HOUSE of REPRESENTATIVES Inspire Us with the Certainty That There MESSAGE from TIIE SENATE Are No Crises We Cannot Face, No Tempta­ a Message from the Senate, by Mr

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HOUSE of REPRESENTATIVES Inspire Us with the Certainty That There MESSAGE from TIIE SENATE Are No Crises We Cannot Face, No Tempta­ a Message from the Senate, by Mr 6342 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD- HOUSE May 16 then released to serve the Communist prop­ "The presence here of my wife and chil­ viewpoints between the Department of aganda purposes as has been the case of some dren tends to intensify my natural desire State and the Department of Commerce of the civilians? that no one toss any atom or hydrogen It is time for Mr. Hammarskjold to make bombs this way. on this issue, and establish an American his report to the United Nations and to the "I a.m quite convinced that my best policy that takes into account what Rus­ people of America. chances as well as those of my country and sia is doing to take advantage of the What is intended to be done about Com­ the entire free world rest with the firm 'stop present situation. munist failure to comply with the terms of the Communist march' movement which you Mr. President, I ask unanimous con­ the Korean armistice? so forcibly represent. I have flown 400 com­ sent to have printed in the RECORD, an If the United Nations as an organization bat missions and would rather fly 400 more article from the Pittsburgh Post­ is paralyzed from taking action, then the than to see my kind of a world go down the Government of the United States ha.s an ob­ drain 1 isla.nd or 1 small country at a time. Gazette of Wednesday, April 13, telling ligation to men wearing the uniform of this "America must wake up to the real inten­ of a talk on this situation by Eliot Jane­ country to take some effective steps in get­ tions of communism and take real and pur­ way, a recognized authority on economic ting our men released. poseful steps to frustrate those intentions." research. There was a time at the turn of the cen­ There being no objection, the article tury when a single American civilian held as was ordered to be printed in the RECORD, a· captive brought from President Theodore Roosevelt the effective ultimatum: "Perdi­ as follows: caris or Raisuli dead." Export of Scrap Iron and Steel ScRAP ExPORT IMPASSE SEEN AIDING RUSSIA­ Now our associates want to reward the REDS GETTING COPPER IN DEAL WITH BRIT­ Communists with membership in the United EXTENSION OF REMARKS AIN, ECONOMIST REPORTS Nations. The problem of export of scrap iron and Have we forgotten the bibilical injunc­ OF steel to Europe is tied in with Russian pro­ tion in Second Corinthians: curement of copper and presents a knotty "Be ye not unequally yoked together with HON. HUBERT H. HUMPHREY problem to the administration in Washing­ unbelievers; for what fellowship has right­ OF MINNESOTA ton, in the opinion of a New York economist. eousness with unrighteousness? And what IN THE SENATE OF THE UNITED STATES Eliot Janeway, of New York, editor of communion has lgiht with darkness?" Janeway's Memos, an economic service to There are many persons at home and Friday, May 13, 1955 business, was in Pittsburgh last night to abroad who believe the Chinese Communists address the advance management group of are now merely following a long-established Mr. HUMPHREY. Mr. President, the School of Industrial Administration of technique to use negotiations (as at Pan­ whatever may be the intentions, some Carnegie Institute of Technology in Webster munjom) for the purpose of building up of our shortsighted policies are actually Hall Hotel. their striking power. helping Soviet Russia. There seems to Their minimum price will be a downpay­ be considerable confusion between the DECISION UP TO WHITE HOUSE ment of the offshore isla.nd groups of Quemoy Department of Commerce and the De­ Many of the ideas discussed with a re­ and Matsu and admission into the United porter were touched upon in the economist's Nations. Their ultimate price, which they partment of State over the matter of the address. will hope to get by negotiation or through export of scrap iron from the United It is his opinion that the White House will the United Nations, or by armed conflict, States. I do not think it is too much to have to decide the question of whether un­ will be Formosa and the Pescadores. ask that the Department of Commerce restricted scrap exports to Europe shall be In the long history of the Soviet Union or and the Department of State pass 1 or permitted. At present, there is a trickle of the shorter history of Communist China, 2 resolutions, first, that they are part scrap exports under license. there is nothing to demonstrate that the of the same Government; and, second, . The State Department has decided there Communist-pledged word is worth the paper that it might be well, since they might is no scrap shortage in the United States, on which it is written. agree that they are part of the same while the Commerce Department is in tlie The bones of the repudia.ted Soviet treaties corner of steel producers, who wish scrap and agreements with Latvia, Lithuania, Es­ Government, to have a uniform policy exports to be prohibited. The steel indus­ tonia, Poland, Hungary, Rumania, Bul­ on a matter which affects our foreign try says, in effect, that if Europe needs metals, garia, Czechoslovakia, Finland, and the Re­ trade and foreign policy. it should buy semi-finished or finished steel. public of China, together with the 1933 Our domestic steel industry is trying Litvinov compact with the United States to compel Western Europe to buy semi­ RUSSIA SHIPPING TO ENGLAND are there for all to· see. finished steel or finished steel. They During the impasse, according to Jane­ More recently the violations of the Ko­ way, Russia is shipping pig iron to England rean and Geneva armistice agreements by are trying to prohibit export of scrap at a delivered price slightly under the de­ Communist China are an additional warn­ iron and seem to have the blessing of the livered price of American steel scrap there. ing signal against placing either our faith Department of Commerce in doing so. As part of the pig iron deal, there is a reci­ or the survival of our friends and allies on As a result, they are unknowingly or procity arrangement, he said, whereby Eng­ the cynical smiling facade of a brutal Chou otherwise providing Russia with a pow­ land supplies Russia with badly needed en-lai. erful lever to force Western Europe to copper. Just recently, I had a letter from an Air ship copper to them, despite the free Janeway said that the decision on larger Force pilot in Formosa. · In his letter to me scrap steel exports should be made on a of February 12, this pilot wrote: world shortage of copper and the fact basis of the least cost to the American econ­ "As an Air Force jet pilot assigned to this that it is a strategic material badly omy. In any event, he is in favor of per­ island for the next 2, I am sure ·my needed in Russia. mitting scrap exports only if the steel made interest in lasting world peace is as acute as I respectfully suggest it is time for the from it is used by Western Europe for de­ is any American's. White House to take a look at conflicting fense purposes. HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Inspire us with the certainty that there MESSAGE FROM TIIE SENATE are no crises we cannot face, no tempta­ A message from the Senate, by Mr. MONDAY, MAY 16,1955 tions we cannot master, no problems we Carrell, one of its clerks, announced that cannot solve, no wrongs we cannot set the Senate had passed without amend­ The House met at 12 o'clock noon. right, and no victories for righteousness ment bills of the House of the following The Chaplain, Rev. Bernard Braskamp, and justice we cannot win when Thou titles: D. D., offered the following prayer: art our companion and counselor. H. R. 872. An act for the relief of Mrs. 0 Thou who art the inspiration of all Grant that we may never become dis­ Concetta Saccatti Salliani; sincere and earnest prayers and their heartened and discouraged as we con­ H. R. 876. An act for the relief of Alberto only answer, help us to believe and know tinue to set ourselves to the difficult task Dal Bello and Mrs. Dina Bristot Dal Bello; that the secret of a happy and victorious of building a nobler civilization and seek H. R. 881. An act for the relief of Gabriella life is to be found in a mind and heart Sardo; to help all mankind achieve the high­ H. R. 886. An act for the relief of Mrs. inhabited and controlled by Thy Spirit. est and happiest kind of life. Mounira E. Medlej; - May we begin this new week with the glad assurance that what we need inore Hear us in the name of our blessed H. R. 888. An act for the relief of Mrs. Elsa Lord. Amen. Danes; than anything else in the strain and H. R. 890. An act for the relief of Eliseo stress of life, both for our peace and The Journal of the proceedings of Felix Hernandez; power, is Thy divine presence and guid­ Thursday, May 12, 1955, was read and H. R. 911. An act for the relief of Gloria ance. approved. Minoza Medellin; 1955 ·CONGRESSIONAL ~ RECORD- HOUSE 6343 H. R. 91a. An act for the relief of Hilde­ H. R. 2764. An act for the relief of Victor COMMITTEE ON INTERSTATE AND gard Noble; and Irene-Wanda Goldstein; FOREIGN COMMERCE H.
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