Lack of Salk Vaccine Delays Inoculations

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Lack of Salk Vaccine Delays Inoculations I first With The News! For Value - Shop The Advs KM,n Astride All The Activities Of The To*rn With Your The Largest And Best Shops And Home-Town Paper Services In The Area Are Our Advertisers! Patronise Them! XXXIV-NO. 2 (lartmCARTF.HKT, N .!., FRIDAYt, APRIL 20, 1955 r^RICE EIGHT CENTS Kindergarten Register Thirty Years With Company Tracq For Children Next Week CARTE RET-Supervising Lack of Salk Vaccine Principal Edwin Quin announced \,.t Found today that because of the change of the age for admitting chil- dren to kindergarten, registra- tion will be held In the Cleveland Of Man, 73 and Washington Schools next Delays Inoculations; Monday, Tuesday and Wednes- day from 1 to 3 P.M. i(,|,n Halrhar Missing Children must be five years of 1 HIK Home Here age by December 31 under the April 18 new rules he said. May 6 Start Is Hoped ....,;-|.'KKT Police and many ^.i.icnts arc puzzled over . ,,„., disappearance of John Boro Jews Program Close by ,,' 7,i who has been missing Service Officer Traditional Fete M,,miav morning, April 18. School End Now , ',,|],SIMI; mun is said to be In Celebrate Tells of Veterans Held in St. Marys Disability Setup CARTERET — More than 250 Is Target \ Pageant Held Last Night persons attended the traditional "Svyachene," Ukrainian post- CARTERET — Health Inspector CAKTERET—Walter W. Wa- To Mark Jewish Easter dinner last Sunday after- Michael Yarcheski said last night diiik. service officer of Carteret that he had received word tlmt the Tercentenary Post, No. 263, American Legion, noon in the St. Marys Ukrainian Salk anti-polio vaccine .should ar- today advised World War I vet- Catholic Church Auditorium. The rive In the borough on Mny fi nr erans to look into the possibility annual "Svyachene" was sponsored CARTERET—A pageant and ex-' shortly thereafter and it wmiM of veteran pensions. by the Ukrainian Catholic Daugh- hlbit In celebration of the Jewish then be available for inoculations. "Some of the veterans are ell- ters. Tercentenary, sponsored Jointly If the vaccine arrives on Mhcdui*' ible from the age of 55 for gov- by the Carteret Chapter, Haddash The traditional food blessing was It Is hoped that the pronnim of rnment pensions," he said, adding and the United Hebrew Sisterhood given by the Rev. Pnul Harchison inoculating the schdol children <MII a disability of 70 per cent makes was held last night In the Carteret pastor, who also acted as toast- be completed before the schools m eligible at 55 years of age High School with a capacity crowd master of the affair. Easter hymns close In June.* on hand. | nd 100 per cent at the age of 62." were sung under the direction of Mr. Yarcheski said that he un- Contrary to popular belief, the rof. Vasyl Kasklw. Following the exhibit of Jewish derstood that because of the inci- iervice officer said that 100 per The Rev. C. S. Roskovics, pas- religious articles, pictures of fam- dence of poliomyelitis is apt to rise :ent is not the maximum disability or of St. Elias G. C. Church was ous men In history and Israel Charles Trustrum, a life-long resident of Carteret, was feted Monday night at the Cross Keys Inn, earlier In the South, the Founda- nd according to the Veterans Ad- suest speaker. Addresses were also jewelry, the welcome address was Rahway. by his co-workers and officials of the American Oil Company here, for having served thirty tion for Infantile Paralysis has al- ministration disabilities may run iven by Joseph Wadiak, Michael years with the company, He was presented with a tie clasp by Timothy Shechan, plant superin- located vaccine shipments to that given by Mayor Prank Bareford. as high as 180 per cent. Fltzula, Myroslaw Hydzlk, church tendent, following the dinner. In the above photo are, from left to right, Harry Rapp, chief clerk; region first. New York, New Jer- Robert R. Brown then traced the rustees; John Fedak, president of Mr, Sheehan, the guest of honor, Arthur Ruckretgel and Ancil B. Collins, both assistant superin- Mr. Wadlak further stated that sey and Connecticut are now "top early history of the Carteret ;he Providence Association No. 74 tendents. Besides Trustrum, Rapp and Ruckretgel are also residents of the borough. ncome from other pensions does in line" to receive shipments, lie Jewry. n Carteret. not disqualify the veteran from his reported. The pageant "We came to An nui Iws difficulty in government pension. His pension is Introduced to the guests were Island" followed under the dir- The six manufacturers of the , imited only by the putelde income Mrs. Mary Hamulak, Mrs, Angle vaccine noted that they had nit off iimu lie left his home, ection of Walter Schonwald. It Service Awards Issued to ; Robert H. Brown he receives. In Carteret he be- Szewczyk, president and secretary all supplies to commercial chan- . ,,',v street, he told his was narrated by Rabbi Lewis ieves, are hundreds of World War of the Ukrainian Catholic Daugh' Brenner and in the cast were: nels. These Include wholesalers, .. ..urn; to take a walk I veterans eligible or about to be ters respectively; Miss Ann Suhar, physicians and drug stores. .. nc;ir the high school. Dorothy Seader, Edith Gmhln, Honored at Pines Seventeen Metals Employeseligible for pensions. He may be Ukrainian Catholic Youth League .,: iic would be back at Dr, Murray Oottlelb, Sheldon contacted for further information The board of health's otfice .said CARTERET — Seventeen em- pany after 38 years of service President; Mrs. Ann Schwailek and I,. When lie did not re- Schwartz, Benjamin Grau. Dr. CARTERET—In recognition of at either 50 Lincoln Avenue or yesterday it Is ready to go the very ployes of the TJ. S. Metals Refln- Hired in 1917, Kaliszuk has Mrs. Matilda Romanetz, co-chair- '.:,• wont looking for him Bernard Weiss, Irving Levitz, Jos-1 his civic work in the borough and Fitch Street. minute it receives the vaccine. ing Company received service but- worked steadily in the casting de- men of the affair. : ;JI ni(! unable to locate Al Comba, borough tax collec- There will be no delays, Mr. Yar- eph Levy. Dr. Wallace J. Durst, j his many years as the local motor ton awards during the month of partment through the years. He Assisting on the committee were: cheski declared. , nrl six called in police. tor, stated that many veterans In- Irving Rader, 6am Oevirtzman, ehicle agent, Robert R. Brown, is married and has four step- Mrs. Olga Kuzma; Mary ,:ool students, police re- April. quire <at the municipal building for It is pointed out that the .so- Irving Isaacs, Albert Miller, Sid- was feted before 200 friends and ihildren. One of his sons, John Olga Holowchuk; Rose : policemen Joined In a Heading the list was Ernest veteraft information. These he re- called polio season in this area dow ney Fox. guests Wednesday night at the (Dave) Pasipanki, works in to sky, Eugenia Fedak, Floreni ;•; but to no avail. Later Walz, 53 Atlantic Street, company fers to Mr. Wadiak. not have Its advent until at least Jean Wohgemuth, Sylvia Price, Hotel Pines, Metuchen, stores department at U. S. Metals nitski and Magdalene Cprr. • „ - dredged but there wa» paymaster, who has a record of "For the best results a veteran the middle of June, and that, if the Gazella Fox, Diana Stein. Samuel At the dinner, traditional Easter • i \>f found. The affair was sponsored by the 45 years with the company. He should see the veterans' organiza- present timetable of supply ship- Berslow, Edward Miller, Dr. Sey- eggs known as "Pysanky," were ivinn seen this man is Carteret Lions Club of which he is was presented his button by John tion .service officers," advised the ments Is kept, Inoculations ran Iv. mour Mausner, Dr. Phillip Cho- an active member. He was pie exchanged by relatives and friends completed before this time for all ::; ,i,-t police headquar- E. Dunne, chief accountant. tax collector. , . with the Joyful greeting, "Krlstos dosh, Samuel Klein, Howard sented a plaque for his work in the Mayor Bareford The American Legion has a serv- in the age groups due to receive .. ,;;.itely. He is about flve- Miss Clarissa K. Ellis, 10 Dela- Voskress" (Christ is Risen) to Rockman, Miriam Lehrer, Rose lub and the borough. ice committee at Washington Place them first. mid was wearing a tan ware Street, Elizabeth, head of which the answer is "Voistynu Jacoby, Garsin Oruhln. Edith Master of ceremonies was Walter in Newark In the same building as the Stenography Department, re- Asks Observance Voskress" (He is truly Risen.) Singer, Dr. Marvin Greenwald and Schonwald, president of the the VA. This committee Is staffed ceived a 35-year pin. Father Roskovics gave the clos- Herbert Harris. nliatlon. Invocation was given by by experts whose $20,000 a year ex- Thirty-year awards were given CARTERET — Observance ing prayer. The committee was as ionows: Herman HotP^.jlnncipaJ of Car- >enses are paid by Legion member: Leaders Honored to George I. Baker, 108 High ikrainians Hold Exhibit, Mrs. Sidney Fox, chair- teret High School. Speakers were "American Jewish Tercentenary through their dues. Street, Woodbridge, office engi- man. Mrs. Edward Sriapiro, Mrs. Mayor Frank I. Bareford; William Week" began with a proclamation Mr. Wadiak revealed that thl neer, and to Stephen Soltez, 275 Barbara Ann Kolnak By Cartert Post Joseph Levy, Mrs. Philip Chodosh. Dearden, former motor vehicle Sunday by Mayor Frank I. Bare- rfice was instrumental In having Annual Dinner Carteret Avenue, Carteret, Silver nee veterans receive their pen- LlKhta, Mrs. Harry Lubern. commissioner, Claude W. Harkins.
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