Giovanni Battista Folengo Commentary on the Epistle of John
Giovanni Battista Commentary on the Epistle of Folengo John 1546, 1555 Glossary Ann E Mullaney, 2018-20 Latin English Notes Aaron Aaron: Old Testament figure ab w/ ABL by, from Abba, undeclined M Father abbas, abbatis M abbot; head of an ecclesiastical community; father abdicatio, abdicationis F renunciation; disowning/ disinheriting; resignation/ abdication abdico, abdicare, resign, abdicate; abolish; disinherit; abdicavi, abdicatus renounce, disapprove of abditus, -a, -um; hidden, secret, remote, secluded; abditior, abditissimus obscure abdo, abdere, abdidi, remove, put away, set aside; depart; abditus hide, keep secret, conceal Abel Abel: Old Testament figure abeo, abire, abivi(ii), depart, go away; go forth; pass abierat (abiverat) abitus away, die, disappear; be changed aberro, aberrare, stray, wander, deviate; go/ be/ do aberravi, aberratus wrong; be unfaithful; escape; disagree abhorreo, abhorrere, abhor, shrink back; be averse to, abhorrui, — shudder at; differ from; be inconsistent abigo, abigere, abegi, drive/ send away/ off; expel, repel; abigendis abactus steal, plunder, rustle; seduce abiectus, -a, -um; downcast, dejected; humble, low, abiectius abiectior, abiectissimus common; subservient; sordid abiicio, abiicere, abieci, throw/ cast away/ down/ aside; abiectus abandon; slight; humble; debase ablatus, -a, -um (see taken away aufero) abluo, abluere, ablui, wash away/ off/ out, blot out, ablutus purify, wash, cleanse; quench ablutio, ablutionis F washing, ablution; pouring on in the liturgy aboleo, abolere, abolevi, destroy,
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