Resisting Dictatorship: Repression and Protest in Southeast Asia Vince Boudreau Index More Information
Cambridge University Press 0521839890 - Resisting Dictatorship: Repression and Protest in Southeast Asia Vince Boudreau Index More information Index 1947 constitution (Burma), 84 Asian currency crisis of 1997–1998, 225, 30 Comrades, 43, 76 236, 240, 245 Abad-Santos, Pedro, 67 Aspinall, Edward, 113 ABRI see Indonesian military Ateneo de Manila, 143 ABSU, 202, 205 Aung Gyi, 190, 192, 194, 195, 198, 209, Aceh, 103, 110, 119–120, 165, 235, 237 212, 213, 244 AFL-CIO, 222 Aung San, 43, 44–45 Africa, 17, 19 Aung San Suu Kyi, 190, 209 agrarian reform campaign (Indonesia), 60 Austerity Movement, 113 Akhmadi, Heri, 116 Aveneri, Shlomo, 33 Aksi kaprihatinan, 230 Avila, Charles, 144 All-Burma Student Union, see ABSU Ayatollah Khomeini, 125 Alvarez, Heherson, 62 Ambon, 110 baden perjuangan, 57 American Society of Travel Agents, 145 Bali, 7, 9, 128 Amnesty International, 7 BANDILLA, 182 Amoy, 43 Bandung, 108, 113, 117, AMRSP (Philippines), 137 225, 229 Angkatan 66, 110, 157, 163 barangay, 134 Anglo-Burmese Wars, 40, 41 basic Christian communities, 177 anti-Chinese violence: in Burma, 88, 91, Bataan, 150 101, 155, 203; in Indonesia, 106, 113, Bataan nuclear power plant, 177 223–224, 225, 233 BAYAN, 182–183, 184 Anti-Fascist People’s Freedom League Beissinger, Mark, 24 (AFPFL), 45–49 Benjarmasin, 224, 234 Anti-Fascist Organization (Burma), Bicol, 138 44–45 Bloody Friday, 194, 195 Anti-Fascist Students League (Burma), 97 BMP, 140 anti-Japanese violence (Indonesia), Bogor, 116 114–115 Bratton, 31 April 6th Liberation Movement, 144, Britain, 20, 59 144–145,
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