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This week on .com This week in the paper Ekornes wins three California Lutheran’s awards in this year’s Kjærlighet later til å være en Scandinavian Festival Furniture Luge at sinnsbevegelse, vennskap en slated April 17-18 Strandfjellet holdning. Read more on page 12 Read more at blog.norway.com - Aristoteles Norwegian American Weekly

Vol. 121, No. 14 April 9, 2010 7301 Fifth Avenue NE Suite A, Seattle, WA 98115 • Tel (206) 784-4617 • www.norway.com $1.50 per copy Online News Dateline Apple’s iPad orders overwhelm Norwegian

Norway changes tax rules for carbon permit trading market The Norwegian Tax Author- Signs of “crazy ity announced the tax changes, which shifts the valued added interest” in tax (VAT) levy from the seller to the buyer, Nasdaq said. Norway Steve Jobs’ arrested three people on March 30 after an investigation into tablet computer “carousel fraud,” where traders disappear after collecting tax and in Norway before forwarding it to countries. Europol says that VAT fraud has St a f f Co m p i l a t i o n robbed European nations of about Norwegian American Weekly EUR 5 billion ($6.7 billion). The European Union carbon dioxide Could enthusiasm for the iPad program is the world’s biggest in Norway be even greater than it is greenhouse gas market. in the United States? (NASDAQ) Two Apple retailers in Norway were overwhelmed by eager buy- United States, Britain, Norway ers whose pre-orders exceeded all urge “credible” Sudan vote supplies in less than a week. The United States, Britain and “It’s been a crazy interest and Norway jointly urged all sides in demand for Apple’s latest creation, Photo: Apple Sudan to work for credible elec- CONTINUES PAGE 6 The iPad was launched April 3 with an overwhelming demand for Apple’s version of the tablet computer. tions, which are slated to begin April 11.“We urge all parties in Sudan to work urgently to ensure 2010 Now That’s She’s Gone that elections can proceed peace- Ellen Snortland fully and credibly in April,” U.S. Helene Rell crowned Miss Norway of Secretary of State Hillary Clin- Greater New York in Brooklyn, N.Y. explores her ton, British Foreign Secretary relationship with David Miliband and Norwegian Foreign Minister Jonas Gahr her Norwegian- Støre said in a joint statement. American mother in Britain was formerly the colonial power in Sudan, while Norway is a one-woman play a major provider of aid. (AFP) Ch r i s t y Ol s e n Fi e l d Managing Editor

What’s inside? Nominated for a 2009 Pulitzer Prize in drama, Ellen Snortland’s Photo courtesy of Ellen Snortland News 2-3 “Now That She’s Gone” is a one- and sometimes torturous relation- Business 4 woman play that explores Snort- ship with her Norwegian-Ameri- land’s often hilarious, irreverent Sports 5 CONTINUES PAGE 12 Op-Ed 6-7 Photo courtesy of Roy Jorgensen Suzann just misses title Taste of Norway 8 L-R: Miss Norwegian Heritage Freia Titland, of Nanuet, N.Y. and Miss Norway At the first Major of the Travels to Norway 9 of Greater New York, Helene Rell, of Saugerties, N.Y. year, Suzann Pettersen came up just one shot Roots & Connections 10 ternoon. He lent an air of calm and Ro y Jo r g e n s e n short of victory Faith & Religion Hopewell Junction, N.Y. humor to the contestants and to the 11 young girls who participated in the LPGA Arts & Entertainment 12 The Miss Norway of Greater pageant of Little Miss Norway. In Your Neighborhood New York Contest was held at Ten young women participat- Just one stroke separated the 13 the Norwegian Christian Home ed in the 2010 Miss Norway Con- winner Yani Tseng from Taiwan Norwegian Heritage 14 and Health Center in Brooklyn on test, most of whom are from the and Suzann Pettersen of Norway. March 27. Vibeke Steineger, chair Research & Education New York area: Eryka Eikeseth; The two had carded 207 strokes 15 of the event, greeted the audience Kathryn Hansen, a teacher at Fort on April 4 before the final round in and then introduced Rolf Stang who Hamilton High School, Brook- Rancho Mirage, California Kraft was the congenial and able master lyn and who plans to reorganize a Championships. $1 = NOK 5.9454 of ceremonies for this exciting af- Norwegian folk dance group in the A three under par round on Photo: Suzanngolf.com updated 4/5/10 CONTINUES PAGE 13 CONTINUES PAGE 5 2 No r g e - Uk e n s o m g i k k Nyheter på Nettet Omstridte kraftlinjeprosjekt - Oljen har gjort oss late ut på anbud Knivstukket under utfylling av skademeld- ing i Follo SVs miljøpolitiske En mann i 30-åra er sendt til sykehus et- ter at han ble knivstukket i ryggen og skul- talsperson Snorre deren da han skulle fylle ut en skademeld- ing etter et trafikkuhell i Ås i på Valen ønsker at 5. april. – To menn skrev en skademelding regjeringen legger Foto: BKK etter et trafikkuhell, da den ene mannen ble Slik kan kraftlinjen komme til å se ut. knivstukket to ganger i ryggen og en gang en plan for utfasing NRK i skulderen av den andre mannen. Kniven ble stående i skulderen, sier operasjonsled- av oljeutvinning i sin Planene om kraftlinjen har møtt massiv er Leiv Olav Holten i Follo politidistrikt. varslede oljemelding motstand, trass i at både Statnett og BKK Den skadde mannen er sendt til Oslo uni- mener den er nødvendig for å sikre en fors- versitetssykehus, Ullevål. Han skal etter varlig strømforsyning til bergensregionen. forholdene ha det bra. NTB – Noen vil sikkert kritisere dette og si at (Aftenposten) vi foregriper den demokratiske behandlingen - Vi bør avvikle oljevirksomheten på og tar for gitt at vi får konsesjon på den løsn- Flere postkasser brutt opp i Oslo norsk sokkel og la oljen ligge på havbunnen ing vi har anbefalt og søkt på. Vi vil avvise Flere offentlige postkasser i Oslo ble funnet til glede for kommende generasjoner, sier dette og begrunner vår fremgangsmåte med brutt opp på 3. april. Politiet tror flere post- SV-representanten fra Sør-Trøndelag. at det haster å få denne ledningen bygget og sekker er på avveie. På alle stedene ble det Valen ønsker svar på når skal vi være at vi dermed gjør det vi kan for at det ikke funnet post strødd rundt på bakken. - Ved uavhengige av olje, hvordan skal det skje, og skal stå på oss, sier kommunikasjonsdirektør Brynsenteret fant vi fire postsekker med hvilke nye arbeidsplasser skal vi skape. Tor Inge Akselsen i Statnett. Foto: SV.no Motstanderne mener prosjektet vil rep- innhold, sier operasjonsleder Finn Belle i - Oljen har gjort oss late. Norge må SVs miljøpolitiske talsperson, Snorre Valen. Oslo politidistrikt. kaste oljesløret som hindrer oss i å se an- resentere et unødvendig og horribelt inngrep i den vakre naturen i området. Det er olje- og (VG Nett) dre muligheter for verdiskaping enn olje, og Danmark har bygd solidariske samfunn energiminister Terje Riis Johansen som skal sier Snorre Valen, stortingsrepresentant og uten våre oljeverdier, er det fordi oljesløret avgjøre om Statnett får tillatelse til å bygge Gutter (16) siktet for skolebrann miljøpolitisk talsperson i Sosialistisk Ven- tildekker utsynet vårt, sier Valen. streparti (SV). mastene. Avgjørelsen er ventet om ikke To 16 år gamle gutter ble i natt siktet for Den rødgrønne regjeringen har lovet å lenge. å ha forårsaket skolebrannen i English Synopsis: “Oil has made us lazy,” legge fram en petroleumsmelding i 2010. – Vi akter å kjøre en stram prosess og vil i går kveld, og i formiddag ble det tatt ut said Snorre Valen, the Socialist Left party’s en- - Oljelobbyen vil ha oss til å tro at alt vironmental spokesman. He is calling for the holde høyt tempo de nærmeste ukene, men siktelse mot ytterligere to unggutter. I alt annet enn olje ikke er ordentlige verdier. government to include a plan for phasing out vi trenger uansett noen uker med gjennom- seks klasserom, gymsalen, et mediatek og Dette er et angrep på industrien, på turis- oil production in the oil address this year. “Oil gang av anbudspapirer og forhandlinger før skolekjøkkenet er totalt utbrent og ødelagt. men, og på fiskerinæringa, mener Valen. prevents us from seeing other opportunities for vi kan inngå kontrakt, sier Akselsen. Noen klasserom og andre deler av under- value creation other than oil.... we forget that Han kaller koblingen som ofte gjøres mel- countries like Sweden and Denmark have built visningsarealet er delvis berget. Bran- English Synopsis: Statnett is moving ahead lom oljeproduksjon og velferd for historieløs a solidarity society without our oil assets,” said nvesenet ble varslet av naboer like over with a controversial powerline in Hardanger. og usolidarisk. Valen. The Cabinet will release a gas and oil klokka 22 i går kveld, og i alt 30 personer Opponents believe it will take away from the - Når vi glemmer at land som Sverige statement this year. fra to brannstasjoner deltok i arbeidet med natural beauty of the landscape. å slokke brannen. (Dagbladet) Passasjertog sporet Travel påske i sør - roligere i nord Sju våpen og 15.000 skudd stjålet i Sør- av ved Oslo S Trøndelag Røde Kors og Norsk Folkehjelp melder om få All togtrafikk mellom Oslo Politiet står uten spor etter at tyver stjal alvorlige ulykker i fjellet, men en unormalt travel sju våpen og store mengder ammunisjon og Lillestrøm står på 1. april påske i sør. I nord meldes det roligere forhold fra Hitra skytterlags lokaler påskeaften. VG Ne t t Politiet fikk melding om tyveriet klokken NTB/NRK 15.15 på 3. april. Et døgn senere sto politiet - Toget kastet og ristet på seg, så stop- fortsatt uten spor i saken. - Vi foretok åst- – Påsken startet relativt rolig for Røde pet det. Jeg merket at det var noe rart som Kors, spesielt i den sørlige landsdelen som edsundersøkelser lørdag, og har fulgt opp skjedde, det kastet mer på seg enn det som er etterforskningen søndag. Men så langt har var preget av gråvær og byger. Men i an- vanlig. Det var veldig åpenbart at det sporet dre delen av påsken økte antall skader, og vi ingen spor å gå etter, opplyser operas- av. Heldigvis var det så liten fart at det ikke jonsleder Ann Kristin Øie i Sør-Trøndelag dette har trolig sammenheng med økt utfart var farlig, sier John Nikolaisen til VG Nett. i løyper og skianlegg. I de nordlige landsde- politidistrikt. Det skal ikke ha vært noe tilløp til pan- (Dagbladet) lene, som har hatt strålende vær, har Røde ikk blant passasjerene om bord i toget. Kors registrert et jevnt antall skader, sier - Nei, jeg merket ikke noe til det, sier landsrådsleder Jahn Petter Berentsen i Røde Hans Kristian (35 kilo) tok torsk på 39 Nikolaisen som roser NSB-mannskapets kilo Kors Hjelpekorps. innsats etter avsporingen. - De var rolige og Røde Kors har totalt gjennomført 201 10 år gamle Hans Kristan Andersen slo en ga oss god informasjon. aksjoner og bistått over 880 mennesker i 18 år gammel norgesrekord da halte opp en Informasjonssjef Preben Colstrup i NSB årets påske. Dette er en økning fra i fjor da 39 kilo tung torsk fra Breivikfjorden i Finn- sier at det var toget som gikk fra Oslo mot det ble utløst 190 aksjoner og 668 skader ble Photo: CH/Innovation Norway mark - helt alene. - Det var ganske tungt. Dal klokka 18.57 i kveld som sporet av. behandlet. Natt til skjærtorsdag gikk det et Først trodde jeg at det var en fisk på rundt – Påsken har vært stille og rolig her. Toget sporet av bare få minutter etter skred i Kvaløya i , hvor to personer 15 kilo eller noe, men så dro den plutselig Færre har reist til fjellet på grunn av det dår- avgang i den såkalte Brynsbakken. mistet livet. Fredag gikk det et skred i Lærdal ut 20 meter snøre, sier den unge, men er- lige været, og det ser ut til at de som dro på - Ingen personer skal være skadet. Slik i . Tre personer som ble tatt farne, torskefiskeren til VG Nett. fjellet stort sett holdt seg inne, sier Redning- jeg har forstått det er det halvannen vogn som av raset, ble gravd ut i live av vitner på ste- (VG Nett) sleder Ben Wikøren til NTB. står på bakken, sier Colstrup til VG Nett. det. Røde Kors har registrert seks dødsfall i Røde Kors opplyser imidlertid at op- - Etterforskere vil prøve å finne ut hva påskefjellet inkludert skredulykken i Troms. - Sponsorsvikt for russen pholdsværet som har nådd den sørlige lands- som har skjedd. Foreløpig er det er for tidlig Tre av disse var sykdomsrelaterte. delen de siste dagene, har ført til noe mer å I år blir det flere russebusser enn noen gang å si noe om årsak, sier innsatsleder Bjørs- – Med unntak av et par triste hendelser, gjøre. på norske veier, men mange sliter med å vik. har vi unngått de aller største ulykkene i år, Norsk Folkehjelp melder om at få har finne sponsorer for å betale for moroa. - Det Redningsmannskapene i Oslo fryktet sier Berentsen. gått seg vill i påskefjellet i år. er vanskelig å få sponsorer. Vi har sendt e- det verste da de fikk melding om avsporin- – I totalsum har vi hatt flere aksjoner re- – Vi har registrert fire leteaksjoner. Jevnt post til over 50 bedrifter, men skjønte fort gen ved 19.15-tiden. latert til påskeutfarten i år enn normalt. År- over er påsketuristene flinke, men mange at henvendelsene måtte være proffe om vi - Det ble satt inn store ressurser etter- saken er nok at været har vært bra. De fleste tenker nok at ulykken ikke vil ramme dem, skulle få napp, sier økonomisjef Vibeke som vi ikke visste hva det dreide seg om. aksjonene har vært på bakgrunn av mindre sier Cecilie Borgen fra Norsk Folkehjelps Thuve for jentebussen som foreløpig går Det er ikke så lenge siden det var en annen skader, forteller Hovedredningssentralen red- opplysningssentral i Tromsø. under dekknavnet Rugrats. togulykke i Oslo, sier Bjørsvik. ningsleder Kjell Johansen til NTB. (VG Nett) English Synopsis: A passenger train derailed Johansen berømmer Røde Kors og Norsk English Synopsis: Bad weather in southern in Oslo, just one week after a train crash killed Folkehjelp for innsatsen i påsken. Norway and great weather in northern Norway three people in Oslo. No one was injured. – De gjør en formidabel jobb, sier han. caused more accidents during Easter vacation. NORWEGIAN AMERICAN WEEKLY • WWW.NORWAY.COM • APRIL 9, 2010 Ne w s 3 TANDBERG inaugurates VA’s Norway pledges USD 100 million in This week on Norway.com distance learning center assistance to Haiti over next four years Norway sees tripling of triplet births Ta n d b e r g since 1960s There are about twice as many sets of trip- Norway’s TANDBERG executives lets born in Norway every year compared stood alongside Veterans Affairs (VA) of- to 40 years ago— not including babies con- ficials on April 1 in Falling Waters, W.V. ceived with assisted reproductive technol- as the VA inaugurated its first national dis- ogy (ART). Once ART babies were added tance learning center dedicated to training to the mix, the rate of triplet births roughly IT staff, the National IT Training Academy. tripled, Dr. A. Tandberg of Haukeland Uni- The Academy, a former warehouse, was versity Hospital in Bergen and colleagues repurposed to facilitate training of security found. Before 1988, one set of triplets was content to the VA’s information security and born for every 10,000 births; after 1988, privacy officers through a state-of-the-art there were 3.3 triplet births per 10,000 distance-learning classroom. The classroom pregnancies. is fully integrated with TANDBERG video (Reuters) conferencing solutions designed specifically for classroom training environments. Photo: Norway Mission/Thoralf Stenvold April fools joke at Royal Palace The Academy’s solution integrates People were tricked on April 1 to call the TANDBERG video conferencing systems, No r w a y ’s Mi ss i o n t o t h e Un i t e d Na t i o n s Haiti Jan. 12, Norway has provided NOK Royal Palace and ask for Harald and Haa- which enable live “face-to-face” trainings 200 million (USD 35 million) in emergency kon. Messages like “Hi. Must talk to you, it across multiple locations, web-based cours- Norway will provide assistance totaling relief. Norway will step up its long-term as- is urgent, but you are running out of power es and on-demand recordings, with GTSI NOK 800 million (USD 100 million) to Haiti sistance to Haiti by providing an additional on your mobile, you can call 22 04 87 00 technology. Combined, these technologies over the next four years. The announcement NOK 600 million (USD 75 million). and say you need to talk with Haakon? He will enable instructors to hold on and off site was made by State Secretary Ingrid Fiskaa “The earthquake has caused great suf- knows who I am.” is currently being sent trainings in the 74-seat classroom, and facili- at the International Donors’ Conference To- fering among the Haitian population. More to countless people in Norway. When call- tate collaboration with several classrooms at wards a New Future For Haiti which was than a million people have been left home- ing this number, one is first greeted with an other VA locations around the country. GTSI held at the United Nations headquarters in less. But helping Haiti requires more than automated voice that says “Welcome to the upgraded existing servers, built a virtual New York on March 31. Royal Palace, please wait.” Despite this, desktop environment, and introduced a stor- Following the earthquake that struck CONTINUES PAGE 12 there are many who wait until the operator age area network (SAN) to create this highly takes the phone and ask to speak with Har- available and dynamic environment capable Film critic Pål Bang-Hansen dies at 72 ald and Haakon. “Sometimes we get some of giving employees the latest information of those calls, but today there have been quickly, efficiently, and cost-effectively. NRK’s Mr. Cinema was more than usual, “said an operator at the “It is a real pleasure to open this state- active in the film industry switchboard. “The behavior of the caller is of-the-art facility and see the great potential very person-dependent. But there are a lot VA has for getting the latest information to for 61 years who have been fooled,” says the operator. our employees quickly and efficiently,” said No r w e g i a n Fi l m In s t i t u t e (Adressavisen) Roger Baker, VA CIO. “This is a great ex- ample of the expedient use of IT to make a Norwegian actor, director, film critic, World’s largest computer party is on substantial contribution towards training that and journalist Pål Bang-Hansen died March A virtual stampede of a record 6,000 young will ensure benefits to veterans and the pub- 25 at age 72. Bang-Hansen was one of Nor- people has filled ’s Vikingskipet for lic.” way’s most prolific child actors—he had his this year’s “Gathering 2010,” an annual “We are incredibly pleased to work with break in Arne Skouen’s Gategutter (1949). five-day event for young computer enthu- the VA and GTSI to develop this large-scale He went to film school in Rome. Between sisists. “The Gathering” started in 1992 training network,” said Joel Brunson, Presi- 1966-1979 he made six features – his debut, with 1,200 participants in the Skedsmo dent, TANDBERG Americas Public Sector. Script in Snow (Skrift i sne), was selected Photo: Adressa.no Hall, near Oslo. In 1999 it was registered “Our video endpoints and infrastructure con- for competition in Berlin, his last was the in The Guinness’ Book of Records as the nect the VA IT National Training Academy strongly political, The Crown Prince (Kro- for the regular television show Filmmagasi- world’s biggest temporary data network. with training centers across the country to nprinsen/1979). net from 1966 to 1989. In his role at NRK he The idea of the arrangement is to bring facilitate training of its entire 7,000 IT staff Despite his success as a filmmaker, was the one and only film presenter on Nor- together young people interested in data members. We pride ourselves in providing Bang-Hansen is best known throughout Nor- wegian television for decades. He reported communication to exchange knowledge on customers with innovative solutions and are way as one of the nation’s leading film critics, equally enthusiastically from the festival in data computing. happy to help the VA’s Office of Informa- while working in that capacity for NRK for Cannes (which he visited 45 times) and local (NRK) CONTINUES PAGE 8 40 years, from 1967 to 2007. He was anchor Haugesund.

Norwegian American Weekly (USPS 679-840) (ISSN 1942-1389) is published weekly except the last two weeks of July, the first two weeks of August and the last week of Dec. by Norwegian American Weekly Inc, 7301 Fifth Avenue NE Suite A, Seattle, WA 98115. Periodicals postage paid at Seattle, WA and at additional mailing offices. POSTMASTER: Send address changes to Norwegian American Weekly 7301 Fifth Avenue NE Suite A, Seattle, WA 98115. Phone: (206)784-4617 • Email: naw@norway. Proud to bring you the Norwegian American Weekly com • Website: norway.com. Annual subscription cost: USD $50 domestic; USD $70 to Canada; USD $175 to Norway and all other foreign countries. APRIL 9, 2010 • WWW.NORWAY.COM • NORWEGIAN AMERICAN WEEKLY 4 Bu s i n e s s Exchange Rates Oslo Børs: (April 5, 2010) Vinnere Small steps to giant leaps Navn Siste % Aker BioMarine 5,21 17,34 Oslo’s MoonWalk Observatory inspires busy people Norsk Kr. 5.9454 Indre Sogn Sparebank 74,75 10,33 to challenge conventional ways of doing business Renewable Energy Corp. 27,80 9,23 Dansk Kr. 5.5226 Navamedic 8,20 6,49 profitable democratic airlines in the world. Apptix 2,31 6,45 Ra s m us Fa l ck Her mantra: “If you put people first, profit Tapere Oslo, Norway Svensk Kr. 7.1762 will follow.” She gave her insights on culture Navn Siste % President John F. Kennedy’s goal of get- Crew Gold Corp. new shares 2,41 -8,37 and people strategies. Norwegian passionate Canadian $ 1.0021 ting a man on the moon is a classic. These Crew Gold Corp. 2,43 -5,81 professionals got a deep-dive discussion and PSI Group 8,82 -4,96 day’s a lot of European countries want to practical bench learning. Euro 0.7418 Rocksource 4,35 -4,40 launch various breakthrough projects. Also Earlier, the CEO of a leading construc- EDB Business Partner 18,70 -4,10 our own Prime Minister tion company gave insights at a creative has such a project, namely capturing CO2. breakfast workshop. In just eight years, his Inspired by the explorations in the 1960s, company grew from a small local builder young aspiring professionals in Oslo have to a nationwide business. He chose to chal- LUNDE MARINE ELECTRONICS, INC. established the group MoonWalker. One of lenge several orthodoxies of the construction their missions is to give some inspiration to industry and changed the company into a Sales and Service people with a busy schedule and that have customer-driven company with strong pres- a hard time to take time for future develop- ence in local communities. ment and to challenge establishment. In good Norwegian exploration tradition, Recently Rita Bailey visited their Moon- team MoonWalker has an annual excursion. walk Observatory in Oslo. She has a strong One of these earlier explorations that is not passion to help organizations realize the link so recognized is Roald Amundsen’s journey between people and profits. Her years at with the little Gjøa. With a crew of only six Seattle,WA Tacoma,WA Dutch Harbor, AK Southwest Airlines and her research into the phone (206) 789-3011 phone (253) 627-6968 phone (907) 581-1498 men, Amundsen’s Gjøa expedition was the fax (206)782-3188 fax (253)383-4965 fax (907) 581-1402 best companies to work for have given her first to sail from the Atlantic to the Pacific an in-depth knowledge of how to put people through the Bering Straight or the Northwest at the very heart of the drive toward business Passage in 1903-1906. Until 1972, one could excellence. see the boat in the Golden Gate Park in San [email protected] She held numerous leadership roles for Francisco. MoonWalker wants to spur inno- 5415 24th Ave NW, Seattle 98107 25 years at Southwest Airlines in customer vation by taking the participants behind the service, sales and marketing, public rela- scenes and give insights in the real stories tions, and human resources. As Director of that made them successful. This year’s ex- Southwest Airlines University, Bailey’s fo- cursion goes to and Boston. Judy A Cooper cus was to build the people who built the For more information, visit MoonWalk Financial Advisor company into one of the most successful and online at www.moonwalk.no. Business News & Notes • Personal Financial Planning Cisco’s buy of Tandberg cleared by E.U. Rolls-Royce’s recommended cash offer of • Retirement Planning regulators NOK 45 ($7.57) per share valued the com- • Mutual Funds Cisco Systems secured E.U. regulatory ap- pany at about NOK 2.1 billion. ODIM, based • Education Funding proval for its acquisition of Norwegian video in Hareid, Norway, produces equipment for conferencing company Tandberg to cre- the offshore drilling, naval and power gen- ate the world’s leader in videoconferencing eration markets. It has operations in Canada, 2601 4th Avenue equipment. U.S. network equipment maker Singapore and Vietnam, and employs about Suite 450 Cisco took control of more than 90 percent 900 people worldwide. Seattle, WA 98121 of Tandberg for NOK 19 billion ($3.34 bil- (CNBC) 206-283-6661 x 103 lion) in December 2009. Videoconferencing [email protected] equipment maker Tandberg, which has a 40 Aker Solutions signs service contract with percent share of the mid-tier market, fills a Petrobras Waddell & Reed, Inc. Member SIPC 9194 (06/09) gap between Cisco’s high-end TelePresence Aker Solutions has signed a three-year con- conferencing products and WebEx desktop tract with Petrobras for maintenance of sub- LEWIS O. TITLAND Quality Accounting & Tax Services for: video service. sea control systems supplied to the Brazilian Certified Public Accountant Small businesses (Reuters) national oil company. The contract value is (206)789-5433 Individuals BRL 30 million (NOK 100 million), and will 3824 18th Ave Specialized Assistance Statoil and ExxonMobil join forces in be managed from Aker Solutions’ service Seattle, WA 98119 Tanzania base in Rio das Ostras, through a specialized Statoil has signed an agreement with an affil- Brazilian team. Scope of work comprises Discount Car Rentals in Norway iate of ExxonMobil to transfer 35% of its in- maintenance, supply of parts and offshore op- terest in Statoil operated Block 2 in Tanzania. erations on control systems already installed, We work exclusively with HERTZ Statoil now holds 65% interest in the 11,099 and on their respective tests and installation square kilometers block. “Statoil is looking tools, which are held onshore. The contract 1.800.870.7688 Scandinavian owned & operated forward to working with ExxonMobil in our also covers maintenance of equipment in- frontier acreage offshore Tanzania. This is a stalled on platforms, including the hydraulic deepwater environment and both companies and electrical power units. “This contract re- have extensive deepwater experience,” says flects our intention to establish partnerships Tim Dodson, senior vice president Explora- throughout the subsea equipment lifecycle, 1 week 2 weeks tion. Offshore Tanzania is considered a fron- from engineering and manufacturing through to life-of-field maintenance,” says Marcelo Category / Period NOK / Approx $ tier exploration area. A phase of 2D seismic NOK / Approx $ Taulois, president of Aker Solutions’ subsea A - VW Lupo acquisition was completed in 2008 and the 2415 / $ 403 4222 / $ 704 business area in Brazil. B - VW Polo 4425 / $ 738 acquisition of a 3D seismic survey was com- 2528 / $ 422 pleted in February this year. (NRK) C - Ford Focus 4994 / $ 833 2844 / $ 474 (Statoil) E - Ford Mondeo 3341 / $ 557 5888 / $ 982 Opera Mini is money J - Ford Mondeo Automatic 3320 / $ 554 5850 / $ 975 Rolls-Royce nears full takeover of Opera Mini generates more than $1.2 bil- P - Ford Mondeo Wagon 3783 / $ 631 6684 / $ 1114 Norway’s ODIM lion per year for mobile operators around the world, according to Opera’s State of the Mo- *All prices are in Norwegian Kroner, rates include unlimited km’s, liability insurance & VAT tax Aircraft engine maker Rolls-Royce Group PLC said that it has rights to 97 percent of bile Web Report. The United States leads the Please see www.ViKiNgCARClub.COm way, with Opera Mini generating more than for a complete listing of vehicles & rates the shares in Norwegian engineering com- pany ODIM ASA, and will acquire the re- $146 per user, per year. (Opera Software) 108 N. Main St., Cranbury, NJ 08512 • [email protected] mainder through compulsory purchase.

NORWEGIAN AMERICAN WEEKLY • WWW.NORWAY.COM • APRIL 9, 2010 Sp o r t s 5 Petter Solberg reaches podium Tippeligaen results Standings Solberg and co- 4/5 Start 5-3 Vålerenga Tippeligaen PLD PTS 1. Ålesunds FK 4 10 driver Phil Mills on the 4/5 Kongsvinger 1-2 Ålesund 2. Tromsø IL 4 9 podium for the second 4/5 Rosenborg 3-0 Strømsgodset 3. IK Start 4 8 time this season 4/5 Sandefjord 1-1 Odd 4. Rosenborg BK 4 8 5. Lillestrøm SK 4 7 4/5 Stabæk 0-1 Tromsø Wo r l d Ra l l y Ch a m p i o n s h i p 6. Odd Grenland 4 7 4/5 Haugesund 5-1 Hønefoss 7. Strømsgodset 4 7 At the World Cup rally in Jordan, the 8. FK Haugesund 4 5 weather was hot and dry, up to 40°C. The 4/5 Viking 0-0 Lillestrøm 9. Stabæk IF 4 5 Norwegian and his Welsh co-pilot ended in 4/5 Molde 3-2 Brann third place and was very satisfied with it in 10. Vålerenga Fotball 4 5 the season’s third World Cup rally. 11. Viking FK 4 4 In Jordan, Solberg was racing with a To read more about Football in Europe visit: 12. Sandefjord Fotball 4 4 Citroen C4 with a new and improved engine, www.norway.com & 13. Molde FK 4 4 which provided more horsepower. And, with 14. SK Brann 4 4 the new car, he was victorious in five of the www.uefa.com 15. Kongsvinger IL 4 0 21 stages. Photo: pettersolberg.com “Yes, it shows that he is back again. He Petter Solberg (right) and co-driver Phil Mills 16. Hønefoss BK 4 0 is very fast with the new car,” said his physi- took third place at the World Cup rally in Jordan. cal trainer Pekkka Lundefaret, who will meet Solberg will manage it during the season. Solberg in Sweden as soon as he comes back “The start has been encouraging and shows from Jordan. “It is important that he is strong that Solberg is on the right path. Now he Norway’s curlers on a roll physically. looks forward to Turkey in two weeks.” Norway Solberg finished in second place in Mex- Petter Solberg drives for his own private ico and in third place in Jordan. “Now there team, Pernilla and Petter World Rally Team. continues its is only one podium that remain, and it is in Henning Solberg finished ninth. winning streak first place,” said Lundefaret, who believes at the Capital suzann just misses… good friends, but the competitive side prob- One World (…continued from page 1) ably takes over. But like I said, if I can’t win, I’m happy she won. She’s a very good Championships Easter Sunday was just not enough for the player. She’s very young. This is her sec- in Cortina Norwegian golf queen. ond major, so that’s very impressive. And On the last hole “Tutta” had an eagle just a very big competitor for the next two D’ampezzo, Italy opportunity but missed by just inches. If she decades, I guess. had made the shot, the possibility for a play- LPGA: When you hit that chip, did you Wo r l d Cur l i n g Fe d e r a t i o n off would have been strong. think it was going in the hole? In a discussion with the moderator SP: I knew it was going to be close. I Photo: WCF/Urs Raeber from the Ladies Professional Golf Associa- mean, it broke a lot, and I couldn’t putt it be- The world-famous curl- tion (LPGA), Suzann explained her perfor- cause there was too much fringe on the front ing team, with the outrageous the winner 6 - 4. mance. and you don’t really know what the ball is pants, won four games in a row after the Scotland beat China 8-3 and Denmark LPGA: Suzann, you played great. You going to do. I tried to make it. opening loss to Scotland at the World Cham- 7-4 and leads with 5-0 in won-lost rankings. had some opportunities out there. You had LPGA: So another second place here? pionships in Italy. Canada’s record of 4-0 puts them in second a good chance to win. Can you talk about SP: Yeah, just collect them up. In a match with Japan, Norway led 3-0 place, while Norway is in third place with your round? LPGA: You were talking a lot about after two innings, but the Japanese fought (4-1). Norway’s only loss has been to Scot- SUZANN PETTERSEN: Well, Yani maturity. Can you kind of talk about the dif- back before losing 4-3. In the next match land. got off to a flying start. She played great to- ference between how you’re taking this close versus the United States, Norway came out The championships conclude April 11. day, and she deserved to win. I had a lot of call to the one a few years ago that was obvi- chances on the back nine. Again, I finished ously tougher to swallow, how you are dif- very strong. I knew making the par on 17 ferent mentally? that I was still alive. I knew anything could SP: Well, I feel a lot more comfortable happen on 18, and again, last year an eagle playing those last five holes now than I did won it. That chip was pretty straightforward, then. That’s what this game is all about. You and I gave it a go. learn as you go, and sometimes you win, LPGA: When you look back on today, sometimes you lose, but obviously the ma- will you look at 13, 14, 15, that stretch where jor stands out a little bit more, and it’s dis- you really had those birdie putts? appointing when you’re this close and you SP: I mean, one of those drops, of course really had a chance. It’s a little bit hard right there’s a little different pressure on Yani now, but I’ll get over it and I’ll be back at first playing those last four or five holes. I gave Rochester, and I’m really looking forward to myself a lot of good chances, and it wasn’t Oakmont. Take it as a good start to the year. really that I hit a lot of bad putts. The one I mean, I’ve had two, three top threes. I can’t on 15, I probably misread a little bit, but the really complain, but that win is really now other ones were as close as you can possibly hopefully around the corner. get them, and then it finally dropped on 16. I LPGA: At what point of the day’s round don’t know, it’s hard to describe, but it feels did you say to yourself, uh-oh, Yani has re- like I’m maturing every time I play, and ev- ally got it going today? ery time I’m coming down the stretch, I feel SP: I mean, after the third hole, she was more comfortable. I think that’s what I’m 3-under through three. You can’t ask for a going to take from this. I hit a lot of great better start. I mean, walking up 8, my cad- shots off the tee. I’m feeling pretty good, die, Keith, again, very experienced, he says, I can help you with your changing insurance or financial needs. and for me just to come back from last week don’t even look at it. The back nine, any- Scott F. Peterson where I didn’t feel great at all and hadn’t re- thing can happen. You know it and I know (206) 783-2195 ally played much, that shows that what I did it. This tournament ain’t over before you get 1713 NW Market St. this winter was very solid. halfway through the back nine. The pressure Seattle LPGA: Was the tenor of today’s round was there for her, and she executed very, [email protected] with Yani a lot different than yesterday since very nicely. Like I said, I can’t do more than the stakes were a little bit higher? give myself a chance, and hopefully the next Come and compare your current policy with one from Allstate. SP: I mean, obviously coming down the time I can execute a little bit better. Insurance and savings offered only through select company and subject to availability and qualifications. Savings applies to most stretch, we both wanted to win. We’re still major coverages.Allstate Fire and Casualty Insurance Company: Northbrook, IL. © 2009 Allstate Insurance Company. APRIL 9, 2010 • WWW.NORWAY.COM • NORWEGIAN AMERICAN WEEKLY 6 Op Ed Norwegian American WEEKLY Editor’s Notes 7301 Fifth Avenue NE Suite A, Seattle, WA 98115 with Editor-in-Chief Jake Moe toll free: 1 (800) 305-0217 local:(206) 784-4617 fax: (206) 448-2033 email: [email protected] A celebration of great friends Publisher & Editor-In-Chief I have spoken fondly in this hiking— to no place in particular Jake Moe [email protected] column about my good friend and without virtually any use of the Managing Editor Torstein from , Norway. English language. Soon a gentle- Christy Olsen Field [email protected] He and I kid ourselves as “broth- man picked him up and asked him Assistant Layout Editor ers from a different mother.” In where he was going. Not sure of Harry Svenkerud [email protected] my visits to his resort at Norsjø what the driver asked, Torstein ex- Ferieland, his wife Berit, Tor- plained that he was from Norway Subscriptions stein, and I have long conversa- and didn’t know English. The driv- (206)784-4617 [email protected] tions about Norway, America and er ignored Torstein and started talk- Advertising everything that is going on in ing about a variety of subjects, none (206) 441-3044 [email protected] the world. When he stays at our of which Torstein understood. Then house in Seattle during his numer- the driver asked if Torstein knew Contributing Editors ous visits to the states, we contin- anybody in North America, and he Anita Alan Carmel, Calif. ue those in-depth discussions. In understood enough to respond he Eric Dregni Minneapolis, Minn. Photo: Jake Moe Gary G. Erickson Sunburg, Minn. between those conversations, we Jake Moe (left) and Torstein Lindheim have some fun at Torstein’s was a distant relative (someone he Rasmus Falck Oslo, Norway go hiking and talk some more. I 60th birthday party in Leavenworth, Wash. had never met) of Anne Heggtveit, Marit Fosse Geneva, Switzerland Heidi Håvan Grosch Sparbu, Norway guess you would have to say that Canada’s gold medal slalom win- Victoria Hofmo Brooklyn, N.Y. Torstein and I love to talk— reli- ner at the Squaw Valley Olympics Leslee Lane Hoyum Rockford, Minn. it turned out to be one of the best events I Else Hvistendahl New York, N.Y. gion, politics, economics, business, family, have ever attended. Torstein opened the in 1960. The driver immediately stopped Solveig M. Lee Seattle, Wash. travel and just about anything else. evening at the new Silvara Winery with a the car and looked at Torstein and asked Nina Lichtenstein Hartford, Conn. It is with this in mind, that my wife him to repeat what he had said— in very Inger-Torill Kirkeby Miami, Fla. great selection of Norwegian stories and Dagfinn Magnus New Orleans, La. and I looked forward to the big 60th birth- jokes. Everyone was put into such a great hard-to-understand broken English. Tor- Donald V. Mehus New York, N.Y. day party for Torstein in his favorite town stein obliged and repeated that he was a dis- Berit T. Mesarick Williamsburg, Va. mood because of the sweet way in which he David Moe Juneau, Alaska in America: Leavenworth, Wash. Given his described his fondness for all the friends in tant cousin of Anne Heggtveit. The driver Ken Nordan Batavia, Ill. choice, he would live in both Leavenworth then broke into a broad smile and said that Lisa Portelli Bradenten, Fla. attendance and his love for America. Oh, Roman Scott Herre, Norway and Norway at the same time! However, he and his Norwegian jokes had us rolling in Anne Heggtveit’s father was his very best John Erik Stacy Seattle, Wash. has his resort, his farms, his cherry orchards, the aisles. friend and that they are always doing things Rolf Kristian Stang New York, N.Y. his apple orchards and several other devel- together. It was then that Torstein received Kjell Olav Strømsli , Norway He then went on to tell of how he first Wendy K. Winkelman Mesa, Ariz. opments that keeps him firmly tied to Nor- came to America almost 40 years ago. He an official, warm welcome to his new land. wegian soil. Besides, his lovely wife Berit Needless to say, from that very first day CORRECTIONS: Norwegian American Weekly strives had just finished college and he remembers to make its news report fair and accurate. If you doesn’t feel quite as strongly about Leav- having a love of the United States since he in North America, Torstein has been in love have a question or comment about news coverage enworth as he does— even though she has was seven years old and wanted to see it for with both Canada and the United States ever call (206) 784-4617. • Norwegian American Weekly experienced living in Leavenworth for an since with numerous motorcycle adventures reserves the right to edit any and all submissions for himself. Although he didn’t know one per- style, grammar, accuracy and/or space, and the right entire year. So, I guess Torstein will have to son in North America, he decided to start and even during one year, moving his entire not to print submissions deemed libelous, in poor continue his commute from his homeland to his adventure in Montreal— without any family with three kids to the Northwest so taste, or not suited for publication in this newspaper. his adopted land. they could fall in love as well. • The opinions expressed by opinion writers and reservations for hotel, car, train or destina- letter writers are not necessarily those of Norwegian Torstein’s party was attended by doz- tion. American Weekly, and our publication of those views is ens and dozens of Norwegian folks— some Upon walking out of the Montreal Happy Birthday, Torstein! not an endorsement of them. Comments, suggestions of whom had flown in from Norway. And, Jake Moe and complaints about the opinions expressed by the airport, he put out his thumb to start hitch- paper’s editorials should be directed to the editor- in-chief. • Norwegian American Weekly is published There’s no way to determine if other regions weekly except the first week of the calendar year, Apple’s ipad orders o… in Scandinavia share Norway’s enthusiasm. the last two weeks of July, and the first two weeks (…continued from page 1) of August by Norwegian American Weekly, INC. • The interest comes despite a disproportion- Please send address changes to 7301 Fifth Ave. iPad,” reads the Web site of Eplehuset with ally higher price. It’s believed that the 16GB NE Suite A Seattle, WA 98115 • Annual Subscription Wi-Fi-only iPad is selling for around NOK Cost: US$50 Domestic, US$70 to Canada, stores in Norway and Denmark. US$175 to Norway and all other foreign countries. “Price and delivery for Europe will be 3790, or about USD $640. Meanwhile, London’s The Indepen- SINCE 1889: Formerly Norway Times & ready in a short time, but in the meantime, dent reports that five major mobile carriers Western Viking & Washington Posten. . . we have chosen not to receive more pre-or- Comprising ders for now.” — Telefonica, Hutchison, Vodafone, France Decorah-Posten og Ved Arnen, Minneapolis- Those who have successfully placed an Telecom and T-Mobile — are vying for the Tidende, Minnesota Posten, Norrona and order will have a device reserved, but oth- rights to sell 3G wireless coverage in Eu- Skandinaven ers will have to find another outlet or sim- rope. Each is reported to have had board- level discussions with Apple in Cupertino, NORWEGIAN AMERICAN WEEKLY, INC. ply wait for fresh stock. Eplehuset didn’t disclose exactly how many pre-orders it had Calif. Said one source: “All the players will received, but the Norwegian Web site iPodi be speaking to Apple.” reports that the number had reached four fig- Across the United States, the iPad Photo: Eplehuset reached sales goals of over 300,000 on the Proud to bring you the ures and that the 64 GB model was the most Eplehuset locations in Norway were sold first day on the market. Collectively,- dur Norwegian American Weekly popular. out of the popular iPad. Humac, another Apple reseller, has also ing the first weekend, an estimated 500,000 To learn more about the to 600,000 units were sold through official Norwegian American Foundation visit: yanked the iPad from its online store. It’s thousands of units, most of which also have http://noram.norway.com speculated that the sites have already sold been the more expensive 64GB iPad with 3G. Apple retailers. SAM & ELLIE By Ray Helle

NORWEGIAN AMERICAN WEEKLY • WWW.NORWAY.COM • APRIL 9, 2010 Op Ed 7 Letters to the Editor Do you have something to say? Send your letters to: Jake Moe, Editor-In-Chief • [email protected] 7301 Fifth Avenue NE Suite A, Seattle, WA 98115

Attention Readers! 9. april Is your lodge, organization, or town celebrating 17th of May? Let us know! We will feature a nationwide calendar Olav K Pettersen Mountain Home AR of 17th of May events, and we would love to include you! Call (206) 784-4617 or email [email protected]. Alvin G Olson Ashby MN Cecile Herheim Long Beach CA Egill Olsen Duluth MN Dear Norwegian American Weekly, me). But even with all the rain and wind Mr. Ossian Kidholm, a master spinner Roger Wangen Burnsville MN We thoroughly enjoy the Norwegian we’ve been having fun. Keith drove me out from Norway, will teach a seminar for Mildred Wilder Sidney MT American Weekly. If I had my druthers, I’d to the end of the road south, the end of the beginners and experienced spinning stu- Donald Winter Pt Orchard WA love to see the old bilingual column come road north, and up the road that goes into the dents. The seminar includes free admis- Stanley Kjekstad Mt. Arlington NJ back as a regular part of the newspaper. It mountain. Yesterday we drove right up into sion to the Norway Day Festival (May 10. april was a great help to me with Norwegian trans- the snow. Things here are so different than 1-2) so you can continue spinning and Inga McCarthy Alhambra CA lation. Seattle. Everything is slower paced and less learning with Ossian. The cost is $135 Ole J Hellie Pipestone MN crowded, and it’s nice. per person. Ingvar Drage Tacoma WA Magnhild Stangeland Sincerely, Funny story: my new office is across Larimore ND Carla S Buchanan Tacoma WA Wally Bothner from the State Fish and Game Department. For more information about these events and Dave Braaten Barrie MN Durham, N.H. There is a huge poster outside their door that to reserve your place, please contact me at 11. april says, “Keep Alaska Bears Wild, Handle Your by phone at (415) 350-6492 or by email at Astrid Virding Thousand Oaks CA Garbage Responsibly!” Everytime I walk [email protected]. Eric Nelson Santa Monica CA Dear Wally, past it I just have to smile because it’s so hard Gretchen Lieving Minneapolis MN Thanks for your letter! We have heard to believe they are serious! Sincerely, 12. april from many of our readers who would like Jill Beatty O Hilmar Rud Birchdale MN to see more side-by-side Norwegian transla- All the best, Norway Day Cultural Education and Selma Erickson Bellevue WA tion, and we agree! Once a month, we will Tiffanie Davis Children’s Activities Director Kristine Dorris Parkland WA feature “Norwegian 101” with contribut- Former managing editor of the Weekly San Francisco, Calif. Mrs O K Blomlie Tacoma WA ing editor Heidi Håvan Grosch. On page 10 Arnt Lyngen Vernon BC Canada in this week’s issue, we have side-by-side G R Vidness Midwest WY phrases about hiking in Bergen. Dear Editor, Hans Everett Idso St Peter MN Look in future issues for regular fea- Dear Editor, The Torske Klub of Chicago is celebrat- Viggo Christensen Seattle WA Judy Morken tures with side-by-side translation for extra We have some great Norwegian-Amer- ing its 50th anniversary this year with a few Anchorage AK language practice! ican events coming up in San Francisco to different events. 13. april share with your readers: On May 8, our regular Torske Klub lun- Alma Swanson Louis Park MN All the best, cheon will include reminisces and pictures James Leider Kent WA Carl Dokken Editor • Norwegian Bunad Fashion Tea of our first 50 years. Our first organizational Benson MN Olav Lunde Seattle WA On April 17, you are invited to a lovely meeting took place in May 1960. Past Board Margaret Furan Kelowna BC Can traditional afternoon tea at San Fran- Members and Klub members will be called Danny L Strand Seattle WA Dear Editor, cisco’s famous Palace Hotel, featuring upon to share their favorite memories. Erling Morken Anchorage AK We sent you a note a few weeks ago, a special fashion show of bunads. The The official celebration of Torske Klub’s Sonja Heggedal Badger MN thanking you for the nice article about Gran- traditional tea includes champagne and 50th anniversary is Oct. 16 at the Park Ridge 14. april libakken. We loved being in the paper and sparkling cinder, scones with jams, tea Country Club. We will have dinner and danc- Berit Alexander East Point GA would be happy to support you in anyway we sandwiches, desserts, and tea. The cost ing for our Torske Klub members and guests. Bjørn Svendsen La Conner WA can. As a result of the article we will be par- is $85 per person (includes tax and tip), Our keynote speaker is Svein Ludvigsen, Olav Isane Brosten MN ticipating in Norway Day in San Francisco and the proceeds help support cultural the current governor of Troms . Mark Torval Engevik Fitjar Norway May 1-2. programs at the Norway Day Festival. your calendars now! Marie Olson Dalekvam Norway Thanks again for including us. In June/July 2011, Don Hoganson is pre- Bjarne Magnussen Vaksdal Norway • Rosemaling Workshop with artist paring a trip for Torske Klub members and Mrs Hjalmer Christenson Wahpeton ND Sincerely, Teresa McCue their friends to the Lofoten Islands, the hal- Sam Sjoen Petaluma CA Kay Williams On April 29, we will have a workshop lowed Norwegian torsk fishing grounds. Don Martin Gjesdal Nekoma ND Ragnhild Isane Herset Resort Manager from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. with Teresa Mc- is a veteran Norwegian trip planner. This trip Kila MT Ross Willison Federal Way WA Granlibakken Conference Center & Lodge Cue, a rosemaling artist from Colorado. is open to other Norwegian organizations as 15. april Tahoe City, Calif. The workshop is geared towards the be- well. For more information, call Rob at (847) Linda Sund Stanwood WA ginner, but all who have an interest in 446-0714 or email robert_alsaker@hotmail. Paul H. Gilje St. Petersberg FL rosemaling are welcome to join. Paint- com. Want to see your birthday in the Hello from Alaska! ing skills are not a requirement! The Norwegian American Weekly? Things are going really well here in cost is $95 per person. Sincerely, Give us a call at (206) 784-4617 or email Ketchikan. We haven’t done too much since Rob Alsaker us at [email protected]. we’ve been here yet because the weather • Spinning Wheel Workshop with Mr. Winnetka, Ill. has been unseasonably stormy (so they tell Ossian Kidholm Birthday listings are free, but must be submitted at least one month in advance. Han Ola og Han Per

APRIL 9, 2010 • WWW.NORWAY.COM • NORWEGIAN AMERICAN WEEKLY 8 Th e Ta s t e o f No r w a y Tilslørte bondepiker Nordic Delicacies “A taste of Norway in the heart of Brooklyn!” Veiled Farm Girls

6909 Brooklyn, NY 11209 Phone: (718) 748-1874 • Fax: (718) 833-7519 www.nordicdeli.com

The Little Viking a touch of Scandinavia in San Diego Fine gifts and collectibles, cooking supplies, clothing, and more! Seaport Village -817 West Harbor Dr. (619) 232-7160 • www.thelittleviking.com San Diego, CA 92101 [email protected]

Proud to bring you the Norwegian American Weekly

Photo: MatPrat.no

This classic dessert is loved by young bread crumbs, and crowned with a cloud of and old in Norway, and is the perfect blend whipped cream. It looks fabulous served in a of sweet and tart, creaminess and crunch. large glass trifle bowl or in individual dessert have a favorite Norwegian This curiously named dessert (translated as dishes, and is well suited to round off a fish “veiled farm girls”) is inspired by simple, or a meat main course. recipe to share? down-to-earth ingredients that are all dressed Like any practical farm girl who does Write to us! up. her job effectively and quickly, this dessert The ingredient list is simple: applesauce, is quick to prepare with delicious results. 7301 5th Ave NE Ste A, Seattle, WA 98115 Or email Christy at [email protected] Ingredients Include a photo or two, and we will share it with our readers! 1 1/2 cups dried white bread crumbs (preferably homemade) 3 Tbsp white sugar Questions? Call us at (206) 784-4617 2 tsp cinnamon 2 Tbsp unsalted butter 1 1/2 cups heavy whipping cream 1/2 Tbsp vanilla 1 1/2 cups chunky applesauce (preferably homemade) creative media alliance 1/2 cup chopped hazelnuts (optional) In a medium skillet, combine the bread crumbs, sugar, cinnamon, and butter. Stir con- stantly with a wooden spoon until the bread crumbs are golden brown. Remove from heat. In a large bowl, whip the cream with the vanilla until soft peaks form. In a trifle bowl or individual glass bowls, layer the applesauce, bread crumb mixture, and cream. Ideally, there should be at least two layers of each. The top layer should be the whipped cream, “veiling” the dish. Sprinkle with chopped nuts if you wish, and serve.

Note: If your applesauce is very sweet, use only half the sugar for the bread crumbs. If you prefer, sprinkle grated chocolate on top instead of hazelnuts.

~ Adapted from Andreas Viestad’s “Kitchen of Light”

tandberg inaugurate... (…continued from page 3) as a model for the VA and other agencies tion and Technology achieve its mission to who need to train employees both on-site become a Veteran centric service provider and in remote locations around the globe. In through the delivery of effective technolo- today’s economy, training is not an option, powering norway.com gies.” but necessary for staff to keep current on “GTSI is proud to have worked along- important information. Using remote loca- side the talented staff of the VA to bring up tions means that training dollars go further. this training facility on time and on budget,” Last, but not least, working with innovative said Tom Kenney, GTSI’s Vice President and partners like TANDBERG can help agencies General Manager, Federal Civilian Agen- fulfill their educational missions while mak- cies. “We take pride in our ability to inte- ing their training dollars go further.” grate facilities such as this which will serve

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NORWEGIAN AMERICAN WEEKLY • WWW.NORWAY.COM • APRIL 9, 2010 Tr a v e l s t o No r w a y 9 A stay at Hotel Grand Terminus Dignified elegance in the heart of Bergen

Sp e c i a l Re l e a s e dehistoriske.com The Hotel Grand Terminus is a classic yet modern hotel, located in the center of Bergen. Built in 1928, Grand Terminus is on the list of Norway’s historic hotels and kown for its good food and Norway’s best whisky bar. This 131-room hotel is located in the heart of Bergen— across the street from the train station and a short walk from Bergen’s most popular attractions. The rooms have been renovated with at- tention to style and character. Polar explorer Roald Amundsen and royalty have had their rest here. The Terminus Hall, as well as the smaller conference and meeting rooms have gone through careful and thoughtful face Photo: Grand Terminus Photo: Anne-Jorunn Kleven lifts. Grand Terminus is a place where the Grand Terminus is centrally located in Bergen. The opulent Ambrosia room seats 40 people, and is a popular place for celebrations. locals have celebrated small and big events signed by architects Fredrik Arnesen and overnight accommodation in Bergen after Grand Terminus is family-owned and com- for generations. Arthur Darre Kårbø, and opened in 1928. the great fire of 1916. Nøstehjørnet and the pletely independent of the hotel chains. New Grand Terminus is known for its cui- The following year, Hotel Grand Terminus towering Lysverket in Bergen town centre owners took on the Grand Terminus in 2006 sine. The kitchen serves a generous breakfast was awarded the much coveted architectural proved that Arnesen and Darre Karbø also with a commitment to keeping the character buffet, a fresh lunch buffet, informal tapas award Hauen Fonds mastered functional of the hotel and develop its special qualities dinners, and four- to five-course feasts. On Diploma. As partners, design. Together with In 2009, Hotel Terminus was awarded warm summer days, the guests can dine in created a long line of Ragnhild B. Smørås, the Environment Lighthouse Certificate the garden. distinctive buildings in Aud Hunskår has been for its environmentally-friendly practices in Grand Terminus has the characteristic Bergen and other places, such as in the north responsible for design and interior decorat- energy uses, waste management, and com- Whisky Bar, where there’s an open fire and of Norway. Arnesen and Darre Kårbø also ing at Grant Hotel Terminus. Hunskår was mitment to continually improve its carbon oak walls for a cozy atmosphere. It’s a great designed Svaneapoteket, and Bergen Folke- awarded for the original Intrasia doors she footprint. place to both start and end your evening. hotell (today named Hotel Rosenkrantz), created for Hotel Augustin. For more information, visit www.ght.no The Hotel Grand Terminus was de- which was built to resolve the shortage in Just like the sister hotel, Hotel Augustin, and www.dehistoriske.com/hotel.

APRIL 9, 2010 • WWW.NORWAY.COM • NORWEGIAN AMERICAN WEEKLY 10 Ro o t s a n d Co nn e c t i o n s Norwegian American Weekly 5 Minutes of Norwegian Photo of the Week

Photo: CH/Innovation Norway På Norsk In English I dag er vi i Bergen. Today we are in Bergen. Vi går tur i fjellet. We are taking a mountain hike. Vi møter noen venner. We are meeting some friends. Vi tar Ulriksbanen til toppen av Ulriken. We take the Ulriken gondola to the top of Ulriken mountain. Utsikten er fantastisk! The view is fantastic! En kan se Lille Lungegårdsvann. You can see Lille Lungegård lake. Rundt vannet står kirsebærtrærne i blomst. Around the lake, the cherry blossoms are in bloom. Vi legger Bergen bak oss. We leave Bergen behind us. Vi har niste i sekken og regntøy. We have food in the backpack & rain gear. Foran oss går en liten sti. Before us is a small path. Den er ikke bratt. It isn’t steep. Snart ser du et lite vann. Soon you will see a little lake. Vi stopper for å drikke kaffe og spise We stop to drink our coffee and eat our Photo courtesy of Tom Anderson brødskivene våre. sandwiches. Erik Anderson, a 4th grader at Sacred Heart School in Bellevue, Wash. researched Nor- Sola varmer i ryggen. The sun warms our backs. way for his school’s culture fair in March. Det er godt å leve! Life is good! Men snart skyer det til, og vi tar frem But soon the clouds gather and we take regntøyet. out our rain gear. Det regner ofte i Bergen. It often rains in Bergen. Vi begynner å gå mot byen. We head back to the city. Bergen er en vakker by, og en kan komme Bergen is a beautiful city, and you can get ut i naturen på kort tid. out into nature in no time. What did you pay for that? Vi skille fra våre venner, “Takk for turen!” We say to our friends, “Thanks for the USD USD hike!” $0.68 $.99 Source: Sons of Norway is the median price for is the median price for one pound of oranges one pound of oranges in Norway. in the United States. The NAME Game APRIL 9: Rannveig, Rønnaug APRIL 13: Åstrid, Asta Rannveig derives from the Old Norse Åstrid is of Old Norse origin meaning rann (hus/house) and veig, which means in- kjærlighet, vakker, gud/love, beautiful, god. nvie/inaugurate or hjem, hellingdom/home, Originally As/fridr. sanctuary. The suffix -veig is found in many Asta is an abbreviated version. feminine names. Rønnaug is a derivation and a more recent variation of Rannveig. APRIL 14: Ellinor, Nora Ole and Lena Ellinor is either an English version of Ole and Lena went to the hospital so that Lena could give APRIL 10: Ingvald, Ingveig Eleonora or a Nordic version of the French birth to their first baby. Ole waited in the lobby. Finally the Ingvald is really a Swedish name from Eleonore. The exact meaning is uncertain, but doctor came out to inform him, saying, Ingjald. It is composed of Ing—from the name may be a derivation of Helene— the Greek heléne (strålende/radiating). “The good news is that you have a normal baby boy. The of the god Yngve and valdr (hersker/ruler). Nora may be an Irish abbreviation of bad news is that is is a Caesarian.” The feminine name of Ingveig is a modern name which is made up of the Old Norse ing Honoria or a German abbreviated version of Ole was startled, “I’m glad it is a healthy baby . . . but I and veig (innvie/initiate and hjem/home). Leonora. was hoping it would be a Norwegian.” APRIL 11: Ulf, Ylva APRIL 15: Ove, Odin Puzzle solution from April 2 Ulf is an alternative form of the Latin Ove is regarded to be a Danish form of Ulv, deriving from the Old Norse ulfr (ulv/ Åge, which is a more recent form of Åke. This wolf). The feminine name Ylva is Swedish in turn comes from the Old Danish Aki— a Did you know? and derives from the masculine name Ulv. short form of the name ano, corresponding to the Old Norse anu (forfedre/ancestors, ane/ Random facts about Norway APRIL 12: Julie, Julius ancestor). Julie is a variation of Julia, which is Latin Odin is a Danish form from the 16th cen- Norway is the sixth largest coun- and was the name of a lady who belonged to tury: it has a connection to Audun, which is try in Europe at 323,802 square the Roman dynasty of Julia— to which Caius Old Norse and a combination of audr (rikdom/ kingdom) and vinr (venn/friend). kilometers— slightly larger than Julius Cæsar belonged. The name may derive from Julius, which New Mexico. In total, Norway also is a Roman family name. It has been used has 58,133 km of coastline (in- as a given (first) name since the Renaissance. cludes fjords, islands, and small indentations).

Proud to bring you the Norwegian American Weekly

NORWEGIAN AMERICAN WEEKLY • WWW.NORWAY.COM • APRIL 9, 2010 Fa i t h a n d Re l i g i o n 11 In honor and memory of Do you have a loved one or friend who has recently passed? Send a brief memoriam to [email protected]. Just a minute Encouraging columns by the late Pastor Per W. Larsen, brought back to life Florence L. Willett after being previously printed in the Norway Times. September 19,1929 - March 27, 2010 Mind your own business Florence L. Willett that didn’t cost anything. Vancouver was a After working with people for some 50 Here are 10 commandments for human re- passed peacefully in her ferry ride away. She attended neighborhood years in church, community, and counseling lationships: sleep at home on Sat- schools and graduated from North Vancou- situations, I have come to the conclusion that if 1. Keep away from personal affairs of urday, March 27, 2010. ver High in a class of 92 students. Afer the we could learn the lesson not to meddle in other others. Florence was born in war, all three sisters moved to Seattle where people’s personal affairs, a lot of things would 2. Don’t give advice unless asked. North Vancouver, B.C., Florence married and raised three boys. Lat- improve. We may have to become involved 3. Be tolerant of the quirks and habits of Canada on Sept. 19, 1929 er, Florence was one of the early residents of only when a person’s actions hurt others and others. to Sam and Kasbara Pe- Ocean Shores and served as the communi- break basic principles of human relationships. 4. With love as a guide, dare to be dif- terson. She had a happy, ty’s first post-master. Florence retired as the So many times quarrels are the result of the fact ferent and true to yourself. carefree childhood in a neighborhood full office manager of Helen Hanson’s United that we won’t allow others to be different from 5. Let married children live without in- of simple pleasures and small-town charm. Business Supply, one of Seattle’s first wom- us, which is their right. Marriage partners spend terference from parents. a lot of energy trying to change the other in mat- 6. Let parents live without interference Her childhood was filled with memories of en-owned businesses, after more than 25 ters of no consequence. Church members create from children. friends and family including two beloved years. Florence was humorous and generous small wars because of differences in opinions 7. Allow friends the liberty to be differ- sisters, Swany and Gladys, and a younger to everyone she came in contact with. She on petty matters. Families and friends break up ent from you. brother Norman (Skip). The Depression and loved funny stories and had an endless sup- because they want the others to think and act 8. Do not meddle in other people’s quar- war years brought shortages and rationing ply of tales. She enjoyed traveling and was the way they do. It won’t work! rels. but no sense of deprivation since her father especially proud of her Norwegian heritage. Each person has their own individuality. If 9. Don’t “create” people in your own was a hardworking fisherman who learned Norwegians could do no wrong. we try to dominate the relationship by imposing image. his trade in their native Norway before emi- Florence is survived by her sister Swany our own opinion and lifestyle upon the other, it 10. Mind your own business. grating in 1926. MacPherson, sons James and Robert Willett, will either result in a broken relationship, or if North Vancouver at that time was the and grandchildren Melissa, Dean, and Na- the more agreeable individual gives in, he or “In all basic things—agreement. In unim- perfect place to grow up, mountains, beaches, than Willett. She will be dearly missed by all she will despise themselves for allowing an- portant things— tolerance. In all— LOVE.” two rivers for simming and lots of activities who knew and loved her. other person to dominate his or her life. “Let none of you suffer as busybodies in other men’s matters.” (1 Peter 4:15) Knute M. Qvale November 17, 1922 - March 11, 2010 kong olav v’s kirke SjømannSkirken Born in Trondheim, Norway, Qvale first to Portland at the opportunity to import the The Norwegian Church in New York saw his adopted country as the seven-year-old Volkswagen Beetle. His distributorship grew 317 east (Betw. 1st & 2nd aves.) son of ship captain Bjarne Qvale and mother to serve 83 dealers in five states: Oregon, new york, ny 10022 Signe, who immigrated to Seattle with their Washington, Idaho, Alaska, and Montana; (212) 319-0370 • [email protected] five children. Qvale attended Seattle’s Jeffer- and led to Porsche and Audi distributions. Åpningstider: man - tors: 11-18, fre - søn: 12-17 son Elementary and James Madison Junior Having learned to ski about the time he WWW.kjerka.com High Schools, and graduated in 1940 from learned to walk, he remained an avid ath- West Seattle High, where he met his lifelong lete and fitness enthusiast his whole life. In love, Gloria Alford. They married in 1941. sports, business, or acadmeics, he shared his gudstjenester: gudStjeneSte og SøndagSSkole 11. april Qvale attended the University of Wash- expertise like a natural teacher and gave time Gudstjeneste i new York: Hver søndag kl 11. Velkommen til gud- ington and served in the South Pacific in and treasure anonymously to many organiza- stjeneste! Vi har tilbud om søndagsskole for barna parallelt med gudstjenesten. World War II with the Army Air Corps. He tions. Knute Qvale, the meticulously dressed returned to Seattle to work in the shipping man with the beaming smile, was welcoming Gudstjeneste i washinGton, d.c.: 11. april kl 15. Vi feirer gudstjen- supply company his father founded and lat- to everyone. este i Washington, D.C. Emmanuel Lutheran Church, 7730 Bradley Blvd (krysset er bought the firm. He and Gloria attended Survivors include his wife Gloria; mellom Seven Locks Rd og Bradley Blvd) i Bethesda, Maryland. Fauntleroy Congregational Church and he daughter Karen Keiner; granddaughter Gudstjeneste i PhiladelPhia: 18. april kl 16. Vi feirer gudstjeneste i supposed the YMCA’s Camp Orkila on Or- Krista Geary, great-grandchildren Knute and Philadelphia. “Gloria Dei” - Old Swedes Church, Delaware Ave/Christian Street. cas Island, where he set the record for a gru- hannah Geary; and siblings Kjell Qvale of eling swim/row/run event in his teens. San Francisco, Calif. and Bjarne Qvale of What’s happening: In 1954, when he was 32, he moved Rancho Mirage, Calif. risGrøt På kirken: Hver lørdag kl 13-16. Risgrøt og rød saft kan nytes Irma Aileen Lyso på kirken hver lørdag. Velkommen! February 12, 1919 - March 4, 2010 Businesslunsj: 14. april kl 12. Vi serverer en velsmakende, tradisjonell norsk lunsjbuffet én onsdag i måneden. Du er velkommen til å reservere plass Family and friends of Irma Aileen Lyso ton, S.D.; Long Prairie, Minn.; and Pasco, for grupper på 8 personer eller flere. Ring (212) 319-0370, eller send en e-mail til celebrate her promotion to heaven on March Seattle, and Woodinville, Wash. Following 4, 2010. She was 91. Irma was born in Lin- Eldon’s official retirement, they served short- [email protected]. coln County, S.D. on Feb. 12, 1919 to Char- term ministries at congregations in Washing- seaGull: 15. april kl 12. Et nytt forum på sjømannskirken for samtaler og ley and Nora Hill. She attended Augustana ton, Oregon, Alaska, and Arizona. foredrag rundt ulike tema. Forumet vil finne sted på formiddagstid, og er et tilbud Academy in Canton, S.D., the Lutheran Anyone who met Irma recognized her til mennesker i sin “beste” alder. Bible Institute in Minneapolis, Minn., and love for her savior Jesus Christ, her love for unG i new York: 18. april kl 18. Ung i New York er en gruppe studenter, au- finally Sioux Valley Hospital of Nursing in her family, and her commitment to cultivat- Sioux Falls, S.D. from which she graduated ing friendships. Every day found her send- pairer og andre unge nordmenn i New York. Aldersgruppe ca 16-35 år. Vi håper with honors as a registered nurse in 1943. ing birthday and anniversary cards, calling du blir med på våre arrangementer. The more the merrier! She served as the school nurse at Augustana people on special occasions, or sending lit- nattkluBB: 20. april kl 19. Det blir utflukt til Staten Island. Ta kontakt med Academy and returned to being active in the erature to that helped them through difficult Vigdis (917) 609-2860/e-post: [email protected]) for mer informasjon. nursing profession after her children were in situations. To all who know her, Irma Lyso school. defined friendship. trygve Lie gaLLery: On Feb. 17, 1945, she married Eldon Irma is survived by three brothers; four Harland Lyso, who was her partner in min- children Harlan (Mary) Lyso, Eunice (Walt) “lines amonG lines” drawinGs BY inGer johanne istry and life for 61 years until his death in Binz, Naomi (Mark) Hagen, and Deborah GrYttinG: Grytting works from the basic, primal language of mark-making 2006. Eldon, a Lutheran pastor, served con- (Murray) Rouse; eight grandchildren, and gregations in Mount Vernon and Lake Pres- three great-grandchildren. to create drawings filled with organic lines. Her work is in many public collections and museums both in the United States and Norway.Hours: Mon-Thur 12-6 p.m., Fri-Sun 1-5 p.m. Free admission. Proud to bring you the Norwegian American Weekly www.trygveliegallery.com

APRIL 9, 2010 • WWW.NORWAY.COM • NORWEGIAN AMERICAN WEEKLY 12 Ar t s a n d En t e r t a i n m e n t norway pledges... “Decades of assistance to Haiti have not (…continued from page 3) delivered the desired results. As a result of poor economic advice and excessive central- California Lutheran’s building houses. We must help the Haitians ization of power, rural areas have become to build an entirely new society. The aver- poorer year by year. The Haitian government age citizen must have political influence and must be in the lead in the development of Scandinavian Festival economic opportunities,” said Ms. Fiskaa. the country. But regional and local authori- The Norwegian assistance was an- ties must be given more resources and more Family-friendly event is free for children under 13 nounced in a statement at the International power. There is also a need for transparency Sp e c i a l Re l e a s e donors’ conference towards a new future for and control of the use of funds,” said Ms. Haiti. Fiskaa. The Scandinavian Festival will provide An important aim for Norway will be to The Norwegian assistance will be chan- affordable family fun when it returns to promote political dialogue. In addition, Nor- neled through multinational organizations, California Lutheran University in Thousand way will help to make the country less vul- non-governmental organizations and civil Oaks on April 17 and 18. nerable to natural disasters. Reforestation, society organizations. The event will run from 10 a.m. to 5 agriculture and alternative sources of energy Minster of the Environment and Interna- p.m. April 17 and 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. April 18 are relevant fields of cooperation with Haiti. tional Development Erik Solheim will visit with food, entertainment and demonstrations Protecting women and children will be a Haiti in April. During his visit he will have highlighting the Nordic cultures of Denmark, cross-cutting element in Norway’s efforts. meetings with the authorities, the opposition, Finland, Iceland, Norway and Sweden. The assistance needed in Haiti over the U.N. representatives and other actors to dis- The festival opens with the traditional next 18 months has been estimated at about cuss the way ahead for Haiti. colorful parade of flags featuring Scandi- USD $3.9 billion. In Norway’s view, the Ac- As a consequence of the increase in navian dignitaries and Old World costumes tion plan for national recovery and develop- Norway’s assistance to Haiti, the Ministry of and continues with ongoing music, dancing, ment of Haiti, is promising. But Fiskaa un- Foreign Affairs has appointed a Special En- demonstrations and lectures. derlined the need to learn from the mistakes voy to Haiti and set up a broad-based team to The festival offers many activities for follow up the assistance. of the past. Full Service Agency With Experienced children including storytelling, drama and Norwegian Speaking Consultants! a Swedish-style croquet game. Children can Full Service Agency WithOur Experienced daily specials Norwegian and regularly Speaking updated Consultants! explore the cultures of five Scandinavian Photo: Erik Hagen information will help you make wise travel A young girl tries her hand at bobbin lace-mak- Our daily specials and regularly updated information will help you make wise travel decisions in a constantly changing world! countries by completing crafts related to decisions in a constantly changing world! each one including flower head wreaths. As- ing at the Scandinavian Festival. Sp e c i a l s t o Sc a n d i n a v i a , Eu- VERRAZANOSpecials to Scandinavia TRAVEL & LEISURE piring woodworkers can sand butter knives r o p e & t h e Ca r i b b e a n Europe & the Caribbean immigrants and it was built on land provided 1 (718) 979-6641 in one of the most popular booths. Children by the son of Norwegian pioneers. The cul- [email protected][email protected] Call us for details! Call us for details! can participate in a soccer practice and then tural celebration has expanded from 600 par- Verrazano TraVel & leisure watch a competition. Visitors can also ex- ticipants at the inaugural event to more than Sons of Norway Building, B-20 plore a Viking encampment and Sami village 1 (718) 979-6641 6,000 visitors a year today. 1455 W. Lake Street [email protected] Art in Kingsmen Park. The Scandinavian American Cultural Minneapolis, MN 55408 (612) [email protected] A variety of Nordic delicacies and handi- and Historical Foundation sponsors the festi- crafts will be available. Vintage Scandinavian www.norwayartonline.com • email: [email protected] val with support from the Barbara Osher Pro vehicles will be exhibited. Lutheran pastors By appointment please Suecia Foundation and several other organi- from Scandinavian churches throughout the zations. Holland America Lines, one of the area will lead a worship service at 10:30 a.m. sponsors, is providing a cruise as one of the Hardangersøm Pieces April 18 in Samuelson Chapel. The Scandi- prizes for visitors. navian Center on campus will be open from 1 Antique Jewelry Admission is free for children 12 and to 6 p.m. April 17 and 1 to 5 p.m. April 18. younger and $5 for everyone else. Parking is Norwegian Silver A Swedish-American professor and free. CLU is located at the corner of Olsen Norwegian-American administrator started Road and Mountclef Boulevard in Thousand Collectible Plates the festival 36 years ago to showcase Scan- Oaks. For more information, visit http:// Artwork dinavian culture and the CLU campus. The www.scandinaviancenter.org or e-mail scan- university, which is celebrating its 50th an- [email protected] or call (805) 216- Silver Flatware niversary, was the dream of Scandinavian 3373. Furniture, Lamps Now that she’s gone... Dishes, Crystal (…continued from page 1) can mother. Snortland, who grew up in South Dako- ta and now a resident of Pasadena, Calif., ex- MAY1, 2010 plores what she calls “Norwegian stoicism” from an American perspective. The play has been described as a Lily Tomlin/Garri- son Keillor/Eve Ensler hybrid—passionate, poignant and funny in turns. A memoir piece AUC- with Eleanor Roosevelt, sex, drugs and lute- fisk, the play and performance has received Photo courtesy of Ellen Snortland rave reviews and standing ovations in Cali- Ellen Snortland in a performance of “Now That fornia, Arizona, New York, and Washington, She’s Gone” TION D.C. she will present her play in Pasadena, Calif. “I’m funny, and I can report on my own NOON-5PM as a benefit performance for a friend with experience,” said Snortland. cancer. Though the play is based on Snortland’s DONATION Snortland’s play is full of wit and truth Norwegian-American mother, it’s not just about the human experience of growing up for women or Norwegian-Americans only. $10 and being misunderstood. Here is a brief ex- “Every person can relate to one of their cerpt from her play: parents not understanding them… this is a universal experience,” she said. “I couldn’t New Rosemalt Chest from Norway “1915 is the year of mother’s birth. The do any of this if I wasn’t funny.” country is full of immigrants. The North Drawing for 40” Flat Screen Sony TV Snortland’s “Now That She’s Gone” be- Dakota community my parents are born gan in 2004 as a non-profit reading. It grew in Door Prizes and Light Refreshments into is primarily Norwegian. These popularity, and turned into a full production homesteaders came from a country of for the 2008 New York International Fringe unspeakable beauty: Norway. Festival, produced by EMP Theatricals. Her most recent performance was at Why they ever stopped in North Dakota the Chandler Center for the Performing Arts Norwegian Christian Home and Health Center is a mystery to me. “Ya sure ya betcha. in Chandler, Ariz., on March 12-13. She Hey, Lena, this is as cold and bleak as ya 1250-67th Street, Brooklyn, NY 718 232-2322 received standing ovations from a packed house after her performances. On April 11, CONTINUES PAGE 15 NORWEGIAN AMERICAN WEEKLY • WWW.NORWAY.COM • APRIL 9, 2010 In Yo u r Ne i g h b o r h o o d 13 miss norway 2010... (…continued from page 1) From Norwegian elkhounds to lefse and lots more in between…you’ll enjoy the Scandinavian Festival at California Lutheran University as an appealing place April 17-18 for affordable family fun Photo courtesy of Roy Jorgensen Rolf Stang, who served as Master of Ceremonies for the Miss Norway Contest, is pictured with the …because children 12 and under will get in free— Little Miss Norway participants. and others will pay only $5. Parking is free, too. east; Eliza Hildreth; Katrina Holvik from New York City and of Red Hook  North Carolina; Stefani Jensen; Annelisa the original Norwegian colony in Kristoffersen; Brianna Patane; Kristi Patane; the 1800s. He is on the Board of Gates on the campus will open at 10 a.m. on Saturday, April 17, Helene Rell; and Freia Titland. The families Directors of NIA. niahistory.org and a parade of dignitaries will start the entertainment at 10:30. of all contestants were there, including Ms. Then all can enjoy the music and dances. Children can do Scan- Holvik’s grandmother who had flown from The judges had their hands full as the ten Norway for the festive event. contestants were equally accomplished and dinavian crafts and learn soccer, while others shop and savor the Helene Rell of Saugerties, N.Y. was well-poised young women. There was seri- varied foods, take in the demonstrations, exhibits and lectures, crowned as Miss Norway of Greater New ous and difficult evaluaton in weighing the and view the Nobel and Kavli displays till 5:00. York 2010. She was awarded prizes of attributes of these ladies. While their choices The Scandinavian Center will host visitors each afternoon. a round-trip ticket to Norway; first-class were very good, there could have easily been  Eurail Pass for five days in three European nine winners. It was not an easy task with so countries; a night at the Hotel Continental in many talented young ladies. Scandinavian worship will occur at 10:30 on Sunday, Oslo, donated by KonTiki Travel of Brook- The Little Miss Norway pageant include April 18, and the array of activities will lyn; three nights at Hotel Rederiet, Farsund, 10 young girls from ages four to ten years continue until ScanFest closes at 4 p.m. Norway; and a sight-seeing tour with Man- old from the greater New York area. The hattan Helicopters. Ms. Rell received the girls wore national costumes and helped to For a map and more ScanFest information, Miss Norway sash and was crowned by the deliver the raffle prizes to the winners in the log on www.scandinaviancenter.org past year’s Miss Norway, Megan Hjelle, a audience. All were able to say some words law student at NYU. in Norwegian at the close of the parade of The runners-up were: Eliza Hildreth Little Miss Norway. They will all be partici- of Port Jefferson, N.Y. and Eryka Eikeseth pating in Brooklyn’s Syttende Mai Parade SeaMates Consolidation Service, Inc. of New York City, a student at SUNY New on May 16 along 5th Avenue to Leif Eric- Paltz. They won gift packages of beauty care son Park. They will be on a float drawn by a products and sightseeing tours of New York Norwegian fjord horse. Ocean Freight Consolidators for Household Goods, City from Helicopters, generous- The parade will be the first official func- Personal Effects and Commercial Cargo ly donated by Victor Samuelsen. tion of Miss Norway. Later in the year she to Scandinavia and other Worldwide Destinations Freia Titland of Nanuet, N.Y., who will appear at Norwegian cultural events to studies drama and theater at Pace Univer- lend an air of charm and culture local events 316 Main Street, East Rutherford, New 07073 sity, won the Heritage Award and received in the quad-state area. One can follow the Tel: 1-800-541-4538 • Fax: 1-201-460-7229 prizes of a Norwegian sweater from Nordic events at which Miss Norway will appear www.seamates.com Delicacies of Bay Ridge, Brooklyn and the and other programs on www.niahistory.org. Contact Sig Samuelsen: [email protected] book, “Norway” donated by Nordic Interiors of Minneapolis. She appeared in a beautiful bunad at the close of the ceremonies, as did Kathryn Hansen. All contestants had won fragrances of “Laila” the Norwegian perfume by Geir Ness and gift certificates from Pilo Arts, of 3421 TELEGRAPH AVE — OAKLAND, CA 94609 Bay Ridge, Brooklyn. Phone: (800) 854-6435 — Email: [email protected] The judges for the Miss Norway of Greater New York Contest were: Featuring great Nordic products • Jarl Haugedal: CEO & owner of Books • Candy and Chocolates • Canned goods • Condiments NYC-JC Hotel & Apartments and Cooking wares • Dry Goods • Gift items • Specialty meats cyclist and sports dancer. Haugedal and more! operates an alternative accommo- dations concept. NYC-JC.com. Visit us online: www.nordichouse.com • Elisabeth Steen: Film and theater actress and co-founder with Britt Hovde Ross of “ New York” fragance for men, which re- cently debuted in the United States. www.KristiansandNewYork.com MULLAVEY, PROUT, GRENLEY & FOE www.elisabethsteen.com. a t t o r n e y s a n d c o u n s e l o r s a t l a w • Lars Nilsen: NIA historian and Photo: Berit Hessen banker with Morgan-Stanley. Lars Ms. Helene Rell of Saugerties, N.Y. was crowned has arranged tours of the harbor of as Miss Norway of Greater New York 2010. Advice regarding maritime and civil claims, disputes, commercial transactions and estate planning.

Proud to bring you the Norwegian American Weekly 24001 NW Sixty-fifth P.O. Box 70567 Seattle, WA 98107 Telephone: (206) 789-2511 Fax: (206) 789-4484

APRIL 9, 2010 • WWW.NORWAY.COM • NORWEGIAN AMERICAN WEEKLY 14 No r w e g i a n He r i t a g e Finding Ludvig Ken Nordan finds Go on, take the Credit(s) a deeply rooted Oslo International Summer School at the University of Oslo offers a wide variety of courses for academic credit. Choose from topics such as Norwegian Language and Culture to International family connection Politics and Peace Research. Full course descriptions are available at www.uio.no/iss. Contact us at (800) 639-0058 or at [email protected] for more information. in Egersund “Six Weeks of Academic Achievement & International Good Will” Ke n No r d a n Batavia, Ill. Sunday morning services had just ended e Scandinavian Hour and the congregation moved slowly past the Celebrating over 40 years on the air priest, shaking his hand. They indicated to him that they enjoyed the service then left KKNW - 1150 AM through the door. My wife and I stayed back, hoping to talk to the priest or a mem- Saturdays 9:00 - 10:00 am ber of the church who knew a little about the Streaming live on the internet at: church’s long history. While we waited, I thought about my www.1150kknw.com relative Ludvig, who had renovated this church many years ago. As I stared at the Photo courtesy of Ken Nordan star-covered ceiling, I could “see” Ludvig Ludvig Magnus Feyling, great-great-grandfa- descend the gang plank from the ship that ther of Ken Nordan. AIR - SEA - LAND brought him to his new home, a place far For all your travel needs: cruise specialists, domestic and international from his country of birth, his heart beating A few minutes later “Uncle Vilhelm” travel for individuals, groups and conventions hard over the possibilities for his new life. came in a car driven by his niece to pick us In his old country, he was an apprentice car- up for a quick trip to his “city house.” Uncle Always at the best possible prices! penter, skilled at building cabinets and doors, Vilhelm was a local historian—was a spry but he could not find work. So he boarded 85-year-old man and a member of the Fey- a ship to take him to this new place, where ling family. Arriving at his house, he led us his skills were in demand and he could find to his study, a room whose walls were cov- work. Work that built the church in which I ered with old photos, and a desk that had Fax: (718) 238-3604 • Tel: (718) 748-7400 • toll free @ 1-800-822-5838 7906 Fifth Avenue, Brooklyn NY 11209 • [email protected] was now sitting. books and papers everywhere. He explained My visualization of Ludvig was inter- that – had he know of our arrival sooner – rupted by the touch of my wife’s hand on he would have printed a copy of his notes my shoulder. “Remember, we need to catch from his computer. It was then that I first a ferry in three hours,” she said. The priest saw a picture of my great-grandfather and Norwegian American was moving back toward us, and I could my great-great grandfather and learned that Genealogical Center & Naeseth Library see the church was nearly empty. I quickly Ludvig Casparsen had been buried at the en- pieced together an introduction, “Hei, jeg trance to the church under a spreading chest- 415 West Main Street · Madison, WI 53703-3116 heter Ken Nordan og dette er min kone. Min nut tree. The only time he stopped is when Phone (608) 255-2224 · Fax (608) 255-6842 tippoldefar het Ludvig Casparsen Feyling. his niece interrupted to remind him that we Email: [email protected] Jeg snakker bare litt norsk. Kan du fortelle needed to leave soon to catch the ferry. Website: www.nagcnl.org meg mer om kirken?” With those words his Time passed quickly and soon we had ______eyes lit up, he turned to the woman behind to leave, but we promised to keep in touch. him and said something in Norwegian and Ragnhild, Vilhelm’s niece – a priest from PRACTICAL &USEFUL GENEALOGY CLASSES she ran off. Oslo – gave me her email address and we My great-great- (add a few more started our drive toward Stavanger to board Writing Your Family History “greats”) grandfather Ludvig, immigrated the fast ferry to Bergen. We made the boat May 17 - 18, 2010 – 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. to Egersund, Norway from Germany in the with minutes to spare. The boat ride gave Director of Research Jerry Paulson, Instructor 1770s. I had tried to find out more about us time to reflect on our visit and by the NAGC & NL Members: $120 — Non-Members: $140 him, but the family members in Egersund time we arrived in Bergen we were already Enrollment deadline: May 7, 2010 that I knew about were long dead and I was planning the next trip to Egersund. Little did we know on this day that the next trip Would you like to write your family history in a way that is clear, starting from scratch. The priest told me that would give us a chance to stand at the house enjoyable, and permanent? Here is a class deisgned for you. his English was not very good, but his neigh- ______bor on the island was fluent in English, was were my grandmother lived, dine with a 100 a local historian and he, the priest, had sent a of our relatives, and build new and lasting Beginning Norwegian Genealogy lady to give him a call. friendships with many of them. September 20 - 21, 2010 – 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. Director of Research Jerry Paulson, Instructor NAGC & NL Members: $120 — Non-Members: $140 Enrollment deadline: September 7, 2010 Just beginning your family history project, or have experience with family research, but have not worked with Norwegian records? This class is designed for you. ______Personalized Advanced Genealogy By Arrangement with NAGC & NL Research Staff NAGC & NL Members: $240 — Non-Members: $275 This is an intensive session with Center researchers for anyone who has hit a brick wall in research in family history and needs additional help. Individuall assistance is for two six-hour days. Call NAGC & NL to make arrangements.

To register, contact NAGC & NL at (608) 255-2224 or via email at [email protected] All classes are held at the Ostby Education Center of the Naeseth Library in Madison, WI. Photo: Ken Nordan Front entrance to the church in Egersund, Norway. NORWEGIAN AMERICAN WEEKLY • WWW.NORWAY.COM • APRIL 9, 2010 Re s e a r c h & Ed uc a t i o n 15 More than fjords and salmon Events on Norway.com Bringing together small tourism companies and researchers to heighten Norway’s appeal as a

For more information on these and other events visit us at: travel destination www.norway.com/calendar.asp Does your organization have an event coming up? Would you like to have it added to our events calendar? Send an email to Christy at [email protected] or give us a call at (206) 784-4617.

CALIFORNIA Commonweal to develop an original ad- Norwegian Bunad Fashion Tea aptation of the script and the production April 17 will be directed by Risa Brainin, former San Francisco, Calif. Resident Director of the Guthrie Theatre. You are invited to a lovely traditional The weekend also includes Scandinavian afternoon tea at the famous Palace Ho- cuisine, art, music and dance! For more tel, overlooking the Garden Court. The information, call (800) 657-7025, email event features a special fashion show of [email protected], or Norwegian bunads. The menu includes visit www.ibsenfest.org. champagne or sparkling cider, scones with jams, tea sandwiches, desserts, and New YORk tea. Admission: $85 per person, includes “Lines among Lines” exhibit tax and tip. All proceeds help support cul- Through May 31 Photo: C H/Innovation Norway New York, N.Y. tural programs at the Norway Day Festi- unique traditions we have in Norway. When “Lines Among Lines” Drawings by In- Re s e a rc h Co u n c i l o f No r w a y val. Mail check to Norway Day Inc, 268 we have guests from abroad, we take great ger Johanne Grytting. Grytting was born Bush St #2722, Attn: Jill Beatty/Bunad “Researchers can help the Norwegian pride in bringing out our knitted products and raised in Svolvær, Lofoten. Grytting Tea, San Francisco, CA, 94104. Ques- tourism and hospitality industry to think in and giving away a pair of mittens or a sweat- works from the basic, primal language of tions? Contact Jill at (415) 350-6492 or new directions and develop more programs er. But the tourist industry does not actively mark-making to create drawings filled [email protected]. and activities for tourists,” says Kristin sing the praises of Norwegian knitting skills with organic lines. Hours: Mon-Thur Danielsen, Director of the Department for and there is little research on the role played Rosemaling Workshop 12-6 p.m., Fri-Sun 1-5 p.m. at the Trygve Bioproduction, Internationalization and by this tradition in our culture. There is a Lie Gallery. www.trygveliegallery.com April 29 Commercialization at the Research Council great deal of untapped potential here,” says San Francisco, Calif. texas of Norway. “Now we want to focus on re- Grimstad Klepp. Teresa McCue, a rosemaling artist from search about, for and within the tourism and Øyvind Wang of the Norwegian Forest Colorado, will conduct a rosemaling Per Brevig conducts the East Texas hospitality industry, especially related to ac- Owners’ Federation heads a project aimed at workshop from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. Geared Symphony Orchestra tivities. Here Norway has something to offer finding new ways of exploiting the potential at beginners, but anyone who has an in- April 24 that is not easily found elsewhere,” says Ms. of the Norwegian landscape. terest in rosemaling is welcome. Paint- Tyler, Texas Danielsen. “We have much to gain from using our ing skills are not a requirement! $95 per Per Brevig will conduct East Texas Sym- Norwegian tourism research covers a natural resources to attract tourists, especial- person. Contact Jill Beatty at (415) 350- phony Orchestra in a program of Tchai- wide range of areas from tourism in general ly in a broader perspective than just hunting 6492 or [email protected] for more kovsky’s 5th Symphony, Liszt’s Les to farm and rural tourism, outdoor activities, and fishing. Analyses conducted by the Nor- information. Preludes, and Strauss’ Horn Concerto. hunting and fishing, the cultural landscape wegian Forest Owners’ Association show Concert is at 7:30 p.m. Cowan Fine and and cultural monuments, and brand building. that activities which are not related to hunt- Henrik Ibsen’s “John Gabriel Performing Arts Center, University of So far the most funding has been awarded ing and fishing could become very popular. Borkman” Texas in Tyler, Texas. For tickets, please to research on hunting and fishing, followed There is clearly an international market for April 2 - May 9 call (903) 566-7424, or visit etso.org. closely by research on farm and rural tour- hiking, canoeing, kayaking, cycling, bird Berkeley, Calif. ism. watching and animal safaris,” he says. With this chillingly relevant new version Washington “It is mainly families that take advan- “We have launched a project to look at by David Eldridge, “John Gabriel Bork- 4th Annual Norway Day Festival tage of the activities offered by Norwegian how we can develop this type of activity on man” is Ibsen’s pointed indictment of April 17 nature-based tourism,” says Trond Værnes, a small scale. This will help to get the land- capitalism and greed. For more informa- Olympia, Wash. Special Adviser at the Research Council. owners involved and show them how to take tion, call (510) 843-4822 or email mar- Join us for a Norwegian festival filled “The range of activities is quite large: They advantage of the resources found on their [email protected]. Online: www. with Norwegian music, arts and crafts, an can choose between farms that offer close own properties,” says Wang. He also stresses auroratheatre.org. abundance of Norwegian history, geneal- encounters with animals, self-produced food, the importance of tailoring and marketing ogy, and delectable foods with the aroma activities in the mountains and other wilder- the activities in order to succeed with nature- Maryland and tastes of days gone by, but certainly ness areas, and congenial overnight accom- based tourism. Sigrid Undset Poetry Reading not forgotten. Admission: $2 for adults, modation.” A recent conference on tourism and hos- April 21 free for kids 12 and under. Call (360) Ingun Grimstad Klepp, ethnologist and pitality organized under the auspices of the Bethesda, Md. 459-3982 or email [email protected] Head of Research at the National Institute Research Council put the spotlight on new The Writer’s Center and the Royal Nor- for more information. for Consumer Research (SIFO), is interested ways of thinking, among both researchers wegian Embassy are pleased to present in identifying new niches for the Norwegian in the field and industry players. In order to a special reading from Youth, a recently Norwegian Heritage Festival tourism and hospitality industry. consolidate and coordinate forces, the Re- published collection of translations of April 24 “There is lots in the Norwegian land- search Council is now establishing two new Sigrid Undset’s poetry translated by Har- Tacoma, Wash. scape we don’t use at all in the context of working groups that will examine the needs old Hanson. Please join us for a reception Featuring musical entertainment, craft tourism,” she states. Gathering mussels or for research and how the research results can at 7 p.m. on April 21 at the Writer’s Cen- demonstrationis, information booths, gift picking berries and mushrooms is a typical provide a basis for innovation in the tourism ter, 4508 Walsh St, Bethesda, Md. For vendors, and our Norwegian cafe! Join us example. Grimstad Klepp would also like to and hospitality industry. more information, visit www.writer.org for this FREE event on April 24 from 11 see new tourism activities that profile Nor- “This represents new momentum for or call (301) 654-8664. This event spon- a.m. to 3 p.m. at the University Center at wegian culture, especially long-standing tra- tourism research in Norway,” says Ms. Dan- sored by the Royal Norwegian Embassy Pacific Lutheran University. ditions such as Norwegian knitting. ielsen. and the Writer’s Center. “Knitting is perhaps one of the most WISCONSIN Minnesota Fourth Annual NAGC Benefit Dinner Now that she’s gone... Snortland doesn’t forget about her Commonweal Theatre’s 13th Annual April 18 (…continued from page 12) roots—her connection to Norway goes back further than growing up in a Norwegian- Ibsen Festival Madison, Wis. can get. It’s not so bad, by jiminy.” ‘Not American town in South Dakota—her pater- April 16-18 The Madison-area Friends of the Nor- so bad’ is a Norwegian compliment.” Lansboro, Minn. wegian American Genealogical Center nal grandfather came over from Karmøy at the age of 10. A story written over a hundred years & Naeseth Library, invite you to their In addition to being an actor, Snortland “I just love my heritage. Norwegian- ago yet as timely as today’s headlines, fourth annual festive dinner. Admission is a columnist, author (including the book Americans are so kind and honest, altruistic Commonweal’s 13th Annual Ibsen Fes- is $45 per person. Bunads and festive “Beauty Bites Beast: Awakening the Warrior and proud,” she said. tival features Ibsen’s play, “John Gabriel dress. Please RSVP by April 8 via email Within Women and Girls”), documentary For more information about Ms. Snort- Borkman.” Acclaimed playwright Jef- to [email protected], or by phone maker, activist, and professional kransekake land, please visit www.snortland.com. frey Hatcher has been commissioned by to (608) 255-2224. baker, just to name a few. APRIL 9, 2010 • WWW.NORWAY.COM • NORWEGIAN AMERICAN WEEKLY Slektninger. 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