Y Mitmaqkuna
Inkas, “flecheros” y mitmaqkuna Cambio social y paisajes culturales en los Valles y en los Yungas de Inkachaca/Paracti y Tablas Monte (Cochabamba-Bolivia, siglos XV-XVI) WALTER SÁNCHEZ CANEDO Department of Archaeology and Ancient History, Uppsala University (Suecia) Instituto de Investigaciones Arqueológicas-Museo Arqueológico, Universidad Mayor de San Simón (Bolivia) Uppsala University 2008 Dissertation presented at Uppsala University to be publicly examined in Ihresalen, Engelska parken, THunbergsvägen 3H, Uppsala, Saturday, September 27, 2008 at 10:15 for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy. The examination will be conducted in English. Abstract Sánchez Canedo, W. Inkas, “flecheros” y mitmaqkuna. Cambio social y paisajes culturales en los Valles y en los Yungas de Inkachaca/Paracti y Tablas Monte (Cochabamba-Bolivia, siglos XV-XVI). 317 pp. Uppsala. ISBN 978-91-506-2021-4. The research work addresses the changes that occurred in the valley and the Yungas of Cochabamba during the Inka Horizon (1400-1538 AC) while introducing in an exploratory way, the Late Intermediate (1100-1400 AC) and the Middle Horizon (400-1100 AC) periods. In theoretical terms, we emphasize the local human agency (individual and social) as important elements in order to understand the processes of social change. We assume that the complex relational webs generated by the Inka presence in the valleys and the Yungas appear as "traces" in the space (as constructed landscapes: social, agro- hydrological, sacral, administrative, war landscapes etc.) that can be seized from two sources, archaeological and historical, that are seen as complementing each other. We carried out two case studies in the Yungas of Tablas Monte and Inkachaca /Paracti.
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