of the Town of BARRINGTON

New Hampshire


For the Fiscal Year Ending January 31, 1941



Fown Officers


Town of Barrington

For the Fiscal Year Ending January 31, 1941

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Moderator Albion Weeks

Selectmen Arthur Turner, resigned July 20, 1940 Wm. H. Felker Harold Flower

Toivn Clerk Linna Locke

Treasurer Lafayette Felker

Tax Collector

Elizabeth Smith, resigned January 1, 1941 Jeraldine Baxter

Supervisors H. T. Thompson Roland Bumford Nellie Holmes

Auditors Austin Calef Levi Buzzell

School Moderator Norman Berry

School Board Annie Felker Cassie Haley Celia Wood

Clerk Dorothy Arlin


Sarah I. Smith

A Town of Barrington BUDGET

Estimates of Revenue and Expenditures for the

Ensuing Year, February 1, 1941 to January 31, 1942, Compared with Actual Revenue and Expenditures of

the Previous Year, February 1, 1940 to January 31, 1941.


From State: :

Annual Report


Act. Exp. Est. Exp. Prev. Yr. Ens'g Yr. Increase Decrease 1940 1941 General Government: Town Officers' Salaries, $738 20 $800 00 $61 80 Town Officers' Expenses, 175 68 175 68 Election and Registration, 193 58 100 00 $93 58 Town Hall Expenses, 67 57 125 00 57 43

Protection of Persons and Property Police Department, 36 15 150 00 113 85 Fire Department, 39 44 60 00 20 56 Tramps, 148 10 148 10

Health: Health Department, 4 00 15 00 11 00 Vital Statistics, 46 70 50 00 3 30

Highways and Bridges: Town Roads, 3,167 12 3,500 00 332 88 Class V, 993 30 750 10 243 20 T. R. A., 785 93

Public Welfare: Town Poor, 733 00 650 00 83 00 Old Age Assistance, 537 63 650 00 112 37

Patriotic Purposes: Veterans and Families, 167 75 200 00 32 25 Memorial Day, 60 00 60 00

Miscellaneous: Miscellaneous, 215 75 200 00 15 75 Interest, 150 33 100 00 50 33

Payments to Other Govern- mental Divisions: County Taxes, 5,163 60 4,000 00 1,163 60 School District, 10,127 94 10.127 94 Town of Barrington 5 INVENTORY OF TOWN OF BARRINGTON

1940 6 Annual Report FINANCIAL REPORT

Of the Town of Barrington in Strafford County for the Fiscal Year Ending January 31, 1941

*ARTHUR TURNER, WILLIAM H. FELKER, HAROLD FLOWER, Selectmen of Barrington. LAFAYETTE FELKER, Treasurer. ASSETS Town of Barrington 7

Redeemed taxes, 394 31 Interest and dividend, 474 21 Savings bank tax, 451 50 Railroad tax, 97 Gas tax from State, 993 30 Filing fees, 11 00 Fire rebate, 17 70 Miscellaneous, 176 73 8 Annual Report ITEMIZED STATEMENT OF PAYMENTS

Town Officers' Salaries

Harold Carll, balance of 1938, tax collector, $25 00 John Boody, balance of 1939, tax collector, 75 00 Elizabeth Smith, 1939 town clerk fees, 100 20 Earl Wood, 1939 treasurer, error, 75 Austin Calef, 1940 auditor, 31/2 days, 10 50 Levi Buzzell, 1940 auditor, 31/2 days, 10 50 Elizabeth Smith, 1940 tax collector, to De- cember 31, 1940, 75 00 Linna Locke, 1940 town clerk, salary and fees, 92 35 Lafayette Felker, 1940 treasurer, 75 00

Clarence Locke

Feb. 3, 7, 8, 13, at office, 12 00 Feb. 14, 15, 16, auditing, 9 00 Feb. 19, 20, at office, 6 00 Feb. 23, at Manchester, 4 50 Feb. 26, Mar. 2, at office, 6 00

$37 Arthur Turner Jan. 23, drawing jury,

Feb. 3, 7, 8, 13, at office, Feb. 14, 15, 16, auditing, Feb. 19, 20, at office, Feb. 26, at office, Telephone, 1940 salary,

$99 20 Henry Felker Jan. 23, drawing jury, $3 00 Feb. 3, 7, 8, 13, at office, 12 00 Town of Barrington

Feb. 19, 26, at office, 6 1940 salary, 150

Harold Flower 1940 salary, 10 Annual Refort

Earl Brown, labor, Putty, glass, nails. Town of Barrington 11

School Money Apr. 6, 12 Annual Report

Roland Bumford, Supervisor

Feb. 24, Mar. 9, 11, 12, 12 00 May 18, June 3, 4, 9 00 Aug. 24, 3 00

Sept. 7, 9, 10, 9 00 Oct. 19, 3 00

Nov. 2, 4, 5, 9 00 George McDaniels, Moderator

Sept. 10, Nov. 5, 6 00 Clarence Locke, ballot clerk. Mar. 9, 12, Sept. 10, 9 Eva Locke, Sept. 10,

Harry Arlin, Ballot Clerk

Mar. 9, 12, Sept. 10, Nov. 5,

Henry Locke, Ballot Clerk

Mar. 9, 12, Sept. 10, Nov. 5, Robert Parshley, ballot clerk, Nov. 5, Rochester Printing, check lists,

$193 58 Town of Barrington 13

Vital Statistics

Vital statistics and transfer cards, $25 45

Bounties Ray Bailey, $ 20 Oral Goodwin, 60 Wm. Wood, 20 Everett Jackson, 40 Robert Mansfield, 20 L. Stevenson, 20 Herbert Gale, 20

$2 00

Town Officers' Bonds Myron Davis, $55 00

County Tax

Mar. 2, Treasurer of Strafford County, 1939 tax, $800 00

June 1, Treasurer of Strafford County, 1939 tax, 600 00

June 1, Treasurer of Strafford County, 1939 interest on tax, 62 39

$1,462 39

Dec. 1, Treasurer of Strafford County, 1940 tax, $3,763 60 14 Annual Report

1939 Notes and Interest Dec. 23 Strafford National Bank, on note, $2,500 00 30 Strafford National Bank, balance of note, 500 00 Strafford National Bank, inter- est on note, 87 94

$3,087 94

Taxes Bought by Town Taxes bought by town. $710 41 Town of Barrington 15

Mary Wood, board for Joshua Sloper, 12 months, $240 00 Feb. 2 Geo. McGregor, M. D., for J. Sloper, 5 00 29 N. K. Chesley, M. D., for J. Slo- per, 4 00 Sept. 1 Alfred Mihachik, M. D., for J. Sloper, 5 00 Nov. 2 Calef's Store, overshoes for J. Sloper, 3 96 May 26 Frisbie Hospital, for Robert Brown, $18 00 Credit, 1 00 17 00 Mar. 13 Everett Clark, wood to Nat Neal, 4 00 Apr. 12 Lewis L. Smith, slabs to Nat Neal, 3 00 Jan. 19 Calef's Store, groceries for Nat Neal, 5 00 Mrs. Gladys Leavitt, board and care of Pauline Neal, April 1st to November 26, 109 00 Mrs. Marjorie Lougee, board and care of Pauline Neal, Novem- ber 26 to January 31, 29 25 Apr, 30 Bernard Manning, M. D., opera- tion and attendance, Myra Neal, 85 Wentworth Hospital, Myra Neal, Calef's Store, groceries for Don Cook, Calef's Store, groceries for Tom Twombly, Clarence Locke, wood for Tom Twombly, Sept.-Nov. Nat Neal, cutting wood for Mary Wood, Mar. 25 Everett Clark, cutting wood for Mary Wood, 16 Annual Report

Mar. 23 Calef s Store, groceries i"or Mary- Wood, 2 53 S. W. Swain, wood for poor, 5 00 May 4 Calef s Store, groceries for Wm. McCarthy, 4 00 11 Calef 's Store, groceries for Wm. McCarthy, 5 06 15 Calef's Store, groceries for Stan- ley Parker, 3 00

Calef's Store, groceries for Wm. Inglis Apr. 10, 5 00 May 19, 3 68 June 21, 5 00 Aug. 12, 3 78 28, 4 27 Sept. 9, 2 24 Nov. 17, 4 21 Dec. 5, 3 76 21, 2 70 Jan. 13, 4 77 25, 2 87

$42 28 Jan. 4 Arthur Waterhouse, wood for Wm. Inglis, 3 00 31 Arthur Waterhouse, wood for Wm. Inglis, 3 00

Aid to Soldiers and Families

Feb. 5 Load of wood, $9 00 Mar. 1 Load of wood, 9 00 Apr. 9 Load of wood, 4 00 Sept. 17 Load of wood, 9 00 Dec. 5 Load of wood, 9 00 Town of Barrington 17

20 Load of wood, Jan. 25 Load of wood,

Mar. 18 Annual Report

May, 45 June, July, August, September, October, November, December, Town of Barrington 19

Dave Fanning, snow removal, 24 20 Annual Report Town of Barrington 21

Feb. 29 Emerick Erickson, truck, 6 hours, $7 50 George Brooks, 6 hours. Mar. 1 Emerick Erickson, truck, 6 hours, George Brooks, 6 hours, 2 Emerick Erickson, truck, 2 hours, George Brooks, 2 hours,

Dec. 6 Lyle Smith, truck, sanding, 2 hours, Lyle Smith, hauling salt, 2 hours, Lewis Smith, 2 hours.

Dec. Ray Bailey, truck, 3 hours, Norman Erickson, 3 hours, George Brooks, 3 hours,

Dec. 14 Frank Critchett, 8 hours, Leland Waterhouse, 7 hours, Francis Arlin, 21/^ hours. Earl Stacy, 2V2 hours, LaForest Smith, 9 hours, Harold Flower, 8 hours, Lyle Smith, truck, 9 hours, W. S. Swain, truck, 5 hours, Ray Bailey, truck, 2I/2 hours, Smallcon, sand, Austin Calef, sand.

Dec. 16, 17, 19,

Lyle Smith, 11 1/2 hours, Emerick Erickson, 91/^ hours, 22 Annual Report

Ray Bailey, 3 hours, 3 Arthur Turner, 5 hours, W. S. Swain, 51/2 hours, L. P. Smith, 111/2 hours. Earl Erickson, 91/2 hours, Victor Rioux, 5 hours. Earl Stacy, 3 hours, Richard Rowell, 3 hours, Harold Flower, 8 hours, Roland Bumford, 51/2 hours, Ben Witherspoon, 51/2 hours, Lillian Wells,

Dec. Dover Hardware, rock salt, V2 ton,

Jan. 31 Calef s Store, salt for highway, 1/2 ton, $9 00

Jan. 23 Ray Bailey, truck, sanding, 21/2 hours at $1.25, $2 50 Francis Arlin, 21/2 hours at 371/2C, 93 Frank Arlin, 21/2 hours at 371/2C, 93 Town of Harrington 23

Mar. 17 Emerick Erickson, truck, 8 hours, 10 00 George Wells, 8 hours, 3 George Brooks, 8 hours, 18 Emerick Erickson, truck, 8 hours, George Wells, 8 hours, George Brooks, 8 hours,

Feb. 23 Calef Store, nails and lumber,

Feb. 12 Robert Parshley, culverts.

Mar. 7, 8, Ray Bailey, truck, 7 hours, Edward Rowell, 7 hours, Francis Arlin, 10 hours, Mrs. Marrison, gravel,

Mar. 23 Ray Bailey, truck, 10 hours, Emerick Erickson, truck, 5 hours, Arthur Turner, truck, 11 hours, Edward Rowell, 10 hours, Glenn Gibb, 10 hours, Francis Arlin, 5 hours, Chester Brown, 11 hours, Fred Ramsdell, 4 hours, Herbert Freeman, 7 hours, Wm. McCarthy, 5 hours, Arthur W. Turner, 8 hours,

Mar. 30 Chester Brown, 2OV2 hours, Herbert Freeman, 8 hours, Earl Brown, 31/2 hours, 24 Annual Report

Norman Arlin, 8 1/2 hours, Town of Barrington 25

Apr. Thomas Flynn, truck, 4 hours, $5 00 Thomas Flynn, 4 hours, 1 Ray Bailey, truck, 6 hours, Arthur Turner, truck, 12 hours, Wm. McCarthy, 8 hours, Herbert Freeman, 8 hours, Ben Butler, 8 hours, Edward Brown, 8 hours, Ralph Conway, 8 hours. Earl Brown, 21/2 hours, Ben Mansfield, 21/2 hours, A. W. Turner, 8 hours, Harold Flower, 4 hours,

Apr. 13 Emerick Erickson, truck, 27 hours, Ray Bailey, truck, 26 hours, Harold Flower, 26 hours, Harry Arlin, 24 hours, Atlee Conant, 17 hours, George Brooks, 30 hours, Earl Brown, 24 hours, Edward Rowell, 8 hours, Emerick Erickson, 3 hours, Don Smith, gravel, Francis Arlin, 20 hours,

May 26 Annual Report

Apr. 27 Harold Flower, 16 hours, $6 00 George Wells, truck, 12 hours, Emerick Erickson, truck, 18 hours, Nat Neal, 12 hours. Earl Brown, 14 hours, Edward Rowell, 12 hours, Dave Fanning, 12 hours, George Brooks, 8 hours, Town of Barrington 27

John Boody, team, dragging, 9 hours, 6 75 John Boody, team, dragging, 3 00

$10 70

Apr. 10 to May 1, Frank Ambrose, team, dragging, 48 hours, $36 Ben Witherspoon, 16 hours, Edgar Ellison, 32 hours,

Apr. 27 W. S. Swain, truck, 10 hours, Arthur J. Turner, truck, 32 hours, Donald Tuck, truck, 21/2 hours, Nat Neal, 13 hours, Wm. McCarthy, 29 hours, Edward Brown, 29 hours, Stanley Parker, 26 hours, Ben Butler, 29 hours, Donald Tuck, 21/2 hours, Willis Blaisdell, 6I/2 hours, Harold Flower, 4 hours, Herbert Freeman, 9 hours, Thomas Flynn, truck, 17 hours,

$144 40

May 4 J. D. Pierce, 15 hours, $5 63

Lyle Smith, truck, 15 hours, $18 75 W. S. Swain, truck, 16 hours, 20 00 A. J. Turner, truck, 16 hours, 20 00 J. D. Pierce, 16 hours, 6 00 Stanley Parker, 20 hours, 7 50 Ben Butler, 16 hours, 6 00 28 Annual Report

Dave Fanning, 16 hours, Town of Barrington 29

Arthur W. Turner, 14 1/2 hours, 3 Donald Cook, 8 hours.

June 22 Ray Bailey, truck, 7 hours, Arthur J. Turner, 16 hours, Ben Mansfield, 16 hours, Donald Cook, 16 hours, A. W. Turner, 16 hours,

June W. H. Felker, team, dragging, 16 hours, R. W. Parshley, 16 hours, W. H. Felker, 4 hours.

June Fred Stone, horse, 8 hours,

June John Stroutman, 48 hours,

July Emerick Erickson, truck, 5 hours. Earl Erickson, 5 hours.

July 6 Ray Bailey, truck, 19 hours, Arthur J. Turner, truck, 27 hours, Emerick Erickson, truck, 12 hours, Fred Clark, 4 hours, Franklyn McCarthy, 4 hours, Robert Brown, 4 hours, Maurice Buzzell, 4 hours, A. W. Turner, 8 hours, Town of Harrington 31

A. J. Turner, truck, 22 hours, 27 L. C. Smith, truck, 19 hours, Ben Mansfield, 22 hours, Robert Mansfield, 22 hours. Earl Erickson, 21 hours, Norman Erickson, 15 hours, Robert Brown, 19 hours, Frank McCarthy, 19 hours, Roger Gibb, 12 hours, Glenn Gibb, 12 hours, Wm. H. Felker, with div. engi- neer, Harold Flower, on T. R. A., Ralph Sherbourne, 19 hours, Lester Shiere, 19 hours, Ben Butler, 8 hours, Wm. McCarthy, 8 hours, A. W. Turner, 26 hours, Joseph Normandy, 8 hours, Richard Rowell, 13 hours, Percy Brooks, 23 hours, Bert Erickson, 15 hours, Harold Flower, 12 hours, Robert Neal, 11 hours, Dave Fanning, 8 hours. 32 Annual Report SEAVEY BRIDGE Aug. Emerick Erickson, truck, 5 hours, $6 25 Emerick Erickson, tractor, 1 hour, Emerick Erickson, labor, 63 hours. Stringers, trusses, etc.,

Lafayette Felker, tar and use of truck,

Clarence Locke

1,100 ft. 2-inch plank. Trucking plank,

Calef's Store, spikes,

E. J. York, stringers,

Harry Roberts, steel and labor,

Ayers & Jenkins, bolts and washers, $4 48 Town of Barrington 33

Aug. 34 Annual Report

George Wells, truck, 21/2 hours, 3 12 Chas. Paradise, gravel, 3 50 100 21

Nov. Emerick Erickson, truck, 2V2 hours, $3 13 Norman Erickson, hauling string- ers, 21/2 hours, 94 $4 07 Norman Berry Dec. Motor grader at $1.75, IOII/2 hours, $177 64 Compressor and blowing at $2.25, 7 hours, 15 75 $193 39

Perley Smallcon, gravel, Charles Paradise, gravel, Austin Calef, gravel, Harry Hawkins, gravel, Mrs. Mary Marrison, gravel,

Dec. 31 Emerick Erickson, truck, 4 hours, Geo. Wells, 4 hours, Geo. Wells, gravel.

Jan. 23 Levi Buzzell, work on drag, SUMMARY Snow removal and sanding, Town money on town roads, bridges, culverts. Gas tax. Town's share on T. R. A., State's share on T. R. A.

1^0 miles of road built, Beauty Hill. 2 miles of road built, Green Hill. 1941 program is to blast rocks, cut bushes and to widen roads where possible to give better plow service. Town of Barrington 35 TREASURER'S REPORT


For Year Ending January 31, 1941 Mar. 2 Balance on hand, $515 53 Elizabeth Smith, auto tax, 67 22 Elizabeth Smith, filing fees, 9 00 John U. Boodey, 1939 tax list, 1,148 02 Apr. 6 Elizabeth Smith, John Dill poll tax, 2 00 Selectmen, Eastman, 1938 re- deemed tax, 8 John U. Boodey, 1939 tax list, John U. Boodey, 1939, Edgar Elli- son poll tax,

Harold Carll, 1938 tax list, Linna Locke, dog tax, Linna Locke, auto tax, 17 John U. Boodey, 1939 tax list. May 4 John U. Boodey, 1939 tax list, Elizabeth Smith, 1940 tax list, Linna Locke, auto tax, Linna Locke, dog tax, 15 John U. Boodey, 1939 tax list, June 1 John U. Boodey, 1939 tax list, Linna Locke, auto tax, Linna Locke, dog tax, 29 John U. Boodey, 1939 tax list, July 6 Linna Locke, auto tax, Linna Locke, dog tax,

John U. Boodey, 1939 tax list, Selectmen, Class V highway, Selectmen, fire rebate. Selectmen, fire rebate, 8 Town of Barrington 37

Elizabeth Smith, 1940 abate- ments, 55 Elizabeth Smith, 1940 tax list, John U. Boodey, 1939 tax list. Selectmen, T. R. A., 23 Selectmen, State check interest, Selectmen, Savings Banks, divi- dends, 31 Elizabeth Smith, 1940 tax list, 1941 Jan. 4 Linna Locke, auto tax, Linna Locke, dog tax, Geraldine Baxter, 1940 tax list, Selectmen, fire rebate, Selectmen, redeemed tax, Harry- King, 31 Linna Locke, auto tax, Linna Locke, dog tax, John U. Boodey, 1939 abatements. Selectmen, redeemed tax, Mau- rice Buzzell, Selectmen, redeemed tax, W. H. Parker,

Geraldine Baxter, 1940 tax list, 38 Annual Keport

Maurice Caswell,

Apr. Town of Barrington 39

Frank Ambrose,


May 40 Annual Report

15 School Board, 400 Mrs. Ernest Leavitt, 28 Harold Flower, Elmer Wiggin, June 1 Everett Clark, Edgar Ellison, Frank Ambrose, Geo. Wells, Mary Wood, New England Tel. & Tel Co., Treasurer, State of N. H., Edson C. Eastman, Wheeler & Clark, Gladys Leavitt, A. W. Turner, N. J. Berry, A. W. Turner, Strafford County Treasurer, School Board, Wheeler & Clark, Bernard J. Manning, 10 A. W. Turner, 17 Levi Buzzell, 22 A. W. Turner, 29 School Board, July 6 Roland Bumford, A. W. Turner, Strafford National Bank, H. T. Thompson, Treasurer, State of N. H., W. H. Felker, A. W. Turner, School Board, Mary Wood, Fred Stone, Gladys Leavitt, Nellie Buzzell, Town of Barrington 41


Sept. 42 Annual Report

Lakes Region,


Oct. Town of Harrington 43

A. L. Calef,


Dec. 44 Annual Report

W. H. Felker,

Jan. Town of Barrington 45

George McDaniel,



Fiscal Year Ending June 30, 1940

Cash on hand June 30, 1939, $2 50 Received from Selectmen, 10,647 15 Received from Selectmen, balance of previ- ous appropriation, 85 Received from Selectmen, dog tax. Received from State Treasurer, Received from supplies sold.

Total amount available for fiscal year. Less School Board orders paid.

Balance on hand as of June 30, 1940, $166 48

SARAH I. SMITH, District Treasurer. July 11, 1940. :


To the School Board and Citizens of Barrington

During the past year the school grounds have been further improved by tarring the drives and constructing a wide front walk and steps of reinforced concrete. The design and specifications for this work were contributed gratis by Huddleston and Hersey, architects of the building. Interior improvements include new teachers' desks purchased by the District, and a velvet stage cur- tain and operating gear purchased from proceeds of school entertainments given by the pupils under the direction of Principal Piper and the teachers. A dona- tion of books to the school library has been made by Mr. Leonard Chilson of Exeter. Through the interest and kindness of the ofl^icials of the Twin State Gas and Elec- trict Company of Dover, the Practical Arts room of the Barrington School will be furnished with the latest model of electric range, as a demonstration of this type of domestic convenience. Fortunately, the required special wiring was provided when the building was erected.

Under the sponsorship of the Barrington Woman's Club, Red Cross, and Centennial Grange, a dental clinic was arranged in April by the School Nurse, Miss Mar- garet MacDonald, with Dr. C. H. Manning as the at- tending dentist. Thirty-four pupils received certificates of complete care. There were only eight cases of com- municable disease reported during the year. If the small number of cases of defective vision and diseased tonsils reported to the homes by the nurse should be attended to by action of the parents, the health of this :

48 Annual Report large group of pupils at the school would be remarkably good on the whole.

Parents have continued to provide generously for the hot lunch, the preparation of which by pupil com- mittees has been a valuable and educational project. Mrs. Brock has had special preparation for supervising this work.

The second eighth grade class to graduate in the new building included the following : Geraldine Jean- ette Blaisdell, Virginia Agnes Caverly, Lydia Kathleen Chapman, Charles Henry Elliott, Leona Mae Fogarty, Marion Louise Foster, Florence Clara McCarthy, Ralph Albert Nestor, Ruth Elizabeth Taylor, Elaine Alice Turner, Lester Albert Waterhouse, Ruth Irene Water- house, Arthur Joseph Horan, Beverly Robert Downs, Lovina Alice Brown, Alfred Norman Moreau.

Honor Roll for One Year of Perfect Attendance Lester Waterhouse, Ruth Waterhouse, Eleanor Bailey, Alice Bryson, Beatrice Garland, Fred Jackson, Dorothy Plaisted, Richard Goodwin, Oral Goodwin, Roger Bumford, Charlie Bryson, Doris Brown, Betty Fall, Barbara Neal.

The school enrollment for the present year is as follows

Room Grades Number Teacher Primary 1 and 2 25 Mrs. Beatrice P. George Intermediate, 3 and 4 36 Miss Rita C. Stewart Grammar, 5 and 6 32 Mrs. Grace H. Brock Junior, 7 and 8 26 Mr. Robert M. Piper, Prin. Mrs. Merle Beebe, Substitute

Total 119

Mr. Piper was granted leave of absence for one year by the School Board on account of his induction Town of Barrington 49

into the selective service draft January 6, being the first teacher in the state to be called, according to press re- ports. A farewell party was tendered him at the school by pupils and teachers.

Through a rearrangement of transportation, four vehicles are being used this year instead of three. The School Board has shortened the noon hour so as to close school one-half hour earlier during the winter months.

The nation's schools are essential to its defense. For the culture of a people can not be eradicated by conquest. Truth brings freedom from error and super- stition, and discipline brings freedom from disorder. Schools are for the nurture of intelligent, competent, and devoted citizens, and for this purpose they must be maintained. Respectfully submitted,

CHESTER W. DOE, Superintendent of Schools. January 25, 1941. 50 Annual Report SCHOOL BOARD'S ESTIMATE FOR 1941-1942

Teachers' salaries, Town of Barrington 51

Special Appropriations Proposed: Insurance, $126 00 Equipment, 50 00 Improvements on grounds, 100 00 $276 00

Total assessment required to cover budget and appropriations, $9,230 91 : :


For Year Ending June 30, 1940

Receipts Equalization Fund for Elementary Schools, $4,502 77 From Selectmen, by taxation, 10,647 15 From Selectmen, balance of previous appro- priations, 85 78 Supplies sold, 25 From Selectmen, dog licenses, 1938 and 1939, 75 00

Total, $15,310 Cash on hand at beginning of year. 2

Grand total, •Total payments.

Cash on hand June 30, 1940,

Due from town, 1939 and 1940 money,

SALARIES OF DISTRICT OFFICERS Payments Celia F. Wood, chairman of board, Cassie C. Haley, member of board, Annie L. Felker, member of board,

Sarah I, Smith, treasurer of school district.

Superintendent's excess salary. Truant officer and school census, Expenses of administration. Town of Barrington 53 TEACHERS' SALARIES Robert Piper, principal, $950 Mrs. Grace Brock, Mrs. Beatrice George, Miss Rita Stewart, Mrs. Gertrude Weeks,

Text books. Scholars' supplies, Other expenses of instruction,


Wendell E. Phillips,

Eli N. Marcotte, fuel.

Water, light and janitor supplies,

Minor repairs.

Medical inspection,

TRANSPORTATION OF PUPILS Ray Bailey, $1,699 92 Emerick Erickson, 1,599 93 Harold Flower, 699 93 Mrs, Kenneth Darling, transportation for pupil under 14 years, 28 00 Mrs. Roland Bumford, transportation for pupil under 14 years, 28 00 Roger Neal, transportation for pupil un- der 14 years, 2 00 Mrs. Margaret Ellison, transportation for pupil under 14 years, 33 00

$4,090 78 54 Annual Report HIGH SCHOOL AND ACADEMY TUITION

Dover, $1,770 00 Rochester, 297 64 Coe-Brown Academy, Northwood, 237 06

$2,304 60

Other special activities, $17 40 Insurance, 147 00 Grading, 522 57 New equipment, 182 27 Payment on principal of debt, 1,000 00 Payment of interest on debt, 532 50 Tax for State wide supervision, 360 00

CELIA F. WOOD, CASSIE C. HALEY, ANNIE L. FELKER, School Board of Barrington.


We, the undersigned, hereby certify that we have examined the foregoing accounts and find them proper- ly vouched and correctly cast.

AUSTIN L. CALEF, LEVI H. BUZZELL, Auditors. Barrington, N. H., July 11, 1940. as 5

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