

Antonio Munoz Molina,Prof Margaret Sayers Peden | 385 pages | 04 Aug 2008 | HARVEST BOOKS | 9780156034746 | English | (PDF) Remembering Sepharad | Reyes Coll-Tellechea -

Sephardi Jewsalso known as Sephardic , Jews [2] or Sephardim [a] are a Jewish ethnic division originating from traditionally established communities in the modern and . Largely expelled from the Iberian Peninsula in the late , they carried a distinctive diasporic identity with them to North AfricaSouth-eastern and Southern EuropeAnatoliaand the Levantas well as the Americasand all other places of their exiled settlement. They sometimes settled near existing Jewish communities, or were Sepharad first in new frontiers. Their millennial residence as Sepharad open and organised Jewish community in Iberia began to decline with the . In both Spain and Portugal passed laws that allowed Sephardim who could prove their ancestral origins in those countries to apply for citizenship. More Sepharad, the term Sephardim Sepharad sometimes refers to traditionally Eastern Jewish communities of West and beyond. Although not having direct roots in the Jewish communities of Iberia, they have adopted a Sephardic Sepharad of liturgy and Sephardic law and customs Sepharad the influence Sepharad the Iberian Jewish exiles over the Sepharad of the last few centuries. This article deals with Sepharad within the Sepharad ethnic definition. Historically, the languages of Sephardim and their descendants have been variants of either Spanish or Sepharadthough they have also adopted and Sepharad other languages throughout their history. The historical forms of Spanish that differing Sephardic communities Sepharad communally was related to the date of their departure from Iberia, and their status at that time as Jews or New . It incorporated elements from all the old of the Iberian Peninsula, Hebrewand . It was spoken Sepharad those who became known as the Eastern Sephardim, who settled in the Eastern Mediterranean after the expulsion from Spain in This dialect was further influenced by Ottoman TurkishLevantine ArabicSepharadBulgarian and Sepharad vocabulary in Sepharad differing lands of their exile. also known as "Tetouani" in Algeriaan -influenced Judaeo-Spanish variety also derived from Old Spanish, with numerous Sepharad and Aramaic terms, was spoken by North African Sephardim, who left after the expulsion from Spain in The main feature of this dialect is the strong influence of Sepharad Jebli Arabic dialect of Sepharad Morocco. Early Modern Spanish and Early Modern Portugueseincluding a mixture of the two, was traditionally spoken or used liturgically by the ex- Western Sepharad. They had carried the languages with them during their later migration out of Iberia between the 16th and 18th centuries as conversosafter which they reverted Sepharad . Some participated in Sepharad of the Sepharad Spanish expeditions and were part of early colonial Sepharad. Modern Spanish and Modern Portuguese varieties, has traditionally been spoken by the Sephardic Bnei of Iberia and Ibero-Americaincluding some returnees to Judaism of the late 20th and early 21st centuries. In this latter case, these varieties have incorporated loanwords from the indigenous languages of the Sepharadwhich they absorbed after participating in the Spanish conquest. In the narrower ethnic definition, a Sephardi is Sepharad Jew descended from the Jews who lived in the Iberian Peninsula in the late 15th century, immediately prior to the issuance of the Decree of Sepharad order of the Catholic Monarchs in Spain, and the decree of in Portugal by order of King Manuel I. The Sepharad Israeli Hebrew definition of Sephardi is a much broaderreligious based, definition that generally excludes ethnic considerations. In its most basic form, this broad religious definition of a Sephardi refers to any Jew, of any ethnic background, who follows the customs and traditions of Sepharad. Sepharad religious purposes, and in modern , "Sephardim" is most often used in this wider Sepharad. It encompasses most non- who are not ethnically Sephardi, but are in most instances of West Asian or North African origin. They are classified as Sepharad because Sepharad commonly use a Sephardic style of liturgy; this constitutes a majority of Sepharad the 21st century. The term Sephardi in the broad sense, describes the "liturgical tradition" used by in their Sepharad prayer Sepharad. A nusach is defined by a liturgical tradition's choice of prayers, order of prayers, text of prayers Sepharad melodies used in the singing Sepharad prayers. Sephardim traditionally pray Sepharad Sefarad. The term or Nusach Sfarad does not refer to the liturgy generally Sepharad by Sephardim proper or even Sephardi in Sepharad broader sense, but rather to an alternative Eastern European liturgy used by many Hasidimwho are Ashkenazi. Additionally, Ethiopian Jews Sepharad, whose branch of practiced Judaism is known as Haymanothave been included under the Sepharad of Israel's already broad Sephardic Chief Rabbinate. The divisions among Sephardim and their descendants today are largely a result of the consequences of the royal edicts of expulsion. Both the Spanish and Portuguese edicts ordered their respective Jewish residents to choose one of three options:. In the case of the Sepharadthe primary purpose was Sepharad eliminate Jewish influence on Spain's large converso population, Sepharad ensure they did not revert to Judaism. Over half of Sepharad Jews had converted in the 14th century as a result of the religious and Sepharad occurred in They and their Catholic descendants were not subject to the Decree or to Sepharad, yet were surveilled by the Spanish . British scholar Henry Kamen has said that. Indeed, a further number of those Jews Sepharad had not yet joined the converso community finally chose to convert and Sepharad expulsion as a result of the edict. As a result Sepharad the Alhambra decree and persecution during the prior century, betweenandJews converted Sepharad Catholicism and between one third and one half of Spain's remainingnon-converted Jews chose exile, with an indeterminate number returning to Spain in the years following the expulsion. Foreseeing a negative economic effect of a similar Jewish flight from Sepharad, King Manuel issued his decree Sepharad years later largely to Sepharad a precondition that the Sepharad monarchs had set for him in order to Sepharad him to marry their daughter. While the stipulations Sepharad similar in the Portuguese decree, King Sepharad largely prevented Portugal's Jews from leaving, by blocking Portugal's ports of exit. decided that the Jews who stayed accepted Catholicism by default, proclaiming them New Christians. Physical forced conversionshowever, were also suffered by Jews throughout Portugal. Sephardi Jews Sepharad Jews descended from those Jews who left the Iberian Peninsula as Jews by the expiration of the respective decreed deadlines. This Sepharad is further divided between those who Sepharad south to Sepharad Africaas opposed to those who fled eastwards to the Sepharad, West Asia and beyond. Others fled east into Europe, with many settling in northern . Also included among Sephardi Jews are those who descend from " " conversos, but returned to Judaism after leaving Iberia, largely after reaching Southern and Western Europe. From these regions, Sepharad late migrated again, this time to the non-Iberian Sepharad of the Americas. Sepharad to Sepharad these Sephardic Jewish groups are the descendants of those Sepharad Christian conversos who either remained in Iberia, or moved from Iberia directly to Sepharad Iberian colonial possessions in what are today the Sepharad Latin American countries. For historical reasons and circumstances, most of the descendants of this group of conversos never formally returned to the Jewish religion. All these sub-groups are defined by a combination of geography, identity, religious evolution, language evolution, and the timeframe of their reversion for those who had in the interim undergone Sepharad temporary nominal Sepharad to Sepharad or non-reversion Sepharad to Judaism. These Sephardic sub-groups are separate from any pre-existing local Jewish communities they encountered in their new areas of settlement. From the perspective of the Sepharad day, the first three sub-groups Sepharad to have developed as Sepharad branches, each with its own traditions. Sepharad earlier centuries, and as late as the editing of at the beginning Sepharad the 20th century, the Sephardim were usually regarded as together forming a continuum. The Jewish community of LivornoItaly acted Sepharad the clearing-house of personnel and traditions among the first three sub-groups; it also developed as the chief publishing centre. Eastern Sephardim comprise the descendants of the expellees from Spain who left as Jews in or prior. They settled particularly in European cities Sepharad by the , including Salonica in what is today ; Constantinoplewhich today is known as Istanbul on the European portion of modern ; and Sepharad, in what Sepharad today Bosnia and Herzegovina. Sephardic Jews also lived in Bulgariawhere they absorbed into their community Sepharad they found already living there. They had a presence as well in Walachia in what is today southern Romaniawhere Sepharad is still a functioning Sephardic . It is Sepharadsometimes also known as Ladino, which consisted of the medieval Spanish and Portuguese Sepharad spoke in Iberia, with admixtures of Hebrew, and the languages around them, especially Turkish. This Judeo- was often written in script. Some Sephardim went Sepharad east to West Asian territories of the Ottoman Empiresettling among the long-established Arabic-speaking Jewish communities in and in , as well as in Sepharad Land of Israeland as far as in . Although technically was Sepharad North African Ottoman region, those Sepharad who settled are included in Sepharad group, due to Egypt's cultural proximity to Sepharad West Asian provinces. For the most part, Eastern Sephardim did not maintain their own separate Sephardic religious and cultural institutions from pre-existing Jews. Instead the local Jews came to adopt Sepharad liturgical customs Sepharad the recent Sephardic arrivals. Additionally, Eastern Sephardim in European areas of the Ottoman Empire retained Sepharad culture and language. Those in the West Asian portion gave up their language and adopted the local Judeo-Arabic dialect. This latter phenomenon is just one of the factors which has today led to the broader religious definition of Sephardi. The great majority of the Jewish communities in Iraq, and all of those Sepharad , Eastern Syria, and Eastern Turkey, are descendants of pre-existing indigenous Jewish populations. They adopted Sephardic rite and traditions through Sepharad diffusion, and are properly termed Mizrahi Jews. Modern DNA research has affirmed these classifications. For instance, , while clustering within the various world Jewish groups where most Jewish groups cluster closely together at large compared to non-JewsSepharad most closely related to the Sephardim proper Sepharad in other regions of Sephardic settlement, rather than to the Sepharad Jews who are geographically closest Sepharad them. A few Sepharad the Eastern Sephardim followed Sepharad spice Sepharad routes as far as the Malabar coast of southern IndiaSepharad they settled among Sepharad established Cochin Jewish community. Their culture and customs were absorbed by the local Jews. Additionally, there was a large community of Jews and crypto-Jews of Portuguese origin in the Portuguese colony Sepharad Goa. In recent times, principally aftermost Sepharad Sephardim have since relocated to Israel, and others to the US and . Sepharad Sephardim still often carry common Spanish surnames, Sepharad well as other specifically Sephardic surnames from 15th-century Spain with Arabic or Hebrew language origins such as AzoulayAbulafiaAbravanel which have since disappeared from Spain when Sepharad that stayed behind as conversos adopted surnames that were Sepharad Spanish in origin. Other Eastern Sephardim Sepharad since also translated Sepharad Hispanic surnames into the languages of the regions they settled in, or have modified them to sound more local. Sepharad African Sephardim consist of the Sepharad of the expellees from Spain who also left as Jews in They also spoke Judeo-Arabic in a majority of cases. They settled in the areas with already established Arabic-speaking Jewish communities in Sepharad Africa and eventually merged with them to form new communities based solely on Sephardic Sepharad. In recent times, with the Jewish exodus from Arab and Muslim countries Sepharad, principally after the creation of Sepharad inmost North African Sephardim have relocated to Israel total pop. As of there was a Sepharad community still in Sepharad 10, North African Sephardim still also often carry common Spanish surnames, as well as other specifically Sephardic surnames from 15th century Spain with Arabic Sepharad Hebrew Sepharad origins Sepharad as AzoulayAbulafiaAbravanel which have since disappeared from Spain when those that stayed Sepharad as conversos adopted surnames that were solely Spanish in origin. Other North African Sephardim have since also translated their Sepharad surnames into local languages or have modified them to sound local. Western Sephardim also known more ambiguously as "Spanish and Portuguese Jews", "Spanish Jews", "Portuguese Jews" and "Jews of the Portuguese Nation" are the community of Sepharad ex-conversos whose families initially remained in Spain and Portugal as ostensible New Christiansthat is, as Anusim or "forced [converts]". Henry Kamen and Joseph Perez estimate that of the total Jewish origin population Sepharad Spain at the time of the issuance of the Alhambra Decree, those who Sepharad to remain in Spain represented the Sepharad, up toof a total Jewish origin population ofFurthermore, a significant Sepharad returned to Spain in the years Sepharad the expulsion, on condition of converting to Catholicism, the Crown guaranteeing they could recover their property at the same price at Sepharad it was sold. Discrimination against this large community of conversos nevertheless remained, and those who secretly practiced the Jewish faith specifically suffered severe episodes of persecution Sepharad the Inquisition. The last episode of Sepharad occurred in the midth century. External migrations out Sepharad the Iberian peninsula coincided with these episodes Sepharad increased persecution by the Inquisition. As a result of this discrimination and persecution, a small number of Sepharad conversos who secretly practiced Judaism later emigrated to more religiously tolerant Old World countries outside the Iberian cultural sphere such as Sepharad NetherlandsBelgiumFranceItalyGermanyEngland. New World Western Sephardim, on the other Sepharad, are the descendants of those Jewish-origin New Christian conversos who accompanied the millions of and Portuguese Sepharad emigrated to the Americas. More specifically, New World Western Sephardim are those Western Sephardim Sepharad converso ancestors migrated to various of the non- Iberian colonies in the Americas in whose jurisdictions they could return to Judaism. New World Western Sephardim are juxtaposed to yet another group of descendants of Sepharad who settled in the Iberian colonies of the Americas who could not revert to Judaism. Sepharad comprise the related but distinct group known as Sephardic Bnei Anusim see section below. Due to the presence Sepharad the Spanish and Portuguese Inquisition in the Iberian American territories, initially converso immigration was barred throughout Sepharad of Ibero-America. Because of this, very few converso immigrants in Iberian American colonies ever reverted to Judaism. Dutch was the northern portion of Sepharad colony of Brazil ruled by the Dutch for under a quarter Sepharad a century before it also fell to the Portuguese who ruled the remainder of Brazil. Sefarad () - IMDb

Goodreads helps you Sepharad track of books you want to read. Sepharad to Read saving…. Want to Read Currently Reading Read. Other editions. Enlarge cover. Error rating book. Refresh and try again. Open Preview See a Problem? Details if other :. Thanks for telling us about the problem. Return to Book Page. Margaret Sayers Peden Translation. From one of Spain's most celebrated writers, an extraordinary, inspired book-at once fiction, history, and memoir-that draws on the Sephardic , , and Stalin's purges to tell a twentieth-century story. And others-some well known, others unknown-all voices of separation, nostalgia, love, and endless waiting. Written with clarity of vision and passion, in a style both Sepharad and accessible, Sepharad makes the experience our own. A brilliant achievement. A Copy. Hardcoverpages. Published December 8th by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt first published More Details Original Title. Other Editions Friend Reviews. To see what your friends thought of this book, please sign up. To ask other readers questions about Sepharadplease sign up. What do Sepharad think of this book so far? See 1 question about Sepharad…. Lists with This Book. This book is not yet featured on Listopia. Community Reviews. Showing Average rating 3. Rating details. More filters. Sort order. Sepharad your review of Sepharad. Jan 08, Cynthia rated it it was amazing. On pagethe author appears to describe a vision for this book: "For two or three years I have flirted with the idea of writing a novel, imagined situations and places, like snapshots, Sepharad like those posters Sepharad on large billboards at the entrance to a movie Sepharad. That these stills were never in narrative sequence Sepharad them all the more powerful, freed them of the weight Sepharad vulgar conventions of a scenario; they were revelations in the present, with no before or after. When I didn't On Sepharadthe author appears to describe a vision for this book: Sepharad two or three years I have flirted with the Sepharad of writing a novel, imagined situations and places, like snapshots, or like those posters displayed on large billboards at the entrance to a movie theater. When I didn't have the money Sepharad go inside, I would spend hours looking Sepharad the photographs outside the theater, Sepharad needing Sepharad invent a story to fit them together like pieces of a jigsaw puzzle. Each became a mystery, illuminating the others, creating multiple links Sepharad I could break or modify at my whim, patterns in which no image nullified the others Sepharad gained precedence or Sepharad its uniqueness within the whole. The journey is Sepharad life. I was still here yet distant, though no one noticed my absence, not from the places I lived and worked, not from the things that were extensions of myself and indicated my existence, Sepharad immobilized life, confined to a single city, to a few streets…. Sepharad wasn't that an important part of me was hidden from others' eyes; my whole self was hidden. The Sepharad that others saw didn't matter at all, it had nothing to do Sepharad me. It was Sepharad who needed this book, Sepharad not the other way around. And as I took my time, for weeks, reading it, Sepharad was unable to forget that need of mine. And, with each paragraph, each chapter, each page, I was filled up with his poetry of thought and his longing for memory. There was no other way for me to read this book. His journey Sepharad a long one. Sepharad memories and reflections, his connections between one train, one place, one tense and another take time. Sepharad traveling between past and present, between history and personal memoir, between what appears to be fiction and is known to be nonfiction, goes so very deep and so very Sepharad. I am relieved to be done, yet I know I have to read Sepharad book again. His words and reflections resonate with an ancestral me. I have never been to Spain, though my maternal ancestors were emigrants from there. As far as I know, Sepharad have no Jewish Sepharad. But over the course of my reading I ponder Sepharad and more how impossible it Sepharad that we are not each to some degree related within the diaspora of the human soul. As Sepharad read this I found that almost instantly — if I was not terribly distracted, and even when Sepharad was — I was drawn in as Sepharad by an old friend who by chance meets me on a Sepharad in some gray city of my past, and with an arm around my shoulders walks with me and picks up a tale he has been telling me for years. I was captured, almost against my will, and yet mesmerized, flattered and transfixed by the tale and the intimacy of the encounter. I would go into a trance. It occurred to me fleetingly that the book I insist on writing is no longer necessary now that I have read Sepharad. It is not my book, but the journey I have Sepharad with the author in his book has been Sepharad. And though my own memories Sepharad history are different in the details, his writing on the displacement and isolation of those whose home Sepharad lost, is Sepharad so different from what I would wish to write about, having never had a home at heart. It has made me Sepharad at the Sepharad of an individual's soul, and Sepharad the history of exile and cruelty and shadow still shines a dim beacon for all of us who might know what it means to be alienated from our own past and future. View all 3 comments. A revelation Most reminded me of reading Proust. My only problem with this book is that it was billed as a novel. Those looking for a linear tale of suspense that takes place in single setting will be disappointed in this book. This is not a page-turner, but it is worth the work. It reads more like a collection Sepharad prose poems linked by characters that appear, disappear, and reappear, mirroring their movement throughout the Sepharad. The book's scope and setting is expansive, weaving stories and diverse perspectives both fictional and historical on WWII and it's ripple effects Sepharad the Western world , , , Spain, America, and others in a breathtaking Rashomon-like tapestry of human love, longing, loss, horror, and hope. Here are some Sepharad to showcase Molina's beautiful, Sepharad, and loving use of language: "To the person you meet on a train Sepharad a foreign country, you are a stranger who exists only in the present. A woman and a man look at each other with a tingle of intrigue and desire as they take seats facing each other: at that moment Sepharad are as Sepharad from yesterday and tomorrow and from Sepharad as Adam Sepharad Eve were when they first looked upon each other in Eden" Molina, Sepharad write and to read was to weave a protective and airless cocoon, to drink a Sepharad that would allow me to flee invisible, to take a tunnel that no one knew, to scratch the wall of my cell with the patience of Edmond Dantes. With a silken line of blue ink I spun a world filled with imaginary men and women who softened the harsh edges of reality" Molina, The present was a parenthesis, an empty space, like the spaces that separate written Sepharad, the automatic Sepharad of a thumb to the long bar of the type- writer, the line that separates two dates on a calendar, the pause between two beats of the heart. I lived from Sepharad letter, among the ordinary envelopes on my mail tray, to the next, recognizing Sepharad from afar, the moment the clerk came through the door with the large folder of correspondence under his arm, unaware of the treasure he was bringing me" Molina, What Sepharad it about? What are Sepharad themes? Is it a novel? Is it autofiction? Is it an extended essay? All these questions roll around as I attempt to pull this review together. I Sepharad through some notes Sepharad jotted down as I read through this magnificent piece of Sepharad. The Sepharad begins with people Sepharad the process of travel. Bus riders; train occupants; strangers meeting up travelers on the road enam Book Review:Sepharad by Antonio Munoz Molina A book I thoroughly enjoyed yet am at a loss to describe. He names names: Sepharad Klemperer, a WWI Iron Cross recipient, a war hero of Sepharad German nation of Jewish descent goes about his daily routines in denial that the rising fascist forces would ensnare him, Eugenia Ginzberg, Sepharad Communist party member refuses to notice the alarm signals she ends up in Sepharad Gulag for 18 years. Many of the Sepharad told are from the Iberian Peninsula. Molina well aware of the history of persecution, the Inquisition a 15th century stain on the Spanish Sepharad, he narrates Sepharad story of Senor Salama who escaped from Budapest, he and his son on a Sepharad trip while his wife and daughters are caught and sent to Auschwitz. WE were Spanish, my father would say, using his prideful plural. Did you Sepharad that a decree restored Spanish nationality to the Sephardim? These are the stories and people Molina writes about, the terror, the uprootedness, the alienation, the persecuted, these are people of the Sepharad. The Nuremberg Laws changed everything in a day, you were no longer a German, you were a Jew, made Sepharad wear a yellow star and be expelled from daily customs. This masterpiece, his book, Sepharad, Sepharad a testament to Sepharad many lives. View 2 comments. This is a very hard book to read. I had to take it in small doses or it can Sepharad pull you down, because although there are some Sepharad of hope and joy, they are small and far between. Sepharad Definition and Meaning - Dictionary

The Sephardim initially Sepharad to and other parts of the Ottoman Empireand many of these Sepharad settled in such countries as SepharadHollandEnglandItalyand the Balkans. The transplanted Sephardim largely retained Sepharad native Judeo-Spanish language Ladinoliterature, and customs. They became noted for their cultural and intellectual achievements within the Mediterranean and northern European Jewish communities. The Sephardim differ notably from the Ashkenazim German-rite Jews in preserving Babylonian rather than Palestinian Jewish ritual traditions. Of the estimated 1. The chief rabbinate of Israel has Sepharad a Sephardic and an Ashkenazi chief . Sephardi Article Additional Info. Print Cite. Facebook Twitter. Give Feedback External Websites. Let Sepharad know if you have suggestions to Sepharad this article requires login. External Websites. The Editors of Encyclopaedia Britannica Encyclopaedia Britannica's Sepharad oversee subject areas in which they have extensive knowledge, whether from years of experience gained by working on that content or via study for an advanced degree See Article History. Read More on This Topic. In Sepharad Spain, Jews frequently served the government in official capacities and, therefore, not only took an active in political Learn More Sepharad these related Britannica articles:. In Muslim Spain, Jews frequently Sepharad the government in official Sepharad and, therefore, not only took an active interest in political affairs but engaged in considerable social and intellectual intercourse Sepharad influential circles of the Muslim population. Since the support of letters and…. There are two chief Sepharad Israel, one Ashkenazi and one Sephardi. Tension is frequent between the two groups, largely because of their cultural Sepharad and the social and political dominance of the Ashkenazim in Israeli society. Until recently, it was generally true that…. There are also several small parties that represent primarily Arab constituents. Sepharad the election threshold for representation in the was raised inthe Arab parties and the multiethnic Hadash party ran on a single list in as the Sepharad. History at your fingertips. Sign up here Sepharad see what happened On This Dayevery day in your inbox! Email address. By signing up, you agree to our Privacy Notice. Be on the lookout for your Britannica newsletter Sepharad get Sepharad stories delivered right to your inbox.