may 2013 may

The Africa Connection 01

Africa personal accessible reliable 03 executive Letter 02 by Jan Willem de Braal 04 The NileDutch Story Steering their own course - NileDutch powers through the current economic crisis by continuing to innovate

06 feet on the Street Singapore: a Cultural Melting Pot

08 The Essentials of NileDutch Everything you need to know about the NileDutch survey, Brand Key and Brand Essentials

10 customer Story Lancaster, Belgium

12 new Containers NileDutch passed 100,000 TEU milestone Advanced reefer technology at NileDutch

14 our New Build Vessels Coming soon: four new build vessels for NileDutch

16 person in the Picture Practical, personal and philosophical: Introducing Ms Moon Wang

18 regional News NileDutch opens 5th office in Bringing the World together in Dubai NileDutch Congo opens new office Expansion of NileDutch Antwerp Branch Office

21 south Africa Event Annual cocktail party

22 Guest Story Connecting Angola and the Netherlands

24 Agent Contact Details

26 sneak Peek at Issue 2

27 Colophon 03

jan willem de braal !

Dear Friends,

Here it is: our first magazine! I suggest you reserve some As well as this magazine, we also have a new website, new space close to you in your office as there will not only be corporate identity and new range of brochures and we will many more issues, but they all contain interesting and enter- use more media than ever before to keep you updated and taining information about NileDutch, NileDutchers and how informed. This is the result of the survey we did last year, and we are all connected with Africa! it shows that some people actually (try to) do something with the input they receive from stakeholders. Therefore I would This first issue provides a good insight into the development appreciate hearing your comments about our magazine after of NileDutch. We have used our strong, informal, no-nonsense the next issue. cultural base and ties with both Africa and Rotterdam, to grow into a global professional operator (with new vessels Unfortunately The Dutch did not conquer the whole world (as and a large fleet of equipment), which has kept a positive they were supposed to do), so now we have to learn English, style as we find pleasure in everything that we do! French, Mandarin, Spanish, Swahili, Portuguese, German, Russian, Arabic, Japanese, Singlish and a whole lot of other I would like to take this opportunity to thank everyone who languages that I haven’t heard of (yet). For next issue we aim has contributed to the magazine, including Susanna Terstal, to print in more than just English, but I hope you are okay the Dutch Ambassador to Angola (page 22), Steven Laenen, with English for the first one. CEO of Lancaster Forwarding and Logistics (page 10), Ed van Leeuwen and Bart Henau (pages 4 and 8) and my fellow Please enjoy reading The Africa Connection! NileDutchers: Bert Zondervan, Patrick Mertens, Geert van Ijserloo, Moon Wang, Marc Smulders, Joseph Loulendo, Yolanda de Groot and Costa Vlassis. 04

Steering their own course NileDutch powers through the current economic crisis by continuing to innovate

During times of crisis, companies tend to respond by reducing costs and tightening budgets, hoping that this will be enough to get them through the difficult times. NileDutch has purposely steered a different route: innovating their service line, increasing sailing frequencies and investing in new vessels. This route might be unexpected, but it has been a successful one. The NileDutch 05

Story Ed van Leeuwen !

And it’s by taking the unexpected approach that they have Some ‘and-and’ examples are: grown and evolved from being a small operator fascinated by • Standardise the service AND remain sensitive to specific West Africa into a mature container liner services company that customer requirements; is proud to be considered a West Africa specialist. With their • Incorporate organisational structures AND stay entrepre- Head Office in Rotterdam, the Netherlands, and a worldwide neurial; network of agents, they have proved themselves more than • Use ICT to streamline business processes AND be personally capable of holding their own among the major players. accessible; • Recruit new staff AND keep their traditional business values Setting their course alive; Naturally, they keep an eye on the global markets, including • Keep a sharp eye on costs AND continue to invest in innova- current and forecasted trends and changes in cargo flows. tion. However, their dedicated network also follows the potential promised by Africa. The quality of the information collected by Looking at the last example, NileDutch is simultaneously rolling their network can be summarised by two slogans: out a cost reduction programme and making a large ‘anti- • Feet on the street cyclical’ investment. While the international container trade is • Quick on their feet going through a difficult time, NileDutch is looking forward to launching four new top-of-the-range vessels in 2014. To NileDutchers, ‘feet on the street’ refers to the personal con- nection that NileDutchers have with their customers and other Steaming in the right direction stakeholders. This gives them a unique insight and knowledge Even with their treasure map, the core element of their business into future possibilities and opportunities for themselves, as well is their entrepreneurial nature. It’s an added bonus that their as for their customers. vision, concepts and approach are also contained in a business plan. The NileDutch strategic plan points them in the right di- It’s a fact: they are quick on their feet. Even as they grow, they rection, but doesn’t give step-by-step directions. NileDutchers remain flexible and fast in both thinking and doing. Their structure know and understand that the way from A to B is not a straight keeps them close to the action, wherever it might be taking line and that the journey is often as important - and interesting place. - as the destination.

Maintaining this core competence while growing at such a high As a Management Consultant, I appreciate the refreshing no- rate has required both a continuous streamlining of work pro- nonsense attitude I find at NileDutch. Bureaucracy, unnecessary cesses and an increase in regionalisation. Their Regional Office overheads and complications are quickly shown the door. in Singapore has recently opened. This doesn’t add layers of Simplicity is welcomed. bureaucracy; it’s putting the decision makers closer to their customers, closer to the business and closer to the action. They’re ready for the future. 

Reading the NileDutch map Being able to grow while still remaining ‘small’ is a treasure that many companies have searched for. Luckily, NileDutch has the Ed van Leeuwen treasure map. The secret hidden in the map lies in being able Ed van Leeuwen is an Independent Man- to incorporate ‘and-and’ situations into their work processes. agement Consultant aligning strategy and organisation (‘make it work’). Combining the ‘hard and soft’ aspects he is an expert in change management. He works for both profit and not-for-profit organisations. At NileDutch Ed supports the strategy process and the organisational development process. 06

Singapore: a Cultural Melting Pot

Challenging is one way to explain the process of expanding a company into new locations and regions, es- pecially if those new regions are half way around the world. Differences in culture, language and working meth- ods can make or break expansion plans, so it makes sense to talk to someone with experience, both on a personal and a professional level.

› Singapore local market Feet on 07 the street

Dutchman Bert Zondervan and his family relocated from NileDutch Head Office in Rotterdam, the Netherlands, to busy Singapore in 2008. Moving to the other side of the world isn’t an easy decision to make, especially with two teenage children to consider. Luckily, Bert has only positive things to say about his experience, from the high quality of healthcare to the good standard of living. His children almost immediately saw the benefits of the international school system and his wife quickly settled into her new life.

Professionally it was the right choice for Bert. He had spent the previous 11 years building up cross-trade traffic for NileDutch from all destinations outside Europe to West Africa and was Bert Zondervan involved with the Far-East trade on a daily basis. The next step was to move to Singapore to set up and run the NileDutch regional office. The Port of Singapore is the other major reason for NileDutch Bert and his family were not alone in their move to Singapore. choosing Singapore as their regional base. Its strategic geo- The numerous international companies in Singapore, includ- graphical location explains why the Port of Singapore handles ing NileDutch, mean that a constant flow of expats arrive all the most shipping tonnage each year. It is also the world’s the time. In fact, 1.5 million residents, from a current total of busiest transhipment hub, with 15% of the world’s total con- 5.3 million, are foreigners, placing it sixth worldwide for the tainer transhipment throughput and 5% of global container proportion of foreigners. Foreigners in Singapore include not throughput. And it is the second busiest container port world- only expats, but also foreign workers from countries such as wide, after Shanghai. For these reasons, as well as its extensive the Philippines, Indonesia and Bangladesh. This has resulted feeder network, the Port of Singapore was the logical choice in a culture best described as a melting pot of Chinese, Indian, to become NileDutch’s regional transhipment hub for all traffic British and Malay cultures, reflecting its immigrant history. from the area.

Even though Singapore is currently the third most densely Bert has found that being on the ground in the region has given populated country in the world, after Macau and Monaco, the him a good insight into the services that companies in the Singaporean government expects the population to increase area require and the ways that NileDutch can fulfil these to 7 million by 2030, including at least 2.5 million foreigners. To requirements. Customers are vocal about how much they ensure the population expands as smoothly as possible, the appreciate the NileDutch one-stop personal service that ranges government has started a number of works, including expanding from expertise and knowledge about Africa to accessible and the metro system so that everybody lives within a 10-minute professional staff members who are always ready to help and walk of a metro station, reducing the necessity of cars. from the ease of doing business with NileDutch to the good regional port coverage. But it doesn’t stop there; Bert and his Regionally, Singapore was the logical choice for NileDutch. team are currently looking into the further development of new As well as a large number of international companies locating origins, especially in the Middle East and Indian sub-continent. their Head Office or a Regional Office in Singapore, anywhere in the region is accessible within a two-hour flight. This makes Both professionally and personally Bert remains positive about it extremely easy for Bert and his team to visit customers and his Singaporean experiences. As he says: “Singapore is a real NileDutch agents throughout the region. cultural melting pot. Come and see for yourself.”  08

Everything you need to know about the NileDutch survey, Brand Key and Brand Essentials

Take a minute, close your eyes and think. What does NileDutch mean to Africa you? Valued supplier, great employer or resourceful partner?

According to the Communications Personal Department we should be thinking ‘Africa’, ‘Personal’, ‘Accessible’ and ‘Reliable’. Read on to find out why. Accessible

Reliable The Essentials of

NileDutch bart henau !

The NileDutch survey insight into what their customers need. This enables NileDutch In early 2012 NileDutch asked 2,000 people - customers, to provide the services their customers require, whenever and suppliers, employees and other stakeholders - to complete an wherever they need them. online survey. The response rate was high, with 674 people each spending, on average, 23 minutes giving their honest Accessible: being accessible is part of the NileDutch way opinion about NileDutch. of working. Using their network of offices around the world NileDutch listens to their customers, answers their questions The results were astonishing. Numerous stakeholders men- and offers solutions to any problems that occur. tioned NileDutch’s personal touch, showing that for NileDutch the people are the brand and the brand is the people. But Reliable: customers count on NileDutch to deliver a reliable there were also clear divisions in the results. For example, schedule and quality service at competitive rates. NileDutch long-term customers loved NileDutch, while recent customers achieves this by striving for Operational Excellence in every and potential customers didn’t seem to fully understand what aspect of the business. NileDutch stood for or their way of working. These four elements, the NileDutch brand essentials, will be the While some companies might have decided to hide any un- common link between every part of NileDutch communications expected survey results that didn’t fit the outcome they were from now on. Have you already seen them? hoping for, NileDutch took a different approach. The results were presented to everybody at Head Office and in the Our Marketing Communication plan NileDutch own offices, so that all NileDutchers would know Parallel to the creation of the Brand Key and the Brand and understand what was needed to done in order to improve Essentials has been the preparation of the new Marketing the situation. Communication plan. Incorporating a new website, a company magazine, a corporate brochure, new stationery, an advertising From a marketing and communications point of view, the next campaign, press releases and more, the first results are just step was to uncover the NileDutch ‘DNA’ to formulate the becoming visible. Brand Key. The Brand Key identifies the elements that make up NileDutch to clearly show what is important to NileDutch and We’ve come a long way to get to this point, but it doesn’t end their customers, what value NileDutch has and how NileDutch here. Communicating well is an on-going process that we will differentiates itself from the competition. continue to work on in the weeks, months and years ahead. Our goal: connecting the NileDutch brand essentials of Africa, The NileDutch Brand Essentials Personal, Accessible and Reliable to the NileDutch name in The Brand Key, in turn, led to a completely new communica- everybody’s minds. tion concept. This is based on the four essential elements that make NileDutch into the company it is today: Africa, Personal, Accessible and Reliable. Can you help us?

Africa: Africa has always been part of the NileDutch DNA. With over thirty years of experience, NileDutch has the knowledge and flexibility to deal with the unexpected situations that make bart henau working in Africa so challenging and rewarding. Bart Henau is an Independent Brand Consultant. After 25 years in the business, Personal: NileDutch values the personal connection between he started BLIND agency in 2010 to help their customers and all NileDutchers as it gives NileDutch greater companies to focus on improving their branding. Bart specialises in assisting selected international B2B brands. 10

Lancaster Belgium

Business today is more than just sup- pliers providing goods and services to customers. To make the most of the opportunities that come along, suppliers need to move beyond their traditional role and become a partner, helping and assisting their customers in any way possible.

› Steven Laenen, CEO of Lancaster Forwarding and Logistics Customer 11 Story

Lancaster Forwarding and Logistics, a freight forwarder and pre-notification that we receive, including vessel departure logistics expert for dry and frozen food items headed for West dates, allocation options and available equipment. In case of Africa from around the world, has been a satisfied NileDutch delay, which can happen when shipping to Africa, NileDutch customer for over 14 years. “They might have started as just a keeps us up-to-date with the situation and works hard to try supplier, but we definitely count NileDutch as one of our most and find the most suitable solution for us.” important partners now,” says Steven Laenen, Owner and CEO at Lancaster Forwarding and Logistics. Steven’s colleague, Monique Peper, Key Account Manager, agrees, saying “To see an example of our partnership at work “Our contact people at NileDutch Antwerp, in particular Steven we could look at our regular reefer shipments from South Van Biesbroek, really understand us: our business, our require- America to West Africa. Unfortunately we occasionally face a ments, our background and our future vision,” explains Steven. shortage of reefer equipment, but NileDutch always acts as “They are aware of every aspect of the service they offer us quickly as they can to obtain the reefers that we need. They and provide us with correct and up-to-date information, which is either ship them to the port of loading from another port in the essential when handling food items. Additionally, NileDutch goes area or hire them to meet our needs. This the perfect solution out of its way to try and work with us to grow our business, for perishable goods.” which has the added bonus of increasing their business. When asked, Steven van Biesbroek, Lancaster’s main contact person and Key Account Manager at NileDutch Antwerp, ex- Our partnership with plains the secret behind the Lancaster-NileDutch partnership. “It’s our personal attention to detail that makes all the difference. NileDutch ensures that we can We check and double-check everything, solve problems as rely on a quality service through- soon as they crop up so they don’t become insurmountable and out the shipment process. keep our customers up to date, every step of the way.” Steven Laenen concludes “I think the most important aspect for me is the professional and helpful attitude that every member of Our partnership with NileDutch ensures that we can rely on staff at NileDutch has. They do their best to help, offering fast a quality service throughout the shipment process. NileDutch and comprehensive solutions for our daily queries and issues. advises us about the best shipping options for each customer What more can you ask for?” 

Steven Laenen at work Members of the Lancaster team 12 New containers

NileDutch passed 100,000 TEU milestone in March

With the recent production of 5,000 20ft dry and 2,000 40ft 2008 and now, just 5 years later, the NileDutch container fleet high cube containers, NileDutch passed the 100,000th TEU in has doubled. service in March 2013. Officially, the 100,000th TEU is the 20ft dry container unit NIDU NileDutch leased its first containers back in 1988, with the first 233000-2, produced at the CIMC factory in Nantong, China NileDutch-owned containers being built in Indonesia in 1996. between March 9th to 12th.  The 50,000 TEU milestone was passed at the beginning of 13


Patrick Mertens is the Global Container Logistics Manager for NileDutch HQ in Rotterdam, the Netherlands. He is responsible for the management of the empty container fleet and the logistics of container availability. After more than 22 years with in various operational functions with other major container shipping lines, Patrick joined NileDutch in January 2012. Advanced reefer technology at NileDutch

The latest 500 40ft High Cube reefer In addition to the low energy consumption, the units also offer an improved container structure. MCI has studied the most containers ordered by NileDutch common and costly repairs needed by reefer containers to see where the reefers required extra support or upgraded from the Maersk Container Industry materials.

(MCI) in Qingdao, China, deliver the Furthermore, MCI reefer units continue to deliver: lowest energy consumption rates of • less downtime due to higher damage resistance; any reefer container currently avail- • the ability to load more cargo due to decreased unit weight; able on the market. Compared to • improved insulation thanks to the integrated front frame and effective insulation material; and the currently used equipment, they • the use of environmental friendly materials where possible. represent an average of 30% - 40% NileDutch is confident that these new reefer units will contribute less energy consumption per year, to improved reefer equipment availability and higher service quality.  reducing our CO2 emissions. 14

Coming soon: four new build vessels for NileDutch

Our plans for the future are big – there’s no other way to describe them. We want to grow and expand, both the quantity of cargo that we transport as well as the locations that we serve. However, this would be almost impossible to achieve without increasing the size of our fleet. With this in mind, in 2010 we ordered four new vessels to be built to our specifications. Together they will bring our fleet up to five owned vessels and 33 charters. The first new vessel will be delivered early 2014. Our New Build 15

VESSELS Geert van IJserloo !

The building process We started the project at Shanghai Shipyard in China in 2011, with our technical managers, Anglo Eastern, overseeing every aspect of the operation. Both companies have a good track record regarding quality and delivery times, so we’re certain that the end results will be worth the wait.

One of the major advantages of a new build vessel is the op- portunity to adapt the design to our specifications. Shipping to and from Africa involves a unique set of challenges, which we took into consideration during the design phase. For example, the new vessels are a little wider than the standard size to in- crease the cargo intake. Plus, these will be some of the largest One of the new NileDutch vessels in 3D (April 2013) vessels on the market to incorporate loading cranes to assist when in port.

We’ll look at the building process in more detail in one of the Even though the four new vessels won’t be the first vessels that upcoming issues of The Africa Connection. NileDutch has owned, they will be the first vessels that we’ve designed, developed and built based on the requirements of The future our customers, the ports we visit and the commodities we carry. Everyone involved in the new build project is looking forward to the delivery of the first new vessel in early 2014. Flying under The vessels previously owned by NileDutch were all pur- the Dutch flag, the still-unnamed new vessels will be working chased second hand, often after chartering the vessel for a on the Asia-West Africa line. while. This gave us the opportunity to get to know the ship - its performance, fuel efficiency, ways to optimise operations, etc. Based on the experience so far, there will certainly be oppor- - before the purchase. On the down side, the ships were older, tunities for more new vessels in our future.  with higher operational expenses and lower fuel efficiency than new vessels. The majority of these vessels have since been retired due to old age.

By ordering new build vessels, we are looking forward to having vessels that perfectly match our requirements, instead of just chartering the best ships available at that moment. The large Geert van IJserloo capacity of each vessel - 3,500 TEUs - will create economies Geert van IJserloo is Fleet Manager for of scale and improve efficiency, making our services even more NileDutch, in Rotterdam, the Netherlands. competitive. The only downside is the long lead-time - we’ve As Fleet Manager, he is responsible for had a three-year wait from the initial order to delivery. the owned ships and the new build project. After graduation from the Delft University of Technology, Geert started his career at NileDutch in 2002 as a Project Engineer in the Fleet department. He worked on a number of projects before becoming the Fleet Manager in 2009.

Next issue: How to build a NileDutch vessel 16

Practical, personal and philosophical: Introducing Ms Moon Wang

Since the firstN ileDutch office in China opened in 2007, business has gone from strength to strength. The dedication and commitment of staff members like Ms Moon has played a major role in this growth. Ms Moon Wang joined NileDutch as a Docu- mentation Supervisor shortly after the Guangzhou office first opened in 2010. She has since been promoted, first to Deputy Manager, and now to Office Manager. Person in the 17 picture

Ms Moon Wang at work

“I would say that I’m a lucky girl. I have a lot of help and sup- Away from work, I feel happy to have such a loving family. Even port from the people around me and this allows me to do my though we are now both married with children, my brother and job well. Mr Laubel and Mr Ting, my managers, give me a lot I are still close and we often eat together with our parents. As of trust and leadership and I have the support of the whole a wife and a parent I now understand my parents better. My team in Guangzhou. NileDutch is such a positive environment son makes my life full of joy and hope. He can make me angry with so many opportunities. I feel lucky to have had so many and tired, but it’s all part of life and I can’t imagine life without opportunities in such a short time. him. And with my wonderful husband, the best partner anyone could ask for, I enjoy life everyday. I certainly admire my parents I find it important that we all listen to our customers, to under- and others of their generation. They have worked hard all their stand what they are asking for. Happily, the young team here lives, regardless of how difficult the living and work situation in the office agree. We are all so passionate about our jobs, so was, trying to make life better for my brother and I. full of energy, it is a pleasure to come to work, and that really shows. Our customers are impressed with the good service My personal philosophy is to talk to the people who are im- we provide. portant to you. Share your happiness and sadness. And try to understand them if, or when, you disagree. If you do all that, The Chinese relation- you will have the help and love that you need to support you ship with Africa is growing and through your life.”  strengthening everyday and I enjoy being able to help improve this connection.

Learning about our customers is part of our service. Knowing about Africa, and the opportunities it offers, is another part. Africa is an exciting market, especially for Chinese businesses. The Chinese relationship with Africa is growing and strength- ening everyday and I enjoy being able to help improve this connection.

NileDutch team in Guangzhou 18 Regional NEWS

NileDutch opens 5th office in Angola Marc smulders !

The new NileDutch office in Namibe

NileDutch has been shipping to and With offices in four of Angola’s top five ports, the next logical step was to open an office in Namibe. This new office will offer from Angola for over 30 years. With local clients the same high level of service and dedication that customers expect from NileDutch. direct services to all five of Angola’s major ports (, , Luanda, The new office will be managed by Helio Oliveira, with a team of six experienced and dedicated NileDutchers to oversee all and Nambia), NileDutch has shipments that pass through the Namibe port. become the world’s number 1 carrier The Namibe port, located close to Angola’s southern border with Namibe, is the main gateway to and from , a major to Angola. city approximately 200km east of the port. The Namibe port is a major hub for foodstuffs, building materials and machinery imports from South East Asia, China, North Europe, Portugal and South America.  Bringing the World 19 together in Dubai bert zondervan !

Dubai recently hosted one of the The government realise that mobility supports and drives devel- opment, and invests heavily to sustain growth. One of the two world’s largest food trade shows, major mobility infrastructure projects currently underway is the expansion of the Jebel Ali port. With the opening of the new th GulFood. From February 25 to Terminal 3 in 2014, the total capacity of Jebel Ali port will be th increased to 19 million TEU. This will mean that the port will be 28 , over 4,200 exhibitors from 110 able to simultaneously handle ten of the new, giant 18,000 TEU countries around the world came vessels – the only port in the region able to do so. together in Dubai to showcase over A global team of NileDutchers flew in from Angola, Antwerp, China, Congo, Rotterdam and Singapore to personally visit 50,000 brands in colourful country customers during the GulFood exhibition and at their offices. The NileDutchers showed their personal touch during a pavilions. Customer Dinner at one of Dubai’s beach resorts. Over 100 NileDutch customers from around the world attended the event and shared ideas and opinions in a casual, personal and friendly The importance of Dubai as a key-trading hub in the global atmosphere. economy was highlighted by the presence of a number of coun- try leaders, government ministers and top-level delegations NileDutch brought the world together in Dubai.  from G20 countries, including Argentina, Australia, Canada, EU nations, the UK and the USA. This is a clear indication of Gul- Food’s statute and the way that the exhibition elevates Dubai’s position as the region’s leading gateway for East-West trade.

Dubai is also gaining importance for NileDutch as increasing numbers of our customers set up offices in the area. Dubai is a globally strategic location, seamlessly connecting Europe, Asia and Africa.

Dubai is a globally strategic location 20

NileDutch Congo opens new office Joseph Loulendo !

NileDutch Congo has recently opened a new Operations and With the new members of staff and the additional office space, Shipping office in Pointe Noire to offer our customers a dedi- NileDutch Congo is looking forward to being able to provide cated location for all their shipping needs. Joseph Loulendo will customers with a better quality service.  run the new office.

Expansion of NileDutch Antwerp Branch Office Yolanda de groot !

On September 1st, 2010 NileDutch Antwerp opened her doors After looking into alternatives, we decided to stay in our present in a picturesque location in the middle of Antwerp’s yacht har- location and renovate our office so it is ready for a maximum of bour. Since then our original 11 members of staff has expanded 43 people. Luckily for us, the company renting the other part of into 21, matching our fast growth and increasing responsibilities. the floor of our office building has recently left, giving us 762m2 Unsurprisingly, our office space has become too small. to remodel to our needs.

To ensure minimal disturbance to our daily activities, the re- modelling project has been divided into two phases. Phase 1 started on February 4th with the tearing down of the original walls at the back of our original office space. The new space will be divided into four main parts (a large conference room, archives, an office for Manuella Maes and a canteen with a kitchen and seating space for 26 people plus table football). Phase 2 started in mid-March and included a brand new re- ception, a waiting area, two small meetings rooms (one with video conferencing), a printer room and the main office space. The project was finished in April.  Yolanda De Groot South Africa event

Annual cocktail party Costa Vlassis !

Date: January 31st, 2013 Location: Hyatt Hotel Rosebank, Johannesburg, South Africa  Guest list: NileDutch customers and staff

  

 

1 - Pravin Parsad during his speech. 4 - L-R: Angelique Odelwage (General Manager, Pride Milling), Christa Green- wood (Pride Milling) and Monique Van Rooyen (Pride Milling). Angelique Odel- 2 - L-R: Kevin Moodley (Branch Manager, Cape Town, NileDutch) and Gary Van wage said that she enjoyed seeing ‘real’ people in the exceptional video. Niekerk (ASPEN). Gary Van Niekerk enjoyed the NileDutch South Africa video shown during the evening. 5 - The NileDutch South Africa Marketing team on stage thanking our guests.

3 - L-R: Costa Diakides (GAC Laser), Brett Frederiksen (DN Freight) and Haydn 6 - L-R: Gareth Horton (Kuehne & Nagel), Paul Steven (Unitrans), Graham Van Niekerk (DN Freight). These important freight forwarders may be compet- Petzer (Bridge Shipping), Franz Bester (Coca-Cola) and Kevin Spence (Kuehne itors in the market, but they agree that NileDutch consistently outperforms the & Nagel). These large and respected clients of ours unanimously agreed that other shipping lines in the industry with the best attention to detail they have NileDutch goes the extra mile to not just gain business from our clients, but ever seen. also to include them in the growth of our business. 22

Connecting Angola and the Netherlands

There are many ways to describe the connection between Angola and the Netherlands. Well-established, sup- portive and mutually advantageous are just a few. NGOs, companies and governmental agencies in both countries have worked together to develop and expand this connection, bringing benefits to both sides. Guest 23

Story Susanna Terstal !

Our long-standing relationship started in the 1970s when Dutch It’s not just highly visible international companies that have a NGOs were amongst the first in the world to support Angola in positive impact on Angola. Any company that offers good jobs its struggle for independence. After establishing official bilateral - in other words companies that invest in improving the skills relations with Angola on February 18th, 1976, we remained loyal and knowledge of local employees and provide good working to the country and provided support where we could during conditions - as well as selling products and services at reason- the difficult years of the Angolan civil war. Since the end of the able prices have contributed to improving the quality of life in civil war in 2002, Dutch development assistance projects have Angola. I’m proud to say that Dutch companies have a strong, gradually ended and trade and investment opportunities have positive record here. increased. Companies that established themselves in Angola during the difficult years of the civil war, including NileDutch, have built up good reputations in the country with positive I’m proud to say that results. Dutch companies have a strong, positive record here. As the Ambassador of the Kingdom of the Netherlands to Angola, I represent the Netherlands as well as Aruba, Curacao and St Martin. In practice this means supporting and advancing Based on our solid relationship during difficult times in the past Dutch business interests as well as helping Dutch nationals and the excellent relationship that we now enjoy, I believe that who reside or visit the country. A lot of my time is spent pro- the future relationship between Angola and the Netherlands moting Angola to Dutch companies, encouraging them to visit will only get stronger and deeper. There is so much potential the country to see the opportunities for themselves and putting for further growth in both directions, which could benefit both them in contact with interesting local companies and business countries. The transfer of knowledge and the strengthening of people. The quarterly business gathering is a productive plat- professional human resources will be key to developing the form for Dutch business interests to meet and discuss the local Angolan economy into a powerhouse in Southern Africa, and situation. these are exactly the areas in which Dutch companies are very active on an international level. The current business relationship between the two nations focuses on oil and gas from Angola and chemicals, machinery, So while the potential for future growth is undeniable, it all starts agricultural equipment and ICT from the Netherlands. Regard- with a simple connection between people. And that’s where I ing trade between sub-Saharan countries and the Netherlands, come in. I’m looking forward to making that next connection.  Angola ranks 4th for imports to the Netherlands (behind Nigeria, South Africa and the Ivory Coast) and 7th for exports (behind Nigeria, South Africa, Ghana, Kenya, Benin and Guinea). How- ever, Angola is becoming an increasingly important trading partner thanks to the fast pace of development the country is currently experiencing. Susanna Terstal

Shipping plays a vital role in the Angolan economy as Angola After studying in the Netherlands, the United States and Italy, Susanna started imports many essential daily goods as bulk and container cargo. working for Apple Computers in Belgium, NileDutch knows this better than anybody - and every Angolan the Netherlands and Costa Rica. In 1993 she joined the Ministry of Foreign authority and company knows NileDutch. In Luanda it’s normal Affairs where she held several positions in the legal department. In 2008 she became the Deputy Permanent Representative to the UN in Geneva. to see NileDutch containers come and go in the daily traffic. She has been the Netherlands Ambassador to Angola since August 2012. NileDutch Brazil Comexas Afrique s.p.r.l. - DRC West Rua Babitonga 71, Centro 8, Quai du Commerce CEP 89240-000 SC Boma Sao Francisco Do Sul P +243 99 81 84 081 P +55 47 3459 0182 E [email protected] E [email protected] EQUATORIAL GUINEA NileDutch Brazil Av. Rio Branco 31, 21st Floor, Centro Loguitrans Agencia Maritima CEP 20090-003 RJ Appart Hotel Plaza, 1st Floor Rio de Janeiro Bata 24 P +55 21 2203 0031 P +240 222 133355 E [email protected] E [email protected]

CAMEROON Deltamar SA ANGOLA Carretera Aeropuerto Km 4 (Bioko - Norte) Sud Maritime SA Malabo NileDutch Angola - Luanda Rue direction Base Navale, P +240 333 090 897 Rua Alda Lara nº 25, Vila Alice, Rangel Carrefour Essengue à Coté du Magasin 3T E [email protected] Luanda Douala P + 244 227 326 980 P +237 334 23880 FINLAND E [email protected] E [email protected] Oy Scanway Shipping AB NileDutch Angola - Lobito CHINA Itämerenkatu 1 Rua 25 de Abril n° 212, 1 Esq° FI-00180 Helsinki Zona Comercial do Lobito (28) NileDutch China - Guangzhou P +358 9 415 05 422 Lobito Room 1807, Guangzhou International Electronics E [email protected] P +244 272 221 016 / 017 / 018 Tower, 403 Huan Shi Road East, Yuexiu District E [email protected] Guangzhou FRANCE P +86 20 8713 9396 NileDutch Angola - Cabinda E [email protected] NileDutch France SAS Rua Irmao Evaristo S/N Espace Caillard, 4 Etage, Place Caillard Cabinda NileDutch China - Ningbo 76600 Le Havre P +244 231 224 095 Room 2803, Portman Plaza P +33 680 612 651 E [email protected] No. 48 North Cai Hong Road E [email protected] Ningbo NileDutch Angola - Soyo P +86 574 8907 2002 gabon Kwanda Base E [email protected] Soyo SAGA Gabon P +244 923 581 003 NileDutch China - Qingdao Zone Portuaire d’Owendo E [email protected] Room 2604 Shangri - La Centre Libreville No. 9 Xiang Gang Zhong Road P +241 700091 NileDutch Angola - Namibe 266071 Qingdao E [email protected] Avenida Joaquim Morais, Centro Comercial e P +86 532 8090 9136 Negócios Sagrada Esperança E [email protected] GERMANY Namibe P +244 264 265 500 / 501 NileDutch China - Shanghai M&S Mehrtens & Schwickerath GmbH E [email protected] Room 1704-1706, Park Centre Tiefer 4 1088 Fangdian Road, Pudong 28195 Bremen ARGENTINA 201204 Shanghai P +49 421 363 080 P +86 21 3865 7800 E [email protected] Abbey Sea E [email protected] Av. Alicia Moreau de Justo 1720 GHANA 2nd Floor, Suite “I” NileDutch China - Tianjin C1107AFJ Buenos Aires Room 1408 Tianjin International Building Supermaritime Ghana Ltd P +54 11 43120021 No. 75 Nanjing Road, Heping District Industrial Area, Community 1, New Town E [email protected] Tianjin Tema P +86 22 2339 6270 P +233 303 202874 / 202036 BELGIUM E [email protected] E [email protected]

NileDutch Belgium CONGO HONG KONG Godefriduskaai 26 2000 Antwerp NileDutch Congo NileDutch Hong Kong P + 32 3 206 22 99 Intersection des rues Cotê Matève et Tchionga 19/F1, Shanghai Industrial Investment Building E [email protected] En face de la CFAO, Centre-Ville, B.P. 5131 48-62 Hennessy Road Pointe Noire Wanchai BENIN P +242 069 514 472 P +852 27612780 E [email protected] E [email protected] Supermaritime Benin SA Lot 137 Zone Résidentielle DENMARK INDIA Cotonou P +229 21 30 92 03 / 04 Hecksher Linieagenturer A/S Transmarine Agencies India Pvt Ltd E [email protected] Bredskiftevej 36-38 New No. 210, 2nd & 3rd Floor DK-8210 V Aarhus Thambu Chetty Street, 600 001 Chennai BRAzIL P +45 8933 6200 P +91 44 4901 8888 E [email protected] E [email protected] NileDutch Brazil Rua do Comércio, 55 Cj 11, Centro Hecksher Linieagenturer A/S Transmarine Agencies India Pvt Ltd CEP 11010-141 SP Sundkaj 9 Pakhus 48 510, 5th Floor, Ascot Centre, Off. Sahar Road Santos DK-2100 Copenhagen Andheri (East), 400 099 Mumbai P +55 13 3328 9500 P +45 3916 8100 P +91 22 6686 8888 E [email protected] E [email protected] E [email protected]

NileDutch Brazil Democratic republic of CONGO Transmarine Agencies India Pvt Ltd Rua Comendador Araújo143, 924, DLF Tower B, 11, Jasola District Centre 15º Floor, Cj 153 Centro Comexas Afrique s.p.r.l. - DRC West 110 025 New Delhi CEP 80420-900 PR 15-17, Avenue Colonel, Ebeya P +91 11 4276 8888 Curitiba Building Bracongo, 4 Etage E [email protected] P +55 41 2111 5606 Kinshasa E [email protected] P +243 99 99 08 920 INDONESIA E [email protected] NileDutch Brazil PT Serasi Shipping Indonesia Av Ibirapuera, 2033 Moema Comexas Afrique s.p.r.l. - DRC West Graha Kirana, 3rd & 12th Floor CEP 04029-100 SP 6, Avenue Luthelo Jl. Yos Sudarso No. 88 Sao Paulo Matadi Jakarta 14350 P +55 11 3383 4450 P + 243 89 89 96 900 P +62 21 65311293 E [email protected] E [email protected] E [email protected] PT Serasi Shipping Indonesia NORWAY SRI LANKA Jl. Haji Misbah, Kompleks Multatuli Indah Blok B 31, Medan (Belawan) Scanway Shipping AS Aitken Spence Shipping Ltd P +62 61 451 6916 / 17 Vollsveien 13H 315, Vauxhall Street 2 E [email protected] N-1326 Lysaker Oslo Colombo P +47 67 102360 P +94 11 2308100 PT Serasi Shipping Indonesia E [email protected] E [email protected] Jl. Puri Anjasmoro Block F 1 No. 3A Semarang 50144 PAKISTAN SWEDEN P +62 24 761 9401 E [email protected] M/S Global Maritime Pvt Ltd Joship AB Eastern House, 9 Timber Pond, M.A. Jinnah Lilla Bommen 2 PT Serasi Shipping Indonesia Road, P.O. Box 4851, Keamari SE-404 27 Gothenburg Kompleks Pengampon Square 75620 Karachi P +46 31 703 7800 Jl. Semut Baru Block D No.10 P +92 21 32851945 E [email protected] Surabaya 60172 E [email protected] P +62 31 355 1555 SWITZERLAND E [email protected] PHILIPPINES Furness Shipping Ltd IRELAND Jugro Transport International Phils Corp Hohlstrasse 610 3818 Mascardo St. Corner, Pasong Tomo 8048 Zurich International Maritime Ag Ltd Makati City P +41 44 436 9111 Brendan House, 151 Baldoyle Industrial Estate P +63 2 896 1309 E [email protected] Dublin 13 E [email protected] P +353 1 8320709 TAIWAN E [email protected] PORTUGAL Jardine Shipping Services IVORY COAST NileDutch Portugal & Marmedsa Agencia Jardine, Matheson & Co Ltd, 13th Floor Maritima Lda 50 Hsin Sheng South Road Sec 1 Simat – Société Ivoirienne de Manutention Avenida D. Joao II, Lote 1.18.03, Edificio Arts Taipei 10059 et de Transit Bloco B, 2 Andar, Sala C P +886 223931177 Rue des Pétrolliers, BP 648 1990-084 Lisbon E [email protected] Abidjan 15 P +351 21 898 2200 P +225 21 75 41 01 E [email protected] THAILAND E [email protected] NileDutch Portugal & Marmedsa Agencia United Thai Shipping Corporation Ltd ITALY Maritima Lda 25 Alma Link Building, 11th Floor Soi Chilom Rua Eng. Ferreira Dias, No. 728, Sala 3.02 Phloenchit Road, Lumphini, Pathumwan Thos. Carr & Son Srl 4100-246 Porto 10330 Bangkok Via Roma, 2 Int.12 P +351 22 090 0500 P +66 2254 8400 16121 Genova E [email protected] E [email protected] P +39 010 8578 909 E [email protected] SINGAPORE TOGO

JAPAN NileDutch Singapore Pte Ltd SDV Togo 6 Shenton Way Tower 2, #28-08 Zone Portuaire, B.P. 34 Pegasus International Co Ltd Singapore 068809 Lome 13-40, Konan 2-Chome, Minato-Ku P +65 65010760 P +228 22 27 5878 / 8476 108-0075 Tokyo E [email protected] E [email protected] P +81 36 718 0735 E [email protected] SOUTH AFRICA UNITED ARAB EMIRATES

MALAYSIA NileDutch South Africa - Johannesburg The Kanoo Group Shipping Hyde Park Lane, Marlborough Gate Agencies Division Aquamaritime Logistics Sdn Bhd Ground Floor, P.O. Box 290, Khalid IBN Al Walid Street Level 15-02A, Plaza Masalam Cnr of William Nicol and Jan Smuts Drive Dubai Section 9, 40100 Shah Alam Hyde Park, Johannesburg P +971 4 393 1900 Selangor (Port Klang) P +27 11 325 0557 E [email protected] P +60 3 5880 4093 E [email protected] E [email protected] UNITED KINGDOM NileDutch South Africa - Cape Town Aquamaritime Logistics Sdn Bhd Metropolitan Life Centre, 7 Coen Stytler Street JSA Global Ltd Unit 23A-07A, Level 23A, Menara Landmark Cape Town 5 Summit Business Park, Langer Road No. 12 Jalan Ngee Heng, 80000 Johor Bahru P +27 21 425 3600 Suffolk IP11 2 JB Johor (Pasir Gudang / Tanjung Pelepas Port) E [email protected] Felixstowe P +60 7221 0798 P +44 1394 678678 E [email protected] NileDutch South Africa - Durban E [email protected] Royal Hotel MOROCCO Ulundi Place Opposite Royal Parking VIETNAM Durban Naxco Shipping & Logistics Maroc P +27 31 306 4500 Jardine Shipping Services Ltd 44, Rue Mohamed Smiha E [email protected] 3rd Floor, Tasaco Building 20000 Casablanca 104+200km Nguyen Binh Khiem Street T +212 522 544 770 SOUTH KOREA Dong Hai Ward, Hai An District E [email protected] HaiPhong City Kukbo Express Co Ltd P +84 31 374 1456 NETHERLANDS 11th Floor, Ace Tower, 92, E cs@[email protected] Tongil-ro, Jung-gu NileDutch Africa Line B.V. Seoul Jardine Shipping Services Ltd Westblaak 95 P +82 2 771 5514 3rd Floor Gemadept Tower 3012 KG Rotterdam E [email protected] 2bis-4-6 Le Thanh Ton Street P +31 10 281 82 83 Ben Nghe Ward, District 1 E [email protected] SPAIN Ho Chi Minh City P +84 83 8279 350 NileDutch Belgium Marmedsa Noatum Shipping Agency E [email protected] Godefriduskaai 26 C/ de l’Atlàntic, 112-120 2000 Antwerp Zona d’Activitats Logistiques ZAL, Edificio Norai P + 31 10 206 64 00 08040 Barcelona E [email protected] P +34 93 298 77 77 E [email protected] NIGERIA Marmedsa Noatum Shipping Agency Cross Marine Services Nigeria Ltd PIz. Bandas de Musica dela CV No. 11, 28 Burma Road, P.O. Box 2614 Piso 1 Puerta 6, Edificio Las Artes II Lagos Apapa 46013 Valencia

P +234 1 791 2762 P +34 96 324 12 60 D etails A gent C ontact E [email protected] E [email protected] 26

Sneak Peek at issue 2

Coming up in issue 2 in July 2013:

• The 1,000th WEWA voyage • Customer point of view from South Africa • Focusing on our person in the picture • Feet on the street with NileDutch around the world • How to build a NileDutch vessel • The new NileDutch website • NileDutch news and events in your region Colophon

EDITORIAL Executive Editor: Jan Willem de Braal

Editorial co-ordinators: Bart Henau Christine Mes Larissa N’gbo Larisa Thuije

Contributors: Yolanda De Groot Geert van Ijserloo Steven Laenen Ed van Leeuwen Joseph Loulendo Patrick Mertens Marc Smulders Susanna Terstal Costa Vlassis Moon Wang Bert Zondervan



photography main articles Peter Goes

PUBLISHED BY Coming up in issue 2 in July 2013: Nile Dutch Africa Line B.V. Communications Westblaak 95 3012 KG Rotterdam • The 1,000th WEWA voyage The Netherlands Website: • Customer point of view from South Africa

• Focusing on our person in the picture E-mail: [email protected] • Feet on the street with NileDutch around the world More information and/or editorial contributions • How to build a NileDutch vessel should be sent to the above email address.

• The new NileDutch website All rights reserved. Reproduction of this magazine in whole or in part • NileDutch news and events in your region is prohibited without the prior written permission of Nile Dutch Africa Line B.V.

© 2013 Nile Dutch Africa Line B.V.


NileDutch is a major carrier for us because they are one of the few that directly provide services to and from West Africa. NileDutch delivers an extremely high standard of service and is an important player for us. Steven Laenen, Lancaster Forwarding and Logistics, Belgium

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