moss Norway Jane Grippen Aurora IL Mrs. Char Brox Crosby ND Sarah Nielsen Northfield, MN Johan Stein Ham Lake MN Jorunn Røthe Jar Norway Lars Olaf Idso St Peter MN Alfred G. Rognlien Olympia, WA Marianne Pedersen Junction City OR Gerda Halvorsen Lewy Sun Valley CA Karl Anders Idso St Peter MN Finn Eian Halesite NY Annika Wardle Minneapolis MN Pat Joramo Everett WA 18. mars Janet Bergholtz Hicksville NY Arnold Wesley Aubol Shelton WA Laila Svarstad Blair Winter Harbor ME Silje Ingrid Lorentzen Staten Island NY Arthur C. Andersen St. Charles IL James Harold Johnson Cheyenne WY Agnes Brown Omaha NE Dara Hubbard New Milford, N.J. 8 • March 15, 2013 norwegian american weekly Taste of Norway A new take on an old classic Geitost teams up with golden beets and water- cress in this original spring salad from Outside Oslo

Daytona Strong Outside Oslo

As a Norwegian-American once re- peppery watercress that’s been tamed with moved from Lillestrøm, my kitchen tends sweet white balsamic vinegar, the results to incorporate Norwegian ingredients in illustrate how unexpected ingredients can both traditional and unconventional ways. work together to create exciting new flavor Throughout the year, I bake lefser, sand- combinations. bakkelsser, krumkaker, and other Scandina- Don’t get me wrong, I still love eat- vian treats with my grandma and mom, and ing geitost on vaffler or on a slice of hearty there’s always a jar of lingonberry preserves bread. But as culinary inspiration strikes in my fridge waiting to be spooned onto vaf- and I think of new ways to use Norwegian fler or pannekaker. But just as often, I find flavors I run with them. Sometimes a recipe myself thinking about how to incorporate like this emerges, one that helps bridge the Norwegian flavors such as dill, salmon, gap between my favorite Norwegian ingre- cardamom, cinnamon, and cheese into my dients and my friends who are still acquiring cooking repertoire in fresh, new ways. a taste for them. Take this golden beet and geitost (brown How do you use Norwegian ingredients goat cheese) salad for example. Stacked in your own cooking? Drop me a note—I’d in layers with sliced golden beets, creamy love to hear from you! In the meantime, I brown geitost shines in an entirely new way, hope you enjoy this recipe—it’s a perfect with its sweet-savory flavor mingling with way to brighten up the often-dreary, rainy the earthy taste of the beets. Set atop a bed of days of early spring. Photo: Daytona Strong Golden beets and geitost are the perfect pairing. The Little Viking Scandinavian GiftS Geitost and Golden Beet Stacks on a touch of Scandinavia in southern California Watercress Salad We have combined our two stores 28465 Old Town Front St. #104 and moved – Temecula, CA 92590 stop in to have a look and say hi! (951) 676-6800 | [email protected] Geitost og gulbeter på brønnkarse salat

An Outside Oslo original

4 small golden beets of similar size and 1 tablespoon white balsamic vinegar shape 1 tablespoon walnut oil 16 thin slices of geitost Salt and freshly-ground black pepper, to 1 bunch of watercress taste

Steam beets until tender. When cool enough to handle, remove the skins and trim the bottom, creating a flat base. Refrigerate until complete cooled. Meanwhile, cut geitost into circles similar in diameter as the beets. This can be easily done using a clean lid of a milk carton or olive oil as a cutter. When ready to serve, slice the beets into fifths, and layer with the slices of geitost. Set aside while preparing the salad. Trim the watercress and wash and dry the leaves and thin stems. Make the dressing by vigorously stirring together the vinegar, oil, salt, and pepper with a fork until emulsified. Toss the watercress with the dressing and arrange on a platter. Make beds for the beets and place Celebrating 50 years of business them on the platter. Visit our store in Seattle or find us online! Serves 4. www.scanspecialties.com 6719 NW 15th Avenue, Seattle, WA 98117 Phone: (206) 784-7020 — Toll free: (877) 784-7020 Daytona Strong is the voice of Outside Oslo, a blog exploring her Norwegian heritage Mastercard and Visa accepted. Hundreds of items available for nation-wide shipping! and love of great food. She is the newest contributor to the Norwegian American Weekly. Check out her blog at http://outsideoslo.wordpress.com norwegian american weekly March 15, 2013 • 9 Travel Cathedral of the Northern Lights In Alta, in the far north of Norway, a new marvel of architecture is serving as a unique cultural attraction

Kelsey Larson Managing Editor

The city of Alta in polar Norway has a in Alta is the latest in a row of cultural proj- new church, and it’s unlike any church ever ects designed by schmidt hammer lassen ar- built in Norway before. chitects. In September 2012, University of The Cathedral of the Northern Lights, Aberdeen New Library in Scotland was offi- with its fairy-tale sounding name, was fin- cially opened; and in January 2013, the prac- ished in December of 2012 and is Alta’s new tice won the competition to design the New central church building. Cultural Centre and Library in Karlshamn, The thought of building a new church in Sweden. Moreover, schmidt hammer las- Alta, according to the Royal Palace’s wes- sen architects is currently working on two bite, has been floating around since WWII. libraries in Canada – one in Halifax and one The old church was built in 1858, but due in Edmonton – as well as the multimedia to population growth and demand for church library Dokk1 in Aarhus, Denmark. When services, a new completed in 2014, church has been a Dokk1 will be the long time in coming. largest public library An architectural in Scandinavia.” contest, arranged in Work began 2011, decided who on the cathedral in would design the 2009, and on Feb. 10, cathedral. The idea 2013, H.R.H. Crown behind the contest Princess Mette-Marit was both practical – was present at the to fulfill the need for church’s consecra- a new church – and tion service, at which also metaphorical; the bishop of North the Alta city council Hålogaland, Per Os- wanted a building kar Kjølaas, offici- that would at once Photo: Cathedral of the Northern Lights / Facebook ated. emphasize and com- H.R.H Crown Princess Mette-Marit (center) was Also present at plement the city’s in attendance at the cathedral’s consecration the consecration ser- role as the throne of service along with Rigmor Åserud (left). Bishop vice were Minister of the Northern Lights. Per Oskar Kjølaas (right) presided. Government Admin- The first official istration and Church northern lights observatory was built in Alta Affairs Rigmor Åserud, the county governor at the end of the 19th century, which gave the of , the mayor of Alta, and several city this distinctive title. hundred of the church’s own members. The The winner of the contest was Danish cathedral was filled to capacity. firm Schmidt Hammer Lassen Architects. The Cathedral of the Northern Lights “The Cathedral of the Northern Lights is will continue with regular church services on in its design a result of the surrounding na- Sundays as well as occasional special con- ture and local culture. The building is a land- certs and events. mark, which through its architecture symbol- Planning a visit to Alta? There is plenty izes the extraordinary natural phenomenon to do and see, summer or winter. Of course, of the Arctic northern lights,” explains John in the winter, you have a better chance of F. Lassen, founding partner at schmidt ham- seeing the Northern Lights, and hence a mer lassen architects. more substantial visit to the Catherdral of the From the firm’s press release: Northern Lights, if you do decide to visit it. “The significance of the northern lights There are also snowmobile safaris, dog is reflected in the architecture of the cathe- sledding trips, snowshoeing and skiing, ice dral. The contours of the church rise as a fishing, and even moose safaris available for spiralling shape to the tip of the belfry 47 the outdoor adventurer. metres above the ground. The façade, clad in In the summer, the skies are bright for 24 titanium, reflects the northern lights during hours and there is good hiking, sea fishing, the long periods of Arctic winter darkness a UNESCO world heritage site to visit (the and emphasizes the experience of the phe- Alta rock carvings, which date back to 6200 nomenon. years ago, and the museum that encompasses “Inside the main area of the cathedral, it) as well as many other sites and activities. the church room creates a peaceful contrast Alta is an excellent stop for the outdoor to the dynamic exterior of the building. The enthusiast, northern lights seeker, and now, materials used, raw concrete for the walls with the Cathedral of the Northern Lights and wood for the floors, panels and ceilings, completed, the architectural enthusiast will underline the Nordic context. Daylight en- find a visit to Alta well worth the time as ters the church room through tall, slim, ir- well. regularly placed windows. A skylight lights up the whole wall behind the altar creating a To learn more about the Cathedral of the distinctive atmosphere in the room. Northern Lights, visit the offical website at “The cathedral, which can accommo- http://www.nordlyskatedral.no. You can also date 350 people in the church room, also has follow the cathedral on Facebook at http:// administration offices, classrooms, exhibi- www.facebook.com/NorthernlightsCathe- Photos: Facebook / Cathedral of the Northern Lights Above: a view of the planes of the southwest side of the cathedral. Below: The cathedral in the evening tion areas and a parochial area. dral/info to view more beautiful pictures and light. The walkway is lined with ice sculptures. “The Cathedral of the Northern Lights see updates in English. 10 • March 15, 2013 norwegian american weekly roots & Connections

A monthly feature to share Brought to you by with kids and grandkids BarnebladBarneblad Heidi Håvan Grosch Chocolate! Do you like chocolate? Norwegian children do! Cookies Norwegians don’t eat as many cookies as Americans do and when they do they buy them in the store and eat them when they go for hikes. Cookie baking is saved for Christmas. Chocolate Crinkle Cookies are not “typical Norwegian,” but every time I make them they don’t last more than a few hours! Norwegian children and teenagers like them best. I know my mother used to make them, and she is a Norwegian American. Does that count?

Betty Crocker Chocolate Crinkle Cookies

From www.bettycrocker.com. Betty Crocker Baking for Today, Wiley Publishing, General Mills, 2005.

Photo: Heidi Håvan Grosch Nugatti

Nugatti is made from hazelnuts (one container has over 40 nuts in it!) and nougat (sugar, oil, cocoa and milk). It comes in many varieties. It is good on bread for breakfast, lunch or supper (kveldsmat), or straight out of the container with a spoon (parents don’t like this). It was first introduced to Norway in 1969 and Stabburet (the company who makes it) sells over 4000 tons a year! You can buy it in the U.S. at a Scandinavian store or online at places like www.scandinavianfoodstore.com.

Photo: Sugarduchess.com

1 cup sugar powder 3 – 4 Tablespoons cocoa + ½ Table- 2 Tablespoons butter or margarine, soft- spoon shortening/butter/margarine = 1 oz. ened unsweetened baking chocolate) 1 teaspoon vanilla (you can use 2 tsp of 2 eggs vanilla sugar also, especially if it is the Eu- 1 cups flour ropean kind) 1 teaspoons baking powder 2 oz. unsweetened baking chocolate, 1/4 teaspoon salt melted, cooled (you can also use cocoa about ½ cup powdered sugar

1. In large bowl, mix oil, chocolate, granulated sugar and vanilla. Stir in eggs, one at a time. Stir in flour, baking powder and salt. Cover; refrigerate at least 3 hours. (This makes it stick together) Photo: Heidi Håvan Grosch 2. Heat oven to 350°F. Grease cookie sheet with shortening or cooking spray. (I use a baking sheet or baking paper, then you don’t have to grease anything) 3. Drop dough by teaspoonfuls into powdered sugar (I use two spoons, one to scoop Chocolate Pudding and one to scrape off the dough from the other spoon); roll around in the powdered sugar to coat and shape into balls. Place about 2 inches apart on cookie sheets. (Be warned, these Norwegians like chocolate pudding. Of course you can make it yourself, but here people cookies do spread out so it is better to make them a bit smaller). like to buy it from the store in a box. The Piano brand is made by a company called Tine and 4. Bake 10 to 12 minutes or until almost no imprint remains when touched lightly in they first started making it in 1969. It is good with vanilla sauce or whipped cream and you center. Immediately remove from cookie sheets to cooling racks. can eat it right out of the box. Yum! Makes 6 dozen cookies (that will probably last less than a day!) norwegian american weekly March 15, 2013 • 11 obituaries & Religion Pastor Larson’s Corner Pastor Jerry Larson retired to his cabin in Zimmerman, Minn., after 39 years In Loving Memory in parish ministry for the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America. In 2011 he Do you have a loved one or friend who has recently passed? published a book entitled “Speaking the Word Freely: Writing with purpose, Contact us at (206) 784-4617 or [email protected] to place an obituary. preaching with power.” Contact him at [email protected] Lawrence O. Hauge Born 1922 The time is fulfilled

Hauge, Lawrence O. include serving on many different civic orga- For several summers I spent time at this season of Easter. It might help us re- age 90, of Edina, Minn. nization boards such as the Lutheran Broth- an Island camp on Lake of the Woods in member, even as we prepare to celebrate Preceded in death by erhood, Augsburg College Board of Regents, the Northwest Angle of Minnesota. When another Easter, that all has been fulfilled. wife, Lois; son, James; St. Olaf College and the Salvation Army, to our boat pulled into the dock at the island, We can bring our spiritual blood pres- daughter, Kaye; grand- name a few. He contributed his efforts to fun- the first thing we saw was a big sign hang- sure down by remembering that Jesus daughter, Aimee Walker; draising various charities and the Norwegian ing over the door of the boat house which Christ paid the once and for all price for great-granddaughter, Lutheran Memorial Church (Klubb 500). He read, “TIME IS NO OBJECT.” Somehow, our sins. In addition, having the hope of Ava Jerrick; and brother, Lloyd. Survived by belonged to the Masonic Lodge, Scottish whenever I came to the island, just reading eternal life can help calm our spirits so that children, Roger (Barb), Paul (Norma), Mark Rite and Zuhrah Shrine. the sign seemed to lower my blood pres- we can take life more as it comes. We can (Joanne), Laurie (Allyn) Banasik, and Kris- Larry received Knighthood from both sure about 20 points. The sign seemed to put aside some of the worries and cares tine (William) Greife; daughter-in-law, Bar- King Olav V and King Harold of Norway on give me permission to relax, and I often that so often plague us on a daily basis. bara Anne (Joe) Gans; 16 grandchildren; 22 two different occasions for his philanthrop- spent large parts of my days without even If we remember that all time was ful- great-grandchildren, nieces and nephews. ic and heartfelt interest in the Norwegian looking at my watch. filled and redeemed by Christ on that first Larry was born of Ole and Laura Hauge American movement. As Jesus approached His final days Easter morning, we can live our lives with in 1922 and was quick to tell anyone he knew Larry truly enjoyed playing drums on earth he said to his followers, “The a sense of joy and hope. We can live as if his parents were full blooded Norwegian. during the Big Band Era. He spoke often time is fulfilled and the kingdom of God we are on an island where time is no ob- He quickly became a leader in all aspects of of playing in the contracted band for Elvis is at hand.” Perhaps we should have a sign ject. We can savor our time on this earth, his life serving as Captain in the U.S. Army Presley. Larry had a passion for life that was above our church doors that says, “THE enjoying and using it to glorify and praise during World War II. Larry was involved inspiring and would not have been possible TIME IS FULFILLED.” If we did, it God in all that we do. and owned several different businesses dur- without his high school sweetheart and CEO might help us all in our preparations for ing his lifetime. His significant interest was of household, Lois (Guyer) Hauge. His list of found in the funeral business in which he be- friends and family spanned across two conti- came a funeral director in 1942 which led to nents which he was sure to keep in his daily the ownership of many funeral homes in the devotions and prayers. He will be loved and state of Minnesota that spanned from Min- missed by all of his family and will be held The Scandinavian Hour neapolis to Duluth. in our hearts forever. While he invested his time and effort in Memorials preferred in lieu of flowers Celebrating over 50 years on the air! several different businesses such as banking to Salvation Army, Klubb 500 or the Norwe- and other interests, the funeral business nev- gian Lutheran Memorial Church. KKNW – 1150 AM er subsided. Larry also held other interests to Saturdays 9 – 10 a.m. PST Streaming live on the internet at: < seed www.1150kknw.com From page 3 the collection with the greatest variety of seed samples in the world. Here seeds from the world’s food crops are stored for future “Without seed we would be empty-handed generations. This week, new shipments of and without the ability to produce food. The seeds from Canada, the Netherlands, the seeds frozen in the mountains of Svalbard Nordic area and the Seed Savers Exchange Economic uncertainty can affect may help to adapt our crops to changing cli- organization were deposited in the vault. matic conditions and be an important key to Over the next few months new seed ship- your fi nancial future. So can you! global food security,” says Minister of Agri- ments from Thailand, Germany and Uzbeki- culture and Food, Trygve Slagsvold Vedum. stan are expected. Will I have enough to retire? How will market swings Vedum also met with former Minister The Svalbard Global Seed Vault was affect me? Should I consider an IRA rollover? Åslaug Haga in Svalbard. On Feb. 25, she established by the Norwegian government Thrivent Financial for Lutherans is uniquely took up position as new director of the Glob- and has for the past five years offered free positioned to help guide you through these al Crop Diversity Trust, which is an impor- storage for seed collections all over the tant partner for the Ministry Agriculture and world who want an additional backup. Today uncertain times. With more than 100 Food in the operation of the Svalbard Global somewhat less than 2 million different seeds years of fi nancial expertise and Seed Vault. The Global Crop Diversity Trust from global food and agricultural crops are stability, we can help turn retirement is an independent, international trust for the in cold storage in private and public gene uncertainty into confi dence. protection of genetic diversity in agriculture. banks worldwide. The trust is run by contributions from orga- Visit Thrivent.com/strong or The Nordic Genetic Resource Centre contact a Thrivent Financial nizations and a number of governments, in- (NordGen), which is responsible for the dai- representative today to learn more. cluding the Norwegian government. ly operations of the seed vault, opens for de- Svalbard Global Seed Vault is currently posits of new seeds three to four times a year.

Advertise in the Weekly! Securities and investment advisory services are offered through Thrivent Investment Management Inc., 625 Fourth Ave. S., Minneapolis, MN 55415, a FINRA and SIPC member and wholly owned subsidiary of Thrivent Reach over 20,000 Reasons to advertise: Financial for Lutherans. For additional important disclosure information, please visit Thrivent.com/disclosures. Norwegian-American readers Appleton, Wisconsin • Minneapolis, Minnesota • Thrivent.com • 800-THRIVENT (800-847-4836) • Affordable! $10/col inch for 27683NAWA N2-13 616155 EVERY week! B&W, $15/col inch for color • Free ad design • Support the only Norwegian- American newspaper! Access your digital edition – free for subscribers! Email [email protected] to set up your account For details, call (800) 305-0217 or email [email protected] 12 • March 15, 2013 Online: blog.norway.com/category/culture norwegian american weekly Arts & Style Calendar of Events What’s going on in your neighborhood?

Minnesota third Saturday at Panera Bread from 2 Lutefisk and Meatball Dinner p.m. to 4 p.m. Address is 19705 Center April 6 Ridge Road, Rocky River. Next meeting: Edina, Minn. April 20. Syttende Mai will be celebrated Lutefisk and Meatball Dinners will be May 19 at Lakewood Park, Lakewood, prepared and served by the Norwegian Ohio with a picnic potluck, parade, Glee Club of Minneapolis at the Lu- games, program, sales table, raffles and theran Church of the Good Shepherd on more. Call (440) 979-0681 or email cmc- Saturday April 6, 2013. Paid in advance [email protected] for more information. tickets are required for seating at either 2 p.m., 4 p.m. or 6 p.m. Reservation South Dakota form can be obtained at web site: http:\\ Borgund Lodge Dance Workshop www.norwegiangleeclub.org. Dinners April 5 are served family style. Accordian music Rapid City, S.D. will be provided while dining and at the Borgund Lodge in partnership with Dis- Photo courtesy Rachael Lee Flores trict 4 will host a dance workshop fea- end of each seating the Glee Club will Rachael Lee Flores performs on the set of “Idol” in Norway. sing for you. For more information call turing Bob & Marin Holmen. The event (612) 861-4793, email: e v e n s t a d @ takes place in the beautiful Black Hills. mindspring.com or visit http://www.nor- Contact John Burke for more information < idol week were sung in English. “Everyone audi- at (605) 342-4226. Events takes place at From page 1 wegiangleeclub.org. tions with American music...rarely do they 12:00 noon at Canyon Lake Sr. Citizens ever sing in Norwegian,” Flores says. “So in Flores, originally from California, met 16th Annual Ibsen Festival Center, 2900 Canyon Lake Dr. Email: that regard, it was easier.” her husband in El Paso, Texas; a Norwe- April 12 – 14 [email protected] for more infor- Flores impressed the judges with her gian soldier who was stationed in the U.S. Lanesboro, Minn. mation. take on Rihanna’s “Stay” during the third through an exchange program. The 16th Annual Ibsen Festival features round of semifinals in the Oslo week. And the rest is history; Flores now lives a world premiere adaptation by Jef- Washington “I think you sing it better than Rihan- in Stavanger, Norway with her husband and frey Hatcher of Ibsen’s groundbreak- Bothell Sons of Norway classes na,” said judge Damli, as the concert hall children. ing masterpiece A Doll’s House. A wife April 6 – 27 burst into applause. This year, she decided to try something must make a heart-breaking choice when Bothell, Wash. Flores got caught in a little drama with new, and auditioned for Norway’s “Idol” the past threatens to destroy her perfect Every Day Bunad Sewing Class: April her choice of song for that round, as Damli’s show. With a similar structure to the popu- household. Ibsen’s classic is presented 9, 10 and 11 from 9:00 a.m. – 3:00 p.m. high-profile relationship with actor Aksel lar U.S. program “American Idol,” many as the latest in a series of adaptations by Cost $50 to Bothell Sons of Norway Hennie had recently made headlines for po- famous Norwegian singers have emerged members and $60 for non-members. tentially failing, and the media grabbed onto acclaimed playwright Jeffrey Hatcher from the TV show, including Alexander Ry- Registration and payment is required Damli’s feedback as evidence. and commissioned by the Commonweal bak, who later won the “In her feedback, Tone revealed that had Theatre. As always, the festival will in- by March 30. Please contact Selma contest; Tone Damli Aaberge, who acted as recently felt a strong connection with the clude lectures, fine art, music, post show Snaring at (425) 385-2144 for informa- a judge for the show this year; and Linnea song [Stay], which is about love trouble,” discussions and many other events to tion on supplies needed and to register. Dale, who later became famous for singing reported TV2. put this work into context for a twenty- Woodcarving 101 Class: Saturday, April with well-known Norwegian band Donkey- “‘I love the song. I feel a very strong re- first century audience. For more - infor 6, April 20 and April 27 from 9:30 a.m. boy. lationship with this song, and have listened mation call (800) 657-7025or email: – 3:00 p.m. Our instructor will be Jerry Flores auditioned with a strong per- to it a lot recently,’ she said.” [email protected]. Visit the Clapp, a well-known woodcarver in our formance of Mark Ronson and Amy Wine- All in all, the experience was an excit- area. Supplies will be provided. Cost is house’s song “Valerie,” earning praise from web site at http://www.ibsenfest.org. ing one for Flores. Unfortunately, she was $30 to Bothell Sons of Norway members the judges (, another former Idol cut in the semifinals, and did not make it into and $35 to non-members. Registration competitor; Tone Damli Aaberge, Gunnar New York the top 10. Greve Pettersen, a hip-hop artist and rapper Norwegian Classical Musicians at Carnegie Hall required. Please call Selma Snaring at “I think I was disappointed in the begin- from Bergen; and Esben Selvig, also known April 4 (425) 385-2144. ning, but then I was a little relieved in the as Danksen, The Dane, for his Norwegian / New York, N.Y. end,” she says. Danish background). Featuring: Camilla Ediassen, Soprano; Olympia Norway Day Flores will continue to watch “Idol” as She made it through the audition round Ingrid Holmen, Flute; and Erling Eriksen, April 20 the season progresses. “I have a really good and on to Norway’s version of the “Holly- Piano. On the program: Mussorgsky: The Olympia, Wash. friend on the show, Martine,” she says. She wood Week” (called “Oslo Week,” natu- Nursery; Prokofiev: Five Poems of Anna There’s more to Norway than lutefisk plans to cheer her on. rally), in which the top 40 contestants com- Akhmatova, Op. 27; Rachmaninov: Li- and lefse. Join us for our 7th annual Nor- “It was a really great experience,” says pete in the semifinals. They are divided into lacs, Op. 21 No. 5; How fair this Spot!, way Day. Music, Nordic Cafe serving Flores of the contest. “I’ve never had a TV groups of 10, and viewers of the show vote Op. 21 No. 7; Sing not to Me, Beautiful “ekte Norsk” food, scrumptuous bake experience before, and it was really impor- for their two favorites in each group, who sale, demonstrations, vendors, genealo- tant for me.” Maiden, Op. 4 No. 4; The Isle, Op. 14 then go on to the final round. gy, fjord horses, Norwegian Elk Hounds This is just the beginning of Flores’s No. 2; Nystroem: Soul and Landscape; So what did Norwegians think of having and much more. Admission is only $3 singing career. She is currently going into Sommerfeldt: Hildring i Speil (Mirage an American in their competition? and children under 12 are free. For more new auditions for the TV show “The Voice.” in a Mirror), Op. 48; Grieg: Four Songs, “The judges were okay with it, and the information call (360) 923-1242, email: She also hopes to release an album sometime Op. 21; Bjørnson: Selections from Fisher producers, but the people I’m not so sure,” early next year, and a single by the years end. Maiden and Monte Pincio; Thea Mus- [email protected]. says Flores with a laugh. “Even though Idol was short-lived, it gave grave (b. 1928): Primavera for Soprano org, or visit http://www.OlympiaNor- In the end, of course, it all comes down me the confidence to keep going and the re- and Flute. 8 p.m. – 10 p.m. For more in- wayDay.com. to how Norwegian viewers at home vote. sponse from people who have become fans formation call (212) 239-0205 x204 or “The majority of everyone was really of mine are invaluable, so I have a lot to be email: dzeidman@midamerica-music. cool...but it was hard to keep up with the lan- grateful for,” says Flores. com. guage,” Flores said of the experience. Luckily, Flores did have a small advan- To see clips from Rachael Lee Flores’s tage, as a native speaker of English, since OHIO performances, visit www.tv2.no. Ohio Norsemen Events most audition songs and songs during Oslo April 20 / May 19 Cleveland, Ohio Ohio Norsemen of Greater Cleveland meet monthly for coffee hours every Join our community! Send your event to [email protected] or call (206) 784-4617 Just $59 for 47 issues to be added to the Norwegian American Weekly! Event listings are free, but space is limited. Please contact us at least one month prior to event. Call (800) 305-0217 or email [email protected] for details norwegian american weekly Online: blog.norway.com/category/norway-in-the-us March 15, 2013 • 13 In your neighborhood < plays From page 1 Soon to be chosen dag” (1999)), “Autumn Dream” (“Draum om hausten” (1999)) and “Winter” (“Vinter” The of Greater New York contest is in (2000)). Together with Akvavit’s Swedish full swing, and the lucky winner will soon be chosen artistic directors Eric Bergman and Bergen Anderson, a team of three directors has contributed a range of treatments of the themes of solitude and intimacy, presence and absence, in Fosse’s difficult and provoc- ative writing. The performances of “Autumn Dream” (dir. Breahan Eve Pautsch) and “A Summer’s Day” (dir. Wm. Bullion) provide an unex- pected, but rewarding challenge to one’s fa- miliarity with representational conventions of the temporality and spatiality of memory and presence – our senses of being “here” Photo: Sooz Main and having once been “there” in a space that Jan Sodaro in “A Summer’s Day.” has endured beyond the experiences of the many who once inhabited it. Each of these plays poses questions about the boundar- self (the Younger Woman, played by Marika ies and locations of the places in which we Mashburn), whom she follows around the dwell somewhere between connection and house they shared with their husband, some- solitude. Isolation and silence foreground times mimicking her posture and move- and safeguard the intimate moments and ments, sometimes retreating to the side as relationships that, as Bergman has said, pro- the Younger Woman speaks for herself and vide the structures upon which we walk, and we are pulled into the living presence of her which, in memory, we “walk again.” As the past. As with “Autumn Dream,” we experi- Norwegian title to the triptych suggests, we ence an almost supernatural realism follow- are not only compelled to haunt the moments ing the shifts in the focalization of dialogue of our past, but, in our own passing, the pres- between one character and their interlocu- ent and presence of others. tor (who, in one case, adopts the persona of “Autumn Dream” offers a peculiarly in- someone else entirely, and in another, seems triguing display of the conversations and (re) to be spoken to as if they were a younger ver- visitations that occur in the wake of various sion of themself than they were earlier in the sorts of death. No one can escape the emo- conversation). tional gravity of the encounters between the The set design remains sparse and un- Photos courtesy Miss Norway of Greater New York family members who have been brought to- changing – one wall behind a sofa evokes Top, from left: Brooke Ferenczy, Taylor Filippini and Anne Birgitte Hestø. Bottom, from left: Amy Lindland, Jillian gether in a cemetery several times over the the entire house, yet, with its irregular down- McDonald and Julia Wendt. years by the various (after)lives of love. It ward slope, its shape also hints at the cliffs takes some time to develop, but the viewer that slide downwards into the fjords that soon learns to revisit his and her own expec- beckon one’s eyes into the sea, just as the sea tations about the direction of the narrative, pulls the Woman’s husband, Asle (played by Roy Jorgensen the positions the characters find themselves Joshua Harris), into his daily escapes. Pho- Hopewell Junction, N.Y. in, and the time of viewing itself. The dra- tos of family and landscapes adorn the wall ma here unfolds through vertiginous shifts and selected mementos grace the furnish- in temporality and encounters between the ings, cherishing other times and places in The Norwegian Immigration Associa- ious events in the area such as the Scan Fest living and the deceased. As the “Woman” their distance as if the isolation of this house tion, Inc. is ready for the luncheon-contest to at Budd Lake, N.J. (played by Kirstin Franklin) comments at on the sea served to nourish and protect the select the Miss Norway of Greater New York The Miss Norway Committee, an arm one point in an uncanny reverie (appropri- dreams that live there. Indeed, “A Summer’s 2013. It will be held on Mar. 23 at 2 p.m. at of The Norwegian Immigration Association, ately, most of the characters of all three plays Day” questions the notion of place in ways the Norwegian Christian Home and Health Inc., under the able leadership of Arlene are generic and without proper names): one unique to the live-space environment of the- Center, 1250 67 St., Brooklyn, N.Y. Rutuelo and Lynn Anderson, has made all should consider that just over 100 years ago atre, asking where it is we really dwell when The six contestants for this year are: the necessary preparations for the March 23 no one now living existed and the same will we are alone and with another; and whether Brooke Ferenczy of Staten Island; Taylor event. The luncheon menu has been ordered be true in another 100 years; we build en- time spent together does not expand for us Filippini of Lebanon, N.J.; Anne Birgitte from the staff at the Norwegian Christian vironments that outlast us, to welcome our the vastness and unbreachability of our soli- Hestø of New York City; Amy Lindland of Home and Health Center and music to ac- successors. The austerity of the stage design tude. Suffern, N.Y.; Jillian McDonald of Hazlet, company lunch has been hired. Prizes for the embodies the idea of a “final resting place,” Cast members’ performances are com- N.J.; and Julia Wendt of Long Island. While contestants and for the luncheon raffles have while soft interplays of lighting and fog mir- pelling and evocative, but particularly touch- none are from Brooklyn per se, many are de- been secured, judges selected. The master of ror shifts in emotional tone, registered as if ing are the wistful intensity displayed by Jan scendants of Brooklyn Norwegians. ceremonies this year will once again be the reactions of the graveyard itself. Sodaro and the sensitivity of Mark Litwicki The lucky winner will be featured in noted raconteur Rolf Stang. If “Autumn Dream” foregrounds the and Susan Fay (the Father and Mother in the Norwegian Constitution Day Parade in more transpersonal dimensions of relation- “Autumn Dream”) as parents caught in the Brooklyn on Sunday, May. 19, and she will There are a few spaces left at the lun- ships strewn across time within a given space friction of conflicting desires and responsi- represent the greater New York Norwegian cheon if you wish to be part of this important – becoming a more cerebral experience in bilities. communities on her trip to Norway, which Norwegian American event. Call Arlene at light of the cognitive efforts it demands of Anyone in the mood for a serious explo- is the grand prize. Throughout the year, Miss (718) 748-1874. its viewers – then “A Summer’s Day” is a ration of existentialist and humanist themes; Norway 2013 will be a representative at var- warm return to familiar displays of reliving lovers of Scandinavian cinema and literature; the past, albeit with staging innovations that or those looking for a taste of something dif- maintain a subtle sense of uneasiness. Each ferent in Chicago theater will highly appreci- play rehearses a certain drama of dwellings ate these courageous renditions of Fosse that and preserves their spatial continuity – but ask as much from the audience as they do Advertise in the Weekly! where “Autumn Dream” relativizes the tem- of the cast. I encourage everyone to attend poral presentation of a multiplicity of inter- a Sunday showing in order to compare the Reach over 20,000 Reasons to advertise: personal relationships, “A Summer’s Day” above productions with that of “Winter” (dir. Norwegian-American readers Paul S. Holmquist). • Affordable! $10/col inch for maintains their continuity through singular EVERY week! focus on one widow’s experience of isola- B&W, $15/col inch for color tion, loss, and the uncanny – or more literally “Gjenganger” runs every Thursday, • Free ad design in this case, the unheimlichkeit of a dwelling Friday, Saturday and Sunday (two different • Support the only Norwegian- that is not the home it was hoped it would be. plays each night, with all three showing Sun- American newspaper! We follow the Older Woman (played by day) through March 24, 2013 at the DCASE Jan Sodaro) as she expresses the thoughts Storefront Theater, 66 E. Randolph St., Chi- and feelings of a younger version of her- cago. For details, call (800) 305-0217 or email [email protected] 14 • March 15, 2013 Online: blog.norway.com/category/norwegian-americans norwegian american weekly norwegian heritage Corner NORWEGIAN FOLK TALES, FAIRY TALES AND TROLLS Travel snapshots Brought to you by Alfred Birkeland

Editor’s note: Alfred Birkeland, currently living in Seattle, has previously shared his memories with the Weekly’s Pacific Northwest predecessor, The Western Viking. These are With 18 classic folk tales, fairy tales and trolls from Norway in Norwegian and English, “Tuss og Troll” is now serialized in the Norwegian American Weekly’s Norwegian Language Corner. The stories are from the col- his experiences from the time he spent serving in the Royal Norwegian Navy in the 1950s. lections of Peter Christen Asbjørnsen and Jørgen Moe, and retold by Øyvind Dybvad, Gard Espeland, Velle Espeland, Johannes Farestveit and Nana Rise-Lynum. “Tuss og Troll” was edited, designed and published by Deb Nelson Gourley of Astri My Astri publishing. Copyright © Norsk Barneblad. This story continued from March 1 issue.

The pioneer in figure skating the Nor- On the busses from the Naval Station to wegian Figure Skater, Sonja Henie, was town, entering up front was a sign that very there with her Ice Show. She said to the Cap- clearly stated, “white passengers will sit tain, “Let your crew be my guests!” from front, colored passengers will sit from It was announced that the Navy crew rear.” Underneath read “South Carolina from her homeland was there. Suddenly State Law” but we sat in the back of the bus Sonja Henie came skating in Hula Hula together with the “colored” and they were costume toward us. The orchestra gave a grinning – so were we. We were new there. resounding rendition of Rikard Nordraak’s Later on other rides we sat down according composition of the Norwegian National to that sign. The driver never said anything, anthem while we all stood to attention. Af- but probably expected us to know after days terwards the Captain gave her flowers. That and weeks. scene appeared in San Diego Union. The old colonial town of Charleston I was to go to the hotel where she was had a slave-market with an upstairs balcony staying to pick up photos she had auto- from where slaves used to be shown and bid graphed. Imagine being in a hotel room with on – some similarity to the balcony on the Sonja Henie! Invitation from the Naval Air Eidsvoll Building. Rype Sal og den gjerrige Lagopus Sal and the farmer’s crew to come to the station for passage when When tavern hopping we also entered kona wife who was so stingy flight testing Naval planes in the morning the ones that said “for colored” but the serv- was irresistible but not guaranteed every er politely and calmly said – “this is for us” — Har du ein matbit til ein svol- “Do you have a bit of food for a hun- day. – we had no problem with that – we just con- ten og fattig mann, spurde Rype Sal gry and penniless man?” asked Lagopus With temporary big plate welded over tinued to the next tavern where the whites då han kom fram til garden. — Vi har Sal when he arrived at the farm. “We the damaged bow, and after sea trial, we had their hangout. ikkje meir mat enn vi treng sjølve, sa don’t have more food than we need for headed for Panama. We went on picnics on a nearby island kona. ourselves,” said the housewife. At Central America latitudes we saw and were told about the place where the first — Å, kor lei eg er av alle desse “Oh, how tired I am of all these beg- flying fish and big sea turtles. With the boom bang was heard that started the Civil War. tiggarane som rek rundt etter vegane gars who roam around the roads and and safety-net we caught one – judging from Everything we wore including shoes og plagar folk, sa ho. Ho tok ein stor bother people,” she said. Then she took a the size it must have been older than any of were the property of the Norwegian Navy, sopelime og jaga Rype Sal frå garden. large broom and chased Lagopus Sal off us. It ended up in our digestive system as so upon discharge everything had to be ac- Ikkje langt frå den store garden turtle soup. counted for otherwise full price was charged låg det ei fattig stove der det budde ei the farm. Not far from the big farm was a run- The sleeping quarters became extreme- for anything missing. gammal enkje. No ville Rype Sal sjå ly hot, no air con- Because of om hjartelaget var betre der. down cabin where there lived an old wid- ow. Now Lagopus Sal would go and see ditioning – this “Segregation was in effect, and the the long delay — Har du ein matbit til ein svol- was not like on a shoes for some ten og fattig mann, spurde han. Han if there was more kindness there. drinking fountains indicated “For Whites,” “Do you have a bit of food for a hun- cruise ship. With were not in the såg at det låg ein brødskalk på bordet. mattress under best shape. There gry and poor man?” he asked. He saw others “For Colored” – we drank of both — Eg har ikkje noko anna enn dette, arm onto the seemed to be that there lay a crust of bread on the table. sa enkja. deck – but woke – it tasted the same!” some difficulty “I don’t have anything other than this,” — Men vil du ta til takke, så skal up from wind and upon shown the eg dela brødet mitt med deg. Så skar said the widow. salt water spray, telegram from ho brødskalken i to, og gav Rype Sal “But if you are content, then I can so back to the bunks. the Pentagon, but the officer OK’d when den eine biten. share my bread with you.” She cut the The first stop was the U.S. Naval Sta- he heard the explanation and off to the shoe — Fordi du hadde så lite, men gav bread crust in two, and gave Lagopus Sal tion at Balboa. There was no high rises nor department. That was not like going to Nor- bort så mykje, så vil eg ønskja at det one of the pieces. any Noriega in nearby Old Panama City. We dstrom. fyrste arbeidet du tek til med i mor- “Because you had so little, and gave hit it right on – the city was in festive mood Ammunition was unloaded at a differ- gon, skal vara heile dagen til sola går away so much, I will make a wish that the – Carnival! ent place so that bow could be repaired. The ned, sa Rype Sal og gjekk. first work you start with in the morning, Then the day came for transversing the Rear Admiral Naval Attaché at the Norwe- you will do the whole day until the sun Panama Canal – three locks lifting the ship gian Embassy in D.C. came to visit. goes down,” said Lagopus Sal, and left. 85 feet. Electric locomotives (mules) on Then the day came for departure and tracks on both sides kept the ship in the cen- final clearance at the World’s largest Naval ter of the locks. Each lock 1,000 feet long Station at Norfolk, Virginia. To enter there a 4.NAW.Vangsgutane.6Jan2013_Layout 1 1/7/13 12:20 AM Page 1 Translated into English by Alexander Knud Huntrods and Odd-Steinar Dybvad Raneng and 110 ft wide – double, so ships can be pilot was necessary – underwater obstacles Price: $29.95 with FREE shipping in the U.S.A. • www.astrimyastri.com moved in both directions simultaneously. against uninvited visitors – the Cold War Toward dusk, lights were turned on was on. Your #1 source of bilingual English Norwegian books! close to the water level. From leaving the The Dental Clinic was like a hospital in The Boys From Vangen: top lock through Gaillard (Culebra) Cut to size. Vast area – many kind of Naval ships. Gatun Lake – it made a nice setting. We It was then time to say GOOD-BYE! It waited in turn there. was now ultimo (latter part) of April 1953 • Bilingual English & Norwegian text The French company that built the Suez and we were to cross the Atlantic Ocean. • Book for all ages Canal gave up – President Theodore Roos- The 8 p.m. – midnight and 8 a.m. – noon • Full colored & illustrated, Smyth sewn evelt said, “The Canal will be built” – open- shifts were allotted to me and another sailor. • 6”x9”, hardcover, 176 pages • = $19.95 with FREE shipping in USA ing, 1914. We agreed between us who would be helms- Vangsgutane has been a classic series in Norway Traveling in northwest direction then man first (one hour) and then one hour look- since 1941. Right after WWII, Vangsgutane was descending on the Atlantic side at Limon out on top of the Bridge, alternating. used as curriculum material in Norwegian schools, Bay area where Colon and Christobal are, As the coast of Virginia became more as the series had easy-to-read text with pictures. Honest and quick-thinking, the boys become role we moved on to Charleston, S. Carolina to and more distant – a myriads of thoughts models for Norwegian children through their nu- repair that bow. Another stop for us -–great! wandered in one’s mind of the countless merous ventures and narrow escapes. Previously serialized in the Norwegian American Weekly. Segregation was in effect, and the pleasant experiences of six months in U.S. Call — send a check drinking fountains indicated “For Whites” costal states. Next morning 8 a.m. – noon Made in America! or order from website others “For Colored” – we drank of both – it shift there was no land in sight only vastness Astri My Astri Publishing www.astrimyastri.com Deb Nelson Gourley Phone: 563-568-6229 tasted the same! of ocean, day after day. 602 3rd Ave SW, Waukon, IA 52172 [email protected] norwegian american weekly March 15, 2013 • 15 Sports Ski in the U.S. Sports triumphs Races and events in the U.S.’s favorite Nordic-inspired winter sport Norway rakes in more glory, some disappointment Mar. 23 The Equinox Ski Challenge is a season finale nordic ski race to be held on with another solid weekend of winter sports the Rendezvous Ski Trails in West Yellowstone, Mo. Similar to the 24 Hour mountain bike races, skiers complete as many laps as they can, either as a solo entrant or on a relay team in the 3-Hour, 6-Hour, 12-Hour, or 24-Hour division. Team can be composed of 2-8 skiers. For the fifth year in a row, the Equinox Ski Challenge will donate a portion of the proceeds to the West Yellowstone Ski Education Foundation and to Manaia Youth Programs. Par- ticipants can also earn raffle tickets by bringing food donations for the West Yellowstone Food Bank. The festivities will include a potluck with beverages on Saturday evening and an all night bonfire at the start/finish line. Complete details, race updates and online registration are available at www.equinoxs- kichallenge.com.

Mar. 30 Intermountain Series FINALS – Grand Targhee/Driggs, Idaho. The Inter- mountain Series is the premier regional race series for Utah, Idaho, Wyoming, and Montana. Athletes are encouraged to race in as many IMD Series races as possible to qualify for overall age-group prizes at the end of the season. The IMD Series races also function as qualifying races for racers aspiring to make the IMD Junior National Ski Team. Saturday’s schedule includes a Classic Mass Start 5k in the morning, followed by a Freestyle Downhill Derby race in the afternoon. Sunday there will be Club Relays. These races will be scored with IMD points, so come finish the season strong and see how you stack up against other IMD skiers in your age group. Overall awards will be presented Photo: Wikimedia Commons at the end of competition. Petter Northug won the World Cup race in Finland on Mar. 10.

Norway Post < Pettersen From page 1 ropean Tour title. Norway came in second place in the Sunday, ahead of Inbee Park of South Korea tournament, behind the South Korean team. Norway’s double Olympic champion spectively in the men’s individual World Cup by one stroke. “I am happy to get a win this early in the Petter Northug outpaced all competitors to ski jumping event at Lahti on Sunday. Ger- China’s world number five, Shanshan season. It gives me a lot of confidence and it win the men’s 15 km. classic World Cup race many’s Richard Freitag won. Feng, winner in 2012, finished third on 11 shows me that what we have worked on all at Lahti, Finland on Mar. 10, ahead of Ka- Bardal and Jacobsen are also 2nd and under. winter is good!” wrote Pettersen on her blog. zakhstan’s Alexey Poltoranin. 3rd in the World Cup overall standings. This was Pettersen’s 16th worldwide Pettersen is now in Phoenix, Ariz. train- Northug’s team mate Martin Johnsrud Norway’s biathlon queen, Tora Berger tournament victory and her sixth Ladies Eu- ing with her team. Sundby captured third place. missed with one shot and had to settle for In the women’s 10 km., Poland’s Justy- third place in the women’s 15 km. event at na Kowalczyk came first, ahead of four Nor- Sotsji on Mar 7. Belarusian Darya Dom- wegians: Marit Bjørgen (2nd), Heidi Weng racheva won the race. < scandal that can make life better for Norwegian chil- (3rd) and Therese Johaug (4th). Russia’s Olga Zaitseva captured second From page 6 dren,” wrote Torry Pedersen, editor-in-chief Meanwhile, Norway’s team placed third place. barnehager. of VG. in the women’s biathlon 4x6 km. relay event However, third place was still enough VG’s says its motivation behind the re- “We also know that in a global context, at Sochi on Mar. 10, behind winners Germa- for Berger, who claimed the overall World port is simply to make sure Norwegian chil- Norwegian children are very well-off. How- ny and with Ukraine in second. Cup title last weekend, to take the individual dren are living they best lives they can, and ever, this must not become an excuse for the However, the third place on Sunday Crystal Globe with two wins prior to her to hold the government responsible for cre- government to avoid carrying out its respon- was enough for Norway to win the season’s third at the Olympic test event in Sochi. ating safe environments in barnehager. “Af- sibilty: to enforce the rules and the standards women’s Relay Cup, ahead of Ukraine. The Norwegian men did not have a good ter this extensive material has been brought they have set themselves, in a credible man- In the men’s 4x7.5 km. relay event, Nor- day on the job, and Tarjei Bø was best of the out in public, it is our hope that our readers ner.” way ended in 4th place. Norwegians in 15th place. The winner of can contribute comments and suggestions In ski jumping, Norway’s Anders Bardal the men’s 20 km. was Martin Fourcade of and Anders Jacobsen placed 2nd and 3rd re- France.

< incomes Sports News & Notes From page 6 642,000. Agricultural income increased by NOK 28,000, to an average of NOK 368,000 Hushovd in the Top 10 in Italy the lead: Sagan, Joaquim Rodriguez (Katyu- agriculture in 2011 compared with 35 per in 2011. On Mar. 11 Thor Hushovd rode into 9th sha) and Vincenzo Nibali (Astana). Nibali cent the previous year. Only 8 per cent of Farmers had a total debt of NOK 66.5 place on the 6th stage of Tirreno – Adriatico, still took the leader . Thor Hushovd farmers with specialist cereal and oilseed billion in 2011, corresponding to an aver- 50 seconds behind Peter Sagan, who took his rolled over the finish line just behind Alberto production had agriculture as the main age of NOK 1.6 million per farmer. The second stage win. After a few hilly miles to Contador, 50 seconds behind the victorious source of income in 2011. Farmers with ce- debt ranged from just over NOK 900,000 for the end of the Mar. 11 209 km. long stage, Sagan. The race finished with a 9.2-kilometer real and oilseed production had the highest farmers with specialist sheep up to NOK 4.1 there were only three riders who were left in time trial on Mar. 12. wage income among the types of farming, million on average for farmers with special- (NRK) with NOK 320,000 on average. ist pig/poultry. For farmers in Østfold, Vest- Farmers with specialist cattle dairy- fold and Rogaland, debt amounted to NOK ing increased their agricultural income by 2.1 million on average, while average debt in 2 per cent, to NOK 284,000 in 2011. These was NOK 890,000. About farmers had the lowest gross income, with 19 per cent of the farmers had less than NOK 2709 SAN PABLO AVE — BERKELEY, CA 94702 NOK 443,000. Farmers with other produc- 100,000 in debt, while 9 per cent had more Phone: (800) 854-6435 — Email: [email protected] tions based on grazing livestock had almost than NOK 4 million in debt. Total interest unchanged agricultural income from 2010 paid in 2011 amounted to NOK 2.5 billion, with an average of NOK 59,500 per farmer. Featuring great Nordic products to 2011. For farmers with specialist pig/ poultry, gross income amounted to NOK Books • Candy and Chocolates • Canned goods • Condiments Cooking wares • Dry Goods • Gift items • Specialty meats Subscribe to the Norwegian American Weekly! and more! Call (800) 305-0217 Visit us online: www.nordichouse.com or email [email protected]. Economic uncertainty can affect your fi nancial future. So can you!

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