1961 Wnh Summa" and Notauon of Subsequent Important Deveigpments
F ederal C ommunications C ommlsslon• • 27th annual report Fiscal year ended June 30, 1961 wnh summa" and notaUon of subsequent Important deveIGpments. UNITEO STATES GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFFICE. WASHINGTON. 1961 For lal. by Ihe Superlntend,nt of Documents, U.S. Government 'tinting Office Washington 25, D.C. - Price 45 cents (paper cover) COMMISSIONERS Members of the Federal Communications Commission (As of June 30, 1961) NEWTON N. MINOW, Ohairman (Term.expires J nne 30, 1968) ROSEL H. HYDE (Term expires June 30, 1966) ROBERT T. BARTLEY (Term expires June 30, 1965) ROBERT E. LEE I (Term expires June 30, 1967) ."", T. A. M. CRAVEN (Term expires June 30, 19(3) FREDERICK 'V. FORD (Term expires June 30, 19(4) JOHN S. CROSS (Term expires June 30, 19(2) A list of present and past Commissioners appears on page IV. n LETTER OF TRANSMITTAL FEDER"\.L CO)UIUNICATIONS CO:UMISSION, Washington 135, D.C. To the Congress of the United States: Submitted herewith is the 27th annual report of the Federal Com munications Commission for the fiscal year 1961. The report furnishes particular information and data required by section 4(k) of the Communications Act of 1934, as amended; a sec tion 315 amendment concerning political broadcasts; also material responsive to recommendations made in 1959 by the House Legislative Oversight Sllbcommitt('e. Congressional attention is invited, in particular, to Commission ac tions in implementing the many changes to the act made in 1960, efforts of the Commission to make broadcasters more aware of their public interest responsibilities, the Commission's relation to and activ ities in national defense and space communication matters, and prob lems and policies reflected in the mushrooming growth of business and private communication services and the continued expansion of com mon carrier telephone and telegraph facilities.
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