A Corporate Citizen

CSR Report 2015 Corporate Social Responsibility





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68 > 71 2 CSR REPORT 2015 group providingarangeofsolutionsadaptedtotheneeds throughout itshistory, tobecomeauniversalfinancial of craftsandSMEs/SMIs,ithascontinuedtoevolve With longstanding commitment to the development values ofsolidarityandreciprocity. Groupe BanquePopulaire(GBP)drawsitsstrengthfrom companies, foundationsandrepresentationsabroad,the (BPRs), banksinEuropeandAfrica,insurance Group’s centralbody, BanquesPopulairesRégionales Made upoftheBanqueCentralePopulaire(BCP), KEYFIGURES A GROUPFOUNDEDONVALUES OFSOLIDARITYANDRECIPROCITY GROUP PROFILE PERFORMANCE SPRING ITS FROM RECIPROCALCOOPERATIVE MODEL, AFFIRMING ITS IDENTITY, AND FOUNDATIONS SERVE –THEY TO STRENGTHEN COHESION FOR THEBASIS AS THEGROUP’S SHARED BY ENTITIES–BANQUE ALLTHEGROUP’S POPULAIRE, CENTRALE BANQUES POPULAIRES RÉGIONALES, ITS NETWORK OF BRANCHES INMOROCCO ANDABROAD, ANDITS SUBSIDIARIES including Over 48% 60 70 1 400

420 000 5,2 COLLECTIVE COMMITMENT TO THEKINGDOM’S ECONOMIC ANDSOCIALDEVELOPMENT. THE GroupeBanque Populaire’S VALUES OF SOLIDARITY, PROXIMITY, CITIZENSHIPAND 14,000 leading savingscollector The Moroccanbankingsystem’s planned for2016 opened in2015 New branches at31/12/2015 ofwhomarewomen million clients


It developsitsactivitiesaroundfourmajoraxes: companies ofallsizes. of allitscustomers:privateindividuals,professionals,and - - - - Fondation Attawfiq Micro-Finance Fondation Création d’Entreprises conquest ofnewterritoriesandexternalgrowth. improvement ofperformances; socially responsiblebanking; consolidation ofacquiredpositioning; Fondation BanquePopulaire FOUNDATIONS abroad savings heldbyMoroccansresiding Leading bankforrepatriationof Banque Populaire deMarrakech-Béni Mellal Banque Populaire deNador-Al Hoceima BANQUES POPULAIRES Banque Populaire deTanger-Tétouan Banque Populaire de Rabat-Kénitra Banque Populaire d’ElJadida-Safi Banque Populaire duCentre Sud Banque Populaire deLaâyoune Banque Populaire deFès-Taza Banque Populaire deMeknès Banque Populaire d’Oujda RÉGIONALES PAYMENT CENTERFOR AFRICA BP SHOREBACK-OFFICE MAROC TRAITEMENTDE TRANSACTIONS (M2T) OUTSOURCING AND BP SHOREGROUP SUBCONTRACTING CHAABI DOCNET CRÉDIT POPULAIREDUMAROC BP REM BANQUE CENTRALEPOPULAIRE STEERING COMMITTEE SPECIALISED ACTIVITIES CHAABI CAPITAL INV ATTA’MINE CHAABI MAROC LEASING DAR ADDAMANE MÉDIA FINANCE UPLINE GROUP CIB OFFSHORE BANK ALAMAL CHAABI LLD VIVALIS MAI GTA-C2A IARDT GTA-C2A VIE AA CIIARDT AA CIVIE BABN BAML BANE BASN BABF BATG BACI ABI INTERNATIONAL SUBSIDIARIES AMIFA CHAABI BANK AMIFA MALI (MOROCCAN HOLDINGCO) AMIFA CI Other Funds andMerchant banks Insurance andassistance Finance company BPMG BPMC SHAREHOLDERS



(*) VARIOUS including floating stock 5,98 % of capital held by Group employees at 31/12/2015

CRÉDIT POPULAIRE DU MAROC STEERING COMMITTEE Finance company Insurance and assistance

Funds and Merchant banks




Fondation Banque Populaire Banque Populaire du Centre Sud BP REM MAROC LEASING BABF BPMG

Fondation Création d’Entreprises Banque Populaire d’El Jadida-Safi BP SHORE BACK-OFFICE DAR ADDAMANE BABN CHAABI BANK

Fondation Attawfiq Micro-Finance Banque Populaire de Fès-Taza CHAABI DOC NET CHAABI LLD BACI AMIFA (MOROCCAN HOLDING CO)



Banque Populaire de Meknès CIB OFFSHORE BASN

Banque Populaire de Nador-Al Hoceima UPLINE GROUP BATG

Banque Populaire d’Oujda MÉDIA FINANCE AA CI IARDT

Banque Populaire de Rabat-Kénitra CHAABI CAPITAL INV AA CI VIE

Banque Populaire de Tanger-Tétouan BANK AL AMAL GTA-C2A IARDT CSR REPORT 2015

GTA-C2A VIE 3 4 CSR REPORT 2015 our success is only made possible by their good offices, our successisonlymadepossible bytheirgoodoffices, Well awarethatouremployeesarelifeblood andthat energy transition. positioning itselfasaleadingactor inthefinancingof to reduceitsownenvironmentalfootprintaswell committed torespectingtheenvironment,seekingways deontology. ItalsoshowshowmuchtheGroupis on transparency, regulatorycompliance,ethicsand responsibility isaboveallbasedongovernancefounded It demonstratesourfirmbeliefthataBank’s social with concreteactionscarriedoutoverthelastfewyears. report onitsCSRinitiative.Itpresentsourpoliciesalong This documentistheGroupeBanquePopulaire’s first expectations. developments andmeetstakeholders’changing standards, enablingustoanticipateregulatory our determinationtoachievethehighestinternational extending toallouractivities.Theinitiativetestifies project financing,alongwithauniversalisedCSRpolicy environmental andsocialrisksintoanalysespreceding Risk ManagementSystem(ESRMS),whichincorporates was reinforcedbysetupofanEnvironmentalandSocial In 2011,theGroup’s corporateresponsibilityinitiative or theothercountrieswhereitisactive. socially responsibleapproach,whetherinMoroccoitself all itsstrategiesandactionsresultfromapre-eminently of corporateresponsibilityinitsgenes.Consequently, Groupe BanquePopulairenaturallycarriestheprinciples Founded uponvaluesofreciprocityandsolidarity, the CSR AT THEHEART OFTHEGROUP’SSTRATEGY manner witheachpassingday. with aviewtobehavinginanevermoreresponsible initiatives andprogrammesimplementedbytheGroup This firstCSRreportwillacquaintyouwithallthe across . acknowledged asaleadingactorineducationandculture Banque PopulaireFoundation,whichhascometobe life ofitscommunities,inparticularthroughthe Finally, theGrouphasalwaysinvolveditselfin economic integration. projects, socontributingtothecontinent’s financialand participates inthefinancingofmajordevelopment the Groupisactiveinsub-SaharanAfrica,whereit the regionalisationprocess.BeyondMorocco’s borders, to increaseavailabilityofbankingfacilitiesandsupport the Groupisactivelyengagedinprogrammesdesigned fully intheongoingdevelopmentofMoroccansociety, and privateindividualsalike.Determinedtoparticipate real economy, tothebenefitofcompanies,professionals resides initsroleasintermediaryandfacilitatorofthe We arealsoconvinced thataBank’s socialresponsibility management oftheircareerpaths. propitious totheirdevelopmentandensuringactive providing themwithaday-to-dayworkenvironment our mainconcernistoactasacommittedemployer, President, GroupeBanquePopulaire Mohamed BENCHAABOUN CSR AT THEHEART OFOUROPERATIONS particular throughdevelopmentofthewind-powersector. very muchinvolvedinthefinancingofenergytransition, role ofthisorthatState’s leadingfundingpartner, wearealso works onbehalfofsustainablefinancing.Oftentakingthe environment andhumanconcernsishowtheBanquePopulaire and financialdevelopment,doingsoinfullrespectofthe African continent,beinganactivepartnerinAfrica’s economic Lending supporttomajorprojectsinMoroccoandacrossthe International Banking Managing Director, Financial,Investmentand Hassan ElBasri Laïdi ElWardi Managing Director, RetailBanking Managing Director, RisksGroup and intendtomakeeveryeffort toassumethemthefull. All ofusattheBanquePopulaire areawareofourresponsibilities impacts ontheplanetanditspeoples. financer ofenterprisesandmajorprojectsbymasteringpotential The bankingsectorcanonlyproperlycarryoutitsvitalrole as a markets’ andpartners’increasinglyimperativerequirements. Management System(ESRMS),enablingustoanticipateour overall analysisofcreditrisk,theEnvironmentalandSocial Risk tool forincorporationofsocialandenvironmentalrisksinto Since 2011,wehavebeenworkingtoimplementanefficient clients, emergingmiddleclassesandVSMEsalike. banking productsandservicesforallsegments,low-income are faced:deployingmultipledistributionchannelsanddesigning our abilitytomeetthechallengeswithwhichAfrica’s retailbanks to itsvariousmissions.Theselongstandingcommitmentsrelyon and supportfortherealeconomysmallenterprisescentral The GroupeBanquePopulairehasalwaysmadebankinginclusion Mohamed KarimMounir

5 CSR REPORT 2015 6 CSR REPORT 2015 the nationalstrategy. responsibility initiative are fully in line with The Group’s strategyanditscorporate economic activities. promoting environmentallyrespectful management ofnaturalresources,and environment, strengtheningsustainable focuses :improvingcitizens’living for emergence,whichcomprisesthree in implementationofthenationalstrategy positioned itselfastheKingdom’s partner The GroupeBanquePopulairehas STRATEGY OFEMERGENCE SUPPORTING MOROCCO’S RESPONSIBILITY INITIATIVE THE GROUPE BANQUE POPULAIRE’S CORPORATE • Retentionoftalents • Remunerationofperformance generations • Knowledgetransfertoyounger • Genderdiversityinmanagementposts careers • Developmentofskillsandmotivating employees’healthandself-fulfilment • Workconditionsfavourableto BEING ARESPONSIBLE • Responsibleproductoffer • Productqualityandsecurity • Universalaccesstoinnovations • Supporttodevelopment disadvantagedcommunities • Financialinclusionofregionsand • Clientprotectionandsatisfaction • Businessethics CLIENTS’ EXPECTATIONS MEETING ALLOUR EMPLOYER

performance. borrowers’ environmentalandsocial exercising itsroleasinfluencerof on minimisingcreditrisksand the full, the Group is concentrating partner toeconomicdevelopment and soon.Inordertoplayitsroleas of incomes,livingstandards,exports, leading tojobcreation,improvement main drivingforceofeconomicgrowth, enterprises, it helps make them the societal development.Byfinancing nations’ economic, social and plays an essential role in emerging The bankingandfinancialsector RESPONSIBILITIES SECTOR’S ROLESAND THE FINANCIAL GOVERNANCE COMPLIANCE & • Responsibilityvis-à-vissuppliers • Culturalpatronageandsponsoring disadvantagedcommunities • Socialactiononbehalfof • Accesstoeducation WITH OURCOMMUNITIES offinancing • Environmentalandsocialimpact • Financingofrenewableenergies • Educationontheenvironment environmentalfootprint • ReductionsoftheGroup’s own ENSURING SOLIDARITY its activities. themes theGroupdeemsrelevantto sustainable development issues and The diagrambelowshowsallthe FOCUSES THE THE ENVIRONMENT ACTINGFOR



It isbasedonthefollowingprinciples: (see pages32-33). Environmental RiskManagementSystem(ERMS) Responsibility Policy, initiallyimplementedviathe In 2011,theGroupformaliseditsSocialandEnvironmental full respectoftheenvironment. suppliers, human capital and other partners, while acting in and developanethicalapproachtoitsclientele,members, banking facilities,runitshighsocial-impactFoundations on thismodelinordertohelpuniversaliseaccess proximity andcooperativeorganisation. The Bankdraws economic andsocialdevelopment,itsregionalbanks’ governance, itsunswervingcommitmenttotheKingdom’s in eachofitsoriginalcomponents:collegialmode The GroupeBanquePopulaire’s CSRinitiativeisrooted ISSUES INQUESTION THE INITIATIVE INRESPONSETOTHE - - and services; responsible managementofenvironmental products and recognisedpractices standards; compliance withnational and international regulations

Banques PopulairesRégionalesandsubsidiaries. level andonanetworkofcontributorsfacilitatorsat Compliance Division.ItdrawsonadedicatedteamatGroup The Group’s CSR Directorate is now attachedto its - - - - questions in purchasing in-house goods and services. social norms,andtakingaccountofsustainability reliance onsuppliersthatrespectenvironmentaland management ofhumanresources; of bestpracticesinenvironmentalmanagementand in itsin-houseoperations,commitmenttoadoption to makingthemfullycognisantoftheirobligations; training andawareness-raisingactivitieswithaview policy amongemployeesandotherstakeholdersvia dissemination oftheenvironmentalandsocial performances ; systems likely to contribute to improving the Group’s setup of environmental and social risk management

7 CSR REPORT 2015 8 CSR REPORT 2015 Bank’s performancesandfuture. (audit, risks,etc.),exchangingviewpointsandrulingonthe various specialisedcommitteesemanatingfromthem directions itistaking,viatheirSupervisoryBoardsandthe Its memberclientshaveasayintheirBank’s lifeandthe Committee andvotedonatOrdinaryGeneralAssemblies. remunerated inaccordancewitharatesetbytheSteering 48% oftheircapitalintheformordinaryshares, capital andtheirclientsarealsomembers,holding BPRs are organised as cooperative entities with variable Kingdom’s regions ofthe Populaires Régionalesareattheservice With theircorporategovernance,the10Banques on behalfofitsvariouscomponentbodies. their cashsurplusesaswellservicesofcommoninterest financial policy, overseesrefinancingofBPRsandmanages central bankingentity. Assuch,itcoordinatestheGroup’s It plays a dual role, asthe CPM’s credit institution and financial managementofthecooperativegroup The Banque Centrale Populaire is responsible for levels ofgovernance. Representativeness andequityarepriorityconcernsatall on bycloseproximityandexemplarytransparency. model enablelocalstrengthstocomethefore,spurred CPM’s collegialmanagementandtheBPRs’cooperative it anidealregionaldevelopmentprojectpartner. The The Group’s valuesofreciprocityandsolidaritymake COOPERATIVE COLLEGIALGOVERNANCE CRÉDIT POPULAIREDUMAROC: cooperative model:clientsarealsomembers.Theyaccompany, theirbank’s inandsupport participate development. alongside theGroup’s subsidiariesandfoundations.BPRsstandoutfromthecrowddrawstrengththeir Banques Populaires Régionales (BPRs). Strictly speaking, it is the Groupe Banque Populaire ’s banking entity Crédit Populaire du Maroc (CPM) is a Banking Group made up of the Banque Centrale Populaire (BCP) and A FULLY-FLEDGED MODEL OF GOVERNANCE every year. performance andattractsincreasingnumbersofmembers 2000 inordertoprovidegreatertransparency. Itimproves This formofcooperativegovernancewasintroducedin bodies workinginsynergy: Management ofthestrategyisentrustedtotwocentral all theChairsof10BPRs’SupervisoryBoards). five representativesofBPRSupervisoryBoards(electedby representing the BPRs sitting on its board of directors) and (administrators appointedbytheBoardofDirectorsand operational rules.ItismadeupoffiveBCPmembers and definesmonitorscompliancewith common technical managementoftheCPM’s componentbodies, acts asguarantorofthegoodfinancial,administrativeand and assuchapprovesallgeneralstrategicguidelines.Italso The SteeringCommitteeistheCPM’s highestauthority OF BCP/BPRDECISIONALBALANCE THE STEERINGCOMMITTEE:GUARANTOR • • representative ofallactivitysectorsinitsregion. Ordinary Assemblies.Asacooperativeentity, itis and reportsonitsfindingstoallmembersat guidelines, monitorstheDirectorate’s decisions representatives, setstheBank’s majorstrategic the SupervisoryBoard,madeupofmembers’ responsibilities incollegialfashion; executive power, makingdecisionsandassuming the Directorate,composedof5members,is 87 %

(5 meetingsin2015) rate average participation

CSR report. of Directorsin2015andaresharedwithalltheGroup’s stakeholders–inparticularviathisfirstGroupe BanquePopulaire Social Management System (ESMS). Its results, along with those of the overall CSR policy, were presented to the Board meetings since2011,withadoptionofanEnvironmental and CSR hasfeaturedontheagendasofBoardDirectors’ trained, theycarryouttheirassignedmissiontothefull,withaidofthreespecialisedcommitteesinparticular: Its 12membersareappointedbytheOrdinaryGeneralAssemblyforaperiodofsixyears.Very muchinvolvedandhighly THE BCP’SBOARDOFDIRECTORS:MANAGEMENTANDIMPLEMENTATION Three bodiesareresponsiblefortheGroup’s governance,dividingupmissionsamongthemselvesasfollows: GOVERNANCE BODIES THE GROUPE : BANQUE POPULAIRE operation Board ofDirectors’ Assessment ofthe in 2015 Number ofmeetings Term ofoffice members Administrators / • • • Directors andAssistantManagingDirectors). Directors, theBank’s SeniorManagement–Managing for nominationsandrenewalsofmembers(Board management ofthepaysystem,anddealswithproposals in 2013)istaskedwithmonitoringthedesignandgood the NominationandCompensationCommittee(setup regulations bearingonrisk. management strategyandgeneralpolicies,with on risksrunbytheBCP. Itmonitorscompliancewithrisk the BAMdirectiveoninternalcontrol)studiesandadvises the RisksCommittee(setupinDecember2014following well asconductofauditingactivities. implementation oftheBank’s in-housecontrolsystemsas the AuditCommitteesupervisesandassesses or externalassessment. comply withtherecommendationscontainedinBankAl-Maghrib directive1/W/2014–i.e.self- Methods forannualassessmentoftheBD’s operation havenotyetbeenratified,butshould 5 meetings 6 years(legalmax.) shareholding entities representatives of and 9permanent independent, 2 ofwhomare 12 administrators, Board ofDirectors 4 meetings Term ofofficelinkedwithadministrator’s termofoffice the Chair whom isindependent: 3 members,1of Audit Committee 4 meetings of themindependent) 3 administrators(none Risks Committee Training administrators sub-Saharan Africa. Group’s administrators in Morocco and management, andinvolvingallthe governance, finance, strategy and risk University, covering rules for good partnership withRabatInternational up five(10-day)trainingmodulesin A pioneerinthefield,GBPset 3 meetings whom isindependent 3 members,1of Committee Compensation Nominations and

9 CSR REPORT 2015 10 CSR REPORT 2015 and performances. collegially responsible for theBank’s achievements BPR managementiscarriedoutbyaDirectorate the annualOrdinaryGeneralAssembly. and accountsforthefiscalyear, andpresentsthemto It reviewsitsobservationsontheDirectorate’s report provided forintheArticlesofAssociation. strategy andexercisinganumberofspecialpowers strategic guidelinesinlinewiththeGroup’s overall control aswellwithtakingpartinsettingtheBank’s BPR SupervisoryBoardsaretaskedwithmanagement Supervisory BoardandaDirectorate. of whichissubjecttoadualformgovernancewith CPM includes10BanquesPopulairesRégionales,each STRENGTHS ANDSTRATEGIES DIRECTORATES :DEVELOPINGLOCAL BPR SUPERVISORY BOARDSAND participation ratesof33%and50%respectively. on 8October2015:mostshareholdersvoted,with May 2015 and the Extraordinary General Assembly level, theOrdinaryGeneralAssemblywasheldon20 % of shares) of 66% and 65% respectively. At BPR most shareholdersvoted,withparticipationrates(in held on 21May 2015 and 13 October 2015 respectively: Assembly andExtraordinaryGeneralwere The BanqueCentralePopulaire’s OrdinaryGeneral FLOOR TOMEMBERS ASSEMBLIES :HANDINGOVERTHE SHAREHOLDERS’ GENERAL data. laundering andthefinancingofterrorism,protectionconsumersitsstakeholders’personal The GBPprioritisesregulatorycompliance,deontologyandethics,controlofgovernance,combatingmoney governance. contributing toimprovementofitsactivities’security, maintenanceofitsimageandgoodname,in-house The fullcomplianceofallGroupeBanquePopulaire activities isessentialtoitsongoingdevelopment,actively ENSURING COMPLIANCE international lawsandstandards.Mainchangesactions in2015boreon: (GAFI) andBaselCommitteestandards(“KnowYour Customer”)andkeepspacewithongoingchangesinnational The LAB/FT scheme is central to security and control. It draws on the recommendations of the Financial Actions Group COMBATING MONEYLAUNDERINGANDTHEFINANCINGOFTERRORISM(LAB/FT) foundations, andsetstheGroup’s deontologicalstrategy. An ethicscommitteeadvisesonanyethicalanddeontologicalquestionsputtoitbyCPMbodiesGroupsubsidiaries and entities promotingcompliancewithinallGroupcompanies. conflicts ofinterestandinsidertradingareallpartparcelanoperatingsystemcontrolwhichiscarried out by and solidarity),preservingprofessionalsecrets,combatingcorruption,sexualharassment,preventing Apart from the intrinsic fundamentalvalues contained in theCode (integrity, loyalty, professionalism,quality, transparency deontological codes(tradingrooms,privatebanking,merchantetc.). the year, includinginitsAfricansubsidiaries.TheDeontologicalandEthicalCodeprovidesthebasisfor varioussectoral The Group’s deontologicalandethicalvaluesarethefocusofawareness-raisingtrainingamongemployees throughout DEONTOLOGY ANDETHICS codes, providesforprotectionofclients’andemployees’privatelives. competition. Inaddition,theGroup’s deontologicalcode,alongwiththevariouscomplementaryprofessional deontological the protectionofprivateindividualswithregardtoprocessingpersonaldata,andLaw06-99onfreedompricing and regulatory complianceencompasseswithLaw31-08bearingonconsumerprotection,09-08 on best practices through compliance with the regulatory system, assistance, and advice on careers. By way of example, The GroupeBanquePopulairehasalwaysensureditsactivitiescompliancewiththelawsandregulationsinforce regulatory changesmajoraxesofdevelopment,increasingthesecurityitsmanagementoperationsandactivities. The Group’s rapidexpansionatregionalandinternationallevelalikemakesregulatoryanticipationofcompliancewith ANTICIPATING REGULATORY CHANGES • • • • • helping theGroup’s variousentitiesachievetheirdevelopment plansincompliancewiththerulesoffinancialsecurity ; promotion oftheculturefinancial securitywithintheGroupthroughtrainingandawareness-raising actions. lending supporttodepartmentsresponsibleforLAB/FTactivities withinBPRs,subsidiariesandFoundations; dematerialisation ofexchangeswiththeUTRF, etc.); continued developmentoftheLAB/FTinformationsystem, withacquisitionofnewsolutions(Filtering,Profiling, circulars andprocedures,etc.); strengthening andupdatingtheGroup’s in-house referencesystemencompassingtheLAB/FTactivity(LABpolicy, 11 CSR REPORT 2015 ACTING AS A COMMITTED EMPLOYER 2015 saw a woman, Asma Lebbar, appointed to head the Human Capital Division – a first in the Groupe Banque Populaire’s history.

2015 saw Banques Populaires Régionales and sub-Saharan banks taking part in the Group Committee’s half-yearly meeting via videoconference.

2015 saw the launch of the project for total overhaul of the HR Information System around a centralised data centre in , to ensure more efficient and secure operations to the benefit of all personnel.

2015 saw startup of operations stemming from the Elan 2020 strategic plan, including two projects in the HR field : integrated talent management and company culture.

2015 saw the Banque Populaire obtaining the definitive “Tobacco-free Company” label 14 CSR REPORT 2015 The management-to-staffratioremainedstableoverthethreeyears. women. over 14,000employees,48%ofthem Groupe BanquePopulairenumbered At 31December2015,the Division ofworkforcebystatus(CPM) THE GROUP’S HUMAN PROFILE Total Employees Officers Executives (incl.managers) Paid strengthat31.12 positions 8,937 Average CPMworkforce ageis37. % 25 22 % Women CPMemployees, 20 15 9 % 8 % 10 70 % 5 629(1738) 6 % Age Pyramid2015(CPM) 8 361 1 043 1 689 2013

2 % 5 of theminmanagerial 0 55 + ans 25 35 45 55 0 over 5 900(1826) 14,000 5 8 680 1 175 1 605 2014 5 % 6 % 10 8 % GBPemployees 15 15 % 18 % 6 218(1659) 20 8 937 1 176 1 543 2015 Man 25 % office level(branchesandbusinesscentres),wheretherateistotuneof88%. Personnel under30yearsofageaccountfor32%theworkforce,majorityholdingpositionsatfront 12 68 % workforce isunder 32 % Average seniorityis12years. % 25 years’ averageseniority Women of personnelhaveover5years’seniority of the 20 16 % 30 15 10 % 10 % 7 % 10 Seniority Pyramid2015(CPM) 4 % 5 0 years 12 16 20 0 4 8 0 5 5 % 6 % 6 % 10 15 15 % 20 20 % Men 25 % 15 CSR REPORT 2015 16 CSR REPORT 2015 Percentage ofwomenintheworkforce(CPM) supervisors anddirectors. Supervisory Boards,fivewomendivisiondirectorsandmembersoftheExecutiveCommittee,severaldepartment being appointed to key positions with increasing frequency. There are now four women at BPR Directorates or on their tend to developless quickly than their male counterparts, owing to different professional life/family life balances, they are Women account for over half of the Bank’s current recruitments and 48% of its present workforce. Although their careers GENDER DIVERSITY:RESULTS INPROGRESS integration andself-fulfilmentofallitsemployees,inanenvironmentconducivetoprogressperformance. whether it’s aquestionofgenderdiversityoremployingyoungpeopleandolderapplicants.TheGroupprioritisesthe When recruiting and all career long, the Groupe Banque Populaire accords major importance to diversity in all its forms, DIVERSITY Employees Officers Executives (incl.managers) WERE HELDAT THEVARIOUS BPRS THEKINGDOM. ACROSS THEGIFTS WEREACCOMPANIED BY NECKLACE ADORNEDNECKLACE WITHABEAUTIFULLY DESIGNED PENDANT. USUAL, AS CELEBRATIONS IN 2015,EACHOF THEGroupeBanque Populaire’S 6,700WOMEN WAS PRESENTED WITHA The Month Of :TheGroup’s March Women In TheSpotlight A BEST WISHES MESSAGE FROM GROUP PRESIDENTA BEST GROUP WISHESMESSAGEFROM MOHAMED BENCHAABOUN. % ofwomen 44% (11%) 54% 57% and 48 % 65% 11% of whomareinexecutivepositions of theworkforcearewomen managers A REINFORCEDRECRUITMENTPOLICY development andprovisionofbasicprofessionaltraining. recruits havebeenintroduced,focusingonaspectsofpersonal As regardsintegration,specialprogrammesdesignedfor young major priority. Group’s futureandtheirinvolvementinitsgrowth hasbecomea 60% ofallrecruitments.Theyoungergenerationsrepresent the In 2015,newlyrecruitedstaffunder25yearsofageaccounted for PEOPLE ACCOMPANIMENT ANDINTEGRATION OFYOUNG 74 newbranchesin2014and702015. 2013 shouldalsobenoted;itwaslargelyduetotheopeningof to anend).Thesignificantupswinginrecruitmentsafterafalloff (all ANAPEC contracts are converted into CPIs when they come The greatmajorityofnewstaffarerecruitedunderpermanentcontracts,withalmost99%onCDIsandANAPECcontracts Group withtheexpertiserequiredto Plan Élan2020,seekingtoprovidethe added strengthtooneofthepillars the GrandesÉcoles.Thepolicyhas level, aidedbycloserelationswith organised atnationalandinternational (exhibitions, fairs,forums,etc.) employment-opportunity events a strongerpresenceatthevarious implemented focused on ensuring three years.Therecruitmentpolicy the CPMworkforceoverlast There hasbeena7%increasein Evolution ofCPMrecruitmentsbytypecontract:2013,2014&2015 Permanent Contract(CDI) TOTAL ANAPEC contract geographical roots lie. Wherever it geographical rootslie.Whereverit in Morocco,wheretheGroup’s methods and procedures originating dissemination ofthevalues,culture, 88 expatriateemployeesenable subsidiaries. for Banque Atlantique network support ofsub-Saharanskills identification, recruitmentand Action alsofocusedonscouting, carry outitsstrategicplansuccessfully. 2013 139 598 459 2014 173 688 515 it tolocalspecificities. across their native countries, and adapt the knowhowtheyhaveacquired recruits areinapositiontodisseminate or twoyearsworkinginMorocco,such where itisactive.Afterspendingone various sub-SaharanAfricancountries Grandes Écoleswhocomefromthe recruiting graduatesfromMoroccan to good use. Since2013, it has been locates, theGroupputslocalstrengths 2015 138 602 464 17 CSR REPORT 2015 18 CSR REPORT 2015 2.2% ofthetotalworkforce,attestingtohighlysatisfactory employmentstability. 370 peoplelefttheBankin2015,196ofwhomweredueto retire.Thenumberofdeparturesexcludingretireesrepresents (CPM) Departures The BCP’s latest recruits received by the New recruits weretakenNew to the National career management, and socialbenefits. THE HUMAN RESOURCES DEPARTMENT RESOURCES THE HUMAN ORGANISED ASEMINARFOR STAFF SETTO RETIRE The bore event witness to the concrete Departures otherthan retireesrepresented Departures retirement 2.2% 53 % professionals. Among other things, the BY 2017.THE36EMPLOYEES WHO ATTENDED WERETREATED TO PRESENTATIONS OF THE implementation of the processof new Banque Populaire’s top Capital Human integration policy, training strategy, meeting was designed to acquaint its young participants withthe Group’s Training Centre(CNF)to meetthe Human Resources Department integration within the Group. SERVICES PROVIDED BY THECNSS(NATIONAL FUND)AND SOCIALSECURITY of theworkforce were dueto of departures CIMR (MOROCCAN INTERPROFESSIONAL RETIREMENTFUND). A SEMINARFOR FUTURERETIREES before theyretire. less thanitscollectivememory, byinvitingthemtotrainnewteams capitalise onitsseniorstaff’s knowledge,whichconstitutesnothing than one professional speciality. In the future, the Group hopes to other: anindividualemployee’s careerpathusuallyincludesmore knowledge andcompetencesaccumulatecomplementeach keeps itsemployeesbyprovidingthemwithcareerpathsinwhich With oneofthehighestseniorityratesinsector, theGBP CAPITALISING ONSENIORSTAFF’S EXPERIENCE 196 2015 seniority retiredin average of32years’ Employees withan DEVELOPING SKILLS Training infigures(2015) designed toimprovetheprofessionalskillsofparticipantswhosecareerpathsarealreadyset. Basic banking&professionalcourses:genericandprofessionalising(Audit,Comex,Accounting,etc.) several years’experienceandnewarrivals,withaviewtofacilitatingtheirintegrationassimilationofbestpractices. Crédit PopulaireduMarochasintroducedthreemajortypesoftrainingcourses.Theyareaddressedbothtoemployees with CAREER-LONG PROFESSIONALACCOMPANIMENT FROMRECRUITMENTONWARDS managerial skills andpersonaldevelopment. Crosscutting coursesfocusing ondevelopmentof maintaining requiredlevelsofcompetence. evolutions inprofessionsandprocesses,withtheaimof Refresher coursesanddesignedtoaccompany well as the need for diversification and well astheneedfordiversificationand accompanying itsyoungrecruits,as of theimportanceintegratingand its developmentstrategy. Well aware GBP’s humancapitalattheheartof of branches,anambitionthatputsthe for extensionoftheGroup’s network The PlanÉlan2020roadmapprovides 70 53 1000 professional trainingcourses employeesattendedspecialised genericcoursesessions 40 600 employeesattended of training workdays and aids. to diversificationoftrainingmethods and adoptinganinnovativeapproach meeting professionalrequirements, implementing targetedprogrammes, is committedtotrainingitsemployees, consolidation ofexpertise,theGroup commercial aspects of coursesfocuson

58 % 19 000 20 000 1900 1000 workdays fordevelopment courses attendances and

attendances and courses workdays forrefresher in 2015. workdays oftrainingwerecompleted investment intraining.Almost40,600 CPM providesformajorannual evolution inthetraining budget (compared +8,3 % with 2012) 19 CSR REPORT 2015 20 CSR REPORT 2015 of newchannels: Its determinationinthisareaisevidencedbythesetup ways andmeansofdisseminatingtraining. has becomeincreasinglycommittedtodiversificationof As part of the 2013-2016 master plan for training, the Bank Constant innovationindisseminationsystems certifying trainingcourse,andfinally, 10auditorsarecurrentlypreparingforCertifiedInternalAuditor(CIA)certification. and 75employeeshaveenrolledfor2016.Inaddition,almost100followedorarefollowingtheESSEC received training in project management in 2014 in preparation for the Project Management Institute’s PMP certification, of fieldsarealsoopentopersonnel.Fortyormoreemployees Complementing thisoffer, certifyingprogrammesinavariety employees’ areasofactivityorcareerpaths. dispensed asrequiredbydevelopmentsinandrequirementsof In addition,qualifyingcourses(Master’s, MBA,andothers)are year 300 employeesbenefitfromsharedbankingcoursesevery conditions. are 100%financedbytheBank,foremployeesfulfillingeligibility Shared bankingcoursesleadingtoqualificationofparticipants springboards tosuccess trainingcoursesas Qualifying andcertifying - - setupofOpenAccesscoursesmakingitpossiblefor - and videocapsules. integration ofnewwayslearning basedonimages outside workinghours; employees whosowishtofollowtrainingmodules system: useofvideotrainingandeLearning; integration ofnewtechnologiesintothedissemination are madeavailabletofacilitatethem. full accountoflocalspecificities.Business-activityexperts sub-Saharan Africaalike,withpedagogicalcontenttaking programmes aredispensedatsubsidiariesinMoroccoand for newrecruitsandmoreexperiencedstaffalike.Such choice ofspecialskillsdevelopmentprogrammesdesigned Employees intheGroup’s varioussubsidiaries havea Inter-Group synergy ATTENDEES’ ACQUIRED IN2015, EXPERIENCE. 50 PARTICIPANTS ATTENDED 160WORKING OF DESIGNED TO PROGRAMMES DEVELOP SECTOR-ACTIVITY EXPERTS TO FACILITATE DESIGN OF TEACHING AIDSADAPTED TO PROVIDED WITHSUPPORT INTHEFORM SESSIONS. OURIN-HOUSE TRAINERS ARE SPEARHEAD OF THE IN-HOUSE SPEARHEAD OF THEIN-HOUSE BANKING ANDREFRESHER TRAINING THE BANK PREFERS TO USEIN-HOUSE COURSE FACILITATION SKILLSAND A POOL OF TRAINERS : THE A POOL OF TRAINERS :THE HOURS OF TEACHERTRAINING. TRAINING INITIATIVE CAREER MANAGEMENT CAREER EFFECTIVE TOOLS FOR BETTER house MobilityGrant:ithasexisted We alsoplantoconsolidatethein- required formobilitytootherposts. to identifyandrequestthetraining plans introducedthatenabledstaff to bedrawnupanddevelopment better-defined jobdescriptionshad and mobility. Inordertothis, Encouraging careerdevelopment authors anddrivingforcesof. that weatHumanCapitalarethe with introductionofkeymeasures EEP shouldreallycomeinto its own, (the network).Andit’s herethatthe support forthecommercialbranch blossom, andprovidingspecial ensuring itisgivenachanceto detecting promisingpotentialand their developmentopportunities, by givingthemaclearerideaof include involvingyoungpeople needs. Mainfocusesfor2015/2016 our employees’expectationsand motivating, andfullyadaptedto more intelligible,practicaland “accessible”, inotherwords with aviewtomakingitmore and ExpertisePlan(EEP/GPEC) restructuring itsEmployment The BanquePopulaireiscurrently competences. sustained developmentofallour without all-roundmobilisationand growth. Andthatwon’t bepossible we aimtostartonanewcycleof In thecontextofPlanÉlan2020, DIRECTOR OFTHEHUMANCAPITAL DEVELOPMENTDIVISION A WORDFROMASMALEBBAR, organisation’s needs. employee expectationsandthe and promotionareothertoolsallying plans andmobility. In-housemobility a majorroleincareermanagement plan andtalentdetectionnowplays Group hasintroducedasuccession staff withhighpotential.The Detecting youngmanagement paths moreimmediateandpalpable. awareness ofadvancesincareer on amountofturnoverhasmade three levels(A,B,andC)based branches andbusinesscentresinto and therulesinforce.Divisionof colleagues, theteamasawhole, time whilecontinuingtorespect where theystandatanygiven awareness oftheirprogressand solidarity, helpincreaseemployees’ with employees,fosteraspiritof formalised, quantifiedandshared increases insalary. Suchobjectives, development opportunitiesand/or rewarding thebestthroughcareer collective andindividualgoals, based onachievementof via anewassessmentsystem matter ofmeasuringperformances assessment.Thisisa performance promotionthrough Supporting filled asaresult. 59 jobvacancies,36ofwhichwere candidacy applicationsin2015for since the1990sandreceived208 21 CSR REPORT 2015 22 CSR REPORT 2015 complementary health insurance, death insurance and advantages, includingtheirown privatehealthinsurance, CPM’s staffregulations provideforfurtherconditionsand Interprofessionnelle Marocaine deRetraite(CIMR),the Caisse NationaledeSécuritéSociale(CNSS)and of theirlives.Inadditiontocompulsorysubscriptionthe designed to accompany them during the successive stages the GBPhasdevelopedafullrangeofsocialadvantages As itsemployees’wellbeingisoneofmajorconcerns, SOCIAL ADVANTAGES operations aimedto: subscription toBPRmembers’sharesin2013.These staff benefitedfromdividendsstemmingtheir 5.98%. Thesameyearandforthesecondtime,CPM capital, bringingemployees’shareinBCPcapitalupto eligible staffbenefitedfromanincreaseinreserved to its employees. In 2015, for the third year running, Groupe BanquePopulairebeganopeningitscapital Profit-sharing byemployeeshareholders:In2008,the Share ofbonusesinthewagebill points between2013and2015. terms, bonuses’shareinthewagebillincreasedby0.5 and abovebonusesrewardingperformance.Ingeneral In addition,increasesmaybeaccordedtoallpersonnelover compensation connectedwiththenewpositionconcerned. seniority. Intheeventofnomination,theremaybeadded Salaries evolveinlinewithemployees’performanceand REMUNERATION depending onperformance. salary gridandintroductionofvariablecompensation study levelsandqualifications,improvement ofthe remuneration elementsfornewrecruitsdependingon setup of the Salary Committee, standardisation of 2014 and2015 saw avarietyof developments, including ANDSOCIALADVANTAGESSALARIES - - - 9,7 % 2013 Groupe BanquePopulaire. Consolidate thesenseofbelongingto Associate staffwiththeBPRs’growthandresults; cooperative Group; Strengthen thecultureofmembershipwithina 10 % 2014 10,2 % 2015

camps, thepilgrimageandotheraids. is allocatedtosponsorshipofcollectiverestoration,holiday cultural actionsatthetopoflist.Therestbudget allowances, financialhelpatAidAlAdhaandsports schemes andretirements),withschoolingexpenses devotes tosocialworks(asidefromhealthcare,provident As regards the budget, 5%of the Bank’s net income is advantages : wished togofurtherandprovideayetwiderspectrumof the CPM’s SupplementaryProvidentScheme.TheGroup - Other. ThepilgrimagetoMecca,paidbytheGroup - Health. Fullcoverageofseriousillnesses,a - Children. Helpwithfinancingstudies(annual throughout theKingdom. and culturalcentresareavailabletoemployees for anumberofemployeesaged45andover. Sports per person,spousesandchildren. supplementary health insurance up to1 million MAD subsidiary (MutuelledelaBanquePopulaire)providing subscription totheGroup’s privatehealthinsurance death supportfund,veryadvantageoustermsfor employees and Marocains du Monde (MDM) clients. holiday campsforchildren from 8to13yearsoldof Marrakech, M’dieq,Ifrane,SaidiaandBouznika, conditions forholidays(holidaycentresinAgadir, higher educationinMoroccoorabroad),advantageous allowance foryoungerchildrenandspecialaid p. 6 trois conventionsenChine La BanquePopulairesigne Le Groupe: p. 12 Populaire » institutionnelle «Jesuis Relance delacampagne Flash Info: N° 4247 ème trimestre 2014 p. 34 Chaabi LLD: Zoom : en pleine croissance dynamique dansun marché Une filiale Une filiale p. 6 confirme sabonnesanté le GroupeBanquePopulaire Résultats semestriels: Le Groupe: p. 14 de laBPRabat-Kénitra Changement àlatête Flash Info: N° 3246 ème trimestre2014 p. 34 Nationale dumigrant commémore laJournée La BanquePopulaire Zoom : p. 7 du continentafricain meilleure banquededétail La BanquePopulaire: p. 10 son réseauenFrance Chaabi Bankréorganise N° 2242 ème trimestre2013 p. 36 socioculturel deréférence Populaire, unacteur Fondation Banque Zoom : p. 7 du Nord Meilleure Banqued’Afrique La BanquePopulaireélue Le Groupe : p. 15 pour uneligne decrédit Proparco :convention Banque Populaire- Flash Info: N° 2 N° 245 ème trimestre 2014 p. 42 du grandpublic àlaportée la bourse ICF AlWassit : Zoom : p. 10 subsaharienneen Afrique conventions de partenariats Le Groupe BPsigneplusieurs Le Groupe : p. 14 Micro-Finance la FondationAttawfiq Changement àlatêtede Flash Info : N° 1244 er trimestre2014 p. 44 Banque Populaire Groupe et dynamique du MAI, unefilialestratégique Zoom : p. 10 la CIBP àFès de Réunion del’état-major Le Groupe: p. 36 BP fêtentleurs40ans Les colonies de vacances Socio-culturel : N° 3243 ème &4 p. 42 Populaire pourleGroupeBanque majeur Maroc Leasing,unatout Zoom : ème trimestre 2013 COMPANY CULTURE

SOCIAL DIALOGUE IN-HOUSE COMMUNICATION Three unions were represented at the most recent elections Group life is a matter for all our staff. Motivating and uniting of CPM staff representatives on 3 June 2015, with 73% our community of employees around their concerns, for CDT (Confédération Démocratique du Travail), 16% progress and achievements is essential. for SAS (Sans Appartenance Syndicale) and 11% for UMT A whole range of resources and supports is devoted to (Union Marocaine du Travail). doing so, including the in-house quarterly magazine “BP In 2014, discussions led to introduction of a bonus for 40 News”, “GBP Online” information flashes (a daily email), years of seniority at the CPM as well as bonuses rewarding the Tawassol intranet, in-house posting, and the “Info 20, 25 and 30 years of seniority. Further discussions Presse” press review (a daily email relayed by intranet). in 2015 resulted in the signature of a Memorandum of Understanding in 2016.

N° 2 242 ème trimestre 2013 N° 2 245 ème trimestre 2014

La Banque Populaire : Chaabi Bank réorganise Zoom : Le Groupe : Flash Info : Zoom : meilleure banque de détail son réseau en France Fondation Banque La Banque Populaire élue Banque Populaire - ICF Al Wassit : du continent africain Populaire, un acteur Meilleure Banque d’Afrique Proparco : convention la bourse à la portée socioculturel de référence du Nord pour une ligne de crédit du grand public p. 7 p. 10 p. 36 p. 7 p. 15 p. 42

N° 3 246 ème trimestre 2014 N° 1 244 er trimestre 2014

Le Groupe : Flash Info : Zoom : Le Groupe : Flash Info : Zoom : Résultats semestriels : Changement à la tête La Banque Populaire Le Groupe BP signe plusieurs Changement à la tête de MAI, une filiale stratégique le Groupe Banque Populaire de la BP Rabat-Kénitra commémore la Journée conventions de partenariats la Fondation Attawfiq et dynamique du Groupe confirme sa bonne santé Nationale du migrant en Afrique subsaharienne Micro-Finance Banque Populaire p. 6 p. 14 p. 34 p. 10 p. 14 p. 44

N° 4 247 ème trimestre 2014 N° 3 243 ème & 4 ème trimestre 2013

Le Groupe : Flash Info : Zoom : Le Groupe : Socio-culturel : Zoom : La Banque Populaire signe Relance de la campagne Chaabi LLD : Une filiale Réunion de l’état-major de Les colonies de vacances Maroc Leasing, un atout trois conventions en Chine institutionnelle « Je suis dynamique dans un marché la CIBP à Fès BP fêtent leurs 40 ans majeur pour le Groupe Banque Populaire » en pleine croissance Populaire p. 6 p. 12 p. 34 p. 10 p. 36 p. 42

The Groupe Banque Populaire’s values The Groupe Banque Populaire’s mutualist roots have nourished a system of strong values anchored in its employees’ behaviour each and every day. The Group’s entities subscribe to them with pride and bear witness to them on a daily basis.

Solidarity. Rooted in Proximity. A legacy of Citizenship. The Groupe And finally,Performance. the Group’s history and the local mutualist model, Banque Populaire is Thanks to its commitments constituting one of its it shortens reporting lines, committed to an overall to its clients and partners, fundamental values, solidarity simplifies exchanges, and sustainable development the Groupe Banque Populaire is expressed through the brings both management initiative. Its corporate ensures promotion of missions assigned to the and staff and advisors and citizenship is expressed the culture of efficiency, GBP: providing support for the clients closer together: through two Foundations: professionalism, client governments’ major projects a value that has become “Fondation Banque Populaire” satisfaction and innovation and initiatives, universalising an acknowledge strength and “Attawfiq Microfinance”. through regular investment access to banking facilities, throughout the network Over The former promotes culture in optimising and rationalising combating banking and 1,400 branches embody and education and encourages the ways it operates and financial exclusion, andthis close-knittedness and the entrepreneurial spirit in improving its individual maintaining ties between local strength. The Group’s in its local clientele and and collective operational Moroccans residents abroad regional structure, the “Marocains Du Monde” alike, effectiveness. and their families in Morocco. density of its network and while the latter contributes The support fund reflects the its well-balanced presence to banking and financial financial solidarity among the across the Kingdom have inclusion by supporting micro- various Banques Régionales. enabled it to stay in touch entrepreneurs. It is also expressed though its with local realities and employees’ and Foundations’ specificities and contribute commitment to a wide range to mobilisation of savings of actions and a range of and their use in the regions sharing schemes with high in which they are collected, social value. as well as to promotion of CSR REPORT 2015 CSR REPORT 2015 banking activities. 23 24 CSR REPORT 2015 2 1 In 2015,itconcerned: ACTIVE DISEASEPREVENTIONSINCE1997 set upafullrangeofequipmentandschemestoensureemployees’service-providers’safety, including: Although risklevelsarelowinthebankingsectorasfarworkaccidentsconcerned,GBPhastakengoodcareto PREVENTION OFWORKACCIDENTS HEALTH ANDWELLBEING AT WORK is afundamentalandinalienablerule. current legislation.RigorousapplicationofMoroccanLabourLaw’s provisionsbearingonhealthintheworkplace well beyondregulatorystandardsTheGroup’s variousoccupationalmedicinefacilitiesareinfullcompliancewith Health, safetyandwellbeingatworkaresubjectsonwhichtheGBPhasalwaystakenaproactivestancegoing Number of days offworkperthousand hoursworked. Number of accidents withlosttime overorequaltoone daypermillionhours worked. ------Company” in2015; Label d’Orforfiveyearsrunning,startingin2011,tobecomeanofficial “Tobacco-free smoking, combatingpassiveetc.TheBanquePopulairewasawardedthe particular amongyoungpeople),helpwithgivingup (in prevention addiction: nicotine SalmaFoundationforCancerPrevention and Treatment ; Theprojectcombats the Banque Populaire “Tobacco-free Company” initiative (since 2009) with the cancer formenof50andover, andbreastcervixcancerforwomen; screening forcardiovasculardiseasesemployees40yearsofageandabove(39%staffareover40),prostate a BusinessContinuityPlan(BCP)drawnupandtestedwithallservice-providers. regular awareness-raisingcampaignstargetingemployees; close proximitytoemergencyauthoritiesandservices; intruder alarm,accesscontrol,videoprotection,interventionuponetc.; Sophisticated technologicalmethodsandequipmentforsupervisionmonitoringinallareasofsafety:firedetection, 1 % 5 000 rate Work accidentfrequency 1 2015. flu vaccinesin - Flu vaccination is the national level; as againstbarely2%at stand between50and60% among Groupemployees Immunisation coveragerates communication campaign. subject ofanannual 0,2 % 176 severity rate Work accident programme “Tobacco-free Company” ofthe since startup Employees quitsmoking 2 WHICH COORDINATES THECPM’S 25DOCTORS ANDNURSES, THEGROUP STARTED TRAINING IN 2004,ADDITION TO THEBCP’S OCCUPATIONAL MEDICINE DEPARTMENT PEOPLE), (SEVEN diseases. social fundandcoveringfivefamiliesofserious The schemeisroundedoffbysocialaidfinancedthe 35,000 MADcoveredbytheMPBP. dirhams perbeneficiary, takesoveraboveandbeyondthe Supplementary healthinsurancetoamaximumof1million schemes onoffer: Banque Populairehasitsownprovidentsocietywithtwo of theirfamiliesisoneitspriorityconcerns,theGroupe As thewellbeingofitsactiveandinactivestaffmembers SOCIETY HEALTH COVER:THEGROUP’SPROVIDENT - blood donations are encouraged every year - blooddonationsareencouragedeveryyear with regionalBloodDonorCentres. - - 2 400 EMERGENCY WORKERSEMERGENCY (INCOLLABORATION REDCRESCENT)AND WITHTHEMOROCCAN 33th was introducedon1July1988; maximum of35,000dirhamsperbeneficiary, which a basicschemecoveringsicknessandmaternityto introduced on1May1987; a supplementary retirement scheme, which was campaign BCP blooddonation preventive medicine DH/employee investedin FIRST-AID ON ALLITSSITES. TEAMS EVERYONE SAVE CANS LIVES The MPBPinfigures(2015) 10,5% 15 99 %

beneficiaries 37 600 reimbursed of claims membership devoted toMPBP 2/3 employer)is (1/3employee, of thetaxablebase reimbursement days for 25 CSR REPORT 2015 A BANK COMMITTED TO THE ENVIRONMENT In 2015, a pilot project on remote branch management was launched.

In 2015, Data Centres’ electricity and air-conditioning systems were optimised.

In late 2015, the FBP was rewarded on several occasions by the Mohammed VI Foundation for the Environment for its action on behalf of beach ecosystems.

In 2015, the Environmental and Social Risk Management System (ESRMS) was implemented at the Banque Centrale Populaire. 28 CSR REPORT 2015 monitoring ofwaterandelectricityconsumption. ecological refrigerant gas, systematic use of LED bulbs as replacements, biodegradability of sanitary products and daily New contractswithmaintenanceandcleaningservice-providersincorporatesuchenvironment-linkedcriteriaaschoiceof agencies builtin2015consume30%lessenergythanolderones. energy efficiencycriteriaintochoiceofair-conditioning andlightingequipment.Resultshavebeen positive:thenew Since 2010,bestpracticeshavebeenimplementedforallnewconstructionandbranchrenovationwithaviewtointegrating major sitesenablesautomaticcontroloflightingandadaptationair-conditioning. The Grouphasbeencombatingenergywastageinitsbuildingsformanyyearsnow. Centralisedtechnicalmanagementof Environmental criteriaatallstagesofabuilding’s life OPTIMISATION OFFOOTPRINTSBUILDINGSANDFURNITURE FOOTPRINT REDUCING OUROWNENVIRONMENTAL environmental impacts. Such efforts areconcentratedonthreemajorareas. environmental impacts.Suchefforts andthelaunchofnewprojectsareenablingGrouptoprogressivelycontrolits Continuing collectiveefforts AND HOPE TO OBTAIN ISO50001CERTIFICATION AT MAJOR SITESBY 8TO 10%BY THEENDOF 2017 HOT WATER AT ALLHOLIDAY CENTRES,ANDARE SOLAR PANELS FOR PRODUCTION OF DOMESTIC MANAGEMENT OFMANAGEMENT TECHNICAL EQUIPMENTAT A WE’VE SETOURSELVES ANAMBITIOUS GOAL :WE WE ARECOMMITTED TO UNIVERSALIZATION OF RAISING ON ECO-HABITS AMONG THEIRUSERS. A RANGE OF BEEN HAS TAKEN MEASURES WITH ALSO WORKING ON INCREASING AWARENESS- MULTITECHNICAL MAINTENANCE AIM TO CONSUMPTION REDUCEELECTRICITY * LAUNCH IN2014OF APROJECT FOR REMOTE A VIEW TOA VIEW PROGRESSIVELY IMPROVING BCP SITES’ ANDBRANCHES’ EFFICIENCY, ENERGY * AWARENESS-RAISING MISSIONS CARRIED * COMPLIANCE WITHTHEDIRECTIVES OF IN CASABLANCA, LEADING TO A6TO 12% REDUCTION CONSUMPTION. INENERGY OUT IN2013AT 23BRANCHES ASAMPLE MANAGER, TAKESMANAGER, THEFLOOR THE ISO 50001 “ENERGY PERFORMANCETHE ISO50001“ENERGY MANAGEMENT” STANDARDMANAGEMENT” ; ABDELLAH SAFIR, PILOT BRANCH ; INCLUDING : efforts inordertodoso: And threeareashavebecomethefocusofspecial energy? That’s thechallengeGrouphastomeet. How doyoucarryoutamajoractivityusingless EQUIPMENT MORE ENERGY-EFFICIENT IT have the“NFEnvironment”label. on thelifecyclesoftheirproducts,allwhichmust Manufacturers mustsupplycertificatesanddocuments on standardsrespectingergonomyandenvironment. Calls for tender for the purchase of furniture insist Rigorous selectionoffurniture - - - getting verypositiveresults. emission andpooledmaintenance,theGBPis the Group.With optimisation of spacesandheat virtualised viaaprivateCloudforthewholeof Virtualisation :660servershavenowbeen energy ratio; was replacedin2014toprovideabetterpower/ innovation initiative. The Mainframeplatform international names,arecommittedtoagreen IT equipment:constructorsselected,alltop generation DataCentre; is underway for setup of a more economical new- reducing consumption by 6 or 7%, and a project electricity systemshavebeenoptimised, Data Centres:their air-conditioning and 95 % of servers virtualised of servers environmental protectionandconfidentiality. in compliancewithacceptedstandardsofhygiene, sure thatwasteisdisposedofindedicatedcentres instructionsarecompliedwithandmake sorting contractuallyobligedtoensurethat service-provider DEMATERIALISATION TOSAVE PAPER Computers Paper Priority giventorecycling bearing onvirtualisationofcreditreportprocessing. A moreambitiousprojectiscurrentlybeingfinalised abroad areprintedonsitetocutdownontransport. posted everyfivedays,whiledocumentsforclients our clientele,non-urgentmailisgroupedtogetherand (including payslips,daybooksandreports).Asregards Many in-housedocumentshavebeendigitised BPRs willsoonbeinvolvedinasimilarinitiative. Managem, the Kingdom’s leading mining company. andsendstheresultingrawmaterialsto them apart the AlJisrassociation,whichrepairsthemortakes 100 million Almost is recovered and recycled by an external 600 000clients attheendoftheirlivesaretakenoverby sheets 2006 and2015 saved between have signedupforestatements(comparedwith2013) * in volume information by sms) 1.6 Million subscribers, the functions. Incontinual development over the THE GBP :PIONEER ANDLEADER* IN past three years, provided ithas anesignature platform for exchangesbetween the bank and and the electronic estatement service 600,000 mobile banking application 20,000subscribers, THE REALMOF REMOTE BANKING crowd incrowd its implementation of electronic its company clients covers awide range of entry-level packs upwards) some has 630,000 regards the goals of the egov programme. Chaabi net (freeonline management, from With universalisation underway, asingle administration systems,in particular as subscribers, sms chaabi mobile (banking across Moroccoandatoursub-Saharansubsidiaries. Committee meetingsarefollowedremotelyright press conferencesannouncingresultsandGroup employees atourAfricansubsidiaries.Forexample, systems cutdownonbusinesstrips,inparticularlyby As forprofessionaltravel,the13newvideoconferencing 2015 (onalike-for-like basis). which werereducedby30%betweenend2013and The mainfocushereisoptimisationofCITjourneys, REDUCING FUELCONSUMPTION The gbp ahead steps isseveral of the 100 % service since may 2015. subscribers. equipment with videoconference of meetingrooms 29 CSR REPORT 2015 30 CSR REPORT 2015 ENVIRONMENTAL ACTIONS FOUNDATION’STHE BANQUE POPULAIRE A WORD FROM ABDELLATIF ZAKHBAT : Foundation hadamassed of 2015,theBanquePopulaire by beachsponsors.Bytheend preservation actionscarriedout educational andenvironmental quality ofawareness-raising, international standards,andthe investments incompliancewith the qualityofbathingwaters, An eco-labelattestingto “Blue Flag”onthreebeaches. the internationallyrenowned ecosystems, enablingustohoist transformed theirrespective and investmentsmadehave sites. Theworkcarriedout the upgradingoffourseaside 2001, takingresponsibilityfor for theEnvironmentsince the MohammedVIFoundation The FBPhasbeenapartnerof 15 years? results haveyouobtainedafter was launchedin2001:what The “CleanBeaches”project recaps itscommitments. Banque PopulaireandtheFondationCréationd’Entreprises, Abdellatif Zakhbat,SecretaryGeneraloftheFondation the “Eco-School”programme. environment throughthenational“CleanBeaches”projectand ofthe committed actioninfavourofeducationonpreservation FBP’s Amongotherthings,itisexpressedby actionsapart. Respect fortheenvironmentisavaluethathasalwaysset right, pupilsaremadeawareof of gardensisasubjectinitsown collected, gardeningandupkeep decorative items,rainwateris used tyresarerecycledtocreate soap throughsaponification, issues :usedoilisrecycledinto schools prioritiseecological Populaire Foundation’s two of theprogramme,Banque the Environment.Asmembers Foundation fortheProtectionof Morocco bytheMohammedVI programme waslaunchedin School - countries, theEco Education (FEE)inover31 the FoundationforEnvironmental of Developed underthepatronage : whatexactlyarethey? Let’s talkabout“Eco-Schools” gardens neighbouringthebeach. fertilisation ofsoilsinareasand thereby. Theselatterenabled soil-enriching agentsobtained waste andthebenefitsof sorting, compostingoforganic summer visitorstowaste up withaviewtointroducing composting stationwasset on Haouziabeach,wherea Trophy”, rewardeditswork Hasnaa SustainableCoastline the latestofwhich,“Lalla a wholecollectionoftrophies, environment. projects bearingonthe innovative entrepreneurial Foundation augurswellfor the “Créationd’Entreprises” The projectedmergerwith And tomorrow? programme. the contextofEco-School of EconomicCooperationin from theGermanMinister school washonouredbyavisit In October2014,theTangier Citizenship Prize. the schoolregionalEco- by thepupils,modelwon human activities.Designed harmoniously integratingall : amodelofanecologicalcity (WEEC) with itsproject EcoPolis Environmental EducationCongress on thefringesof7thWorld school madeanameforitself Along thesamelines,Agadir in 2009. being awardedtheGreenLabel have ledtothetwoschools with nature.Suchpractices there isanongoingrelationship the watercycle,andsoon– measures andinnovationsimplemented. particulate emissions,ashlandfillsandclosed-cyclewater, airandwastemanagementarejustafewof the manyexemplary liquid wasteandfumes(over200milliondollarsinvested),continuousrigorousmonitoringofchimneyemissions,filtration of BCP foratotalof1.6billiondollarsover16years,isanillustrationthelevelexcellencesoughtbyGroup.Treatment of Extension oftheJorfLasfarEnergyCompany5&6coal-firedpowerplant(ownedby TAQA Morocco),40%financedbythe many duringfinancingoffossilenergies,projectsclassifiedascategoryAbytheESRMS(seebelow). Filtration ofemissions,solidandliquidwastemanagement,rigorousreporting–requirementsarehighareasforvigilance MINIMISING THEIMPACT OFENERGYPRODUCTIONPROJECTSUSINGFOSSILFUELS MW ofpowerinall),viaanONEEcallfortenders. various consortiums is also underway, bearing on five wind farms (850 for atotalcostof570millionMAD).Afinancingprojectmanagedby project implementedin2015increasedpowerfrom200MWto300 in thesouth,Haoumanorth,andAkhfennir(atwhichanextension those developedbyMorocco’s wind-powercompanies:FoumElOued The BCIBparticipatedinthefinancingof Tarfaya windfarmaswell development potential. et InvestmentBanking(BCIB)is involved in,windpowerhasthegreatest Of allthelarge-scaleprojectsBanquePopulaire’s BanqueCorporate FINANCING RENEWABLE ENERGIES in sectorinvestment. billion MAD of commitments inthe energy sector, in financing major projects and takesan active part astheBanquePopulaire,which,withover10 bysuchpartners This ambitiousobjectiveissupported largely dependonrenewableenergies,withthegoalof52%installedpowerin2030. 2014, Moroccoreduceditsenergydependencefrom96.8%to94.6%.Continuationofsuchreductionwill to thevolatilityofworldfuelpricesandbettercontrolenvironmentalimpacts.Between2002end Reducing Morocco’s inordertominimiseexposure energydependenceisofkeynationalimportance, FINANCING THEENERGY TRANSITION financing solutions, support for vsmes and encouragement of companies large to act On 4november 2014,the Banque Populaire Centrale and the Societe d’Investissements transition and accompaniment of morocco’s energy sector Énergetiques (sie) signed apartnership convention aiming to facilitate the energy ENERGY TRANSITION :THEBP ANDTHESIEJOIN FORCES as drivingas forces. including 10 billion

. Itprovides for adapted in energycommitments farms for financingwind 4 billion 31 CSR REPORT 2015 FINANCING OF PROJECTS IN LINE WITH ENVIRONMENTAL AND SOCIAL REQUIREMENTS

Tools, reference systems and standards have been introduced over the past few years designed to encourage the banking sector to assess, measure and reduce the impacts and environmental, social and societal risks of its activities and project financing. Such safeguards are essential to enabling financial institutions to properly and impartially carry out their vital role as enterprise financers, in particular in emerging markets, and driving forces of economic growth. The notion of sustainable financing has been brought to bear in order to ensure more meaningful investment with better controlled risks.

ALL THE GROUP’S FINANCING ACTIVITIES A RIGOROUS 4-STAGE PROCEDURE FILTERED THROUGH THE ESRMS 1. selection : exclusion list and classification The Environmental and Social Risk Management System An IFC exclusion list is applied without exception to (ESRMS) is integrated into the overall risk assessment sensitive sectors and activities and those whose financing procedure before loans are granted to companies as well is prohibited. It excludes any financing of projects deemed as during the monitoring of such loans. Consequently, each “unethical” in accordance with the following criteria : stage must take full account of projects’ environmental and illegal activities, arms, alcohol, games of chance & casinos, social impacts and related risks. radioactive materials, goods containing asbestos fibre, This continuous progress initiative stems directly from certain deep-sea fishing activities, activities in primary the Group’s values and DNA and ensures security of tropical rainforests, wood or forestry products not coming activities, promotion of healthier development and more from sustainably managed forests, and activities using favourable fundraising conditions as well as meeting forced or child labour. the expectations of partners and markets with strict Classification into four categories according to type of requirements in these fields (financing partnership with impact generated by the project to be financed (not its AFD subsidiary Proparco and the IFC’s acquisition of cost) : Cat.A (significant impact), Cat.B (limited impact), shares in the Banque Centrale Populaire). Cat.C (minimal or no impact, services) and Cat.FI (Financial The ESRMS enables the Group to keep pace with Intermediation). international practices (IFC standards) while anticipating future changes in national regulations. 2. Assessment : audit and “checklist”, then over to the Credit Committee Initiated in 2011, the operational launch of the ESRMS at BCP level took place in early 2014 and is set to be extended For Category A, projects, an environmental and social to Banques Populaires Régionales early in 2016. impact study (ESIS) is carried out by a specialised office. It identifies risks, proposes action plans, and determines EXTENSION OF THE ESRMS TO MOROCCAN their authorisation by the public authorities and financing by the Bank. A number of action plans for wind farm projects AND AFRICAN SUBSIDIARIES have been able to draw on past experience : informing The ESRMS has been implemented at the Group’s financial nomadic peoples in the area, avoiding paths of migratory subsidiaries since 2014, taking full account of each birds and taking account of the biodiversity in route layouts. subsidiary’s specificities. Subsidiaries implementing the For other categories, a project manager analyses the ESRMS at end 2015 are as follows : E&S risks relating to each project financing request using Moroccan subsidiaries : a checklist adapted to the national context and each category, enabling drafting of a social and environmental • CIB (Chaabi International Bank Offshore) ; performance diagnosis of the project by activity sector. • Maroc Leasing ; Conclusions are then presented to the Credit Committee in the form of a summary link sheet. • Chaabi LLD ; • Upline Alternative Investments. African subsidiaries : • ABI Group and its 7 subsidiaries (Ivory Coast, Senegal, Benin, Mali, Burkina Faso, Niger and Togo) ; • Banque Populaire Maroco – Central African Republic ; • Banque Populaire Maroco – Guinea. CSR REPORT 2015 CSR REPORT 2015

32 3. Contractualisation : corrective action plan and 4. Control and monitoring contractual clauses A progress report is drawn up each year, summarising On the basis of the assessment and before any financing is advancement of the action plan. Periodic visits are authorised, corrective actions are defined for all identified organised for category A and B projects. unmanaged environmental and/or social risks. The client is asked to provide a response to each such risk in accordance with previously negotiated deadlines. Such corrective actions are then included in contractual clauses.

Stage SELECTION 01 Exclusion List Categorisation

ASSESSMENT Independent audit for category Stage A projects 02 Checklist assessment for other categories Credit Committee

Corrective Action Plan with Deadlines Stage Contractual clauses 03 CONTRACTUALISATION Compliance with regulations

Stage CONTROL AND MONITORING 04 Periodic visits (Cats. A and B) Progress Report


The CPM makes use of a computer application dedicated to Social and Environmental Council (ESEC), to promote an the ESRMS, streamlining procedures and identifying nodes initiative in the eyes of the Moroccan government that (exclusion list, Category A, etc.) before files are processed seeks to make environmental and social assessment by the Credit Committee, while also facilitating reporting. of projects statutory. This is an economic as well as an environmental and social issue, and timing is opportune as At national level, the GBP participates in work carried out by Morocco is set to host the COP22 in 2016. the Professional Association of Moroccan Banks (GBPM), with the help of Bank Al Maghrib and the Economic, CSR REPORT 2015 CSR REPORT 2015

33 THE NATIONAL AND REGIONAL ECONOMIC BOOM 2015 saw the signature of a VSE sector assistance convention with the IFC.

2015 was decreed “SME Year” with an offer of advantageous rates for accompaniment of SME investment projects.

In November 2015, the Banque Populaire inaugurated its representative office in Washington.

In June and July 2015, ecosystem conventions in favour of industrial SMEs were signed with AMITH and AMICA.

In May 2015, the Attawfiq Microfinance Foundation received the Banking Inclusion Prize awarded by African Banker.

In March 2015, 10% additional shares in the capital of Banque Atlantique, currently 75% owned, were bought up. 36 CSR REPORT 2015 A MODEL AT THESERVICE OF REGIONALISATION among targetcompanies. or fivetimesayear, havemetwithresounding success such information/awareness-raisinginitiatives,heldfour bodies promotingcompanysupportschemes.Since2008, lectures, forumsandawarenesscaravansbringingin the Grouporganiselocalinformation/trainingsessions, from theStateorBankitself.To doso,BPRsand offer on designed todynamisetheirdevelopment-schemes provide themwithrelevantinformationonexistingschemes The firststepinassistingsmall-sizedenterprisesisto Informing andaccompanyingVSEsSMEs ACCOMPANIMENT OFREGIONALVSES/SMES economic fabric. increasing accesstobankingfacilitiesandaccompanyingthelocal and take an active part in the regionalisation process, in particular by which theyarecollected,BPRsstrengthentheGroup’s regionalfoothold By mobilisingresourcesinfavourofdevelopmenttheregions referring totheGroup’s centralbody. development. 90%ofloansgrantedaredecideduponlocallywithout Régionales with all the attributions of a Bank, enabling them to act locally and autonomously in the service of local economic The Group’s strategicvisionofefficientregionaldevelopmentfindsconcreteexpressioninitsproviding BanquesPopulaires BPRS, FULLY COMMITTEDTOREGIONALECONOMICDEVELOPMENT inclusion throughoutthecountry. the various regions’ more out-of-the-way locations, testifying to its pioneering commitment to regionalisation and banking As partofitsproactivestrategyregionalcoverage,theGBPopensanaverage100branchesayear, 65%ofthemin PRESENCE INEVENTHEMOSTREMOTEAREAS ofregionalisation the service factor ofitssuccessBanquesPopulairesRegionalesalsoplayamajorroleinthemodeldevelopedbyGroup Morocco’s ofitsgeneticmakeupandakey GroupeBanquePopulairemaintainstheregionalvocationthatispart with companiesinGreaterCasablanca. regional enterprisesby, forexample,fosteringencounters Objective :tocreateadditionalactivityopportunitiesfor Commerce, theBanqueAtlantiqueandEuropeanbanks. organised inpartnershipwiththeCGEM,Chambersof Company networkinginitiativesareregularly Dynamising thelocalbusinesssector 90 % central body without consultingthe of loansgrantedlocally


THE REGION’S LONGSTANDING LEADER AND MAJOR FINANCER The first bank to locate in the southern provinces (1976), Banque Populaire Laâyoune is now the region’s leading bank with over 90,000 clients, including 17,200 members, a market share of 68% in the realm of financing and 54% in terms of deposits. It has also developed the region’s densest network of branches, with 26 banks located across its soil.

Banque Populaire Laâyoune also plays a key role in the economic development of the three regions it covers : Laâyoune Boujdour Sakia Al Hamra, Oued Eddahab Lagouira, and Guelmim Smara.

BP LAÂYOUNE’S NEW HEAD OFFICE, SHOWCASE FOR A NEW DYNAMIC Inaugurated in May 2014, BP Laâyoune’s new head office embodies the ambitions it has for the southern regions. With this new facility to its credit, it is set to accompany the economic rise of the southern provinces and the city of Laâyoune, particularly at town-planning level.

The head office is also intended to strengthen proximity with clients, with a modern design incorporating (among much else) reception facilities, business centres and highly sophisticated technological resources. The building promotes the region’s image as a dynamic and rapidly developing area. The presence of BP Laâyoune’s head office in the city is a guarantee of confidence that sends a strong signal to investors.

The new head office serves as a showcase for a wider dynamic. BP Laâyoune is set to make an active contribution to extending access to banking facilities across the region, with the aim of doubling such access in three years to reach 60% in 2017. Other current projects are designed to enable the southern regions to fulfil their role as an economic platform for Moroccan-African relations. Construction of a border branch in Bir Gandouz, Lgargarat, 700 km from Laâyoune, is underway.


On the occasion of the forum, which was held on 28 march 2015, bp laâyoune brought in its company clientele located in northern regions for “business encounters” with southern operators. Objective : to boost their development in the sahara and provide southern regions with fresh opportunities. This initiative, promoted in partnership with the cgem and supported by the state, met with great success among the companies involved and led to the signature of a convention between the cgem and the banque populaire, bearing on financing of projects under particularly advantages conditions. CSR REPORT 2015 CSR REPORT 2015

37 38 CSR REPORT 2015 ACCESS TO BANKING SERVICES use ofthebankcard. launch ofthe“Ailes”offer, which,inadditionto thebasicbankingpack,includesawholerangeofnon-bankingadvantagesvia In 2009,theBanquePopulairepersonaliseditsrelationshipwith itswomenclientswiththe Women ongoing determinationtomakeitaccessiblemaximumnumbersofprospectiveclients. Bank isprogressivelyextendingdistributionoftheofferstootherthird-partynetworks,with Foundation’s 400branches(seepages42to45)andonSoukBankmobilebranches.The adapted pricing and distribution methods. Distributionessentially relies on the Attawfiq In 2009,theBankintroducedanofferdesignedforlow-incomebracketclients,withsuitably Low-income brackets Kingdom’s mostvulnerableinhabitants. The BanquePopulairedevelopsbankingproductsandsolutionsadaptedtothe PROVIDING ADAPTED,ACCESSIBLEPRODUCTS 100 branchesayearoverthelastsixyears. this end,itimplementsanactivepolicythathasledtotheopeningofaverage The Groupplanstocontinue extending itsnetwork across thewholecountry;to inhabitants. (caravanes debancarisation)travellingtomeettheKingdom’s mostisolated servicing commercialrurallocalitiesandareas,“bankingservicescaravans” areas, themostremoteinparticular. Italsoprovides“SoukBank”mobilebranches The BanquePopulairealsorankssecondintermsofnumbersbranchesrural the largestbankingnetworkonMoroccansoil. At 31December2015,theBanquePopulairehad1,400branchesacross11regions, TO ALLINHABITANTS AN EXTENSIVENETWORKENSURINGMAXIMUMPROXIMITY in theuseofbankingtools. in MoroccobytheBankingLawofFebruary2006,“righttoanaccount”aimsbringaboutuniversalproficiency Financial inclusionencompassesallschemesdesignedtocombatbankingandfinancialexclusion.Institutionalised › apayment card,acredit card,andlatest-generation e-banking andmobile banking services; account› abank giving unlimited free accessto allbanking operations andtheright to services designed to facilitate management of their day-to-day expenditure and “BOX MY LIFE” - - useof: The BanquePopulairehasalwaysbeenactiveinthisfield,makingparticular › highly attractive financing formulas covering personal needs andreal-estate projects. population. the non-existenceofobstaclestoopeninganaccountandapricingpolicywithinreachallsectors its extensivenetwork,whichaffordsitapresenceineventhemostremoteruralareas;

« BOX MY LIFE»,AMULTISERVICE OFFER FOR YOUNG WORKERS provides young workers with a wide range of attractively priced banking achievement of their investment projects, including : an overdraft ; clients benefitfrom the offertargeting low incomes 370 000 as wellonahighlyqualifiedsalesforce. near low-costreal-estatesitesthroughouttheKingdom, relying onawidespreadnetworkthatensuresitspresence its positioningasleaderinthefinancingofsocialhousing, or irregularincomes,theBanquePopulairehasmaintained to fosteraccesshousingonthepartofpeoplewithlow Keeping faithwithitscommitmenttothepublicauthorities FACILITATING LOW-INCOME CLIENTS’ACCESSTOREALESTATE It enableselectronicpaymentofpensionswhetherholdershaveabankaccountornot. The “Rahati”card,introducedin2009,isabankcardintendedforCaisseInterprofessionnelleMarocainedeRetraitesretirees. pensioners withabankaccountandcardformakingpaymentsATM withdrawals. tax amonth,providesCaisseMarocainedesRetraites was launchedin2015andonlycosts5MADexcluding Subscription tothe“BP&CMRRetirementPack”,which of retirees. have enabledextensionofbankingfacilitiestothousands the CMRandCIMRretirementfunds.Theseproducts The BanquePopulairemarketstwooffersdevelopedwith Retirees objective istoensurefinancialinclusionofyoungpeople. etc.) andaremarketedatpurelysymbolicrates.Theirmain services (“bonsplansdumoment”,specialpartnerships, for young people.Theyincludebankingandextra-banking Two offers,“1825”and“1217”,aredesignedspecifically Young people 1 Guarantee fundforhousing loansgrantedtoclientswithloworirregular incomes.ItismanagedbytheCaisse CentraledeGarantie. maximum numbers of clients. As regards health insurance, a number of projects areunderway products. Itsmissions alsoinclude increasing life insurance penetration rates to cover enfants” savings andcapitalisation products, has launched arange of newprovident The newsubsidiary atta’mine chaabi, which retraite”and“avenir now all“ma manages mes designed to provide realresponses to theneeds of various sectors of thepopulation. INSURANCE PRODUCTS FOR EVERYONE

one pointintermsofvolumeandvalueFOGARIM head wellabovewaterinthisfield,withamarketshareup of thereal-estatesector, theBanquePopulaire iskeepingits Although themainindicatorsshowaslowdowningrowth applications. Itstoodat31%inAugust2015. 1 fund fund 39 CSR REPORT 2015 40 CSR REPORT 2015 PREVENTION OFOVER-INDEBTEDNESS PROTECTION OF INDIVIDUAL CLIENTS Law 31-08onconsumerprotection: to communicationandadvertising,sinceenactmentof adopted arangeofmeasures,particularlywithregard compliance withregulationsandhasprogressively The BanquePopulairetakesgreatcaretoensurefull Transparent communicationforconsumerprotection available toitinthisrespect: The Bankhasanumberofdecision-makingtools the client’s interestbutalsointheBank’s. loan applications categorized as risky, essentially in indebtedness andleadtosystematicrejectionofany These preliminarychecksaimtopreventover- loan ormortgagetoaprivateclient. go-ahead orotherwisetothegrantingofaconsumer loan applicationsfromprivateindividuals,givingthe checks andcontrolsintoitsproceduresforprocessing The BanquePopulaire has incorporated a rangeof Special attentionpaidtograntingloansprivateindividuals - - removalofpromissorynoteguarantees,as - credit andmortgagecontracts. beneficiaries’ rightsandobligations inconsumer Transparent clarification of the Bank’s and loan stipulated bythesaidlaw; mortgages, regardedasnon-compliant; Withdrawal ofleafletsonconsumerloansand

supported bytheStatehavefallen. of outstanding debts relating to mortgage categories loan beinggrantedhavebeenbearingfruit.Numbers Such rulesandcontrolproceduresappliedpriortoa non-payment. conditions forapplicationofpenaltiesintheevent including conditionsgoverningearlyrepaymentand concerned, information onvariousaspectsoftheloan instalments, loanduration,etc.)andcontractsincorporate (APR), amountofinsurance,processingfees,payment displayed (interestrates,annualpercentagerate All informationoncreditconditionsisthereforeclearly - - several quantitativeandqualitativecriteria. A client’s ratingissetusingacombinationof contracted withotherlocalbanks; things) any loans the client may already have and providesinformationon(amongother the Credit Bureau is systematically consulted A DEMANDING QUALITY INITIATIVE

Its clients are the Banque Populaire’s central concern, whether they are private individuals or companies. It has therefore set up a quality management system aimed at improving client satisfaction through adoption of an effective approach designed to provide products and services matching their client’s expectations and in compliance with current legal and regulatory requirements. Further to this, the Bank has obtained ISO 9001 certification in the fields of e-banking and international trade.

Processing clients’ complaints Technology at the service of Quality certification client relations quality As regards processing of clients’ The Bank has been ISO 9001 complaints, the Banque Populaire’s Direct contact with clients and certified for e-banking since 2005 Quality Charter ensures that traditional contact by mail are and for international trade (Remdoc all complaints are processed still the most usual means of and Credoc) since 2006. A project expeditiously and in a professional communication. Nonetheless, in for certification of trading-room manner, so developing its clients’ order to meet (and even anticipate) activities was launched in 2015. The trust. A number of improvements its clientele’s various expectations, Quality Directorate also oversees have been introduced, including a the Banque Populaire is making support for ISO 9001 certification of new client complaint management best use of its cutting-edge a number of subsidiaries, including procedure and overhaul of technology and information system Maroc Assistance and CTN-Flux the information system for performance : website, new (Cheques and SBEs). management of such complaints. desktop-publishing possibilities, Arabic in bank statements with clientele targeting, automation of ISO assistance contract publication, etc. 9001


May 2014 saw renewal of the Banque Centrale Populaire’s PCI-DSS (Payment Card Industry - Data Security Standard) certification, awarded by visa international in 2013.

The standard, imposed by international systems (visa, mastercard, american express, jcb and discover), is subject to 12 security requirements that aim to guarantee clients maximum levels of bank-card data security.

The BCP remains the only banking institution in morocco to have obtained this label of reliability, assurance and security of e-banking supports, in full compliance with international standards. CSR REPORT 2015 CSR REPORT 2015

41 42 CSR REPORT 2015 JAIDA” prize-winnersforinnovative activities. In addition,23oftheFoundation’s client23entrepreneurswere“PrixNational duMicroentrepreneur”and“PrixCDG/ the BankingInclusionTrophy, awardedbyAfrican Banker, inMay2015. The AttawfiqFoundationwas givenFitchRatings’blessingin2013,withascoreof“A- with stableprospects”,andobtained Strong principlesliebehindtheFoundation’s actioninfavourofthemoredisadvantagedsectorspopulation: combating povertyandunemployment.AstheGBP’s swordarminthefight,itsactivitieshavetwomajorfocuses: Set upbytheGroupeBanquePopulairein2000,AttawfiqMicrofinanceFoundationseekstotakeanactivepart THE ATTAWFIQ FOUNDATION :MICROCREDITTOESCAPEFROMPOVERTY AND MICROFINANCE CITIZENS THROUGH MICROCREDIT ACCOMPANYING DISADVANTAGED on therealeconomyinfigures Attawfiq Microfinance’s impact - - - - - highly volatilesector. its governance meets the standards required by banking institutions, guaranteeing itssturdiness in a fragile and finance consumption; loans targetdevelopmentofmicroenterprisesandaccesstohousingforprivateindividuals,butmayinnocase profits are100%reinvestedindevelopmentoftheFoundation’s activity; accompanying clientsintheprojectstheyhavetakenoutloanstodevelop:training,adviceandtechnicalassistance. activity (IGA); distributing microcredits enabling people in difficult economicsituationstocreate ordevelopan income-generating

254 000 i.e. 1.4 million people directly or indirectly impacted



million clients in all active clients in 2015,


billion MAD outstanding

$$$$$$$ Right next-doortotargetedcitizens CONCRETE EXPERT ACCOMPANIMENT FINANCIAL INCLUSIONASSISTEDBY clientele. tasked withdevelopingbankinginclusionratesamongmicrocredit inclusion. Account managers initsmainbranchesarespecifically have bankaccounts,testimonytoitsactivepromotionofbanking rural areas,theilliterate,andsoon–over90%ofitsclientsnow traditional bankingsystem–women,youngpeople,theinhabitantsof proximity to its target population sector : people not included in the Its organisationandoutletlocationsaredesignedtoensureclose the inhabitantsofKingdom’s mostremoteareas. directorates and29mobileunitstaskedwithservicing outlets acrossMoroccansoil,withnineregional The AttawfiqFoundationboastsalmost400sales In 2015,over120clientsbenefited fromtheseopportunitiestomarketandexhibittheir productstothepublic. the marketanddeveloptheir networks :suppliers,customers,distributors,etc. products, theFoundationorganisesfairsandexhibitionson theirbehalf,throughwhichtheycankeeptrackofchangesin Attawfiq Microfinanceclientele,keyfigures 18 Rural clients % 18 -year-olds 18- to30 % 57 Women % In ordertoassistitsclientsinmarketingtheir (80,000 copies). has been finalised with distribution underway July 2013andanewversionwithaddedcontent 91,000 “ClientGuides”havebeendistributedsince rights andobligations,bestpractices. microcredit programmeandinformsclientsoftheir A “Client Guide” in simple Arabic explains the and educationonusingbankingservices. management, sales,savings,over-indebtedness, activity sector, companymanagement,financial branch, withfocusesincludingknowledgeofthe of trainingcourseshasbeenonofferateach is grantedand,sinceitssetupin2014,arange economy. Afieldvisittakesplacebeforetheloan to ensuretheirsuccessfulintegrationintothe Foundation providesitsclientswithassistance Much morethanasimplemicrocredit,theAttawfiq protection ofclients Training, assistancewithmarketing,and 43 CSR REPORT 2015 44 CSR REPORT 2015 make withdrawalsanddeposits whilegeneratinginterest,andwithnoobligationastoduration. 2015 alsosawthelaunchofa savingsproduct:byopeningaaccountatanyBanque Populairebranch,theclientcan At endDecember2015,thenumber ofcontractstakenoutstoodat92,478–over36% ofactiveclients. provides impoverishedclients withaccesstohealthcareandfinancialcoverintheevent ofsevereillnessordeath. the eventofdeathformicrocredit subscribers.Inexchangeforaminimalsubscription (98 MADor110MAD),theservice in partnershipwiththeGroupsubsidiaryMarocAssistance Internationale.Itcoversmedicalassistanceandin In July 2015, the Attawfiq Microfinance Foundation put a new product onthemarket entitled“InjadAttawfiq”,developed clientele’s needs. of thepopulation,Foundationdecidedtodiversifyitsproducts andintroduceanewmicroinsuranceofferadaptedtoits Well awarethatmicrocreditaloneisnotenoughtorelievethepovertyand vulnerabilityexperiencedbylow-incomesectors CFROM MICROCREDITTOMICROFINANCE In asinglequarter, theFoundationgrantedafull 70loanapplicationsforatotalof809,100Dh. alike, public-andprivate-sectoremployeesinparticular. ceiling of50,000MAD.Thetwoproductsreplaceearlierversionsinordertobettermeettheneedsclientsandnon-clients Two newproductswerelaunchedinSeptember2015:“Islah”,witha20,000-MADceiling,and“IslahPartenariat”, living conditionsofcitizenstargetedbymicrofinance. eradicate substandardhousingandcontributetoimprovementof in ordertolendsupportthepublicauthoritiestheirefforts “Islah Assakan”, microcredits dedicated to responsible housing, In 2014,theAttawfiqMicrofinanceFoundationalsointroduced acquisition ofathree-orfour-wheel vehicle. such astheruralmilieu,small-scalefishing,cooperativesor Some offers(individualandsolidarityalike)targetspecificsectors size ofaVSEandwhoseneedsareconsequentlygreater. Individual creditisintendedformicroenterprisesapproachingthe development, andconsequentlargerinvestments. the populationsectorsconcerned:startupofsmall-scaleactivities, guarantors. Microcreditoffersaretargetedtomeettheneedsof own project,contractacommoncreditandactaseachother’s With funding modesthroughoutacompany’s economiclife. a wide variety of expressed needs and enables development of Attawfiq Microfinance’s offercoverstwomainformsofmicrocredit:solidarityandindividual.Itisthereforeadaptedto FINANCIAL INCLUSIONVIAANADAPTEDOFFER Protection certificationfor2016. In addition,theFoundationhasgiventhoughttoandtakenfirststepstowardsobtainmentofSMART CAMPAIGN/Client ensures that: Client protectionisamajorcomponentinassistancewithbankinginclusion.Well awareofthis,AttawfiqMicrofinance solidarity credit,twotofourentrepreneurs,eachwiththeir - - - - - complaint managementproceduresarestrictlyadheredto. clients’ andconsumers’personaldataisprotected; its clientsaretreatedfairlyandwithrespect; its pricingpolicyisbothresponsibleandtransparent; a closewatchiskeptonover-indebtedness, withawareness-raisingprogrammesdesignedtopreventit ; role initsclients’socialandhumandevelopmentordertohelpensurethembetterlivingconditions. Social andEnvironmentalResponsibility. TheFoundationhasimplementedarangeofmeasuresintendedtostrengthenits form bythedesignoftoolsforawareness-raisingoneco-habitstoadoptatworkanddisseminationatrainingmodule the issuesinvolvedinsustainabledevelopmentexerciseofitsactivities.Thiscommitmentisexpressedconcrete The AttawfiqMicrofinanceFoundationiscommittedtoarangeofongoinginitiativesensurethatfullaccounttaken AWARENESS-RAISING ONCSR offer ofproductsandservices. financing activitieswithaviewtoincreasingtheirmaximumloan,whichnowhas50,000-MADceiling,anddiversifying its is toenabletheFoundation’s transformationintoamicrocreditBank,soprovidingitwithwidermargins formanoeuvreinits Attawfiq Microfinancetakes anactive partin deliberations onregulation ofMorocco’s microcreditsector. Thefinalobjective services tobedeveloped. nor bymicrocreditschemes.WiththeIFC’s support,thisnewmarketwillbeidentifiedindetailalong with productsand widen itsactivitiestoincludefundingofVSEs,giventhatmanythemareservedneitherbythetraditionalbankingsystem Thanks tothefinancialassistanceitobtainedfromInternationalFinancialCorporation(IFC),Foundationplans to PROJECTS FORTHEFUTURE management in2011.AwiderangeofprojectssubmittedbyAttawfiqMicrofinancewerefunded2013,including: Morocco’s microfinancesectorwastargetedbythePPA (PartnershipforProgressAgency),whichwasresponsibleMCA eradication ofpoverty. Beneficiariesareselectedoneconomic,socialandgoodgovernancecriteria. fund setupbytheUSGovernmentinJanuary2004withaimofcombatingterrorismthroughpromotiongrowthand The “MillenniumChallengeAccount”(MCA)managedbytheMillenniumCorporationisabilateraldevelopment A boostthankstofundingbytheMillenniumChallengeCorporation microfinance institution (mfi) ineachof these countries, incompliance withlocal laws by mid-2015, five mfis hadalreadybeen cetup Ivory inmali, Coast, gabon, burkina faso and in 2014,theB (alone or inpartnership withorganisations pursuing socialandsocietal thesam goals) conventions for development of microfinance inIvory Coast, gabon, guinea andmali. made inearly 2015,withgroup president mohamed benchaaboun’s signature of several its microfinance inafrica. programme theholding company istasked withmobilising the financial, material and non-material resources required for setup of theafrican field of microfinance at theservice of african countries. initialcommitments were through theholding company, thegroup putsitsacknowledged experience inthe by virtue of these agreements, thebanque populaire iscommitted to creation of a rating systemandoverhauloftheHRsystem. - identity throughoutthecountry, increaseinnumbersofmobileunitsservicingremoteareas,etc.; - microsavings (seeabove)anddevelopmentofamobilebankingoffer; - improvement ofin-houseprocedures,includingautomationdebtrecovery, riskmapping,automationofthe improvement ofnetworkaccessibility:branchvisibility, directground-flooraccessibility, coherenceofvisual the switchfrommicrocredittomicrofinancethroughlaunchoftwomarketstudies:microinsuranceand EXTENSION VIA TO OF SUB-SAHARANAFRICA THEPROGRAMME guinea. in december 2015, amifa inaugurated itsfirst branch inabidjan. anque Populaire set up “atlantic microfinance for africa” (amifa) to manage ATLANTIC MICROFINANCE (AMIFA) FOR AFRICA and regulations inforce. programme.

45 CSR REPORT 2015 250 000 soit 1 million de personnes directement et indirectement impactées

clients actifs en 2014 46 CSR REPORT 2015 synergies withBanquesPopulairesRégionales. each region’s sectorsofexcellenceandstrengthening project promoterswithyetbetterassistance,byidentifying regionalisation programme,theFoundationplanstoprovide In theyearstocome,fullyinstepwithMorocco’s advanced accompaniment. largely thankstotwo-year-long pre-and post-creation them succeeded in establishing sustainable businesses, project promotersinalltheKingdom’s regions.200of In 2005,anationalcallforprojectsledtoselectionof450 agreement withBanquesPopulairesRégionales. initially centredonCasablanca,tolocateregionallyin In parallel,theFoundationhaswideneditsfieldofaction, areas ofexpertise. accompaniment combiningthevariousentities’different with themenablingprojectpromoterstoenjoyoptimal FPME, etc.).TheFoundationhasdevelopedpartnerships ANPME, AFEM,theMarocEntreprendrenetwork,CJD, a wholerangeofnewoperatorsappearedonthescene(CRI, Between 2000and2004,inspiredbythecreationofFCE, A PROACTIVEREGIONALAPPROACH been topromotecreationofsustainablebusinesses. a particularlyacutecrisis.For25years,itsmissionhas 1990, whentheKingdom’s economywasundergoing the Moroccan State’s policy focuses between 1983 and (FCE), apioneerinitsfield,wasdesignedtosupport Set upin1991,the“Créationd’Entreprises”Foundation A LONGSTANDING MISSION:GIVINGMOROCCANYOUTHBACKITSMOMENTUM Fostering company culture In 2057 9855 47% The “Créationd’Entreprises”Foundationinfigures(2005to2015): 1,2 2015 75 % of investmentsfinancedbybankloans jobs created,anaverageof5perenterprise enterprises economicallycreated billion dirhamsintotalinvestment:anaverageof605,731Dhperenterprise

de service companies entreprises service tgnées bytheFoundation were of enterprisesaccompanied

management andlaw. in spheresincluding(butbynomeanslimitedto)finance, activity sectorandequippedwithtriedtestedskills its expertprofessionals,eachspecialisinginaparticular entrepreneurs withpersonalisedaccompanimentvia The FCEisattachedtotheBanquePopulaireandprovides Statistics oncreationofenterprises by Regionin2015 Tangier Meknes Nador Beni Mellal Rabat Oujda Marrakech Fez Casa-Settat Casablanca Number ofenterprises Rabat created Marrakech 17 08 04 15 06 13 17 06 17 Settat Tangier Beni Mellal Meknes Fez Nador jobs created Number of 186 104 29 17 56 22 41 46 62 Oujda enterprises created project promoters,athirdofwhomarewomen. entrepreneurial spiritisclearlyatworkinallDiaspora economic, culturalandhumanalike.Overall,the held inOctober2015andwasasuccessonalllevels, by theFCE’s regionaloffices.Thesecondeditionwas whom arecurrentlybenefitingfromassistanceprovided along withnumerousprojectpromoters,somethirtyof large numberofparticipantentrepreneurs of theForumtookplaceinMay2015andattracteda project promotersovera2-yearperiod.Thefirstedition entrepreneurs withtheaimoflendingassistanceto100Franco-Moroccan The programmeseekstoraiseawarenessamongover250potential (MCMRE) andwiththesupportofFrenchDevelopmentAgency(AFD). programme under the aegisofMinistry for MoroccansResiding Abroad The Banque Populaire is implementing its “Maghrib Entrepreneurs” STRONG TIESWITHTHEDIASPORA Morocco. in thedraftingoflegislationenablingcreationstatus“self-entrepreneur”,whichhasrecentlybeenenacted The Foundation’s strategyseekstopromoteallformsofentrepreneurship,anditwasconsequentlyverymuchinvolved remote areasandinaidofcompaniesdifficulty. The Foundation’s vocationimpliesitspresencealongsideallthoseinvolvedinsettingupbusinesses,includingthemost PROMOTING SELF-EMPLOYMENT France asnumber impetus toaccompanying creationofgreeneconomy businesses,whichare vehiclesforinnovationandenvironmental progress. Finally, theplannedmergerbetween“Création d’Entreprise”FoundationandtheBanquePopulaire willgivefresh The Foundationalsoplanstoinvest ininnovativestartupstheyearstocome. professional projectsoftheirown beforecompletingtheirtheses. the annual“DoctorialesduMaroc”: gatheringsofdoctoralstudentsfromallthecountry’s universities,encouragingthemtodraft The FCEwasalsoinvolvedintheNationalForumofUniversity Entrepreneurship(2ndand3rdeditions)regularlytakespartin per enterprise Accompaniment ofMDMsinfigures jobs created, 1 on average pourvoyeur by MDMs er 1,152 provider 228 i.e. (between 2011and2015): 5 million onaverage total investment, per enterprise self-financing million dhin i.e. 70 % 262 1.2 years oldfromvariousoftheKingdom’s schools. good useinpromotingcreativityamongyoungpeopleunder 21 and providedtheFCEwithanopportunitytoputitsexpertise to Research &Development,washeldfrom26to28November 2015 was organised on the initiative of the Moroccan Association for and creativityamongtheKingdom’s youth. TheFair, which leader withregardtostimulationandencouragementofinnovation Fair, theFoundationstrengtheneditspositioning asapioneerand By takingpartinthe1st“IbdaaChabab”NationalYouth Creativity YOUTH, INNOVATION ANDGREEN ECONOMY their projects andcontacts with local them benefiting from assistance with internationally, the classes led to 30of five years andnow wish to develop or who have set one up within the past are in the process of setting up abusiness entrepreneurs under theageof 35who Intended for high-potential entrepreneur masterclasses”, held in investment network organised the“young d’entreprises” foundation andanima (diamed) project activities, the“création As participants in“mediterranean diaspora” MASTERCLASSES HELPINGMASTERCLASSES TALENT ACT AT INTERNATIONAL LEVEL december incasablanca andrabat. diaspora coachesandtalents. 47 CSR REPORT 2015 48 CSR REPORT 2015 and theState. economic fabricandrepresenttremendousdevelopmentpotentialforthecountryasawhole. ofMorocco’s ofsuchenterprises,whichmakeupthemajorpart The BanquePopulaire is alongstandingpartner It isestimatedthatcloseto47,000newVSEsarecreatedeveryyear, accountingfor46%ofjobscreated. There arecurrentlysome1.7millionVSEs(companieswithturnoversoflessthan3MAD1)inMorocco. ACCOMPANYING VSEs 1 access tocreditviaCCGcounter-guarantees. The BanquePopulaireisthefirstbanktofacilitateVSME include CentralGuaranteeFund(CCG)products. to operationalandinvestmentneeds.Thepacksalso packs havebeenexpandedtoincludefinancingsolutions First marketed in 2013, the dedicated range of “Mountij” five oftheKingdom’s cities. official partnershipoftheInternationalForumVSEsin The Group’s presence inthe field is alsoevidenced byits the formalisationoftheiractivities. financial services,advisorsalsoaccompanybusinessesin economic fabricisstillamajorobstacletoaccess services. AstheinformalnatureofmuchMorocco’s providing themwithfinancialandnon-financialadvice tasked withaccompanyingentrepreneursinthefieldand dedicated toVSEsandtheliberalprofessions.Theyare In 2012,theGBPsetupanetworkofaccountmanagers DEDICATED ADVISORSANDPRODUCTS Official definitionprovidedbytheRegionalInvestmentCentre(CRI),MoroccanOfficeforIndustrialandCommercialProperty(OMPIC),GeneralDirectorateTaxes (DGI) “maroc pme” and ccg programmes, in pme”andccgprogrammes, “maroc the gbp active contributions makes to it isalsoastakeholder inthenational vses andsmes over the2013-2015 period. cooperation anddevelopment, to support run by thegerman minister of economic the gbp participates in the “giz” programme particular by training their staff and strategy for development of vses. THE GBP, ASTAKEHOLDER INVSEANDSME SUPPORT PROGRAMMES

euros, toprovidesustainablesupportVSMEgrowth. a fundinglinewiththeBERDtotuneof100million In November2014,forexample,theBCPcontracted financial backerstoenableitincreasingfundingofVSEs. interest ratesandisactiveinraisingfundsfrominternational The Groupmakeseveryefforttoprovidehighlycompetitive COMPETITIVE FUNDING to participate intheimtiaz of programme number andvolume of enterprises selected is ranked in first with regard to place been crowned withsuccessas thegroup proposed to state bodies. itsefforts have successareregularlyprogramme optimisations required to ensure are kept proactively informed and setting objectives. target businesses

ranks topranks of the bill on morocco’s company heads and for which it again ilayki, product designed for women satisfactory performances on the ccg’s banque populaire alsorecorded very for vses andlaunched in2015.the investment designed grant programme in design of the “istitmar croissance” investment. thegroup alsoparticipated ACCOMPANYING SMEs financed. accompaniment they requireinorder to develop successfully. ItisestimatedthathalfofMorocco’s SMEsareself- action infavourofSMEsseekstorespondthemajorproblemtheyarefacedwith:findingfinancingand The SME segment comprises all structured businesses with turnoversof less than200 million MAD.TheGBP’s hand, industrialcompaniesareable,subjecttoconditions, incorporating VAT creditadvances.Withthissolutionto SME accompaniment offer withadedicatedscheme In 2015,the Banque Populaire rounded outits industrial Support forcashmanagement companies intheAgadirandFezregions. although majorworkhasalsobeencarriedoutwith concerned aremostlylocatedintheCasablancaregion, leading bankscommittedtotheprogramme.Businesses borne bytheBanquePopulaire,rankingitamong (40% intermsoftotalsums)approvedbytheCCGwere At 31December2015,34%ofFTPMEloanapplications investments. back themarginsformanoeuvrerequiredpossiblenew It consolidatesarrearsinpaymentandgivesbusinesses FTPME andisgrantedforamaximumperiodoftenyears. The loanisborne40%bytheBankand60% difficulties asunforeseendropsinorders. support tobusinessesexperiencingsucheconomic counter the harmful effects of late payments, and provides by BankAl-Maghrib.Amongotherthings,theofferhelps (FTPME), afundprovisionedbytheBanksandmanaged offer viatheFondsdelaTrès PetiteetMoyenneEntreprise In July2014,theBanquePopulaireintroducedacredit La miseàniveauetlarestructuration HELPING SMESINDIFFICULTY banking landscape.

the group isacting as achannel for of abetter integrated moroccan sector. textile ecosystems aiming at development is lending itssupport to deployment of six industrialisation thegroup programme, in thecontext of morocco’s funding prior to release of state funds. 20 or30%oftheirturnover. cash-flow problems;suchsumscansometimesrepresent reason oftheirexportactivitiesorinvestments,soavoiding to obtainatveryshortnoticeVAT totalsdeductibleby 49 CSR REPORT 2015 50 CSR REPORT 2015 annual turnoveroflessthan200milliondirhams. investment onthepartofSMEs(exceptingcompaniesactiveinpropertydevelopment)withan a loan offer ata medium-term (2 to 7 years)rate of 5.25%excluding tax, designed toencourage particularly advantageousrates.Proclaiming2015as“SMEYear”, theBanque Populaire introduced Since 2014, investment encouragement campaigns have been accompanied by funding offers at account managershelpthemtodrafttheirapplications. well asinformingSMEsoninvestmentgrantsandencouragingthemtoapplyforone,theGroup’s Every year, theGroupeBanquePopulairetakespartinrunningofIMTIAZprogramme.As Encouraging investment TOOLS AIDINGDEVELOPMENTOFSMES international operators wishing to benefit from advantages themany on offer from the wishing to develop on theafrican continent andsecondly by forming partnerships with finance (cfc)–first city of all by accompanying local andinternational businesses Finally, takes thebank anactive part infurthering theambitions of thefuture casa capital management, as well as by investing apercentage of insurance savings products on to thestock market, through management of shares by itsspecialised subsidiary upline It alsoparticipates indirectly by insuchgrowth directing apercentage of savings collected initial public offering, takes thebank anactive part of inthegrowth thecasablanca By providing companies assistance with all procedures preceding and succeeding their corporate finance, thebanque populaire isinaposition to guide companies wishing to assessment of wealth-creating projects, putto good use by itssubsidiaries specialising in their situations, stability andfinancial health. Given itsexpertise withregardto As a financial institution, possesses the bank all the necessary information on companies, cfc withaviewto developing on the african continent. GROWTH THROUGH GOING PUBLIC open their capital on thestock market. VSMEs’ dailylives. with printoutsandsimulations,inordertofacilitate fiscal, legal,customsandotherinformation,along providing specialaccessatlowcosttoregulatory, The SimulatorOnlinewasinauguratedin2013, Access toinformation the stock market. stock market.

l’Émergence Industrielle Pacte Nationalpour Partenaire du Donnez unenouvelledimension à votre PME INTERVIEW WITH MOUNIA SENTISSI, SALES DIRECTOR, COPELIT

Could you present COPELIT, its We were “taken up” by the What is it that keeps you loyal activity and its history? Bank Populaire right at the start. to the Banque Populaire? The Bank has always responded COPELIT was founded by rapidly to our needs, which is The excellent rapport we have, Mr SENTISSI EL IDRISSI essential in a sector like ours, of course, but proximity and HASSAN, one of the pioneers of where we work with a highly responsiveness too. I really feel the Moroccan fisheries industry. perishable product. that the Banque Populaire has The company started with a fish invested alongside us to ensure meal and oil production unit with When we decided to go in our the Group’s success. outlets on a local poultry feed new direction, we really knew market. We turned to export very little about exporting. It was Can you cite any of your CSR in order to remedy cash-flow the Banque Populaire’s advisors initiative’s key actions? problems and finally decided to who really introduced us to Quality is our central focus. operate solely via irrevocable export procedures by sharing We’ve obtained a dozen letters of credit. COPELIT’s main their expertise with us. The Bank international certifications export markets are Europe, has always been an invaluable including ISO 14001, which Turkey, Russia and the United partner in times of crisis and covers the environmental Kingdom, and we’ll soon be for investments. In 2000, for management system, and we adding the United States to the example, when our sector comply with the BSCI (Business list. These days, our activities was in crisis, we were granted Social Compliance Initiative) code are diversified, with production overdraft facilities, advances of conduct on suppliers’ social of sardine oil for the cosmetics against merchandise and export performance. and food supplements sectors prefinancing. (Omega 3) as well as frozen and At societal level, the SENTISSI It was largely through such tinned pelagic fish. Group organises functional support that COPELIT Maroc literacy programmes, the first What part did the has seen its turnover grow from of their kind anywhere in the Banque Populaire play in 50 to more than 490 million Moroccan South. your development and dirhams in 25 years. Today, we’re reorientation? proud to employ 1,400 people in Morocco’s Southern provinces. CSR REPORT 2015 CSR REPORT 2015

51 52 CSR REPORT 2015 visits toMoroccancompanies,organisedforadelegationof 40Togolese operators. Morocco andputintouchwithMoroccanoperatorsthesamesectors.June2015sawaweekofBtomeetings and Still in the context of “B to B in Africa”, reciprocal visits were organised, with sub-Saharan enterprises being hosted in It providesanidealopportunityfor: the synergy between Banque Populaire and Banque Atlantique. Maroc Exports’expertiseandlogisticalknowhowaswellon development, commercialactivitiesandfunding.Itdrawson generating growthbyprovidingthemwithsupportfortheir and sub-Saharanalike,topositionthemselvesonmarkets The schemeseekstohelpparticipatingcompanies,Moroccan accompanied toMali,BurkinaFasoandSenegal. export companies, all of them Banque Atlantique clients, were partnership withMarocExport.SomehundredMoroccan Banque PopulairerepeatedtheoperationinMay2015 held inBenin,SenegalandIvoryCoastJune2014,the Following the successof first editionof“BtoBinAfrica”, B TOINAFRICA,ANEWCONCEPTFORACCOMPANYING SMESINAFRICA Accompanying smes’ export projects markets.Afewexamples: African SMEsareregularlyinvitedtoexploreMoroccan SUB-SAHARAN COMPANIES INVITEDTOEXPLORE MOROCCANMARKETS • • • • - - benefiting fromtheGroup’s fundingoffers. getting acquaintedwitheachcountry’s businessclimateandcurrentincentivemeasures; getting toknowaboutmajorinfrastructureprojectsthroughplannedvisitssites; taking advantageofpreapprovedappointmentbookstoconcludebusinesspartnerships; Guinea Forumorganisedbythe CGEM. Guinean companiesinthecontext oftheMorocco- Btomeetingswerearrangedforsomehundred clients ; sectoral trade fairs and meet with BPR company WAEMU countrieswereinvitedtotakepartin Banque Atlantiquecompanyclientsfromfive 2,533 Bto Bmeetings between moroccan companies andtheir counterparts in 95 Participating enterprises, 40%of themprimarily export companies 8 Activity sectors represented, withtheagrifood andbpw sectors “B to Binafrica” infigures (2015edition) the countries visited predominating. MAP OFAFRICANLOCATIONS BENIN -BURKINAFASO -CENTRALAFRICAN REPUBLIC-IVORY COAST-GUINEA MALI -MAURITANIA -MOROCCONIGERSENGALTOGO 53 CSR REPORT 2015 54 CSR REPORT 2015 and financialintegration. but aboveall,asaresponsibleBank,itismatterofbeinganenergeticactorintheAfricanContinent’s economic aquestionofdevelopingAfricanmarketsastheessentialrelaysgrowththattheyare, Group, itisnaturallypartly The BanquePopulaireisthereforeideallypositionedtoaccompanyAfrica’s majordevelopmentprojects.Forthe the BanqueAtlantique(whichoriginallyfocusedona“largecompany”clientele)intouniversalbank. Coast, Mali, Niger, Senegal and Togo. as a retail bank to bear, Bringing its expertise the BP has progressively turned Banque Atlantique,agroupofsevenBankslocatedinWest Africancountries:Benin,BurkinaFaso,Ivory Guinea and Mauritania1 since 1990. It extended its presence significantly in2012 by taking control of the Long presentontheAfricancontinent,BanquePopulairehasbeenactiveinCentralRepublic, africa financing development projects in 1 its ambitiouseconomicandsocial developmentprojects. accompanying theSenegalese Stateinimplementationof the suminvolved–testifiestoGroup’s commitment to (a combinationofCFA francsandeuros)thesizeof first forthe regionboth in termsof theway itwas mounted as in the energy and agriculture sectors. The operation – a the fieldsofroad,railandairportinfrastructures,aswell loan isbeingusedtofundstructuringprojects,mainlyin million USdollars)infavouroftheStateSenegal.The subsidiaries, raisedaloanof250billionCFA francs(500 Finance andtheUplineGroup,allGroupeBanquePopulaire In February2014,BanqueAtlantiqueSénégal, Guinea. partners in Senegal, the Central African Republic and The BanquePopulaireisoneofthetopStatefunding major projectsandinfrastructures,oftenasleadpartner. Banque PopulaireactsalongsideAfricanStatesinfunding development ofthecountrieswhereitislocated, Committed toaccompanyingthesocioeconomic DEVELOPMENT ACCOMPANYING STATES INTHEIR Minority participation the banque atlantique recorded a16%increase insums of loans granted between 2014 Proof of itsvivacity andtheefforts to itmakes accompany africa’s economic emergence, BANQUE ATLANTIQUE, AT ABANK THESERVICE DYNAMIC OF THEAFRICAN 250 in favourofSenegal billion CFA francsmobilised

and 2015. the waemu financial to market thetune of and thesenegalese state to raise funds on signature of a convention between the gbp The following royal tour 2015led inmai to and socialprojects inthecountries where signing 11bilateral agreements on economic and Gabon inthefirst quarter of 2014by the royal tour to Ivory Mali, Coast, Guinea The banque populaire took anactive part in CONVENTIONS SIGNED INTHE CONTEXT OF THEROYAL TOUR 30 billion cfa francs. it islocated.


The BACI, a key player in increasing access to In 2014, Ivory Coast was in the spotlight at the Pollutec banking facilities and a mainstay of the Ivorian exhibition, with FFPSU representatives taking an active economy part in discussion of waste management problems.

The Banque Atlantique Ivory Coast is a particularly A wide range of agreements on funding future dynamic institution with a continuing series of noteworthy projects performances to its credit. It has recruited over 15,000 clients a year since 2012, and consumer credit allocations Five conventions, totalling 2.5 billion MAD for financing increased almost sixfold between 2012 and 2014 in sums economic and social projects in Ivory Coast, were signed granted - four times more than (and therefore little to do on the occasion of the Morocco-Ivory Coast Economic with) the increase in numbers of clients over the same Forum held during the Royal visit. In addition to setup of period. The BACI has also doubled its credit market share, a microfinance institution in Ivory Coast, based on the which increased from 5.3% in 2012 to 10.5% in 2014. Attawfiq Micro-Finance Foundation’s successful model (see page 45), the agreements bear on: Structuring projects funded in 2014 and 2015 - The GBP’s financing, via the BACI, of 5,500 classrooms 2014 saw major funding released for infrastructure and for the Ministry of National Education and Technical healthcare projects. Education, for a total investment of 90 billion CFA francs (about 1.5 billion MAD) ; The BACI granted sums to the tune of 5 and 43 million CFA francs respectively to the Road Management Agency - a convention with the Ivorian Women’s Support Fund (AGEROUTE) and the Road Maintenance Fund (FER) (FAFCI) bearing on 500 million CFA francs (8.5 million under the aegis of Ivory Coast’s Ministry of Economic MAD) of additional financing for the programme on Infrastructures. AGEROUTE is responsible for delegated facilitating Ivorian women’s access to microcredit ; project management while the FER is responsible for financing services relating to studies and current and - the loan of 60 million US dollars (500 million MAD) periodical maintenance work on the road network, and granted by the Japanese Banking Group Sumitomo contracting and managing road maintenance studies and Mitsui Banking Corporation (SMBC) and the line management. granted by the IFC to a maximum of 50 million US dollars (over 400 million MAD) to help support The Fund for Financing Urban Environmental Sanitation international trade operations on behalf of the Group’s Programmes (FFPSU), under the aegis of the Ministry African subsidiaries’ clients. of the Environment, Urban Environmental Sanitation and Sustainable Development, was also granted 5 million CFA During the 2015 Morocco-Ivory Coast Economic Forum, francs. The fund finances urban environmental sanitation the Bank signed numerous public/private partnership programmes, investments in equipment and infrastructures agreements with the State of Ivory Coast along with for treatment and elimination of waste, and local authority conventions bearing on accompaniment of Moroccan support programmes. enterprises wishing to invest and transfer their expertise there.


55 56 CSR REPORT 2015 campaign welcomingandassistingMDMsontheirarrivalbackinMorocco. overall arrivals–atotalofsome3.9milliontravellers.TheBanquePopulairewasthefirstbanktoinauguratesummertime These days, MDMs also account for much of the Kingdom’s tourism. In 2015, the MDM segment represented over 40% of their native,oftenremoteregions(Souss,Nador, Oriental,Nord,etc.). at verycompetitiverates.Finally, althoughtoalesserextent,MDMsmakedirectinvestments,inparticularthebenefitof over 163billionMAD,almost20%ofallbankdepositsinMorocco.Suchplayamajorrolelocalfinancing loans keep muchofwhatisleftinsavingsaccountsopenedwithMoroccanbanks:atend2015,MDMbankdepositscame to consumption needsoffamiliesbackinMorocco,withover20%Moroccanhouseholdsbenefitingfromsuchaid. MDMs’ MAD, 7% of the GDP and are the Kingdom’s main source of foreign currency. Transfers are mainly intended to finance Moroccan economy. Transfers ofmoneytothecountrybyMoroccandiasporain2015weretune61.7billion The first,secondandthirdgenerationsofMDMsaccountforalmost5millionpeopleinallplayamajorpart inthe ACCOMPANYING APLANOFKEYIMPORTANCE TOTHEECONOMY transfers tothecountry. bank depositsinMoroccoandcapturingoverathirdof a marketshareofover50%withregardtoMDMs’ actor withregardtothisparticularclientele, And today, theBanquePopulaireisstillbenchmark abroad. incomes bythefirstgenerationofMoroccansworking to facilitaterepatriationofsavingsmadeontheir homeland –aresponsetothepublicauthorities’desire and encouragethemtotransfersavingsbacktheir use ofbankingservicesamongMoroccanmigrants The latterreallybeganintheearly1960s.In1968,BanquePopulairelaunchedapilotoperationdesignedtoincrease The BanquePopulaire’s historyiscloselyconnectedtothatofMoroccanemigration. THE LEADINGBANKFORMAROCAINSDUMONDE(MDMS–MOROCCANSLIVINGABROAD) marocains dumondemarocains Acting as preferred partner of the

Une agenceBanquePopulairedesannéessoixante. loyalty aimed programme at thebank’s mdm tourist office promote morocco as signed a three-year framework agreement inauguration of the “bladi offer, f'bali” a At theend of institutions 2014,thetwo already set up by thegbp for moroccans the mdm community. Theonmt willtake their resources andskills to increase promotion of tourism in morocco to living aboardinundertaking shared The first action, injuly 2015,was the The banque populaire and the The banque populaire andthe advantage of theproximity services mutually committing themto pool actions to promote morocco as a a tourist destination destination. clients. depuis 50ans Marocains duMondedelapremièregénération º``dÉ`©`dG áHQÉ`¨`eø`e∫hC’Gπ`«`é`dG º`«`≤`dG ¢ù`Ø`fº°SÉ`≤`à`f,áæ°S ,

nous partageonslesmêmesvaleurs.


òæe , CHAABI BANKLOCATIONS ACROSSTHEWORLD new needsinclude: Recent initiativesundertakenbytheBanktomeetthese clientele. additions to itsproducts and servicesdesigned for this Banque Populaire itself to evolveand continue tomake ways ofmakingusebankingservices,whichhasledthe Such heterogeneityisexpressedbydiversificationof in NorthAmericaandtheGulfcountriesamongothers. more qualified,anddestinationsarevaried,taking heterogeneous. These days it includes more women, is The Group’s MDMclienteleisbecomingincreasingly ACCOMPANYING APOPULATION WITHEVER-GROWINGEXPECTATIONS The BanquePopulaireisalreadypresent inMontreal,andthisnewrepresentationstrengthensitspresence inNorthAmerica information onproductsandservices availableinMorocco; Among otherthings,theofficeis tasked withfacilitatingtheMoroccancommunity’s businesscontactswith itsBankinMorocco,andproviding The BanqueCentralePopulaireinaugurated itsrepresentativeofficein Washington in2015–afirstfor theMoroccanbankingsector. - thelaunchof“BladiAssil”in2014,onoccasion of MDMsovertheagesixtywishingtoopenbank movements toEurope,hasenabledaccompaniment of thefiftiethanniversaryfirstmigratory

- - - - Chaabi Bank’s andBanqueAtlantique’s networks. accompaniment of Africans livingabroad through requirements ofyoungergenerations; and simplifyingmoneytransfers,someetingthe the launchofnewinnovativeoffersfacilitating has metwithgreatsuccess; Chaabi Bank’s IslamicFinanceofferinEurope,which wish toinvestinMorocco; MDMs, 2ndand3rdgenerationsinparticular, who the “BladiInvest”scheme,whichaccompanies operations ; assistance, in particular with regard to inheritance accounts fortheirfamilies,aswellprovisionoflegal 4 1 20 5 4 3 6 57 CSR REPORT 2015 A BANK WITH A FIRM FOOTHOLD IN ITS COMMUNITIES 2015 saw implementation of the “A Banque Populaire branch, a school upgraded” pilot project.

2015 saw implementation of the first phase of the project for equipping public Grandes Ecoles preparatory classes with computers.

2015 saw support provided to the Casamémoire association to finance a documentary film on Casablanca’s architectural heritage, for inclusion in the city’s candidacy submission for inscription on the UNESCO World Heritage List.

2015 saw financial support to the Western High Atlas Museum. 60 CSR REPORT 2015 or environments. carried out,inparticulartocheckonworkprocessesand/ Once asupplierisselected,furthercontrolsmaybe purchase ofITequipmentandfurniture. such asinclusionofenvironmentalclausesincontractsfor on typeofpurchaseinordertomeetspecificrequirements, requirements. Clear, detailedspecificationsvarydepending decree, thememorandumisyetmorestringentinits stage ofthecontract’s duration.ModelledonaState criteria andthedecision-makingbodiesinvolvedineach procurement procedures,detailingconditions,selection memorandum issued by the GBP to guide its teams in all practices are complied with ; these are listed in an in-house A “Calls for Tender” Committee ensures that best contracts. launches callsfortendersthegreatmajorityofsupplier The GBPappliestheprinciplesofcompetitivenessand A RIGOROUSSELECTIONPROCEDURE withmanyofthem. suppliers. Awell-foundedtrustthathasledtolongstandingpartnerships Transparency, fairnessandstringencyhavealwaysguidedtheGroupeBanquePopulaire’s relationswithits Acting responsibly towards our suppliers 15 days onaveragebeforesettlement springboard tosuccess! with theBCP–furtherproofthatGroupactsasa the realmofelectronicbankinggotitveryfirstcontract Moroccan startups.Oneoftoday’s leadingcompaniesin both highlystrategicprojects,wereentrustedtotwoyoung Mobile BankinganddevelopmentofeBankingEntreprise, is managedbyaMoroccanSME,whileinaugurationof information system was designedandimplemented SMEs withprovenknowhow. Forexample,thenewHR fragile thanlargergroups:mostofitssuppliersarelocal of youngand/orsmall-scalecompanies,whicharemore The Groupe Banque Populaire puts its trust in the expertise of BPRs. furniture, officesupplies,etc.)andthelessonerousneeds Banque Centrale Populaire purchases (IT equipment, prioritises localandnationalcompaniesofequalmerit,for importance inthisregard.TheGroup’s purchasingpolicy priorities, anditspurchasingchoicesareofkey local developmenthasalwaysbeenoneoftheGroup’s As aneighbourhoodbankparexcellence, accompanying FABRIC SUPPLIERS FROMTHELOCALBUSINESS

poorest pupils. conditions forafirst-rateeducation,withnofeesthe disadvantaged sectorsofsociety. Theyprovideoptimal with pupilsfrom“SOSChildren’s Villages” andthemost children selectedonthebasisofentrancetests,along not onlyopentoMDMs’children,theyalsotakelocal a secondschoolinTangier in1997.Thetwoschoolsare With thisinitialsuccesstoitscredit,theFBPopened Foundation and inaugurate a first boarding school in Agadir. by itsexpatriateclientsenabledtheGBPtosetupfirst values andrealitiesoftheirhomeland.Thetrustevidenced their children received an educationrooted in theidentity, of its clientele, the MDMs, who wanted to ensure that intended asaresponsetothewishesoflargesection the individualatheartofitsconcerns.Itwasinitially underpin the civic vocation of a banking institution that puts The BanquePopulaireFoundationwassetupin1984to Education asitsinitialproject EDUCATION environment have fivepriorityfocuses:education,socialdevelopment,heritage,cultureand oflocalandnationaldevelopmentpolicies.Thesedays,itsactivities the support recognised asbeingofpublicutility, ithasdistinguisheditselfforover30yearsin a Moroccanbankdedicatedtotheexerciseofcitizenship.OnefirstNGOs The BanquePopulaireFoundation(FBP)istheoldestfoundationsetupby IN MOROCCO MAJOR ACTOR INEDUCATION ANDCULTURE FOUNDATION,THE BANQUE POPULAIRE A local children pupils inall, 1 400 MDMs’ and Over alike

prizes. schools distinguishthemselvesbybeingawardedfirst sporting andartscompetitionshaveseenpupilsfromboth International BookandArtFair),alongwitharangeof of Reading”competition(heldalongsideTangier’s the SeveroOchoaSpanishInstitute)and“Pleasure the MathematicsOlympics(organisedbyMENand their pupilsareregularwinnersofprizesandaccolades: schooling andfromlowertouppersecondaryeducation, in 2014-2015fortransitionfromprimarytosecondary their regions.Apartfrombothschools’100%passrate The twoschools’resultsarecurrentlyamongthebestin Moroccan educationsystembasedonArabicandFrench. Francophone countriestointegrateprogressivelyintothe enable Berber-speaking pupilsand/orthoselivinginnon- set up,developedapedagogicalapproachdesignedto Education (MEN)and,whentheTangier schoolwasbeing it formedapartnershipwiththeMinistryofNational always guidedtheFBP’s activities.Initsearliestdays, Ensuring theexcellenceofeducationitprovideshas

employees dedicated 140 61 CSR REPORT 2015 62 CSR REPORT 2015 people fromdisadvantagedfamiliesinCasablanca. The FBPalsosupportstheOumKeltoumSocioculturalComplex, which,amongotherthings,providesartcoursesforyoung regular educationwithanin-depthmusicprogrammetraining themtobecomeprofessionalmusicians. brings togethersome forty disadvantagedand/orout-of-school children betweentheagesof8and14inclassescombining The FBPtakesanactivepartinthe“Mazaya”programme developed bytheTénorFoundationforCulture.Theprogramme Art asavectorofprogress pleasures ofreading. remote regionsgivingschoolchildreneasieraccesstothe “Souk Bank” initiative, which criss-crosses the most with “KanYa Makan”atravellinglibraryattachedtothe advocated bytheGroup,FBPscoredafirstin2015 In thesamespiritofruraldevelopmentandproximity number ofCPMconstituentbodies’branches. The number of schools upgraded will eventually match the The OrientalandTaza Azilalregionshostedpilotprojects. subsidy tohelpwiththeiroperatingexpenses. schools’ infrastructuresandprovidesthemwithamonthly teachers’ working environment. It rehabilitates remote FBP workstoimprovepupils’schoolingconditionsand Abdelhafid RerhrhayeandtheNajahAssociation, Regional EducationandTraining Authorities(AREFs), upgraded” project,implementedincollaborationwith Through its“ABanquePopulairebranch,aschool to improvethecompetencesoflocalassociations. courses alongwithawareness-raisingprogrammesonhygieneandhealth,preschooleducationdesigned rural areasintheregionsofAzilal,Taroudant, BouarfaandDoukkala;integratedhousesineachDouardispensepost-literacy Integrated DevelopmentofDouars(DID)programme,underwaysince2008,hasenabledconstructionfourhousesin The FBPiscommittedtodevelopingtheeducationsystemthroughoutMoroccansoil.ItssupportofZakouraFoundation’s Developing educationinruralareas thousands ofyoungpeopleendupwithlittleprospectsocio-professionalintegration. School dropoutisarealprobleminMorocco,wherefouroutoftenchildrenleaveprimaryschoolprematurely. Consequently, FOSTERING EDUCATION AMONGTHEMOSTDISADVANTAGED


A confirmed altruist and an in particular support me here : collaborating with the Management emblematic figure in Morocco’s Fatema Nasrouni from the Moulay of the CNIPE1 and the Moulay voluntary sector, Abdelhafid Youssef CPGE, Foundation, which Youssef Foundation to equip Rerhrhaye brings energies – those helps brilliant but impoverished Morocco’s 25 CPEG centres with of companies in particular – to pupils via company donations, and computer equipment and Internet, bear on the community projects Françoise Agoumi from the Ministry, with 3 years’ subscription paid. he promotes. Combating cancer who works on the pedagogical Acting on behalf of these classes is and, assisting people with Down’s component. The Collective decides all the more satisfying in that 50% of syndrome are just two of his on an action, and the institution that pupils are girls, whose education will focuses. He is also one of the active co-implements and finances it takes ensure that of future generations. founders of the CPGE collective : it over. Preparatory Classes for “Grandes Ecoles”. What is the Banque Populaire Geographic division of Morocco’s Foundation’s role in these CPGE Public Centres Tell us something about your actions? action in favour of preparatory Tangier Nador classes Together, we’ve implemented three Kenitra Salé Oujda initiatives with the Foundation. In Rabat Mohammadia Fez Taza Casablanca I’ve always done my best to see 2010, publication of the Preparatory Meknès that pupils study under the best Class Annals, which weren’t El Jadida Khourbga Settat conditions, but structured action previously available and are sold at Safi Beni Mellal only came with the setup of the a very low price. Accompaniment Errachidia collective in 2007. It brings together of the Public Speaking competition Marrakech nd school associations (X, Ponts et since its 2 edition in 2012. The Agadir Chaussées, Centraliens and Anciens competition seeks to improve des Classes Prépas), company levels of English and prepare pupils Guelmim foundations and a number of for Grandes Ecoles competitive State of progress regarding personally involved stakeholders, exams. Levels this year are excellent installation of computers : creating real synergy and according to a teacher on the Laâyoune Installations in 2014 networks… Two voluntary workers jury. And at the moment, we’re Installations in 2015


1 National Centre for Pedagogical Innovation and Experimentation CSR REPORT 2015 CSR REPORT 2015

63 64 CSR REPORT 2015 of Morocco.PopularamongallMDMs,ithasover150,000 individualvisitorsayear. the websiteseekstobeamelting-potofexperiencesand random-accessmemory for exchanges.Rankedasthebestof15similarportalsby thepublic’s onlinevote, their tieswithhomeland.Thewebsiteincludesculture, news,spotlightsonsocialchangesintheKingdomandaplatform The FoundationhasonlinedaportalfortheGroup’s expatriateclientele,theMarocainsduMonde,designedtostrengthen A PORTAL DEDICATED TOMOROCCANNESS:WWW.DIMABLADNA.MA and SupportofPeoplewithDown’s Syndrome(AMSAT). example, by accompanying the Moroccan Association for Assistance also lendsitsassistancetopopulationsectorswithspecialneeds,for its supportoftheNationalUnionMoroccanWomen (UNFM).It The Foundationisinvolvedinpromotionofwomen’s rightsthrough The FBPactsonbehalfofchildrenwithsuchbodiesandinitiativesas: financial and/orhumansupport. year, overahundredsuchassociationsandNGOsbenefitfromits voluntary organisationsresponsibleforpeopleindifficulty. Every The Banque Populaire is committed to aiding many NGOs and Accompanying NGOsandvoluntaryorganisations In additiontoeducation,theFBPactsonbehalfofchildreninwidestsense,aswellwomenandpeopledifficulty… SOCIAL ANDSOCIETAL ACTION ------Sponsoring theChildren’s Parliamentsince2011. benchmark intermsoftrainingquality; the “Shems’y”NationalCircusSchool,whichhasbecomea Children inPrecariousSituations),responsibleforsettingup the AMESIP(MoroccanAssociationforAssistanceto human development; and allprojectspromotingyouth,aidtochildrenindifficulty the Oum Keltoum sociocultural complex, which welcomes any the Mazayaproject(seepage62); the AcademiaFoundation; the NationalObservatoryforChildren’s Rights; encounters publishedon thewebsitein Over 2,500 articles, dossiers,debates andnational articles, 2015 observatory for children’s rights and enables young people to develop their civic spirit andgetto know how the A great achievement! Theparliament, name addedname to thenational listfor A PUPILFROM TANGIER AT THE the 2014-2016children’s parliament. A pupil inthefirst yearof tangier’s kingdom’s legislative institutions which was set up in1999under the lower secondary school hadhis meryem, stemsfrom thenational presidency of hrhprincess lalla CHILDREN’S PARLIAMENT operate. Sponsoring andotheractions The Foundationsupportstalentinthreeartisticfields: Supporting talent of Moroccancreativity. Anoverviewofitsactionintherealmcultureandheritage. less thananincubatorfornewtalent.Itsacknowledgeddeterminationtopromoteartandculturemakeitaspecialpartner Morocco orabroad.Overtime,ithasbecomemuchmorethansimplyaphilanthropicpatronofthearts,andisnownothing The Banque Populaire Foundation has always been committed to sponsoring young Moroccan artists ; whetherthey live in CULTURE - - - - - Festival. Festival inElJadidaandtheMawazine RhythmsoftheWorld SacredMusicFestival,Oujda’s RaiMusicFestival,theJawhara Music. TheFBPisalongstandingpartner oftheFezWorld Festival ofMediterraneanShortFilmsinTangier. Nador, Salé’s InternationalFestival ofWomen’s Filmsandthe International FestivalofCinemaandCommonMemory in International FestivalofMediterraneanCinema, the also sponsorsKhouribga’s AfricanFilm Festival,Tetouan’s International FilmFestivalsinceitsfirsteditionin2001, and Cinema. TheFBPhasbeenofficialsponsoroftheMarrakech Contemporary Artin2014and2015. at theLouvreMuseumandMohammedVIof of the catalogue for the “Medieval Morocco” exhibition held Casablanca, Photographies1913/2013”andtheArabicversion au MarocparFlandrin1907/1957”,“l’HistoireduPortde publication ofsuchworksas“Undemi-siècledephotographie association. Ittakesresponsibilityforfundingandoverseeing Fair organised by the Tangier Region Cultural Action organised bytheMinistryofCulture,andInternational Literature. TheFBPisanofficialpartneroftheBookFair as universitytheatricalevents. organised by the Foundation for the Performing Arts, as well almost allsuchdramafestivalsas“ThéâtreetCultures”, companies toperforminMoroccoandabroad.Italsosponsors Theatre. TheFBPenablesprofessionalandamateurtheatre and ArchitectureBiennales. Symposium ofContemporaryArtand,abroad,theVenice Art on theCreativeEconomyinAfrica,Asilah’s International also supports such events asthe International Conference exhibition andpromotionofvisualworksbyyoungartists.It Visual. Asanartspatron,theFBPfinancescreation, arts 65 CSR REPORT 2015 66 CSR REPORT 2015 investment inwhichtheFoundationtakesanactivepart.Itimplementedorextendedanumberofprojects2014: Heritage isakeypartofourcivilisations’cultureandhistory:preserving,rehabilitatingsharingitnaturalbasic HERITAGE Casablanca :Villa Violetta inthe1930s existence. Fascinated by unrelenting thecity’s energy, surrounded by artists, architects, - - - - available to researchers andhistorians. have They been madegood use of inanumber of businessmen andintellectuals, hecaptured scenes of everyday life, including folklore, unaffected by theburgeoning urban-planning schemesthat were soon to threaten its This national treasure isthepride of thefoundation, andas itmust be conserved and works on moroccan history, including “un demi-siecle de photographie au par maroc and conservation work (digitisation, storage inrigorous hygrometric andhermetic shared withallthose who wish to consult it, thephotographs itcontains aremade war, during which hedistinguished himself as anaerial photographer, hesettled in with thegeology, natureandhistoryofthispartMorocco. financial supportofcreationtheMuseum Western HighAtlas,whose22galleriesaimtoacquaintvisitors “Marcelin Flandrin”privatecollection; as oforganisationHeritageDays,witheacheditionincludinganexhibitionphotographsCasablancafromthe intended forinclusioninthecity’s candidacysubmissionforinscriptiononUNESCO’s World HeritageList,aswell financial supportoftheCasamémoireassociation’s documentaryfilmonCasablanca’s architecturalheritage, promotion ofaphotolibraryunparalleledinMorocco(FlandrinCollection,seeinset); supervising body, andpublicationofabookonthecity’s history; its commitment to rehabilitation of Casablanca’s Old Medina alongside the Casablanca Carrières Centralesassociation’s casablanca andset about immortalising art-deco thewhitecity’s architecture, still 1901 andstarted hismilitary service there in1912.Demobilised after thefirst world In of 1994,theduty memory andof preserving itscountry’s tangible andintangible This invaluable photo library has been thesubject of years of meticulous archiving flandrin 1907/1957”and“l’histoire duport de casablanca, photographies 1913/2013”. Marcelin flandrin was afrench army photographer who first to morocco came in THE FLANDRIN COLLECTIONTHE FLANDRIN :CASABLANCA’S PHOTOGRAPHIC MEMORY documenting thehistory of morocco from 1907to 1957:theflandrin collection. heritage led thefoundation to acquire acollection of some 40,000photographs portraits andarchitecture. conditions, etc.). Casablanca :Villa Violetta in2015 Casablanca :Clocktower-PlacedeFrance FLANDRIN COLLECTIONPHOTOGRAPHS 1984/1134 2012GB 0011 Banque PopulaireFoundation PrivateCollection,LegalDeposit Casablanca :Atraditionalfrontdoor Casablanca :Maarif-Avenue deMazagan office Sefrou in1920:Agrocer’s servingasapost Casablanca :BoulevarddeParis Casablanca :Asquareintheoldmedina Casablanca :Bd.MohammedV–CentralMarket 67 CSR REPORT 2015 PERSPECTIVES AND ANNEXES csr perspectives for thegroup andthesector credit portfoliosbetter banking institutionstocontrol their development, asitwillenable as aconstraintorobstacletoits responsibility. Itmustnotbeseen above allthefinancialcommunity’s associations, sustainablefinanceis authorities andprofessional to theGovernment,supervisory it isofcoursemajorinterest sustainable development.Although words, alignfinancialsystemson sustainable finance.Inother is toensurethetriumphof the GBPandallfinancialinstitutions- The challengefacingusnow-Imean element andtheenvironment. with greaterrespectforthehuman in developmentofaneconomy force amongeconomicoperators in assumingourroleasadriving institution, wehavenotbeenlax context, andasaleadingfinancial Development in2010.Inthis the EnvironmentandSustainable drafting oftheNationalCharterfor Mohammed VI,whichledtothe impetus ofHisMajestyKing Development, adoptedonthe National StrategyonSustainable positioned itselfasapartnerofthe The GroupeBanquePopulairehas have totakeup? major challengetheBankswill In youropinion,whatisthenext for CSR Director ofControl,ComplianceandDeontology, responsible A wordfromMohammedJaouadAMRI,

sustainable andinclusiveeconomy. contribution toconstructionofa impetus tothefinancialsector’s sustainable financestrategyadding to participateinthedraftingofa Banque Populaireisdetermined concerned, theGroupe collaboration withallstakeholders Alongside itspeersandinclose consumer protection,andsoon. education, promotionofVSMEs, in favouroffinancialinclusionand International FinanceCorporation Financial Initiativeandthe Nations DevelopmentProgramme’s by BankAl-Maghrib,theUnited the actionsalreadycommittedto financial sectorgettinginstepwith Today, it’s aquestionoftheentire in 2014. Risk ManagementSystemsetup as theEnvironmentalandSocial adopting proactiveinitiativessuch to anticipateregulatorychangesby Populaire, wetryasfarpossible at institutionallevel.AttheBanque context ofprofessionalgroupsor it mayalsobevoluntaryinthe in answertonewregulations,but to sustainablefinanceissometimes Financial institutions’commitment technologies andfinancialinclusion. opportunities insuchfieldsasclean and takeadvantageofnew 69 CSR REPORT 2015 70 CSR REPORT 2015 WITH THEISO26000STANDARD TABLE OF CORRESPONDENCE Fair practices The environment Work relationsandconditions Human Rights Governance oftheorganisation the ISO26000standard Central questionsandfieldsofaction Respect ofproprietaryrights value chain Promotion ofsocialresponsibility inthe Fair competition Responsible politicalcommitment Combating corruption and rehabilitationofnaturalhabitats Protection oftheenvironment,biodiversity adaptation Mitigation ofclimatechangesand Sustainable useofresources Prevention ofpollution Development ofhumancapital Health andsafetyintheworkplace Social dialogue Work conditions andsocialprotection Jobs andemployer/employeerelations Fundamental principlesandrightsatwork Economic, socialandculturalrights Civil andpoliticalrights Discrimination andvulnerablegroups Remedying violationsofHumanRights Prevention ofcomplicity Rights Situations presentingarisktoHuman Duty ofvigilance Related subjectscoveredinthisreport NA ESRMS, Purchases Regulatory compliance gouvernementaux Contribution togovernmentprogrammes Regulatory complianceanddeontology the coastline,ESRMS,Purchases Environmental footprint,Preservationof transition Environmental footprint,ESRMS,Energy Environmental footprint,Eco-schools écoles Environmental footprint,Eco-schools Social advantages Skills development,Careermanagement, Health andsafety, Environment Social dialogue advantages, Healthandsafety Departures, Remunerationandsocial house communication,Purchases management, Companycultureandin- Recruitment, Skillsdevelopment,Career Job stability, Equaltreatment,Departures, dialogue, Purchases management, Remuneration,Social Deontology, Diversity, Training, Career Entrepreneurs, Education/social,Culture services, Micro-entrepreneurs, Health andsafety, Accesstobanking Social dialogue social Diversity, Micro-entrepreneurs,Education/ Not covered ESRMS, Purchases ESRMS, Purchases Deontology, ESRMS,Purchases CSR initiativeandIssues,Governance Corresponding pages 32 and33;60 11 48 and49 11 28 to30;32and3360 28 and29;31to33 28 to30 28 to30 19 to22 24 and25;2829 23 18 ;2224and25 14 to23;60 11 ;14to2360 to 47;6167 24 and25;383942 23 14 to18;42456164 - 32 and33;60 32 and33;60 11 ;32and3360 6 to10 Communities andlocaldevelopment Questions relatingtoconsumers the ISO26000standard Central questionsandfieldsofaction Investment insociety Health Creation ofwealthandincome technologies Development ofandaccessto Job creationandskillsdevelopment Education andculture Involvement incommunitylife Education andawareness-raising Access toessentialservices lives Protection ofconsumers’dataandprivate consumers resolution ofcomplaintsanddisputesfor After-sales service,assistanceand Sustainable consumption Protection ofconsumers’healthandsafety information andcontracts Fair practiceswithregardtomarketing, Culture Foundation d’Entreprise Foundation,Education& Microcredit Foundation,Création hygiene remote schoolsandawarenessraisingon Health andwellbeing,Rehabilitationof SMEs, Developmentoflocalsuppliers company startups,SupportforVSEsand Financing ofmicroenterprises,Supportfor universities Partnerships with“grandesécoles”and Dematerialisation anddistancebanking, people, Skillsdevelopment, Recruitment andintegrationofyoung Culture Foundation Microcredit Foundation,Education& Monde, Education&CultureFoundation infrastructure projects,Marocainsdu Foundation, FundingofAfrican Foundation, Créationd’Entreprise Development ofregions,Microcredit entrepreneurs, Entrepreneurs,VSEs Protection ofclients,Micro- Education Funding ofAfricaninfrastructureprojects, Regulatory compliance Quality Protection ofclients Dematerialisation anddistancebanking, Protection ofclients clients Access tobankingservices,Protectionof Related subjectscoveredinthisreport 42 to47;6167 24 and25;62 42 to53;60 29 ;47 17 to20;4247 42 to45;6167 61 to67 57 ; 36 and37;42to4754 40 ;42to48 54 and55;61to63 11 41 29 ;40 40 38 to40 Corresponding pages 71 CSR REPORT 2015
