

Lighting up in Old Forge Close Thank you for leaving Christmas Lights on to cheer us up in the dark winter


DATES FOR YOUR DIARY FEBRUARY 2021 Mondays and Fridays; Post Office, Oddington Vill. Hall (p 3) 10.30 to 12.00 Monday 1 Foxholes/Foscot WODC Grey Collection Day (p 17) 6.00am Monday 1 Bledington Council Meeting (ZOOM) (p 13) 8.00pm Tuesday 2 Bledington CDC Recycling Day (p 17) 7.00am Monday 8 Foxholes/Foscot WODC Green Collection Day (p 17) 6.00am Monday 15 Foxholes/Foscot Grey Collection Day (p 17) 6.00am Tuesday 16 Bledington CDC Recycling Day (p 17) 7.00am Monday 22 Foxholes/Foscot WODC Green Collection Day (p 17) 6.00am Tuesday 23 BLEDINGTON NEWS COPY DEADLINE (p 2) 12.00noon


Please send your news contributions for the November 2020 Issue at any time. Copy deadline 12.00 Noon Friday 23 October 2020. Please send news contributions for Bledington News to the editors, Wendy and Sinclair Scott, by paper copy to 4 Old Forge Close, Bledington, , OX7 6XW or email us at [email protected] Tel: 01608 658624. Bledington News is published in full colour at www.bledington.com Please ensure you have a prompt acknowledgement of your contribution sent by email; this makes it certain we have received it. News contributions may be subject to editorial adjustment and regrettably, if received after the deadline time, cannot be included.

3 FROM THE EDITORS Wendy and Sinclair Scott COVID-19 is back with a vengeance arriving like a storm into Bledington. A number of residents have tested positive and it is inevitable that the new highly transmissible and probably more deadly variant will spread more easily and further to others. The last events we want to witness in Bledington are funerals because we acted as if ‘it will not happen to me’. We see a number of people in the Village walking together or standing chatting, without masks, less than 2 metres from each other. We hear of residents travelling into other areas risking bringing the virus back into the Village from high infection level areas . Many of us are vulnerable and most are not yet fully immunised. Please keep us all safe - act as if the person you are close to and talking to IS infected with COVID. MAY WE CONTINUE TO HAVE AN URGENT SENSE OF RESPONSIBILITY TO EACH OTHER: PLEASE FOLLOW THE RULES STAY HOME, only go out for ESSENTIAL reasons PROTECT THE NHS SAVE LIVES. Even if you have been vaccinated the experts state that you can still contract a mild version of the virus and pass it on to others. Please protect those around you.

Bledington News is uploaded monthly to www.bledington.com See Bledington News in full Colour Bledington.com is Bledington’s website carrying full details of every aspect of Bledington.

POST OFFICE AT ODDINGTON Angie Price Angie Price has made arrangements to open her Post Office in Oddington Village Hall at 10.30am to 12.00noon every Monday and Friday for the foreseeable future. Entrance is through the back door of Oddington Village Hall, adjacent to the hall car park by the children’s playground.

4 BLEDINGTON COMMUNITY SHOP AND CAFÉ—FEBRUARY UPDATE Jo Shaw, Bledington Shop Manager “Of all the months of the year there is not a month one half so welcome to the young, or so full of happy associations, as the last month of the year.” Charles Dickens

Happy New Year to everybody and I do hope that you had the best Christmas possible in the circumstances. I am sure many of us spent time reflecting on Christmases past and how different it all was this year. The majority of customers reported a quieter than normal festive period and although not what everyone had hoped for, they still enjoyed a more chilled and reflective time. Of course, Christmas leads to New Year and I am sure that I am not alone in hoping 2021 will be a more positive and safe year we can all enjoy and sometime soon we can gather to celebrate everything we have missed in this last year. The shop, however, had an amazing December all round and it was gratifying to have so many customers use the shop for their festive shopping. So many things were so well supported, including orders for 17 Turkeys – and the feedback from these has been amazing. We had a fantastic response to the prepared veg/fruit/meat boxes for the 23 December, with many orders placed, which helped tremendously with ordering. Our fresh vegetables and fruit continued to be the big winner in December; brussels being high on the list with 76kg of loose brussels and 148 brussels stems sold. 15kg of fresh chestnuts, and 100kg of satsumas! The lovely flowers and wreaths from Stow Flowers continued to be popular throughout the month and the holly and mistletoe were soon snapped up (how romantic you all are!). Many locally made products were also a huge hit, including the gorgeous cushions made by the very talented Anita, handmade Soaps by Petala and delightful candles by Amy. One of the most exciting things in December for the shop was launching our very own “Old Orchard Gin” – created by ourselves and using local botanicals, including the elusive Bledington apple, culminating in a smooth and very drinkable gin, which people are loving! The label designed by Amy is beautiful and eye catching, making it an ideal present as well as the perfect gin to have at home. Moving into the New Year, it is now the season for making Marmalade with the Seville oranges – these are coming in with our daily delivery, and preserving pans of Bledington are already bubbling with the aroma of citrus with marmalade in the making! If you would like to pre-order the oranges, please do let me know. Continued on page 5

5 Continued from page 4 January also bought us another national lockdown, which I am sure is disappointing for everyone. The shop continues to be an essential place for locals, providing fresh bread, milk and vegetables daily, as well as an array of general produce, allowing customers to be able to shop local for everyday needs and not having to venture too far for their shopping. We have also seen some new produce to add to our fresh vegetable stands, including nadorcott oranges, flower sprouts (also known as kalettes) – these are truly delicious! We have had huge pomegranates, and even some pak choi! Let us hope that February brings us more positive news regarding the virus and that we can get back to a normal life very soon. But in the meantime the shop is here to serve the community the best we can.

Community Shop Open Monday to Saturday: 9.00am to 4.00pm Sunday: 9.00am to 1.00pm

Tel: 01608 65 99 77 Email: [email protected] Send your shopping list in advance for collection KICKSTART - EMPLOYMENT OPPORTUNITY Graeme Ferrero Bledington Community Shop has joined the government Kickstart scheme which offers employment and training for young unemployed people. The scheme offers a six month fully paid intern job with training to help develop job hunting skills for people ages 16-24 and currently receiving Universal Benefit. You have to apply through a local Jobcentre, but Jo Shaw in the Shop will be happy to talk the job through. If you know anyone who might benefit, please tell them about this opportunity.

Why was the chicken in the pop group? He was the only one with the drumsticks.

What do snowmen wear on their heads? Ice caps

6 BLEDINGTON FLOODS AGAIN ON 23 DECEMBER Ian Simpson The extraordinary year that was 2020 had one final parting shot, drawing to a close with severe flooding rivalling 2007. Devastation was seen along the length of Village Brook with over 20 properties overwhelmed with insurance claims running into the tens of thousands of pounds. Some residents will not able to return to their homes for up to nine months. The 1 in 100 year event described in the 2007 Hyder Report (C.D.C) has now hit the village twice in 13 months, in November 2019 and now on 23 December 2020, with the October 2020 floods only just below these levels. December’s flood was preceded by steady rainfall which saturated the ground and the main deluge on the 23rd quickly overwhelmed the watercourses. The bund along Heath Lane and the railway embankment did hold. However, the bund behind the pub overtopped from the Westcote Brook with more surface water running through the pub car park. As a village our resilience and sense of community is astounding and I am sure I speak on behalf of the people who were flooded in thanking all those who pitched in, waded through water thigh deep, went home for a change of clothes and came back again to help. Also, thanks to the Council Workers who arrived at 5:00pm with sandbags and stayed till late in the evening having worked a 15 hour day. They were back at 9.00am the following morning with more sandbags ready to help. The Parish Council are looking at a coherent plan when flooding occurs, looking at building on our work and supporting the vulnerable and at risk and developing an action plan. As usual Rob Pearson’s Weather Article gives accurate local data and Rob was kind enough to lend me his little black book to show the flood peaks from August to December 2020. October’s rainfall was less than December resulting in a less severe flood. Continued on page 7


Continued from page 6 Since the deluge on 23 December the Flood Group have been working almost full- time in bringing forward the plans that were discussed in our earlier report. To that end we have circulated an in-depth report to all the relevant agencies who have responsibility or influence regarding flooding, encompassing Main River, surface water and waste water. We continue to push for flood mitigation with the help of landowners and FWAG (Farming and Wildlife Advisory Group). We have had confirmation that the Environment Agency, Thames Water, C.D.C and G.C.C are looking at funding for works to be done through the whole catchment area with support from the Evenlode Catchment Partnership who have had success in flood measures at Bruern and FarmEd at Honeydale Farm. Bledington is now number 1 on the priority list within these agencies. We always knew the time sensitive nature of the short-term measures that have been developed. The shocking scenes from 23 December, which we shared in our report, means the key decision makers know it too and we will continue to push for action. Thank you to Rebecca Allen and Hugh Valentine for their photos above.

What did Jack Frost say to the Snowman? Have an ice day.

What do snowmen call their sons and daughters? Chill-dren.



BLEDINGTON VILLAGE HALL Jenny Beacham 'The Village Hall is currently closed due to current regulations. The notice on the door will tell you when it is re-opening and I will post it on the Facebook page. The floods before Christmas which sadly affected so many properties just got into the Hall but only to the front door mat! However, there are a few leaks inside where rain has driven in on the south wall. Weather proofing and pointing will be done in the next few weeks to prevent that happening again. New guttering will also be fitted at the back of the Hall. The committee is very grateful for a generous donation to funds from the family of Mrs Eileen Lofts who was a committee member for many years and a great supporter. We look forward to being able to resume our normal activities but in the meantime, please stay safe and well.

The Cat and the Vicar A vicar and his wife were going out for the evening and carefully set the security lights and put the cat out. But when they opened the door to go to the taxi, the cat slipped back in and disappeared upstairs. Irritated the vicar followed it. His wife waited with the taxi driver . Not wanting him to know that they were leaving the vicarage empty she said ‘My husband is just upstairs for a quick word with my mother’. A few minutes later, her husband arrived, breathless. ‘Sorry I took so long’ he said, ‘but she put up such a fight! Stupid old thing was hiding under the bed and I had to poke her out with a coat hanger and grab her by the scruff of the neck to get her out’.

10 BLEDINGTON CARE COMMITTEE Sue Windsor Just to say that the Care Committee are still available to help in these very difficult times and if you have any medical or dentist appointments etc. do ring Hazel Furneaux on 658547 or Pat Jenkin on 659215. I am also available on 658525 for any help you may need as well as collecting prescriptions from any doctors or pharmacies.

BLEDINGTON CARE COMMITTEE Bledington Care Committee is made up of volunteers living in the village. Our aim is to assist the elderly, the disabled and those in distress in the village. This includes: Transport to Hospitals, Doctors, Dentists etc – for the elderly, disabled, those unable to use or without transport. Please ring Hazel Furneaux on 658547 or Pat Jenkin on 659215. Care Line/Emergency Telephone - Sue Windsor 658525. Medical Equipment – e.g. Zimmer frames, wheel chairs, crutches etc, available on short term loan. Sue Windsor 658525. Medical Prescriptions – most pharmacies now provide a delivery service for prescriptions for the elderly, but should this not be possible a member of the Care Committee will collect. Sue Windsor 658525. Occasional catering for funeral refreshments in the village hall - Sue Windsor 658525. Further information about the Bledington Care Committee can be found in the Bledington Directory (pages 15-16).

BLEDINGTON DIRECTORY Tony Windsor 658525 [email protected] The new Bledington Directory is now printed and as soon as lockdown is over the Care Committee will be selling copies.

AIR AMBULANCE CHRISTMAS CARDS Angie Price Just to let you know that sales and donations for the Air Ambulance Christmas Cards, Calendars and Diaries made £236.00, thank you to everyone who supported the Charity.

11 BLEDINGTON PARISH COUNCIL Notes by the Editors from the Minutes of the Bledington Parish Council meeting held on Monday 7 December 2020 via video conference. Present: Mr R Pearson (Chair), Mr N Jackson (Vice-chair), Mr B Ball, Mr Gaskell, Mrs R Pawley, Dr S Rawstorne, Mr A Tait with acting clerk Mrs H Pearson and Councillors N Moor (GCC) and J Beale (CDC). Matters Arising. The road repairs and verge improvements along Chapel Lane have now been completed without the use of kerb stones. It was decided that raised kerbing stones would be out of keeping with the rural lane. Reports from County and District Councillors. District Cllr J Beale. New sign for Old Burford Road. Delayed due to problems with the District Councils logo that is to appear on the sign. Leisure Centres. CDC is reviewing the options for keeping the leisure centres open. Waste collections. These seem to be operating satisfactorily. Ash Trees. Parish Councils have criticised felling of young Ash trees along the Fosseway that didn’t appear to be diseased. County Cllr N Moor. Traffic. The monitoring of traffic through the village had resulted in the increase of one HGV vehicle over a period of a week. A further survey will be carried out to include villages in during February; Bledington will be included. Planning. 24 Jackson Road. No objections were raised. Maple Cottage. No objections were raised. Neighbours who raised some concerns have been asked to make their own representations to CDC. The Old Bakehouse. Mr Ball will consult the neighbours over a full planning and listed building consent. RoSPA Play Area Report. Main areas for consideration in the report: Emptying bins. CDC is to be asked if they would empty the bins on a regular basis. ‘Flying Fox’. Mechanism to be dismantled and checked in consultation with the manufacturer. Correspondence. Main Street street lamp. This is too bright, GCC to be consulted. Street Works. GCC Highway Department to be asked if they can give residents notice of starting works. Footpath Closure. The footpath from Chapel Street, College Place, College Cottage is subject to closure. BPC not previously in favour of closing footpaths. Village Green. Permission to hold an open air Crib Service on the green. 40MPH Speed Limit. Oxfordshire were proposing to reduce the speed limit past Station. BPC support this. Risk Register. Revised version to be placed in the Council records. Date of next meeting. Monday 4 January 7.00pm

12 BLEDINGTON PARISH COUNCIL Notes by the Editors from the Minutes of the Bledington Parish Council meeting held on Monday 4 January 2021 via video conference. Present: Mr R Pearson (Chair), Mr N Jackson (Vice-chair), Mr B Ball, Mr Gaskell, Mrs R Pawley, Dr S Rawstorne, Mr A Tait with acting clerk Mrs H Pearson and Councillor J Beale (CDC) and 6 members of the Flood Group. Precept setting for 2021. It was agreed to keep the precept at £15,500.00, the same level as in 2020. Discussions took place regarding additional future spend to include the replacement of the cemetery hedge, fencing of the new cemetery hedge, the 5 yearly village tree survey, new safety matting under the swings on the village green and replacement/repair of the village green footbridge. It was also agreed to earmark some funding towards future flood alleviation measures in the village. Correspondence. Grass cutting. A 6% increase to be paid to be reviewed in two years time. Main Street lamp. The clerk will contact GCC to see if the lamp can be dimmed. Drainage on Church Lane. A problem to the front of some of the properties on the land that belongs to the county council. The clerk will inform the highways department. Gravel Pit field. An electric fence has been erected across part of the field including the footpath with handle allowing the public to negotiate through the electric fence. The tenant is reminded of their responsibilities to keep the land in good order. Flood group. Members of the flood group present at the meeting provided a verbal update of observations of the 23 December floods and progress to date. The main sources of water that contributed to the flooding was potentially caused by water flowing over the bund in ‘Loudhams’ field to the rear of Village Farm, run off water from and the land at Banks Farm. 23 properties were reported to have flooded on 23 December 2020. Land behind the bund was dry the next day. Water was still being held back by the Heath Lane bund for several days. Progress so far: further meetings with FWAG had taken place, a £30,000.00 grant is now in place, further works to the holding ponds at Gawcombe are planned and FWAG to coordinate flood alleviation works. The Flood Group thanked the Parish Council and other villagers for the support and help received. The work of the Flood Group was greatly praised by the parish councillors. Discussions took place on the possibility of setting up a flood response plan for the village. This would include the contact details of villagers whose properties do not flood but who are willing to help at times of flooding along with a list of vulnerable households that flood. Continued on page 13


Continued from page 12 It was felt that a more coordinated response is needed to help residents whose properties do flood. Mr S Rawstorne will look at other village flood plans such as Bourton-on-the-Water and consider options for Bledington to be considered at a meeting in the future. Risk Register. The recent Covid restrictions were discussed. The play area can continue to remain open at present. Government restrictions will be carefully monitored and action taken to lock the play area if required. Next village working party. Under the current Covid lockdown working parties are not possible. Once restrictions are lifted it was felt, maybe, a working party would be beneficial to remove ivy from the church wall and trees along Old Burford Road. Items for future meetings. Station Road. Mrs R Pawley mentioned the drain that requires clearing. Church Lane. The verges along banks of have been badly eroded by vehicles recently. It was agreed to ask Mr P Jones if he could tidy these up. Date of next meeting: Monday 1 February at 7.00pm.

BLEDINGTON OIL GROUP (BLOG) Simon Aldridge ([email protected]) For various reasons the BLOG free oil draw hasn't been done for the last 2 years so there are 1000 litres of oil available to the group. As times are tough I'm thinking of splitting this up into smaller amounts and offering it to anyone who is, as a result of the pandemic, ill-health or similar, struggling to afford heating oil. Oil companies cannot deliver less than 500l so I can either: • offer 2 lots of 500l or • if people are able to pay for 250l then I could split into 4 lots of 250l. Sweetfuels are happy to go with this arrangement. If you or someone you know is struggling to afford to buy oil then please contact me in strictest confidence and we can discuss and hopefully sort out a delivery. The offer is open to all BLOG members but priority will be given to those members who have bought from Sweetfuels in the last two years. If application numbers exceed four I will consult with the Parish Clerk Heather Pearson. Please do not hesitate to contact me by email or letter if you have any queries or suggestions and, as stated, it will be treated in strictest confidence.

14 VILLAGER BUS SERVICES Timetables and information - www.villagerbus.co.uk Villager bus routes are suspended until further notice. Re-started services will only commence when there is a dramatic fall in infections and when all the drivers have been vaccinated and become resistant to infection. Services are listed below but are not likely to run in February.

V2 Bledington Green 09.24: Bledington School 09.25 Wednesday arrive Chipp. Norton Co-Op 9.50; Medical Centre 9.53 only Leave Co-op 11.30, Hlth. Centre 11.32 arr. Bledington 12.00

V6 Bledington School 09.39: Bledington Green 09.40 Thursday arrive Stow Square 9.49: Stow Tesco 9.53 Leave only Stow Tesco 11.04: Stow Square 11.08, arr. Bledington 11.19

V9 Bledington School 13.55: arrive Chipping Norton 14.09 Friday Leave Co-op Car Park 15.45 arr. Bledington 16.00. Goes on only to Westcote/Oddington - no return from Oddington.

Bledington Green 09.16: arr. Chipping Norton West Street V19 10.03, Health Centre/Aldi 10.06 (by request). Leave Aldi/ Monday and Health Centre 11.38, Co-op 11.40 arr. Bledington 12.27. Tuesday (This service travels to Milton-u-Wychwood, Shipton-u- only Wychwood and Ascott-u-Wychwood).

V20 Bledington School 09.05 Arr. Witney 10.06. Leave Thursday Sainsbury’s 11.55; Market Sq. 12.00, arr. Bledington 13.02 only (This service travels to Kingham, Shipton-under-Wychwood).

V25 Bledington Green and School 08.56 arr. Witney 10.13am Wednesday dropping off at Hospital, Sainsbury’s and Buttercross. only Witney Buttercross 12.08pm, arrive Bledington 1.29pm (This service travels to Churchill, Shipton, Milton, Fulbrook, Burford, Bradwell, Filkins, Carterton, Minster Lovell).

15 WEATHER RECORDS Robert Pearson 20 NOVEMBER TO 19 DECEMBER 2020 2019 Total rainfall 79mm 105.5mm Wettest Day 14mm on 4/12/20 13.5mm Highest day temperature 23°C on 21/11/20 14°C Average maximum day temperature 8.8°C 8.7°C Lowest night temperature -5°C on 1/12/20 -3°C Average lowest night temperature 2.8°C 3.5°C

20 DECEMBER 2020 TO 19 JANUARY 2021 2000/2021 2019/2020 Total rainfall 121.5mm 73mm Wettest Day 59mm on 23/12/20 19mm Highest day temperature 13°C on 22/12/20 14°C Average maximum day temperature 6.4°C 9.6°C Lowest night temperature -5°C on 1/1/21 -1°C Average lowest night temperature 0.8°C 4°C Over the past 2 months we have seen the longest period of low temperatures since the winter of 2017/2018 as the last 2 winters have been very mild. In fact the temperature did not rise above freezing all day on 7 January, something not seen since 2 March 2018. (-2°C all day). Let us hope these sustained lower temperatures have a beneficial effect on the environment. Unfortunately yet again the past 2 months have produced above average rainfall with the worst flooding in the village on the night of 23 December since July 2007. I expect the rollercoaster weather will continue next month.

COMMUNITY WELLBEING SERVICE Louise Fletcher, Project Manager All requests for help should be addressed to 07738 016 384 or by email [email protected] The service offers practical and financial help and advice to those who may need any help to stay safe and independent at home for as long as they wish or as long as they can.


COMMUNITY DEFIBRILLATORS In a life threatening emergency, where a defibrillator MAY be required you MUST CALL 999. Bledington Community Defibrillators are located at: 1. Bledington Village Hall on an outside wall. 2. In the telephone box outside Bledington School. The Village Hall defibrillator is locked; 999 will give you IN AN EMERGENCY the key code. The defibrillator in the telephone box is not CALL 999 locked so does not require a key or key code. DO NOT CALL 111 If Ambulance Control think the use of a defibrillator is required they will ask you to take the nearest defibrillator to the patient. You will be given instructions on how to use the defibrillator. DO NOT DIAL 111 in a life threatening emergency. A defibrillator is used to shock the heart into re-starting if the heart has arrested or is not beating properly. Please report to Sinclair Scott 01608 658624 if you have deployed the defibrillator. Defibrillators are dangerous to use unless under instruction from a 999 call operative or qualified medical practitioner.

BLEDINGTON NEWS The Editors Bledington News is usually distributed free of charge to every household in Bledington, Foscot and Foxholes. We would love to hear from you if you have any suggestions or contributions for news etc. for inclusion. [email protected] or call 01608 658624. Our printing costs are our only expense; they are around £2,000 annually. A huge thank you to those who have made donations towards the printing costs; if you wish to donate please contact our Treasurer, Michael Lear, Trinders, Main Street, Bledington Tel: 659371. Cheques should be made out to ‘Bledington News’.

17 WASTE AND RECYCLING COLLECTION DATES BLEDINGTON - COUNCIL WEEKLY: EVERY TUESDAY: Small grey food waste caddy. Uneaten or out-of-date food, eggs, egg shells, tea bags, coffee grounds, kitchen roll, paper tissues, small amounts of oil/fat, animal hair. NOT food packaging, animal faeces, pet litter/bedding/carcasses, cardboard, nappies. FORTNIGHTLY: TUESDAYS 2 AND 16 FEBRUARY: Large green wheeled garden waste bins (licence required). Grass cuttings, leaves, bark, tree prunings and branches up 2” across, tree stumps up to 4” across, rabbit and guinea pig bedding, flowers, plants, weeds, fruit windfalls, cold wood ash. Grey wheeled bins for land fill waste. Cat/pet litter/bedding, nappies, light bulbs, crisp packets, plastic bags/wrapping. NOT fluorescent tubes. Blue bag for cardboard. Cardboard must fit into bag. Remove packaging tape. NOT card with glitter. White bags for tins, cans and rigid plastic. Plastic tubs and bottles, clean foil, aerosols, tetra paks. NOT crisp packets, plastic bags, clingfilm. Black boxes: 1. Glass bottles, jars. NOT broken glass, light bulbs. 2. Paper, catalogues, newspaper, magazines, plain wrapping paper. Also in Black boxes, wrap in separate carrier bags:- 1. Small electricals, batteries, e-readers, fairy lights, toys. 2. Shoes, clothing, hats, gloves, belts, scarves, textiles, handbags.

FOSCOT AND FOXHOLES WEST OXFORDSHIRE DISTRICT COUNCIL FORTNIGHTLY GREEN WEEK: MONDAYS 8 AND 22 FEBRUARY: Grey food waste bins. Blue lid bins for recycling. Green lid bins for garden waste. FORTNIGHTLY GREY WEEK: MONDAYS 1 AND 15 FEBRUARY Grey food waste bins. Grey lid bins for landfill waste.

RECYCLING CENTRES Fosse Cross, Cirencester waste centre (CDC) is open from 10.00am to 4.00pm (not Tuesdays) 18 miles from Bledington, signposted off A429 at Hare and Hounds, 6 miles north of Cirencester. All visits must be pre- booked on-line at https://forms.gloucestershire.gov.uk/HRC_CarBooking Dix Pit, Standlake waste centre (WODC) is open from 8.00am to 4.00pm every day. 21 miles from Foscot off the A415 south of Witney.

18 EVENLODE VALE CHURCHES ST LEONARD BLEDINGTON From the Rector’s wife: Dear Friends, As Richard and I leave the Benefice it is a time for reflection and review. Our time here has been a mixture of great enjoyment and very hard work. We have enjoyed the company and fun of times with friends and hope to keep in touch with them; we have enjoyed becoming familiar with this lovely part of the world and it will always hold a special place in our hearts; we have enjoyed the fields in which we walk our dogs each day and are so grateful for the generous access that is given by local landowners and farmers. It has been a great privilege to work hard in serving God and the people of this Benefice, for a long time, in which we have seen many changes. I have done what I can to support Richard and initiate areas of work here alongside running a separate career. However, the real work has been done by Richard not just in his visible ministry but in the detail and focus that would be expected of a former lawyer and that has been given to all aspects of Benefice life. He has worked tirelessly with an able team of lay and clergy to enable all the villages to work and worship in their own churches as well as being connected to the hub which holds the Benefice together. Richard has exercised a ministry to all the different parts of the society which make up the Cotswolds and has brought structure, purpose, vision and teaching to the Benefice. He leaves it with a strong team and the ability to attract quality candidates to replace him. As he switched out the lights at the end of our Farewell service, I reflected on the end of the time we have spent here and on the fact that as we move into the future and this Benefice looks ahead to a new Rector, we can continue to trust in the promises of the Lord that we serve and love. Isaiah 40:31: but those who hope in the Lord will renew their strength. They will soar on wings like eagles; they will run and not grow weary, they will walk and not be faint. As we move away, we will pray for you in the future and send out best wishes and love, Anita and Richard

19 CHURCH NEWS – FEBRUARY 2021 Interregnum With our Rector’s departure at the end of January the work of the Benefice continues in a unified way coordinated by the staff team. We are supported by our Associate Minister Rev Dr Stephen Blake this is however just a voluntary role. During the interregnum the churchwardens are legally responsible for services in each of their parish churches and the staff team will be supporting them in this work. If you have any questions or queries during the interregnum please do speak to your churchwardens in the first instance, however if you’re not sure who to approach you are welcome to contact the Benefice Church Office on 01451 831424 or by email: [email protected] February Services After discussion with churchwardens some churches will be closing while others remain open with some changed services and timings. The following churches will remain closed to the end of February: , Broadwell and Evenlode. Please do check the Benefice website for the latest updates for services and times: www.evenlodevalechurches.org The staff team and the churchwardens will continually review the situation, but we remain the body of Christ, united in Him, whether we're able to meet in lawfully gathered worship, or whether we're shielding or isolating for personal safety. Prayer We intend to hold our next Benefice Prayer Meeting on Saturday 6 February 2021 at 9.30am at Holy Ascension, Oddington. This is an opportunity to pray for the work of this Benefice, for the needs of those who live here as well as for the wider community. This will be a Covid secure, socially distanced prayer meeting. If you would like to attend please wear a face mask and we ask you to keep 2 metres away from others not in your household. Lent Course This year Lent starts on 17 February and we plan to hold a course as we have done in previous years. Because of prevailing circumstances, we're likely to conduct it via Zoom. Look out for details of the course coming soon through the weekly church email bulletin. Benefice News via Weekly Email Every Friday we send out an email bulletin with forthcoming services and weekly news. If you would like to receive a copy of this please contact the church office (01451 831424 / [email protected]) to be added to the distribution list.

20 CHURCH SERVICES - FEBRUARY 2021 (subject to Government permission for public worship)

Saturday 6 February 9.30am Benefice Prayer Meeting (see page 19) Holy Ascension, Oddington Sunday 7 February The Second Sunday before Lent 10.30am United Communion Service Holy Ascension, Oddington Sunday 14 February The Sunday next before Lent 9.30am Morning Prayer (BCP) St Mary, Icomb 11.00am Morning Service (CW) St Mary, Westcote 6.00pm Evening Prayer (BCP) St Leonard, Bledington Wednesday 17 February Ash Wednesday 6.30pm Holy Communion (CW) St Mary, Westcote Sunday 21 February The First Sunday of Lent 9.00am Holy Communion (BCP) St Leonard, Bledington 9.30am Holy Communion (BCP) St Mary, Icomb 11.00am Morning Service (CW) St Mary, Westcote Sunday 28 February The Second Sunday of Lent 9.30am Morning Prayer (BCP) St Mary, Icomb 10.30am Morning Prayer (CW) St Leonard, Bledington 11.00am Holy Communion (BCP) St Edward, Evenlode 6.00pm Holy Communion (CW) St Mary, Westcote

ST LEONARD, BLEDINGTON CHURCH ROTAS FLOWERS AND BRASS TO MAIN CLEANING ALTAR AND SIDE ALTAR FEBRUARY 2021 Week Commencing: Monday Week Ending: Saturday 1st Mrs Cooper and Mrs Jenkin 6th Mrs Jenny Beacham 8th Mrs Cooper and Mrs Jenkin 13th Mrs Aloÿse Packe 15th Mrs Pearson and Mrs Algar 20th Mrs Linda Cooper 22nd Mrs Pearson and Mrs Algar 27th Mrs Linda Cooper

Evenlode Vale Churches Website: www.evenlodevalechurches.org

Bledington, Foxholes and Foscot News is printed by KopyRite, Worcester Trading Estate, Chipping Norton.