

December 2020 and January 2021 No 442


2 DATES FOR YOUR DIARY DECEMBER 2020 Mondays and Fridays; Post Office, Oddington Vill. Hall (p 6) 10.30 to 12.00 Saturday 5 Decorate your outside area (p 8) Sunday 6 Service farewell to Richard and Anita Rendall (p 28)10.30am Monday 7 Foxholes/Foscot Grey Collection Day (p 25) 6.00am Monday 7 Bledington Council Meeting (ZOOM), (p 21) 8.00pm Tuesday 8 Bledington CDC Recycling Day (p 25) 7.00am Thursday 10 Walking Group, contact Pat Jenkin 659215 (p 10) 10.00am Monday 14 Foxholes/Foscot WODC Green Collection Day (p 25) 6.00am Friday 18 Kate’s Nursing Home Concert (p 9) Saturday 19 Scarecrow trail. (p 8) Sunday 20 Santa visiting Bledington - book your personal visit (p 8/9) Monday 21 Foxholes/Foscot WODC Grey Collection Day (p 25) 6.00am Tuesday 22 Bledington CDC Recycling Day (p 25) 7.00am Thursday 24 Worldwide Christmas Jingle (p 8) 6.00pm Wednesday 30 Foxholes/Foscot WODC Green Collection Day (p 25) 6.00am JANUARY 2021 Mondays and Fridays; Post Office, Oddington Vill. Hall (p 6) 10.30 to 12.00 Monday 4 Bledington Parish Council Meeting (ZOOM), (p 21) 8.00pm Thursday 7 Foxholes/Foscot Grey Collection Day (p 25) 6.00am Thursday 7 Bledington CDC Recycling Day (p 25) 7.00am Wednesday 13 Foxholes/Foscot WODC Green Collection Day (p 25) 6.00am Thursday 14 Walking Group, contact Pat Jenkin 659215 (p 10) 10.00am Tuesday 19 Foxholes/Foscot WODC Grey Collection Day (p 25) 6.00am Tuesday 19 Bledington CDC Recycling Day (p 25) 7.00am SATURDAY 23 BLEDINGTON NEWS COPY DEADLINE (p 3) 12.00noon Monday 25 Foxholes/Foscot WODC Green Collection Day (p 25) 6.00am Thursday 28 Walking Group, contact Pat Jenkin 659215 (p 10) 10.00am Bledington News is uploaded monthly to www.bledington.com Bledington.com is Bledington’s website carrying full details of every aspect of Bledington.

3 FROM THE EDITORS Wendy and Sinclair Scott 2020 seems to have been a nothing year for many and in a blink of an eye it is Christmas time again. We wish all our readers a Happy Christmas and a Healthy New Year where, let us hope, we can be back to something like normal again. Lots going on in December though, see page 8. At the time of putting this issue to bed we have not heard the arrangements from the Government about families meeting up together for Christmas. We sincerely hope these will be issued soon so we can all make arrangements to meet and enjoy our usual family Christmas together. Our usual turkey is not yet ordered, we hope to be doing this in the next week or so. With the new lockdown imposed in mid November we realise that a number of residents will be isolated in their homes. In March 2020 the Parish Council issued a list of a huge number of local people who said they would offer help to those isolated. We are not re-publishing this list but if anybody is in difficulties please use us as an intermediary to find the help you require; our contact details are below. Christmas festivities are being arranged in the Village throughout December and details and contacts are on pages 8 and 9. Breakfast with Santa is a no-go event with our Village Hall out of action for such usually crowded and enjoyable events as social distancing is impossible. The service to include the farewell to Richard and Anita Rendall is taking place on Sunday 6 December. Details of how to join in are on page 27.


Please send your news contributions for the February 2021 Issue at any time. Copy deadline 12.00 Noon Saturday 23 January2021. Please send news contributions for Bledington News to the editors, Wendy and Sinclair Scott, by paper copy to 4 Old Forge Close, Bledington, , OX7 6XW or email us at [email protected] Tel: 01608 658624. Bledington News is published in full colour at www.bledington.com Please ensure you have a prompt acknowledgement of your contribution sent by email; this makes it certain we have received it. News contributions may be subject to editorial adjustment and regrettably, if received after the deadline time, cannot be included.

4 BLEDINGTON COMMUNITY SHOP AND CAFÉ—OCTOBER UPDATE Jo Shaw, Bledington Shop Manager October extinguished itself in a rush of howling winds and driving rain and November arrived, cold as frozen iron, with hard frosts every morning and icy draughts that bit at exposed hands and faces. ~J.K. Rowling, Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix, "The Lion and the Serpent," 2003. With the shorter days and longer nights, and certainly the change in the weather, November does seem to have arrived with a vengeance. However, with that, it has bought us new delights in the shop, symbolising winter has arrived and Christmas is coming! In the Fruit and Veg department, Brussels have been joined with our Brussels Stems, and look out for Brussels tops arriving soon. The Satsumas now have beside them leafy Clementines, and we now have fresh Cranberries and Chestnuts – what else shouts out Christmas than these! A new cabbage to me is the "January King", similar to the Savoy – well packed heads blue-green and tinged with deep purple. Good and sturdy with a rich earthy flavour, and a real heritage variety – perfect for those Sunday Roasts! The temporary Marquee arrived and was really enjoyed by our café customers. Obviously, at the moment, we are unable to use it during lockdown, but hopefully it will be open again very soon to shelter our customers. However, the Fruit and Veg still went outside as planned and is working extremely well – allowing customers to peruse the veg without feeling pressured by a queue and displaying it in all its glory. The café area in the shop has now become the Christmas showroom! We have lots of festive goodies on offer, perfect as gifts or a treat for yourself! There are Christmas cards, wrap, gift bags – as well as Handmade Candles and Bunting. If you have ever admired our cushions in the café, we will shortly have new handmade versions available to buy. There are also Christmas Cakes and Puddings, as well as forms to pre-order if you prefer. We are also taking orders for Adlington Turkeys, which are selling really well, so pop in and take a form and let us know what you would like. We are hoping to do Veg Boxes for customers for Christmas, so please do let me know what you would like. We are also very excited to be producing and launching our very own Gin – I will not spoil the surprise, but it includes something of a secret, the gin tastes gorgeous and all packaged with the most beautiful label! Hopefully, this will be with us at the beginning of December, and will make great Christmas presents, but also a well priced gin for yourself. Continued on page 5


Continued from page 4 The shop celebrated its 1st birthday on 16 November and we marked this on the Saturday with free cupcakes for our customers, that were really well received. What a year the shop has had; years of fundraising and planning, the hard work in getting it stocked and ready to open, and then learning how to run a shop. Obviously, all this was done before I arrived and the concrete of the shop had been laid in every sense. Shortly after arriving, Covid became real and lockdown was enforced, which gave me and the shop new challenges. Nothing good has come from this ghastly virus, but it has proved what a necessary and positive place the shop is to so many and certainly cemented that the shop has its place here and valued by so many. Entries are still welcome for our Photograph Competition – “The Best of Bledington Shop” – open to your own personal interpretation, but we are looking for beautiful photographs that showcase the best of our shop produce – be creative and share with us your scrumptious meals, soups, cakes etc. There is a prize for the winner each month, as well as your photo being showcased in the shop. Please send your entries to: [email protected] and good luck! This year, however you are planning (or allowed!) on spending your Christmas, we are very happy to help in making sure you have everything you need for the festive period, enable you to make the most of Christmas this year, and looking forward to a brighter and safer 2021. Best wishes Jo.

Community Shop Open Monday to Saturday: 9.00am to 4.00pm Sunday: 9.00am to 1.00pm

Christmas and New Year Opening Times Christmas Eve: 9.00am – 1.00pm Christmas Day, Boxing Day, Bank Holiday Monday: Closed New Year’s Eve: 9.00am – 1.00pm New Year’s Day: Closed Tel: 01608 65 99 77

Email: [email protected] Send your shopping list in advance for collection

6 BLEDINGTON VILLAGE HALL Jenny Beacham What a year! Unfortunately, we had to close the Village Hall again just as things were getting back to some sort of normality. It all happened too late for any warning in the Newsletter and, by the same token, we do not know what will happen in this regard after 2 December. Just keep an eye on the Village Hall door and our Facebook page for the latest information. Nevertheless: A Very Happy and Healthy Christmas and New Year from the Village Hall Committee. Many thanks to Michelle for organising the Christmas Tree outside the Hall which is a cheery welcome to the village. We look forward to seeing your Santa creations around the village. Stay safe, stay well!

POST OFFICE AT ODDINGTON Angie Price Angie Price has made arrangements to open her Post Office in Oddington Village Hall at 10.30am to 12.00noon every Monday and Friday for the foreseeable future. Entrance is through the back door of Oddington Village Hall, adjacent to the hall car park by the children’s playground. Christmas and Gift Cards are available for sale; proceeds to the Air Ambulance.

CHRISTMAS SERVICES AT ST LEONARD Aloÿse Packe If government regulations allow we will be having Christmas services at St Leonard. However, these services will have restricted numbers and we will therefore have to operate a booking system. You will be able to sit with members of your household/bubble and so we will need to know how many there will be in a group. If we are not allowed to have services in the church then we will continue to have online services. It is not clear when we will know the detail for Christmas so we will put a notice up on the church notice board, on social media and in the shop. Please look out for these. If you require any further information please contact Barry 658542 or me 658447.

7 BLEDINGTON SCHOOL Mrs J Kewley: Headteacher Adventure writing day by Lara, Alex and Martha S We had a whole morning of activities to help us think about The Gunpowder Plot and what it was like to be part of it. We looked at really old accounts of the story and watched a video about the history behind why Guy Fawkes and his friends wanted to blow up Parliament. We did a debate about whether it was a good idea or not! The best part of the day was pretending to be the different characters and acting out the scenes using props. In the afternoon everyone in school wrote a first person narrative pretending to be Guy Fawkes. We could change the end of the story and it was fun to see what people wrote. We also had a UK Parliament week assembly to think about the Houses of Parliament and how all the decisions are made in our country. We thought about how people can debate there and ask lots of questions because we have democracy.

TO ALL DOG WALKERS Tim Newton A reminder please to all dog owners to pick up their dog mess, including bags left on the grass, between the Church, Cemetery and the footpath adjoining the fields. Also as this area has horses and sheep in the fields, please can we ask all walkers to close the church yard/cemetery gates, as these are the only gates to keep animals off the road, should they escape! Using COVID as an excuse not to close gates is not acceptable. The Countryside Code asks that if you find a gate closed, close it when you pass through to prevent animals straying. Farmers sometimes leave gates open to allow animals to pass from one field to another to graze or drink. Help a farmer by leaving gates as you find them. If in doubt, close a gate.


9 BRIGHTEN UP BLEDINGTON - FESTIVE CHEER Mel Gorton 659131/07733011151 Santa will be travelling around the village stopping at houses to visit the children that have booked. He will deliver a token gift that the parent has purchased, wrapped, and labelled with the child's name and address. Gifts to be left with Laura Russell, 4 Old Burford Road to look after for Santa. Cut- off date 17 December. This is not a fundraising event this year, this is organised by residents of Bledington to spread a little festive cheer.

10 PEBBLY HILL NURSERY Janet Simms Open from 30 November 9.00am to 4.00pm daily. (While stocks last) We have a lovely range of Nordman Christmas Trees, cut or pot grown, arriving on 29 November. A good selection of hand made, fresh wreaths, assorted pot arrangements, hyacinths and house plants are also available. Order early to avoid disappointment.

BLEDINGTON GARDENING SOCIETY Tony Windsor It is usual to include a notice in the December edition of the News advertising the date of the Annual General Meeting in February. In view of the current situation and the uncertainties surrounding it the 2020 AGM of the Society will be postponed until March so that notice can be given in the next (February) edition.

BLEDINGTON WALKING GROUP Pat Jenkin The Walking group meet (normally) twice monthly on a Thursday. All are welcome. Please call me for details of walks listed on page 2.

AIR AMBULANCE Jane Oldridge Available from our Community Shop, with kind permission of Graeme Ferrero, a delightful little book written by my Mum Mrs. R.W. Angus. It is a true story written in the first person about JUDY the Yorkshire Terrier, of her life and that of The Little Orphan, a baby rabbit called Benjamin. An ideal Christmas present for small children it costs £10 and all proceeds will go to The Air Ambulance.

Who hides in the bakery during Christmas? A mince spy

What does Santa suffer from when he gets stuck in a chimney? Santa Claustrophobia


The following numbers win £5 each in November’s draw: 47 Kim Asprey 10 Not Allocated 62 Barry Way 41 Jolene Cooper Congratulations to the winners! The £100 Christmas Prize Draw will be done in the School Office in early December. Thank you to everyone that supports the 100 Club. Registered with: Council under Gambling Act 2005. Registration Number: 07/01271/GASSP Promoter: Annie Hammerstein, Harwood House, The Green, Bledington, OX7 6XQ. Tel: 01608 659819.

CHRISTMAS AND NEW YEAR MESSAGES Hazel Furneaux. All good wishes to my friends and neighbours in Bledington and environs for Christmas despite the virus. Hoping the New Year will bring you all good health and prosperity and no more restrictions. Robin and Jane Oldridge. We would like to wish all our friends and neighbours very best wishes for a happy Christmas and a happy, healthy and peaceful New Year. Keep safe and well. Sue MacConnal-Mason. As we approach the end of a difficult and stressful year for many families, I would like to wish all my dear friends and neighbours a happy Christmas and a healthy and peaceful New Year. Thank you for all your kindness, Love Sue.

HAPPY BIRTHDAY Nicky Hunt Happy Birthday to Jade Hunt, 26 on 6 January 2020. Lots of love and kisses. Mum, Dad and family.

THANK YOU Robin and Jane Oldridge A BIG Thank you for all the messages over our little dog, Taz, who was recently run over on the road to Foxholes.


HENRY JEWITT Charles and Lucy Jewitt. Charles and Lucy Jewitt (Lucy Graham) are delighted to announce the birth of their son Henry George at the end of September. Henry was nearly born at home in Foscot to try and avoid the hospital but had a last minute transfer to the John Radcliffe. He arrived safely weighing 8lb 3oz and is doing well and growing lots! If there are other new mums out there who would like to meet for walks or a drink at the Bledington Shop and Cafe do please send me an email ([email protected]) or call 07979 646765. It would be nice to find other local babies to socialise with! Many thanks.

BURFORD TRAFFIC Graeme Ferrero Graeme Ferrero has supplied us with some official notices regarding the new traffic regulations introduced on 9 November in and around Burford. A 20mph speed limit is now in place in the town centre. The 40mph limit on the A40 has been reduced in length and is now 30mph. The 30mph speed limit has been extended on the Shilton Road to beyond the Garden Centre. A 50mph speed limit now replaces the 60mph unlimited speed limit in place, from Burford all the way on the A424 to the county boundary near .

What did Adam say on the day before Christmas? It’s Christmas, Eve

What did the bald man say when he got a comb for Christmas? Thank you so much, I’ll never part with it


BLEDINGTON CARE COMMITTEE Bledington Care Committee is made up of volunteers living in the village. Our aim is to assist the elderly, the disabled and those in distress in the village. This includes: Transport to Hospitals, Doctors, Dentists etc – for the elderly, disabled, those unable to use or without transport. Please ring Hazel Furneaux on 658547 or Pat Jenkin on 659215. Care Line/Emergency Telephone - Sue Windsor 658525. Medical Equipment – e.g. Zimmer frames, wheel chairs, crutches etc, available on short term loan. Sue Windsor 658525. Medical Prescriptions – most pharmacies now provide a delivery service for prescriptions for the elderly, but should this not be possible a member of the Care Committee will collect. Sue Windsor 658525. Occasional catering for funeral refreshments in the village hall - Sue Windsor 658525. Further information about the Bledington Care Committee can be found in the Bledington Directory (pages 15-16).

14 BLEDINGTON FLOOD GROUP Ian Simpson Over the last year, Bledington Flood Group has been working to lay the foundation of a realistic flood mitigation plan to help alleviate the flooding that we see in the village on a regular basis. Here is a summary of our progress to date. Background There is historic flooding in Bledington. We found reports as early as 1832 in the Cheltenham Chronicle “ … a long brick wall was swept away, about 80 chickens were drowned and a large corn barn store was flooded. Much damage was done to the gardens and farmers crops”. 1912 was a major flood year and there was severe flooding on Whitsuntide in 1932 (right). We are building a resource of anecdotes, historical data and images. Following the flood of 2007 Cotswold District Council commissioned the Hyder report and a bund was built to the North West of the Village, in Heath Lane which helped in providing alleviation to the Chapel Lane side of the village. The Hyder report also highlighted the importance of Westcote Brook which borders the west and south of the village. After further flooding in 2012 a second bund was built behind the Kings’ Head to hold back flood water from the Westcote Brook. Rain in November 2019 caused surface water and groundwater flooding with a significant amount of water from the west of the village as Westcote Brook was not able to cope with the volume of water. Research A meeting was called in November 2019 to offer assistance and share resources to residents affected by the flooding. As it became clear how the water overload and flooding picture had shifted since 2012, the group adapted to concentrate proactively on flood prevention. Through contacts within the group, the Farming and Wildlife Advisory Group (FWAG) was approached for their input. FWAG has a proven track record in approaching matters of flood mitigation and resilience and solutions through the WILD project, Water with Integrated Local Delivery. (https://www.fwagsw.org.uk) Continued on page 15

15 Continued from page 14 This project is led by Jenny Phelps, MBE (right) as FWAG’s leading expert and Senior Farm Conservation Adviser. Her aim is to deliver a collaborative and ecological approach that future proofs weather resilience for the entire village in the long term. Jenny has over 30 years’ experience giving advice, the last 10 years of which has been with FWAG. Jenny leads on many projects including the Upper Thames Catchment Based Approach and Payments for Ecosystem Services Defra pilots. All her projects use the integrated Local Delivery methodology, which aims to value and incorporate the knowledge and needs of landowners, authorities and local communities. Bledington Parish Council instructed the Farming and Wildlife Advisory Group (FWAG) to provide a desktop survey, funded by them at a cost of £900 + VAT, to identify the key factors in causing the flooding, key stakeholders who could influence any flood mitigation efforts and the relevant contacts within the associated official bodies. The Flood Group also contacted and met with FarmED (https://www.farm -ed.co.uk) and with Water 21 (http://www.water21.org.uk) as well as with neighbouring landowners bordering the parish, the Evenlode Catchment Partnership and the Wychwood Project (http://www.wychwoodproject.org/ cms/content/our-people). Implementation Working with the Flood Group, Jenny began to approach stakeholders. In the case of landowners, their needs and possible solutions were discussed. These discussions are necessarily confidential between FWAG and the respective parties, but areas have been identified where flood mitigation measures are mutually beneficial and can be expanded upon, including exciting plans for work on Westcote Brook, Bledington Brook and land behind Chapel Lane. FWAG has submitted a business case to the Environment Agency and are expecting confirmation of a £30k grant for a local ecological initiative to restore Westcote Brook and Bledington Brook. As one Parish Councillor commented, not a bad return already for a £900 investment. Whilst the main thrust of this work is to improve the ecology and biodiversity along the waterways, the natural consequences will be to improve the quality of the brooks and help with water management. Following the positive discussions with all relevant landowners, natural flood management schemes are planned. The aim is also to help farmers and landowners to adapt to more extreme weather that may be affecting their farm businesses. This grant funded work needs to be carried out by the end of the current financial year (31 March). Continued on page 16

16 Continued from page 15

FWAG produced a detailed Water Flow Pathway map to highlight the natural movement of water within the parish, and to understand the dynamic picture of the ways flooding can be mitigated from the centre of the village.

Continued on page 17


Continued from page 16 FWAG has provided a powerful software suite, LandApp, allowing us to enter geolocated detail of our parish. The Flood Group has carried out ecological and silt surveys along the two brooks and is involved in FreshWaterWatch, a global research project testing water quality, coordinated locally by Wild . Future. FWAG has coordinated fast track access to the relevant bodies dealing with flooding and developed a detailed and extensive contact list for all of these associated stakeholders as an index and resource for effective communication. Given the unique constraints in 2020 due to COVID-19, the progress that has been made is testament to the professionalism of FWAG and the commitment of the Flood Group and the possibilities are numerous. Further funds in the form of substantial grants have been identified to improve the environment we live in which is directly related to water. Positive relationships are being established with key influencers such as The Environment Agency, Thames Water, Natural , C.D.C., G.D.C etc. If anyone has any questions, suggestions, or would like to be involved with The Flood Group either speak to Jacky Wilson, Catherine Chichester or Ian Simpson or email [email protected]

KINGHAM GUIDES Claire Gooding The Guides have been lucky enough to enjoy a few weeks of face to face Guiding outside before Lockdown 2 began. They had much fun doing night hikes, treasure hunts and even some tracking signs by moonlight - thank goodness for glow sticks! And a big thank you to the Pawley’s for being kind enough to let the Guides burn their bonfire for a bit of Halloween/Bonfire fun! Due to social distancing the Guides however had the challenge of making S’mores over their own individual campfire which was simply a tealight. Much fun was had by all. Whilst face to face Guiding is suspended, Guides have continued to meet virtually. We have made pumpkin birdseed feeders, learnt and practiced survival techniques from the comfort of our own homes and baked some amazing pizzas and fudge. We can’t wait to see each other again and get back outside (whatever the weather!) but for now we are continuing to meet virtually. We have some fitness work outs planned and Christmas craft, fun and festivities to come.

18 FATAL ACCIDENT AT FOXHOLES Jane and Robin Oldridge Whilst walking our dog, Taz, down at Foxholes between the farm buildings and the footpath into the woods on the right, he was trotting down the middle of the track towards the footpath and was run down and killed by a vehicle which did not slow down or stop! As you can imagine this was VERY upsetting. As this is a popular place for walkers with their families and dogs, can we ask drivers to show more consideration, to take more care and to slow down to avoid any more accidents please – next time it might be a child! Also can we suggest to all dog owners that whilst they are walking along tracks where vehicles are allowed, they keep their pets on a lead as a precaution.

BLEDINGTON MUSIC FESTIVAL Rodney Beacham GOOD NEWS! Our President, Thomas Trotter, City of Birmingham organist, has been awarded the Queen’s Medal for Music in recognition of his longstanding commitment to music in Birmingham and his world-renowned career. The Chair of the committee which recommends to the Queen said, “This year’s medal salutes a world famous organist who has done so much to widen and brighten the realm of this great instrument. Thomas Trotter’s series of regular recitals over four decades as Birmingham City Organist is an inspiring example of civic engagement for all performing musicians” GOING FORWARD. The Festival team has been actively seeking grants to offset costs, such as printing, that had been incurred in preparation for Festival 2020 and in preparation for the future – so far we have been unsuccessful. We hope that we shall be back serving teas at Chastleton next year but further fund raising will be needed. At the same time the team is exploring options for 2021. No-one knows what might be the scenario next June but all is in place for a very similar programme to that planned for this year. A great deal will depend on travel restrictions, social distancing and other statutory regulations at the time. We shall be back!

19 BLEDINGTON OIL GROUP – BLOG NEWS Simon Aldridge - Greenfield (next door to School) : 659121 : [email protected] BLOG was set up to take the pain out of phoning around, buying, paying and delivery of heating oil. A deal is arranged with Sweetfuels, who promised to give a bulk discount rate to members, regular reliable deliveries, trustworthy service and an annual prize of 500 litres of oil. Sweetfuels rate is consistently in the best three cheapest prices. They never fail to deliver and have always been polite and courteous with their deliveries so I am happy to recommend them. The cold weather has arrived and oil prices are likely to rise again so it is a good time to consider joining BLOG if you are not already a member. Each member is supplied with a unique number which is used to directly contact the current supplier to order oil and be eligible for the bulk-buy discount. Arranging bulk deliveries is about lower price, but also about reducing the number of delivery vehicles. Sweetfuels on average deliver about half a tanker a week to the village saving at least 3 other deliveries, tankers and quite often long journeys so helping reduce pollution and disruption. Current supplier: Sweetfuels Ltd of Faringdon Tel: 01367 710666. Weekly delivery day: Tuesday. BLOG – main points to note: If you join the scheme there is no obligation for you to buy your oil through it – if you find a cheaper price then, congratulations, go and buy it. Sweetfuels are happy to give the same membership deal to people who suddenly need an emergency delivery outside the normal delivery window. Sweetfuels donate 500 litres a year free to BLOG which is raffled off to a lucky member at a village event once a year - GOOD LUCK EVERYONE. It may be helpful to note that Sweetfuels: Run a budget plan where the total cost of the oil can be split up into more easily manageable monthly direct debit payments, each delivery benefiting from the current BLOG lower rate, although the first delivery from them, as with all suppliers, would have to be paid in full and then monthly afterwards, and Run a top up scheme where a member can arrange for oil to be delivered at a suitable interval, again each delivery benefiting from the current BLOG lower rate. Remember - joining and obtaining benefit from BLOG really is that simple: fill in the form – I have spares if you need one – (email or hard copy) deliver with £1 to the BLOG co-ordinator receive membership number - order cheaper oil

20 BLEDINGTON PARISH COUNCIL Notes by the Editors from the Minutes of the Bledington Parish Council (BPC) meeting held on Monday 2 November via video conference. Present: Mr R Pearson (Chairman), Mrs R Gaskell, Mrs R Pawley and Mr N Jackson. Attending were Mrs H Pearson (acting clerk), County Councillor N Moor, District Councillor J Beale, Mr I Simpson, Mrs J Wilson and Mrs J Phelps. Matters Arising. Chapel Lane. The proposal to put kerb stones along Chapel Lane is still being discussed. Hazel Gibbs memorial bench. Offers of help to install the bench have been received from Mr M Newton, Mr N Jackson, Mr B Ball and Mr R Pearson. Mr A Orr-Ewing’s has offered to help with the finances of installing the bench. Reports form County and District Councillors. County Cllr N Moor. A written report was submitted by Cllr Moor. To Summarise: - A417 Highway England are organising a public consultation on the ‘A417 Missing Link’ at Birdlip. It is understood that the proposal will provide an opportunity to divert HGV’s that presently use the A429 Fossway. Stow Horse Fayre. This was successfully stopped using powers under Covid-19 regulations. Children. No child will go hungry in Gloucestershire. Every child who is entitled to a free school meal, will be helped in half term. The same support package will be in place over the Christmas holidays. A436 Bridge. Monitoring data has been collected from 4 monitoring points including Main Street, Bledington. A report is expected later in November and should be available for the December meeting. Household recycling centre. Winter opening hours have changed to 10.00am to 4.00pm. Visits must be booked in advance. District Cllr J Beale. New signage. Road sign for Old Burford Road continues to be delayed due to Covid difficulties. Parking charges. Increases at the Road and Moreton-in-Marsh public car parks. Opening. The Leisure Centres and Corinium Museum are to re-open. Green Bin Collection. Feedback on the frequency of green bin collection was asked for. Mr N Jackson raised concerns that a fortnightly collection was, in his opinion not adequate. Flood Group. Mrs J Phelps gave a brief update on the progress being made. £30,000 of grant money has been identified to help with flood alleviation in the village. This would need to be used by 31 March 2021. Other grants of up to £60,000 were a strong possibility. The Westcote Brook and Evenlode would be the first priority to look at. A major part of the work would be the restoration of the ecology of the brooks and the banks and to prevent the flow ‘back up’ from the Evenlode. The low quality of water in the Evenlode is most likely due to sewage. Continued on page 21

21 Continued from page 20 Correspondence. Gravel Pit Field. Mr A Tyack’s request to give up his right of way across the Gravel Pit Field in return for a strip of land adjoining his orchard was rejected. Flood Group Finance. The money raised by the group to help alleviate flooding in the village to be handled by the Parish Council. This would not include the grants obtained by FWAG. This needs to be a one-off request and not ongoing through out the project. Eileen Lofts memorial tree. It was agreed to plant a Bird Cherry Tree. Mr R Pearson will inform the family. Items for future meetings. The next village working party. A complaint about the brightness of the street lamp on Main street. Mr P Jones would like to increase his fees for mowing the Village Green. Date of next meeting – Monday 7 December at 7.00pm The Public are invited to the meeting – please email the Clerk at [email protected] if you wish to attend and a zoom invite will be sent. (Questions will be sought in advance).

ST LEONARD, BLEDINGTON CHURCH ROTAS MAIN CLEANING FLOWERS AND BRASS TO ALTAR AND SIDE ALTAR December 2020 Week Commencing: Monday Week Ending: Saturday 7th Mrs Warren and Tina 5th Mrs Caroline Bond 14th Mrs Warren and Tina 12th Mrs Linda Cooper 21st Mr and Mrs Beacham 19th Mrs Helen Ayers 28th Mr and Mrs Beacham 26th Mrs Helen Ayers January 2021 Week Commencing: Monday Week Ending: Saturday 4th Mr and Mrs Windsor 2nd Mrs Louise Ball 11th Mr and Mrs Windsor 9th Mrs Louise Ball 18th Mrs Oldridge and Mrs Packe 16th Mrs Plum Brackenbury 25th Mrs Oldridge and Mrs Packe 23rd Mrs Plum Brackenbury 30th Mrs Jenny Beacham

22 VILLAGER BUS SERVICES Timetables and information - www.villagerbus.co.uk Villager bus routes will be running subject to drivers being available. All passengers are by law required to wear face masks. The number of passengers on buses will be reduced if required to allow safe separation of passengers.

V2 Bledington Green 09.24: Bledington School 09.25 Wednesday arrive Chipp. Norton Co-Op 9.50; Medical Centre 9.53 only Leave Co-op 11.30, Hlth. Centre 11.32 arr. Bledington 12.00

V6 Bledington School 09.39: Bledington Green 09.40 Thursday arrive Stow Square 9.49: Stow Tesco 9.53 Leave only Stow Tesco 11.04: Stow Square 11.08, arr. Bledington 11.19

V9 Bledington School 13.55: arrive Chipping Norton 14.09 Friday Leave Co-op Car Park 15.45 arr. Bledington 16.00. Goes on only to Westcote/Oddington - no return from Oddington.

Bledington Green 09.16: arr. Chipping Norton West Street V19 10.03, Health Centre/Aldi 10.06 (by request). Leave Aldi/ Monday and Health Centre 11.38, Co-op 11.40 arr. Bledington 12.27. Tuesday (This service travels to Milton-u-Wychwood, Shipton-u- only Wychwood and Ascott-u-Wychwood).

V20 Bledington School 09.05 Arr. Witney 10.06. Leave Thursday Sainsbury’s 11.55; Market Sq. 12.00, arr. Bledington 13.02 only (This service travels to , Shipton-under-Wychwood).

V25 Bledington Green and School 08.56 arr. Witney 10.13am Wednesday dropping off at Hospital, Sainsbury’s and Buttercross. only Witney Buttercross 12.08pm, arrive Bledington 1.29pm (This service travels to Churchill, Shipton, Milton, Fulbrook, Burford, Bradwell, Filkins, Carterton, Minster Lovell).


WEATHER RECORDS Robert Pearson 20 OCTOBER TO 19 NOVEMBER 2020 2020 2019 Total rainfall 111.5mm 158mm Wettest Day 15mm on 21/10/20 35mm Highest day temperature 18°C on 20/10/20 16°C Average maximum day temperature 13.8°C 10.7°C Lowest night temperature -1°C on 4/11/20 -2°C Average lowest night temperature 6.5°C 3.7°C The main feature of the weather over the past month has been the high daytime temperatures. Every day has been above 10°C with a number of 16, 17 and 18°C that must explain why the lawns keep on growing. How long will it be until we are lawn mowing for 12 months of the year? Although October this year was a little bit wetter than last year we have been spared further flooding due to the fact that November rainfall is a little less that November 2019.

RECYCLING CENTRES Fosse Cross, Cirencester waste centre (CDC) is open from 10.00am to 4.00pm (not Tuesdays) 18 miles from Bledington, signposted off A429 at Hare and Hounds, 6 miles north of Cirencester. All visits must be pre- booked on-line at https://forms.gloucestershire.gov.uk/HRC_CarBooking Dix Pit, Standlake waste centre (WODC) is open from 8.00am to 4.00pm every day. 21 miles from Foscot off the A415 south of Witney.

COMMUNITY WELLBEING SERVICE Louise Fletcher, Project Manager All requests for help should be addressed to 07738 016 384 or by email [email protected] The service offers practical and financial help and advice to those who may need any help to stay safe and independent at home for as long as they wish or as long as they can.


COMMUNITY DEFIBRILLATORS In a life threatening emergency, where a defibrillator MAY be required you MUST CALL 999. Bledington Community Defibrillators are located at: 1. Bledington Village Hall on an outside wall. 2. In the telephone box outside Bledington School. The Village Hall defibrillator is locked; 999 will give you IN AN EMERGENCY the key code. The defibrillator in the telephone box is not CALL 999 locked so does not require a key or key code. DO NOT CALL 111 If Ambulance Control think the use of a defibrillator is required they will ask you to take the nearest defibrillator to the patient. You will be given instructions on how to use the defibrillator. DO NOT DIAL 111 in a life threatening emergency. A defibrillator is used to shock the heart into re-starting if the heart has arrested or is not beating properly. Please report to Sinclair Scott 01608 658624 if you have deployed the defibrillator. Defibrillators are dangerous to use unless under instruction from a 999 call operative or qualified medical practitioner.

BLEDINGTON NEWS The Editors Bledington News is usually distributed free of charge to every household in Bledington, Foscot and Foxholes. We would love to hear from you if you have any suggestions or contributions for news etc. for inclusion. [email protected] or call 01608 658624. Our printing costs are our only expense; they are around £2,000 annually. A huge thank you to those who have made donations towards the printing costs; if you wish to donate please contact our Treasurer, Michael Lear, Trinders, Main Street, Bledington Tel: 659371. Cheques should be made out to ‘Bledington News’.

25 WASTE AND RECYCLING COLLECTION DATES BLEDINGTON - COTSWOLD DISTRICT COUNCIL WEEKLY: EVERY TUESDAY: grey food waste caddy. Exceptions for Christmas and New Year: The collection due on Tuesday 29 December will be collected on Wednesday 30 December and the collection due on Tuesday 12 January will be collected on Wednesday 13 January. Uneaten or out-of-date food, eggs, egg shells, tea bags, coffee grounds, kitchen roll, paper tissues, small amounts of oil/fat, animal hair. NOT food packaging, animal faeces, pet litter/bedding/carcasses, cardboard, nappies. FORTNIGHTLY: TUESDAYS 8 AND 22 DECEMBER, THURSDAY 7 AND TUESDAY 19 JANUARY Large green wheeled garden waste bins (licence required). Grass cuttings, leaves, bark, tree prunings and branches up 2” across, tree stumps up to 4” across, rabbit and guinea pig bedding, flowers, plants, weeds, fruit windfalls, cold wood ash. Grey wheeled bins for land fill waste. Cat/pet litter/bedding, nappies, light bulbs, crisp packets, plastic bags/wrapping. NOT fluorescent tubes. Blue bag for cardboard. Cardboard must fit into bag. Remove packaging tape. NOT card with glitter. White bags for tins, cans and rigid plastic. Plastic tubs and bottles, clean foil, aerosols, tetra paks. NOT crisp packets, plastic bags, clingfilm. Black boxes: 1. Glass bottles, jars. NOT broken glass, light bulbs. 2. Paper, catalogues, newspaper, magazines, plain wrapping paper. Also in Black boxes, wrap in separate carrier bags:- 1. Small electricals, batteries, e-readers, fairy lights, toys. 2. Shoes, clothing, hats, gloves, belts, scarves, textiles, handbags.

FOSCOT AND FOXHOLES WEST OXFORDSHIRE DISTRICT COUNCIL FORTNIGHTLY GREEN WEEK: MONDAY 14 AND WEDNESDAY 30 DECEMBER, WEDNESDAY 13 AND MONDAY 25 JANUARY: Grey food waste bins. Blue lid bins for recycling. Green lid bins for garden waste. FORTNIGHTLY GREY WEEK: MONDAYS 7 AND 21 DECEMBER, THURSDAY 7 AND TUESDAY 19 JANUARY: Grey food waste bins. Grey lid bins for landfill waste.


26 EVENLODE VALE CHURCHES ST LEONARD BLEDINGTON Richard and Anita Rendall 2020 is unlikely to go down as anyone’s favourite year (unless you are a major shareholder in Amazon or Zoom). Many have lost loved ones or jobs and others are separated from their families and feeling lonely and isolated. In difficult times, we look for the hope that Christmas can provide. Although it will be different this year, the message remains the same: Jesus came to dispel the darkness and fear and bring the light of hope. Our speech is now full of phrases never uttered before 2020. Social distancing. Track and Trace. The R number. In John 1, the traditional Christmas reading, there is an older phrase which if embraced would bring the hope we need as we enter 2021: Jesus came full of grace and truth. Grace is God’s overwhelming, unconditional kindness and it means we can find the forgiveness we all need for our failings. Truth means that there is a God who directs the future, understands the past and knows us better than we do ourselves. These have been uncertain times for Anita and me – purchasing a house at distance in the middle of a Pandemic has been challenging - but things have now become clearer. We will be overseeing necessary work and beginning our move in December a process which will be concluded in January allowing Richard to complete his handover to those who will run the interregnum. Our final service will be broadcast on 6 December – sadly without a congregation – but if allowed we will say as many personal farewells as we can in between journeys up and down the M1. We have made many friends here – thank you for all you have done to create the happy memories with which we will leave this beautiful part of the world. May the God who came in his Son Jesus, full of grace and truth, shine his light upon you this Christmas and in the months and years to come. With our love and prayers.

27 CHURCH NEWS – DECEMBER 2020 December Services We have planned our December services in the hope that we will have received government permission to resume public worship by then. If so, services will still need to be socially distanced and numbers limited. This will mean that you will need to book a place at our main Christmas services apart from those that are taking place outdoors. To do this please contact the Churchwarden of the parish where the service you wish to attend is taking place. Bledington: Aloÿse Packe 658447, Barry Way 658542. If public worship remains locked down in December, we will continue to stream services for as long as we need to. Please consult our website www.evenlodevalechurches.org for updates on this and all other Benefice news. Our weekly Benefice e-mailing is another good way of staying in touch and keeping up to date and if you don’t already receive this and would like to please contact Kirsten at [email protected] For those who don’t have internet access your Churchwardens (above) or the Church Office (01451 831424) will be pleased to help you. January Services Details will be published as soon as possible when the situation becomes clearer. Prayer Our churches remain open for private prayer and there are leaflets to help you. Please use the hand sanitiser provided and follow the guidelines set out. Our next Benefice Prayer Meeting will be held on Saturday 5 December by Zoom. If you would like to join us, please ask Kirsten (01451 831424) to send you a link. Kate’s Home Nursing We are delighted to be hosting at Holy Ascension, Oddington a virtual Christmas concert this year for this much-loved local charity which provides palliative care for people who prefer to stay in their homes during the last stages of illness. The service will be broadcast on the Benefice YouTube channel on Friday 18 December at 7.00pm with opportunities to view and donate then and anytime over the Christmas period. See page 9.


Evenlode Vale Churches Website: www.evenlodevalechurches.org

28 CHURCH SERVICES - DECEMBER 2020 Subject to Government permission for public worship to recommence. Sunday 6 December The Second Sunday of Advent (St Nicholas Day) 10.30am United Service Online Service only recorded at Holy Ascension, Oddington (including farewell and presentation to Richard & Anita Rendall) 6.00pm Holy Communion (CW) St Nicholas, Oddington Sunday 13 December The Third Sunday of Advent 9.30am Holy Communion (CW) St Mary, Adlestrop 9.30am Holy Communion (BCP) St Paul, Broadwell 9.30am Morning Prayer (BCP) St Mary, 9.30am Morning Service St Mary, Westcote 6.00pm Lessons and Carols St Leonard, Bledington Friday 18 December 7.00pm Carol Concert for Kate’s Home Nursing Online Service only recorded at Holy Ascension, Oddington Sunday 20 December The Fourth Sunday of Advent 9.00am Holy Communion (BCP) St Leonard, Bledington 9.30am Morning Service (CW) St Mary, Westcote 3.30pm Family Carol Service St Mary, Icomb 5.00pm Carol Service St Mary, Adlestrop Thursday 24 December Christmas Eve 3.30pm Crib Service and Carols Bledington Village Green 3.30pm Family Carol Service Westcote Tattle 6.30pm Holy Communion (CW) St Nicholas, Oddington Friday 25 December Christmas Day 9.30am Holy Communion (CW) St Mary, Adlestrop 9.30am Holy Communion (BCP) St Edward, Evenlode 9.30am Family Communion St Mary, Westcote 10.30am Family Communion St Mary, Icomb 11.00am Family Communion St Leonard, Bledington 11.00am Family Communion St Paul, Broadwell Sunday 27 December The First Sunday of Christmas 9.00am Holy Communion (BCP) St Leonard, Bledington 11.00am Joint Service St Mary, Westcote

January Services will be listed when Government restrictions are clearer.

All services (save for Family Services and Morning Prayer) are specified as being traditional Book of Common Prayer (BCP) or more contemporary Common Worship (CW). Family Services and Morning Prayer are both contemporary services.

Bledington, Foxholes and Foscot News is printed by KopyRite, Worcester Trading Estate, Chipping Norton.