1533 Volume by Giovanni Battista and Teofilo Folengo: Dialogi, Quos Pomiliones Vocat ; Varium Poema; Ianus Table of Contents
1533 volume by Giovanni Battista and Teofilo Folengo: Dialogi, quos Pomiliones vocat; Varium poema; Ianus Table of Contents linked to English translation, numbers on left are for pages of the original text 001 Title page. IOAN. BAPTI. Chrysogoni Folengii Mantuani Anachoritae Dialogi, quos Pomiliones vocat. THEOPHILI Folengii Mantuani Anachoritae Varium poema, et IANUS. (By Giovanni Battista Chrysogonus Folengo, Mantuan Anchorite: Dialogues, which he calls Dwarves/ Short Pieces. By Teofilo Folengo, Mantuan Anchorite: Diverse Poems and Janus. 002 [Dedicatory letter to Alberico.] 003 Preamble. PROHOEMIUM. CHRYSOGONUS. THEOPHILUS. (Preamble: dialogue between Chrysogono and Teofilo.) 007 Epistle to Rev. Niccolò Morosini. AD R. NICOLAUM MAUROCEnum Venetum, Anachoritam. Chrysogo. Folengius Anachorita. S. D. (To Rev. Niccolò Morosini, Venetian, anchorite, Chrysogono Folengo, anchorite, sends greetings.) 008 De profundis. DEI ECCLESIAM AB HAERETIcis circunventam, Chrysogonus anachorita: sub titulo Psalmi centesimi vigesimi noni, Deo Commendat. (Chrysogonus the anchorite, under the rubric of Psalm 129, commends to God the church of God assailed by heretics.) 014 Pomilio 1. DE LEGE ANIMI ET MEMbrorum. ad Lucianum Monachum Amicum. PHILEREMUS. Phileremus, Euthymius, Isidorus. (On the law of the soul and of limbs/ members: To Luciano, Monk, Friend/ Devoted Monk. PHILEREMUS. Phileremus, Euthymius, Isidorus.) 025 Pomilio 2. DE VITA SOLITUDINIS, ET Coenobii. Utra melior ad Nicodemum fratrem. PHILEREMUS, ANGELUS. (On the life of hermitages and monasteries: which is better; To [my] brother Nicodemo. Phileremus, Angelus. 040 Pomilio 3. EPITAPHIUM EXCELLEN. AVALI. IMP. CAE. Ad victoriam columniam. Chrysogonus, Victoria, Theophilus. (Epitaph of the illustrious Avalos of the Emperor Caesar [Charles V]: To Victoria Colonna/ “the victory column.” Chrysogonus, Victoria, Theophilus.) 051 Epistle to the most holy anchorites.
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