RESEARCH ARTICLE The skills related to the early reading acquisition in Spain and Peru Pilar SelleÂs1*, Vicenta A vila2, TomaÂs MartõÂnez2, Liz Ysla3 1 Department of Occupation Science, Speech Therapy and Developmental and Educational Psychology, Universidad CatoÂlica de Valencia, Valencia, Spain, 2 Department of Developmental and Educational Psychology, Universitat de Valencia, Valencia, Spain, 3 Private Teachers College with Official certification "Quality in Educational Networksº. Lima, Peru *
[email protected] Abstract a1111111111 a1111111111 This paper deals with the skills related to the early reading acquisition in two countries that a1111111111 share language. Traditionally on reading readiness research there is a great interest to find a1111111111 a1111111111 out what factors affect early reading ability, but differ from other academic skills that affect general school learnings. Furthermore, it is also known how the influence of pre-reading var- iables in two countries with the same language, affect the development of the reading. On the other hand, several studies have examined what skills are related to reading readiness (phonological awareness, alphabetic awareness, naming speed, linguistic skills, metalin- OPEN ACCESS guistic knowledge and basic cognitive processes), but there are no studies showing whether  Citation: SelleÂs P, Avila V, MartõÂnez T, Ysla L countries can also influence the development of these skills.Our main objective in this study (2018) The skills related to the early reading acquisition in Spain and Peru. PLoS ONE 13(3): was to establish whether there were differences in the degree of acquisition of these skills e0193450. between Spanish (119 children) and Peruvian (128 children), five years old children as- pone.0193450 sessed in their own countries and after controlling Economic, Social and Cultural Status Editor: Etsuro Ito, Waseda University, JAPAN (ESCS).