arXiv:2102.04889v1 [cs.CL] 9 Feb 2021 leased ec (AMMI). gence ebSec:ASec eonto opsfrteBmaLang Bemba the for Corpus Recognition Speech A BembaSpeech: 1 ∗ h opsadmdl ilb ulcyre- publicly be will models and corpus The epeetapercse,rayt-s au- ready-to-use preprocessed, a present We S uCibemba. mu ASR yesu Imibobembele corpus). (BembaSpeech h eut hwta h opscnb used be can corpus the that show results The Deep- pre-trained a fine-tuning by system ASR uifaofiauuag mbmeeya imibombele ukupanga 54.78%. ifyalembwa fyabomfiwa ukuti kuti ukwa filangisha mashiwi Ifyakufumamo kwa nelyo ukulufyanya kupusa ca icipimo ilangisha iyakunuma Cibemba mu fyalembwa ca ifyebo iciputulwa na icitwa ukupangako mashiwi Cisungu na na ukuwaminisha mu DeepSpeech yamashiwi pamo na ifyabikwa mibomfeshe pam- ifyebo Cibemba elyo ca na mu icilangililo kubomfya ukufika iya tupanga pela, pantendekelo ASR Cibemba, mi- ukufuma mu ya ASR ifya imibombele ya mukupanga ubukankala ca bombele ukumona cipendo mu Pakufwaisha ukufika bwakubomfiwa ya mu lulimi 30%. impendwa ba mu na yane ululandwa bantu na Cibemba, kuma yabili lwa ukufika amakumi Iikwete awala ayengabelengwa yalembwa na BembaSpeech. amashiwi elyo iileitwa pamo yakopwa ukupanga Cibe- ifyabikwa mashiwi mu fyalembwa nga ifyebo pamashiwi na lilelanda mba ipepala Ili o uligARssesfrBemba. for systems ASR building for 54.78%. of (WER) rate model error word best Our a achieves corpus. BembaSpeech portion the training the of on Bemba model English end-to-end Speech an train we systems ASR Bemba, testing for and use- training its for assess To fulness Zambia. in 30% population over the but of by written spoken a read language language, low-resourced of Bemba Bem- the hours in 24 speech corpus, over consisting recognition baSpeech, speech tomatic okdn hl tArcnMsesi ahn Intelli- Machine in Masters African at while done Work [email protected] eateto optrScience Computer of Department nvriyo Zambia of University lyoeSikasote Claytone Abstract Zambia 1 ∗ hsi atclrytecs ihZminlan- Zambian with case the particularly is This ( languages African applications recognition speech of prevalence The hr S plctoshv ensuccessfully been have applications ASR where amounts massive requires typically systems ASR con- over voice as such applications, domain wide rtwr are u oad uligARsys- language. ASR Zambian building any for towards tems the out is carried this work knowledge first Be- our To on corpus. model mbaSpeech English DeepSpeech pre-trained fine-tuning a by speech obtained end-to-end model Bemba an population recognition present the also We of Zambia. 30% in under-resourced over but by written spoken read language a of Bemba, hours in 24 speech over of consisting mbaSpeech, systems. ASR including pro- systems, textual language cessing natural or building speech for general curated datasets no exist There guages. most for text) and (speech unavailability resources or linguistic lack of the to least attributed at be can partially This low. very is languages African for ul ihrmral eut ( well- results remarkable for with built issue an Chinese, and not English cor- as generally text such is languages large resourced This as well as pora. speech, transcribed of well-performing building However, systems. trol across integration be and can usability This their popular- to attributed in applications. growth speech-enabled years, tremendous of recent ity a In been has text. there into transcrib- and utterances recognising spoken of ing task the is (SP), tion Recogni- Speech just simply or Speech Recognition(ASR) Automatic as known also Speech-to-Text, Introduction 1 t vr20 agae ( languages 2000 over its alia). et . eateto optrScience Computer of Department h eto h ae sognzda olw.In follows. as organized is paper the of rest The Be- corpus, speech a present we paper this In notntl,ti snttecs o fiaand Africa for case the not is this Unfortunately, noisAnastasopoulos Antonios ereMsnUniversity Mason George [email protected] USA atnsadAbbott and Martinus en n Nurse and Heine mdie al. et Amodei uage , , , 2019 2000 2016 ). ). , section 2, we summarise similar works in ASR for Mozilla‘s DeepSpeech (Hannun et al., 2014) to under-resourced languages with a focus on Africa develop a Bemba ASR model using our Bem- languages. In Section 3 we provide details on baSpeech corpus. the Bemba language. In section 4, we outline the development process of the BembaSpeech cor- 3 Bemba Language pus, and in section 5 we provide details of our ex- The language we focus on is Bemba (also re- periments towards building a Bemba ASR model. ferred to as ChiBemba, Icibemba), a Bantu lan- Last, section 6 discusses our experimental results, guage principally spoken in Zambia, in the North- before drawing conclusions and sketching out fu- ern, Copperbelt, and Luapula Provinces. It is also ture research directions. spoken in southern parts of the Democratic Re- public of Congo and . It is estimated to 2 Related Work be spoken by over 30% of the population of Zam- In the recent past, despite the challenge of limited bia (Kula and Marten, 2008; Kapambwe, 2018). availability of linguistic resources, several works Bemba has 5 vowels and 19 consonants (Spitul- have been carried out to improve the prevalence nik and Kashoki, 2001). Its syllable structure is of ASR applications in Africa. For example, Gau- characteristically open and is of four main types: thier et al. (2016c) collected speech data and de- V, CV, NCV, and NCGV (where V = vowel (long veloped ASR systems for four languages: Wolof, or short), C = consonant, N = nasal, G = glide (w Hausa, Swahili and Amharic. In South Africa, re- or y))(Spitulnik and Kashoki., 2014). The writing searchers (de Wet and Botha, 1999; Badenhorst system is based on (Mwansa, 2017). et al., 2011; Henselmans et al., 2013; Van Heer- Similar to other , Bemba is de- den et al., 2016; De Wet et al., 2017) have in- scribed to have a very elaborate noun class system vestigated and built speech recognition systems which involves pluralization patterns, agreement for South African languages. Other languages marking, and patterns of pronominal reference. that have seen development of linguistic resources There are 20 different classes in Bemba: 15 basic for ASR applications include: Fongbe (Laleye classes, 2 subclasses, and 3 locative classes (Spit- et al., 2016) of Benin; Swahili (Gelas et al., ulnik and Kashoki, 2001, 2014). Each noun class 2012) predominantly spoken by people of East is indicated by a class prefix (typically VCV-, VC-, Africa; Amharic, Tigrigna, Oromo and Wolaytta or V-) and the co-occurring agreement markers on of Ethiopia (Abate et al., 2005; Tachbelie and Be- adjectives, numerals and verbs. sacier, 2014; Abate et al., 2020; Woldemariam, In terms of , Bemba is considered to be a 2020); Hausa(Schlippe et al., 2012) of Nigeria and tone language, with two basic tones, high (H) and Somali (Abdillahi et al., 2006) of Somalia. In all low (L) (Kula and Hamann, 2016). A high tone the aforementioned works, Hidden Markov Mod- is marked with an acute accent (e.g. ´a) while a els (Juang and Rabiner, 1991) and traditional sta- low tone is typically unmarked. As with most tistical language models are adopted to develop other Bantu languages, tone can be phonemic and ASR systems, typically using the Kaldi (Povey is an important functional marker in Bemba, sig- et al., 2011) or HTK (Young et al., 2009) frame- naling semantic distinctions between words (Spit- works. The disadvantage of such approaches is ulnik and Kashoki, 2001, 2014). that they typically require separate training for all 4 The BembaSpeech Corpus their pipeline components including the acoustic model, phonetic dictionary, and language model. Description The corpus has a size of 2.8 Giga- Recently, end-to-end deep neural network ap- Bytes with a total duration of speech data of ap- proaches have successfully been applied to speech proximately over 24 hours. We provide fixed train, recognition tasks (Amodei et al., 2016; Pratap development, and test splits to facilitate future ex- et al., 2018, et alia) achieving remarkable re- perimentation. The subsets have no speaker over- sults outperforming traditional HMM-GMM ap- lap among them. Table 1 summarises the charac- proaches. Such methods require only a speech teristics of the corpus and its subsets. All audio dataset with speech utterances and their transcrip- files are encoded in Waveform Audio File Format tions for training. In this work, we use an (WAVE) with a single track (mono) and recording open source end-to-end neural network system, with a sample rate of 16kHz. Subset Duration Utterances Speakers Male Female Whole Corpus: Train 20hrs 11906 8 5 3 Dev 2hrs, 30min 1555 7 3 4 Test 2hrs 977 2 1 1 Total 24hrs, 30min 14438 17 9 8 Used in our experiments: Train 14hrs, 20min 10200 8 5 3 Dev 2hrs 1437 7 3 4 Test 1hr, 18min 756 2 1 1 Subset total 17hrs, 38min 12393 17 9 8

Table 1: General characteristics of the BembaSpeech ASR corpus. We use a subset (audio files shorter than 10 seconds) for our baseline experiments.

Data collection To build the BembaSpeech cor- nating all corrupted audio files and, most impor- pus we used the Lig-Aikuma app (Gauthier et al., tantly, to ensure that all utterances matched the 2016c) for recording speech. Speakers used the transcripts. All the numbers, dates and times in elicitation mode of the software to record audio the text were replaced with their text equivalent from text scripts tokenized at sentence level. The according to the utterances. We also sought to fol- Lig-Aikuma has been used by other researchers low the LibriSpeech (Panayotov et al., 2015) file for similar works (Blachon et al., 2016; Gauthier organization and nomenclature by grouping all the et al., 2016a,b). audio files according to the speaker, using speaker ID number. In addition, we renamed all the audio Speakers The speakers involved in Bem- files by pre-pending the speaker ID number to the baSpeech recording were students of Computer utterance ID numbers. Science in the School of Natural Science at the University of Zambia. The corpus consists of Text Sources The phrases and sentences 14,438 audio files recorded by 17 speakers, 9 male recorded were extracted from diverse sources and 8 female. Based on the information extracted in Bemba language, mainly Bemba literature. from metadata as supplied by speakers, their range In Table 2, we summarise the sources of text of age is between 22 and 28 years and all of them contained in BembaSpeech. The length of the identified as black. All the speakers were selected phrases varies from a single word to as many as based on their fluency to speak and read Bemba 20 words. and are not necessarily native language speakers. There are 14 native Bemba speakers, 1 Lozi, 1 Availability The corpus is made available to the Lunda and 1 Nsenga. It is also important to note research community licensed under the Creative that the recordings in this corpus were conducted Commons BY-NC-ND 4.0 license and it can be outside controlled conditions. Speakers recorded found at our github project repository. as per their comfort and have varied accents. Therefore, some utterances are expected to have some background noise. We consider this “more 5 Experiments of a feature than a bug” for our corpus: it will allow us to train and, importantly, evaluate ASR In this section, we describe the experiments to systems that match real-world conditions, rather ascertain the usefulness of the speech corpus for than a quiet studio setting. ASR applications.2

Preprocessing The corpus was preprocessed 2Code to reproduce our experiments is available here: and validated to ensure data accuracy by elimi- ID Source Name Size(%) No. of Tokens 1 Bemba literature 70 Language Model Sentences Unique Total 2 Other online resources 15 LM1 13461 27K 123K 3 Local Radio/TV shows 10 LM2 403452 189K 5.8M 4 Youtube movie 5 Table 3: The token counts for the two sets of text Table 2: Sources of text contained in BembaSpeech sources used to create the language models. corpus. The Bemba literature includes publicly avail- able books, magazines and training materials written in Bemba. Other online resources includes various web- 5.3 Training a Bemba Model from Scratch sites with Bemba content. Similar to (Hjortnaes et al., 2020; Meyer, 2020), we trained DeepSpeech from scratch using the 5.1 DeepSpeech Model default parameters4 on the BembaSpeech dataset, In our experiments, we use Mozilla‘s DeepSpeech providing a baseline model for our experiments. - an open source implementation of a varia- tion of Baidu‘s first DeepSpeech paper (Hannun 5.4 Transfer Learning from English to et al., 2014). This architecture is an end-to-end Bemba sequence-to-sequence model trained via stochas- In our search for a better performing model, we tic gradient descent (Bottou, 2012) with the Con- applied and also experimented with cross-lingual nectionist Temporal Classification (Graves et al., transfer learning. We achieve this by fine-tuning a 2006, CTC) loss function. The model is six layers well performing DeepSpeech English pre-trained deep: three fully connected layers connected fol- model on our Bemba dataset, using a learning rate lowed by a unidirectional LSTM (Hochreiter and of 0.00005, dropout at 0.4, and 50 training epochs Schmidhuber, 1997) layer followed by two more with early stopping. fully connected layers. All hidden layers have a dimensionality of 2048 and a clipped ReLU (Nair 5.5 Auxillary Language Model and Hinton, 2010) activation. The output layer has as many dimensions as characters in the alphabet Similar to the original DeepSpeech approach pre- of the target language (including desired punctua- sented by Hannun et al. (2014), we considered in- tions and blank symbols used for CTC). The input cluding the language model to the acoustic model layer accepts a vector of 19 spliced frames (9 past to improve performance. In order to identify the frames, 1 present frame and 9 future frames) with language model that most improved model perfor- 26 MFCC features each. We use the DeepSpeech mance, we evaluated two sets of language mod- v0.8.23 release for all our experiments. els each consisting, 3-gram, 4-gram and 5-gram. The first set of language models, denoted LM1, 5.2 Data preprocessing were generated from text sourced from train and development transcripts. The second set, denoted We preprocessed the data in conformity with the LM2, were sourced from a combination of text expectation of the DeepSpeech input pipeline. We from train and development transcripts and addi- converted all transcriptions to lower case. Since tional Bemba text from the JW300 dataset (Agic DeepSpeech only accepts audio files not exceed- and Vulic, 2020). In Table 3 we give the token ing 10 seconds, we considered only audio files count for LM1 and LM2. All the language models with that duration for our training. This resized the were generated using the KenLM (Heafield, 2011) corpus for training as can be seen in Table 1. We language model library. We used the DeepSpeech also generated an alphabet of characters and sym- native library to create the trie based models with bols which appear in the text, the length of which default parameter values. The same speech recog- determines the size of the output layer of the Deep- nition model obtained from section 5.4 was used Speech model. We note that, since Bemba uses the changing only the language model. Latin alphabet, our alphabet was the same as that of the pretrained DeepSpeech English model. 4With the exception of batch size: instead of using the default batch size of 1 for train, dev and test, we used 64, 32, 3 respectively for all our experiments. Model WER(%) CER% wav2letter++ (Pratap et al., 2018) and Pytorch- Kaldi (Ravanelli et al., 2019). BL 1.00 85.67 Lastly, we plan to (a) collect even more data in FT 71.21 16.68 Bemba, (b) collect data in the different Bemba va- FT + LM1-3 54.79 18.54 rieties as spoken throughout Zambia, as well as (c) FT + LM1-4 54.80 18.08 other Zambian languages. FT + LM1-5 54.78 17.05 FT + LM2-3 55.65 19.69 Acknowledgments FT + LM2-4 55.84 20.49 FT + LM3-5 55.75 19.99 We would like to express our gratitude to all the speakers who were involved in the creation of our Table 4: The best results from our experiments were corpus. This work would not have been success- obtained through fine-tuning a pretrained model and ful without their time and effort. We also want to combining it with a 5-gram LM generated only from thank Eunice Mukonde-Mulenga for her help with transcripts. In the table, BL denotes a baseline model the Bemba translation of the abstract. Twatotela and FT denotes fine-tuned model. saana. Thank you!

6 Results References Table 4 summarises the results obtained from our Solomon Teferra Abate, Wolfgang Menzel, and Bairu experiments. The best performing model was FT Tafila. 2005. An amharic speech corpus for large vo- + LM1-5, obtained from finetuning DeepSpeech cabulary continuous speech recognition. In 9th Eu- with a 5-gram language model generated from text ropean Conference on Speech Communication and sourced from transcripts. The model achieved a Technology. word error rate (WER) of 54.78% and character Solomon Teferra Abate, Martha Yifiru Tachbelie, error rate (CER) of 17.05%. Michael Melese, Hafte Abera, Tewodros Abebe, The results also show the impact of the lan- Wondwossen Mulugeta, Yaregal Assabie, Million guage model on improving the performance of the Meshesha, Solomon Atinafu, and Binyam Ephrem. 2020. Large vocabulary read speech corpora for four Bemba ASR model. 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We also demon- In ACL 2019 - 57th Annual Meeting of the Associa- strated the usefulness of the corpus by building tion for Computational Linguistics, Proceedings of an End-to-End Bemba ASR model obtained by the Conference. finetuning a well performing DeepSpeeh English Dario Amodei, Sundaram Ananthanarayanan, Rishita model on the 17.5 hours speech dataset, a subset Anubhai, Jingliang Bai, Eric Battenberg, Carl Case, of BembaSpeech. Jared Casper, Bryan Catanzaro, Qiang Cheng, Guo- For the future, there are many things we can liang Chen, Jie Chen, Jingdong Chen, Zhijie Chen, Mike Chrzanowski, Adam Coates, Greg Diamos, do to improve the results of our model. We are Ke Ding, Niandong Du, Erich Elsen, Jesse En- interested to tune the models (both acoustic and gel, Weiwei Fang, Linxi Fan, Christopher Fougner, language) by expanding the parameter search. 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