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Arts & Style Research & Education New troubadour Real-life history from : Min norske Vinter Jonas Alaska er saa vakker. detectives at NAHA Read more on page 12 – Johan Nordahl Brun Read more on page 5 Norwegian American Weekly

Vol. 123 No. 2 January 13, 2012 Established May 17, 1889 • Formerly Western Viking and Nordisk Tidende $1.50 per copy Norway.com News Find more at www.norway.com Norway’s new house of culture News Norway’s Norwegian troops, driving an armored personnel carrier, second-largest escaped with only slight inju- performing arts ries when their car hit a road bomb in the Afghan province center opens in of Faryab, Norway’s Armed Forces reports. The Norwe- gian soldiers were on a routine mission in Dowlatabad, 70 km St a f f Co m p i l a t i o n north of Meymaneh, when the Norwegian American Weekly bomb exploded, destroying the vehicle. The were in the process of training Af- On Jan. 6, Kilden Theater and ghan police, under a program Concert Hall was opened to the named POMLIT. Norway has public in Kristiansand on Norway's 17 police advisers in Meyman- southern coast. eh and seven in Kabul. Last The new building is the largest year, Norway spent NOK 100 investment in a cultural building in million on strengthening the Norway since the Opera House in police in Afghanistan. . As the largest cultural build- (blog.norway.com/category/ ing ever built in southern Norway, news) it is unique in function and con- Norway in the U.S. tent. “Architecturally it is absolute- Online film and television Photo: Kjartan Bjelland show titan Netflix will make See > Kilden, page 6 The newly opened Kilden Theater and Concert Hall in the blue evening twilight in Kristiansand. its original programming de- but in February with “Lily- hammer,” a “fish-out-of-water story” about a New York mob- Scandinavia in transition Who will be crowned? ster starting anew in Norway. Nordic Spirit Symposium at California The first episode of the show, of which is set in Lillehammer, Lutheran University February 10 – 11 Greater New Norway, will be available for streaming online beginning York competition Feb. 6 by Netflix subscribers in approaches North America. (blog.norway.com/category/ norway-in-the-us) Ro y Jo r g e n s e n Hopewell Junction, N.Y.

What’s inside? The tremendous success of the News 2-3 2011 Miss Norway Contest is still Business 4 relatively fresh in our minds but the preparations for the next con- Research & Education 5 Photo courtesy of Miss Norway Miss Norway Jennifer Egeberg with country Opinion 6-7 See > crown, page 11 music singer Bjøro Håland in Kvinesdal. Taste of Norway 8 Travel 9 Roots & Connections 10 Norway’s athlete of the year Obituaries & Religion 11 Alexander Dale Arts & Style 12 Oen honored by In Your Neighborhood 13 Norwegian sports Norwegian Heritage Photo: Ernst F. Tonsing 14 Painting on the chancel ceiling of the Undredal stave church in . Sports 15 journalists

Ju d i t h Ga b r i e l Vi n j e No r w a y Po s t $1 = NOK 6.0131 Burbank, Calif. updated 1/9/2012 Swimming ace Alexander Dale In comparison Dramatic changes took place pects of the Nordic spiritual and Oen (26) has been chosen Norwe- 12/9/2011 5.7476 in Scandinavia as the church grad- political tapestry, from secret word gian athlete of the year 2011 by 7/9/2011 5.4075 ually – and often violently – sup- magic to images of saints, will be Norwegian sports journalists. Photo: Bas Czerwinski 1/9/2011 5.9937 planted the old pagan ways. As- Swimmer Alexander Dale Oen recognized See > Transition, page 13 See > Athlete, page 15 as Norwegian athlete of 2011. 2 • January 13, 2012 norwegian american weekly Nyheter fra Norge Nyheter «flirt» starter på skuddårsdagen Leder for 22. juli- Ønsker forslag til nye sakkyndige som kommisjonen kan vurdere Breivik 29. februar settes det Flere av de sentralt plasserte aktørene i rett- setter tak på lønna sprosessen føler seg nå sikre på at retten første av NSBs 50 nye kommer til å oppnevne nye sakkyndige se- «Flirt»-tog i trafikk Alexandra Bech Gjørv nere denne uken, ifølge VG. Oslo tingrett hadde fredag et møte hvor mandatet til nye frykter at utgiftene til å lønne sakkyndige ble drøftet. Men før tingretten henne som leder for 22. juli- Aftenposten eventuelt oppnevner nye sakkyndige, skal kommisjonen vil bli høyere partene få anledning til å uttale seg, ifølge VG. Påtalemyndigheten skal ha fått frist til NSB har vært på handletur i Sveits, og enn budsjettert tirsdag med å komme med sine forslag. på skuddårsdagen skal det første av i alt 50 Foto: Per Arne Holm / NRK (NTB) Flirt-tog settes inn i trafikken nord og vest VG for Oslo. Alexandra Bech Gjørv frykter at utgif- i vinterland som Østerike, Sveits og Finland. Norsk film med i hovedkonkurransen i Dette er godt nytt for 50.000 pendlere, tene til å lønne henne som leder for 22. juli- Mens norske tog tidligere ble bygget i Berlin mens de som reiser mot Østfold må vente en kommisjonen vil bli høyere enn budsjettert. lave antall ved Strømmens Værksted, satser Dermed skal produksjonen være med å ti års tid på nytt togmateriell. Derfor setter hun selv en maksimalgrense for NSB nå på velprøvde modeller fra Stadler kjempe om den gjeve Gullbjørnen. Sist Fire milliarder kroner har NSB brukt på timene hun fakturerer. Rail som er hyllevare i Europa. Norge var representert i denne konkurransen tidenes største togkjøp, og blir dette vellyk- Gjørv kommer til å sette et tak på 1.800 Likevel har Statens jernbanetilsyn (SJT) var med Hans Petter Molands «En ganske ket, har de sikret seg opsjon på å kjøpe 100 lønnede timer, skriver Klassekampen. krevd nye tester for blant annet å få svar på snill mann» i 2010. Manuset til «Nåde» togsett i tillegg. I avtalen med Gjørvs arbeidsgiver, Ad- er skrevet av den danske manusforfat- om togene tåler ekstrem kulde. Type 74 er regionaltogvarianten og blir vokatfirmaet Hjort, er honoraret oppgitt å teren Kim Fupz Aakeson som også skrev Disse testene har de siste ukene vært ut- levert først. Disse vil i første omgang bli satt være 2.000 kroner timen, en tredel lavere enn manuskriptet til «En ganske snill mann». ført på Finse. inn i Inter-City-trafikken på Østlandet på hva hun gjennomsnittlig fakturerer. Regien er ved den tyske regissøren Matthias Direktør Erik Ø. Johnsen i Statens jern- strekningen Lillehammer - Oslo - Skien, der – Ut ifra timeprisen som er avtalt og hva Glasner. Filmens to hovedroller spilles av de banetilsyn sier at de ennå ikke har gitt NSB blant annen NSBs type 70 brukes i dag. jeg ser faktisk kommer til å gå med av timer, tyske skuespillerne Jürgen Vogel og Birgit grønt lys for annet enn testkjøring med de Den har 264 seter hvor ryggen kan reg- ligger dette an til å bli en høyere sum enn hva Minichmayr. Begge har vunnet sølvbjørner nye togene: uleres. jeg ønsker å fakturere. Dette har jeg tatt opp i Berlin for sine roller i henholdsvis «Den – Vi mangler fortsatt dokumentasjon på Type 75 er lokaltogvarianten som vil bli internt i Hjort, og vi har satt et tak på antall frie vilje» (Matthias Glasner) og «Alle an- en rekke spørsmål og kravspesifikasjoner. satt inn på de lengre lokaltogstrekningene timer som reflekterer min normalarbeidstid, dre» (Maren Ade). De norske rollene spilles Først når vi får dette kan vi ta stilling til om på Østlandet, sånn som -Eidsvoll skriver Gjørv i et brev til Statsministerens av Ane Dahl Torp, Maria Bock, Stig Henrik vi skal gi brukstillatelse, sier Johnsen. Hoff og Iren Reppen. Disse togsettene vil bli levert etter at type 74 kontor. – Så det kan spøke for NSB-«Flirt» med (NTB) er levert, og vil erstatte de snart 40 år gamle 22. juli-kommisjonen skal legge fram sin passasjerene fra skuddårsdagen? 69-togene NSB bruker rundt stor-Oslo. rapport om terrorhandlingene 10. august i år. – Det er da lenge igjen til 29. februar, og Flere tusen kan ha betalt dobbelt for Den har 295 seter med stiv rygg. På statsbudsjettet er det satt av 27 millioner er dokumentasjonen komplett bruker ikke vi Norwegian-billetter – Vi har ennå ikke fått endelig brukstil- kroner til kommisjonens arbeid. lang tid på saksbehandlingen, sier Johnsen. Onsdag i forrige uke kjøpte Torill Bakke- latelse fra Statens jernbanetilsyn, men regner med at den kommer i god tid før 29. februar, English Synopsis: The leader of the July 22 Commis- haug fra Oslo flybilletter for 7300 kroner ion is worried that the money she is paid for her work hos flyselskapet Norwegian. Beløpet ble sier kommunikasjonssjef Åge-Christoffer English Synopsis: The Norwegian rail system NSB will be higher than what is in the budget. Therfore she trukket med en gang, men fredag ble nok et Lundeby i NSB til Aftenposten. has invested in 50 new trains which will begin running has set a maximum number of hours for which she beløp på over 7000 kroner belastet kontoen De nye togene har alt bestått tøffe tester in Norway on February 29. can be paid. hennes. Informasjonssjef Lasse Sandaker- Nielsen i Norwegian bekrefter overfor VG Nett at flere tusen kunder har blitt belastet dobbelt for sine billettbestillinger. – Det er riksantikvaren Krekar vil snart flytte fra Norge selvfølgelig beklagelig at dette har skjedd. Anslagsvis så rammer dette et par tusen jubilerer med å Mullah Krekar antyder kunder som vi har sett så langt. Her har det overfor et irakisk skjedd noe som ikke skal skje og vi job- ber på spreng for at kundene skal få tilbake frede operaen nettsted at han ønsker å pengene sine, sier Sandaker-Nielsen. Ifølge returnere til Kurdistan i informasjonssjefen er det problemer hos en Riksantikvaren avslutter leverandør, som i utgangspunktet skal sørge nær fremtid for at transaksjonene går riktig for seg, som sitt jubileumsår 2012 med er bakgrunnen for dobbeltbetalingene. – fredning av Operaen VG Feilen ble fanget opp av våre systemer, sier i Bjørvika. Det skjer han. Foto: Jan Petter Lynau / VG 15. november – på Mullah Krekar antyder overfor et irakisk (VG) nettsted at han ønsker å returnere til Kurdis- selve 100-årsdagen for tan i nær fremtid. byen Kheli Hama i 2002 fra sitt eksil i Snøfallet sender elgen ut på livsfarlig institusjonens opprettelse – Min retur til Kurdistan-regionen har Norge. Norske myndigheter er tidligere blitt ferd blitt en stor politisk sak. Begge sider vil ha informert om at Krekar ville bli tiltalt for ter- Snøfallet som rammet Sør-Norge på man- Aftenposten meg tilbake for å kjempe mot deres motstan- rorisme, en forbrytelse som kan idømmes dag skapte en rekke problemer på veiene. dere for dem, sier Krekar til nettstedet Ru- dødsstraff. – Vi har hatt en del utforkjøringer og flere Ved innledningen til 2012 kan Riksan- daw, skriver ABC Nyheter. En advokat for det kurdiske partiet PUK utenlandske trailere har stått fast, det skapte tikvaren konstatere at 2011 ble et rekordår Norske myndigheter har i en årrekke sier til nettstedet Rudaw at de ikke har an- selvfølgelig køer. Men det mest oppsikts- i antall fredninger. Det er lagt stor vekt på å ønsket å sende mulla Krekar ut av landet, lagt noen sak mot Krekar. Det samme gjelder vekkende er at vi har hatt sju elg-påkjørsler vise mangfoldet i Norges historie gjennom men det har ikke latt seg gjøre fordi han ville partiet The Islamic League. bare i dag. De fleste av disse skjedde etter bevaring for ettertiden, gjerne under mottoet risikerer å bli henrettet. – Selv om mulla Krekar ved en rekke at snøfallet kom, forteller operasjonssleder vern gjennom bruk. Det vil fortsette. Men Til al-Sharq al-Awsat avviste han i går anledninger har angrepet islamister, så har vi ved politidistrikt Vidar Pedersen i år er det altså ikke bare snakk om «anti- ikke anlagt noen sak mot ham, sier advoka- til Dagbladet. Han forteller at elgen flytter at han har fått tilbud av Iraks statsminister kviteter» – i jubileumsåret blir arkitektkon- Nouri al-Maliki om å komme tilbake og ten. på seg ved væromslag. – Når det kommer toret Snøhettas allerede verdenskjente bygn- slike snøfall som det vi har sett i dag, be- danne en egen hær. 15. februar skal mullah Krekar møte i ing i Bjørvika også satt på vernekartet. – Dette er fullstendig fabrikkert. Hvor- Oslo tingrett, tiltalt for trusler mot Høyre- gynner elgen å bevege på seg, forteller op- – Vi har ikke bare ansvar for historiske erasjonsslederen. Pedersen sier at det ikke for skulle jeg reise fra Norge for å kjempe leder Erna Solberg. Meling avviser at dette bygninger, men også moderne arkitektur i er rapportert om perssonsskader etter de mot kurderne?, sier mullah Krekar til al- har sammenheng med uttalelsen om å return- verdensklasse. Operaen er et slikt bygg. In- mange elg-påkjørslene det siste døgnet. – Sharq al-Awsat. ere til Kurdistan. Men dette er i overkant. Jeg har loggført fire gen vanskelig fredningssak. Alle involverte Krekars advokat Brynjar Meling påpe- – Mulla Krekar har hele tiden sagt at elg-påkjørsler siden klokka 17.30. Dette er instanser er enige om vern – Riksantikvaren, ker at Krekar siden 2003 har gjort det klart han vil møte i retten, og det akter han fortsatt voldsomt, og for elgen er det selvfølgelig al- Statsbygg, Operaen og arkitektene. Alle er at han ønsker å flytte til hjemlandet hvis for- å gjøre. Han står for det han har sagt og vil vorlig, sier Pedersen. enige, sier riksantikvar Jørn Holme til NTB. holdene er trygge. Meling kjenner ikke til forsvare sitt syn, sier Meling. (Dagbladet) om klienten har fått forsikringer om at han English Synopsis: The Directorate for Cultural Heri- English Synopsis: Mullah Krekar, an Iraqi terrorist liv- tage celebrates its 100-year anniversary in 2012 and vil være trygg. ing in Norway, has expressed over the Internet a wish to will turn its attention to protecting modern buildings , Krekar er mistenkt for å ha beordret return to Kurdistan. For legal reasons Norway has been such as Oslo’s opera house, as well as historical ones. halshogging av dusinvis av soldater i lands- unable to extradite Krekar.

Ap har ikke de endelige tallene før om et par uker, men allerede ved utgan- gen av september meldte landsstyret at det var registrert 10.000 nye medlem- mer av rundt 60.000 totalt. AUF hadde på samme tidspunkt fått ca. 3.000 nye medlemmer, et tall som nok vil være større ved årsskiftet. Høyre fikk 5.000 nye betalende medlemmer i 2011 og slo sin interne mål- setting med ett år. Venstre fikk i underkant av 1.000 nye medlemmer. Norwegian american weekly Online: blog.norway.com/category/news January 13, 2012 • 3 News This week on Norway.com Another century’s worth of oil for Norway Norwegian industry optimistic about 2012 High-impact oil Nearly fifty percent of Norwegian industrial discovery in the firms believe they will have higher income in 2012 than last year, despite uncertainty Barents Sea and unrest in the international economy, according to TNS Gallup. According to the poll, 45 percent of the 1,478 companies NRK asked replied that they will earn more money in 2012 than the year before. Sixteen percent believe they will earn less. Asked about On Jan. 9, Statoil announced a substan- expected turnover, the result is the same: 48 tial oil discovery with its partners Eni Norge percent believe in an increase, Aftenposten AS and Petoro AS at the Havis prospect in reports. the Barents Sea in northern Norway. This (Norway Post) is the second high-impact discovery on the Norwegian Continental Shelf (NCS) in nine Attack threat “went unreported” months. A call threatening a massacre in Norway Statoil estimates the volumes in Havis was made months before Anders Behring Breivik’s attacks but police were not to be between 200 and 300 million barrels told, Norwegian public radio reports. A of recoverable oil equivalents (o.e.). The government switchboard operator noted updated total volume estimate for the Skru- Photo: Harald Pettersen / Statoil The Aker Barents drilling rig at the Havis prospect in the Barents Sea. This is the second high-impact the conversation in March 2011 in which gard and Havis discoveries is in the region discovery in the North in nine months. an unnamed caller spoke of shooting of 400 – 600 million barrels of recoverable youth members of the ruling Labor Party. oil equivalents. tween the two discoveries. and CEO of Statoil. The caller, whose voice resembled that of Havis lies approximately 7 kilometers “The discovery’s volume and reservoir Øystein Noreng, professor of oil at the Breivik, also talked of a manifesto. Police southwest of the Skrugard discovery in the properties make it Skrugard’s twin. Skrugard BI Norwegian School of Management in were not informed because the threat was Barents Sea. Havis lies within the same pro- and Havis open up a new petroleum province Oslo, told NRK that the new discoveries on not considered to be serious at the time, an duction license, but forms an independent in the North,” said Helge Lund, President official said. “The call was never considered structure. There is no communication be- See > oil, page 15 as a real threat but more like a vague and incoherent conversation,” Margot Vaagdal, communications chief at the government Gateway for Norwegian business services center. Norwegians (BBC News) Minister of Foreign Three tram conductors stabbed in Oslo Affairs Jonas Gahr Støre of the year Two men have been arrested in connection visits Houston, Texas with the stabbings of three conductors on magazine honors board an Oslo tram on Jan. 5. The workers – two men and a woman – were not seriously three young adults wounded in the attack. Police arrested one o y a l o r w e g i a n m b a s s y R N E suspect as soon as they arrived at the scene. St a f f Co m p i l a t i o n A second man turned himself in at the central Norwegian Minister of Foreign Affairs Norwegian American Weekly police station later in the afternoon. “We don’t know if one or both are responsible for Jonas Gahr Støre arrived in Houston Jan. 5 the stabbings. We don’t yet know for certain for a two-day visit in the Texas capital be- who did what,” said police investigator Per fore he heads to Washington, D.C. And with Prableen Kaur (18), Marcel Gleffe (32) Olav Utgård. and Synnøve Kvamme (20) were announced booming Norwegian oil, gas and shipping (The Local) interests in Texas, Støre wrote an article, as the winners of “Norwegian of the Year” carried in several of Norway’s largest news- by weekly magazine Ny Tid in Oslo. Norway police cut traffic fine for ‘lower- papers, regarding the amazing opportunities Kaur (18) is the Labor Youth Party dep- income’ Swede Norwegian business is given in the U.S. uty in Oslo, She was at Utøya at the time Ulf Ander Andersson, 61, was driving a of the July 22 shootings by Anders Behring “A time of crisis is often about clearing truck for his Norwegian employer in March Breivik, and played dead for over an hour up, cuts and retrenchment. But it is also a when he was stopped by police, who found time to venture, as Norway is doing in Texas, and a half. Six weeks later, she was elected his brakes were not in order. He was fined an American counterpart to the Norwegian as the youngest person ever to the Oslo city NOK 8,000 (approximately USD 1,323) but region of growth on the west coast.” council. Photo: Frode Overland Andersen last month got a letter saying the sum had Marcel Gleffe, who is German by birth The Houston area is the one metropoli- Minister of Foreign Affairs Jonas Gahr Støre at been reduced due to his nationality. the Norwegian-American Chamber of Commerce (BBC News) See > Støre, page 7 breakfast on Jan. 6. See > norwegians, page 11 Enjoy Norway all year long. Keep up with Norway and the Norwegian-American community with the only Norwegian newspaper in North America! $ Subscribe – it’s easy! one year subscription: 59 Call us toll-free at $79 in Canada and $179 in Norway and all other countries (800) 305-0217 to start a new subscription

Questions? Call us toll-free at (800) 305-0217, email [email protected], or write to us: Norwegian American Weekly, 7301 5th Ave NE Ste A, Seattle, WA 98115

Norwegian American Weekly (USPS 679-840) (ISSN 1942-1389) is published weekly except the last two weeks of July, the first two weeks of August and the last week of Dec. by Norwegian American Weekly Inc, 7301 Fifth Avenue NE Suite A, Seattle, WA 98115. Periodicals postage paid at Seattle, WA and at additional mailing offices. POSTMASTER: Send address changes to Norwegian American Weekly 7301 Fifth Avenue NE Suite A, Seattle, WA 98115. Phone: (206) 784-4617 • Email: naw@norway. Proud to bring you the Norwegian American Weekly com • Website: www.norway.com. Annual subscription cost: USD $59 domestic; USD $79 to Canada; USD $179 to Norway and all other foreign countries. 4 • January 13, 2012 Online: blog.norway.com/category/business norwegian american weekly Business

Exchange Rates Oslo Børs: Week at a Glance (January 9, 2012) Winners Losers Innovation leads to savings Norsk Kr. 6.0131 Name NOK Change Name NOK Change Gen-Tech Global awarded prize for fuel- Sevan Marine 14.8 19.7% Jason Shipping 22.3 -12.2% Dansk Kr. 5.8362 Tide 21.0 18.6% Scana Industrier 3.2 -10.0% saving hydraulic pump for boat engines Svensk Kr. 6.917 Sevan New Shares 14.6 16.8% Scottish Salmon Co. 2.2 -8.3% Eitzen Maritime Ser. 1.4 14.5% Navamedic 10.4 -7.6% Canadian $ 1.0266 Rocksource 0.4 12.8% Domstein 0.9 -5.3% Euro 0.7849 For detailed information about the Oslo Børs, visit www.dn.no.

Photo courtesy of Gen-Tech Global A hydraulic pump developed by Gen-Tech Global in the F/V North American saves fuel, maintainence costs and gas emissions.

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LEWIS O. TITLAND Quality Accounting & Tax Services for: Commercial fishing boats burn hun- boat is a 110-foot house forward fishing ves- Certified Public Accountant Small businesses dreds of gallons of fuel traveling between sel capable of carrying a full load of 165,000 (206)789-5433 their home port and destination. Tradition- pounds of king crab and 300,000 pounds of Individuals al drive systems typically have the captain salmon. 3824 18th Ave Specialized Assistance Seattle, WA 98119 choose an arbitrary speed, and because time Thanks to the new hydraulic system is money, engines often operate near the top and fuel monitoring, the boat could reduce of their cruising speed. its engine to cruising speed, bringing its fuel With two diesel-powered engines to consumption down, and creating a more MULLAVEY, PROUT, GRENLEY & FOE propel the boat and provide electricity for comfortable environment for the crew. a t t o r n e y s a n d c o u n s e l o r s a t l a w the crew, these vessels can be a big source of On a recent voyage to Alaska, the North greenhouse gas emissions. American saved substantially in fuel costs Seattle-based company Gen-Tech Glob- and in scheduled maintenance, as well as Advice regarding maritime and civil claims, disputes, al has developed an energy-efficient hydrau- reducing the amount of carbon emissions commercial transactions and estate planning. lic pump that reduces fuel consumption and disbursed into the airways. increases efficiency, leading to lower costs In November 2011, Gen-Tech Global 24001 NW Sixty-fifth P.O. Box 70567 Seattle, WA 98107 and fewer emissions. was recognized by the National Fluid Pow- The hydraulic technology was designed er Association (NFPA) with the first-ever Telephone: (206) 789-2511 Fax: (206) 789-4484 by Erling Skaar and Odd Arild Olsen of NFPA Innovation Award, given to individu- Gen-Tech Global. The key to the system, als for using fuel power technology in inno- says Skaar, is a controller that monitors elec- vative ways. tricity loads throughout the ship and com- “Skaar and Olsen received the award LUNDE MARINE ELECTRONICS, INC. municates that information to the hydraulic for their unique design of an energy-efficient pump. Using that data, the controller actual- controller that also reduces the carbon foot- Sales and Service ly learns the flow rate into the hydraulic mo- print of marine vessels,” wrote NFPA in a tor to maintain stable frequency and voltage. statement. The hydraulic pump is driven by the vessel’s Skaar notes the first market for his pat- main engine, which maintains a constant hy- ented technology would likely be as an add- draulic flow to the hydraulic motor indepen- on for towboats operating on the Mississippi dent of engine speed. River, and he hopes to see the system de- Seattle,WA Tacoma,WA Dutch Harbor, AK Skaar, Olsen and associates have spent signed into marine engines so that it can be phone (206) 789-3011 phone (253) 627-6968 phone (907) 581-1498 10 years developing the system and testing installed when a boat is being built. fax (206)782-3188 fax (253)383-4965 fax (907) 581-1402 it on three marine vessels. One of these ves- For more information about the Gen- sels is the Seattle-based crab boat F/V North Tech system, call (206) 634-3399, email American, which travels to Alaska for crab [email protected] or visit www. fishing and salmon tendering season. The gentechglobal.com. [email protected] 5415 24th Ave NW, Seattle 98107 Business News & Notes

REC shutters Norwegian solar-wafer be profitable in the Norwegian assets given the output as demand dwindles cost structure there versus Chinese peers.” Advertise in the Weekly! Renewable Energy Corp. ASA, the Norwegian (Business Week) solar-parts maker that halted factories last year, Reach over 20,000 Reasons to advertise: will further reduce wafer production as prices DNB sees tougher 2012, higher funding extend declines. REC will temporarily close costs Norwegian-American readers • Affordable! $10/col inch for EVERY week! half its 300-megawatt output of monocrystal- DNB, Norway’s biggest lender, expects higher B&W, $15/col inch for color line wafers at a facility in Glomfjord, Norway, funding costs and turbulent market to remain • Free ad design in the first quarter, the Sandvika-based com- in 2012 which will make achieving its 2012 • Support the only Norwegian- pany said in a statement. The shutdown will af- targets more difficult, Chief Executive Rune American newspaper! fect about 65 employees, it said. “The quicker Bjerke said Jan. 5. Norway’s banks are well they do this the better,” Anita Huun, an analyst capitalized and their loan book is among the at Svenska Handelsbanken AB in Oslo, said by healthiest in Europe as Norway sits on a budget For details, call (800) 305-0217 or email [email protected] telephone. “It’s going to be very challenging to surplus, no debt and healthy growth. (Reuters) norwegian american weekly Online: blog.norway.com/category/research January 13, 2012 • 5 Research & Education Real life history detectives The Norwegian American Historical Assocation (NAHA) helps researchers and genealogists fill in the blanks of family history

Le s l e e La n e Ho y u m Rockford, Minn.

I am a big fan of PBS’s History Detec- use. In fact, you can order them for personal tives program, and consider myself a bit of use through your local library via the interli- a detective when it comes to hunting down brary lending agreement.” That was new and my family’s history, whether fact or legend. helpful information for me. So, when I had an opportunity to visit the Once again, I heard Gwendolyn whis- Norwegian American Historical Association pering in my ear: The best and most reliable (NAHA) at St. Olaf College in Northfield, historical documents always are primary Minn., I donned my Detective Gwendolyn sources. Bam! I saw the Grue Bygdebøker Wright red glasses, spiked my hair and head- from the area from which my mother’s fam- ed south. ily hails. I definitely need more information It was a cold overcast day in Northfield, about the Halvorsens from Solør. Here it is but I was greeted with a warm, sunny smile and another trip to the library is imminent. I from NAHA Administrative Director Jackie also was amazed by the bound family histo- Henry. “Welcome to NAHA,” she said as she ries created by many Norwegian-American whisked me off to learn about opportunities families. I commend them and see a very big that would allow me to understand better project for me yet to come. who I am through the experiences of my im- Next, we visited the Rowberg files. Photo: Leslee Lane Hoyum migrant ancestors. There are more than 200,000 clippings of a Jackie Henry, the administrative director of the Norwegian American Historical Association (NAHA), The NAHA collections consist of books, biographical nature about Norwegian Ameri- provides help to researchers and genealogists to access the organization’s extensive archives. newspapers, manuscripts, photographs and cans from a variety of sources mounted on other materials relevant to the Norwegian 3 x 5 cards and filed alphabetically. Again, emigration to America and to the immigrants’ I thought about Gwendolyn’s methodology: person to do hands-on research, call (507) are poorly documented. Who came? Why? experience in America. The organization was Even when there’s a break in the investiga- 786-3221, or send an e-mail to naha@stolaf. What kind of life did they lead? Were they founded in 1925 with Ole E. Rølvaag, an ar- tive action, some corner of the brain is still edu for an appointment. You may join NA- more professional and urban than farmers dent collector himself, as its first secretary. It sifting through puzzle pieces. Ok, I thought, HA’s 1,100 members and use the facilities and rural? Perhaps you can help solve these is significant to note that 1925 also marked what’s listed under Lane? Lane sounds more for free or pay a nominal daily fee. mysteries. the centennial of the first organized emigra- British than Norwegian, but it was Lanne in You should also consider contributing So, my day at NAHA was over and my tion from Norway to New York. Norway. Had my family been overlooked? copies or originals of photographs or manu- mind was spinning, full of new information. Our first stop was at NAHA’s manuscript I was surprised to find many Norwe- scripts about Norwegian-American life, in- But I must continue to think like Gwendolyn: and photo archive. I thought about what gian Lanes who had lived in the Seattle area. cluding pieces from your family, church or Think outside the box. Carefully organize Gwendolyn always says, “A good, scientific Somewhere I remember reading about Min- Norwegian-American organizations or busi- the clues and weigh the evidence. It’s time investigation has to have clarity – a specific nesota Lanes that moved to Seattle. Now I nesses in which you may be involved. to get back on track and follow the twists question and strategy – since the results, as can start to make connections to them. I NAHA is currently interested in ob- and turns of my ancestors’ journey and learn in science, may be unexpected.” My cous- thought they were lost to us. Then I ran across taining documents about post-World War II more about how they helped shape America ins and I always have had questions about MaryEllen Halvorsen Lane, my mother, who emigration and immigrant life. Assumptions – and me! Bethlehem Norwegian Methodist Church in died April 17, 2011. Her card referred the re- about that group abound, but many of them North Minneapolis that, for a while, was my searcher to her obituary in the April 24 Min- family’s home church. So I thought I’d test neapolis StarTribune. I was so excited to see the archives. “Let me see what you have on her listed. But what was missing? My father, The Swedish Meatballs this church,” I asked Jackie. She went im- his brothers and my grandparents. So, once Ellen Lindstrom 917-968-2926 mediately to a file that referred to Norwegian again, NAHA and I both win, since I will and Norwegian-Danish Methodist congrega- provide copies of the obituaries for all the tions in Minneapolis. Yup, there was the file: Lanes, Swensens and Halvorsens not listed. Bethlehem Norwegian-Danish Methodist That may help another researcher down the Church. road. This was amazing to me. We opened NAHA is not just a collection of ar- the file, and although there wasn’t much, chives; it is also a publisher of historical the collection did have a copy of the roster books that reflect the Norwegian-American of founding members, including my great- experience. It was Theodore C. Blegen, Uni- grandparents, Charlie and Dorothea Sw- versity of Minnesota historian, who served ensen and my grandmother, Bertha Swensen as the association's first editor. His high in- Lane. Thinking back to my own collection, tellectual and editorial standards have char- ...a delicious musical experience! I asked Jackie whether NAHA accepts in- acterized NAHA publications which, to date, www.theswedishmeatballs.com formation from the outside. She just smiled total nearly 100 volumes. “In the tradition and said, “Absolutely. Our archives are ever- of Blegen,” said Todd Nichol, current pub- changing, and we welcome new information lication editor, “we continue to focus on the about families, organizations, churches and day-to-day life of the everyday Norwegian. more at anytime.” So, I offered her a photo We also have unparalleled information about Education Issue 2012 of the 1921 Bethlehem church choir, which Norwegian-American women, which is in- Does your Scandinavian includes my grandfather and several of his dispensable to American women’s studies.” in-laws, whom I promised to identify. First Publishing, a library, manuscripts and photos organization offer a student stop and we both win. are all a part of the NAHA experience. scholarship? Submit it to us by Next we went to the Rølvaag Library The organization also offers many of its Feb. 1 to be included in our and visited NAHA’s library collection, collections online. Go to http://www.naha. which includes family histories, bygdebøker stolaf.edu, which will walk you through special Education Issue! (regional histories in Norway), and a vari- documents that may help you write papers, ety of historical books about Norway. “We increase your knowledge of the Norwegian- Email us [email protected] or always welcome bygdebøker,” said Jackie. American experience, or locate clues to your “They are very popular and are always in family’s past. If you wish to visit NAHA in call (800) 305-0217 6 • January 13, 2012 norwegian american weekly opinion

An opinion column about current issues in Norway Join the conversation! On the EDGE From chaos to accord in Durban By , Minister of the Environment and International Development

On Dec. 10, the South African city of ment for all countries that would come into I take the floor. I agree with India that it low-carbon strategy. Durban is full of exhausted climate change force in 2020 and a Green Climate Fund of is right to speak of the right to development. The agreement isn’t perfect. It is not negotiators. After two weeks of gruelling USD 100 billion. There are also a number of Many developing countries are doing a great sufficient to restrict global warming to two work and chaotic discussions, there is immi- decisions on emissions reductions, control deal, often more than developed countries. degrees, as many have pointed out. But the nent danger of a complete collapse. and reporting, adaptation to climate change But I also say that it should be possible to outcome of that intense huddle demonstrated Friday evening had been like a housing and other issues that the delegates have been find a compromise, and suggest a break so real political will to address climate change. association meeting from hell. The discus- discussing day and night for two weeks. All that the E.U. and India can reach agreement. India, China and the other major developing sion revolved around whether we should this could be in vain. Norway’s suggestion wins broad support. countries would not have agreed to this text wait until all the proposals were on the table A break is announced. We hear a noise. So a small huddle forms around India if they had not already acknowledged that or leave and meet again the next day. The Claudia Salerno from Venezuela has climbed and Connie Hedegaard, including the U.S., climate change is a serious threat to their chair seemed to have given up. Over the last up onto the table to attract attention. “Mr. Brazil, the island states and the Africa group. countries, and that the agreement is impor- few days, South Africa had held open meet- Chair,” she says, “I requested the floor, and After an hour they have reached a compro- tant for limiting this threat. The US went as ings that weren’t going anywhere. They were you ignored me. The whole world just wit- mise: the wording “legal outcome” should far as it could within its mandate, given that called “indaba,” which is Zulu for “consul- nessed how much you ignore me... I will not be replaced by “outcome with legal force.” the debate on climate change has fallen into tation,” but “confusion” would have been sell the future of my country for 100 billion This is strong enough for the E.U., and ac- disrepute in that country. more accurate. dollars!” ceptable for India. We all clap – exhausted The sad fact is that the alternative to the The final document appeared on Satur- We’re concerned. Is this and relieved. Durban agreement was not a better agree- day morning, and worn out negotiators sat all over again? But despite its biting criti- Many have criticized the Durban agree- ment with binding commitments to make down to look at it. cism, much of which is justified, Venezuela ment for not going far enough. It has been larger emissions cuts. The alternative was a The atmosphere was heavy with pes- is not seeking to block an agreement. said that it puts climate change efforts on the total breakdown in negotiations. That would simism. We were already 12 hours over Two other women take central stage back burner until 2020. This is wrong. It is a have been far worse. Now we must do all we schedule. A few days earlier China had in- that night. The question is what legal form historic agreement. China, the US and India can to build on the foundation we have laid. dicated that it could be willing to enter into the future agreement should have. On Satur- have never before been willing to enter into a legally binding climate agreement in the day evening, India had managed to change a binding climate agreement. And the Kyoto Erik Solheim is the Min- future. But India’s Minister of the Environ- the wording “protocol” or “legal instrument” Protocol has been extended. This was far ister of the Environment ment, Jayanthi Natarajan, dressed in a sari, to “legal outcome.” from a foregone conclusion. and International Devel- insisted that India would not commit itself E.U. Commissioner Connie Hedegaard The Durban agreement also sets out the opment, and is a member to anything that might slow development for maintains out that “legal outcome” is far too various countries’ commitments to emissions of the Socialist Left (So- the country’s hundreds of millions of poor weak and completely unacceptable for the reductions for the period up to 2020. These sialistisk Venstreparti). people. EU Commissioner for Climate Ac- E.U. She demands that it is removed. are to be closely followed up through report- He has worked in politics tion Connie Hedegaard had been engaged in The Indian Minister of the Environment ing requirements, which will create political since 1977, and former intense lobbying and forged an alliance with holds a fiery speech about the right of poor pressure for even greater ambitions. positions include Socialist Left party leader the poorest developing countries. But would countries to development. She dismisses Ms Many countries are implementing na- (1987-1997) and member (1989- this be enough? Hedegaard’s demands and wins the support tional climate measures. China has launched 2001). He served in the Ministry of Foreign The plenary session started almost a day of Xie Zenhua from China. The atmosphere a major renewable energy initiative. Brazil Affairs for five years before joining Prime late. South Africa had finally put forward a could be cut with a knife. The Durban con- is taking steps to protect its rainforest. Aus- Minister Jens Stoltenberg’s cabinet in 2005. complete package. It included an extended ference is at the tipping point between fiasco tralia is developing an emissions trading Kyoto period, a process towards an agree- and success. scheme. And Ethiopia has an impressive

The opinions expressed by opinion writers featured in “On the Edge” are not necessarily those of Norwegian American Weekly, and our publication of those views is not an endorsement of them. Comments, suggestions and complaints about the opinions expressed by the paper’s editorials should be directed to the editor.

< Kilden to reporters. From page 1 The concert hall was designed by Finn- ish company ALA Architects and cost nearly ly stunning. In addition to that, the acoustics NOK 1.7 billion. It features four auditoriums are very unique,” said managing director with more than 2,200 seats for different types Bentein Baardson when he presented the of cultural events. new building to the people of Kristiansand. Minister of Culture Anniken Huitfeldt The inaugural concert was attended by attended the opening, and remains positive over 1,000 people, including HRH Crown about the building’s future. She emphasized Prince Haakon, several politicians, cultural the importance of governmental funding for leaders and regular citizens. theatre, concert halls and opera. Helene Bøksle performed the song “People will be able to experience some- “Velkomne æra” written by Geirr Tveitt. thing in this building,” she told NRK. “It’s Other famous Norwegians from southern not just an important building for this region, Norway performed, including Kim Andre but a house of culture for the entire nation.” Rysstad and opera singer Malena Ernmann. The new theater and concert hall will be “It was an incredibly great debut, and a home to a full symphony orchestra, theater, Photo: Kjartan Bjelland great building. Kristiansand will enjoy this in opera and local cultural operations. For more Kilden’s design is a nod to Norwegian nature, such as the wood paneling and bright windows. the future,” said HRH Crown Prince Haakon information, visit www.kilden.no. SAM & ELLIE By Ray Helle

UPDATE norwegian american weekly January 13, 2012 • 7 opinion Norwegian American Weekly Letters to the Editor Published since May 17, 1889 7301 Fifth Avenue NE Suite A, Seattle, WA 98115 Do you have something to say? Send your letters to us! Toll-free: (800) 305-0217 • Local: (206) 784-4617 7301 Fifth Avenue NE Suite A, Seattle, WA 98115 Fax: (206) 448-2033 • Email: [email protected] Email: [email protected] Publisher Norwegian American Foundation [email protected] Managing Editor Dear Editor, dence, the owners’ quarters. My great-great- to Wisconsin, he worked at the Mandt iron Christy Olsen Field [email protected] My grandmother Edna’s grandfather, grandfather did not live there! works. In the obituary of his wife, Anna, Ole Erickson, was born in Bærum where his But there were other photos, including many years after his death, it was stated that Copy Editor and Subscriptions Manager father worked at Bærums Verk. I first found some of the worker’s quarters. Ole was a skilled machinist employed at Lake Kelsey Larson [email protected] out about this when I returned from a visit to Then I got more help from Norway List- Mills, Wis. In 1867 some in the community Assistant Layout Editor cousins in Minnesota in 1998. ers on the family of Ole: Gunnar Thon, Arne induced Ole to move to Stoughton to work Harry Svenkerud [email protected] My grandmother had had a stroke long Sivertsen, Ole Kjolseth, and Elin Galtung with Brynild Leland and Christopher Larson Advertising before I was born but had written some fam- Lihaug. Elin provided an extensive geneal- in the Mandt, later Stoughton Wagon Works. (206) 441-3044 [email protected] ily history down before she died. Edna’s ogy of a John Hansen Tanum which involved Within a month of moving though, Ole died grandfather, Ole Christian Erickson, was many pages of photocopying- but is probably of typhoid, leaving his wife and children, my Contributing Editors born in a place near Oslo called Bermis Ye- not my John Hansen as Hans, the father of great-grandma Isabel among them. Bjarne Anthonsen Bonsall, Calif. Melinda Bargreen Everett, Wash. rnverk, she wrote. I sent this information to John was born in 1750, the same year I have In 2003 I was in Wisconsin doing fam- Carla Danziger McLean, Va. Norway List of Rootsweb and Odd Braathun for the birth of my Jon Hansen! My sincere ily research and got to visit some places in Gary G. Erickson Sunburg, Minn. Rasmus Falck oslo, Norway deciphered this as Bærums Jernverk, today thanks to all of these folks. the family story and gather more leads. Ole Marit Fosse Geneva, Switzerland known as Bærums Verk. He had helped me In 2002 I finally got to Norway and got was married to Anne Tomina Pedersdottir in Judith Gabriel Vinje Burbank, Calif. before and after but that is for another story to take my own photos and do research. I West Koshkonong Lutheran Church in 1854. Shelby Gilje Seattle, Wash. Line Grundstad Hanke Seattle, Wash. or so. took photos but did not find out much more Besides individuals we contacted in the area, Heidi Håvan Grosch , Norway Knowing the name and not much else, I about the family. There had been a sugges- the Koshkonong Prairie Historical Society Victoria Hofmo Brooklyn, N.Y. Leslee Lane Hoyum Rockford, Minn. again went to Norway List of Rootsweb and tion that there were more records but they and several Lutheran churches have been Else Hvistendahl New York, N.Y. got help. It seems that John Follesdal was in were in the hands of the Løvenskiold family. very helpful in trying to trace the family. Inger-Torill Kirkeby Miami, Fla. Thor A. Larsen Fishkill, N.Y. Oslo and would go to Bærums Verk and take I have written asking for more information Jerry Larson Zimmerman, Minn. a photo or two and send them to me. That he but I have not been able to find more about Sincerely, Solveig M. Lee Seattle, Wash. did! I had no idea then how far it was from the family. So I have reasons to get back to Rev. Janni Belgum Richard Londgren Thousand Oaks, Calif. Donald V. Mehus New York, N.Y. downtown Oslo! It was wonderful when the Norway! Coleman, Alberta Berit T. Mesarick Williamsburg, Va. photos appeared: photos of where my great- David Moe Juneau, Alaska Ken Nordan Batavia, Ill. great-grandfather possibly lived! Bill Osmundsen New York, N.Y, Lisa Portelli Bradenton, Fla. John Erik Stacy Seattle, Wash. Dear Janni, Rolf Kristian Stang New York, N.Y. Thank you for sharing your story of Kjell Olav Strømsli , Norway Bærums Verk. Your letter shows the impor- Larrie Wanberg Grand Forks, N.D. Beate Ørbeck oslo, Norway tance of writing down family stories, as well as the wonderful genealogical resources CORRECTIONS: Norwegian American Weekly strives to make its news report fair and accurate. If you available online! It sounds like you had a have a question or comment about news coverage wonderful trip to Norway in 2002, and we call (206) 784-4617. • Norwegian American Weekly hope you can return again soon. reserves the right to edit any and all submissions for style, grammar, accuracy and/or space, and the right not to print submissions deemed libelous, in poor Sincerely, taste, or not suited for publication in this newspaper. Above is a photo of some worker dwell- Editor • The opinions expressed by opinion writers and letter writers are not necessarily those of Norwegian ings that I took in 2002. American Weekly, and our publication of those views is The photo I include is of the main resi- One cousin told me that when Ole came not an endorsement of them. Comments, suggestions and complaints about the opinions expressed by the paper’s editorials should be directed to the < Støre publisher. • Norwegian American Weekly is published From page 3 turned to Texas for leading expertise. Today we see that the technological driving force weekly except the first week of the calendar year, the expertise is moving in the opposite direc- from the field of energy has a ripple effect; the last two weeks of July, and the first two weeks tion, from Norway to Texas,” Støre writes. Norwegian companies within environmental of August by Norwegian American Weekly, INC. • tan region in the world, outside of Scandina- Please send address changes to 7301 Fifth Ave. technology and the pharmaceutical industry via, with the highest number of Norwegians NE Suite A Seattle, WA 98115 • Annual Subscription A Gateway for Business are also making their mark in Texas.” Cost: US$59 Domestic, US$79 to Canada, – approximately 7,000, by a recent estimate. “Houston has become a gateway for With many countries in a time of crisis, US$179 to Norway and all other foreign countries. The majority of them work in the energy or Norwegian business in the U.S.,” the Min- Norway finds itself in a situation where it is SINCE MAY 17, 1889: shipping sector. ister continues, emphasizing the many simi- able to strengthen and support Norwegian Formerly Norway Times With 140 Norwegian or Norwegian- larities between Norway and Texas: “We growth abroad, by venturing into established Western Viking & Washington Posten affiliated businesses, supported by an active are both experiencing economic growth in a markets such as the U.S. and Texas. Norwegian consulate general, Houston and Comprising Nordisk Tidende, Decorah- time where our neighbors are experiencing “It is all about preventing protectionism Posten og Ved Arnen, Minneapolis-Tidende, Texas have become important parts of Nor- hardship. We see significant growth within as a short-term solution in a time of crisis,” Minnesota Posten, Norrona and Skandinaven wegian industry, commerce and trade. oil, gas and shipping, and at the same time Støre writes. “As a young oil nation, Norway once NORWEGIAN AMERICAN WEEKLY, INC. Han Ola og Han Per 8 • January 13, 2012 norwegian american weekly Taste of Norway A different meaning of ROI A day trip in the mountains of western Norway satisfies the tastebuds and the soul

Photos: Ken Nordan and Rallarrosa Left: On our hike to the milking station (upper right corner), the goats came out to greet us. Center: A hand-packed block of brunost (brown cheese) in a traditional wooden form. Anne Kari Dalsbotten invites us in to see her cheese production facility at Rallarrosa Mountain Cheese stølsysteri (dairy farm).

Ke n No r d a n Batavia, Ill.

ROI (Return On Investment), is an im- were going to work hard, but that at the end to visit someone she knew. We were warmly got to the Rallarrosa Mountain Cheese milk- portant concept in the business world. ROI we would be rewarded, so if I wanted to go, greeted by Bjørn and, as his name implies, he ing station run by Anne Kari Dalsbotten, is normally measured in cash generated or we needed to leave early to enjoy the long was a big bear of a man. Guiding us into his which is along the hiking trail from Myrdal lost, due to the investment. In other words, day. cabin and asking us to sit, our thirst and hun- to Flåm. Here we treated ourselves to hand- investors are not likely to invest money in The trail was everything she said it ger were satisfied with hot tea, slices of meat packed brown goat cheese (brunost) which a project without receiving some additional would be and more. It took several hours, he cut from a lamb shank and some berries some people call gjetost (goat cheese), how- amount of cash in return, a reward. on narrow paths, over several streams, past a we had picked. Living in this cabin all sum- ever at Rallarrosa they also make regular Hiking in the mountain valleys of west- 20-foot waterfall and a midday cloud burst to mer long, he carried everything he needed to white goat cheese. Let me tell you, if you’re central Norway this past summer I was re- arrive at her mountain cabin. The cabin was live on his back. In terms of ROI, my reward hiking from Myrdal to Flåm this is a wonder- minded of a different definition of ROI on the shore of a beautiful lake, with a spec- was not the view, but the memories of the ful stop for a little extra energy and fun. that has nothing to do with cash, but every- tacular view of the fjord below and I took friends, food, stories and laughs we had in The second cheese maker was Anne thing to do with investing and return. I first plenty of pictures. that small mountain cabin. Hatling at Skjerdal farm near Aurlandsvan- learned this lesson several years ago from I told her, “Yes, this view was a great Fast forward to this past summer, I was gen. The farm’s main business is cheese my good friend Aud, a business consultant reward for the long hike and the work it took visiting my friend Aud again. Her work took but they also rent out a cabin and produce from Naustdal, Norway, who advises local to make the trip.” She replied, “The work us to municipality, a place noted for juices from their apple and cherry orchard. businesses, mostly farmers, regarding better has yet to begin.” And with that she handed two things: The Flåm Railroad and, as some The twisting, mile-long path from the house ways of doing business in their community. me a bucket, and off we went in search of say, the best goat cheese in western Norway. to the milking station would be considered On this first occasion, a hike in the mountain berries. On this trip we had the added pleasure of her “just a good stretch of the legs” by many and mountains above her farm, Aud warned me After a few hours of picking berries we two-year-old son Oddbjørn as a companion. was made all the more fun when we were that the trail was steep, long and that we headed over to another cabin near the lake Oddbjørn had never seen the railroad and I, met by the resident herd of goats. At the like all boys my age, can never get enough of milking station, Anne showed me the wood railroads, we sat on the hood of the car hoot- stoked fire box, above which sat a large ket- ing and hollering as the train passed us by. tle where she takes 8 – 10 hours to slowly While this was loads of fun our real mis- cook the goat milk whey to make brown sion was to locate two of the many goat farms cheese. Here I learned an interesting fact, in Aurland, known for their cheese making. gjetost, brunost, gudbrandsdalsost and Ski NORDIC DELICACIES Our first stop was 18 kilometers up the Flåm Queen brand cheese are not really cheeses! “A TASTE OF NORWAY IN THE HEART OF BROOKLYN!” valley along a narrow, winding, gravel road Remember “Little Miss Muffet” eating her that was not for the faint of heart or tourists. investment, page 11 “Both eyes on the road!” we said. Finally we See > 6909 ird Avenue Brooklyn, NY 11209 Phone: (718) 748-1874 • Fax: (718) 833-7519 www.nordicdeli.com

January Sale: Save 20% off everything! Celebrating 50 years of business in 2012 www.scanspecialties.com 6719 NW 15th Avenue, Seattle, WA 98117 Phone: (206) 784-7020 — Toll free: (877) 784-7020 Mastercard and Visa accepted. Hundreds of items available for nation-wide shipping! norwegian american weekly January 13, 2012 • 9 travel In the footsteps of Harry Hole Are you a fan of Norwegian crime writer Jo Nesbø? Walk in the footsteps of the main character Harry Hole on a guided tour to visit important places in Oslo from the books

Vi s i t No r w a y www.visitnorway.com

Let two Oslo guides and Jo Nesbø fans take you through a mix of today's Oslo and Harry Hole's universe. In addition to some important tourist attractions, like the Royal Palace, you get to see other and less known parts of the capital. Oslo guides Mari Atlanta Lunde and Anne Marie Vøien Fleischer will probably tell you more about Jo Nesbø, Harry Hole and Oslo than you ever knew before. The Photo: Terje Borud/www.visitnorway.com guides have met with Jo Nesbø, who ap- This winter, a guided tour following the footsteps of Harry Hole excites fans of internationally acclaimed crime writer Jo Nesbø. proved the concept. The guided tour takes you to these places and areas in Oslo: political situation, the Royal family and a lit- one of the Nesbø books. The imaginary hotel believes his love Rakel was a Catholic. You Radisson Blu Scandinavia Hotel Oslo tle war history seen with Norwegian eyes. Leons is located just around the corner. are offered to go inside one of Oslo’s catho- The tours starts at Radisson Blu Scandi- lic churches. navia Hotel Oslo, behind the Royal Palace. Karl Johans Gate Oslo Courthouse This is in the middle of what the guide calls A department of the University of Oslo You get an insight to the daily life of Vår Frelsers Gravlund the land of Harry Hole. The guide presents is located on main street Karl Johans Gate. those working at Tinghuset Oslo Court- Vår Frelsers Gravlund Cemetery that is Harry Hole, and takes you to the top floor of The guide presents Hole's love through many house, and information on Norway as a con- described in many of the books is especially the hotel, where she points out three impor- of the books, Rakel. You will also learn more stitutional state. interesting after dark. Many famous Norwe- tant parts of the city; 1. Where the criminals about the National Theater, the Ministry of gians are buried here, for instance Henrik live, 2. Where the crimes take place and 3. Foreign Affairs and Hotel Continental – all Aschehoug Publishing House Ibsen and Edvard Munch. Where Harry Hole lives. of which are in the immediate vicinity and As you stop outside Nesbø's publisher play important roles in many of the books. Aschehoug, you will learn more about the Sofies gate (Street) The Royal Palace different books, statistics on sales, and the This is where Harry Hole lives, and The guide stops two places, first in the Egertorget Square growing popularity of Harry Hole. you get to know more about the part of Oslo park and then under the Royal Palace's main Egertorget is located just behind the called St. Hanshaugen and Bislett. balcony. You will learn more about Norway's Parliament, and plays an important role in St. Olavs Square You are back in the land of Harry Hole, Restaurant Schrøder and the guide keeps talking about the main Harry Hole frequents the Schrøder character. Restaurant just around the corner of his flat in Sofies Gate. Schrøder is one of few old St. Olavs Church Harry Hole is not religious, but the guide See > footsteps, page 12

Nordic Spirit presents After the Vikings – Before the Reformation ScaNdiNavia in transition Please join us for this two-day Nordic Spirit symposium of illustrated talks and music for the public February 10 – 11, 2012 For information, call Thousand Oaks, California (805) 778-0162 or email [email protected] Map: Google The tour starts at the Radisson Blu Scandinavia Hotel near the Royal Palace, and concludes at the Underwater Pub near Sofies gate. Photo: Ernst F. Tonsing www.scandinaviancenter.org 10 • January 13, 2012 norwegian american weekly roots & connections Norwegian American Weekly Lages til syltetøy Photo of the Week Puzzle by Sölvi Dolland

Photo courtesy of Sandra Hodne Do you see what I see? Solveig Hellstrom, president of the Sons of Norway Norrona Lodge #3-467 in Pearl River, N.Y., holding a copy of the Norwegian American Weekly while she was on her trip to China in October 2011. Tusen takk for bringing us along, Solveig!

Want to be featured in our Photo of the Week? Email [email protected] or mail your photo with a caption.

Words to live by...

Tida går og går i ring, Time goes on and on in circles, ei tid for alle ting. a time for everything. Mye går over, og mye går an Much passes, and much is possible Solution below i tidas lille spann. in time’s small span. By Kjerstin Aune, www.ordtak.no Back to the books! Does your lodge or Scandinavian organization offer a Lydia Almquist Minneapolis MN scholarship in the spring? William E Mansell Springfield OR Ellen M. Beck Seattle WA Do you know of a 17. januar Mrs. Carl Nelson Staughton WI deserving Norwegian Herman A. Olson Olympia WA education program to 13. januar Jonas Motland Anaconda MT share with our readers? Ole and Lena Alfred Smemo Eau Claire WI Gustav Carlson Toledo OH Anne Austad Hermanson Melbourne FL Lawrence C. Olson Tumwater WA America’s favorite Norwegians! Harald Breivik Farstad Norway Marilyn Andersen Centerburg OH Call (800) 305-0217 or Ole and Lena were sitting down to 14. januar 18. januar email naw@norway. their usual cup of morning coffee listening Harald Veseth Malta MT Alice Bjorvand Tveit Norway com to be listed in to the weather report coming over the radio. Josephine Nelson Santa Rosa CA Palmer Knutson Ferryville WI “There will be 3 to 5 inches of snow today Alma S. Knudsen Mukilteo WA Duane C. Hedal Great Falls MT our Education Issue in and a snow emergency has been declared. Erling Berg Seattle WA Otto Eik Lombard IL February! You must park your cars on the odd num- Torbjørn Pedersen Conway AR Anna Storlie Lawrence Everett WA bered side of the streets.” Ole got up from Julia Losnegaard Korssund Norway Bell Lirhus LaCosta CA his coffee and replies “Jeez, okay.” Mark A. Uhl Portland OR Stella Haugland Moorhead MN Two days later, again they both are sit- Arlene M. Templin Seattle WA 19. januar ting down with their cups of morning cof- Solveig M. Grupp Sioux Falls SD Adelheid Marie Haugan Price Springboro OH fee and the weather forecast is, “There will Jeffrey Johnson 15. januar Seattle WA be 2 to 4 inches of snow today and a snow Astrid Olafson Everett WA Axel Gidlof Los Angeles CA emergency has been declared. You must Helen Ruen Decorah IA Helga Nelson Spokane WA park your cars on the even numbered side of Norma Pedersen Melick Oldwick NJ John Husaby Cannon Falls MN the streets.” Ole got up from his coffee and Gunnar Solbjørg Vestre Gausdal Norway Erna Mayfield Newport News VA replies, “Jeez, okay.” Astrid Bjerke Oslo Norway Kari Jensen Ventura CA Three days later, again they both are Mary T. Vangsnes Moose Jaw Sask Can sitting down with their cups of coffee and Verla Aamodt Keeling Cedar Rapids IA the weather forecast is, “There will be 6 to 8 Gordon Walvik-Nielssen Beaverton OR Want to see your birthday in the inches of snow today and a snow emergency Edward Thompson Gardiner NY Norwegian American Weekly? has been declared. You must park your cars 16. januar on the. . .” and then the power went out and Anne Graven Aws Madison MN Call at (800) 305-0217 or email naw@ Ole didn’t get the rest of the instructions. He Karl Heistein Poulsbo WA norway.com. Birthdays must be submitted at says to Lena, “Jeez, what am I going to do Inga Bersos Seattle WA least one month in advance. now, Lena?” Oscar Fuglestad Cashmere WA NB: Has someone on our birthday list passed Lena replies, “Aw, Ole, yust leave the Berit Røsand Norge away? Please notify us. car in the garage.” norwegian american weekly January 13, 2012 • 11 Obituaries & Religion Just a minute In Loving Memory Encouraging columns by the late Pastor Per W. Larsen, written for Norway Times and now shared with the readers of the Norwegian American Weekly Do you have a loved one or friend who has recently passed? Contact us at (206) 784-4617 or [email protected] to place an obituary. Make the best of it Hughie W. Johnson “Why did you make me like this?” it is, that you are an alcoholic because you October 12, 1927 - November 22, 2011 (Romans 9:20) have dandruff in your hair. That’s the rea- When we don’t succeed in life, when son why we are all here!” No person with Hughie W. Johnson of Warsaw, N.Y., a long-time member of the former Hermitage we stare blindly at our weaknesses and de- problems will be helped by blaming them- called home by his savior, Jesus Christ on Baptist Church. He was a devoted husband, feats, or battle with nervous tension – have selves or others. Nov. 22, 2011 at Strong Memorial Hospital father, grandfather and great grandfather. we not then, most of us, blamed our Cre- Life is often tangled and incomprehen- in Rochester, N.Y. He was 84. Surviving are his wife of 64 years, Al- ator? sible. We are responsible for doing the best He was born Oct. 12, 1927, in the Town berta Reed Johnson, whom he married Nov. “Why did you make me like this?” we can in every situation. It is unworthy for of Wethersfield, N.Y., son of the late Ephri- 15, 1947; his children, Sharon (Willard) Even Job did that (read Job 3:1 – 6). an adult person to blame others when the am and Lucy Wilson Johnson. Hughie was Preussel of Madison, Ala., Lisa (Richard) Or we may put the blame on our par- fact is that he or she has been shirking their a veteran of the U.S. Navy, having served Hodges of Albion, H. Wilson “Wil” (Linda) ents, our environment, or other people. personal responsibility and duties. We have from 1945 to 1947. He was employed as a Johnson of Pittsford, N.Y.; 10 grandchildren; “Everything would have been so much to learn to accept ourselves and our circum- machinist at Morton Salt Company in Sil- 12 great-grandchildren; his brother, Nels better without a certain person’s influence stances and use the opportunities life offers. ver Springs, N.Y., for 32 years. He retired in (Dorothy) Johnson of Gurley, Ala.; his sister in our lives. Yes, we would have fared so Only then will we grow in maturity and 1989. In earlier years, Hughie was a self-em- in law, Marilyn Johnson of Ocala, Fla.; sev- much better if only life’s circumstances had openness. With God it is possible (Psalm ployed farmer and in his retirement years, he eral nieces and nephews. He was the brother been more merciful to us.” 55:22). ran Hew’s Tool & Saw Sharpening. He en- of the late Gordon Johnson and Robert John- Indeed, we are all a product of genes, Christian faith offers a marvelous op- joyed the outdoors and working on cars and son. milieu and experience, but the counter bal- portunity to neutralize unhappy circum- tractors. Hughie was a devout Christian and ance against these negative factors will not stances in life. By the grace of God, our be found by blaming others. Worst are the negative experiences may give the very self-made trials. motices to turn things around and make the < Crown An alcoholic gave a testimony at an best of every situation. From page 1 greetings from the U.S. As said, preparations are under way AA meeting. He had so many excuses for Remember this line from the old for the next contest to be held on Saturday his abuse of alcohol that a friend in the au- prayer: “God help me accept the things I test for Miss Norway of Greater New York dience yelled impatiently: “Just tell it like cannot change.” had already begun late in November. The March 31 at the Norwegian Christian Home Full Service Agency With Experienced Norwegian Speaking Consultants! committee which is an arm of the Norwe- and Health Center (NCHHC) in Brooklyn. Meetings are scheduled as follows: Wednes- Full Service Agency WithOur Experienced daily specials Norwegian and regularly Speaking updated Consultants! gian Immigration Association, Inc. is being information will help you make wise travel chaired this year by Arlene Bakke Rutuelo days on Jan. 18, Feb. 8 and March 21 at 7 Our daily specials and regularly updated informationdecisions will inhelp ayou make constantly wise travel changing decisions in world! a constantly changing world! and Lynn Kongevold Andersen. p.m. at the NCHHC and Friday, March 9, Sp e c i a l s t o Sc a n d i n a v i a , VERRAZANOSpecials to Scandinavia TRAVEL & LEISURE Megan Hjelle (Miss Norway 2009) was 7 p.m. There is much that has to be done: Eu r o p e & t h e Ca r i b b e a n Europe & the Caribbean obtaining prizes for the contestants, raffle 1 (718) 979-6641 both nervous and excited on the day of the Call us for details! [email protected] us for details! • [email protected] contest but at the end of day was delighted to prizes, judges; organizing publicity, the Lit- meet so many friendly Norwegians and other tle Miss Norway section, luncheon logistics, Verrazano TraVel & leisure contestants who had much in common with menus and programs. Subscribe to1 (718) the 979-6641 Weekly! her. At the Syttende Mai Parade, Megan felt Among the members of the commit- [email protected] [email protected] as if Norwegian-Americans from the East tee are: Janet Faaland, Megan Hjelle, Linda Support the only Norwegian-American newspaper for just Coast were there. In the end was so proud Hobbesland, Victoria Hofmo, Anne Marie $59 per year. See page 3 for details. and grateful for her Norwegian heritage. and George Jensen, Laila Jensen, Roy Jor- Jennifer Egeberg, Miss Norway 2011, gensen, Odette Larsen, Lars Nilsen, Kris- Funeral Home was able to represent the Greater New tine Oftedal, Gerd Sagan, Rigmor Swensen, York community at the Utvandrefestival in Freia Titland, Katrina Winslow and there is SOlie and Crematory Kvinesdal and tour Norway and visit fam- room for more interested people. If you have Honoring • Caring • Serving ily because she had won round trip tickets to in interest in helping or have any questions Norway because of her newly won title. The you may contact Arlene at [email protected], 3301 Colby Ave. Everett, WA 98201 (425) 252-5159 air tickets to Norway afford a special experi- 718-748-1874 or Lynn at justwingit89@nyc. ence for the young ladies who become Miss rr.com. Norway of Greater New York as they bring Has your family changed over the years? < Norwegians Your benefi ciaries may have changed, too. From page 3 She led the largest civil disobedience action in Norway since the Alto-Kautokeino pro- Make sure this information is up-to-date. To get started, talk to your but has lived in Siggerud, Norway, for sev- tests 30 years ago. fi nancial representative today! eral years, was vacationing with his parents This is the first time Ny Tid has awarded at Utvika when he heard the shots at neigh- the honor to more than one person. boring Utøya. When Gleffe saw people des- “Individually, they have done enough to perately trying to swim to safety, he was the win the prize on their own. At the same time, first on the scene to rescue survivors. Gleffe we believe that their cases are complemen- saved over 20 young lives. tary, and together they say something im- Synnøve Kvamme has been at the fore- portant about the year 2011,” says Ny Tid’s front for the past six years in non-violent managing editor Dag Herbjørnsrud. protests against the development of the con- troversial “monster masts” in Hardanger.

< Ibsen From page 3 station by watching a cruise ship sail the Insurance products issued or offered by Thrivent Financial for Lutherans, Appleton, WI. Not all products are available in all states. Securities and investment advisory services are offered through Thrivent fjord, eating a little brunost on waffles and Investment Management Inc., 625 Fourth Ave. S., Minneapolis, MN 55415, 800-847-4836, a FINRA curds and whey? Curds are the milk solids drinking a glass of apple juice with our guide and SIPC member and a wholly owned subsidiary of Thrivent Financial for Lutherans. Thrivent Financial representatives are registered representatives of Thrivent Investment Management Inc. They are also used in cheese, while whey is the liquid that and friends. Brunost, straight from the farm licensed insurance agents of Thrivent Financial. is left over and often used as animal feed or is very different than what we see here in the • NOT A DEPOSIT • NOT FDIC INSURED as a protein food supplement. Leave it to U.S., so I bought a block to give my wife • NOT INSURED BY ANY FEDERAL GOVERNMENT AGENCY our frugal Norwegian ancestors to produce a when we met later in Trondheim. She loved • NOT GUARANTEED BY THRIVENT FINANCIAL BANK • MAY LOSE VALUE wonderfully sweet, fudgy food product from it, and that proved to be a great return on my Appleton, Wisconsin • Minneapolis, Minnesota • Thrivent.com • 800-THRIVENT (800-847-4836) something others may give to the animals. investment. 27082NAWA N8-11 201103947 We completed our hike to the milking 12 • January 13, 2012 Online: blog.norway.com/category/culture norwegian american weekly Arts & Style Music from the soul Calendar of Events Up-and-coming folk artist Jonas Alaska makes What’s going on in your neighborhood? headlines in Norway’s bustling music scene

California lessons from Bob Boylestad. For more Lutefisk and Meatball Dinner information, contact Mary Johnson, (207) January 21 428-3640 or [email protected]. Santa Rosa, Calif. Join Sons of Norway Freya Lodge for their Minnesota annual Lutefisk and Meatball Dinner. The Rosemaling Class traditional Norwegian menu will include January 21 – February 12 the very famous Lutefisk, as well as delec- Minneapolis, Minn. table meatballs in brown gravy and all the Sons of Norway and Vesterheim are proud trimmings, lefse, almond cake and coffee. to offer a Rosemaling Class by Vesterheim Admission: $22 for adult members, $25 Gold Medalist Shirley Evenstad. Evenstad for adult non-members, $6 for kids 6 – 14. will teach this beginning rosemaling class, Mail paid reservations to Sons of Norway Saturday mornings 9 – 11:30 a.m. from Jan. – Lutefisk Dinner, P.O. Box 6558, Santa 21 through Feb. 12. Sons of Norway mem- Rosa, CA 95406. For more information, bers can earn their Part 1 Cultural Skills call (707) 579-1080 or visit online at www. Medal in Rosemaling with the course. freyalodge.org. Price is $85 for members ($105 for non- members). To register, call (563) 382-9681 Lutefisk and Meatball Dinner or email [email protected]. February 18 San Diego, Calif. Nevada Welcome to Valhall, Sons of Norway in Vegas Viking Lutefisk Dinner Photo courtesy of Arendal Tourist Office San Diego, Calif. Our annual Lutefisk and January 28 Jonas Alaska performing at a concert in Arendal, Norway. Meatball Dinner will be held Feb. 18 at Boulder City, Nev. the East San Diego Masonic Temple, 7849 The Vegas Viking Lodge is hosting its 13th Tommy Dr. in San Diego. The bar opens annual lutefisk dinner in the Las Vegas sub- Ke l s e y La r s o n at 3:30 p.m., and dinner served 4 – 6 p.m. urb of Boulder City, Nev. Advance tickets Copy Editor Cost: $20 per person. RSVP by Feb. 15 are required for this popular event, which with a check payment to Judy Sawyer, 5173 costs $18 per adult and $5 for children 10 Waring Rd #416, San Diego, CA 92120. years and younger. There are seatings at A new young folk artist, who many have “After three years in England, that is For more information, call (619) 583-0859 3 p.m. and 6 p.m. You don’t want to miss compared to reigning Norwegian indie king just how it went. Nobody could pronounce or your contributing editor Bjarne Anthon- it! Send a check made out to the Sons of Sondre Lerche, has been making headlines ‘Aslaksen’ and therefore it became Alaska,” sen at (760) 631-5678. Norway to Gwen Knighton, 2156 Marston Mills Court, Henderson, NV 89044. Please in Norway’s music scene. he said in an interview with Dagbladet. Colorado include your name, phone number and Jonas Alaska, who is 23 years old, was Alaska’s sound has been compared to Barneløpet 2012 whether you want the 3 p.m. or 6 p.m. seat- recently nominated for three Spellemann’s both Bob Dylan and Paul McCartney – high February 25 ing. Purchase your tickets by Jan. 20. Visit prizes for his self-titled debut album. The praise for a musician so young. His up-tem- Granby, Colo. us at www.VegasViking.com. Spellemann is Norway’s foremost music po songs feature the warm sounds of guitar Save the date! Sons of Norway District 6 award, comparable to the Grammy Awards and harmonica, and are backed by strong is proudly inviting all youth cross country New York in the U.S. Jonas Alaska was nominated lyrics. His songs are composed in English. skiers to attend this family event in Colo- Regional Modernism: Symposium on in the categories of Best Male Artist, Best “At the very start I wanted to imitate rado. Barneløpet is a non-competitive ski Early Modern Nordic Art Songwriter, and Best New Artist. Dylan. Today I have him as the mark I mea- event modeled after similar events in Nor- February 11 “I've tried not to think too much about sure everything up against. Not necessarily way. Every skier finishes a winner and re- New York, N.Y. the Spellemann. I was a little relieved when for the music I make, but more that he con- ceives a medal. The program, Regional Modernism: New I got one, but that I got three of them seems stantly finds something new... he is his own, Art in Scandinavia, 1880-1912, will offer quite rude," said the modest artist in an in- and I look up to that,” said Alaska to Aften- Illinois audiences an in-depth look at the art, his- terview with VG Nett. The contest will take posten in September. Norge Ski Club 2012 Winter Tournament tory, and cultural relations of the Scandina- place on Jan. 14. A reviewer in Norway’s Spirit magazine January 28 – 29 vian countries during the dynamic decades When the VG Nett interviewer suggest- wrote, “Jonas Alaska is an album that will Fox River Grove, Ill. of the early 20th century. Presenters will ed that he could win all three, he smiled and reach a broad audience. Not because it is Norge Ski Club’s January tournament explore the ways in which the distinct, re- said, “That won’t happen.” commercial, but because the songs are genu- (International 5-Hills and Junior National gional modernism of the Nordic countries Alaska, whose last name is actually the ine and catchy.” The same magazine recently communicated with the rest of continental Championship Qualifier) will take place far more Norwegian Aslaksen, hails from released a poll done at Øyafestivalen, one of Europe at the turn-of-the-century and how Jan. 28 – 29. The club plans on hosting four Åmli in Aust-, Norway. Music runs in Norway’s biggest music festivals, which re- international teams who will be competing it came to influence North America’s own the family – his older brother, Thomas, has vealed that Jonas Alaska was the best-liked against elite Jumpers from the U.S. in the modern artists following their exposure to also been a name in Norwegian music, and Norwegian album released in 2011. 4th stop of the 5-Hills Tour. For questions the 1912 Exhibition of Scandinavian Art. call Tricia Fisk at (815) 455-6061 or email For more information, call (212) 779-3587 has worked with popular artist Thom Hell. Two of his songs, “In the Backseat” and [email protected]. or visit www.scandinaviahouse.org. Alaska went to England when he was 20 “Tonight,” can be heard for free on his Mys- years old to attend Paul McCartney’s music pace page, www.myspace.com/jonasalaska/ Maine Pennsylvania school, the Liverpool Institute for the Per- music. Maine Nordmenn Meeting Lutefisk and Meatball Dinner forming Arts. February 2 January 20 Falmouth, Maine Lancaster, Pa. Maine Nordmenn will meet at 6:30 p.m. Norwegian Celebration of Lutefisk made < Footsteps every Tuesday and Thursday night. on Thursday, Feb. 2 at Emmaus Lutheran by Sons of Norway Bondelandet Lodge #3- From page 9 Church in Falmouth, Maine. Guest speaker 612 members, along with all of the Norwe- The guided tour costs NOK 150 for adults and NOK 70 for children, and the tour Charles Kaufmann, Director of the Long- gian foods to go along with the Lutefisk! classical restaurants left in Oslo, with tradi- Cost: $15 per person for the best food ever. is available in German, English and/or Nor- fellow Chorus in Portland, Maine, will tional Norwegian food on the menu. Hans give a preview of the March 3 – 5 presenta- Join us Jan. 20 at 6:30 p.m. at St. Thomas wegian. The guide takes place every Tues- Schrøder opened his restaurant in 1925, and tion of “Ole Bull, Longfellow, and Elgar: Church, 301 St. Thomas Rd., Lancaster, day night. Through March 31, the tour starts the interior is covered with paintings from Scenes from the Saga of King Olaf” fea- PA 17601. Call (717) 569-1747 or email every day at 5 p.m. at Radisson Blu Scan- Oslo in the 1920s. turing Norwegian violinists Arve Tellefsen [email protected] for reservations. dinavia Hotel Oslo, and you do not need to and Henning Kraggerud. Craft and Culture order tickets in advance. Before and after session meets at 1 p.m. with rosemaling Underwater pub these dates, you must order tickets with Oslo Close to restaurant Schrøder is Under- Guidebureau. Send your event to [email protected] or call (206) 784-4617 water Pub. This is where Hole seeks res- For more information about author Jo cue when he believes he is not welcome at to be added to the Norway.com online calendar and the Weekly! Nesbø and his books, visit his website at Schrøder. When the guided tour is over, you http://jonesbo.com. Event listings are free, but space is limited. Please contact us at least one month prior to event. can experience live opera performances here norwegian american weekly Online: blog.norway.com/category/norway-in-the-us January 13, 2012 • 13 In your neighborhood < Transition From page 1 focus on the design and layout of the typical Center of community life church interior and the form and location of the subject of the 13th annual Nordic Spirit imagery. The Ringness House Museum is a haven of Symposium to be held at California Lutheran Returning for an encore on the Sympo- University in Thousand Oaks Feb. 10 – 11. sium stage will be Tracey Sands, a researcher Norwegian heritage in Bosque County, Texas “After the Vikings – Before the Refor- in the Faculty of Theology at the University mation: Scandinavia in Transition” will fea- of Copenhagen. Her talk, titled “Saints and ture distinguished speakers from Europe and Late Medieval Nordic Politics,” will shed the U.S., who will shed light on the dynamic light on how saints were enlisted as symbols unfolding of the religious and social land- and patrons of political positions and agen- scape, assisted by vivid visuals. das, using the timeframe to il- Geared toward the general public, the lustrate the role played by the cult of saints. symposium opens with a gala reservation- While the Protestant Reformation led only reception at 5:30 p.m. Friday, Feb. 10, to the destruction of as much as 75 percent in the colorful Scandinavian Center adjacent of the manuscripts and books once found in to the CLU campus. Lectures and presenta- medieval Swedish libraries and book collec- tions will be held in the Preus-Brandt Forum, tions, Sands notes that “There is a surpris- which is on campus. ingly rich trove of information on the cult of The general public, as well as the Scan- the saints in the late Middle Ages.” dinavian community, is invited “to share the Along those lines, medieval statues in time-honored spirit of a symposium, blend- the Nordic region provide a reflection of ing music, dining and the free exchange of religious ideals and artistic careers as well Photo: Diana Ani Stokely ideas to enhance the pleasure of learning,” as international commerce in the five cen- The Ringness House Museum is located in Bosque County, Texas. according to Symposium founder and direc- turies prior to the Reformation. They will tor, Howard K. Rockstad, noting that a Scan- be surveyed in an illustrated presentation by Thomas A. DuBois of the Department of e t t y i n d a l l dinavian musical performance will highlight B T Scandinavian Studies, University of Wiscon- Cranfills Gap, Texas the event’s closing dinner. Christianization did not take hold until sin-Madison, who will show how religious statues were imported and relocated, altered The Jens Ringness house is perhaps the to New York to apply for a patent, but died the 9th century in Denmark, the 11th century and replaced over the course of centuries. most historic of the existing stone homes while there. Examples of his plow can be in Norway and the 12th century in Sweden, A more pagan element – that of word built by the Norwegian settlers to Bosque seen at the Bosque Memorial Museum or the when the respective populations were offi- magic – was practiced in early northern Eu- County, Texas. It is one of 38 buildings in University of Texas Museum. B. B. Swen- cially converted, often by force. rope. Stephen Mitchell of Harvard Univer- the Norse Historical District, crated by the son also ran a cotton gin on the property, but Launching the Symposium at 7 p.m. sity’s Department of Scandinavian and Folk- Department of the Interior in 1983. Jens and no trace of it exists today, although pictures Friday in the Preus-Brandt Forum, Haki An- lore, will reveal secrets of the practice in his Kari Ringness came from Løten, Norway, of it can be seen in several publications. tonsson, lecturer in Medieval Scandinavian talk, “Charming Scandinavia: Word Power, with their three children, settling briefly at The house was home to descendants of studies at University College in London, Magic and Tradition in the Nordic World.” Brownsboro, in East Texas, and then coming the Ringness family until the mid-1930’s and will present an overview of how the differ- Topping off the day’s events will be a to Bosque County in 1854 with seven other the property remained in the family until the ent Nordic countries developed from pagan dinner in the CLU Lundring Events Center, Norwegian families to settle near what be- mid-1960s. The current owners of the prop- Viking principalities to Christian kingdoms. beginning at 7 p.m. For dinner entertainment, came the town of Norse. Their home, spa- erty are Don and Alice Brandenberger. In Antonsson’s talk, “The Nordic Countries and Terhi Miikki-Broersma of Lyndon, Washing- cious for its time, was built in the Norwegian December 2000, the Brandenberger family Their Roads to Christianity 800-1300 AD,” ton will present Finnish, Scandinavian and style called dobblehus. The building consists consented to give the building to the Norwe- will be illustrated by examples of what the other music. She is an award-winning multi- of two wings, joined by a wide hallway, with gian Society of Texas along with a perpetual medieval Scandinavians themselves thought instrument musician and vocalist who was two rooms downstairs on each wing, and easement along FM 219 near the marker. about the conversion of their ancestors. named Finlandia Foundation National Per- upstairs, two sleeping chambers, one for the The conditions of this agreement were that Scandinavian garb, from before the Vi- former of the Year 2009. Dinner reservation girls and another for the boys. The two wings the house had to be moved and reconstruct- king Age to the High Medieval, will be in deadline is Jan. 27, and the cost per person exactly parallel one another, with matching ed, as it had fallen into disrepair, the roof and the spotlight to complete Friday evening’s has been reduced this year to $30. fireplaces on each end, larger rooms on the all flooring, windows, and huge hand-hewn program with a presentation by Michelle The Nordic Spirit Symposium is spon- south, and narrower ones on the north, with beams having fallen in. Nordtorp-Madsen, chief curator of the De- sored by the Scandinavian American Cultur- 12 windows evenly spaced around the house. Thus, began the long road to salvage the partment of Art History, University of St. al and Historical Foundation and California The house was completed in 1859. historic house. Today, it appears almost as Thomas, St. Paul, Minn. Images of some of Lutheran University, and is made possible From the beginning, the home became it would have 150 years ago, thanks to the the few extant European garments and acces- by generous grants from the Barbro Osher a center of community life in the settlement. many donations and long hours of work by sories will be shown. Pro Suecia Foundation with additional sup- Kari Ringness was noted for her hospitality, the many people who have served on the Saturday’s line-up begins at 9 a.m. with port from the Norway House Foundation, the and many new settlers to the area lived with committee to restore the house. During the a presentation by Ernst F. Tonsing, profes- Royal Norwegian Consulate General in San the family until they could build a shelter for past year the second floor has been complet- sor emeritus in the CLU Department of Reli- Francisco and the Consulate General of Fin- their families. Along with the Ole Pierson ed, a septic tank installed, a tiny restroom fit- gion. His topic, “Viking Temples to Viking land in Los Angeles. house, the two alternated as places of wor- ted under the stairway, and a kitchen cabinet Churches: A Majestic and Elegant Contribu- First held in 2000, the Nordic Spirit ship in the early years before a church could with sink built. These last improvements to tion to World Architecture,” will be illustrat- Symposiums have previously featured Vi- be established. The west parlor became ed with photographs of stave churches taken kings, immigrants, explorers, World War the site of informal Sunday worship, where See > ringness, page 15 on a recent trip to Scandinavia. II, Scandinavian contributions on the world neighbors came with their hymnbooks and An inside look at the churches of old scene, and other topics. For further informa- bibles. It was here that on Jan. 10, 1867, that will be presented by Lena Liepe of the Uni- tion, contact C. Allan Carlson, (805) 778- visiting Pastor S. S. Reque joined the group versity of Oslo. “The Late Medieval Church 0162 or e-mail [email protected]. and held the first Lutheran service in Bosque Interior: the Room and its Holy Images,” will County. During this visit, he urged the grow- ing community of Norwegians to organize a Sons of Norway Building, B-20 congregation and call a pastor. This they did, Norway Art 1455 W. Lake Street and the resulting congregation became Our (612) 339-7829 Minneapolis, MN 55408 Savior’s Lutheran Church, which still minis- www.norwayartonline.com • email: [email protected] ters to the surrounding community. In 1931, By appointment please this congregation recognized the role of the Ringness place by erecting a marker along FM 219. Norwegian- The Ringness homestead consisted of Always the owned other important buildings as well. Jens was best possible since 1963 a blacksmith, and the shop he constructed of prices! stone still stands. It was here that his son Ole, AIR – SEA – LAND SPECIALISTS a mail carrier, invented the disk plow. On one of his trips to Fort Worth with the mail, Contact us for all your travel needs, domestic and worldwide he observed how the wagon wheels cupped in the mud, and that the more they cupped, Photo: Betty Tindall 7906 Fifth Avenue, Brooklyn, NY 11209 the more mud was moved. This gave him Emily Goedecke at the entrance of the Ringness Tel: (718) 748-7400 • Fax: (718) 238-3604 • [email protected] the idea for a better kind of plow. Ole went House in Bosque County, Texas. 14 • January 13, 2012 Online: blog.norway.com/category/norwegian-americans norwegian american weekly Norwegian heritage Corner The boys from Vangen: Rønningen Ramblings with Heidi Håvan Grosch Written by Leif Halse Heidi was a long-time Minnesotan until she married Vangsgutane, a classic series in Norway from 1941 to present, was used as curriculum material in her favorite Norwegian, Morten, and moved to his home Norwegian schools, as the series had easy-to-read text with pictures. Deb Nelson Gourley of Astri country of Norway. As a recent immigrant she is experi- My Astri Publishing brings the copyrighted bilingual Norwegian/English serialization of “The Boys encing Norway with a unique perspective, filling us in on From Vangen: Vangsgutane” to the readers of the Norwegian American Weekly to practice their the good, the bad and the unexpected! Norwegian reading skills, as well as enjoy a Norwegian classic!

A New Year’s Eve Wedding

VOTTENE HANS MARTIN SKJORHAGEN MARTIN SKJORHAGEN’S MITTENS Da Martin Skjorhagen kommer smet- When Martin Skjorhagen comes sneak- tende ut bakdøra, møter han Sterk-Ola Bak- ing out of the back door, he meets Strong- ken. Sterk-Ola spør om hvor han har tenkt Ola Bakken. Strong-Ola asks where he is seg i dag, når han har slikt hastverk? Martin rushing off to today. Martin mumbles that mumler om at han skulle ha vært borti fjøset he needs to go over to the barn. “No, you’d en tur. «Nei, no lyt du vere med innatt, for better go inside with me now, because I need eg skulle tale med deg som aller snarast,» to speak to you for a minute,” laughs Strong- ler Sterk-Ola. Ola. Inne i stua står lensmannsbetjenten og In the living room, the sheriff’s deputy venter på dem. Han peker på en enslig vott is waiting for them. He points at a single mit- som henger over ovnen. Så spør han Mar- ten that is hanging over the stove. He asks tin hvor han har maken. Men Martin ljuger Martin where its mate is. But Martin lies frekt at den andre votten datt ned på ovnen boldly that the other mitten fell down onto og brant opp. Da drar betjenten opp den an- the stove and burned up. Then the deputy dre votten fra lomma si, og forteller om hvor pulls the other mitten from his pocket and den ble funnet. tells him where it was found. Lensmannsbetjenten sier han kan hilse The deputy says the sheriff sends his fra lensmannen og si at det er noe han gjerne greetings, and that there is something he Photo: Heidi Håvan Grosch vil tale med Martin om. Men Martin Sk- would like to speak to Martin about. But Fireworks dazzled the residents of Inderøy on New jorhagen klager over at han brått har fått gikt Martin Skjorhagen complains that he has Year’s Eve, celebrating the new year and their merg- i hofta, så han ikke kan røre seg av flekken. suddenly gotten arthritis in his hip, so he er with the municipality of . Right: A map from the Ministry of Local Government and Re- «Så blir eg nøydd til å bere deg!» ler Sterk- can’t move from the spot. “Then I’ll be gional Development shows the two municipalities and their proximity to Trondheim. Ola. Dermed slenger han Martin over skul- forced to carry you!” laughs Strong-Ola. dra, og så går vegen til lensmannsgarden. He then slings Martin over his shoulder and walks down the road to the sheriff’s office. History was made on New Year’s Eve over the role of mayor from Ole Tronstad Translated into English by Alexander Knud Huntrods – Illustrated by Jens R. Nilssen 3.NAW.Legend.22Dec2011_Layout 1 12/22/11 11:35 PM Page 1 this year when Mosvik and Inderøy munici- (Inderøy) and Carl Ivar von Køppen (Mos- Vangsgutane bilingual book available for $19.95 with FREE shipping in the U.S.A. palities became one. Although New Year’s vik) and since it was a wedding, after her www.astrimyastri.com eve is the one night a year it is legal to shoot speech the public was served… Sodd. off fireworks in Norway, this was special Legend of Siljatjern Seter: as over 1,000 people alone witnessed the Life, love and faith on fireworks shot off from Skarnsundbrua (the a Norwegian mountain dairy By Gunlaug Nøkland bridge joining the two municipalities) on the Sodd in Nord-Trøndelag • Bilingual English Norwegian text 31st . Another dazzling display was shot off • 6”x9”, hardcover, 448 pages, Straumbrua (the Straumen bridge) on the SALE 1/2 price • Recipes & pictures of old seter life 1st after a torchlight parade from Sakshaug • Was $29.95, now only $14.95 • Plus FREE shipping in USA church in Inderøy. Two nights of fireworks… it was spectacular. Legend of Siljatjern Seter tells the story of Mette agreeing to take a summer job as a The idea of local municipalities was in- Photo courtesy of Inderøy Sodd budeie (dairy maid) on an old-fashioned troduced to Norway in 1838, and by 1958 demonstration dairy called Siljatjern (Silja’s pond) Seter. Here in this book, you can ex- the number had grown to 744 rural munici- Many have perience life as your ancestors lived in Nor- palities and 64 city municipalities. In an at- their own food specialties that are way before they immigrated to America. tempt to improve local administration and served at special times of the year and Call — send a check — or order from website get the numbers down, hundreds of mergers for important events like weddings Made in America! were proposed, not all readily accepted by and confirmation. Astri My Astri Publishing www.astrimyastri.com the locals. In North Trøndelag that dish is Deb Nelson Gourley Phone: 563-568-6229 It happened in Nord-Trøndelag. In 1962 602 3rd Ave SW, Waukon, IA 52172 [email protected] sodd, round meatballs made of sheep Røra and became a part of In- swim in a broth and are served with Norway.com Royal Norwegian Consulates derøy kommune and in 1964, Beistad, Egge, carrots, boiled potatoes and a special Kvam, Ognhal, Sparbu and Stod all became flatbread that is sweet on one side Organization of the Week in North America a part of Steinkjer kommune. After the 1960s (skjenning). Sodd is not soup, and take Michigan things settled down and merging municipali- care that a local doesn’t hear you call Miss Norway of ties became a thing of the past… making this it that! In my opinion the best sodd Greater NY CommitTEE merger even more monumental. is made in Inderøy at Inderøy Slakteri Honorary Consul A referendum last year suggesting that (www.inderoysodd.no). Sponsored by the Dennis Flessland Mosvik join Inderøy had the highest voter Norwegian Immigration Association Royal Norwegian Consulate turnout (76.5 percent of the 671 people en- For more information, contact 26017 Concord titled to vote in Mosvik voted) of any refer- For more information about the mu- 1250 67th Street, Brooklyn, NY 11219 Huntington Woods, MI 48070 endum in Norway in 2011 (about 58 percent nicipality merger, here are some informative Phone: (718) 748-1874 Tel: (248) 547 6379 were in favor). Inderøy then had an opinion links: E-mail: [email protected] E-mail: [email protected] poll and once it was determined that there • Mosvik Kommune is history: www. For the full list of organizations, For a listing of all consulates, was support on both sides of the bridge, the nyeinderoy.no visit noram.norway.com/organizations decision was made. Ida Stuberg is taking visit noram.norway.com/organizations See > Wedding, page 15 norwegian american weekly Online: blog.norway.com/category/sports January 13, 2012 • 15 sports < Ringness From page 1 nearly as possible to existing pictures of the Double triumph for Norway house, dating to 1900. Old lumber has been Kokslien and Moan with strong finish in Oberstdorf the original design are unobtrusive, but will used to reconstruct the door, window frames, allow the home to be used for a variety of and flooring; old windows and doors replace activities. The committee hopes to have the those lost to us today. As the house had been trim on the front porch and simple mantes covered over with plaster to give a smooth completed for this year’s County Christmas interior and exterior, it has been reconstruct- Tour. The Jens Ringness House is now a sep- ed with some plaster both inside and out, arate non-profit entity, with its own bylaws allowing spectators to see how it may have and governing board. The house is now be- looked originally and as the family improved ing used as a house museum, available for the home in the years following 1859. tours to school children and visitors to the Some of the furnishings in the house area. Groups from as far away as Norway are original to the Ringness family; whether have toured the house. This year a large they were used in this house or not cannot be crowd attended the erection of a plaque in determined. These include the double bed the central hall with the names of all Lega- in the master bedroom, a spinning wheel, cy Donors. An oak tree was planted in the a fainting couch, and several other items. front yard in memory of Owen Ringness, Many other items consistent with the period who passed away in July. The committee has have been donated, including the pump or- plans to extend the use of the house in the gan in the parlor, the cast-iron stove in the kitchen, old tables, chairs, stools, benches, Photo: FISNordiccombined.com coming year to include cultural and histori- From left: Norwegians and Mikko Kokslien and German Björn Kircheisen at the World cal venues and demonstrations. and many other items. Other furnishings are Cup competition in Oberstdorf, Germany. In reconstructing the house, care has on loan for the occasion. The home is decked been taken to maintain the exact dimen- out for Christmas as it might have been if the sions, using the rocks in similar sections to family had been still in Norway—doubtless, FIS No r d i c Co m b i n e d the original construction. Since much of the they would not have had the time to do much house was “rubble” construction, rather than of this in 1859. Thus, it must be imagined as Like in the relay-event on the day be- wanted to decide the race in the final climb. cut stone, it was not possible to place each it developed during the years prior to 1900. fore, there were also some similarities to the On top, the three broke away from the rest of stone in its exact original position. One door For more information and pictures, please World Championships in Oberstdorf 2005 in the group. Unlike seven frame, door, and one window are original to check our our website at ringnesshouse.org. today's individual competition. Back then lo- years ago, Björn Kircheisen took the lead and the house, and one of the hand-hewn cedar The docents and Ringness House board cal hero Ronny Ackermann defeated many allowed the others to gain speed and use the beams can be seen in the entrance to the cen- members welcome you to this pioneer home competitors in the final downhill to the finish slipstream. “I tried to get away in the climb, tral hallway. The stairway and doors with and hope you enjoy your visit! and crowned himself World Champion. In the but I couldn’t. But that wasn’t because of the sidelights in the hall have been replaced as year 2012, Norwegian Mikko Kokslien did equipment, that was great,” explained the the same thing. At the end of the final climb third-place finisher, who did not participate he was third, he then defeated his teammate in the relay-race the day before. “It was a dif- < OIL From page 3 empty wells. Magnus Moan and leader Björn Kircheisen ficult race under difficult conditions, but I’m “The Skrugard and Havis discoveries and captured his second individual World happy that my jump was better again.” the NCS show that Norway's oil fairy tale is will be important for industrial development Cup victory in the final sprint. So it was an advantage for the Norwe- far from over. and will further boost activity in the supplier But until the 26-year-old could achieve gians that they were not the fastest on the “The area's size and prospects indicate industry, providing new jobs and generating this success he had to run a difficult and excit- climb but could keep up with the German. that the Norwegian petroleum activities may spin-off effects throughout the region,” said ing race. Kokslien was over a minute behind After his home victory in Lillehammer 2010, have a resource base for the rest of this cen- CEO Helge Lund. the winner of the jumping portion, Christoph it was the second victory for Kokslien. French tury,” wrote Noreng. Professor Dag Harald Claes at the Uni- Bieler from Austria, but in a good position Jason Lamy Chappuis, seventh today, is still It has been a quite a year for Statoil: versity of Oslo told NRK he is not surprised together with his strong teammate Magnus leading in the overall World Cup with 590 The Skrugard prospect was characterized as that there are new major discoveries on the Moan. It took about half the race until a lead- points, ahead of Akito Watabe from Japan the most important discovery for ten years Norwegian continental shelf, and show that ing group consisting of 14 athletes, including (411) and Germany’s (405). when it was discovered in the Barents Sea in pessimism has turned to optimism in the the two Norwegians, formed. The next stop of the World April 2011. In October 2011, the Aldous and Barents Sea. In an exciting final lap, Magnus Moan, Cup is Chaux-Neuve in France, where two Avaldsnes discoveries were twice as large “There is plenty of oil left to find. The Björn Kircheisen and Mikko Kokslien were individual events will be held next weekend. as previously thought, making it one of the predicted end of the ‘oil age’ for Norway and leading the group. No wonder that they larger finds ever in Norway. the world is continually shifting forward. It's Until 2011, the Barents Sea was marked always been like this, and it will be for de- Sports News & Notes by many disappointments in the form of cades to come,” said Claes.

Bjørgen and Northug beaten on the hill second round, Svendsen was in 23rd place, but Norway’s Marit Bjørgen failed in her attempt high speed on the trail and perfect shooting on to overtake her rival Justyna Kowalczyk on the last leg, brought him to the podium. Nor- the last grueling hill of the final stage of Tour way’s Lars Berger ended in 17th place. In the de Ski on Jan. 8, and had to settle for second women’s 12.5 km mass start Norway’s Tora place. Compatriot , fastest on Berger captured seond place, after two penalty the hill climb, captured third place overall. On rounds. Germany’s won, the men’s Tour de Ski 9km pursuit in Val di Fi- with compatriot , who had led emme, Norway’s Petter Northug ended in third most of the way, in third. place, after he failed in his attempt to overtake (NRK / Aftenposten) his main rival, Swiss Dario Cologna. He also Stage victory for Rønning Sons of Norway Building, B-20 lost his second place in the race to Sweden’s 1455 W. Lake Street Marcus Hellner on the “Monster Hill.” Norway’s Eldar Rønning won the 20km classic Norway Art Minneapolis, MN 55408 (Norway Post) mass start event of Tour de Ski on Saturday, (612) 339-7829 ahead of Canada’s Alex Harvey. Swiss Dario www.norwayartonline.com • email: [email protected] : Svendsen third in Germany Cologna captured third place, ahead of Nor- By appointment please Thanks to a fast finishing leg, Norway’s Emil ways’ Petter Northug. This means that Cologna Hegle Svendsen captured third place in the is in the overall lead of the Tour, and that Nor- men’s , 15km mass start in thug will start 1.22 seconds behind leader Co- Oberhof on Jan. 8. Germany’s Andreas Birn- logna, heading into Sunday’s decider, the 10km The Scandinavian Hour bacher won. Simon Fourcade of France came pursuit, the last leg of the Tour de Ski. second. After two misses on the range in the (Norway Post) Celebrating over 50 years on the air! KKNW – 1150 AM < Athlete From page 1 stroke event in Shanghai last year. Saturdays 9 – 10 a.m. PST He tops the ranking by a good margin, Dale Oen became the first Norwegian ahead of cross-country skiers Marit Bjørgen Streaming live on the internet at: ever to become world champion in swim- and Petter Northug. www.1150kknw.com ming, when he won gold on the 100m breast- Not for Profit Retirement & Assisted Living Community serving Seattle for over 50 years!

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