Road Work, Transportation Hinge on Vote Parents Mobilize to Halt
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w at Volume 18 Number 49 Monday. December 13.1982 Westland, Michigan. Twenty-five cents iiPfem>mm Road work, % transportation hinge on vote The demise of a comprehensive 'TIS THE season to be jolly, transportation package in the state leg and persons who attended the islature this year could create hard For a related story, see Westland City Council regular ships for residents and hinder cities in page 7A. meeting last Monday night were maintaining services, officials from certainly in toe holiday spirit. Westland and Garden City said last Owners of Amarillo Slim's week. possible loss of Nankin Transit, a five- Restaurant, a new business Late last week the House approved city bus system. The Westland City proposed for the former Das the legislation, which the state Senate Council recently passed a special reso Haufbrauhaus site, told the council is expected to begin debating at 7 p.m. lution urging the state to pass a trans they hoped to attract customers in Monday. portation package that would continue the 25- to 45-year-old age range. Officials have feared that SEMTA funding for bus systems in Michigan. A This prompted Council President and Nankin Transit services would be similar resolution was approved by the Thomas Artley to inquire, "Could reduced or discontinued, and that city council In Garden City. Mrs. Barns get in?" referring to planned road improvements and major "(Loss of Nankin Transit) Is going to former Council President Pro-Tem repairs would be delayed or dropped, if create a hardship for the senior citizens Justine Barns. "We may have to , the package doesn't pass this year. that have their activities centered check her identification," one of the City officials said funds to maintain around it," Lundquist said. "And it was owners replied. roads and streets decline each year but allowing the handicapped to partici Barns had no comment. maintenance costs continue to go up. pate in our programs throughout the "They cut constantly on our ability to community." CONTINUING a holiday maintain our roads," Westland Public week tradition at the Senior Service Director Henry Lundquist said. SHOWALTER said some communi Friendship Center, Westland "We will have to maintain our roads to ties have tried subsidizing taxicab com residents of all ages are being the best of our ability, but It might panies as an alternative to Nankin invited to share the Christmas mean a cutback in services." Transit One drawback to such a plan is celebration from 11:45 a.m. to 2 "We've been hoping something would that taxis are not equipped for wheel p.m. Monday through Friday this come along," said Ronald Showalter, chairs, he said. week. Garden City City Clerk. "When the dol •Nankin Transit fills a need that re Activities at the center, 37095 lar is declining and your needs are in ally Isn't filled elsewhere," Showalter Marquette east of Newburgh, creasing, you've got problems." said. That's why it's really going to be include caroling, door prizes, tough If it goes under." refreshments and visits from old St. POSSIBLE solutions include cutting State Rep. Thomas Brown, D-West- Nick. Person wishing to eat lunch at services or finding other sources of land, said a trial vote on the transpor the center must make reservations revenue, such as an Income tax, the tation package would have been made 24 hours in advance. city clerk said. Dec. 2 If the committed "yes" vote had Showalter explained that the state been within 15 votes of the needed 56. KNOWING IT'S better to collects license fees and gasoline taxes "The statement most often heard on the give than to receive, warm-hearted and returns part of the money to com floor of the House of Representatives folks in the department on aging munities for their streets, based on was, 'It's not anywhere close to pass* and the visually impaired class are each city's population and miles of ing/" Brown said. Intent on keeping little ones cozy streets. The amounts collected have de- JBrown said that the 1982 transporta this Chrlatmas.ElUabeth Anderson, "cllried In recent years. •:••-. -.^.,:^ ,,.....; ,tio n jjackage, failed prlmarj^;b^use;>^ who is the chairwoman of the In the last fiscal year, Garden City "recent state and local election cifii- annual visually Impaired children's received 1180,000 for local streets and paigns have been run strictly on anti- program, placed a Christmas tree in $455,000 fpr, major streets. These tax gimmicks." the activities room of the amounts are expected to drop to Many people in government today, Friendship Center. The tree is $170,000 and $410,000 respectively In elected because of their anti-tax plat decorated wtih hats, gloves, scarfs, the fiscal year ending June 1983, forms, now support raising funds mittens and dolls. Showalter said. through-higher taxes and license plate ' Anyone wishing to hang articles The city clerk said planned projects fees, Brown said. on the tree should bring them to the on Merriman from Cherry Hill to Ford "I believe the message to local politi center or call 722-7632. The and on Warren from Inkster to Middle- cians from the legislature is 'Quit ask Friendship Center also is asking for belt may be in jeopardy if the state ing for new state taxes to deliver ser names of families in need this year. cannot come up with the necessary vices locally and then being politically ART EMANUELE/Staff photographer One donation, from Evelyn funds. negative to those who deliver,' * he Grogetsky, is a baby Afghan Cities had been concerned with the said. Giving this jolly old fellow a hand with his skates quick/ will skate at the arena with children and blanket, which will be presented to at the Westland Multi Purpose Arena are Renee have his picture taken with them Wednesdays and the first baby born on Christmas Tack,.5, Christina Rice, 3½. and Tina.Runski, 8. Saturdays all this month. It's all part of the arena's day. New parents may call the The bearded gentleman, known to be "lively and first "Skate with^Santa" program. , center with the name.of their what's inside newborn, time and place of birth. ADD IT UP and you'll find a .. Calendar . 2A 'WONDERFUL RESPONSE" Secrets slip out as young list of 62 high school mathematics Entertainment 4C M. Preddy was pleased with the re students from the Livonia district Opinion 6A sults of the Observer & Eccentric who placed In the top 5 percent of Shopping cart 1B "APPLIANCES" classified ad she the 20,896 students who took the Sports 1C placed. "Wonderful response on first part of the 26th annual dishwasher! Had 11 calls the first glide into holiday on ice Michigan Mathematics Prize Suburban life 7A day with the first caller buying the Competition. Last week the students Police . 722-9600 Item. Had similar experience with an took the second part of the exam, Fire, rescue. .721-2000 automotive ad!" Santa Claus is a jolly old fellow of It is the arena's first "Skate With also listen to children's requests. which consists of problem-solving. City Hall 721-6000 many talents, as everyone knows. Santa," according to Ina Martin, rec The top 100 will be recognized for Guiding a team of flying reindeer and reation supervisor. Youngsters are asked to bring along Circulation .... 591-0500 Remember... their written lists — including their their achievement at a banquet Want ads 591-0900 going up and down chimneys in a Santa will skate with children at later in the year. wink are just two of the things he can name, address and phone number — Editorial dept.. 591-2300 various times during open-skating pe and drop them into his mailbox. One call do. riods. Elves will be on hand to take STATE AID to local school But young skaters who visit the Youngsters can "skate with Santa'' NEWSLINE . .459-2700 does it all! pictures of the red-suited gentleman systems amounted to $4.7 million Westland Multi Purpose Arena this and his young skating partners The from 4-6:50 p.m. Wednesdays, and for the Wayne-Westland district and SPORTSL1NE . 591-2317 month can see Kris Krlngle demon' charge for each picture of Santa with from 1-2:50 p.m. and 7-8:50 p.m. Sat to $28,000 for the Livonia district HOME DELIVERY . 591-0500 stratlng another skill — ice skating. one skater is $1.50. urdays during the month of Decem Wayne-Westland's funding was' CLASSIFIED. .591-0900 591-0900 And they can glide along the ice with ber. The_cost is $1 per child per ses under the per-pupll formula for Use your MasterCard or Visa him. The ice-skating Kris Kringle will sion. ~~ funding education in district's with Mfa low state equalized property values. Livonia's aid was awarded under Title! of the 1965 federal education act for educationally deprived Parents mobilize to halt Bentley closing children. State fend federal funds are paid being an objective report ,when it was not a large difference," thus Implying out six times during the school year. By Mar'» MCQM had offered its recommendation to administration from the University of staff writer close the school. Detroit,said he moved to Livonia six really a highly subjective one." nominal significance; "I suspect that a proper architectur SUSAN M. MILLER was •years ago from Taylor primarily be Lynch said he had trouble with the No one'Is more surprised than Jim SINCE THEN his phone has been cause of .the problems the Taylor "numbers" that Garver frequently used al study of all buildings was not made', awarded a certified public because of the cost for the service and accountant certificate after Lynch about his emerging role as a "ringing constantly" with offers to help school district was experiencing.