Welcomeback EIJ Rabbi Am Sckwartzman, Kevin', Hinnak And
June 2005 1 Ivar-Sivan 5765 / . Please note vow that Friday night services \begin at 6:45 pm in June, July, Temple Rodef Shalom Bulletin / and August! Welcome back June Shabbatot & Other Services Rabbi Am Sckwartzman, Shabbat Bemidbar - June 3 & 4 Numbers 1:1 - 4:2() Kevin ', Hinnak and Elianal Friday, June 3 6:45 pm Shabbat Rocks \Vor,Ii i p -ci C Saturday, June 4 9:00 am Torah Stud\ 10:30 am Shabbat Morni nt \\ oiii p , Bnot Mitzvah of Sarah \Vci nhcri: k E-V Charlotte ZoU Shabbat Naso - June 10 & 11 Numbers 6:1-7.89 Friday, June 10 Kabbi ckwartzman first 6:45 pm Erev Shabbat \Vorh p iLrvicc service hack k June 5. Saturday, June 11 EIJ 9:00 am Torah Study 10:30 am Shabbat Morinn \\orhip Bar S I it,\lh of Jicoh ihocFict Sunday, June 12 Erc\ SI1l\ not 7:30 pm Confirinit i0 i, scr IC Swzaq, June 5, 2005 0 Thursday, June 16 6:45 pm Service of "t nip h, Co mfort Pi I IciIiii A very special1 clay1 for( our 0 Temple Rodef Shalom Family Shabbat Behaalotecha-June 17 & 18 Numbers 8:1-12:/n z,,z Lt'n9ty,tii.,,uzñ ,91Lfi,z9 I I Friday, June 17 6:45 pm Ercv I Ihit \\ oiiitp c \ cc I 111cr ci\ cc Please Join Us As We: Saturday, June 18 • Vote on President-Elect & New Trustee 9:00 am Torah Study • Approve and Vote on the FY06 Budget 10:30 an Shabbat Mot 11111 1" \\oihip • Constitutional amendments and Much More! Bnai Mitzvah of Peter Berkoo it! S Stefan Gnessin 11:00 air: ' !()jCatwIi the 73eauüid 10:30 am Parallel Shabbat Morning Mmviii t 7Z.S jeel L)u,ui1i _/fle?itatio,: A Cti6ut au)m Shabbat Shelach- Lech a-June 24 & 25 Everyone is invited to celebrate this long awaited event Numbers 13:1 1:? / Please join us for a lovel dedication music Friday, June 24 6:45 pm Ere\ S/cl hHii \\ orIi p cr\ ftc n refreshments and a chance to be with your fellow congregants for this special simcha.
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