Distribution of Instruments According to Trading Cycles

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Distribution of Instruments According to Trading Cycles ENR.GSCSO.136.1 Date: 10/01/2019 Notice N° AV-2019-006 (Only the french version prevails) Event Distribution of instruments according to trading cycles - NOTICE SUBJECT Distribution of instruments according to trading cycles - REFERENCES In accordance with the Royal Decree (Dahir) No. 1-93-211 dated September 21, 1993 relating to the Stock Exchange, as modified and completed by Laws No. 34-96, 29-00, 52-01, 45-06 and 43- 09 namely Section 4 ; Considering the provisions of the Stock Exchange Regulation, approved by Order of Economy and Finance Ministry No. 1268-08 dated July 7, 2008 as modified and completed by Order No.1156-10 of April 7, 2010 No.30-14 of Janaury 6, 2014 and No.1955-15 of July 4, 2016 namely Sections 3.1.6 et 3.3.1; The following has been decided: - NOTICE LINK ARTICLE 1 Based on the statistics of 02/07/2018 to 31/12/2018, the distribution of instruments by trading cycles, is as follows : INSTRUMENTS LISTED ON CONTINUOUS TRADING CYCLE AFMA ITISSALAT AL-MAGHRIB AFRIQUIA GAZ JET CONTRACTORS ALLIANCES LABEL VIE ALUMINIUM DU MAROC LAFARGE HOLCIM MAROC ATLANTA LESIEUR CRISTAL ATTIJARIWAFA BANK LYDEC AUTO HALL M2M Group BCP MANAGEM BMCE BANK MED PAPER BMCI MICRODATA SOCIETE DES BOISSONS DU MAROC MINIERE TOUISSIT CARTIER SAADA MUTANDIS SCA CIH PROMOPHARAM S.A CIMENTS DU MAROC RESIDENCE DAR SAADA COLORADO RISMA 1 ENR.GSCSO.136.1 Date: 10/01/2019 COSUMAR S.M MONETIQUE CTM SAHAM ASSURANCE DELTA HOLDING SALAFIN DISWAY SMI DOUJA PROM ADDOHA SNEP ENNAKL SODEP-MARSA MAROC FENNIE BROSSETTE SONASID HPS STOKVIS NORD AFRIQUE IB MAROC.COM STROC INDUSTRIE IMMORENTE INVEST TAQA MOROCO INVOLYS TOTAL MAROC WAFA ASSURANCE INSTRUMENTS LISTED ON AUCTION TRADING CYCLE AFRIC INDUSTRIES SA MAROC LEASING AGMA NEXANS MAROC AUTO NEJMA OULMES BALIMA REALISATIONS MECANIQUES CDM REBAB COMPANY CENTRALE DANONE SAMIR DARI COUSPATE SOTHEMA DELATTRE LEVIVIER MAROC TASLIF DIAC SALAF TIMAR EQDOM UNIMER MAGHREB OXYGENE ZELLIDJA S.A. MAGHREBAIL ARTICLE 2 The current notice repeals and replaces notice No 107/18. ARTICLE 3 The current notice will come into effect as from 18/01/2019. 2.
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