TH G.D.G. Edizioni srl G.D.G. 17 GAMES OF THE SMALL STATES OF EUROPE SAN MARINO 2017 Giochiamo i Giochi Media Guide Play the Games VERSION 1.0 Jouez les Jeux XVII GAMES OF THE SMALL STATES OF EUROPE 29 MAY / 3 JUNE SAN MARINO 2017 ORGANIZING COMMITTEE SAN MARINO 2017 Comitato Olimpico Nazionale Sammarinese Via Rancaglia 30 47899 Serravalle Republic of San Marino Web E-mail
[email protected] Phone (+378) 0549 88.56.84 Fax (+378) 0549 88.56.74 INDEX 1 INTRODUCTION . P 2 2 MEDIA ORGANIZATION . P 6 3 SPORT VENUES / MAPS. P 12 4 SPORT DISCIPLINES. .P 14 6.1 Archery. P 14 6.2 Athletics . .P 16 6.3 Basketball . P 23 6.4 Bowls . P 26 6.5 Cycling. P 30 6.6 Judo . P 32 6.7 Shooting . .P 34 6.8 Swimming . P 40 6.9 Table Tennis. .P 45 6.10 Tennis. .P 49 6.11 Volleyball. P 52 6.12 Beach volley . P 55 5 PRACTICAL GUIDE TO SAN MARINO. .P 58 1 INTRODUCTION ORGANZING COMMITTEE CO-PRESIDENCY Secretary of State for Sport NOC President Marco Podeschi Gian Primo Giardi FINANCE - MARKETING Alda Valentini COORDINATOR SPORTS ORGANIZATION Budget management Emanuele Nicolini Administration Angelo Vicini Marketing Foreign relations Legal advice Merchandising 2 General coordination Sports Opening ceremony Closing ceremony MEDIA / TECHNOLOGY Giuliano Tomassini MANAGEMENT OF VOLUNTEERS Data processing Micol Rossini Accreditation Press room management Management of volunteers Ralations with the press Management of Federation staff Relations with TVs Protocol / Prize Ceremonies Team relations Cultural events Medical service