
(Periodicals postage paid in Seattle, WA) TIME-DATED MATERIAL — DO NOT DELAY

The Royal Visit In Your Neighborhood Fun at the The Royal Visit in NCHHC Fall Fair words and photos Nynner du sangen om høsten med, finner ditt hjerte fred. in Brooklyn, N.Y. Read more on pages 8 – 13 – Herman Wildenvey Read more on page 17 Norwegian American Weekly

Vol. 122 No. 39 October 28, 2011 Established May 17, 1889 • Formerly Western Viking and Nordisk Tidende $1.50 per copy .com News Find more at www.norway.com More millionaires in Norway News Tax lists released The high-rise centerpiece of Norway’s bombed-out govern- Oct. 21 show ment headquarters may be torn down even if it’s found to be increase in structurally sound, a govern- millionaires from ment minister has confirmed. Security issues, costs and the 2009 – 2010 concerns of those who had offices in the building will all play a role in the final deci- St a f f Co m p i l a t i o n Norwegian American Weekly sion. (blog.norway.com/category/ news) With its small population and sophisticated systems, it’s easy for Business the government to have full docu- Sitting on a $550 billion oil mentation of every resident who fortune, Norway said it would lives and works in Norway. Every consider investing in a pro- year at the end of October, a list posed special purpose vehicle with the net taxable income, taxes to strengthen the euro zone paid and assets of each individual rescue fund if asked. Euro zone person from last year becomes officials have said they may public information. create a special purpose vehi- In an article by VG, the new Photo: Yngve Ask /Innovation Norway cle of the European Financial The 2010 skattelister (tax lists) were released Oct. 21 in Norway, revealing the incomes and fortunes of most of the country’s Stability Facility (EFSF) that See > taxes, page 6 population. would use contributions from sovereign wealth funds and other institutions as collateral to borrow money for purchas- ing Italian or Spanish bonds on Takk for besøket! Doubling potential the secondary market. Finance Their Majesties wrap up their US visit Statoil confirms minister Sigbjørn Johnsen said in a statement to Reuters that significant additional investing in the euro zone res- volumes in the cue fund would not violate the parliament’s investment guide- Aldous discovery lines for the Government Pen- sion Fund. Sp e c i a l Re l e a s e (blog.norway.com/category/ business) On Oct. 24, Statoil announced that the doubling of the estimated What’s inside? oil reserves at its Aldous/Avald- News 2-3 snes discovery in the North Sea made it “a giant.” Business 4 See > potential, page 16 Photo: Ole Jørgen Bratland / Statoil Research & Education 5 Statoil’s VP for exploration Tim Dodson Opinion 6-7 Royal Visit special section 8-13 Gearing up for the next Roots & Connections 14 Obituaries & Religion 15 National team Photo: Lise Åserud / The Royal Court Arts & Style 16 Their Majesties King Harald and Queen Sonja with members of the Children's already preparing In Your Neighborhood 17 choir that sang for them at the Seamen's Church in New York. for the European Norwegian Heritage 18 championship Sports 19 During their 10-day official Queen’s visit to the U.S. was part visit to the U.S., Their Majesties of the commemorative activities King Harald and Queen Sonja had celebrating the centennial anniver- Af t e n p o s t e n $1 = NOK 5.5257 the opportunity to visit a number sary of the American-Scandinavian updated 10/24/2011 of Norwegian-American commu- Foundation, which culminated with In comparison nities, institutions and organiza- the Centennial Ball on Oct. 21. There were no European 9/24/2011 5.8384 tions in Iowa and Minnesota – two Our special Royal Visit sec- Championship finals for Norway, 4/24/2011 5.3577 of the states to which many Nor- tion starts on page 8 with articles, Wales or Northern Ireland this year, 10/24/2010 5.8095 wegian immigrants flocked during photos and more. the 1800s and 1900s. The King and See > preparing, page 19 Photo: Fotball.no 2 • October 28, 2011 norwegian american weekly Nyheter fra Norge Nyheter Rekordmange er millionærer Slik får du sjekket Svinn på 3,7 milliarder kroner Norsk varehandel hadde et svinn på 3,7 mil- I 2010 var det 70.000 skattelistene liarder kroner i perioden juli 2010 til juni 2011, viser en ny undersøkelse. – Svinnet flere nordmenn med VG utgjør 1,35 prosent av norske butikkers om- setning i perioden og er en økning på 7,1 millionformue enn I år må du skrive inn fødselsnummer og prosent siden i fjor, ifølge Global Retail kode for å få snoke i naboens inntekt og for- Theft Barometer. Butikktyverier utgjør den året før mue. største delen av svinnet med 49,3 prosent, De fire siste årene har skattelistene lig- men langt mer overraskende er det at 28,1 VG get åpent tilgjengelig og søkbare i norske prosent som settes på butikkenes tapskonto nettaviser, men i mai i år bestemte regjerin- skyldes ansatte som ser sitt snitt til å «ta med gen seg for å fjerne den muligheten. Det viser tall fra Skatteetatens ligning- varer hjem». Tyverier begått av leverandører – Vi har utviklet en egen applikasjon der kommer opp i 6,4 prosent, mens såkalte ad- stall som VG Nett har hentet ut. Der kommer Foto: RFP123.com publikum kan søke i skattelistene på vanlig ministrative feil gir et svinn på 16,2 prosent. det frem at 406.236 personer i Norge hadde måte etter å ha logget seg inn, sier senior – Det er en stor utfordring at egne ansatte en million eller mer i formue i 2010. Til sam- – Hvis man tar alle som er over 30 år kommunikasjonsrådgiver Anette Bjerke i stjeler varer i så stor grad, sier Morten Hen- menligning var det 337.815 personer som i Norge og deler på to, så er det et forsiktig Skattedirektoratet til VG Nett. riksen, sjef for Checkpoint Systems Norge. kunne kalle seg millionærer i 2009. anslag på antall millionærer i Norge. Mange Til tross for at du nå må taste inn person- (VG) Men professor Terje Hansen ved Norges minstepensjonister er således millionærer, lig informasjon for å få lov til å søke i skat- Handelshøyskole mener ligningstallene ikke mener Hansen. telistene, så lover Skattedirektoratet at infor- Besøkte ”det nye Norge” på FN-dagen gir et riktig bilde – og at det er langt flere Snittinntekten for de norske skatte- masjon om hvem du søker på ikke lagres. Barne- og likestillingsminister Audun Lys- med millionformue i Norge. betalerne var i 2010 på 231.300 kroner, en – Selv om man logger inn med MinID, bakken feiret FN-dagen på skole i – Tall som er basert på ligningsformuen beskjeden vekst på 2000 kroner fra året før. blir brukernavnet anonymisert. Dette skjer . FN-dagen har blitt feiret 24. ok- er misvisende med hensyn til å reflektere hva Av dem var det 69.042 personer som ved hjelp av kryptering, forklarer avdelings- tober siden 1948, samme dag som FN-pak- folk har i formue. Jeg vil tro at hvis du ser ten trådte i kraft. På Fjell skole har de feiret hadde over en million i skattbar inntekt, if- direktør Jan Christian Sandberg i innovas- på den virkelige formuen er det reelle tallet dagen i 40 år, det vil si hvert år siden skolen ølge Skatteetatens ligningslister. Det er en jons- og utviklingsavdelingen i Skattedirek- langt over en million, det er vanlig å være stod ferdigbygget. Skolegården er pyntet stigning på 9000 personer i forhold til 2009. toratet til VG Nett. millionær i Norge, sier han til VG Nett. Han med flagg fra alle verdensdeler i anledning – Det tallet er langt mer pålitelig og re- Siden høsten 2007 har norske nettaviser peker på at de aller fleste i Norge har egen dagen. Fjell skole har 640 elever med bakg- flekterer i større grad det reelle tallet, mener konkurrert i å ha de raskeste og beste søkene bolig, og på grunn av stigningen i boligver- runn fra 140 ulike nasjoner, og flere av elev- Hansen. når skattelistene har blitt frigjort. I fjor hadde dien de siste syv årene mener han at de fleste ene er selv flyktninger. – Skolen deres har – Over tid stiger folks inntekt. I fjor VG Nett alene 14 millioner søk i listene det sitter på verdier på minst en million. blitt et symbol på ”det nye Norge”, og klarer hadde vi en lønnsstigning på fem prosent, første døgnet. Nå innrømmer Skattedirek- – De som har anskaffet seg en bolig for å gjøre noe som resten av Norge kanskje kan det betyr at alle som da hadde en lønn på toratet at de tviler på at de vil klare å levere syv år siden eller tidligere sitter nå igjen med lære noe av, nemlig å bruke mangfold som 930.000, nå ligger over en million, forklarer søkeresultat til alle de første timene. en styrke, og vise at disse elevenes ulike en betydelig høyere verdi på den, og en ves- han. identiteter tilfører det norske noe ekstra, sa entlig lavere gjeld, sier professoren. English Synopsis: For the past four years, anyone Barne- og likestillingsminister Audun Lys- Formuen som kommer frem i ligningen English Synopsis: With Norway’s release of the 2010 could search through tax records on VG Nett and bakken. anslår han til å bare være 25-30 prosent av tax list, the records show that in just one year, there other sources. Now one must sign up for a user ID and enter in their personal number to access the data. (NRK) den reelle formuen. are 70,000 new millionaires in Norway. – Norsk økonomi sårbar tross oljen Norsk økonomi kommer ikke uberørt fra Sier nei til sær- problemene i verdensøkonomien selv om Brendemo Hagen er hjemme oljeprisene skulle holde seg høye, fastslår Stina Brendemo Handelsbanken. Veksten i Europa og USA lov etter 22. juli kommer til å flate ut, og i verste fall går de Hagen, som nylig to økonomiene, som er de viktigste for den NTB norske, inn i en ny resesjon. Da kommer flyktet fra Bolivia, er ikke Norge fra det uberørt, fastslår Handels- Det opplyser statsråd Karl Eirik Schjøtt- banken i sin siste konjunkturrapport. – God Pedersen. tilbake i Norge oljepris er ikke nok til å hindre en eventu- – Da 22. juli-kommisjonen ble nedsatt, ell global resesjon fra å få betydelige kon- vurderte vi nøye spørsmålet om offentlighet. sekvenser også her til lands. Handelsbanken VG ser for seg en vekst i fastlandsøkonomien på Vi ønsker generelt stor grad av åpenhet, spe- 1,8 prosent neste år og 2,4 prosent året etter, sielt i denne saken, som er av stor allmenn – Ja, hun er tilbake i Norge, bekrefter at inflasjonen holder seg lav «i lang tid fram- interesse og betydning. Derfor er vi også advokat Frode Sulland overfor VG Nett. over» og at rentenivået kommer derfor til å skeptisk til en særlov om unntak fra offent- Han har representert Brendemo Hagen her holdes nede i minst et år til. – Tyngdekraften lighetsloven, sier Schjøtt-Pedersen. hjemme. kommer til slutt å trekke den norske økono- Regjeringen vil i løpet av de nærmeste Etter det VG Nett får opplyst skal hun ha mien ned også, men fallet trenger ikke bli dagene ha uformelle sonderinger med par- ankommet Norge i dag med en av utenlands- særlig stort og hardt, heter det i rapporten. tiene på Stortinget om dette. fergene. VG Nett kjenner til at 21-åringen nå (NTB/Adresseavisen) – Vi legger vekt på nær kontakt med oppholder seg et sted på Østlandet. Stortinget, det har vi hatt hele veien. Med Mannebladet Alfa skrev i sitt siste num- Ikke lenger «Fader vår» i ny Bibel mindre partiene har sterke ønsker om en slik mer at Hagen flyktet fra Bolivia etter å ha Foto: NRK Det er 33 år siden forrige gang. 19. oktober lov, ønsker vi å holde oss til offentlighetslov- blitt løslatt mot kausjon den 31. juli. Hagen Stina Brendemo Hagen under rettssaken i Co- ble den nye Bibelen lansert, i ny oversettelse ens alminnelige bestemmelser, sier Schjøtt- skal ifølge bladet ha fått hjelp av tidligere chabamba i Bolivia. og ny språkdrakt. Og den nye oversettelsen Pedersen. elitesoldater til La Paz, for deretter å ha fløy- byr på til dels store forandringer. Blant annet Det er 22. juli-kommisjonen selv som et over Andesfjellene til en grenseby. pågikk. heter det ikke lenger «Fader vår», men «Vår har bedt Justisdepartementet om unntak fra – Vi er klar over at hun er i Norge. Det far i himmelen». Til sammen 50 mennesker Så skal hun og hennes ett år gamle sønn offentlighetsloven for å beskytte dem som tar vi til etterretning. Vi avventer dommen har vært involvert i arbeidet med å oversette ha blitt fraktet med moped og båt gjennom vil gi informasjon til rapporten. jungelen før hun endte i Brasilia, hvor den i rettssaken. Hvis den ankes og det blir en Bibelen. Ifølge Mydske er språkdrakten i I et brev til Justisdepartementet 18. ok- den nye Bibelen mer presis. – Vi har forsøkt norske ambassaden ligger. Der søkte hun om ny rettsrunde kan det være aktuelt å innkalle tober ba leder Alexandra Bech Gjørv om en å stramme inn språket og fjernet klisjeene. pass, men fikk avslag. Brendemo Hagen som vitne igjen, sier stat- egen særlov slik at kommisjonen gis mu- I stedet for klisjeer har vi latt bildene stå Sammen med Christina Øygarden (21) sadvokat Petter Mandt til VG Nett. der i sin egen kraft, sier han. Han tror den lighet til å beskytte informatørene bedre. og Madelaine Rodriquez (25) ble Stina – Vi har så vidt jeg har klart å bringe nye oversettelsen vil nå nye grupper lesere, – Gjennom diskusjoner, blant annet med Brendemo Hagen tatt med 22,4 kilo kokain i på det rene ikke utstedt pass eller annet re- blant andre flere ungdommer. Ord som er representanter for de direkte berørte og et- Cochabamba i Bolivia 18. mai 2008. I retts- isedokument til Stina Brendemo Hagen. Vi forandret er for eksempel at skjøge er blitt til terlatte, ser vi at de gjeldende reglene om saken som nylig ble avsluttet i tingrett var heller ikke kjent med hennes reise eller hore. I tillegg er ord som fødselsrier, evnukk innsyn vil kunne føre til at mange trekker ble mengden nedjustert til 11 kilo kokain. ankomst til Norge, sier kommunikasjonsråd- og piss brukt. Arbeidet med den nye bibelo- seg fra å gi kommisjonen informasjon som er Øygarden rømte hjem til Norge mens retts- giver Kjetil Elsebutangen i Utenriksdeparte- versettelsen startet for 11 år siden. Både te- vesentlig for at vi skal kunne løse oppgaven saken i Bolivia fortsatt pågikk, men ble tiltalt mentet til VG Nett. ologer og forfattere har deltatt i prosjektet. i vårt mandat, sa Gjørv. for smuglerforsøket i Norge, og venter nå på English Synopsis: Resultatet er en ny oversettelse på bokmål Stina Brendemo Hagen was sen- English Synopsis: The July 22 commission appointed domsavsigelsen. tenced for smuggling 11 kilos of cocaine in Bolivia, og på nynorsk. by the Norwegian government said no to a special dis- Brendemo Hagen skulle ha vitnet i denne and escaped from prison in July. She made her way (VG) closure law. rettssaken, men var forsvunnet så lenge den back to Norway through . Norwegian american weekly Online: blog.norway.com/category/news October 28, 2011 • 3 News This week on Norway.com Stoltenberg visits the White House Breivik refuses MRI of brain Accused terrorist Successful meeting between Prime Minister (32) will not satisfy psychiatrists’ wish that his brain be analyzed. The two court- Stoltenberg and President Obama on Oct. 20 appointed psychiatrists, Synne Sørheim and Torgeir Husby, originally had a deadline of St a f f Co m p i l a t i o n Oct. 15 to submit their report on Breivik to Norwegian American Weekly the Oslo District Court. One of the reasons they got an extension until Nov. 30 was Norwegian Prime Minister Jens Stolten- ship in helping to give Libya an opportunity that they have not yet completed an MRI examination of Breivik’s brain. But Breivik berg met with U.S. President Barack Obama to become a democracy. The President also does not want it, according to VG. “His in the Oval Office on Oct. 20. The two heads referred to the U.S.’s sizable Norwegian- immediate response is that he does not want of government discussed a wide ranging ar- American population and other important any such investigation. He does not consider ray of issues relevant to both nations. bonds that the two countries, bonds that, in it necessary,” says lawyer Geir Lippestad. Obama boasted of Norway’s efforts in his opinion, manifest themselves in common (VG) Libya – on the same day as Libya’s notorious values and issues discussed during the meet- dictator Muhamma Gaddafi was killed. And ing. Fuel leak likely cause in MS Nordlys fire he delivered an equally unrestrained celebra- Stoltenberg expressed appreciation re- A fuel leak probably triggered the fire on tion of how Norway as a people had handled garding the two countries’ cooperation in Af- board the Hurtigruten ship MS Nordlys in the terrorist attacks of July 22. ghanistan and future transition in the country. September. On Sept. 15, Hurtigruten coastal Both Obama and Stoltenberg expressed Also discussed was the world economy and steamer MS Nordlys began to burn as the joy over the Norwegian Prime Minister’s the stabilization of the Eurozone area, with ship was on its way to the port of Ålesund. visit, two years after President Obama re- Obama pointing to the importance of the two Eleven crew members and 207 passengers were on board when the fire started. Two of ceived the Nobel Peace Prize in Oslo. countries’ coordination and partnership. Photo: Daniel Sannum Lauten Obama started the meeting by thanking The President again expressed his con- U.S. President Barack Obama hosted Prime Min- the ship’s staff were killed in the accident. the people of Norway, the Norwegian mili- ister Jens Stoltenberg at the White House for a The Accident Commission, in a preliminary tary, and the Prime Minister for their leader- See > white house, page 5 bilateral meeting on Oct. 21. report, stated that the fire probably started in the starboard main engine. A fuel leak is presented as the cause of the accident. Norway adjusts (Aftenposten) Third richest in the world Gardermoen’s terminal 2 financed representation are the Nordic Investment Bank (NIB) will loan third richest in the world, Avinor NOK 1.5 billion for the construction Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Terminal 2 at Gardermoen Airport according to new report outside of Oslo. The first phase of the evaluates Norwegian from Credit Suisse project increases the capacity of the airport diplomatic presence to 28 million passengers by 2017, while a provision is also made for the next expansion to 35 million passengers. Mi n i s t ry o f Fo r e i g n Af f a i rs NRK (Aftenposten) The Ministry of Foreign Affairs is In a new report by Swiss bank, Norwe- YouTube embraces Norwegian continuing the restructuring of Norway’s gians are the third richest in the world. The technology diplomatic presence abroad. The aim is to Swiss are ranked first place, followed by Today came the news that the Norwegian Australians. strengthen Norway’s presence in new re- company “WeVideo” has secured space on In 2011, adult Norwegians had an av- gions of growth around the world, and to the online video editing tools for the website erage net worth of USD 355,000 (approxi- use the Ministry’s resources as effectively as YouTube. Behind WeVideo is the Norwegian possible. There will therefore be changes in mately NOK 2 million), which is an increase company Inspera, which for a long time three areas next year. Further changes will be of 17.6 percent compared with last year, ac- has developed the editing software Creaza, made in 2013. cording to Credit Suisse’s “Global Wealth aimed at schools and educational institutions. “The world is changing and we are see- Report 2011.” WeVideo is created as a separate company ing a clear shift in power to new regions and Real estate and personal property are and is currently headquartered in Sunnyvale, countries, in particular in Asia. It is impor- included in the sum in addition to financial Calif. WeVideo was launched in September tant that we make adjustments to the Foreign capital. 2011 and is currently in Beta. The fact that Service in the light of these changes. We The Swiss have an average net worth a Norwegian company is taking the plunge need to have the right resources in the right of USD 540,010, equivalent to NOK 3 mil- into the world of this kind of technology places,” commented Foreign Minister Jonas Photo: Ferd lion, while the Australians are in second and an agreement with such a prestigious Johan H. Andresen, who has transformed a to- website, is quite rare. See > Representation, page 5 bacco inheritance into a wide range of business See > wealth, page 16 (NRK) ventures, ranks as the richest person in Norway. Raise funds with the Norwegian American Weekly Share the Norwegian American Weekly with your fellow Norwegians, and benefit your organization at the same time!

We have a new fundraising offer for Scandinavian organizations: • For every new subscription you sell, your organization gets $20 of the profit (It adds up quickly!) • Use the money towards programs, scholarship funds, or however you like • Every subscription is an investment in Norwegian heritage, and keeps your members in the loop about Norway and the Norwegian-American community Want more information? Contact Kelsey at [email protected] or (800) 305-0217

Norwegian American Weekly (USPS 679-840) (ISSN 1942-1389) is published weekly except the last two weeks of July, the first two weeks of August and the last week of Dec. by Norwegian American Weekly Inc, 7301 Fifth Avenue NE Suite A, Seattle, WA 98115. Periodicals postage paid at Seattle, WA and at additional mailing offices. POSTMASTER: Send address changes to Norwegian American Weekly 7301 Fifth Avenue NE Suite A, Seattle, WA 98115. Phone: (206)784-4617 • Email: naw@norway. Proud to bring you the Norwegian American Weekly com • Website: norway.com. Annual subscription cost: USD $55 domestic; USD $75 to ; USD $175 to Norway and all other foreign countries. 4 • October 28, 2011 Online: blog.norway.com/category/business norwegian american weekly Business

Exchange Rates Oslo Børs: Week at a Glance (October 24, 2011) Winners Losers

Name NOK Change Name NOK Change Successful spinoff Norsk Kr. 5.5257 Renewable Energy Corp. 5.18 18.8% IGE Resources 0.02 -33.3% Dansk Kr. 5.3488 Norse Energy Corp. 0.41 17.1% Camilo Eitzen & Co. 0.82 -17.2% Starting out as a Telenor research project, Svensk Kr. 6.5475 Norwegian Energy Corp. 5.25 14.9% Eitzen Chemical 0.12 -14.3% Blom 0.28 12.0% Solvang 22.0 -12.0% Opera Software now has more than 700 Canadian $ 1.0036 Electromagnetic Geo. 14.4 11.2% SinOceanic Shipping 5.77 -8.99% Euro 0.7183 For detailed information about the Oslo Børs, visit www.dn.no. million web browser users worldwide

Norwegian Commercial Club Ra s m u s Fa l ck seattle, washington Oslo, Norway

November 10 Guest speaker: Bill Stafford Opera started out in 1994 as a research with their Kenyan partner. Kenya’s largest Bill Stafford with the Seattle Trade Alliance will speak on project within Telenor, Norway’s leading integrated telecoms operator will deliver the the subject of International Trade with Norway. telecom. Within a year, Opera Software ASA Opera Mini browser solution to its more than Social time: 6 p.m. Dinner: 6:30 p.m. was launched as an independent develop- 17 million subscribers. This includes the Menu: Baked salmon, mashed potaotes, mixed vegetables, salad, ment company. The founders were Jon S. launch of a co-branded version of the Opera Dessert. von Tetzchner and Geir Ivarsøy. Mini mobile browser, which is The first product was a web now available for download November 24 Happy Thanksgiving! browser for Windows re- across its network in Ke- leased in 1997. They had nya. The agreement is Please be kind to our caterers – please call the Leif Erikson an IPO in 2004 and were part of a global agree- Lodge office at 783-1274 by Wednesday before to meeting listed on the Oslo Stock ment between Voda- to ensure there is enough food for everyone! Exchange the same fone and Opera. year. Today, they are The staff is quite headquartered in Oslo international. CTO 6 p.m. at Leif Erikson Lodge, located at 2245 NW 57th Street, Seattle, with over 700 employ- Håkon Wium Lie is WA 98107. To purchase tickets (dinner included) contact Ozzie ees in offices in Swe- a graduate from MIT Kvithammer at Viking Bank (206) 297-4254. den, , , In- Media Lab where he dia, , South-Korea, was part of Walter Bren- supporting local norwegian bu siness since 1932 Taiwan, Czech Republic der’s Electronic Publish- and the U.S. and more than ing Group. Before joining 700 million users worldwide. Opera he worked at CERN in They believe that access to the , known for inventing the Web is a universal right. Their web browsers Web. He heard the big bang and came run- are adapted to a wide range of platforms, op- ning to the World Wide Web project where erating systems and embedded internet prod- he worked with Tim Berners-Lee and Robert ucts – including Mac, PC and Linux com- Cailliau. There, he developed the CSS – Cas- puters, tablets, mobile phones and PDA’s, cading Style Sheets, a technology that today as well as various game consoles and other forms the net. On the Norwegian Design Day devices. recently he talked about how CSS 3 is going The browsers are the choice of some to change our websites in the near future, a of the world’s most demanding and knowl- topic of importance for both designers and edgeable users. At the same time, when the business managers. He used Opera as both powerful compression technology in the browser and presentation tool. full browser is applied to the Opera Mini In September Opera chose Fortress Co- browser, the Web is accessible on even the location Center as its newest provider for simplest handsets, with small screens and its North American data centre service. The limited memory. This has made the Opera Fortress offering of a renewable green ener- Mini browser the world’s most popular mo- gy source was instrumental in helping Opera bile browser. choose Fortress as the primary collocation Opera just extended their partnership provider in the Pacific Northwest. MULLAVEY, PROUT, GRENLEY & FOE Business News & Notes a t t o r n e y s a n d c o u n s e l o r s a t l a w Statoil to build U.S. shale crude shipping technical regulations for fishing activities, con- Advice regarding maritime and civil claims, disputes, capacity trol measures and research collaboration. The Statoil will build more crude shipping capac- parties agreed the total quotas as early as the commercial transactions and estate planning. ity in the Williston Basin of North Dakota and first day of negotiations. The total quota for Montana as part of its USD 4.4 billion bid for northeast Arctic cod in 2012 is set at 751,000 24001 NW Sixty-fifth P.O. Box 70567 Seattle, WA 98107 Austin-based Brigham Exploration a company tons. This is an increase of 48,000 tons on 2011. executive said on Oct. 17. The Norwegian state The total quota for cod is distributed between Telephone: (206) 789-2511 Fax: (206) 789-4484 oil company said it would build more shipping Norway, Russia and third-party countries ac- capacity, with a focus on pipelines, but did not cording to the same pattern as previous years. commit itself to any specific pipeline project. Norway’s quota for next year will be 339,857 Analysts said that because of the deal’s steep tons, including coastal cod and research catch- The Wooden Spoon cost, the oil major will have to invest in infra- es. This is an increase of 20,000 tons. SCANDINAVIAN SHOP structure projects to recover some of its invest- (Nortrade) ment as it ramps up production. 1617 Avenue K, Plano, Texas 75074 (Reuters) Norway keeps rate unchanged, abandons On the web: www.woodenspoon.ws plan to raise in 2011 [email protected] • (972) 424-6867 Norwegian-Russian fishery pact agreed Norway’s central bank kept its benchmark The fishery collaboration between Norway and interest rate unchanged and signaled it won’t Exclusive designs of the Wooden Spoon! Russia builds on mutual trust and willingness raise until the second half of next year on con- Uff da Wine Glass $12.95 to find solutions. Over more than 30 years, the cern that a weaker global economy will hurt Uff da is-- $9.95 Norwegian-Russian fisheries collaboration has exports and sap growth. The rate will probably Shipping $12.00 developed into a comprehensive and close part- not be raised until after June 2012, the bank nership that ensures responsible management said. Norwegian policy makers need to protect of the common stocks in the Barents Sea. The the economy from the fallout of Europe’s debt crisis without fueling domestic credit growth We carry a complete line of Scandinavian gifts and food at the Wooden Spoon! quotas that have been set for 2012 adhere to the precautionary principle and are safely within as rates stay close to crisis lows. Call us at (800) 2-NORDIC or place your order online. sustainable limits. The agreement also contains (Bloomberg) norwegian american weekly Online: blog.norway.com/category/research October 28, 2011 • 5 Research & Education

< white house From page 3 W. Bush nor Obama invited Stoltenberg to Being Norwegian the White House, while his predecessor Kjell Magne Bondevik had come three times. dolences to the Norwegian people. For Stoltenberg, this has been quite Norway Seminar looks at Norwegian identity The two also discussed the need for a embarrassing for some time. Heads of state two-state solution in the Middle East, the sit- from around the world have come and gone and integration in an American context uation in and their cooperation to and from the White House for years. in the United Nations and other multilateral Stoltenberg said to Obama in the press forums. The High North was also an impor- conference, “I appreciate very much this op- tant issue for the two, as the area presents portunity to meet with you, and you are al- both new possibilities and new challenges. ways welcome to Norway and Oslo.” Neither Presidents Bill Clinton, George

< representation diplomatic presence abroad are planned in From page 3 2012: The Embassy in Skopje (Macedonia) will be closed. The Ministry of Foreign Af- Gahr Støre. fairs will make sure that Norway’s relations In 2010, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs with Macedonia continue to be properly tak- started a restructuring process with a view of en care of in the future. releasing resources to strengthen Norway’s Norway’s diplomatic presence in Ham- presence in several countries and regions un- burg will be altered. Today’s Consulate Gen- Photo: Royal Norwegian Consulate General in New York dergoing growth, especially in Asia. In 2011, eral will be changed to an honorary consulate From left: Karl Ove Knausgård, Nina Witoszek, Curt Rice and Jan-Paul . twelve new positions were established in general. Norway’s business representation nine countries, including Indonesia, Brazil, in Hamburg will continue under the auspices Russia and . The changes planned for of Innovation Norway and the Norwegian He n r i k Wi d t h Deputy Consul General 2012 will enable us to further strengthen our Seafood Export Council. Norwegian Consulate General in New York presence in priority areas. The organization of consular services to The aim of the restructuring of Nor- Norwegians in will be changed. To- way’s diplomatic presence abroad is also to day’s Consulate General in Alicante will be The terrorist attacks of July 22nd served of Oslo. Her lecture was based on her book use the resources the Foreign Service has at closed, but a new position will be established as an important, but tragic backdrop for this “Verdens Beste Land,” and she discussed its disposal as effectively as possible, and to at the Embassy in Madrid. The holder of this year’s Norway Seminar. The annual seminar the image of Norway as a utopia where the release resources for essential investments, position will travel regularly to a number of gathers those who teach Norwegian at Amer- ideals of equality, freedom, wealth and jus- for example in connection with stricter secu- areas where there are large numbers of Nor- ican universities and colleges. The theme for tice are almost completely realized. Curt rity requirements for missions abroad. wegian residents in order to provide consular this year’s seminar was “Norwegian identity Rice, originally from Minnesota, is married “New technology and new working assistance, in collaboration with our network and integration.” to a Norwegian and is a professor and vice- methods offer new opportunities for carry- of 14 honorary consulates. The Ministry will The first Norway Seminar was held in chancellor at the University of Tromsø. In ing out the tasks of the Foreign Service. It establish various practical and technical ar- 1981, and since then, with the exception of his lecture, Rice focused on the Norwegian is important that we continue our efforts to rangements to ensure that Norwegians in one year, it has been an annual event. This model of forced integration, affirmative ac- get more out of the resources at our disposal. Spain continue to receive good service from year’s seminar was organized by the Uni- tion, and the rule of law. This model is heav- Together with our Nordic neighbours we the Foreign Service. versity of Minnesota in collaboration with ily debated in Norway and incomprehensible will seek to promote closer cooperation be- Further changes to the Foreign Service the Royal Norwegian Consulate General in to Americans. He emphasized the fact that tween our diplomatic and consular missions are planned for 2013. For example, the Min- New York. Its role as organizer provides the the academic community still has a long way abroad,” Støre said. istry will look more closely at Norway’s Royal Norwegian Consulate General with a to go regarding gendered integration. The following changes to Norway’s presence in Africa and make adjustments. great opportunity to keep in touch with the “Of the Ph.D. students 50 percent are many Norwegian communities that can be women, on the associate professors level 40 Sons of Norway Building, B-20 found at different educational institutions percent are women and only 20 percent of Norway Art 1455 W. Lake Street in the U.S. While the seminar measures the professors are female,” he argued. (612) 339-7829 Minneapolis, MN 55408 current interest in Norwegian language and The Norwegian author Karl Ove Knaus- www.norwayartonline.com • email: [email protected] culture, it also provides the professors and gård has lived in for the last 10 By appointment please teachers with an updated picture of Norwe- years. In his lecture at the Norway Seminar gian society. he considered the image of Norway as a The Norway Seminar 2011 was held in country of almost complete innocence, and Minneapolis and it coincided with the Nor- he claimed that we are in fact our own en- wegian Royal visit to the Midwest. Thus, the emies and that the stranger cannot be consid- participants also had the opportunity to be ered one. Dr. Jan-Paul Brekke is well-known present at the Oct. 16 gala dinner with Their within the academic community and he is Majesties King Harald and Queen Sonja as also a prominent figure in Norwegian televi- honorary guests. sion. He resides in New York but his work is The lectures at the seminar are usually based in Oslo. His topic of discussion was conducted in Norwegian and the lecturers “Migration, integration, and multicultural- are most often brought in from Norway. This ism in Norway.” He highlighted the fact that year however, two of the lecturers were for- many communities both inside and outside eigners residing in Norway, while two were of Norway glorifies a past when everything Norwegians living abroad. was less complicated and immigration and Nina Witoszek, who is originally from multicultural challenges were non-existent. Poland and Ireland, has lived in Norway for “This is the vision of the past,” Brekke decades and is a professor at the University said. Let us help with your next fundraiser! Share the Weekly with your fellow Norwegians, and benefit your organization at the same time! We have a new fundraising offer for Scandinavian I can help you with your changing insurance or financial needs. organizations: • For every new subscription you sell, your organization Scott F. Peterson gets $20 of the profit (206) 783-2195 • Use the money towards programs, scholarship funds, 1713 NW Market St. or however you like Seattle • Every subscription is an investment in Norwegian [email protected] heritage, and keeps your members in the loop about Norway and the Norwegian-American community Come and compare your current policy with one from Allstate. Insurance and savings offered only through select company and subject to availability and qualifications. Savings applies to most For details, contact Kelsey at [email protected] or (800) 305-0217 major coverages.Allstate Fire and Casualty Insurance Company: Northbrook, IL. © 2009 Allstate Insurance Company. On the EDGE 6 • October 28, 2011 norwegian american weekly opinion

Statement of on the Royal Visit to the U.S. Ownership, Management October 14 – 22 and Circulation We are required by the U.S. Postal Service to Coming full circle print this report annually. By Dr. Larrie Wanberg, Contributing Editor to the Norwegian American Weekly Name: Norwegian American Weekly Everyone has a few life-defining founded in 1861 by the Norwegian Evan- American family tree, which now includes Publication Number: 679 – 840 events in their lifetime. gelical Lutheran Church, and was the first nine grandchildren and three great grand Filing Date: Oct. 24, 2011 Standing arm’s length in front of Their college established by Norwegian immi- children. Issue Frequency: Weekly, except for last Majesties King Harald and Queen Sonja grants in the U.S. Without words but close enough “to two weeks in July, first two weeks of was one of these times for me. It happened In his remarks, King Harald said, shake hands,” I felt connected with the August, and last week of December. at a keynote event to celebrate the 150th “There are a number of common values spirit of the day at my alma mater and Issues Published Annually: 47 anniversary at Luther College in Decorah, that bind America and Norway together. the college’s relationship to a gene-linked Annual Subscription Price: $55 for U.S. Iowa, where I graduated in 1952. Both of our countries share a fundamen- homeland. In many homes across two con- subscription, $75 for Canada, and $175 King Harald’s stature is one fitting tal respect for dignity, liberty and social tinents, the wall art and genealogy charts for Norway and all other countries royalty. He is a tall man in size and stat- responsibility of the individual. We honor originate from a farm in Norway. Families Mailing address: 7301 5th Ave NE, Suite ure, with smiley eyes and a conversational self-determination, and we pay tribute to in America today carry the place-based A, Seattle, King County, WA 98115- voice that seems like he is talking directly our founding fathers, and those who have name from a particular farm, including 8601 to you. Queen Sonja is gracious and engag- fought to defend our shared history.” mine from . Many seek to re- ing in her personal responsiveness to ques- He talked about living in New York connect with this place where their family Publisher: Norwegian American tions at a press conference that was held from ages three to eight during World War name originates – either onsite or online. Foundation, 7301 5th Ave NE, Suite A, Seattle, WA 98115 on the grounds of the Open Air Division of II. “America is my second home,” he said. It seemed insignificant to ask a ques- Vesterheim Museum in downtown Deco- I had prepared several questions to ask tion. His glance and nod in my direction Editor: Christy Olsen Field, 7301 5th Ave rah. (www.vesterheim.org) Because it was at the short press conference, with the in- seemed to acknowledge a mutual feeling NE, Suite A, Seattle, WA 98115 windy, Queen Sonja frequently brushed tention to pick one that best fit the tone of of kinship with me … and to others stand- Owner: Norwegian American Weekly, aside her hair from her eyes, so as not to the Q&A in the Vesterheim field of immi- ing shoulder-to-shoulder with cameras and 7301 5th Ave NE, Suite A, Seattle, WA interrupt face-to-face contact while speak- grant log homes, buildings and the Bethe- recorders at the media gathering. 98115 ing with a reporter. nia Church. He referred to how culture connects Publication Title: Norwegian American The late afternoon meeting with the King Harald didn’t know (nor did us, that in a globalized world, we all are Weekly media was in the long shadows of the he need to) that as a young child, I shook interdependent, yet we need each other in Extent and Nature of Circulation: Bethenia Lutheran Church, moved to this hands with his father, King Olav V, when our common struggle for lasting peace. Subscription museum setting from Northwood, N.D. I my dad lifted me to his shoulders to reach For me, the royal visit set the stage for Issue Date for Circulation Data: peeked inside the beautiful old church and the outstretched hand of the King (then numerous other meaningful “happenings” October 28, 2011 reflected on the immigrant families that Crown Prince) from the platform of a rail- during Homecoming, like lunch with two once sat in those pews and imagined the road coach during a whistle stop in ND. editors from College Chips to compare Total Number of Copies: 3278 stories that they had to tell. He didn’t know that I stood at the changes since my time at the newspaper • Mailed Outside-County Paid The festive day started out with the curbside during the funeral possession for helm in 1952, meeting with the program Subscriptions: 2898 royal arrival at 11:30 a.m. in a caravan of his grandfather King Haakon, while I was director of KWLC radio about the value • Mailed In-County Paid official cars and columns of cheering by- on a Fulbright scholarship at the Univer- of preserving oral histories, and discuss- Subscriptions: 137 standers with small Norwegian flags wav- sity of Oslo. Or that in the following year ing social media with familiar friends from • Paid Distribution Outside the Mails ing welcomes. During a tribute to their my future wife became a Fulbrighter from marketing and development offices. including Sales through Dealers and Majesties in the Center for Faith and Life, Norway to Luther College; or that our four It had been some time since I had been Carriers: 250 King Harald was presented with the “Spirit children have strong ties to Norway as first • Paid Distribution by Other Classes Of Luther” award. Luther College was generation descendents in a Norwegian- See > circle, page 15 of Mail through the USPS: 0

Total Paid Distribution: 3285 < taxes • Free or Nominal Rate Outside- From page 1 116 billion. The 88-year-old Thon told news- you would have a conservative estimate of County Copies: 0 paper Dagens Næringsliv (DN) that he, for the number of millionaires in Norway. Many one, is proud of setting a new record for pay- basic retirees are millionaires,” he said. • Free or Nominal In-County Copies: skattelister (tax lists) show that 406,236 peo- 0 ing taxes in Norway and has said he plans to Has transparency and accessiblity of the ple in Norway had more than NOK 1 million give away his fortune. information gone too far? CEO of Datatil- • Free or Nominal Rate Copies Mailed in assets in 2010. By comparison, 337,815 Professor Terje Hansen at the Norwe- synet (Data Protection Agency) Bjørn Erik at Other Classes through the USPS: people could call themselves millionaires in gian School of Economics believes the tax Thon claims that the release of the tax lists 0 2009 – an increase of 17 percent. figures do not give a true picture – and that has become entertainment. • Free or Nominal Rate Distribution Norway’s wealthiest person is Johan H. there are far more millionaires in Norway. Complaints over abuse of the tax lists Outside the Mail: 243 Andresen, heir of the Tiedemanns tobacco “Figures that are based on tax wealth are prompted the Norwegian Parliament to make fortune and business investor in Oslo. His misleading with respect to reflecting what it more difficult to search online for individ- Total Free or Nominal Rate Distribution: net worth was listed as just over NOK 12 people have in assets. I would think that the uals’ income, tax and net worth. Media out- 243 billion (USD 2.2 billion), and he paid NOK real number is well over a million. It is nor- lets can still receive the lists and use infor- Total Distribution: 3528 138.88 million in taxes. mal to be a millionaire in Norway,” he said. mation from them for stories, but no longer Copies Not Distributed: 0 The second person on the wealthiest Wealth that appears in the equation, he can publish them directly. The lists officially Total Sum: 3528 list is Kjell Inge Røkke, whose net worth is estimates to be only 25 – 30 percent of the remain in the public domain, though, and listed at NOK 7.9 billion, and paid taxes of Percent Paid: 93% real wealth. can be accessed through the state tax agency NOK 87.3 billion last year. Real estate ty- “If you take everyone who is over 30 Skatteetaten, but only after a user logs in and coon Olav Thon is listed with a fortune of years old in Norway and divide it in two, searches for the link. NOK 7.7 billion and a tax bill of nearly NOK SAM & ELLIE By Ray Helle

UPDATE norwegian american weekly October 28, 2011 • 7 opinion Norwegian American Weekly Letters to the Editor Published since May 17, 1889 7301 Fifth Avenue NE Suite A, Seattle, WA 98115 Do you have something to say? Send your letters to us! Toll-free: (800) 305-0217 • Local: (206) 784-4617 7301 Fifth Avenue NE Suite A, Seattle, WA 98115 Fax: (206) 448-2033 • Email: [email protected] Email: [email protected] Publisher Norwegian American Foundation [email protected] Dear Editor, questions. “I’ll tell you what I told them Managing Editor We want to get the word out to all your [Their Majesties]; that this went so won- Christy Olsen Field [email protected] readers about an upcoming event. derfully, let’s do it again next year. They Copy Editor and Subscriptions Manager Join us for lutefisk, lapskaus and music laughed and said, ‘Maybe not that soon.’” Kelsey Larson [email protected] at the Sons of Norway Leif Erikson Lodge in Assistant Layout Editor Ballard on Nov. 13. It is another fun evening Sincerely, Harry Svenkerud [email protected] of fabulous Norsk cuisine and entertainment Gary Erickson by the Norwegian Male Chorus of Seattle Sunburg, Minn. Advertising and the Ballard High School Chamber Or- (206) 441-3044 [email protected] chestra. Doors open at 4 p.m. for the social Contributing Editors hour, followed by dinner at 5 p.m. Tickets may be purchased from any of Dear Editor, Bjarne Anthonsen Bonsall, Calif. Melinda Bargreen Everett, Wash. the singers or you can make a reservation Photo: Gary Erickson Thank you for posting the article on the Carla Danziger McLean, Va. by calling the lodge at (206) 783-1274. Cost Every step of the way: Rev. Cecilie Strømmen Tønsberg lead piece (“A unique find: Trea- Gary G. Erickson Sunburg, Minn. Rasmus Falck Oslo, Norway is $20 in advance, and $25 at the door. We (wife of Ambassador Strømmen), Consul Gen- sure seeker from Tønsberg finds item from Marit Fosse Geneva, Switzerland normally have a good crowd, so I strongly eral Gary Gandrud and Norway’s Ambassador to the Middle Ages” published in the Sept. 30 Shelby Gilje Seattle, Wash. encourage you to call and make a reservation the U.S. Wegger Chr. Strømmen smile after Their issue on page three) with the runic inscrip- Line Grundstad Hanke Seattle, Wash. Heidi Håvan Grosch Sparbu, Norway in advance. Majesties’ visit to the Midwest. tion which, by the way, says simply “amen” Victoria Hofmo Brooklyn, N.Y. We hope to see you all there! in short-twig runes (kortkvistruner). Leslee Lane Hoyum rockford, Minn. Else Hvistendahl New York, N.Y. that the visit had taken place. Ambassador Is there a complete archive which is Inger-Torill Kirkeby Miami, Fla. Sincerely, Strømmen answered with alacrity by say- internet-accessible of rune finds in Norway Thor A. Larsen Fishkill, N.Y. Jerry Larson Zimmerman, Minn. Bob Johnston ing, “This was fantastic. It was a really good since the last NIyR book [Norges Innskrifter Solveig M. Lee Seattle, Wash. Director, Norwegian Male Chorus of Seattle visit, to visit here in the Midwest, and now med de yngre runer] came out? I think it was Richard Londgren Thousand Oaks, Calif. Seattle, Wash. volume 9 in the series (Bryggen i ). I Donald V. Mehus New York, N.Y. we’re moving to New York. First we take to Berit T. Mesarick Williamsburg, Va. the Midwest and then we go to Manhattan. am always interested in archaeological and David Moe Juneau, Alaska Business was superb. We had a fantastic day runological finds in Norway, will have to see Ken Nordan Batavia, Ill. Bill Osmundsen New York, N.Y, in Duluth. We went to St. Olaf [College], if it’s been described in Nytt om Runer. Lisa Portelli Bradenton, Fla. Dear Editor, we went to Luther [College], we’ve been to John Erik Stacy Seattle, Wash. Rolf Kristian Stang New York, N.Y. After Their Majesties’ visit to the U.S., the Mayo Clinic, and we’ve been to the Sons Vennlig hilsen, Kjell Olav Strømsli , Norway I have put together a tilbakeblikk – a retro- of Norway. It’s been quite a week; it’s been Jane Sibley Larrie Wanberg Grand Forks, N.D. spective look at Their Majesties’ visit to the quite a week.” Haddam, Conn. Beate Ørbeck Oslo, Norway Midwest. Ambassador Strømmen was asked if CORRECTIONS: Norwegian American Weekly strives Within an hour after the departure of to make its news report fair and accurate. If you he was aware of any single memory that have a question or comment about news coverage Their Majesties on Oct. 18 from Minneapo- Their Majesties may have taken back from call (206) 784-4617. • Norwegian American Weekly lis, Minn., to New York City, and the last stop the Midwest; he responded that he could not Dear Jane, reserves the right to edit any and all submissions for on their eight-day stay in America, attendees Thanks for your letter! We are far from style, grammar, accuracy and/or space, and the right speak for Their Majesties. His thought, how- not to print submissions deemed libelous, in poor of the dedication of the Amundsen Exhibit ever, was: “First and foremost, that they got runic experts here at the Weekly, but the Uni- taste, or not suited for publication in this newspaper. began to reflect upon the visit of the just to meet all the people out there, and to see, to versity of Oslo Cultural History Museum • The opinions expressed by opinion writers and departed King Harald V and Queen Sonja. offers online resources for Runic Archives. letter writers are not necessarily those of Norwegian visit the institutions.” American Weekly, and our publication of those views is Memories and experiences quickly surfaced The Ambassador’s wife, Rev. Cecilie Their website is www.khm.uio.no/runenews not an endorsement of them. Comments, suggestions in the conversations of both local event ob- Strømmen standing beside him, added a fi- and a International Journal of Runic Stud- and complaints about the opinions expressed by servers, and Norwegian officials who were ies was launched in 2009. Hope that helps in the paper’s editorials should be directed to the nal, complimentary observation: “They were publisher. • Norwegian American Weekly is published responsible for orchestrating the complex friendly there!” your research. weekly except the first week of the calendar year, North American visit. Standing with the Ambassador and his the last two weeks of July, and the first two weeks His Excellency Norwegian Ambassador All the best, of August by Norwegian American Weekly, INC. • wife, Honorary Consul General Gary Gan- Please send address changes to 7301 Fifth Ave. Wegger Chr. Strømmen responded to ques- drud, Minneapolis Honorary Norwegian Editor NE Suite A Seattle, WA 98115 • Annual Subscription tions regarding his immediate thoughts now Consulate General, responded to similar Cost: US$55 Domestic, US$75 to Canada, US$175 to Norway and all other foreign countries.

SINCE MAY 17, 1889: Formerly Norway Times Gratulerer med dagen, Per! Western Viking & Washington Posten The Norwegian American Weekly wishes Comprising Nordisk Tidende, Decorah- Posten og Ved Arnen, Minneapolis-Tidende, a Happy Belated 80th Birthday Minnesota Posten, Norrona and Skandinaven to Per Hammer of Huntington Beach, Calif. NORWEGIAN AMERICAN WEEKLY, INC. Han Ola og Han Per 8 • October 28, 2011 norwegian american weekly Royal Visit Special Coverage from Their Majesties

VisitKing to Harald the Midwest and Queen and New Sonja’s York A note from the editor Dinner with Their Majesties Their Majesties King Harald and Queen Wanberg for attending events in the Mid- Sonja’s visit to the Midwest and New York west. We would also like to express our ap- Over 1,000 people was a great success, stirring up Norwegian preciation to Urd Milbury at the Royal Nor- gather for dinner on pride everywhere they went. Thanks to the wegian Embassy for taking photos, Scandi- internet and a few key people, we followed navia House for “live tweeting” during Their Oct. 16 with the King and the King and Queen’s journey through the Majesties’ time in New York, and the Royal Queen in Minneapolis U.S. In this special Royal Visit section, we Palace for graciously sharing details about are sharing articles written for the Norwegian the visit and the King’s speeches. American Weekly. To read articles by the lo- Readers, did you attend any of the Ga r y Er i cks o n cal media, check out our Facebook page at events? We would love to hear from you! Sunburg, Minn. www.facebook.com/naweekly. Write to us at Norwegian American Weekly, Tusen takk to our contributing editors 7301 5th Ave NE Ste A, Seattle, WA 98115 Gary Erickson, Leslee Hoyum and Larrie or email [email protected]. Their Majesties King Harald V and were hosted to a royal dinner at the Minneapolis Hilton Ho- tel on Sunday evening, Oct. 16 by H.E. Mr. Wegger Chr. Strømmen, Ambassador of Husker du? Norway to the U.S. Approximately 1,000 invited guests were in attendance, some of Photo: Gary Erickson Memories of Their Majesties’ U.S. visit in 1995 The opulent ballroom at the Minneapolis Hilton Husker du? whom traveled from as far as Alaska. Guests arrived with an abundance of was filled with over 1,000 people for a royal din- In honor of Their Royal Majesties King Harald and Queen Sonja’s visit to the Norwegian men’s and women’s bunader ner with TM King Harald and Queen Sonja. U.S. this month, we looked back in our archives for the royal couple’s visit in 1995. (Norwegian area folk costumes) that had Nazis, and how President Roosevelt and the The last royal tour was a bit more intricate, with the King and Queen making stops in been chosen as the attire of choice for the American people reached out to provide a the Midwest, Pacific Northwest, California, New York, and Washington, D.C. Here’s evening. Just as American and Norwegian safe harbor. ‘Where ever life takes me,’ he a little blast from the past, including much ado about crowns, the early days of the Secret Service agents displayed unique lapel said, ‘I will always take a piece of America Royal Palace’s website, Kongehuset.no, and other fun memories. pins as a means of identifying their body of with me in my heart.’ Your Majesty, as you loyalty, so, too, did nearly every male at- may know, this room is full of people who From The Norway Times, Vol. 105 No. 37, Thursday, Oct. 12, 1995 tendee sport a miniature lapel pin of crossed carry a love for you and Her Majesty in their Ambassador Kjeld Vibe: “Indeed an important event.” American and Norwegian flags denoting hearts tonight.” Kjeld Vibe was the Norwegian Ambassador to the from 1989- their fidelity. From the perspective of the His Majesty, King Harald V, began his 1996. “I would like to congratulate Norway Times with this special issue, honoring event’s order, arrangement and protocol, the talk by recognizing the similarities in trag- their Majesties King Harald V and Queen Sonja of Norway on the occasion of their evening flowed without flaw. edy suffered by both countries, America’s visit to the United States. Their Majesties’ visit is, indeed, an important event in A short review of protocol to be followed on September 11, 2001, and Norway’s brutal the life of our nation. The United States remains Norway’s most important friend during the evening was given by Norwegian terrorism on July 22 of this year. “I take this and ally. Common values, a common cultural heritage and millions of human bonds Honorary Consul General Gary Gandrud, opportunity to thank you for the generous across the Atlantic link our two nations together.” Minneapolis’ Royal Norwegian Honorary support and compassion you have shown in Consulate General. Consul General Gan- the wake of this tragedy. This reminds us South Street Seaport – New York City, N.Y. drud introduced honored head table guests, once again why the United States will al- King Harald and Queen Sonja were greeted at the South Street Seaport by a some of whom included Vice President Wal- ways have such a special place in the hearts male choir and a school chorus from PS 126. Carla (eight years old) said she knew ter F. Mondale, former state Senator Roger of all Norwegians, and it reminds us of the that she was performing for the King of Norway. But when asked where Norway Moe, former U.S. Representative from values we share.” His Majesty subsequently was, she only smiled and shrugged. They were given flowers by two Norwegian Minnesota Martin Olav Sabo, and Governor ended his talk with a similar statement, “I children, Christopher Livingstone Stenegger Perkinds and Hilde Johannessen, both Mark Dayton. Gandrud ended his comments wish you all the very best in preserving these six years old. Hilde said she had her own theories about why the royals weren’t wear- with a statement of thanks in Norwegian: values, as well as taking care of the pride ing crowns, as kings and queens do in fairytales. “I think I know why that is,” she “Mange tusen takk (many thousand thanks). and awareness of your Norwegian ancestry. whispered. “You know the crown could fall off, or get water splashed on it. That’s I’ve said that all of my life; I’ve never said it I’m comfortable that these special bonds will probably why.” to a thousand people.” stay alive in the future.” Their Majesties were led into the dining Ambassador Strømmen offered a toast From the Western Viking, Vol. 106, No. 42, Friday, Nov. 17, 1995 hall by the sound of an even-tempoed, mu- to King Harald V and Queen Sonja. Min- Visit to Pacific Lutheran University – Tacoma, Wash. sical piece emanating from a hardingfele, a nesota Governor Mark Dayton responded in A four-foot oak was planted in the Queen’s honor, with Sonja taking her turn Norwegian violin, played by Professor An- kind with a toast to Barack Obama, Presi- at the spade with ease. Little could immigrant pastor, missionary and educator Bjug drea Een, St. Olaf College. Een was a recipi- dent of the United States. The anthems of Harstad, who founded PLU in 1890 on behalf of the Norwegian Synod, have imag- ent of the St. Olav medal in 2002, given to both Norway and the United States were ined that future Norwegian members, non-existent at that date, would her by King Harald V. sung. The Norwegian national anthem, “Ja, walk this prairie sod. H.E. Ambassador Strømmen, host of vi elsker dette landet,” came with an atten- this dinner, formally noted and welcomed, tive realization. Attendees were singing the Palace on Internet in San Francisco, Calif. – Nov. 24 together with his wife Cecilie, all distin- Norwegian anthem, as they had done so The next stop of the day was at Silicon Graphics, the leading manufacturers of guished and invited guests. He then intro- many times before in their life, but this time high performance visual computing systems. Their Majesties were introduced to the duced Vice President Walter Mondale, a it was significantly and meaningfully differ- head of Silicon Graphics Norwegian branch, given a brief corporate overview of both person to whom he referred as “a mentor, ent: they were singing the anthem in concert worldwide and specifically Norwegian efforts. The tour ended with a very special a friend, a wise man, a compassionate man, with the King and Queen of Norway, each presentation – a computer system complete with an Internet address linking the world who, together with his wife, Joan, has re- word, each verse, each breath. to The Royal Norwegian Palace. This system was presented to Their Majesties, with ally tried to make the world a better place.” Reverend Ms. Kristin Sundt offered a few joking comments about Crown Prince Haakon Magnus becoming the computer Walter Mondale took to the podium to wel- greetings from Mindekirken, The Norwegian expert at the Palace. come His Majesty King Harald, and did so Lutheran Memorial Church of Minneapolis, with an opening reminiscence: “His Majesty often speaks about how his family fled the See > Dinner, page 14 Cold Recall –

norwegian american weekly October 28, 2011 • 9 Royal Visit Like father, like son Reflections of explorers His Majesty follows in his father’s footsteps Their Majesties visit the “Cold Recall” exhibit at the Minneapolis-St. Paul International Airport

Photo: Gary Erickson The opening of the “Cold Recall” exhibit about Roald Amundsen on Oct. 18 at the Minneapolis-St. Paul International Airport. From left: Consul General Gary Gandrud, HM King Harald, HM Queen Sonja, Ambassador Wegger Chr. Strømmen, and Rev. Cecilie Strømmen.

Ge o rg e Ho y u m Rockford, Minn.

Photo: Gary Erickson HM King Harald addresses reporters after the rededication of the Enger Tower. In their last official act before leaving the supportive family, and each is a former edu- Twin Cities for New York City, Their Majes- cator. Moreover, Minnesota and Norway are ties King Harald and Queen Sonja attended alike in many ways. Ga r y Er i cks o n the opening of “Cold Recall--Reflections of The two then discussed their upcoming Sunburg, Minn. a Polar Explorer,” which commemorates the expedition, “Access Water 2012,” an effort 100th anniversary of Norway’s famed ex- to increase global awareness of the increas- plorer, Roald Amundsen, reaching the South ing scarcity of safe drinking water. Over one Their Majesties King Harald V and walked up the path, Queen Sonja passed a Pole. The exhibit features a series of panels billion people lack access to clean drinking Queen Sonja came to Duluth, Minn. on small, young girl standing behind a bar- discussing the history of Amundsen’s expe- water, and more than two million people, Monday, Oct. 17 to retrace his father’s foot- rier who extended her hand holding a pa- dition, much of the text taken from Amund- most of them children, die each year because steps of June 15, 1939. Then-Crown Prince per crown. Queen Sonja accepted the paper sen’s lecture manuscripts. Also featured are of water borne illness and poor sanitation Olav hiked up a winding path to dedicate crown and placed it on her own head. lantern slides of photographs taken before and hygiene. Expedition participants in- Enger Tower, an 80-foot, five story, blue Their Majesties were confronted by a and during the expedition, many of which clude eight women spanning several decades stone tower, sitting approximately 450 feet wind chill factor with temperatures hover- were hand-colored to increase their enter- in age and who come from North America, above Lake Superior. Both the tower and ing near freezing. The 20-member Concert tainment value for Amundsen’s lecture audi- Europe, Asia, Africa, South America and the surrounding land comprising Enger Park Choir, from the Lake Superior Youth Chorus ences. New Zealand. It is fitting that they will set were left to the City of Duluth through the Organization and directed by Tina Thielen- Norwegian Ambassador to the U.S. out in , home to the world’s largest benevolence of Norwegian immigrant and Gaffey, was present to sing the national an- Wegger Chr. Strømmen kicked off the for- supply of clean water and a continent ruled successful businessman, Bert Enger. thems. mal program by saying that he was seeing by no national government. There they will Although the final footsteps of HM HM King Harald was introduced by Du- the exhibit for the third time and that he has take the first steps on a project that connects King Harald today, the last 200 yards, were luth Mayor Don Ness, and His Majesty then learned more each time. Amundsen, he said, us all as reflected by the group’s makeup. To the same as those of his father’s, those which completed the remarks by which he rededi- learned from the natives he encountered on learn more visit http://yourexpedition.com/ brought him to Duluth from Minneapolis, cated Enger Tower. A brief meeting with his explorations. Likewise, the royal visit accesswater2012. Minn., were dramatically different. Travel reporters signaled the end of the event, and to Minnesota and Iowa has been a learning The program concluded with remarks on the seventh day of an eight-day visit to Their Majesties began their descent from the experience for all. “Let us learn from this by famed polar explorer, Will Steger. He America occurred at a higher rate of speed spectacular view so reminiscent of many in exhibit,” he urged as he raised his glass in emphasized the need for polar explorers to and elevation. Their Majesties flew by a Norway. a toast. adapt, learn from others’ experiences and to Minnesota National Guard Black Hawk he- There was an informing shout from Also on hand to mark the occasion were simplify. A successful expedition has many licopter. The flight was arranged for under the support staff that “The King has left renowned polar explorers Liv Arnesen, Ann “moving parts,” and keeping things simple the auspices of Consul General Gary L. Gan- the park!” Betsy Rosenzweig of Duluth, Bancroft and Will Steger. reduces the chances of a fatal error. Those drud and Minnesota National Guard Adjutant Minn., one of hundreds of spectators at the Arnesen talked about hearing the sto- habits, he said, helped Nansen and Amund- General, Major General Richard C. Nash. tower site, exclaimed, “I am just thrilled that ries of Norwegian explorer Fridtjof Nansen, sen from whom he learned. The English ex- The weather was cold and blustery. Con- they’re here! My family was here in 1939 Amundsen and Thor Heyerdal as a young plorers failed because they couldn’t adapt. sul General Gandrud, queried later about the for the initial dedication, and I felt it was the girl. At age eight, she read a book about Steger has spoken widely on the chal- flight, stated in part: “Flight to and from Du- circle to come back and be here to represent Amundsen’s expedition and developed a pas- lenge posed by climate change. He asked luth was flawless. Wind caused a few bumps my family today... My great-great-grandpa sionate interest in polar exploration. Arnesen what Amundsen would think if he could on the way up but nothing unusual. Visiting had the “Duluth Scandinav” newspaper here remarked that her family encouraged her to see the shrinking polar ice caps. Today, the Duluth would not have been possible with- in town, and so it was a joy to be here to- pursue her interests. Still, it wasn’t until she North Pole is not reachable by dog sled, he out the MNG [Minnesota National Guard]. day. His name was M.F. Wesenberg.” When was 40 years old that she reached the South said. He told of having a gin and tonic in [A] moving ceremony at MNG Airbase, asked for their reaction to Their Majesties’ Pole. For 50 days she was alone with nature 70-degree weather with no ice in sight at the with both the King and TAG Nash express- visit, two young, energetic, flag-waving having no contact with anyone but gaining location where Amundsen’s ship was frozen ing mutual gratitude for the 39 year Troop women of college age responded. Mary energy as she neared the pole. We need to in and Franklin’s expedition succumbed to Exchange program, the only one of its kind Kallemeyn of Duluth said, “I think it’s fan- strive for something, she said; we all need a the cold and isolation. Steger told his au- in history.” tastic! It’s a morale booster for our city in goal. The exhibit, she said, is a continuation dience, predominantly in their forties, fifties Their Majesties arrived at Enger Tower this time of approaching fall, and it’s a lot of of Norwegian-American collaboration in the and sixties, “We will see changes. Our chil- by car, and were welcomed by hundreds of fun to have them here. They’re beautiful and spirit of Nansen and Amundsen. dren will bear the cost of climate change.” small, alternating Norwegian and American respected people, and we’re excited to get to Ann Bancroft, a St. Paul native, is the Cold Recall is on loan from the Fram flags planted on both sides of the roadway. see them... I am Norwegian!” Her colleague, first woman to have crossed both polar ice Museum. Its Twin Cities display is sponsored Beginning the final tracing of his father’s Lindsay Wallis, also of Duluth, continued, “I caps to reach the poles. She recalled having by the Sons of Norway, the Royal Honorary steps, TM King Harald and Queen Sonja think it’s one of the most exciting things to met Arnesen in 1999 and crossing the Ant- Consulate General in Minneapolis, Destina- ascended the winding path to Enger Tower happen to Duluth in the last 20 years. It’s a arctic with her on a 97-day expedition span- tion Bloomington and the Airport Founda- through hundreds of cheering and flag wav- good way for the people of Duluth to come ning 2000 and 2001. Bancroft observed that tion MSP. For more information about the ing spectators and well-wishers. As she together and show their support.” she and Arnesen have similar histories. They exhibit, visit www.frammuseum.no/Fram- grew up with the same dreams. Each had a Museum.aspx. 10 • October 28, 2011 norwegian american weekly royal visit The Royal Visit in pictures Photos from Their Majesties’ visit to the Midwest and New York, October 13 – 22

Photo: Christine A. Butler / ASF Photo: Lise Åserud / The Royal Court Photo: Urd Milburg / Royal Norwegian Embassy Gathered for the American-Scandinavian Foundation Centennial Ball in New York. From left: Presi- King Harald rededicated the newly restored Upon Their Majesties’ arrival at St. Paul Hotel dent Tarja Halonen of , Queen Sonja and King Harald of Norway, Queen Silvia and King Carl Enger Tower in Duluth, Minn. His parents, then on Oct. 11, they were greeted by Bergen Gandrud Gustaf of Sweden, Crown Princess Mary and Crown Prince Fredrik of , Dorrit Moussaieff and Crown Prince Olav and Crown Princess Märtha Pickett with a bouquet of flowers and a curtsey. President Ólafur Ragnar Grímsson of , and Princess Madeleine of Sweden. dedicated the tower June 15, 1939. The Little Viking Gift Shoppe a touch of in southern California Come see our new shop in Temecula!

Fine gifts and collectibles, cooking supplies, clothing, and more! Seaport Village • 817 West Harbor Dr. (619) 232-7160 • (951) 676-6800 Old Town • 28480 C Old Town Front St. San Diego, CA 92101 www.thelittleviking.com Temecula, CA 92590

NORWEGIAN AMERICAN GENEALOGICAL CENTER &NAESETH LIBRARY 415 West Main Street • Madison, WI 53703-3116 Phone (608) 255-2224 • Fax (608) 255-6842 www.nagcnl.org • [email protected] Photo: Lise Åserud / The Royal Court Open Monday - Friday 9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. King Harald and Queen Sonja during the Service at the Norwegian Seamen's Church in New York. Call for an appointment for research assistance. ______


NAGC & NL 2011 Olive J. Nordby hand-colored woodblock print is adapted as a Christmas or note card Photo: Gary Erickson Packaged with 20 cards The Lake Superior Youth Chorus performed at the rededication of the Enger Tower in Duluth, Minn. and envelopes in a 5” x 7” format

Fishing at Lofoten

Printed greeting inside Christmas card: God jul og godt nyttår Merry Christmas and Happy New Year NAGC Members: $22.00/package • Non-members: $25.00/package P & H: add $4.95 for 1 to 2 packages; $10.95 for 3 or more packages Available exclusively through NAGC & NL Visit our e-Store for cards available in limited quantities from previous years. Photo: Rob Gusaas To order, visit our e-Store at www.nagcnl.org, email, call, or fax Lakselaget table at the King’s banquet in Minneapolis on Oct. 16. Left to right, front row: Directors and indicate whether you would like cards with or without greeting. Kay Shores and Leann Tatge; co-founder Leslee Lane Hoyum. Second row: Co-founders Linda Peder- son and Ingeborg Sorensen, Webmaster Jeannette Henrikssen and President Karen Gusaas. norwegian american weekly October 28, 2011 • 11 royal visit

Photo: Urd Milbury / Royal Norwegian Embassy Photo: Urd Millbury / Royal Norwegian Embassy Little wait for the King and Queen’s ar- On Oct. 14, Their Majesties attended a Norwegian class at St. Olaf College in Northfield, Minn. rival to Luther College in Decorah, Iowa.

Photo: Lise Åserud / The Royal Court Photo: Gary Erickson Photo: Christine A. Butler / ASF Queen Sonja and King Harald by the model of Betsy Rosenzweig of Duluth, Minn., attended the HM Queen Sonja opens the exhibit “Luminous Modernism” with American-Scandinavian Foundation the Opera House in Oslo, a gift to the Museum of rededication of the Enger Tower on Oct. 17. President Ed Gallagher (left) and Curator Pat Berman (right). Modern Art in New York.

Photo: Urd Millbury / Royal Norwegian Embassy This year's 17th of May princesses wait for Their Majesties outside Vesterheim in Decorah, Iowa.

Photo: Lise Åserud / The Royal Court Queen Sonja and King Harald laid flowers by the Survivor’s Tree at Ground Zero in New York City. Norwegian-American Vesterheim Museum presents Find us online: www.marinamarket.com The Peale Collection: Vote for us in the Best of Norwegian Furniture From Hill Farm Western Washington Contest! On view now through April 30, 2012 God Jul! www.king5.com/best Check vesterheim.org for more info. Christmas items start arriving late October! Marina Market Come visit us in scenic Decorah, Iowa! 18882 Front Street • Poulsbo, WA 98370 Preserving a heritage. Connecting us all. Phone: (888) 728-0837 • Fax: (360) 779-4315 email: [email protected] We stock all your favorite treats and hard- Blog: http://gotlicorice.blogspot.com 523 W. Water St., Decorah, Iowa • 563-382-9681 • vesterheim.org to-find items from Scandinavia! 12 • October 28, 2011 norwegian american weekly royal visit For goodwill and connections Their Majesties at the Norwegian-American On the red carpet Chamber of Commerce Award Luncheon Honored guests at the American-Scandinavian Foundation Centennial Ball in New York City

Photo courtesy of the Royal Norwegian Embassy From left: NACC Executive Vice President Craig Dykers, HM Queen Sonja, HM King Harald, and NACC President Blaine Collins.

Ro y a l No rw e g i a n Em b a ss y

Their Majesties King Harald V and runner, the late Grete Waitz, is a legend in Queen Sonja attended the presentations of Norway as well as in New York. She was a the Norwegian-American Chamber of Com- recipient of the Achievement Award in 2005 merce Trade Award to Moods of Norway, in recognition of both her accomplishments and Achievement Award to Aktiv Mot Kreft in running, as well as her inspirational work. and Jack Waitz, at the luncheon in New York In her later years, she was admired for her on Oct. 20. incredible work for the cancer cause. She At the luncheon at the Pierre Hotel in shared this passion with her husband Jack. New York hosted by NACC President Blaine They supported the founding of Aktiv Mot Collins and NACC Executive Vice President Kreft, established by Helle Aanesen in 2007. Craig Dykers, the 2011 NACC Achievement I would like to congratulate Jack Waitz, Award was given to Aktiv mot Kreft and Helle Aanesen and Aktiv Mot Kreft with the Jack Waitz. The Award was presented by Per Achievement Award,” said HM King Harald Heidenreich, also an NACC Achievement in the opening speech. Award recipient. The Norwegian-American The 2011 Trade Award went to the fash- Chamber of Commerce Achievement Award ion designers in Moods of Norway and was has been presented since 1992 to individuals presented by John Sullivan from Norseland, “whose outstanding personal accomplish- 1998 recipients of the Trade Award. The Nor- ments exemplify the spirit of commitment, wegian-American Trade Award recipients perseverance and endeavor that sustains the are chosen by an independent selection com- strong relations between Norway and the mittee based on a number of measurements, Photo: Christine A. Butler / ASF United States of America.” including performance in expanding trade Their Majesties King Harald V and Queen Sonja of Norway arrive at The American-Scandinavian “The Norwegian-American Chamber of between Norway and the United States, in- Centennial Ball at the Hilton Hotel in New York City. Commerce is also about fostering goodwill novation in marketing and distribution, busi- and personal connections between Norway ness integrity, and service to the community. Am e r i c a n Sc a n d i n a v i a n Fo u n d a t i o n and the U.S. Our well-known long distance “The fashion designers in Moods of Norway have successfully exported their designs to the United States. They are this Scandinavian Heads of State, European Harald V and Queen Sonja of Norway; His year’s recipients of the Trade Award. Moods royalty, top diplomats, and distinguished Excellency Ólafur Ragnar Grímsson, Presi- of Norway has both strong Norwegian roots members of the U.S. and Nordic cultural, dent of Iceland, and Mrs. Dorrit Moussaieff; and flourishing international branches. They educational, business, and philanthropic Her Excellency Tarja Halonen, President of are representatives of the up-and-coming communities marked the 100th Anniversary Finland; and Their Royal Highnesses Crown Norwegian fashion and creative industries, of The American-Scandinavian Foundation Prince Frederik and Crown Princess Mary of and a symbol of a new generation of Norwe- (ASF) with a Centennial Ball in New York Denmark. gian businesses in the U.S. Congratulations City on Oct. 21. The Centennial Ball recognized the to all of you,” remarked HM King Harald in The special Guests of Honor were Their ASF’s 100 years of building cultural and the opening speech. Majesties King Carl XVI Gustaf and Queen educational bridges between the U.S. and Silvia of Sweden; Their Majesties King the Nordic countries of Denmark, Finland, Iceland, Norway and Sweden. The ASF has served as a leading cultural institution in promoting Nordic culture in the U.S., since it was founded in 1911 by Danish-American industrialist Niels Poulson and a group of other forward-thinking leaders. The black-tie affair began with an el- egant cocktail reception, followed by dinner and a gala evening of dancing. The evening Stop by our Scandinavian cafe! featured a performance by Tony Award win- ner Brian Stokes Mitchell, a Broadway actor Featuring open-faced sandwiches, pea soup, and a variety of delicious and singer with a powerful voice. cakes and desserts. Served 10 a.m.-5 p.m. Monday-Saturday “As we celebrate the Centennial of The American-Scandinavian Foundation at this www.scanspecialties.com historic Ball, we have the opportunity to re- 6719 NW 15th Avenue, Seattle, WA 98117 flect on the history of this unique organiza- Phone: (206) 784-7020 — Toll free: (877) 784-7020 tion, pay tribute to its many achievements, Mastercard and Visa accepted. Hundreds of items available for nation-wide shipping! See > centennial, page 14 norwegian american weekly October 28, 2011 • 13 royal visit The King’s Speeches Highlights from His Majesty King Harald’s speeches during their US visit Oct. 13 – 22

Luther College, Decorah, Iowa – October 13

“Immigrants who came from Norway ries, dreams and hardships of the thousands to America took a grand portion of Norway of Norwegian immigrants who settled in the with them. This is perhaps more obvious in New World to build a better life for them- Decorah than any other place in America. selves and their families. I see a clear paral- Thanks to institutions like Luther College lel between their stories and the stories of the and Vesterheim Museum you have managed refugees from poor countries that are dream- to preserve this heritage. ing about a better future in our two countries The Vesterheim Museum tells the sto- today. St. Olaf College, Northfield, Minn. – October 14

Change is certain, progress is not. We and the rest of our family tremendously, we all, people and countries share a common have fond memories from the five years we future, its risks and responsibilities, its hope spent here. and progress. To most of us, impacting the My family were not the only Norwe- world seems like too much of a challenge. gians to look to America for safety and a But in one way or another we are all born better life. Many of you are here today be- with a desire to do good and leave a legacy. cause your ancestors moved to America in During World War II I had the privi- the Great Migration. Thanks to their explorer lege to live in this country myself, since my spirit and hard work, between five and six Photo: William Liu / Luther College family was forced to flee Norway. President million people in the U.S. call themselves His Majesty King Harald giving his speechFull Serviceat Luther Agency College With Oct. Experienced 14 in Decorah, Iowa. HM Queen Roosevelt reached out, and the United States Norwegian Americans. Your lives and your Sonja is in the background. Norwegian Speaking Consultants! provided my mother, my sisters and me with presence here today, is a testimony of our Full Service Agency WithOur Experienced daily specials Norwegian and regularly Speaking updated Consultants! a safe harbor. While we missed our home shared traditions and cultural heritage. information will help you make wise travel Our daily specials and regularly updated informationdecisions will inhelp ayou make constantly wise travel changing decisions in world! a constantly changing world! Sp e c i a l s t o Sc a n d i n a v i a , VERRAZANOSpecials to Scandinavia TRAVEL & LEISURE Minneapolis, Minn. – October 16 Eu r o p e & t h e Ca r i b b e a n NorAmWklyNovember2011_bw.pdf 10/21/11 12:04:27Europe &PM the1 Caribbean (718) 979-6641 Norwegians who came to America have world. We share a common interest in com- Call us for details! [email protected] us for details! • [email protected] made an extraordinary impact in the process bating climate change. And Norwegians have Verrazano TraVel & leisure of building this country, and your history is fought shoulder to shoulder with Americans 1 (718) 979-6641 full of examples of dedicated people who throughout the history – in the U.S. Civil [email protected] have left “footprints on the sand of time.” War, in the 99th Battalion in World War II, [email protected] You have been contributing to all aspects of in the Balkans and today in Libya and Af- American society, in a number of areas – like ghanistan. education, politics and business life. Every We are gathered here tonight to celebrate one of you should be proud of what you have what it means to be Norwegian and what it accomplished in this great country. means to be American. There is something Our countries’ efforts are at their best special about each and every one of you, a when we combine them. We work together reflection of your combined Norwegian and to achieve development, peace, democracy American heritages. and human rights in countries around the Duluth, Minn. – October 17

During our visit in the Midwest, The Today I understand that there are oneC

Queen and I have had the pleasure of visit- million Minnesotans who call themselvesM ing many institutions that are doing an im- Norwegian Americans, and that there is still Y portant job documenting and conveying to a strong Norwegian footprint on this state. future generations the stories of the Norwe- Many towns, buildings and individuals haveCM gian immigrants. My sense of pride in the Norwegian names. Many of you cherishMY achievements of the Norwegian immigrants Norwegian food and traditions. Lutefisk andCY and their descendants has been reinforced. lefse is still being served. And the Norwegian CMY You have made and are continuously making language is still being preserved. Thanks to great contributions to all aspects of Ameri- each and every one of you for strengtheningK can society. the bonds between the U.S. and Norway. NACC Luncheon, New York City – October 20

The Norwegian-American Chamber of way’s main industries. However Norwegian Commerce works to promote trade and good- exploration, drilling and supply companies will between Norway and the United States increasingly compete on the global market. of America. The Chamber has substantially These companies are exporting Norwegian influenced the development of trade and has knowledge. The services and the knowledge taken an active role in expanding the scope economy are important in the trade relations of Norwegian business in the United States. between our two countries. In addition the Norway has traditionally been depen- creative businesses are bringing more Nor- dent on heavy industry, shipping and the wegians to the U.S., to work within design, exports of raw materials. Export of natural fashion, media, music, arts and IT. resources like oil, gas and fish are still Nor- 14 • October 28, 2011 norwegian american weekly roots & Connections Norwegian American Weekly Photo of the Week No r w e g i a n 101 Language practice with Heidi Håvan Grosch

Harvest (Tresking) and Fall (Høst)

Farmers know that fieldwork (høstonn) is often weather dependent and if it is good (hvis det er bra), September is the month where, at least in Trøndelag (ikke minst i Trøndelag), much of the work gathering grain crops is done (er ferdig). Lingonberries (tyttebær), plums (plommer) and apples (epler) have been picked (plukket), potatoes dug up (tatt opp potet), and the last of the carrots and rutabagas (gulrot og kålrot) put away for winter (lagret for vinteren). Pumpkins (gresskar) are turning ripe and children are back at school (tilbake på skolen). That leaves October open to hunt (å jakt). After passing the yearly gun safety exam (jegerprøven), teams of eager hunters (ivrige jegere) in our area comb the forests and fields on farmers’ property hunting moose (jakt på elg). Each farm has rights to hunt on their own land (jaktrett) so hunters bond together in teams to expand their hunting area (jaktområde). This also increases safety (sikkerhet) as only one team is hunting in any given area. Fishing (fisking) is good in months with “r,” and fishermen (fiskere) Photo: Thomas Maxson have filled their freezers with On Oct. 9, the Norwegian National League of Chicago sponsored a wreath-laying at the herring (sild). Fall is also the Leif Erikson statue at Humboldt Park in Chicago, Ill. From left: Chuck Enge, Joyce Eck- time to slaughter animals (slakte bald, Andy Gouveia, Alfhild Krongborg and Barbra Krongborg-Mogil. dyr) if they will be used for home Want to be featured in our Photo of the Week? consumption and make sure the Email [email protected] or mail your photo with a caption. woodshed (vedskjulet) is full.

Ole and Lars were in a bar watching the late Roald Amundsen evening news. A news story showed a man South Pole Expedition Centennial threatening to leap off a bridge. 1911 – 2011 Ole said, “I bet $10 he doesn’t yump.” From the journal of Lars said, “I’ll take that bet.” A few seconds later, the man jumped and Ole had to pay up. “You darn fool,” laughed Lars. “Didn’t you see the SIX O’CLOCK NEWS?” “Ya, I did,” admitted Ole. “But I didn’t tink da guy would be fool enough to do it again!”

What’s your favorite Ole and Lena joke? Send it to us at [email protected] or Norwegian American Weekly, 7301 5th Ave NE Ste A, Seattle WA 98115 Ole and Lena America’s favorite Norwegians! 28 oktober – lørdag October 28 – Saturday Sylvan Andrew Herset Kila MT Kuling i hele natt & hele dag fra SO Gale from SE all night and all day Carol Billings White Plains NY med tett fok. Har værrt nøtt til at ligge with thick snowdrift. Have been forced to Robert Bergesen Middleburg VT stille. stay still. Richard Bergesen Westchester PA Brought to you by the Fram Museum in Oslo Sharon Bostrom Edmonds WA Armand Brastad Williams Bay WI Bernt Larsgaard Edmonds WA < centennial vidual students, scholars, professionals, and 2. november From page 12 artists for study and research in the United 28. oktober Alfred Braaten San Diego CA States and abroad. To date, more than 30,000 Anna Tweed Northfield MN Kari Kolseth Eaton Shelton WA and look together with pride and anticipation Gunnar Jevne Healdsburg CA Hans G Simonson Wilton WI to its next century,” said Edward P. Gallagh- Americans and Scandinavians have partici- Kurt Alfred Andersen Stroudsberg PA Joann Herset Kalispell MT er, CEO of ASF. pated in ASF programs of study, research, John Jonassen Stataen Island NY or practical training. Scandinavia House: the 29. oktober All proceeds from the Centennial Ball Leif Richter Salvesen Plano TX Nordic Center in America offers a wide array Laurie Loken Benbrook TX support the Foundation’s ongoing efforts to 30. oktober 3. november promote Nordic-American exchange and of cultural programming and serves as both Nancy Tuznik La Porte IN Olaf Todal Vista CA culture. Each year, the ASF awards nearly a venue for events that highlight Nordic cul- Clara M Magnussen Berkeley CA Sidney Helvik Big Timber MT $1 million in fellowships and grants to indi- ture and headquarters for the ASF. Linda Marie Herset Kila MT Edgar Johnson Wheaton MN Barbara Soderstrom Brookings OR Anita H. Kinberg East Islip NY Want to see your birthday in the < dinner From page 8 Nordmanns-forbundet. With their publica- 31. oktober Norwegian American Weekly? tion now named “Norwegians worldwide,” Erik Molbach East Greenbush NY and then delivered the table grace. An at- Secretary General Lasse Espelid was present 1. november Call at (800) 305-0217 or email naw@ tractive presentation of a wonderful dinner to speak with interested attendees about the Ralph Berke Park Ridge IL norway.com. Birthdays must be submitted at followed. changes that have recently taken place, and least one month in advance. Alvilda Bruvik Salem OR As the evening came to an end, exiting to make available free copies of their new Einar K. Kloppedal NB: Has someone on our birthday list passed Madison WI guests had the opportunity to review dis- publication which, appropriately, happened Egil I. Sleveland Redmond WA away? Please notify us. plays set up by the Norwegian organization to portray HM King Harald V on the cover. norwegian american weekly October 28, 2011 • 15 obituaries & religion Just a minute In Loving Memory Encouraging columns by the late Pastor Per W. Larsen, written for Norway Times and now shared with the readers of the Norwegian American Weekly Do you have a loved one or friend who has recently passed? Contact us at (206) 784-4617 or [email protected] to place an obituary. Encouragement Arne Bergene There is nothing that God uses more Remember there is a great difference be- November 18, 1925 – September 16, 2011 frequently than when He talks to His tween flattery and encouragement. Flat- people about encouragement. The same tery is just a poor imitation. One of the Arne Sigurd Olsen Arne embraced retirement with gusto. is true about Jesus in the New Testament. things I regret as a father is that I didn’t Bergene passed away His Viking sense of adventure was clear in Synonymous words for encouragement use a little more encouragement with my suddenly Sept. 16 af- his desire to travel and see the world. He and would be: help, stimulus, hope and inspi- own children. Some do’s and don’ts can- ter a short illness. Marian spent 35 years traveling in a motor ration. not be avoided as a parent, but encour- He was born in home back and forth across America. These Why is encouragement so important? agement works much, much better. I have Oslo, Norway on were special and memorable trips for them; Because life is terribly difficult at times. seen it in my some 50 years in the minis- Nov. 18, 1925 to we have heard wonderful stories about their Many feel that they don’t master life as try how encouragement has worked mir- Herman and Ber- travels. Much to everyone’s consternation, they should, that they don’t measure up. acles in some interactions with people. In gilot Bergene. At the Arne was still driving a smaller motor home Some feel ugly, some untalented, some this cold, cynical world we are in, there is age of 25, Arne left at the age of 84. He just couldn’t quite let stupid. It is rarely based on facts, but that a desparate need for people who have the Norway for Seattle, go. He traveled to Costa Rica, Fiji, Hawaii does not prevent the feeling from destroy- ability to encourage others! Your spouse, Wash. to pursue his chosen vocation as an and Norway (once to surprise his sister on ing our happiness. I know quite a few your child, your minister, your neighbor electrician. He was a member of IBEW Local her 90th birthday). You could also find him ministers walking around with the feel- –maybe they need an encouraging word 46 and proudly wore his 60-year pin. Many jumping on his son’s tugboat to work as a ing that they haven’t mastered the calling today. SAY IT! Boeing and Seattle-area structures were built cook. He thoroughly enjoyed cruises (mostly they have been given, myself included. And here is an encouragement from with Arne as the electrical supervisor. His for the buffets) and casinos (again, mostly Through the years, some warm-hearted the Lord to believers: “Do not fear, for I last job before retiring was developing bids for the buffets). for Fox Electric in Kent, Wash. Dad held tightly to his Norwegian roots people have sent me a card or letter of en- am with you; do not be dismayed, for I A marriage in 1955 produced four chil- and heritage. Christmas Eve was a big cel- couragement. Often they came in the dark am your God; I will strengthen you and dren who could not have asked for a better ebration with him cooking a traditional pork hours of my life, lifted my spirit, and gave help you, and uphold you with my righ- father. They were always his first priority. dinner and baking special Scandinavian me strength to continue. Encouragement teous right hand.” (Isaiah 41:10). A true Norwegian craftsman, there was cookies. He was a member of the Norwegian does not make you proud, but thankful. nothing Arne could not build, remodel or re- Commercial Club where he was honored as furbish. Many weekends were spent watching Marshal for the May 17th Constitution Day him renovate his homes and rental properties. parade. His involvement with the Norse We would marvel at how he could envision a Home goes back 30 years. Many projects to Norwegian Lutheran Memorial Church project and then set about to make it happen. enhance and update the facility were devel- Den Norske Lutherske Minnekirke In the early 1970s, Arne took on the over- oped and supervised by Arne. He forever felt The Norwegian Lutheran Memorial Church offers the best venue in Chicago for Norwegians, whelming task of remodeling a ramshackle a deep kinship and sense of family with the Scandinavians and others who are interested in the wonderful language, culture and people of house (lovingly referred to as Buckingham residents and staff. Norway. We welcome you to our warm and friendly family of members. Please visit us soon Palace) with his good friends and roommates The Norwegian community has lost a and help support this Norwegian tradition. Pastor: Sigurd Grindheim. Gary Kyle and Bernard Janes. The house Viking son. We have lost a loving husband, was a complete disaster and there are many dad and bestefar. Left behind to miss him November 2011 tales of cooking on a wood-burning stove in are his wife, Marian, children Tove’ (Erne) the living room or parking motorcycles in Barth, Germaine (Alan) Gray, Renata (John) Nov. 6 Norwegian Service, 11 a.m. the kitchen during the remodeling process. McIlhenny, John (Angie) Bergene, step- In 1976 Arne married Marian Dunlap and daughters, Debbie (Mike) Mahovlich and Nov. 10 Ladies & Mens Aid Luncheon, 12 p.m. welcomed her two daughters into his fam- Diane (Ty) Truly. His extended family in- Nov. 13 Norwegian Service/English sermon, ily. Most summers found everyone crammed cludes 16 grandchildren and six great-grand- into a Suburban, pulling a trailer headed to children. He is also survived by family in 11 a.m. Chelan. Wintertime was spent in the moun- Norway: his sister, Charlotte Clausen, sister- Nov. 19 Julejentene Christmas Bazaar 10 a.m. tains ensuring his kids would experience the in-law Aase Bergene, two nieces Kari (Ed- Norwegian national obsession of skiing. Al- mund) Fagernes, Grete (Jarl) Johnsen plus Nov. 20 Norwegian Service/English Service though these were lean times, we have very two great-nieces, two great-nephews and and Communion 11 a.m. fond memories of these trips and all remem- their seven children. Arne was predeceased ber our primary staple of Marian’s “world- by his parents, Herman and Bergilot and his Nov. 30 English Service 11 a.m. famous” tuna sandwiches and cocoa. brother Herbert.

< circle Larrie Wanberg is the newest contrib- Funeral Home From page 6 uting editor at the Norwegian American Weekly. Wanberg “grew up” in the front pew SOlie and Crematory of Zion Lutheran Church in Towner, N.D., Honoring • Caring • Serving on campus, but standing in a natural circle where his father preached and his mother of long-time friends at the Student Union, was organist. They served 45 years in one 3301 Colby Ave. Everett, WA 98201 (425) 252-5159 exchanging stories and memories as if they congregation of four rural churches, includ- were yesterday, were cherished moments of ing Norway Lutheran Church where he often “coming full circle.” preached in Norwegian. LUNDE MARINE ELECTRONICS, INC. In this circle of friends, I was given a Wanberg was a Fulbright Scholar at simple gift with special meaning – a 5x7 the in 1958 where he met Sales and Service brown mailing envelope with tattered, faded his future wife, who was a Fulbright student newspaper clippings from my time in Deco- to Luther College in 1959. With careers in rah in late 50s and early 60s – my first job, academia, research, military service, child first family home, and first roles in a commu- therapy and entrepreneurship, Larrie is cap- nity. Such moments are life-defining. turing stories from the heartland, document- As patriarch of my family place-name ing pioneers, patriots and personalities and Seattle,WA Tacoma,WA Dutch Harbor, AK in America, I made a personal commitment sharing them through social media with the phone (206) 789-3011 phone (253) 627-6968 phone (907) 581-1498 to preserve heritage “Stories from the Heart hope of engaging both the young and the fax (206)782-3188 fax (253)383-4965 fax (907) 581-1402 of America” in new media ways. Homecom- young-at-heart in discovering and preserv- ings are about interlocking circles and the ing their Nordic heritage. indelible stories of place for families and Currently, he is president of the Minn- communities. kota Genealogy Society in Grand Forks and [email protected] volunteers as a curator at a rural folk mu- 5415 24th Ave NW, Seattle 98107 seum. He resides in Grand Forks, N.D. 16 • October 28, 2011 Online: blog.norway.com/category/culture norwegian american weekly Arts & style

Style Highlight of the Week Calendar of Events What’s going on in your neighborhood? All in the design Alf Sture and Tonning show the beauty of Arizona 33rd annual Scandinavian Import Festival, Nordic Guild Fair which will be held Nov. 19 at Salt Brook blending function and form in furniture December 3 School, 40 Maple St., New Providence, Tucson, Ariz. N.J. Proceeds benefit Scandinavian and The 30th annual Nordic Guild Fair will community charitable organizations! For be held Dec. 3 from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. at more information, call Karen at (908) 665- Streams in the Desert Lutheran Church, 1292 or email [email protected]. 5360 E Pima, Tucson, AZ. The Norse Fed- eration, Sons of Norway, VASA, Finnish New York Club, Danish Club and individual vendors NIA Annual Meeting will sell ethnic foods, baked goods, Scandi- November 2 navian crafts and collectibles. Folk danc- New York City, N.Y. ers and musicians will entertain throughout The Norwegian Immigration Association, the day. This event is open to the public at Inc. is pleased to announce its annual meet- no charge. For more information, contact ing for members and guests. It will be held Gretchen at (520) 887-1114 or gcarew@ p.m. at the Norwegian Seamen’s Church, comcast.net. 317 East 52nd Street, New York. Brian G. Andersson, former Commissioner of Re- Connecticut cords in New York City will be the speaker for the evening. Andersson as a noted gene- Scandinavian Heritage Day Exhibit alogist has appeared on the Emmy-Award November 5 winning, “Secrets of New York” (PBS) and Newington, Conn. was host of NYC-TV’s “City Classics.” The Hartford Lodge Sons of Norway is Refreshments will be served. hosting a Scandinavian Heritage Day Ex- Photo: Tonning hibit and Sale on Saturday, Nov. 5, 10 Washington As a designer, Alf Sture focused on creating pieces that could help shape a safe, warm environment. His a.m. – 3 p.m. It will be held at the Sequin Ola Windsor chair is one of his best-known designs. Masonic Hall, 80 Walsh Avenue, Newing- Scandinavian Fair November 5 ton, CT 06111. There will be rosemaling, Li n e Gr u n d s t a d Ha n k e Bellingham, Wash. wood carving, and Scandina- Line Grundstad Hanke Interior Design vian knitting demonstrations by talented The Daughters of Norway Nellie Gerdrum Norwegian artists. Lunch, including tradi- Lodge #41 will hold their 12th annual Scandinavian Fair on Nov. 5 at the Hamp- When we talk about Norwegian furni- churches and so forth. You can read all about tional open-face sandwiches and lapskaus, ture design, the name that most often comes it at www.tonning.no. will be served from 11 a.m. – 2 p.m. Ven- ton Inn’s Fox Hall in Bellingham, Wash., 10 a.m. – 4 p.m. We will have many vend- to mind is Alf Sture and Tonning. The Ton- dors will offer a variety of Scandinavian ning furniture factory has been around for About Tonning items. There will also be a bake sale fea- ers with Scandinavian gifts, books, sweat- quite some time and is well-known for high Surrounded by stunning glaciers and turing Scandinavian and American items. ers, jewelry, rosemaling, crafts and authen- quality and clean, timeless design. Today we towering mountains, Tonning Furniture Fac- Admission is free. For information, call tic foods in our Norsk Kafe and bakery. Linda Miller at (203) 758-1086 or email In addition we will be having our hourly see the new Tonning wih the same high qual- tory is located in the picturesque town of [email protected]. drawing! For more information, contact ity but with a new twist; more up-to-date in on Norway’s west coast. The compa- Marlene Arnoldsy [email protected] or fabric, wood stain or paint. Somehow they ny, which was established in 1946, manufac- Massachusetts (360) 714-1388. have managed to keep up with the times and tures high quality pieces of furniture, many Norumbega Lodge Scandinavian Fair as a designer I am excited to see that the de- of which are designed by Alf Sture. Sture be- Gård Vintner’s Norse Night November 12 sign is still in use. gan his collaboration with Tonning in 1960, November 12 Concord, Mass. They have introduced a new team AS a partnership that lasted until his death in Woodinville, Wash. You’re invited to join in the fun of the Scenario that consist of Linda Steen and 2000 and resulted in a total of 120 models. Join Gård Vintners on Saturday, Nov. 12 Norumbega Lodge Scandinavian Fair! On Lena Axelsson to design for them, and they Today, even Sture’s earlier designs from from 7 to 9 p.m., in Woodinville or Ellens- Nov. 12 from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. at Concord have made a fresh look for the classic Ton- 1940, 1946 and 1951 are in production by burg, Wash. for an evening of wine tasting, Carlisle Regional High School, you will ning with clean and timeless approach to Tonning providing the timelessness of his live music, and Scandinavian food as Gård find Scandinavian food, gifts, books and design and they also use oak as the main designs. The furniture is produced using releases three new wines, including the more for sale. The cafe offers smørbrød, highly anticipated 2009 Don Isidro and the wood. Johan Verde is also a designer who traditional handcrafts together with mod- vaffler, bløtkake and, of course, kaffe. limited release of our 2008 Syrah Reserve collaborates with Tonning and he designed ern machinery and equipment. A variety of Traditional Scandinavian music and a chil- & 2008 ‘Twenty Six’ Cabernet Sauvignon the Surf. woods and colors ensure almost unlimited dren’s program. Fun for all! Admission: $1 Reserve. For more information, visit www. The furniture we see used in residen- possibilities and the end results are pieces per person. For more information, email gardvintners.com or call (509) 346-2585. tial design as well as in commercial design, that will grow old with dignity. [email protected]. often we see Tonning chairs in embassies, Minnesota Gala Holiday Concert December 4 Norwegian Bake Sale < potential Seattle, Wash. From page 1 thick reservoir in Aldous Major South,” said November 5 The Norwegian Ladies Chorus of Seattle Dodson. St. Cloud, Minn. invites you to warm up the winter season Statoil said it estimated there were 900 Sponsored by Sons of Norway Trollheim Tim Dodson, executive vice president at our annual Holiday Concert, which will for exploration at the Norwegian energy million-1.5 billion barrels of recoverable oil Lodge, the Norwegian Bake Sale offers also celebrate the Chorus’s 75th year of company, announced that linkages between equivalent (boe) there, twice the previous es- tantalizing treats. Stop by between 8 a.m. sharing our Norwegian heritage with the the Aldous and Avaldsnes discoveries con- timate of 400 million – 800 million boe. and 11:30 a.m. for some delicious lefse, community! Join us on Dec. 4 at Our Re- firmed it was a single reservoir. Further exploratory drilling planned by krumkake, and other Norwegian goodies! deemer’s Lutheran Church (2400 NW 85th For more information contact Dorothy Ol- “Aldous/Avaldsnes is a giant, and one Statoil will yield more accurate volumes St. in Seattle) at 3 p.m. for an irresistible from the find, the company said. son (320) 685-4581. The sale is located at program of Scandinavian and American of the largest finds ever on the Norwegian The discovery extends over roughly 69 the Whitney Senior Center (near the hospi- songs, with solos by Beth Kollé, interna- continental shelf. Volume estimates have square miles in the North Sea. Statoil won tal) on 1527 Northway Dr. in St. Cloud. tionally-renowned Seattle harpist, flutist, now increased further because the appraisal the rights to explore the region in 2000. singer and authority on Nordic and Celtic well confirms a continuous, very good and NEW music. The concert will be followed by Scandinavian Import and Gift Sale a Norwegian dessert reception - yum! < wealth November 19 Velkommen! Suggested donation: $12. From page 3 An estimated 84,700 people have a for- New Providence, N.J. tune of more than 50 million dollars, equiva- Start your Christmas shopping with the place with an average net worth of $396,745, lent to NOK 280 million, according to Credit equivalent to NOK 2.2 million. Suisse. The global average is lower than Send your event to [email protected] or call (206) 784-4617 Household wealth increased by 14 per- NOK 300,000. to be added to the Norway.com online calendar and the Weekly! cent in the first half of this year worldwide. The U.S. is the country in the world with Event listings are free, but space is limited. Please contact us at least one month prior to event. Growth is strongest in Asia. the largest share of household wealth. norwegian american weekly Online: blog.norway.com/category/norway-in-the-us October 28, 2011 • 17 In your neighborhood Making new connections Building community New Daughters of Norway Lodge in Eugene, Annual Fall Fair brings smiles and fun to Brooklyn, NY Ore., shows organization’s growing momentum

Photos: Arnie Bergman Left photo: Miss Brooklyn 2011 Christina Moore, and 2011 Jen Egeberg joined in the festivities. Right photo: The Fall Fair brings lots of smiles and honored guests. From left: Arlene Bakke Rutuelo, chair of the Fall Fair committee; George A. Jensen, Chairman of the Norwegian Christian Home; Nicole Malliotakis, N.Y. State Assembly woman; and Marty Golden, N.Y. State Senator.

Ar l e n e Ba kk e Ru t e l o Brooklyn, N.Y. Photos: Marcia Comer / Daughters of Norway What do you think of when you think prize they will spend their money on, hoping New members at the institution ceremony for the Daughers of Norway Lodge Agnes Mathilde Werge- land #52 in Eugene, Ore. about nursing homes? Older adults, boring to win. You can hear them saying, "Should I games, old-fashioned music, food that only try to win the TV, the iPad, or the Coach bag; grandma could make AND eat? Well, I in- or maybe the tool set; or the BBQ; a trip to Ma rc i a Co m e r Daughters of Norway vite you to step into the Norwegian Christian Norway, or how about $1,000 in cash?” Home and Health Center of Brooklyn, N.Y.! The music is playing in the background, On Oct. 2 at Bethesda Lutheran Church Although she endured initial hardship in late On Sept. 24, we had our Annual Fall as people are enjoying each other’s com- in Eugene, Ore., officers of Grand Lodge 19th-century America, she persevered and Fair! The event was a huge success with pany, purchasing raffle prizes, buying early Daughters of Norway, led by Grand Lodge later became a well-known professor of his- hundreds of people coming and going all Christmas presents from our vendors and President, Ellen Hinds of Bellingham, Wash., tory at the University of Wyoming. She was day long. The wonderful Fall Fair commit- taking pictures with our local politicians that met to formally institute the 28th lodge of a pianist (having studied with Edvard Grieg), tee opened the doors to the community at stop by to join the fun. We even had a special the Daughters of Norway, Agnes Mathilde a watercolor artist, and an eloquent poet. In 10 a.m. This event is one of the fundraising visit from Miss Norway and Miss Brooklyn! Wergeland #52. Colorful costumes, historic 2007, a monument to her was dedicated at events that the NCHHC's Foundation hosts Imagine the racing heartbeats of our "young" displays, music, and a full smørgåsbord the Emigration Center. The to raise funds to carry on our God-given mis- male residents as they greet and chat with brought a festive atmosphere to the ceremo- Daughters of Norway played a major role in sion here in Brooklyn to care for and minis- these two beauties! ny and celebration. that endeavor and representatives of the or- ter to the hearts and minds of our older popu- The food is flowing with so many choic- Lodge officers, members, family, guests ganization were on hand at its unveiling. lation. Each year we raise a couple thousand es – you can find open-faced sandwiches, from the community, and members of other The keynote speaker at the institution more than we did the year before! yellow pea soup, marzipan cake, hot dogs, lodges and organizations, gathered to cel- of the new Willamette Valley lodge was Lise Looking around the Norwegian Chris- hamburgers and chicken wraps with fries. ebrate the occasion in the traditions of this Løken, a scholar who has studied Agnes Ma- tian Home on this day, one can see the crowds There is something for everyone – come 103-year-old organization. The new lodge thilde Wergeland extensively. Løken traveled – they are of every age, from five years old join us next year! We would love to have you is the result of women expressing interest in from Norway to attend the event and what an to 100. Children are smiling and laughing as partner with us. Please visit our web site at Daughters of Norway at the organization’s they ride the bouncy in the outdoor garden, www.nchhc.org or look us up on our Face- booth at the Junction City Scandinavian Fes- See > daughters, page 18 while adults are plotting about which raffle book page. tival. For the past year these energetic and motivated women worked toward this excit- ing day. The new lodge’s name honors Agnes The Scandinavian Hour Mathilde Wergeland (1857 – 1914), the first E 801 Lauritzen Lane Waupaca, WI 54981 Celebrating over 50 years on the air! Norwegian woman to earn a Ph.D. Strong and (715) 256-9930 • [email protected] independent, Agnes immigrated to America KKNW – 1150 AM to study because there were no opportunities The season’s hottest item: for women in higher education in Norway. Saturdays 9 – 10 a.m. PST The cape! Streaming live on the internet at: www.1150kknw.com

Leif erikson Lodge 2-001, sons of norway Culture, entertainment and fun for young and old – Come join us! November 5 Beginning genealogy seminar. Register: (206) 783-1274. $20 November 9 Membership Dinner. Cost: $10 per person, includes beverages November 12 2nd Saturday Kaffestua, 10 a.m. – 2:30 p.m. $4 donation NORNA II, crafts 10 a.m. – 2:30 p.m. Youth Group! 11 a.m. – 1 p.m. Stylish, comfortable, high quality 2nd Saturday Happy Hour. 5 – 8 p.m. $5 per person. woolen Nordic-style capes for women Weekdays now available in store and online Kaffestua: Mon. – Fri. 10 a.m. – 2:30 p.m. Donation: $4 Visit us online at Exercise class: Wednesdays, 10 – 10:45 a.m. $3 per person Be our fan on Facebook! Questions? Need membership info? Call 206-783-1274 New lodge president Traci Klink with Grand www.thetrollscove.com Lodge Secretary Judy Hadlock. or our shop in Waupauca, WI Leif erikson HaLL, 2245 n.W. 57tH st., seattLe, Wa 98107 18 • October 28, 2011 Online: blog.norway.com/category/norwegian-americans norwegian american weekly Norwegian heritage Norwegian Language Corner

The boys from Vangen: A bite of Norway Sons of Norway Normanna Lodge members share their favorite Norwegian goodies in Everett, Wash. Written by Leif Halse Vangsgutane, a classic series in Norway from 1941 to present, was used as curriculum material in Norwegian schools, as the series had easy-to-read text with pictures. Deb Nelson Gourley of Astri My Astri Publishing brings the copyrighted bilingual English/Norwegian serialization of “The Boys From Vangen: Vangsgutane” to the readers of the Norwegian American Weekly to practice their Norwegian reading skills, as well as enjoy a Norwegian classic!

EN MANN OG EN HUND A MAN AND A DOG «Vangsgutane» reiser seg og speider ut The Vangen boys stand up and peer out i måneskinnet. Jo, det er en mann med en in the moonlight. Indeed, it is a man with hund. Han kommer gående rett mot stab- a dog. He walks right toward the stabbur bursveggen og stanser under gluggen. Så wall and stops under the vent. He then lifts løfter han hunden opp, og sannelig: Hun- the dog up, and sure enough, the dog takes den tar tak med framlabbene i gluggeåp- hold of the vent opening with his front paws ningen og hopper innpå stabbursloftet! and jumps into the stabbur loft! Steinar og Kåre stormer fram over Steinar and Kåre rush across the yard. tunet. Mannen får øye på dem og plystrer The man sees them and whistles for the dog hunden til seg med en gang. Så legger de på at once. They take off across the farmyard sprang bortover vegen i full fart. «Vangs- toward the road at full speed. The Vangen Photo: Solveig Lee Saundra and Don Haugen sampled their favorite Norwegian baked goods at the Bite of Norway event gutane» springer etter alt de orker, og haler boys run after them as fast as they can hosted by the Sons of Norway Normanna Lodge in Everett, Wash. inn på tjuven litt etter hvert. Nå er de snart manage, closing in on the thief bit by bit. framme på Hjellebrekka, og Steinar er bare They are soon at the top of the Hjelle slope, So l v e i g Le e noen få meter bak mannen. and Steinar is just a few meters behind the Mount Vernon, Wash. Framme på kanten av brekka står det man. en kjelke. Nå kaster mannen seg på kjelken Ahead on the hilltop is a sled. Now the “When it comes to sugar and butter, ning of that area called Smokey Point. og setter utfor brekka. Det nytter ikke å man leaps on the sled and sets off down the they’re right there.” The Norwegians at the Mary Anderson Beck and her daugh- følge etter han nå. De må snu og gå tilbake hill. It’s no use following him now. They Sons of Norway Normanna Lodge in Everett, ter made rosettes. Mary’s grandmother, the til Hjellen. Der finner Steinar noen trespiler must turn and go back to Hjellen. There, Wash., who just celebrated their centennial Mjolsness side emigrated from Saude. og spikrer for stabbursgluggen. Fra den da- Steinar finds wooden boards and nails for anniversary, put those ingredients together Barbara Brevik’s grandmother came gen blir det slutt på tjuveriet, for nå kan the stabbur vent. From that day, the steal- and, once again, invited all to their “Bite of from Trondheim; Lee Breviks’s ancestors ikke hunden komme seg inn. Så får ing stops, because now the dog can’t get in. Norway.” came from Kristiansund. They demonstrat- Ane ha spekematen sin i fred. So Aunt Ane gets to have her smoked meat For the guests, the evening was special! ed making lefse and Reid Knapp, age 10, in peace. A chance to taste samples of Norwegian del- watched when her grandmother rolled out Translated into English by Alexander Knud Huntrods – Illustrated by Jens R. Nilssen icacies throughout the Nordic lodge hall, ad- the dough, practiced the skill that night. Vangsgutane bilingual book available for $19.95 with FREE shipping in the U.S.A. mire knitting, hardanger work, rosemaling, All ages attended. “Thor” Amundsen, www.astrimyastri.com and shop in their delightful Nordic store and just a little over one year old, made his sec- enjoy the heritage of demonstrators. ond appearance at this event. Last year, he Inger Hilmo Dow came to Everett from was the youngest in attendance. A couple Norway in 1949. Many remember her cous- weeks old! ins, Olaf, Gertie, and Arnolde Hytmo, once The Sons of Norway and other Norwe- lived on Conway Hill further north. She gian groups are wonderful places to enjoy made three kransekaker for the anniversary. one’s Norwegian heritage. Social Director, At the “Bite,” that was her specialty. Kay Saatvadt, told how her husband, encour- Don and Saundra Haugen demonstrated aged by a cousin, had come from Kongsberg their favorite baked goods. He was born in 1950 to Chicago. He sang in the Men’s in Everett but well-known as the owner of Chorus for 47 years. the Lefse Factory in Stanwood for 28 years. Throughout the evening, Iona Bard, and Saundra Shurstad Haugen’s father emigrated her daughter, Brenda Bard provided back- from Oppdal, and she was was born in Se- ground music on the accordion. attle. In 1946, her father opened a restau- Rice pudding, rømmegrøt, kransekake, rant at a site located north of Everett. It had sandbakkles, rosettes, and more Norwegian been called Rex’s Corner. He remodeled the cookies, sandwiches, and coffee! All in the building, built a barbecue pit in front, and setting of their Norwegian store! named it Smokey Point. That was the begin- A wonderful Nordic evening in Everett!

Norway.com Royal Norwegian Consulates < daughters Organization of the Week in North America From page 17 purpose of the Daughters of Norway is to preserve and pass on to future generations Minnesota exciting and meaningful experience for all to and local communities a knowledge of Nor- Sons of Norway hear her speak of this amazing woman. In wegian/Nordic heritage, and to build among Nortun Lodge #116 Honorary Consul General addition, following the event, the Daughters members a strong support system and bond of Duluth, Minn. Gary Gandrud of Norway received a letter of good wishes friendship. The Grand Lodge of the Daugh- Honorary Norwegian Consulate General from Her Majesty Queen Sonja of Norway. ters of Norway was formed in Seattle, Wash- For more information, contact 901 Marquette Ave. S, Suite 2750 Kristbjorg Eide Fisher, President A special greeting indeed! ington, in 1908; there are 28 local lodges in Minneapolis, MN 55402 Any woman who is at least 13 years old eight states; the Willamette Valley lodge was Phone: (218) 393-7320 Phone: (612) 332-3338 Norway Hall, 21A N Lake Ave and who is of Nordic descent, or who is or the 11th lodge formed since 2001. Fax: (612) 332-1386 Duluth, MN 55802 was married to a person of Nordic descent, For further information, visit the web- E-mail: [email protected] or who has a relative married to a person of site www.daughtersofnorway.org. For the full list of organizations, For a listing of all consulates, Norwegian descent, is eligible to join. The visit noram.norway.com/organizations visit noram.norway.com/organizations norwegian american weekly Online: blog.norway.com/category/sports October 28, 2011 • 19 sports Tough days for Lillestrøm’s Berg Tippeligaen: Norway’s Premier League Update from round 27 of the Tippeliga results Standings 10/21 Stabæk 1 – 1 Molde Tippeligaen plD PTS 1. Molde FK 27 54 10/23 Tromsø 0 – 0 2. Tromsø IL 27 46 10/23 Odd 1 – 0 Haugesund 3. Vålerenga Fotball 27 44 10/23 Viking 2 – 0 Lillestrøm 4. Rosenborg BK 26 43 5. SK Brann 27 42 10/23 Brann 1 – 0 Sarpsborg 6. Odd Grenland 27 42 10/23 Strømsgodset 3 – 1 Rosenborg 7. Strømsgodset TF 27 41

10/24 Ålesund 2 – 1 Vålerenga 8. FK Haugesund 27 40 9. Stabæk Fotball 26 38 10. Ålesunds FK 26 36 11. Viking FK 27 35 To read more about football 12. Lillestrøm SK 27 32 in Norway, visit 13. Sogndal IL 27 30 www.uefa.com or 14. Fredrikstad FK 25 28 www.fotball.no 15. IK Start 27 24 16. Sarpsborg FK 27 17

Photo: Trond Solberg / VG Henning Berg, coach of Lillestrøm SK, is beleagured by his team’s lack of goals.

Kj e l l Ol a v St r ø m s l i Trondheim, Norway NORDIC DELICACIES “A TASTE OF NORWAY IN THE HEART OF BROOKLYN!” Viking beats Lillestrøm 2 – 0 in round medal candidates but a strong defense play 27, and the pressure on Lillestrøm coach from the guests ensured a draw. Rosenborg 6909 ird Avenue Brooklyn, NY 11209 Henning Berg increases. The discussions messed up in Drammen against Strømsgod- Phone: (718) 748-1874 • Fax: (718) 833-7519 around Berg’s future in Lillestrøm have been set and made way for a gold celebration next www.nordicdeli.com many lately. Lillestrøm has now collected round for Molde despite a 1 – 1 tie for the only one point in the last eight games. Vi- Romsdal’s club against Stabæk. Strømsgod- king was efficient and took the lead on their set swept over Rosenborg from the first kick first big opportunity. Birkir Bjarnason played and battled home a 3 – 1 victory. Brann was Andre Danielsen free, and he went nicely facing the bottom team Sarpsborg in Ber- into the box before he smashed the ball into gen. The only goal came after four minutes the roof of the net. Three minutes later, Dan- by Brann’s Birkir Sævarson and send down ielsen was in the spot again. He went into “Sarpingene” to relegation. Odd Grenland the box and this time he finished with his left was a long time in the swamp in the Tippe foot and the ball went into keeper Magnus- league, but five wins in the last six has led son’s far corner. the team up the chart and again col- Tromsø and Songdal played a goal- lected all the points with a 1 – 0 win against less match at Alfeim. Tromsø is one of the Haugesund. Sports News & Notes Women’s handball wins again In the big leagues Norway’s national women’s handball team Norwegian soccer team ’s great defeated the 2 8– 21 in a friendly and relatively unknown talent Zymer Bytyqi Subscribe today! Call (800) 305-0217 in Rotterdam on Oct. 22, after 10 – 10 at half- (15) played at a trial game with the Premier time. Stine Bredal Oftedal and Linn Jørum League club Newcastle United. And accord- Sulland scored six goals each for Norway. In ing to Sandnesposten.no, the young player has a second friendly on Oct. 23, Norway had to impressed Newcastle so much during training Has your family changed over settle for a 31 – 31 draw. In this match, Oftedal that they would like to see more of the 15-year- the years? and Sulland also scored six goals each. old. Newcastle is not the only English club that (Norway Post) has shown interest in Bytyqi. Manchester Unit- Your benefi ciaries may have changed, too. ed and Stoke, according to local newspapers, Paddling gold for Norway’s Minde also want to see the Sandnes Ulf player. “He Make sure this information is up-to-date. To get started, talk to your fi nancial representative today! Norway’s Morten Minde won gold in the K1, is one of the best on the G15 team. Of course men under 23, marathon event at the 2011 Ca- there is interest in him. He is a great talent, but noe Marathon World Championships in Singa- it’s about taking one step at a time,” said By- pore on Oct. 21. Minde outraced Spanish Emil- tyqu’s agent Jim Solbakken to Sandnesposten io Llamedo on the last stretch, to win the 26km in September. Currently, he is remaining with race. Tim Pendle of Great Britain came third. Sandnes Ulf. (NRK) (NRK Sport)

< preparing From page 1 On Nov. 12, the team Wales will play Norway in Cardiff. The Welsh made ​​a strong but all are looking forward to next autumn’s effort towards the end of this year’s qualifi- World Cup qualifier. Beginning as early as cation. February, the Norwegian National Soccer “After a troublesome start to the quali- Insurance products issued or offered by Thrivent Financial for Lutherans, Appleton, WI. Not all products are available in all states. Securities and investment advisory services are offered through Thrivent Team will begin preparations for what will fier, Wales was a contender towards the end, Investment Management Inc., 625 Fourth Ave. S., Minneapolis, MN 55415, 800-847-4836, a FINRA and SIPC member and a wholly owned subsidiary of Thrivent Financial for Lutherans. Thrivent Financial hopefully end up in a trip to Brazil for the with three strong wins and a narrow loss to representatives are registered representatives of Thrivent Investment Management Inc. They are also World Cup in 2014. England. They knocked out our next World licensed insurance agents of Thrivent Financial. “Now we have two opponents who be- Cup qualifier opponent Switzerland 2-0,” • NOT A DEPOSIT • NOT FDIC INSURED long to the mid-level in Europe, and this is Semb said. • NOT INSURED BY ANY FEDERAL GOVERNMENT AGENCY the types of opponents that are beneficial for Norway and Wales met last in 2008, • NOT GUARANTEED BY THRIVENT FINANCIAL BANK • MAY LOSE VALUE us to play against in the preparations for the when the Welsh won 3 – 0 at home. Appleton, Wisconsin • Minneapolis, Minnesota • Thrivent.com • 800-THRIVENT (800-847-4836) World Cup qualifier next fall,” says the soc- On Feb. 29, Northern Ireland will host 27082NAW N8-11 201103947 cer team manager Nils Johan Semb. Norway at Windsor Park in Belfast. Committed to Delivering the World’s Safest, Most Effective Omega Oils™

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